Poul Anderson No World of their Own Chapter 1 Espacionave left, as a lightning, of the superimpulsion and stayed slope of the inflamed star dark. During a little while silence reigned. Soon, somebody said: - Where it is the sun? Edward Langley made give average returned to its armchair from pilot. There was much calm in the cabin, Only the whisper of the ventilators had voice and he could hear until the beats of his heart. The sweat him Scotland in its ribs. The air was warm... -... I do not know it... - it responded finally. The words sounded hard and empty. In the control paper there were screens that gave a splendid vision him of all the firmament. It saw Andrómeda. It saw the Cross of the South Saw great extension of Orión... But nowhere of that black crystal it located the overwhelming center that was hoped to find. The deficiency of weight was like an endless reduction. - We are in the general region, in agreement - it continued after a minute -. the constellations; they are the same ones, more or less. But... - the tone of its words vanished. Four pairs of eyes registered the screens with anxiety. Finally, Matsumoto spoke: - This way... in I read... the shining star but that can be seen... They watched towards the yellow tipsy brilliant. - I believe that it has the suitable color - Blaustein said -. But it is terribly far. After another pause, gruñó impatient and I incline on its seat towards the spectroscope. It focused it with well-taken care of on the star, introduced a plate with the solar phantom and pressed the button of the comparadora unit. No red light ignited. - The same, a little more under the Fraunhofer lines - the same intensity of each length declared -., until within few quanta. If not the Sun, is its twin brother... - But to what it distances? - Matsumoto whispered. Blaustein put into action the photoelectric analyzer. It read the answer in one of the spheres and handled a slide rule with the own skill of his professional prestige. - On a third of year of light - it assured Not very far -.... - a hell too much far - gruñó Matsumoto -. We must have left within a A.U. (Astronomic Unit, astronomical Unit, measurement used by the astronomers, N.del T.) before the nose. You do not say to me that the damn machine has become to disturb again... - Then... that seems... no? - Langley murmured. Their hands moved among the controls -. It tried to jump close more? - Not - Matsumoto said -. If our positional error is that wretch, a jump but could make us take base within the sun. - What it would be almost as to land in hell or Roofing tiles - it said Langley. It smiled, although inside his throat was a certain malaise -. It is well, boys, you could go to stern and begin to review that earthenware vessel. The sooner you find the failure, more soon we will be able to return to house... They agreed, they undid an a others the belts and tools and left, floating, of the room of the pilot. Langley sighed. - Neither you nor I, Saris, can make another thing that to hope... - she said. The holatano did not respond. It never spoke unnecessarily... Its enormous body of oily skin was immovable in the armchair of accelerations that they had prepared to him, but their eyes watched... To his around, a special scent... nondisagreeable, but rare seemed to breathe itself... a reminiscencia of some exposed exotic grass to the solar influence, or something thus... was vague when it was tried to make specific, but well patent, when importance was not granted to him. Its strange origin was noticed to him immediately... seemed to come from a cloudless sky, a place next to a stream or from a water river calm. When arriving at this point of their meditations, the thoughts of Langley seemed to transform themselves into something similar to a psicopático delirium, because, mentally, it said: "a third of year of light. It is not too much. I will return with you, Peggy, although it must cover all that distance dragging to me like a reptile ". Thus, immediately, that seemed not to have no sense. Placing the ship in automatic flight, with the improbable risk against hitting some meteor, Langley left its armchair. - too much short while would not have to cost to them - it said -. they have acquired much practice, dismantling that scrap iron battery. While, it desires a chess game to you? Saris Hronna and Robert Matsumoto were the "Devils" of the chess in the "Explorer" and was strange to contemplate to them: a human whose ancestors emigrated of Japan towards America, and a creature born in a distant Earth planet thousand years light, engrossed in the game invented by a Persian deceased made an eternity... More than the empty oquedad that had crossed, more than suns and planets that had seen march past before himself through the dark and the emptiness, that gave to Langley a sense of the influence and perseverancia him of the past... - No, thanks - the white eyeteeth shone of a rare way, when their mouth and throat emitted those words, in a language for which had not been created -. It would prefer to dedicate my attention to this new and surprising development of the events. Langley shrank of shoulders. After so many weeks of coexistence it was not even had customary to the character of the holatano, the same beast of prey that had nose to husmear the tracks and signs of the forest, seating while the hours passed with ensoñadores eyes and a full head of incomprehensible philosophy. But no longer it astonished nothing to him. - It is well, son! - it exclaimed -. Then, I will pass my annotations to the newspaper side... Pushing itself with a foot in the wall it left sudden flight by the hollow the door and crossed the close corridor. In the end of this one it was taken hold to means, it turned in round until entering a small room and enroscó its legs around a screwed light chair before a writing-desk. Its newspaper side was open, subject by the magnetism of his contracubierta of thin iron plate. With a languor that was a fight against its own and furious impatience, the man passed the leaves of the book. Langley reviewed the registry of the previous year, star the nomadic jumps to star, cursing and being relieved in I tangle of cables and pipes... Blue on irons, knitting, measuring flames, slide rules, a slow battle crushing towards the victory... There there had been a system of change of opinions after another one, to as better, and, finally, the jump from Holat towards the Earth, in return trip. They were the philosophers of Holat whose nonhuman minds, examining the problem from an extraordinarily different angle, suggested the last and vital procedures; and, now, the "Explorer" returned to house to give to the humanity a Universe... It was a great event! The thoughts of Langley returned to vagar by the worlds that had seen, wonder and beauty, fright and death, always a pulse accelerated before the possible attainment of the victory... Soon it jumped to the last page, it came off a pen his support and wrote: "19 of July of year 2048 to 16:30 hours. We emerge to 0.3 years of light of the Sun, approximately according to calculations, error that is presumed is due to some unexpected complication in the machines. Attempts are taking place to correct it. Position... " Masculló an oath by its little memory and returned to the quarter of pilotage to take the reading from stars. The long thin form of Blaustein stabbed the air while its task finished; the skinny and angular face was stained of oil and the hair seemed excited more than ever. - I cannot find nothing - it informed -. we verified everything from the bridges of Whatstone to the computers of problems, we opened to the giromática cell... nothing seems to be bad. You want that we disassemble to piece by piece this enormous earthenware vessel... Langley seemed to meditate on that. - Not - it said finally -. We prove it first, once again. The solid and compact Matsumoto entered; it smiled in his winch chewing his classic chicle and loosen some heresies that to him extremely seemed to him edificantes. - It could be that the earthenware vessel had only retortijones of guts - said -. At the most complicated it is the best orbit develops... Until it seems to have own criterion. - Yes - a shining mechanism said to Langley -., dedicated entirely to take the hair to its constructors. It already had his coordinations. The astronomical table indicated the Earth position to him and fit the controls of the superimpulsion so that it removed to them there same, although with the logical surplus of possible errors. - Ataros and poneros the hats, brothers - it recommended. There was no sensation while, the main switch maneuvered. How it could have it, without time that to involve? But, suddenly, the spark of the Sun was a dirty disc purple while the screen was polarized to resist its fulgor. - Hurra! - Matsumoto exclaimed -. Honolulu, I go there! A chill crossed the spine of Langley. - Not... - it said. - Eh? - Sight the solar disc...! He is not the quite great thing. We would have to be to a A.U. of him; at the present time we are approximately to a one and third. - Good, damn it is! - Matsumoto exclaimed. The lips of Blaustein were contracted nervous. - We had... we believed to have the control until a point in which the arrival error was smaller of the one percent. We verified it within the system of the sun of Holat. Why it cannot work well, within our Solar System? - it asked to Me - the face of Matsumoto seemed pensativo -. we will be approaching of way asymptote? The perspective to go an eternity incessantly traveling, coming near always progressively to the Earth and never getting to reach it was chilling. Langley rejected it and returned to take the instruments being tried to be centered to itself. They were in the ecliptic plane and one swept with the telescope throughout the Zodiac, served to identify immediately to Jupiter. Soon, the tables indicated the Mars proximity, and, also, to Venus, in opposite direction... A moment later, Langley left to its belongings in the own shelf and distendió its look around of himself, with energetic although enigmatic expression. - the planetary positions are not well - it said -. I create to have located to Mars... but... I see it green... is... is incredible, but it is thus... - You are drunk? - Blaustein asked. - I do not have as much luck - Langley -. Mírale replaced you yourself in the spectroscope! That is a planetary disc and, from our distance of the sun and its direction, the Mars orbit only can be put in... But this Mars is not red... but green... They remained seated, completely immovable. - You think something, Saris? - Blaustein asked discreetly. - I prefer not to say anything. - That deep voice calculadamente sounded to something inexpressive... but those eyes... they had a brightness that revealed an intelligence that was in action! - To hell yet! - of way neglected, Langley directed the ship cuarteando through the orbit. The solar disc jumped in the screens. - Earth! - moved Blaustein whispered -. it would recognize It anywhere! The planet hung blue and shining against the night, its moon, like a drop of fresh gold. The tears showed to the eyes of Langley. Volvióse to incline on its instruments, being taken positions. They were still almost to average A.U. of its goal. He was tempting to forget the condemned machines and to return to house using the rockets... but that to demand it long time and Peggy was hoping... It fit the controls to emerge to 500 miles of distance. - Jump! - We are much more close - Matsumoto said -, but we have still not obtained it. For a moment iracundo feeling towards the machine seized of Langley. It repressed it nevertheless, and it took its instruments... This time the distance was of almost 45,000 miles. Another calculation. The this calculating movement of transfering of the planet. While, the clock arrived right away that he had chosen: it manipulated the commutator. - we obtained It! - it exclaimed. There it was; a giant shield, almost totally guarded by clouds, bragged of by the spots of its continents... an only radiating star in which the curved oceans focused the light of the sun. The fingers of Langley seemed tremulous, while it took the data facilitated by the radar: The probable error that time did not have importance. The rockets vomited fire backwards, pushing to them in their seats, while they drived the ship forwards. "Peggy... Peggy... Peggy... ", was like a song within him. She was small or small? Revivió as if it had happened one hour before, how they had tried to find a name him; they did not want to see itself pillados of unexpected when the man brought the form of the registry of births... "Oh, Peggy". They entered the atmosphere, too impatient to worry to save fuel describing a braking ellipse, lowering backwards on a spurt of flames. The ship rugió and deafened in its winch. To little, they began to slide in one long spiral that would take to describe to average circumference to them around the globe, before landing. There was an austere one to rugir of the outer air... Langley too much was occupied piloting to contemplate the landscape, but Blaustein, Matsumoto and Saris Hronna even nailed their pupils in the screens. It was the holatano first in speaking. - Is that the city of which you you spoke as much and that you say calls New York? -... now we are not on the Oriente.medio, I create - Blaustein watched towards the nocturnal firmament, town of sparkling lucecitas -. Of all ways, what is this... - said, indicating a point certain. - Hummm... that never reels to me... I saw no city in this zone, the quite great thing so that it was possible to be descried without telescope - said to Matsumoto -. Ankara? Perhaps... The night must there be extraordinarily clear... They spent the minutes. - Those are the Alps - aimed Blaustein -. You see how the moon illuminates them? Only... - suddenly it shouted -: Bob! I know darned well that there there is no city of this size! - God! It must be almost as great as Chicago. - Matsumoto made a pause. When it returned to speak, it did it in a deep and strange tone -, Jim, you have watched the Earth well while we approached? - Then... I create... we go yes...... why? - Pss! one finishes to me happening! I have not seen any polar cap... - Eh? Oh...! oh... - It remembers, you want? Too much we were excited to fix to us to detallitos, but I identified perfectly to North America. As clearly as I see you tí, and... it must of have seen the Arctic Polar cap... I have seen from the space a million it times... only that... now... were there a few dark spots: islands, perhaps, but nothing of snow. Nothing absolutely. Silence. Soon Blaustein said with rough voice: - You prove the radio! They crossed Europe and they put prow towards the Atlantic, even reducing the speed, the cabin seemed a furnace. Once in a while, on vast waters, they arose as jewels from light, created by a mysterious creator, floating cities, where never there had been them. Matsumoto concientiously manipulated the controls of the receiver. Words arrived until him... One jerigonza without any sense... How rare! - What devils... - murmured -. What language class is this one;..? - he is not European, you I assure it - Blaustein -. Not even Russian said. I know the sufficient thing like identifying it... Eastern? I do not create... - Neither Chinese... nor Japanese... I will prove in another band... The ship moved on North America towards, the dawn. They saw as it passed the Coast. Once in a while, Langley manipulated gyroscopes and rockets to control the reduction. In his soul it felt one cold desolation. And in his paladar a pungent and disagreeable flavor. The unknown language appeared of all the frequencies. Down the Earth was green, passed enormous raudos stretches of fields and forests. Where they were the cities and the towns and the farms, where were the ways, where was the world? Without identifiable datum points, Langley tried to again locate espaciopuerto Mexico, that was its base. It was the enough stop like facilitating his objectivity, even through nomadic clouds. It saw the Mississipi and soon, far, it believed to recognize the Platte, and it was oriented mechanically. A city slid down. It was too much far for repairing in details, but it was not looked like any city of which he knew. The barren desert Mexico had become green again, furrowed with irrigation channels... - What has happened? - Blaustein like a man said to whom the stomach has struck him -. What it has happened? In name of God! what has happened? Something appeared in its field of vision; something of long structure, acigarrada, seemed to arrange its speed and orbit, with the speed of the "Explorer" with incredible efficiency... In that object signs of motors were seen reaction, neither rockets, nor helices, nor... nothing. The object came near more... had tripe of volume of the "Explorer" and Langley could see in him a series of flat turrets like of artillery. It thought vaguely about invasions of the space, monsters of stars coiling and transforming the Earth shortly time space, in the horror of the victims of that transformation... a tenuous explosion and a target-bluish reflection that hurt the eyes to him, interrupted its reckless evocaciones and noticed the vibration of a rarefaction wave... - They are safe of warning! - it revealed with frozen voice will be better than we land! There down there were scattered complex of constructions and open spaces; it seemed to be cement. Blacks moscones flew in their winch and discharges were seen walls surrounding it everything. Langley raised the nose of the "Explorer" and it made it to go down of stern until the surface. When it cut the rockets, a vibrant silence took place. Soon one untied of the armchair and it was put still on. He was a high man and there planted it gave a grayish impression; uniform gray gray, eyes, black hair prematurely listeado in gray, a long face of aquiline nose, colored person by the sun light strange. And when it spoke, the tone of its voice seemed to also emanate gray cadences. - We go. We will have to leave, to see what wants... - it said, being listened to if same as if the one was another one that spoke. Chapter 2 Lord Brannoch Dhu Crombar, Admiral Terciado of the Fleet. High Nobleman of Thor, ambassador of the league of Alfa-Centauro in the Solar Tecnicado, did not seem a dignitary of any civilized power. It was a giant: two meters of stature, so wide of shoulders that seemed almost square. The yellow melena of a thoriano captain fell last the ears to him in where enjoyados ring shone on the imposing neck; the eyes were blue and happy under a forest of eyebrows and the face was clumsy and heavy and bronzed, furrowed with old scars. Its pajamas era of centauriano, complete cut with trousers and in colored end; a diamond belt, in necklace form surrounded the throat to him. Also one knew like a a sportsman, hunter, duelista, powerful Don Juan and fanfarrón him matesiete with insurmountable knowledge of the most tenebrous places of average dozen of planets. The apartment that its enormous body seemed to fill completely, was crowded of color, and trophies, although as soon as a book in the bookcases was discovered. All those tapujos fitted perfectly well with their character, but they also maintained a species of tapadillo for one of the acute brains of the well-known universe. It could have observed that the drink in its hand, while it rested in the terrace, was not the brandy