The Taking
Dean R. Koontz
The Tenth Gift
Jane Johnson
The Monkey
Stephen King
Terry Brooks
High Druid of Shannara (2)
The Courtship of Princess Leia
Dave Wolverton
Star Wars (1)
Attack of the Clones
R. A. Salvatore
Star Wars: Clone Wars (2)
The Cestus Deception
Steven Barnes
Star Wars: Clone Wars (59)
Yoda: Dark Rendezvous
Sean Stewart
Star Wars: Clone Wars (72)
The Swarm War
Troy Denning
Star Wars: Dark Nest (3)
The Unseen Queen
Star Wars: Dark Nest (2)
Aaron Allston
Star Wars: Legacy of the Force (7)
A World of Hurt
Dan Cragg & David Sherman
Starfist (10)
The Dark River
John Twelve Hawks
The Fourth Realm (2)
The Traveler
The Fourth Realm (1)
The Shining Ones
David Eddings
The Tamuli (2)
Domes of Fire
The Tamuli (1)