rascatripas of its native planet, but one of best venusianos wines, than ingested delighting in each one of the sorbos like a true one understood in that class of special licor. But there was nobody no to notice it, except four monsters in a tank and to them it did not matter to them. The sun in the morning fell on him, making shine the windy turns and the flexible bridges of Dark-brown against a calm sky. The era, as it corresponded to his rank, inhabitant of the superior social levels of the city. Its voice arrived to him in a whisper, was the remote song of the machines that constituted the heart the brain and the nerve and the muscle. In a single point of his visual reach, it was full stop of the metallic and plastic harmony, in where the city was cut like a cliff to thousand two hundred meters of height with respect to the parks that surrounded it. The few human figures that are guarded in the inclines and the bridges were like ants, almost invisible from that distance. A robot on watch happened rolling next to them, bound to some too complex work for a merely human slave. Brannoch felt relaxed and happy. The things went well. Their sources of intelligence were operating calmly and with efficiency. It already knew much about the sun that would be valuable to him when the war began. It had captured a dragoon in the African reserve of minister Tanarae; it considerably gained the last time that visited the lunar casino; a girl very to the measurement of her taste had bought itself did few days; the last ship mail of Centaur informed that their states of Feyja were going to see themselves given with sure an incredible harvest... the news had more than four years of antiquity, but they were welcomes. In the life it could have worse things... The discreet humming of rebozono interrupted its reflections. Too sluggish to rise, it lead the armchair towards the apparatus. Somebody that knew his I number, special and highly particular it called it, but they could be many people. It drove the commutator and a familiar voice and a face were against to him. The one that called inclined ritually, covering the eyes and it said with humility. - Milord, asks for hearing of vos. - Now? - Brannoch asked. - Immediately, milord, or when it agrees more... There was a stuttering that could be taken by the logical nervousness from an inferior one before so augusta is present at, just in case thing were an interference in that particular line that Brannoch knew very well that yes it was it. At the present time, the custom to also repeat consonant era santo and sign for identification. That was Varis Your Hayem, a stingy minister and captain of the body of Solar Militecnico Intelligence, dress with civil clothes and carrying one chewed vital. One would not appear in person unless he were something important. Brannoch made him happen through the routine to give to its presumed name and its subject, and it said to him that it raised; soon he cut the circuit. Then he only allowed himself to fruncir the frown. Rising he made a careful secret gun and weapons inspection robot under his own túnica. He could be an attempt of murder, if the counter-intelligence officers of Chanthavar had learned enough. Or he could... He thought about the world that surrounded to Your Hayem and a semicompasiva sad smile appeared in its mouth. It was easy, terribly easy to destroy a man. One knew that proud one and ambitious aristocrat, whose only real lack was youth and the inexperience in a pair of receptions, took, oh, simple, simple, with the brightness of the own birth and the endorsement of the rank. The agents in their guardroom, guardhouse were able psychological registry one and one to decide the one that was material promising. So it cultivated to him, not much, but even a small attention of the agent of a foreign power was overwhelming if one were a High Nobleman, an admiral and an ambassador. A pair or two of cables was placed to him. One appeared people to him of high flight, glad noble of each known state, to his magnificent women, it was introduced to him in the cultivated conversation and in the splendid homes and it was taught to him to taste rare wines. One gave the idea him that it was listening the door to glide that is what would shake stars... Naturally he made some favors for one, without which he violated his oath, only pushing the small things a little this way and a little by there. One took to pleasure houses that worked with true imagination. One made him play and in the beginning it gained incredible sums to him. Soon one forced the murder to him. In few days its fortune was disappear, the ambitious one was sunk in a year of light of debts, its superior ones began to be afraid of him because of the association with one, its creditors (who were one creatures, still which he did not know it) obstructed and attacked the property and handcuffs... if one had it and during three years, now, he had become your spy within its own body, because only you and your organization stayed above and because even a small illegality prepared and created by you towards possible to chantajear to him. Someday, if it were left something really valuable, even you could buy its wife to them (with that it was as crazy as to be believed enamored) and give back it to it... to lend it, at least, although with certain conditions. Very easy. Brannoch did not have to please nor pain in making a tool of which he had been a man. It was part of his task; and if it had some feeling about his broken men, era of disdain, when thinking that they had been so easily reasonable. The outer door of the room inspected the fingerprints of Hayem and started up the mechanism that was going to let to him pass. It entered and one inclined according to the suitable formulas. Brannoch invited to him to seat. - and well? - it said. - Very radiating gentleman, I have information that can seros of interest. I thought that traérosla was better personally. Brannoch hoped. The false face before him twisted with an anxiety that seemed pathetic. - Milord, I am as vos you know destined to the Mesko Field. The day before yesterday, a strange ship I enter the Earth atmosphere and was forced to land there. - Your Hayem looked for in its túnica and removed a spool that it placed in a special tape recorder. Their hands shook -. There am an image here, of her... Its tape recorder projected a three-dimensional image over the table. Brannoch emitted a noise. - Rays and thunders! What class of ship is that? - Incredibly archaic Milord. You watch, even uses rockets... a fissionable uranium battery for the allergy, the mass expelida in form of reaction and ionized. Brannoch increased the image and it examined it. - Hum, yes. From where it comes? - Not it, milord. We made the question to the own Technon, section of registries, and it said to us long before that the design is of the first days of the space trip, that the gravitational control was discovered. Possibly of one of the oldest lost colonies. - Hum! Then the crew must of be prohibited. I do not include/understand that there are explorers who start off knowing that they will not return until within thousands from years. What has of the crew? - Brannoch turned the control and the following image was of three human beings with a strange gray uniform, just shaved the short hair in the style of the solar ministers -. It is that whole? - No, milord. If that were everything, it would not have considered the business so important. But there was a nonhuman being with them, of unknown race turkey hen anyone including the registry section. We have an image, seizure with hurry. The strange being appeared running. It was a great beast: two meters and means of length including the heavy tail, biped, with an inclined walking forwards, all the muscular arms finishing into the hands of four fingers. It could see that he was male and presumably mammalian; at least color was covered with a smooth skin mahogany. The head was special: round, with a clumsy nose, the high ears, sideburns and moustache around the mouth and over the great and yellow eyes. - Milord - Your Hayem in a whisper said almost -, nothing else to leave they were arrested during the investigation. The strange being suddenly tried to escape. It is stronger than a human being, demolished three men who interposed to him in the way, moved more quickly of which one can think. The anesthetic guns opened fire on him... but, rather, they had to open fire, but they did not do it. They could not shoot! I sent a firing to him with my manual detonator and the circuit was spoiled... nothing happened. Other several suffered of the same. A capsule went off against him small robot... and exploded. A piloted aerial explorer tried to happen close, but their arms did not work; the circuits of control were dull, spoiled and when wanting to make them work they also exploded. The next doors were closed but they were opened to open the way to him when the strange being approached. A man of the proximities focused a neuralgic tracer to him on him while he put in the forests, but did not work until the fugitive one was outside reach. Since then, we have tried to find its sign. There are patrols by all the district, but is not signal of him. Milord, that does not seem possible! The face of Brannoch seemed to be carved in dark wood. - Thus - it murmured. Their eyes rested in the image in movement of Also completely naked the strange being. Without arms, nor devices. Has calculated the reach of his... powers? - More or less 500 meters, milord. That was approximately the distance within which our apparatuses failed. It advanced too much quickly in search of the freedom so that the arms of long reach could be laid for their direction in space of brief seconds. - What has of the human beings? - They seemed surprised so as we, milord. They did not take arms and they did not make the smaller gesture of resistance. Its language is not known. At the moment they are under psychiatric study, that I imagine will include a course of Solar language and I do not have access to them. But the section of registries says to them, according to the documents side, that the language is... - Your Hayem registered in its memory -."American old..." The documents are being translated, but it has not said to me what it has been discovered. "American old", old Brannoch. thought How "will be that ship, of all ways" - What another material you have? - it said in high voice. - Copies of all documents, photographies and whatever were on board, milord. ... it was not easy to obtain it. Indifferent Brannoch gruñó. - It is that whole? Hayem remained agape. - Everything, milord? What another thing I can do? - Much - Brannoch butcher said -. Among other things, I want a complete report of which he has been in the interrogations, preferably a direct trascripción. Also the exact distribution done of this case, daily bulletins of the progress in the house of the strange being... yes, much. - Milord, I do not have authority for... Brannoch gave to a name and a direction him. - It sees this friend and explícale immediately the problem.... It will say how ponerte to you in contact in the landing field and how to apply the suitable pressures. - Milord. - Your Hayem rubbed the hands nervous -. I think that perhaps, milord... vos you know... my wife... - Promissory note a good price by this material, reducing it of your debts - Brannoch said -. If it turns out to be from some value, I will think about some premium. You can irte. In silence Your Hayem inclined and backed down. Brannoch seated immovable during awhile after the visitor had gone away and soon she reviewed the series of immovable photos. They were good, clear, page after page of the writing in a language whose same alphabet was to him stranger. I have to make translate this, it thought, and then one remembered the name of a student who would do it and would maintain the mouth at the same time closed. A little remained without doing nothing more, soon it rose and it went to the wall of the North of the room. It seemed to be a movable, very conventional drawing; but after him there was a tank of hydrogen, methane, and ammoniac to a pressure of thousand atmospheres and less than one hundred degrees of temperature and was also a visual and sonorous apparatus. - Hello, thrymkanos you! - vivaz said -. Estábals watching? - it was It - the mechanical voice said. Brannoch did not know if it had been Thrymka 1, 2, 3 or 4, that spoke, but mattered either -. Now we are all linked. - What you think? - In appearance, he is that strange it, it has teleketicos powers - the monsters without being touched said -. We think that they must be simple supererelectrónicas emanations, because everything is noticed that what controlled or disarmed surrounded electronic tubes. Only one small amount of telekenética energy would be necessary to direct the currents in the emptiness thus as it wished and to seize of the nucleus of the mechanism. With many probabilities. That means that he is telepathic until the maximum degree; sensitive to the electrical and neural uses and able to induce such currents in the nervous system of the others. Nevertheless, as soon as it could read in the minds of his guards. Thus, its action was, with all probability, the precise one to remain free until it could evaluate his situation. But what then it will do is unforseeable, until we know plus its psychology. - Yes. That is what, I also thought - said Brannoch -. What is of the ship..., some deduction? - Not... The verification will have to take to effect after those documents are translated, but seems probable that the ship does not come from any ignored colonization, but of the own Land... of the remote reviewed one. In the course of his vagabundeos, it had to touch, by chance, the planet of this strange being, and took it with himself, captive... or by its own will. The distance of this planet, depends on the age of the ship, but since, by his structure, it seems to go back to about 5,000 years, the planet cannot be to but of 2,500 years distance light... - it assured categorically. - Enough distant spot - Brannoch commented -. the well-known Universe only arrives until a pair from hundreds from years light... it is not thus? It gave a return by the room, without waiting for answer to his question with the hands irritated to his back. - I doubt that the human beings matter... - he said -. In special if they come in Earth truth; then they constitute only a data of historical interest... But... this strange being... This electronic control... these effects... all this constitutes a unknown form... a new phenomenon... Instrument goes! - their eyes llamearon -. To ruin the tubes of the adversary and, even, to return them against its manipulators... and to incapacitate to the own Technon... - the same thought has had, without a doubt, to happen to it him to the Solar authorities - comment the Thrymkano. - Aja! For that reason it is reason why they urge with as much zeal the capture. If they do not capture to him, those friends his humans can who know how to do it. And still supposing that they captured it, he perhaps can feel influenced by the impressions of his companions of crew. What mequetrefes in beings of more importance of which transforms to those we had thought. - Brannoch hurgó in the ground with the end of the foot, while it meditated on that possibility. Suddenly, one felt very single. It had next to him its assistants, its Guardroom, guardhouse, its agents, its network of spies... but... they were very few compared with the trillions of hostile of Sun... Almost four years and means would be needed to send a message to the mother country; the same in arriving at the fleet would take. An acute image was raised before him, evoking its house to him; the steep and windy mountains of Thor, the stormy skies, the heat, the forest and the wide and blond plains, the gray seas, growing under the tide produced by three moons. It regally remembered the palace of his predecessors, stone and wood extending until smoky beams and old flags and blazons, their horses and their dogs and the long one and prolonged emotion of the hunting. The love, and nostalgia towards its planet produced a pain to him within its chest, so deep as if the amputation of some member or some vital víscera it was. But its mission was to govern and the way of the kings is barren. Also - and it smiled here -, it would be amused to sack to the Earth, arrived the moment... That would repay of its renunciaciones and sacrifices to him...! He was safe...! It was almost going to emit an outburst of laughter, when it was contained... Its mission had been narrowed suddenly. It had to obtain to that strange being, for Centaur! Thus, the scientists of their mother country could study that power and apply it to a military mission... If it failed, it had to avoid that Sun tried the same... and, mainly, that prevailed... killing the rare creature, if it were precise... It stopped to be united to the hunting, with his own agents: he would be too dangerous, and also there would be very little possibility of triumph... No, he would be better to work through those human prisoners... Yes, that would be more sensible... But... what pressure form could exert on those men, whose generation was buried from towards 5,000 years? Returning to the tape recorder stere of images, it returned to install the spool. Some of the marks showed to photographies and other objects, that could be of utility... Within the ship, of course. Nevertheless, the photography of a woman called the attention to him, who seemed to him as excellent as to be obtained... An idea was happened to him: It returned to the gallery, it took a wine glass and it offered in the morning, with a brief smile... If. It would be a wonderful day! Chapter 3 Langley was gotten up, seating and with respingo, it looked around his. He was single. During a little while, he remained very quiet, thinking and evoking in which it had happened... Everything was too overwhelming and trepidante, to be considered under a single aspect, or drawing a single conclusion. The Earth, altered until becoming almost unrecognizable: without polar caps, the seas furrowing miles and transformed miles of earth in each beach, cities, unknown languages, strange men... There was a single answer, but it avoided it fearing to guess right almost and dominated by the panic... The one of the landing and the amazing flight of Saris Hronna was also enough... Why, soon when he and their companions were separated were men of blue who spoke to him in a full room of enigmatic machines that hissed and gave chasquidos and illuminated themselves and extinguished alternatively. One of those was put into operation with a switch and followed in complete darkness. Beyond that, there was only one confusion like of dreams, voices to means to remember. And now he was wide-awake and naked and single. Slowly it watched the cell. She was small, it undresses, except the bed and the washbasin, that seemed to leave the green ground, smooth, like of rubber... There was also the grate of a small ventilator in the wall, but any door was not seen. It was discovered shaking and it tried to control his nerves. It wanted to cry, but within him there was a dry emptiness. Peggy, thought. At least, they could have left your picture to me... He is everything what your memory would have... but nor this now... only... A crack appeared in the most distant wall, dilating until it became the threshold of a door and three men entered. The fright that caused that Langley was put rigid, served to calibrate the tense thing that was their nerves. Arrellanó again, trying to catch in its mind the details of the aspect of those strangers. Of all ways, it was difficult. They were of another civilization; dresses, bodies, and their same expressions. They were something new. Two were giant, almost two meters of stop or more, their wrapped muscular bodies in fitting uniforms black, their shaved heads. A little cost to realize to him of which both faces, bronzed, were identical. Binoculars? Third more normal, slight and the almost impossible thing was a little stop of. Dress with a túnica white, a dark blue layer, smooth sandals in its feet and not much more. But the emblem that showed in its chest, a radiating sun with an eye, was the same one that took hefty fellows behind him both. It also had his bronzed, smooth pigmentación, and pómulos stops, languid and torn eyes. But its smooth and black hair, was combed on its round skull and its face was beautiful: ample forehead, dark and shining eyes, nose something respingona, hard and energetic jaw, developed mouth. And on all an efficient activity. The three took arms in the flank within their covers. Langley had a sense of neglect and degradation when naked seeing itself before them. It tried to adopt an inexpressive expression and a calm aspect, but it doubted it to have obtained. There was a knot of uncontrollable pain in his soul that forced to him to deliver an attack superhuman to contain the sob that struggled to leave its throat and the tears that dimmed their eyes. The head inclined the head slightly. - Captain Edward Langley? - he said, pronouncing it with a heavy accent. Its voice was low, resonant, like coming from an instrument fantastically controlled. - If... - I suppose that that means sya - the stranger spoke the strange language and Langley included/understood it as if she was the hers own one. It was a language of high tones, cut, full of flexions; but of a simple and logical grammar. Enter other things, Langley felt solely a vague surprise before its own knowledge, a certain lightening of not having to study. - Permítame that presents/displays i myself to me. I am minister Chanthavar Tang vo Lurin, head of operative field of the body of militécnica intelligence To pave... and... I hope to be its friend... - Thanks Sir - it responded to Langley a little to him irritated. - It must pardon the lack of tact whereupon we pruned to us to have tolerated - Chanthavar with a quite singular smile said -. Their comrades are safe and sound and you soon she will meet with them. Nevertheless, like space man, you will occur you tell that we cannot run risks... In fact he is a complete stranger... We would wish to know him... This would facilitate the things... It made a gesture to one of the guards, whom a game of suits deposited in the bed. He was similar to which took Chanthavar, although it needed to the military symbol and the jewel star that showed in the chest. - If this wants to put itself, captain... is the own suit of the free been born ones and I am afraid that you enough would feel conspicuo in the his own one... Langley obeyed. The material one was smooth and comfortable. Chanthavar explicole how to close the openings, that seemed to be a species of perfected rack. Soon one seated admirably in the bed, doing gestures to Langley so that it was united to him. The guards remained rigid next to the door. - Know you what you happened to him? - he asked. - Then... that I create - Langley with stupidity said. - I feel to say it to it - the voice of Chanthavar was gentile -. we have translated its newspaper side, so we know that you account did not occur of how at the moment the super impulsion works. He is peculiar that did not know it and that, nevertheless, have been able to construct an apparatus of these. - There is a quite suitable theory - Langley said -. According to her, the ship jumped through the hyperspace. - there is no such thing. Its theory was mistaken, since it must have discovered in a moment. At the present time, a ship is constructed under a mold to undulate, reelaborando it or reproducing it again in the destination. It is only question to fit the vibrations of the electromagnetic wave, so that they reconstruct original in another point of the space... or time... That or something therefore has said the specialists to me. I, not being able to include/understand the mathematics... cannot express myself correctly, but... he is something of which I have referred to him, is... any external observer, knows that the trip is only made taking advantage of the speed the light. It has not been possible to find better technique and I doubt that this one gets to surpass itself. The next star, Alpha Centaur, this still to four years and means of distance. - We would have known that - Langley with bitterness said -, but for the commotions that we had, when calculating the space position. This took long time to us until verifying the defects of our rockets of test with which we discovered that we did not have way to observe if a finite time of passage had happened of length. In my own trip, the temporary retardation was lost in the uncertainty of the stellar exact positions. It is not strange to me that we had so many difficulties in approaching to us the Earth when we returned to house... To house! - it exploded in a sob -. We crossed a total of five thousand years of light. So they must have spent so many years terrestrial, as years light that we crossed to return. Chanthavar agreed quiet. - What happened that time throughout? - I ask cansino, Langley. Chanthavar shrank of shoulders. - The one of always. Overpopulation, disappearance of the natural resources, war, hunger, plagues, pestilencias, depopulation, collapse and, soon, to begin the cycle again. I do not believe that you to people find very different today. - they could not teach to me... - How? The language? Not very well. That has been a routine hipnótico process, completely automatic and that did not interest the high centers that govern the brain... Also it was interrogated to him in that state. But as far as a more complex learning, he is better to do it of natural and progressive way. There was in the surprised indifference of Langley a certain air of fatigue. One separated from him trying to focus his mind towards the details... in any detail, although he was superficial... - What world class is this one of now? What can do I in him? Chanthavar inclined towards ahead, supported the fingers in its knees, watching of reojo to the young person, Langley commited itself to pay attention to him. - We see...! The interstellar emigration began in the beginning in its times... not very extensive, by causes of the limitations of the superimpulsion and the relative inhabitable planet shortage. During the last periods of difficulties, there were explorations successfully, with much movement emigrant. But most of "those that went away" was evicted of the society and corrupted beings whom they looked for to put much distance of the Sun not to be found. In its majority, they obtained it and they were lost, as much, that not even we found signs of them. We presumed that there are many colonies our lost ones, scattered through the galaxy and that, some of them, must of have evolved fructifying in intelligent civilizations. But nor in the Universe that we know; at the moment, as soon as we have the news of them not even, a superfluous contact, since we only arrived in our task from investigation at a pair from hundreds from years light... Who can have notion of which there is further on... "Yes... Let us see, I believe that number 28 was the world war, the one that reduced the Solar System almost to the barbarism and swept the next colonies of the next stars. The reconstruction took enough time, but it does about 2,000 years, that the Solar System was unified, under the Tecnicado, and this one Tecnicado has obtained enough. The colonization was started again, with the idea to maintain to the colonizadores enough near the mother country and, thus, therefore, to have them under control, whereas the emigration would be a safety valve to get rid of which did not fit well to the new systems of government. "Sure it did not give result. The distances are still too great; the different environmental means inevitably produce different civilizations, different ways to live and to think... Almost thousand years ago, the colonies became independent and, after a war, it had to recognize to it him his right to be free. There is almost one dozen of such states with which we have good contacts... the league of Alpha Centaur is, by far, now most powerful of them. "If it wants to know more about the conditions of the deep space, I can speak with some member of the commercial society. In the present, nevertheless, I in his place it would not bother to me, until more it is instructed on the evolution of the life in the modern Earth. - Yes, and what has of that? - Langley- asked What is anyway this technical system... - the Tecnicado is merely a socialmatemático giant computer that feeds itself with all the possible data, without solution of continuity, with the intervention of all the agencies, and that make basic the political decisions, once examines these data. A machine is less fallible, less egoistic, less able to be bribed, that a man. - Chanthavar smiled -. Also, it saves to the men the work to think by themselves. It is not good for thinking... - I had the impression that one was an aristocracy... - Oh! good, if you want to call to him thus. Somebody, must accept the responsibility to cause that the policies of the Tecnicado are executed and that the small daily decisions are taken. The house of the ministers exists for that intention. Under them they are the comuneros. He is hereditary, but not so rigid that people exits of the comuneros are elevated until the ministeriado one. - From where I come - Langley said slowly -, we learned that to leave the headquarters at random..., and the inheritance, is it, could be, dangerous. - That does not worry to us nowadays. I already said to him that we have genetic engineers. - What I can... my friends and... do? - Langley felt a little angry by the tension of its voice. - Its civil state is a little outside the current, right? Their pattern has named me to me, and you will from now on have a species of ministerial rank with bottoms for the own expenses. To intention: nothing of charity. The Tecnicado has a special hunting for the unexpected details and you here are classified like an unexpected detail. Possibly, we will work to prepare "something to them", but one does not worry on the one about being sent to the comuneros. If it does not happen nothing else, its knowledge of the past is going to make of you the favorites of the historians during the rest of its lives. Langley agreed. It did not seem to matter to him much, of a way or another one, Peggy was dead... never would return it to see... And the young one was dust... and their friends were dust... and its nation was dust... It inclined the head and it wanted to cry, but there were too many fixed eyes in him. - There is a thing in which you could ayudadme right now - Chanthavar said -. It is the reason by that I came here, instead of making him come to my office. We have more privacy in its room. Langley got wet the lips, remembering the kisses of Peggy, fifty centuries before. - one is that strange being who accompanied to them... Saris Hronna. Was not that the name that you to him gave? - More or less. What has of him? - one escaped, already knows it. Still we have not found it. He is dangerous? - I do not create it unless one gets angry. Those of their race have an acute instinct of the hunting, but on the other hand they are pacific, and they treated to us like great friends. Saris came to see the Earth and like a species of ambassador. I believe that one has left until being able to become an idea of the situation. It had to anticipate the possibility of being jailed. - It can control the electromagnetic currents. Knew you to it? - Clear. In the beginning, also he surprised to us. Its race is not telepathic in the usual sense, but they are insensible to the neurálgicas currents, in special to the emotions, and nevertheless, they can project them. I do not know, in fact, if they are able to read the human mind or not... - We will have to discover it - Chanthavar said -. you Have some idea from where she could be... what could do? - I will have... I will have to think it. But I am sure that he is not dangerous. - Langley was astonished. It knew very little about the holatana mind. He was not current. - you in account Have that its planet is to about thousand years of light of the Sun and is not known for us, clear. We do not have intention to make to that strange being no damage, but it is precise that we locate to him. Langley raised the Vista. Under the moving body and smiling mask of his Chanthavar face it seemed almost febrile. There was a brightness of anxiety in his eyes. - Why as much haste? - the space traveller asked. - By several things. Mainly, the possibility that it can carry with himself some germ against which the men do not have immunity. We have had complications of this nature previously. - We were in Holat during a pair of months... I was never healthier in my life... - it does not matter, it must be analyzed. In addition. How it is going to live, if it is not robbing? We cannot either allow that. Do not have you it smaller idea from where has been able to go? Langley shook the head. - I will think It with thoroughness - it said cautious - Perhaps. it can find an answer, but I do not promise anything to him. - Good - Chanthavar of the bad humor said almost -, with that it will be enough so far, We go, we will eat a little! One rose, Langley followed to him towards outside and both guards walked behind. The man of the space paid little attention to the corridors and the antigravitational elevators through which he happened. He was crushed by his own desolation. Chapter 4 There was the dark around Saris Hronna. A humid wind blew coming from the channel, transporting with him a thousand of strange aromas. The night was full of tenebrous possibilities. It lay between seeded and the mud of the shore of the channel, with the belly squashed against the Earth and listening which they persecuted to him... Still it had not left the moon, but the stars were clear. An increasing brilliance in the horizon indicated to him that there there was a city. I watch downwards, the air line of the channel, the ordered cereal rows whose ears the wind shook, marching horizon to horizon, to the cleared bulk of the dark hut of somebody, to about five kilometers. By the fins of the nose a fresh and saturated air of bursts of vegetation life breathed, of peace... It heard the slow one beat of wings of a distant bird, the incredibly weak humming of an airship, to many kilometers over his head. Their nerves crossed new eddies and the pulsations of other nerves, of other beings. Thus it had to lie in the dark of Holat, hoping to that the prey happened next to him and letting itself kill in that vast full midnight of murmurs. But this time, the imprisoned one was he and it could not be accustomed to the Earth life. He was too strange: each scent, each vision, each trembly nerve of mouse, or escarabajo, arrived equipped to him with surprises. The very same wind blew with own voice... Below his delay and of its fear, there was something of pity towards if same. Without knowing as it crossed the time just like the space, without knowing how the planet that knew and all her family, handcuffs and children and relatives, was back to thousands of years. He was single where no of its race was never single. Their perrunos teeth shone white when retiring the lips. There was something so that to live, even now. Something so that to kill. If it could return... It was a thought as a small candle in an enormous and stormy night. Holat had not changed much, not even in two thousand years, unless some human ship had saturated in him. Her people were not static; there were progresses in all time. But it was a growth like the evolution, in harmony with the stations and the fields and the great rate of the time. She could be again to itself. But... Something is shaken in the firmament. Saris Hronna tightened more against the ground, as if it wanted to be buried against the mud. Their eyes were contracted until forming two yellowish cracks while it focused his mental perceptions, registering skies in search of a ghost. Yes, currents... and noncurrent animals but the cold to turn of electrons in the emptiness and the gas and the inmortal pulsation that was like a nail scratching its nerves. One was a small airship, it decided, giving returned in a small zone, looking for with detectors. It was tracking him to him. Perhaps it would have to be given voluntarily. The humans of the Explorer were honest; its affection by Langley had been growing every day more. Perhaps that distant ancestor his was also reasonable, No! He was to leave it too much at random. There was all his whole race. They did not have that starred technology of Holat. There there were bone tools, the trip on foot or in boat with candles and oars foods removed from the animal hunting and fishing and the enormous herds semi domesticated by telekenético control. A Holatano in Earth could rake to a dozen of men and kill to them in the green calm of the forests. But one espacionave human could hang of the sky and seed of death the planet. The airship of upon its head moved away. Saris Hronna breathed deeply, filling again of air its lungs. What to do, where to go, how to escape? The airship returned. Its route formed a spiral. How many of them it had there, how many airships would fly in the Earth fight? Its mind shook, less of fear than of pain and solitude. The life of Holat was based ordenadamente, with ceremonies, the serious courtesies between old and the young people, males and females, the calm panteística religion, the rites of the family in the morning and at night: everything in its place, balance, harmony, security... knowing whenever the life was of an enormous unit. And it was itself sent in the foreign and persecuted and harassed dark like a beast. The thing of above lowered more and more. The muscles of Saris were put rigid and was in their heart a blaze. That they were put to its reach already would seize of the control and would star the ship against the ground! It was not enabled for that momentary slaughter. In the holatana family there were no dominations, nor a hard father or a sensitive brother... all were united. And a member that showed true talent was maintained without resentment nor envies by the others while its art or its music or its thoughts worked in. Saris had been of that class, since when left its time of puppy. Later it went to one of the universities. There it lead and it kept cattle, it made tools, it swept grounds to support the privilege to lie in the hut of some philosopher or artist or escultor, discussing with him and learning of him. Its particular liking was directed towards the field of physical sciences. They had its education in Holat, thought of defensive way while the deadly metal fell slowly towards him. The books were copied by hand and on parchment, but in them there was a sonorous knowledge. Astronomy, the physics and chemistry were elementary for a man, and they accompanied to him as far as outside. The biological technique, the animal young the understanding and the use of the ecology were at least equal in the areas in where there were instruments but simple lenses and no scalpels for the work... and possibly superior. And the mathematics of Holat had an innate ability that straightened up over any human. The ship hociqueaba, as if it was a quick bird of prey to attack. Even outside the zone of reach of its control... Perhaps they must have infrared ray detectors, that made suspect their presence them. One did not dare to move. More surely for them it would be to drop a pump. Langley had spoken to him of pumps. And that would be the aim: a flash and to roar that it could not perceive, dissolution, the dark for always. Good, it thought, feeling as the slow and sad wind excited its sideburns, had little of which to complain. Its life had been good. He was one of those vagabond students who cross the world, being always well received by the news that can bring, always seeing something fresh in the university of the basically similar cultures that sprinkled their planet. Its luck was united to a planet. Lately a family had settled, and initiated taught in the university of Sun-dances-Through-Rain... But if a fast death in a unknown Earth came to him, the life for that reason would not let see itself but amiable. No, no! It shook his mind with vividness. It could not die, still no. Until it did not know more, it knew that Holat was safe from those pale monsters, without hair, or knew how to prepare themselves and to defend themselves of them. Their muscles were tightened arranged to the action and the race. One rose of a jump and it threw to run. The airship descended with a rapidity that surprised to him. It left itself ready to close those electrical and magnetic atorbellinadas currents to influence them with the fields of force of his brain, and one retired, shaking. "Not - it was said -. Delay... It can better have an average one ". The ship landed in the fields to about one hundred long meters of distance. Saris hid again reuniting under him its legs and arms. How many they were? Three. Two of them lowered, third remained on board. It could not see through the high ears of the cultivated field but it could feel that one of both took a species of instrument that was not a weapon. A detector, then. Blind in the dark, still they could rake to him. Sure they were not sure that he was he. Its instrument could also be registering the presence of a misled animal or a man. Saris could smell the strong adrenalin stench produced by the fear of them. Undertaken of a sudden impulse. Saris Hronna rose by the shore and to four legs it crossed the ears. Somebody shouted. An energy ray hit against him, the vegetation flamed in where the unloading crashed and ozone arrived to him until its sense of smell. Its mind could not be taken care of of the arms; one had already seized of the motor and the signallers of the ship. Hardly it felt the ray that crossed the ribs to him, leaving a belt of burned meat. Jumping, one was closest on the man. The figure collapsed, their hands took the throat to him and Saris became to a side while the other shot. Somebody shouted, was vagido that put a new note of panic in the dark. A weapon that threw a broadside of lead projectiles worked from the prow of the ship. Saris gave a jump, falling on the superior part. The man of outside was projecting a light, with which he tried to take to him to him within his luminous ray. Coldly, the Holatano compute the range... Too much far. It howled, sliding again towards the Earth the light ray and a detonator exploded to him where there was been. Saris covered the distance between jumps. Rising, it hard struck and percatóse of how the bones of the neck of their enemy crujían, under the pressure of his hand. Soon... it ran towards the ship! Saris smelled in the door. It was closed and the lock was purely mechanical, could not be controlled by the small energy that flowed of its brain. It could perceive the terror of the man who was inside. It took one of the fallen detonators. During a little while it examined it using the general principle of which the form determines the function. The hand surrounded the butt, a finger caressed the trigger, the other end it left escupitajo of fire and it included/understood that that adjustment or front screw would have to regulate the size of the ray. It experimented with the detonator and contentment felt to see that their deductions were guessed right. Returning to the boat, it fused with the detonator the lock of the door. The man of the interior had backed down supported against the most distant wall, a weapon in the hand, hoping with a dry shout in the throat that the devil entered. Saris examined it very telepathically: To stern of the entrance... well! Opening of the door a crack, only enough so that it passed the hand to him, it shot in the direction of the man. The detonator as large as seemed a fragile thing in a claw hers, but with a firing it had enough. The scent to burned meat was intense to his around. Now it had to work quickly; it must have some other ship in the vicinity. Gathering all the arms, it was sent to the chair of the pilot - she was too small so that one seated and studied the Control Panel. The used principle was not to him familiar, something beyond science at the time of Langley. Nor it could read the symbols of the controls. But following the sign of the electrical currents and the filemagnéticos fields with his mind, and applying the logic it obtained a deduction of how handling the ship. It made it rise with something of stupidity while it maneuvered the commutators, but soon included/understood his operation. In the little short while he was well high in the firmament, marching at great speed by the dark that rose in its winch. A screen maintained a memory board with a movable red point, that would have to represent its own location. Very ingenious... It could not remain in that machine long time; it would be identified and demolished. It would have to use it to be able provisions and soon to find a hiding place before the dawn, after which it would have to fly towards the West to star it in the ocean. He would be able to fit the automatic pilot so that it made that work. Where to go? What to do? Chapter 5 A celebration in house of minister Yulien was celebrated, stop metallurgy commissioner. Most select of the societies Solar and foreign it attended and Chanthavar took with himself to the crew of the Explorer. Langley accompanied to people by high corridors, with columns in where the air had a smooth light and the murals brilliant drawings that also emphasized of the brilliant walls. Behind him they marched a dozen bodyguards, equally giant. Chanthavar had explained him qua were its personal slaves and the result of the duplication of chromosomes in a exogenético tank. In them there was something not completely human. The space man was recovering of his feeling of stupidity, although he followed without being able to imagine that its aspect was enough ridiculous situation with its hairy legs leaving underneath the túnica. , the Blaustein and Matsumoto as soon as they had left his palace in the following day to which they were set free. They remained seated, speaking little, once in a while cursing in a full whisper of pain. He was all too new, too overwhelming one and suddenly. They accepted the invitation of Chanthavar without great interest. What were going to find three ghosts in a celebration? The suite was luxurious: furniture that was molded to the contours of that seated and that came near when a box was called to them mentally... interpreter who washed, cepillaba, shaved, masajeaba and prepared neatly to go out with a permanent perfume; smoothness and heat and colors pie everywhere where one watched. Langley remembered the stained table cloth of a table of kitchen, a tin of beer in front of him and at night of Wyoming with Peggy seated to its side. - Chanthavar - it asked suddenly -, still have horses? There was a word in that terrestrial language to designate to the horses that had taught to him... or perhaps... - Oh, I do not know it - the agent seemed a little surprised -. That I never remember I saw no, outside the historical museums. I believe that it is left some... if, in Thor for diversion of the people, but in the Earth. Lord Brannoch often are boring to its guests speaking to them of horses and dogs. Langley sighed. - But if it does not have no in the Solar System can be obtained synthetic - Chanthavar suggested -. There is one that makes all animal class according to order. It has interest to hunt a dragoon someday? - it does not matter to me - Langley said. - Tonight in the celebration there will be many important people - Chanthavar said -. If you can entertain the enough thing to one of them it has made his fortune. One does not approach lady Halin. His husband is jealous and you would finish like a slave with the completely erased mind, unless I wanted to remove benefit from that. You do not need to act so made an impression reason why she sees. A good amount of young intellectuals, specially, must to game speak badly of the modern society and that would be considered, if you they followed the example to them, like dangerous. On the other hand, it can do what wants and pass it well. The first impression that received Langley was of deep enormidad. The room must have a kilometer of diameter and was an eddy of relampagueantes colors, with a thousand of guests, perhaps. It seemed that it did not have tile roof, that was opened by above to the smooth full nocturnal sky of stars and the moon. Nevertheless, it decided that it must have an invisible cupola. Under its disturbing height, the city was an adorable, shining spectacle. There was perfume in the air, with one it picks of dulzura and music that came from some hidden place. Langley tried to listen, but too many voices were heard. Chanthavar was presenting/displaying its host, who was incredibly fat and reddish but without lacking a certain force in his small black ojillos. Langley remembered the suitable formulas of courtesy by which a client of a ministry went and doubled the knee before another one. - a man of the past, in? - Yulien clarified its throat -. Interesting. Very interesting. I will have to speak with you any day. Hum! It likes this? - He is most impressive, Milord - Matsumoto said, with inexpressive face. - Hum! Ja! Yes. Progress. Change. - When they change the things more, Milord - Langley ventured -, remains more the same. A woman of quite good presence with protuberantes eyes of some way took to him of the arm. and she confessed the "exciting thing to him" that turned out to see a man of the "past" and that it was "safe" that there was "an interesting" time at which the men were very "viriles". Langley felt alleviated when a woman of greater age and of acute face, it called it and it removed to him from the hardship. With all clarity the women had a position of maids in the Tecnicado, although Chanthavar had mentioned not what about some great women with authority. She advanced sad towards the "buffet" in where manjares used as some very flavorful and of wine. How long would last the farce, anyway? It recognized that it had preferred to be solo with same himself. A soft individual that seemed to have drunk too much passed the arm to him around the neck and it gave the welcome him. And it began to ask to him about own the sexual techniques of the intimate dormitory of his time. It was a lightening Langley to be able to undo of him. - It wants that it provides some girls to him? Minister Yuilen is very amiable like host in that concept, we we passed it very well before the Centaurianos reduced to me to dust. - reason Has - a young person corroborated -. For that reason she is reason why they are going to give more woods to us than to a mat. You are likeable for people. They knew to fight in its time, Langley captain? - Tolerably well when it was precise - the American said. - That is what it imagined to me. Surviving types. They conquered stars because they were not scared to kick to the fellow. We if. We have softened, here in the Solar System, do not know you that thousand years ago we did not fight a great war and that now that this preparing one we do not know like coming? - He belongs to the army? - Langley asked. - I? - the young person seemed surprised -. the forces you will fine habitual enslaved, bred are trained for the work, of public property. The high heads are Ministers but... - Good, would plead you to drag to your own class to the military service? - That would not serve as anything. They do not fit. They are not of the class of enslaved specialists, the Centaurianos, however, they are called to they themselves free men and they like to fight. - Son - said Langley with snub -, has seen men those who had flown him the head, sometimes leaving to them the guts by some hole the belly? - Not... no, clear that no! But... Langley shrank of shoulders. It already knew before that type of men, back in the mother country. Some wrote books. An excuse murmured and it moved away. Blaustein was united to him and they were put to speak in English. - Where it is Bob? - Langley asked. Blaustein directed a malicious smile to him. - the last time that ví left to him scene with one of those stunning females. A girl very mona, also. Perhaps he is the unique one of us who have known to get up myself. - that Can if - Langley. - I cannot do the same. At least now - Blaustein seemed disgusted -. Already you do not know, I thought that perhaps, now when everything what we knew is disappear, the human race would have learned finally to have something of common sense. I was pacifist, already you know, pacifist to it intellectual, simply because she could see that the war was a bloodthirsty and foolish farce, in whom nobody nothing except a few ready types - Blaustein had drunk too much also -. and the solution is so easy! He jumps you to the face: a universal government with teeth and claws! That is everything. Not but wars. More men not becoming to kill and young wasted energies and burned alive. I thought that perhaps in five thousand years this stupid race ours would even learn that so evident lesson. He remembers, never had war in Holat. We are but much stupid. - I believe that in an interstellar war it would be difficult to fight - he said to Langley -. Many years of trip to arrive until the enemy. - Aha. Also little economic incentive. If a planet can be colonized altogether, that will be self-sufficient. Those two reasons are for which there are been no a true war during thousands of years, since the colonies became independent. Blaustein approached more, jugueteando with something between the feet. - But now one is being prepared. We it can who we see it very well. Rich sources of first mineral matters in planets of Sirius and the government are weak there, and those of strong Sun and Centaur. Both wish those planets. No can leave the other seizes of them; it would be too much advantage. Recently which I spoke with an official, who is destined near those worlds, and that heard in addition something about which the Centaurianos is dirty Barbarians. - Even so and all I would like to know how light could be fought through four years - Langley said. - One sends a fleet of real size, completes with full freighters of provisions, one is with the enemy fleet and it sweeps it of the space. Later one bombs enemy planets from the firmament. You already know qua now can disintegrate any class of matter? Nine times ten to the twentieth power of ergs by gram, and there are things as the virus sintetic and radioactive dust one destroys a civilization in those planets, lands and does those that it pleases to them. Simple! the only thing that there is to assure is that the enemy fleet does not defeat you to you, because then your own house is open, Sun and Centaur have been intriguing, being shaken, for decades. As soon as one of them obtains a clear advantage... bam! fireworks. Blaustein shook its glass and was by more. - Clear - it continued dismally -, always is the possibility that even if your enough rout the enemy of their ships escape to arrive at your system, to destroy your planetary defenses and to bomb. Then one will have two systems that have returned to the time of the caverns. But when that perspective has served to stop a politician? Or to administrator psychotechnological, as I believe that he is called to them now, déjame calm. I want to emborrachar itself. Chanthavar found to Langley a few minutes later and it took to him by the arm. - It comes - it said -. Its Fidelity the head of the Crew members of the Tecnicado, wants to know him. Its Fidelity is a very important man... Excellent Sulon, I can present/display captain to him Edward Langley? He was a high and thin man with a simple blue túnica and hood. Its thin face was intelligent, but there is something I lack of humor and fanatic in its mouth. - That is interesting - it said with harshness -. I have very far understood that you vagó by the space, captain. - Yes, Milord. - Their documents already have been presented/displayed to the Tecnicado. Each piece of information, nevertheless, although seems remote, is valuable. Because only through the safe knowledge of all the facts the machine can make safe decisions. You would remain surprised if she knew whichever agents has whose only work is the constant compilation of data. The state thanks to him for its services. - he has not been nothing, Milord - Langley with the due deference said. - It can much be - the Sulon replaced -. the Tecnicado is the foundation of the Solar civilization, without him, we are lost. Without own location it is not known for all except the highest ranks of my order, his servants. By this we are born and we were educated, by this we resigned to all the familiar bows and to you seem them worldly. So we are prepared that if made the attempt to obtain our secret, that there was not evident escape, we would die automatically. I say this to him so that an idea becomes of which it means the Tecnicado. Langley could not think no answer. SuIon was the test that the Sun was lost no all its vitality, but was in him something cruel. - they have said to Me that an extraterrestrial being of unknown race was with his crew and who has escaped - the old one continued -. I must have a very complete and serious Vista of this. A completely unforseeable factor is that being... its own newspaper side gives very few information. - I am sure that he is inoffensive, Milord - Langley said. - That is about to to see. The same Tecnicado orders that it is him or is destroyed to him immediately. Have you, like well-known his, any idea of how following ahead with this? There he was again. Langley felt cold. The problem of Saris Hronna had to them to all of them scared. And a scared man could be a malignant creature. - the normal systems search have not given result - Chanthavar said -. I say all this to Him, although he is secret: he killed to three of our men and he escaped with its flying ship. Where one has gone away? - I will have... I will have to think it to me - Langley stammered -. That of is displeased Milord. Créame, I will dedicate all my attention to him. Langley was separated by a hairy and rolliza hand. It belonged to a big, potbellied man, with dress to the foreign style. Its head was massive, with a elefantina nose, a red hair disordered flame and the first beard that Langley had seen then. The man had penetrating and light eyes surprising. The quite high voice had an accent, a nonterrestrial intonation. - Greetings Sir. It had very many desire to know him. I am called Goltam Valti. - To its service, Milord - dilo Langley. - No, no. I do not have any title. The poor drop of called fat Goltam Valti has not been born for the colors. I am of the Commercial Society and we do not have noble. We cannot occur that luxury. The work the enough duro so that we pruned to honestly live these days with buyers and salesmen allied for quitarte the sufficient benefit like for dejarte without anything since you have your properties far many generations. Good, in my case still it has to be, I am of Amon in the system Tau Ceti originally. A sweet planet, honey, with golden beer and girls to serve you, is wonderful. Langley felt something of interest. It had heard speak of the society, but little. Valti lead to him to diván and they seated and whistled to a table that happened with refreshments. - I am factor head in the Sun - Valti continued -. Someday you have who to come to see our building. Memories of one hundred planets that we have there and I am sure that they will interest to him. But the amount of 5,000 years of I wander is too much even for a retailer. You have had to see very great businesses, captain, grandísimos businesses. Ah, if I were again young... Langley separated subtly and requested that it answered to him a few direct questions. To remove information to Valti cost time and patience; one had to scrutinize parrafada of autocompasión, to obtain a phrase that was worth the trouble to oir itself, but something removed. The society had existed either thousand years or the more, recruited of all planets, even of not-human races; it carried most of the interstellar commerce, dealing with merchandise that were originating often of worlds unknown in that small section of the galaxy. For the personnel of the society, great espacionaves was the home of men and women and children who lived all their lives in them. They had its own laws, customs, language; they did not have obedience to no person who was not the own society. - do not have you one capital, a government? - the details, friend mine, the details we will be able to discuss them later. Come to see me. I am an old solitaire. Perhaps he can offer some small diversion to him. By chance he has been you in the system Tau Ceti? No? It is a pity. He would have interested to him: the annular double system of Osiris and native of Horus and the beautiful ones, most beautiful valleys of Amon, yes, yes. The names originally given to planets had changed, but not as much that Langley could not recognize the mitológicas figures that the discoverers had considered. Valti continued its reminiscencia of worlds that had seen in the last and lamented days of its youth and Langley found distracted the conversation. - Eh, you. Valti was put still on of a jump and it inclined servile. - Milord! Vos you honor to me more than what I am worth! It has spent long time from the last time that I saw you. - Two weeks complete - it smiled the giant blonde dressed in chillona crimson jacket and the blue trousers. She took in the hand a wine glass, in his hairy hand, in the other she held by the ankles a tiny one and exquisite dancer who hung of her shoulder and was shaken laughing. - and then you deceived thousand lots to me, you and your overloaded dices. - Very excellent gentleman, the fortune must once in a while smile to my ugly face; Perhaps the probability theory therefore demands it - Valti made with its hands the gesture wash them to it -. to Milord comes to him well that it grants revancha some night to him of the week that comes? - that Can if. Low! - the giant left slid the girl until the ground and juguetona dismissed with one pat to the rumps -. It vetoes, Thura, Kolin, or as you are called. I will see you later - their eyes were shining and blue and they nailed in Langley -. Is this one the precursory man of which I have heard speak? - Yes Milord. I can present/display captain to him Edward Langley? Lord Brannoch dhu Crombar, Centauriano ambassador. So this era one of the men hated and feared of Thor. And the Valti was the first reconocibles caucasian types that the American had seen then: presumably their predecessors had left the Earth before the races were fused in the almost uniform beings of here and with all possibility the environmental factors had something to see with the fixedness of their distinguishing characteristics. Brannoch smiled jovial, it seated and it told to a comedian and interesting history. Langley contraatacó with the story of a cattle tender who obtained three desires, and the outburst of laughter of Brannoch caused that the glasses shook. - So that you still used horses? - it asked later. - Yes, Milord. I grew up in a country of horses. We used the trucks along with. I went... I was going to dedicate me to his young. Brannoch seemed to notice the pain the man of the space and with surprising tact it continued to describe the stable of his house. - I believe that it would like Thor, captain - it finished -. Still we have occasion to work hard. How they can breathe with twenty million pieces of heavy meat in the Solar System? I have never known it. Why it does not come to see us sometimes? - I would like Milord - Langley said and perhaps it did not lie completely. Brannoch arrellanó, stretching its long legs. - I also have traveled a little - she said -. Time back I had to leave the system, when my family gave aim to a fight. I spent one hundred years of external time giving returned, until I had opportunity to return. The Planetografía is a species of liking mine, for that reason I will be able to say that it is the only reason by that I come to its celebrations, Valti, old deceptive barrel. Dígame, captain, have touched you sometimes in Procyon? During half an hour the conversation it turned of stars and planets. Something of the inner weight of Langley underwent lightening. The vision of many strange things of diverse faces turning around the endless outer dark was able to leave without breathing. - To intention - Brannoch said -. I have heard some rumors about a strange being that they brought with you, who escaped. What really has in that? - Ah if! - Valti murmured while the beard was caressed -. To me also it has intrigued to me. Yes, it seems that the sea of interesting is a type. Why it would take a so desperate action? Langley was put rigid. What is what there was this Chanthavar? One did not assume that all the subject was confidential? Brannoch, sure would have its spies. Consequently Valti also. The American felt a chill when noticing confluyentes immense forces, like a desbocada machine marching. And he included/understood that they speak to him pillado between the wild gears. - it would please Me to be able to add to him to my collection - Brannoch in accidental tone said -. That is to say, not to do no damage to him, to only know him. If in truth it is a true telépata, is almost unique. - Also it would have interest in associating to me in this subject - Valti with challenge tone said -. the planet can have something is worth the trouble to even deal at the cost of a long trip. After a little while, it added ensoñador: - I believe that the payment by this report would be very generous captain. The society has its small whims and desire to know a race new is one of them. Yes, there would be money to pay the report. - I would venture by my account an amount - she said to Brannoch -. a pair of million Lots... and my protection. These are stormy weather, captain. A powerful pattern is not for despising. - the society - Valti observed -, the extraterritoriality privilege has. It can guarantee a sanctuary, also like the exit of the Earth, that is being agreed upon an unhealthy place. And, sure you compensate monetary: three million lots, like investment in a new knowledge. - This it is not site to speak of businesses - Brannoch said -. But as I said, I believe that it would like Thor. And we could send to him to some other part that you chose. Three million and means. Valti moaned. - Milord, you wish to ruin to me? I have family who to maintain. - Yes. One in each planet - Brannoch joked. Langley remained seated very quiet. It thought to know so that they loved they to Saris Hronna. But what could do he? The agile form of Chanthavar left between people. - Oh, you there were... - she said. One inclined with deference before Brannoch and Valti -. His crew member, Milord and good gentleman. - Thanks, Channy - said Brannoch -. Siéntese, wants? - No. There is another person whom it would like to know the captain. Perdónenos. When they were safe between people, Chanthavar took to Langley aside. - Went those men in search of which you gave that strange being to them? - he asked. There was something cold in his face. - Yes - Langley responded, cansino. - Me I thought it. The Solar government is plagued of these agents. Good he does not do it. A tired and foolish rage moved within Langley. - He watches, son - he exclaimed fixedly watching at the eyes of Chanthavar well below his -. I do not see why I must have to any faction nowadays. Why do not let you treat to me as if outside a child? - I am not going to have incomunicado you to him, although she could - meliflua said to Chanthavar with voice -. it is not worth the trouble, because before much probably we will have that beast. Him I am only warning, nevertheless, that if it fell in anyone of other hands, that were not mine, passing it you very badly. - Why it does not lock up to me and it follows ahead with hers? - That no, you to me would force to think as I want that I think about case that my own searches fail. And he is too crude - Chanthavar stopped, soon it added with a peculiar intensity -: Know you why game this game of policy and war? Create you that I seek the power for same me? That is for the crazy people who wish to command to other crazy people. Nevertheless, it is amused to play. The life otherwise, would become aburridísima. What another thing I can cause that it has not made hundreds of times already? But he is pleasant to prove forces with Brannoch and that pelirrojo fanfarrón; their consequences, to win, to lose or to tie, also are amused; although, clear it is I have intention to win. - have not even thought you never about... a commitment? - he does not leave Brannoch deceives to him. He is one of the coldest and intelligent brains of the galaxy. Quite decent, I will lament it when it has finally that to kill to him, but... it does not matter! - Chanthavar became -. We go dirijámonos to the serious business of emborrachar to us. Chapter 6 The progress obtained it: arming it bar of Langley erased all the tracks to him of the undertow of him to the following morning and the robot on watch slid a breakfast to him by an incline until a small table and took it when it had finished. But after that there was a day without which to do except seating and thinking. It would be easy to yield, to cooperate with Chanthavar and to let themselves take by the current. How it knew that it did not build well? The Tecnicado seemed to represent the order, the civilization, the justice sources. He was useless which one was against twenty trillions of people and 5,000 years of history. Of having been Peggy with him, one would have surrendered; to be arranged to risk the neck of her by a principle of which not even it was convinced of being certain. But Peggy had died and it had left few things to him except the vital principle. It is not amused to judge God, even in that stingy scale, but it had arrived at a society in which each man constituted itself in depositing it of the obligation to decide the things by itself. Chanthavar went to them to visit late that. Still one complained. - hour Goes to rise! It is not worth the trouble to make an effort before putting the Sun Good. We will go? While it lead to him until the exit, average dozen of their guards was united to the group. - As what they serve? - Langley asked -. Protection against the comuneros? - I would like to see a comunero able to think about arming difficulties - Chanthavar said -. If it is that it can think, thing that I doubt. No, I need the protection these individuals against my own rivals. Brannoch, for example, with much pleasure would kill to me single to obtain that they named an incompetent successor. I have stopped to good amount of its agents. - and that would win if they assassinated to him? - Blaustein asked. - To be able, position, perhaps some of my properties. Or it can that is enemy by particular resentment. I had to pisotear to much people in my upstroke. They left to an avenue and they left a strap transported them throughout the street, Chanthavar I indicate a hill where an only tower was raised. - the control station of the time - it said -. Most of which you see belongs to the city, to public the Ministerial park. But towards they are the limits of the property of Tarahoe there. It cultivates cereals by means of the natural retrograde system. - do not have you small farms? - Langley asked. - Space, no! - Chanthavar seemed surprised -. In the Centaurianos planets they make but encounter difficult to imagine a system more ineffective. Most of our foods is synthetic; the rest is cultivated in Ministerial Earth. They ate for lunch in a terrace restaurant, in where the machines served to a customer aristocrat gladly dressed and as relamidos modales. Chanthavar paid the invoice with a bond. - it knows to Me bad that Minister Agaz, enemy mine, make money, but you must you admit a good head of kitchen. The bodyguards did not eat; they were trained to conserve a diet and an untiring monitoring. - There are many things that to see, here in the superior levels - it said Chanthavar. It indicated with the head the discreet and shining poster of a house of diversions -. But almost everything is the same. We go to the low part to change. A gravitational elevator dropped to them the six hundred meters until the ground and once they entered a other different world there. There there was Sun, nor no firmament. Walls and ceiling were of metal; the smooth and spongy grounds and a sensual languor seemed to seize of the mental vision of Langley. The air was fresh, but trembling and sonorous with a noise that never finished: hummings of pumps, peening, vibration. Deep and the second to bark of the great machine that was the city. The runners, streets, were reports, anxious, alive with movements and conversations chillonas. Those were the comuneros, Langley remained planted during a little while to the entrance of the elevator, contemplating to them. It did not know what it was expected - perhaps dummies dressed gray but anyway were surprised. The disordered mass remembered the cities to him that knew in Asia. The dresses were a cheap version of the ministerial suits: túnicas for the long men, suits for the women; it seemed that everything had become a number of uniforms, green blue and red the men took the shaved heads and the faces reflected the mixture of races that the Earth man had gotten to obtain. An incredible number of naked children was seen playing among the feet of the multitude: there any obligatory disintegration of sexes like in the superior levels was not seen. - We will have to walk - the agent said -. down there are no rolling sidewalks Here. - To what so many uniforms come? - Blaustein asked. - Trábalos different: the metallurgical one, the one of you train them nutritional, etc. They have a singular system, organized very well, with learning of several years and soon there is also a great rivalry between the unions. But while the comuneros make their work and they behave well, we left them calm. The police, slaves property of the city, maintain to them to ray if some riot begins - Chanthavar indicated to corpulento man dressed black and in steel helmet -. does not concern much what it happens there. Nor they have masters my education to threaten nobody. Education that receives stresses the obsession of which they must be satisfied to fit within the basic system. - What is that? - Matsumoto indicated to a man dressed in a scarlet suit ajustadísimo, the masked face, a knife in cinto, that slid in silence between the people who did not set up any obstacle to him to her step. - Of the union of assassins, although in his majority they are rented outside so that they rob and they attack that is ordered to them, the comuneros do not have robots, since we fomented the personal companies. It is not allowed them to have firearms, so the thing is quite safe and causes that the others are amused. After having supper, which it was in a place patronizado by the richest retailers, Chanthavar smiled. - I am tired to take a walk today - it said What seems to them if we are going to amuse itself? All the city acquires fame through its vices. - Good, it is well - Langley answered. A little drunk noticed: the sharp beer of the inferior levels made give returns at the top him. It did not need women, not when she felt in his chest the pain by one them. But they must have games and... Its stock market was full of tickets and currencies -. Where we go? - I believe that we can go to the House of Dreams - the exit said to Chanthavar, showing to them -. It is the favorite place of all the social classes. The entrance was a bluish cloud that gave access to several small rooms. They took one from them, being placed on the face vital masks of synthetic alive meat that would be fitted briefly to the nervous terminals of the skin and that soon was part of one same one. - Everybody is equal here, everybody, is anonymous - Chanthavar -. Reconfortante said. - What is what they wish, gentlemen? - the voice I arrive originating it seemed of no part, fries and of some nonhuman way. - a general return - The one of always said to Chanthavar -.. Please, one hundred lots put in this groove each one of you. The place is expensive, but amused. They felt to relax in which it seemed a dry and cottony cloud and noticed how they were transported by airs. The bodyguards behind formed a impassible group to certain distance. The doors were opened to them. They floated under a perfumed moon and surrealistas star firmament, watching towards which it seemed to be a desert panorama, nonterrestrial. - Part illusion, real part - Chanthavar said -. You can have the experience that imagines here, to your right price. Watch... The cloud vagó through a rain that was blue and red and of golden fire, tintineando when falling on its bodies. Triunfales choirs of music flowed around them. Through revolving the flames and atorbellinadas, Langley descried girls of impossible beauty, dancing in the air. Soon they were seen under the water, or to thus it seemed them, with tropical fish swimming through the green fluid, among chorales and winding marine seaweed. Soon they were in a cavern illuminated of red, like hell, in where music accelerated the heart rate and precipitated the circulation of blood of the veins. They left sudden flights in receivers in form small dart a series of robots that to them pleasant drinks offered when they reached to them. They entered an enormous grouping of noisy people, who sang and laughed and danced and had instruments. A young girl loosen giggles and caressed the arm of Langley. Briefly, the young person was shaken anxious. - Outside! - he said soon with harshness. Giving returned on a murmullante cascade, crossing the air that was enough the thick thing like swimming in him, slipping by grottos and full forests of strange lights and in the middle of a gray fog that did not allow to see nor what was a meter ahead... Here, in a goteante and thick silence that seemed to mask the enormidad of the infinite thing, they stopped. The vague shade of Chanthavar made a gesture and an acute and tense note in his was heard meliflua voice: - They would like to play being for a moment the Creator? Déjeme that teaches... - a ball of furious flames was in its hands and with her it modeled stars and it sent them like seeding them through the invisible portion of infinite that seemed to surround to them -. Suns, planets, moons, people, civilization to them and histories... you can do them to your pleasure -. Two stars hit one another one -. Is possible here to even see grow a world... and in him, any detail, does not concern the small thing that is. Million years in a minute or minute extended through a million years; one can annihilate it everything with a thunderclap and to see how the enemies drain themselves and they adore to you -. the Sun and the hands of Chanthavar shone clumsily through the mist. Tiny sparks that were planets turned in their winch -. Apártense the darknesses; the light hágase. Something moved in the humid foggy air. Langley saw a shade new born walking between constellations of thousand years height light. A hand clung to its arm and with enough difficulty it was able to see the false face beyond this hand. One twisted to free itself, irritating, while the other hand looked for the neck to him. A wire bow jumped, being entangled in its ankles. Two men now sent themselves on him, trying to reduce it to the impotence. Frenetic he backed down. Its fist reached to a cheek and began to flow artificial blood. - Chanthavar! A detonator, high and amazingly shining exploded. Langley sent a gigantic red Sun to one of the faces that were close. Getting rid of an arm that surrounded the waist, gave rodillazo him to the vague form and heard gruñido of pain. - Light! - Chanthavar vociferated -. the darknesses Disappear! The mist was broken, slowly and rasgadamente. There was a deep negrura, the negrura of the space emptiness, with stars floating in her like fireflies. Then the total illumination happened. A man was dead, near Chanthavar, his stomach broken and opened by an energy firing. The bodyguards crowded around themselves intranquilos. On the other hand they were solo. The room was naked, ugly illuminated. During a long moment, he and the agent watched themselves mutually. Blaustein and Matsumoto are spoken gone. - Is... this... part of the diversion? - Langley between teeth asked. - Not - the eyes of Chanthavar shone with the anxiety of a hunter. It loosen an outburst of laughter -, Beautiful work! I would like to have to those individuals in my séquito. Their friends have been private of their mental faculties and raptados before my own noses, We go! Chapter 7 It had a little while of rugiente confusion while Chanthavar emitted orders through visifono, organizing a persecution. Soon it turned becoming to Langley. - I will cause that they register this zone, naturally - it said -. But I do not believe that the raptores are still here. Robots is not fit to warn who leaves and in what conditions, so we cannot find aid by that part. Nor I hope to find the employee of this establishment that helped to prepare the things for the kidnapping. But I have put alerts to all the organization. There will be a deep investigation in the environs within half an hour. And the address of Brannoch already is being watched. - Brannoch? - Langley repeated stupidly. It felt his distant brain, like the one of a stranger. It could not assimilate the happened things as quickly as the agent. - Clear! Who more? I never thought that it had a so efficient Earth gang. Naturally that will not take directly to their friends. There will be some hiding place somewhere of the inferior levels. There is not much possibility of finding it between fifteen million comuneros, but we will prove it. We will try it! A police approached carrying a metal small box that took Chanthavar. - Quítese that mask. This is an electronic husmeador. We will try to follow the track or the sign of the false faces. A distinguishing scent, so one cannot confuse it. I do not believe that the raptores have already taken them the masks in the palace of the dreams; then somebody would warn to whom they took. Quédese with us. We can need to him. Let us go! A great amount of men, black dresses, armed and quiet surrounded to them. Chanthavar left by the fore door. There was in him something of hunting dog. The esteta, the hedonista, the indifferent philosopher was masking the hunter of men. A light shone in the machine. - a track, is certain - it whispered -. If this does not cool off too much quickly, it will serve as something. Curse, why will ventilate so well the inferior levels? It was sent in trote fast, his men did not break away from enemy with him. The multitudes yielded the step to them. Langley too much was embarrassed to think. That happened more quickly of which its mind allowed him to include/understand and the drugs of the palace of the dreams were still in their blood, causing that the world took an unreal aspect. Bob, Jim... now the great dark would have snatched them to us also. Sometimes it would return to see them? - They lowered by a vertiginous elevator, falling like leaves in autumn, - Chanthavar verifying each exit while they happened through them. The incessant one rugir of the machines took more break, more frenetic. Langley shook the head, treating to clarify it, trying to control itself to itself. It was like a nightmare. They took to him against its black will ghost. It had to escape. It had to be single, to think peacefully. Now that was an obsession for him, coiling to all the other thoughts of its head. It was in a nightmare and it wanted to wake up. The sweat soaked its skin. The light flashed, weakly. - This way! - Chanthavar left by a vestibule -. the track is debilitated, but perhaps The guards happened after him. Langley was delayed, every time but and left the elevator in the following level. It was section a diabolic, illuminated and little tenebrous. The streets were almost desert. Closed doors filled the walls, their feet stepped on rubbish and nastiness, beating and squeaking of the machines filled their universe to him. It walked quickly, doubling several corners and trying to hide. Little by little its brain was clarified. A old one with dirty clothes was seated with the legs crossed next to a door and it contemplated to him with malicious eyes. A sluggish woman was next to him, showing irregular teeth in a mechanical smile and backing down. A young stop, untidy and without shaving, supported against the wall, followed its movements with anxious eyes. It was the dreg, the oldest, poor section and neglected... the last refuge of the failure. There it was in where those to that the ferocity of the life of the superior levels had collapsed, had ruined turning their lives things without importance for the Tecnicado. Langley stopped, breathing with difficulty. A furtive hand exit of a narrow passage, estimating in search of stock-market of its belt. It gave manotazo him and the naked feet of chiquillo repicaron when moving away in the dark. "Damn thing the one that I must do", thought. "they could kill to Me to rob to me. Let us find a police and we leave here, soon ". It walked down the street. I beg for without legs them suplicó something with an acute voice, but one did not dare to give no money him. New legs could to him have grown tí impulses of the greed, of the anxiety to rob to him, although it seemed impossible. Well, behind, a sinister pair followed to him. Where devils there would be a police? It is that nobody worried of which it happened there down? An enormous form doubled a corner. It had four legs, a torso with arms, a nonhuman head. Langley called it. - By where one leaves? Where is the next elevator to raise? I have myself lost. The strange being watched to him inexpressive and followed ahead. - I do not speak English. Etie Town, the district reserved to the visitors of another race, was somewhere, this way. There it could find security, although most of the compartments would be closed, being his ponzoñoso interior for him. Langley followed by the way by which the stranger came. Their pursuers shortened the distance. Music roared from an open door. There there was a bar, people, but not of the class to that could request aid. While the final fog of the drug evaporated, Langley realized of which it could be in a situation very it jeopardize. Two men left a passage. They were corpulentos, dressed well to be comuneros. One of them inclined: - In what I can serve to him, Sir? Langley stopped, feeling the coldness of its own pain. - Yes - it said Yes with thick voice -., thanks. How I can leave this section? - Foreign, Sir? - both were placed one to him to each side -. We will guide to him. This way. - Very many thanks! What do you here down? - Langley asked suddenly. - Only giving a return, gentleman. The modales too much were cultivated, too fine. "These are as comuneros as I". - it does not matter. ... I do not want to bother to them. Indíquenme only the direction. - Oh, no, Sir. That would be dangerous. This zone is not good to go solo. An enormous hand fell on its arm. - No! - Langley exclaimed energetic. - I am afraid that we are ourselves forced to insist - an expert push and was crawled by both not known -. it will not pass anything to him, Sir, confíese and he will not suffer any damage. The high form appeared at sight of an enslaved police. The breath of Langley cleared one's throat in its throat. - Suéltenme - Suélteme said -. or... Fingers were closed around their neck, without doing much damage to him, but making him shake. When one had recovered, the police had disappeared of the Vista. Feeling stuned, it followed to them. The vestibule of a gravitational elevator was shown in front of him. They followed to me, thought with bitterness, clear that they did it. I do not know the stupid thing who can be a man, but tonight I have gained the first prize of idiots. Three men appeared, almost arisen from the anything. They dressed the gray túnicas the society. - Ah! - one said -; you found it. Thanks. - That is this? - the companions of Langley backed down -. Who you are? What wish? - We wished to take to its house to the good captain - one responded of just arrived. Its face of trimmed affluent beard smiled and a pistol appeared in the hand. - That is illegal... that weapon... - Possibly. But it will die if it does not do case to me... by very illegal that it is to have this weapon. Come with us, captain, you make the favor. Langley entered the elevator with its new detectors. It did not seem to have possible election. The strangers did not speak, if not who urgeed to him so that he hurried. They seemed to know all the corridors empty. Its progress upwards was a fast trip and as soon as they saw in the way another face. Langley tried to calm, feeling dragged throughout a dark and irresistible tide. Again in the superior part of the city, pinnacles shining and bows of adamantine light against stars. The air was warm and sweet in its lungs, but it was wondered how long could breathe it. Not far from the exit of the elevator, a octogonal impressive tower was raised emphasizing of the general complex, its foreign architecture easily made in contrast with the ostentosa exuberance fruit appreciable of the Tecnicado. I label luminous hung on its peak with flaming letters that grew until forming the words: COMMERCIAL SOCIETY. Entering by a bridge with rolling ground, the four were lead in an elevator made a series of apartments near the center of this building. When they left the endless belt, they were in a species of cornice and a small black airship landed without noise next to them, heard a voice, amplified Until resonating through the murmuring calm; - they do not move but. It is the police! "Police" The knees of Langley seemed watery. It must have appeared that Chanthavar would not leave that place without monitoring. It had communicated the alarm when it noticed the disappearance of the man of the space; the organization was efficient and now she was saved. The three retailers remained immovable, their inexpressive faces, like wood carvings. A door dilated and another human left the building while five slaves dressed black and a ministerial official lowered of the ship. It was Goltam Valti. He hoped with the others, rubbing the hands with a nervous movement, as if one washed them. The official inclined slightly. - Good night, Sir. He pleases to me to see that he has found the captain. He will mention himself to him in the daily routine by this service. - Thanks, milord. - Valti inclined. Its voice was acute, almost irresistible swelled its heavy cheeks and shook its hairy head of obsequiosa way -. they have been very amiable you when coming, but it had not required his attendance. - one does not worry, we will take to his house saving to him that annoyance to it - the official said. - Oh, gentleman, surely you will allow me that I offer my poor hospitality to this unknown wretch. The motto of the Society is: a guest never must leave without to be treated well. - I feel It, Sir, but he must come with us - in the vague and oscillating light the official frunció the frown and in its tone of voice was a sharp and energetic edge -. In another occasion, perhaps. Now he must come with us. Those are my orders. Valti inclined and emitted a murmur. - I get along with you, Sir, but these humble eyes cry before the thought to dispute with their eminence, but in spite of being a poor man and abandoned worm, as I am - the suplicante tone became an energetic threat -, I am myself forced to remember to him, milord, very against my will, to only maintain the relations in friendly plan, that you is in a zone that is not of its jurisdiction. By the treaty of the Moon, the Society has extraterritoriality right. Honorable Sir, him request that does not force to me to request its passport to him. The official put itself rigid. - I said to Him that he had my orders - he said with thick voice. Corpachón corpulento of the retailer suddenly seemed enormous, trimmed against the firmament. Its beard seemed to bristle. But the voice continued light. - Sir, the heart bleeds me by you. But it is as amiable as to remember qua this building is armed and with dowry. A dozen of heavy pieces of artillery aims to him and, with great pain, I must make respect the law. The captain will take a refreshment with me. Later he will be sent to his house, but in the present he is of the worse education to maintain to him of foot under this fried and humid air. Good night, gentleman. It took to Langley by the arm and it directed to him the door ago. The other three followed to him and the door was closed after them. - I suppose - the man of the space said slowly -, that what I wish will not have any importance. - it did not hope to have the honor to speak privately with you so soon, captain - Valti said -. Nor I believe that you are sorry to char it while we had a drink from good Amonite wine. During the trip a little spoiled, to paladar as delicate as his that will notice it without a doubt, but humbly I assure that even so and all conserve to him many points superiority. It had lowered by a lobby and a door was opened now for them. - My office, captain - Valti inclined -. It has kindness to enter. It was an illuminated, enormous room little, of low ceiling, cover of bookcases that also did not have only microspools but some authentic volumes in folio. The armchairs were old and comfortable and the writing-desk was great and place setting of papers. A little vitiated was a strong tobacco mist species in that air. A creature as large as simio, peaky in the strangely luminous face and eyes under small antennas, entered taking her hairy arms a tray. Langley occupied a armchair and accepted a hot and oloroso wine glass and a platito with pastelillos. Valti grumbled and drank a deep drink. - Ah! This feels very well for my old and rheumatic bones. I am afraid that the medicines never will be able gives to remedy the human body, that always finds average the most ingenious ones to change. But the good wine, gentleman, good wine and a pretty girl and the beloveds and brilliants hills of the mother country, that is the best medicine than never it can be invented. Cigarettes, Thakt, have kindness. The simiesca thing jumped grotescamente on the writing-desk and extended a box. Both men took a cigarette and Langley found the his good one. The strange being seated on the shoulder of Valti, rascando itself his green skin and emitting giggles. Their eyes never left to those of the man of the space. - Good... - after that last pair of hours, Langley it was, exhausted. Already. it did not have within himself more desire to fight, the fatigue relaxed and left ran through its nerves and muscles. But its head abnormally remained clear -. Good, Mr. Valti, To what has come all this? The retailer expelió the smoke and arrellanó, crossing his regordetas legs. - the events begin to take place with uncomfortable rapidity - it said with calm voice -. I am glad of which this opportunity has appeared to see him. - Those police seemed eager that it had not taken place. - Clear - the sunk eyes flashed -. But it will take some time to them to prepare those collections of reflections that call brain and to dedicate themselves to attack to me. By then, you will be in your house, because I will not retain much to him. The good Chanthavar would not support it, but fortunately it is occupied in another place. - Yes, trying to find my friends - Langley felt within him a clumsy resentment -. Know you where took them? - I know It - in its tone there was affection -. I have thousand own agents within the Solar forces and know more or less everything what it happened there down. - Where they are? As they are? The sadness twisted the twisted average mouth. - I fear very many for them, captain. Probably they will be in being able of Lord Brannoch. It is possible that they loosen to them. I do not know it - Valti sighed -. I do not have spies in its organization, nor he in mine, hope. - you that Brannoch Are safe... - Who if no? What I know Chanthavar did not have necessity to put in scene so measured; he could order that all you they were arrested when came to him in desire. No of the other foreign states is in this absolutely; they are too weak. Brannoch is known like head of the military intelligence service Centauriano in Sun, although until now he has been enough the ready thing like not leaving tests that gave píe to their expulsion. No, the only powers that count in this part of the galaxy are Sun, Centaur and Society. - and why it would want Brannoch to seize of them? - Langley asked slowly. - it is not clear? the strange being, Saris Hronna I believe that it is called. It can that knows where to find him. You account of the fever does not occur that that Hronna has caused all we. You have been watched constantly over agents of the three powers. I played with the idea to make them raptar by my same one, but the Society is too pacifica to be very good for that class of things. Of all ways, Brannoch defeated us to all. Right away in which I found out of which it had happened, I sent to a hundred of men so that they tried to locate to him. Fortunately, a group was successful. - Nearly - Langley said -. They did not have to snatch to me of others... Centaurianos, I suppose. - Clear. I do not believe that Brannoch tries to assault this strength, specially since will have, hopes to obtain the information of its friends. Think that they will say something to them? - It depends - Langley contracted the eyes and a deep whiff of smoke -. Nevertheless I doubt it, never had great privacy with Saris. I yes, we used to speak during hours, although I follow without being able to know that it is what it made him flee. - Ah! go - Valti took I suck noisy of wine. In his heavy face there was no expression -. Know you why you are so important? - Me I appear it. The military value of its ability to spoil or to control the electronic currents, etc. But it surprises to me that you they do not have any machine that does the same. - science died for time - Valti said -. I, which I have seen worlds in where they are still progressing, although are behind us still, I know the difference between an alive science and a dead. The spirit of open minds inquires and he becomes extinguished thing when the human civilizations reach their own development. Valti watched below its fallen eyelids. - There are, sure ways to cause that a man speaks - said -. it does not torture it, she is too crude, but there are drugs that untie the language. Chanthavar has doubted to use them with you. If you do not have, after all, idea from where it is Saris, the quite disagreeable process could prepare a blockade subconscious that it would prevent to continue thinking them about that problem. Nevertheless, it can that the this now quite desperate one to take that step. Surely it will do it at the moment at which it suspects that you have deduced something. It has deduced it? - and, why it would have to say it, gentleman to it? Valti watched to him with patience. - Because single to the Society a decisive weapon can be trusted. - Only our party must have that weapon - Langley talked back dryly -. I have often heard that song. - It considers - Valti said. Its voice remained dispassionate -. Sun is a petrified civilization, interested only in maintaining the state present. The Centaurianos fanfarronean much about the vigor of the people of the border, but they are as dead as the others. If they won, would be an energy of destruction followed by a similar mold, nothing new except a change of masters. If a system suspects that the other has seized of Saris, it will attack immediately, initiating the most destructive war of history; that I have already seen reductions scale as you could not never imagine. The other small states but would not be better, even though were On guard to use the weapon of effective way. - In agreement - Langley said - Perhaps, it is right. But what tries to obtain their precious Society? who says that you are a race of...? - one stopped realizing of which it did not find a word that was equivalent to Santo or Angel, and finished of weak way: - Why you deserve everything? - he does not interest imperialism to us - Valti said -. We took the commerce between stars... - Probably cleaning the pockets in both ends. - Good, a honest retailer must live. But we do not have planet, we are not interested in having none... our home is the same space. We did not kill except in self-defense. Normally we avoided a retired fight by the simple one; there is always site in abundance within the universe and a long jump does easy to defeat the enemies merely surviving them. We are people very ours, with our own history, traditions, laws... the only neutral human power in the well-known galaxy. - Hábleme more - Langley said -. Until now I have only its word. You must have some central government, somebody that makes decisions and coordinates its efforts. Who are? Where they are? - I will be sincere completely, captain - Valti with smooth tone said -. I do not know it. - In? - Nobody knows it. Each ship is authorized to handle the ordinary businesses by itself. We took information in the planetary offices, we paid our tax. I do not know, nevertheless, where the information and the money go, nor the terrestrial links in the offices. There is a chain of communications, a secret bureaucracy cellular type that would be impossible to rake through thousands of years light. I have a high rank, directing at the moment the solar offices and can make many decisions by my same one. But by sealed circuit receipt once in a while you order individuals. It must here have at least one of the Earth heads, but where and who, or what, could not be said. - How this... government is able... to maintain to them; to you in line? - We obey - Valti said -. the naval discipline is powerful, even in those that as i myself they are recruited in planets more than been born in the space. The rites, the oaths... conditional to the own will, I know that they do not have case when an order deliberately has been violated. But we are free people. There is neither slavery nor no aristocracy between us. - Except for its patronos - murmured Langley -. How know that they work for their own good? - it is not necessary to read nothing sinister or melodramático in the simplifications of a security policy, captain. If the headquarters and the identity of our heads were known, would be too easy to attack and to annihilate. So and as it is, the promotion of the bureaucracy surrounds the complete disappearance, probably the surgical disguise. I will accept I content the supplies if sometimes she is made me. "Under these patronos, as you called them, the society has progressed in the thousand years of its foundation. We are a force on which there is to count. You saw like I was able to cause that that official of police bit the dust before me. Valti aspired deeply and followed in the subject: - and still I have not received any order on Saris, I build because I go ahead to the events; if they had sent me that it maintained to you prisoner to him, you have the complete security which it would not leave here. But so and as they are the things, I have enough free field to negotiate. There am my offer here: There are small hidden interplanetary ships in several Earth places. You can leave when she pleases. To move away of this planet. Surely hidden for any volume of the space unless one knows its orbit, there is a cruise armed of great speed. If it helps to find me to Saris, I will take you two to them and I will do whatever can rescue its companions. One will study to Saris, but any damage will not be done to him. If it wishes it later he can be given back to his native world. You can be united to the society, or can cause that she is sent to any planet colonized by the humans beyond the well-known region by Sun and Centaur to them. There are outside many adorable worlds, an ample cultural variety there, places in where you can feel again in house. His he compensates monetary will give you a good beginning him. "I do not believe that it likes to you more Earth already, captain. Nor it seems to me that he will prefer the responsibility to unleash a war that will desvastará planets. It seems to me that its better way is to be with us. Langley watched the ground. The fatigue was on the verge of seizing of him. to return to house, to backwards slide during years of light and centuries until finding to Peggy... it was a shout again that was born in its interior. - I do not know that to do - it murmured -. How I can be sure that you do not lie to me? - with a autopreservación instinct, it said -: I do not know where it is Saris, dése you you count either. I doubt until being able to find i myself him. Valti raised an eyebrow of skeptical way, but it did not say anything. - I need time to think - suplicó Langley -. Déjeme that consults it with the pillow. - If you wish - Valti rose and searched carefully in a drawer -. But it remembers, Chanthavar or Brannoch can soon prevent you to him that you make its election, if is to be hers own one, must do it soon. It removed a small box, of plastic, flat and was given it. - This is a signaller, fit to a frequency that varies continuously according to selected numerical series at random. It can solely be detected by another similar, that I have. If it needs, it presses east button to me and it calls. It is not precise that takes it until the mouth. It could even rescue to him of enmedio of Armed Forces, although he is better to maintain in east silence subject. Here... manténgalo near its skin, under its clothes. One will not fall to him, it will be hung by itself and he is transparent until for the ordinary rays that use the spies. Langley rose. - Thanks - he whispered -. you Are very honest letting to me go. "Or triquiñuela is only one to disarm to me". - it is not worth the trouble, captain - Valti accompanied going ahead to him until the outside. A car armed of the police took earth in the terrace -. I believe that it hopes to you a vehicle to him to transport to him to house. Good night, Sir. - Good night - Langley responded. Chapter 8 The Control of the Time had decreed rain for that zone today and Dark-brown it was raised under a sky under gray with its higher towers crossing mists. Watching after the window that constituted one of the walls of its living room, Brannoch saw only a metallic plenty of brilliance, vanishing in the rainwater curtain. Once in a while a lightning cracked and when it ordered that the window was opened to its face one cold whiff arrived to him from air. One felt enjaulado. While it took a walk by the room arrives and down there was rage in his heart. It whispered his report as if each word of him had to bite and to escupir itself to pronounce it. - Nothing - a damn sterile thing said -. Nor. They do not know it. They do not have nor idea from where it can be that creature. Their memories have been shaken until cellular level and qua has not appeared nothing we pruned to use. - Has some Chanthavar track? - the smooth and mechanical voice asked. - No. My Mesko agent in his last report said that a warehouse was fractured the night in which the small flying apparatus was robbed and that several boxes of space rations disappeared. So everything what must make that being is to hide in its chosen cubil, to place the ship in automatic flight and to put itself to hope. That he is what in appearance was doing then. - It would be rare that the human foods maintained to him indefinitely - said Thrymka -. the possibilities all in please their nutritious weaknesses are which these are a little different from ours. There will be some small comulativa deficiency or intoxicant. Possibly it can become ill and die. - That can use weeks - Brannoch replaced -, and while it is possible that it finds some way to obtain what needs. They can be only residual elements or simple particles, titanium... any thing. Or perhaps it makes some deal with some of those groups that they look for to him. I say to you that there is no time that to lose! - we realize - responded Thrymka -. you have punished to your agents by its failure in also seizing of Langley? - No. They treated it, but they had the luck in against. They almost capture it, there down in the Old City, but soon members armed of the society took off it of the hands. They could be bribed by Valti? Perhaps it was a good idea to give to that drop of tallow a shot and to undo of him for always. - No. - But... - No. The policy of the Council prohibits the murder of a member of the Society. Brannoch shrank bitterly of shoulders. - By fear to that they let deal with Centaur? We would have to construct our own merchant ships. We would have to be independent worldwide. Day will arrive in which the advice will see... - After you have founded a new dynasty to govern an interstellar hegemony Centauriana? Perhaps! - there was a weak note of irony in the artificial voice -. But it continues with your report; you know that we preferred the verbal communication. Have not provided you Blaustein and Matsumoto no useful information? - Good... yes. They say that if somebody can predict in where it is Saris and what it is what will do, that somebody is Langley. Our bad luck has been that we have not been successful in seizing of him. Now Chanthavar has mounted such guard in its winch that the kidnapping would be impossible. - Brannoch went a hand through its yellowish hair -. I have placed equal number of men mine to watch him, clear. At least they will make difficult that Chanthavar makes him disappear. During some time, we are in a deadlock. - What you have arranged to do both with prisoners? - Good... still they follow in the hiding place of the Old City. Anestesiados. I thought to erase the memory to them of the incident and to let to them march. They are not important. - They can be it - the monster, or the monsters said -. If they return to Chanthavar, they will be hostages who can be able to force Langley to that she lends its cooperation. But he is dangerous and annoying to continue conserving them we. Hazles to kill and that disintegrates the bodies. Brannoch stopped petrified. After long short while, during which beating of rain against the window seemed a resounding sound, shook the head. - No. - Why no? - Murder in the line of the business is a thing. But in Thor we did not kill the abandoned prisoners. - Your argument lacks logic. It issues the orders. Brannoch remained quiet. The disguised drawing of the wall turned slowly before its eyes; in the opposed part, rain was liquid silver lowering in abundance by the only great panel. It was happened to him quickly that never it had seen Trimano. There there were estereógrafos, but under the monstrous weight of his atmosphere, dragged by a planet of ninety thousand kilometers of diameter and three terrestrial gravities, no man could live. His it was a world in which the ice was like stone to form mountains, in where the liquid ammonia rivers and seas were torn by storms that could swallow to all whole Earth, on where the life was based on its chemical one exceeds hydrogen and the ammoniac one instead of I oxygenate and of the water, in where gas explosions took place red through the impenetrable dark. The population of those dominant species was calculated in 50.000 million and million years of history registered, it had united to them in a cruel civilization. It was not a world of men and some times he wished that the men never had sent robots to put themselves in contact with Trimanos. He considered what it happened inside that tank: four heavy discs, of six feet of diameter, of blue a dirty one, each one with six short ample legs with and acute claws; between each pair of legs there was an arm finished in a hand. Three fingers and of fantastic force. A swelling in the center of the disc was the head, rigidly fixes, with four eyes placed around a trunk like an antenna and on which an eardrum instead of ears. Underneath it was the mouth and another trunk that the nose contained and a species of nourishing tube. One could distinguish to two units of the same species, neither by its aspect nor by its acts. There was no difference in was spoke to Thrymka 1 or Thrymka 2. - these debating to You between refusing or not - the microacoustic voice said -. you do not like special to us. That was a damn part. To little distance Trimano could to the mind. One could be seen disabled to elaborate a plan or a thought that they did not understand. That was a reason for which they had become valuable advisors. The other reason was, bound with first: being united the antennas, they could discard any spoken language, communicating directly by the thought of nerve to nerve, in a ligación in which the individuality was left and several intelligences lost, organizations highly specialized, they became an unimaginable brain of being able and power. The advice of such multibrains had contributed much to help to the league of Alpha Centaur to reach his present strength. But they were not human. Nor remotely... Hardly they had nothing common with the man. They dealt with the league, an interchange of first necessary matters mutually; they seated in the advice, conserved positions highly executives. But the endiablada ability that did to its almost limitless minds, was a danger, being strange beings. Nothing its culture, its art, its ambitions was known. The emotions that could have. They were so strange that the only possible communication with the humanity was at level of one cold logic. Damn it is, a man was something more than a logical machine. - Your way to think is clouded - Thrymka said -. You can clarify formulating it your observations verbally. - I do not want to cause that they kill those men - Brannoch with llaneza said -, it is a ethics question. It would never pardon the be to me it done... - Your society has prepared to you throughout lines to arbitrate them - Thrymka said -. Like in most of your relational concepts, that is foolish, goes against the survival. Within a unified civilization, that the man does not have, so ethical it could be justified, but not before the aspect of the existing conditions. It has been ordered to you that you kill those men. - and if I do not do it? - Brannoch with smooth voice asked. - When the advice finds out your insubordination, you will be dismissed and all your possibilities to reach your ambitions, will vanish. - the advice does not have why to find out. He could break the tank your. He would explode like weights of the depths. A lamentable accident. - you will not do it. You cannot do without us. Also, the fact of your culpability would be known by all Trimanos of the advice in when you appeared before them. Brannoch dropped shoulders. They had to him in his hands and it knew it. In agreement with their own orders of the mother country, they had to always give the final opinion. A strong drink used and it worried it of a drink. Soon a special signaller pressed. - Yantri speaking. Desembarazaros of those two motors. To dismantle the parts. Immediately. That is everything. Rain continued falling of infinite way. Brannoch watched it inexpressive. Good... that was everything. "I dealed with not doing it". The force of the alcohol comforted to him. It had gone against the grain, but already it had killed many men before, and not few with his own hands. Was very different the way from its own death? One shook of itself such thoughts, treating to appeal to the last coldness that circulated around its blood. It was left much that to do. - I suppose - it said -, that you know that Langley is going to come today here. - we have read that in your brain. But we are not sure that Chanthavar allows it. - to obtain a track of sure me, an idea of my procedures Also, it would have to be placed against his higher authorities, some of which are in my list, which they have decreed that Langley has a maximum of freedom during one season. There is much part of sentimentality in that man of the past. Chanthavar would defy to them if it thought that it could gain something, but right now wants to use to Langley for bait for me. To give to me to the sufficient voltage so that me electrocute. Brannoch smiled suddenly, feeling more spirited. - I will follow the game to him. Nonobject to that it knows my game in the present, because there is no much can make prevent it. I have invited to Langley so that it is dropped and we will chat. If it knows where it is Saris, you will be able to read it in its mind. I will direct the conversation in that sense. If it does not know it, then I will have a plan to discover exactly what it has discovered of the problem and as it is the answer. - the balance is very delicate - Thrymka said -. At the moment that Chanthavar suspects that we have a track, it will take its measures. - I know It. But I am going to activate all the organization: Spies, sabotage, sedition, by all the Solar System. That to him will maintain occupied, and it will make him pospone his arrest and interrogations of Langley until he is sure that the individual knows it. Meanwhile, we can... sound a bell. That must now be he, in the low elevator. We already go! Langley entered with a slow cadence, watching in the threshold. It seemed tired very. Their conventional clothes were not disguise for him, even if not of a single pure race and without mixtures, one would recognize to him immediately like foreigner by its way to walk, its gestures, and a thousand of subtle indications. Brannoch thought with affection about the solitaire that the man would have to be. Soon, with a secret laughter, it thought: "we will already fix that". Going ahead, its red layer flame waving from its shoulders, the Centauriano smiled. - Good morning, captain. She has been very amiable you when coming. He hoped anxious this to char it with you grease. - I cannot remain much - Langley said. Brannoch sent a glance towards the window. A ship battle flew with rain falling by its flanks. There were men bet everywhere, spy rays, ready arms to be used. This time was useless to try a kidnapping. - Good, please, it siéntese. Drink something - dropping its own enormous form in a armchair it added -: to Probably I will bore him with stupid questions about its period and on how they lived then. Then, well, it is mistaken. I will not go that way. But I want to ask something to him about the planets in which one stopped. The skinny face of Langley became hardened. - It watches - it said slowly -. the only reason that I have had to come was the one to try to remove from its claws to my companions. Brannoch shrank of shoulders. - I feel much - its tone was gentile -. But it watches, I do not have them. I admit that it wished to do to me with them, but somebody went ahead to me more. - If that is a lie, it will be possible to be conserved until one of them appears - said the man of the space with coldness. Brannoch sucked its drink. - It watches, I cannot demonstrate it, I cannot demonstrate it to it. I do not censure to be to him distrustful. But why to throw the fault to me particularly? There are others also were as anxious as I. For example, the commercial Society. - They... - Langley doubted. - I know It. They seized of you you make a pair of nights. The news circulate quickly. They must of have spoken with you in very sweet terms. How knowledge that said the truth to him? To Goltam Valti it likes to approach of winding way. It does not please to think to him either about misino himself as a spider and is not bad that tactics. Langley fixed to him its tormented eyes. - one seized or did not seize you of my men? - he asked with harshness. - By my honor, not - Brannoch did not have scruples of condénela when it was precise -. I do not have anything to do with which it happened that night. - There were two mixed groups. One was the Society. Which was the other? - Possibly also the agents of Valti. He would be hopeful that you believed a species to him of rescuer. Oh... is a possibility here! Same Chanthavar mounted the scene of the kidnapping. It wanted to prove the interrogation, but maintaining to him to you like reserve. When you escaped to him, the gang of Valti could have tried to take advantage of the opportunity or the own Valti is possible that it is in the list of Chanthavar... or even, by fantastic that seems, Chanthavar in the one of Valti. The exchanges of the bribe... - Brannoch smiled -. I imagine that it is going away to show you very learned lesson when it returns with the Channy friend. - Yes, already I said to him what thought to do. I already am very of quo urge to me throughout. - Langley gave a great one I suck to its drink. - I am watching within the subject - Brannoch said -. I must know i myself him. It is more, not yet has been possible to discover nothing to me. Langley twisted the fingers. - It thinks that I will return to see those boys? - it asked. - It is difficult to say. But it does not lose the hopes and it does not accept any supply of commerce with his lives in exchange for his information. - I do not want nor to think it. Too much risks. - Not - Brannoch murmured -. I do not believe that you think it. One still relaxed more and it sent the key question: - Know you where you are Saris Hronna? - No, I do not know it. - it does not have the smaller idea? It is not in a site probably this way? - I do not know it. - Good, I promised to him not to bother to him. Relájese, captain. You seem a willow mustio. Have another drink. The conversation stayed during one hour, being mistaken from stars to planets. Brannoch was enchanted and believed to have been able to please to its guest. - I must go to me - Langley said finally -. My young ladies of company must be putting themselves nervous. - As she wants. Return when she pleases. - Brannoch accompanied to him until the door -. Oh, to intention! There will be a gift for you when you return. I believe that it will like. - Eh? - Langley watched with fixedness. - Nothing of bribes. It will not be forced to me under any concept. If he does not accept it, victim would consider me. But it has happened oneself to me that with all that people treating to use to him as if it was a tool, to anybody has been happened to him to think that you are a man. - Brannoch put the hand to him in the shoulder -. Good bye. Good luck. When one had gone away the Centauriano returned towards its listening. There was an ardor within him. - you obtained It? - it asked -. You caught its thoughts? - Not - the voice said -. it was impossible to Us to read its thought. - What? - Everything was a hieroglyphic. Nothing was reconocible. We have FIAR to us of your plan now. Brannoch collapsed in the chair. In just a short time one noticed discouraged. Why? Perhaps the slow accumulation of mutations had altered so much the human brain? It did not know it. Trimanos never had trusted to nobody how its telepathy worked. But... good, Langley was still a man. There was an opportunity. "a best possibility, if I know the men". Brannoch sighed with bitterness and tried to move away of if same that tension Chapter 9 The escort of the police accompanied all the way to him by return. And there would be others between the multitudes of the bridge-steps, hidden after the deluge that made the transparent covers opaque. Not but peace, not more privacy... unless it yielded, that what said really it thought. It would have to do it or before much his mind one would be destroyed and his extracted knowledge, while, it reflected Langley, until now had made a good work of dissimulation, to act confused. It was not too difficult. It came from another civilization and their changes of tone and gesture and voice could not be interpreted by the most expert psychologists of today. Also he had been in his times a good poker player. But who? Chanthavar, Brannoch, Valti? Did not have Saris any right in the subject? All could be lying to him. It could be that there was not nor a word really in any of his arguments. Perhaps nobody would have to have the new force, the best era to possibly reduce to Saris to ashes with an energy ray and to forget to him. But how at least could become that? Langley shook the head. It had to be decided and fast. If it read one of those rare and difficult books, to learn it something... only a little, only the enough thing to deduce whom more could be trusted. Or perhaps it would have take drastic measure. He would not be nothing else sensible drawing for to see to that trusted its secret that to confront in the blind destiny that seemed to govern the luck of the humanity. ... it did not have to live faithful to if same, all the rest of his days. It left to the terrace of the tower of the palace that belonged to its apartment. The corridor lead to him until the elevator and started off upwards, in the direction of its own level. Four guards, of cruel aspect in still the black armor battle that seemed weave, followed to him; but finally the outside of their door was had left. Langley stopped to leave them that they made a search. - Ábrete, sésamo - it said with tired voice and it crossed the threshold. The door was closed single behind him. Then, by a ratito, it had as an explosion in his head and remained planted in the dense dark. That was raised. It turned on his feet, without moving, feeling tears that ran to him by the face. - Peggy - it whispered. She approached to him with the same grace of his to walk to strides, thanks to her long legs, that he remembered. The simple white dress was fitted to esbelta waist with an elegant pin and the curly hair fell to him until shoulders. The eyes were great and green, was smoothness in the ample mouth, its nose a little respingona and in their edges and their bridge a few tiny freckles that gave grace him. When it was close stopped and one knelt down before him. It saw how the light slipped on its shining hair. It extended the hand to him like touching it, but its hand did not want to obey and to follow all the way. Their teeth castañetearon suddenly and was a chill in their meat. Blind person, returned to him the back to her. He beat his fists against the wall, as soon as touching it, leaving forces them that dominated their nerves to him they extended to him controlling the muscles that wished to destroy the world. It seemed that he would pass an eternity before it could return to watch the face. It still was awaited. - you are not Peggy - it said through its tears -. you are not Peggy. It did not understand the English, but she must have caught its meaning. The voice was low, as the one of Peggy it were, but not completely identical. - Sir, calls Marin to me. I have been sent like gift by Lord Brannoch Dhu Crombar. He will be a true one to please to serve to him. "At least". Langley thought, "that son of dog has had the enough sense common to give another name him". Its heart, barking at great speed within the cage of its ribs, began to fail in its rates and opened the mouth in search of air. Little by little, it called to the robot on watch. - Dame a tranquilizer - I said -. I need to remain conscious but calm. The voice sounded strange to its ears. When it had swallowed a liquid, it felt the increasing dark. Their hands shook while the heat returned to them. The heart diminished the rate, the lungs extended, the sudorosa skin shook and it relaxed. Within him there was balance, as if its pain dated from very many years. She examined the girl and it directed a timid smile to him. ... it was not Peggy. The face and the figure, yes, but no American woman would never have smiled of that way, with that particular curve in the lips. It was a little more discharge, account occurred, and it did not walk like the free been born ones. And the voice... - From where you have come? - he, vaguely confused asked before the uniformity of his tone -. Háblame of same you. - I am a slave of Class Eight - it, affectionate responded but without realizing her expression of voice -, To us they raise us to be intelligent and pleasant companions. I am twenty years old and I am virgin. Milord Brannoch bought to me few days ago, it did a few surgical alterations to me and psychological to prepare to me and it sent to me here like gift for you. I am to its orders, gentleman. - All neat one, eh? - Yes, Sir. All neat one. I will serve to him as you want -. There was in his eyes a weak brilliance of fear. Histories about sadistic pervertidos proprietors must have circulated through the centers of training and young of slaves. But to him it liked the way in that she watched to him. - it does not matter - it said -. I am not going to do nothing absolutely. You will return to Lord Brannoch and you will say to him that he is a dirty bastard who finishes destroying any possibility of obtaining my cooperation. Repítale my same words. The girl ruborizó and her eyes filled of tears. At least it had good, clear pride... that Brannoch would have to know that Langley would not be interested in a wrist without soul. The young person had to deliver an attack to control his answer: - Then, do not love you, gentleman to me? - Limítate to give that message. Márchate. The girl inclined and she became to go away. Langley leaned against the wall, with the fists strongly tightened. "Oh, Peggy, Peggy, affection mine". - It hopes a little while! - it seemed as if another person had spoken. The girl stopped. - Dígame, gentleman? - Cuéntame... what will be of tí now? - I do not know it, Sir. Lord Brannoch can punish to me... - it shook to the head with a stranger and tozuda sincerity that did not fit in a slave. But Peggy also had been of that way -. No, Sir. Account will occur of which I am not the guilty. Perhaps it maintains to me during one season. Or sell me to somebody. I do not know it. Langley felt one hard congoja in its throat. Fat minister Yuliem dribbling to a girl who looked itself like Peggy! - Not - it smiled, the smile hurt to him in the mouth -. I feel It. You... astonished to me. You do not go away. Siéntate. She found a chair for itself and she did doubling it the knees and seating on the heels. On its feet. Langley caressed the head to him with great smoothness. - You know who I am? - it asked. - Yes, Sir. Lord Brannoch said to me you were a space man of a very old time that was lost and... I look myself like your wife, now. I suppose that it used photographies to make the copy, Said that vos you would be been thankful to have to which it was physically looked like her. - and what plus? What assumes that I must do? You must try to convince me for helps it? My aid in a very important subject needs. - No, Sir - it maintained the calm glance to him -. I must obey solely to all your desires. That... - a slight frown crossed his smooth front, very similar to those frowns of Peggy that Langley had engravings in its heart -. That can that he creates depends on your gratitude. - Good possibility! - Langley tried to think. He was not own of Brannoch, that would have to be a cynical realist, to think that that is what the space man would make surrender before his magnimidad. Or yes that was it? Some characteristics of the human nature had changed with the total change of the society. Perhaps a terrestrial one of today reacted that way. - Delays of me who feels to me forced with him? - it asked slowly. - No, Sir. Why you were going to be it? I am not no expensive gift. Langley longed for to have its old pipe. It would have to order one of these days in ordering that something of tobacco cut according to the old times was prepared to him, thought vaguely; nobody, then, smoked pipe. It caressed the bronzed hair of the girl with a hand that the drug had given back its tranquillity. - Háblame of same tí, Marin - it said -. What, life class you must take? It described it, competently, without resentment but without joy. The center did not agree with any of the preconceived slight knowledge of Langley. Far from being a place of lujuria, it sounded like a quite liberal convent. There there were forests and fields to take a walk between the walls; there an excellent education was received; there there were no attempts - except conditioning the acceptance to get to be property to limit each personality to be developed in his own way. But, sure those girls were destined to being concubines of high category, something more than only a body. With the languor that produced the sedative to him, Langley warned that Marin could be to him very useful. It did a few questions about history and of the current events and she it provided intelligent answers to him. Perhaps its culture could help him to decide what is what would have to do. - Marin - asked ensoñador -, you have ridden sometimes in a horse? - No, Sir. I know to pilot a car or a rocket, but never I mounted no animal. He would be graceful to prove it - she smiled completely calm already. - Sight - Langley said -, that treatment of you leaves and you do not return to me to call Sir. My name is Edward... to be brief only Ed. - Yes, Sir... Edward... - frunció with an infantile seriousness -. I will try to remember. Perdóname if I forget to me. And in public he will be better to conserve the ordinary rules. - It is well. Now... - Langley could not resist those clear eyes. It turned aside the Vista and nailed it in rain -. You to like it to be free? - Sir? - Ed, curse! I suppose that I can darte the freedom. You would not like to be free agent? - He is... very amiable on the other hand - Per responded she slowly -.... - Well? - But what could do? It would have to lower to the lowest level, to get to be the wife of a comunero or a maid or one prostituta. There is no another election. - Pretty system. Here above, at least these prote'ge'e and between your equal ones intellectually speaking. She is well, was only one idea. Considérate leaves from the furniture. She laughed. - You are... wonderful - it said -. I had very many luck. - and a hell that yes. Sight, I go close to mantenerte because I do not have heart for soltarte. But it can have danger. I am indeed in the center of an interstellar game of poker and... I will deal with sacarte of underneath if the things are put bad, but can that does not obtain it. I came sincerely, you can enfrentarte to the perspective of which they kill to you Or... or any thing thus? - Yes, Langley. They have trained to me to have the habit of the physical value. - I would wish that you did not speak to me that way - he with sadness said -. But I suppose that it is not possible to be avoided. People can continue being the same one in her interior, but they are created different in the surface. Good... - Which is your danger, Edwy? I can ayudarte? - it put a hand to him in the knee. Esbelta was a hand but hard -. I want ayudarte, truely. - Ajaja - the head shook -. I do not go to decirte more than what must, because if people think that you know something you will also become a bet of the game. - It had to use the English phrase. Only the chess had survived the games of its time, but the girl became a quite appropriate idea of the sense -. and you do not try to deduce things, either. You I assure it, is dangerous. There was no calculation in the way in which it rose and she leaned on him and she caressed the cheek to him with a hand. - I feel It - the young person whispered -. She must be terrible for you. - I will support It. Let us continue with the trip. I like, but now I am under the effect of a sedative. Verte was all an impression and during some time I will not manage to accustom to me. Mantente a little to the bottom, Marin; it looks for shelter if I begin arrojarte things. You do not deal with mostrarte likeable. Limítate to leave me calm. Understood? The girl agreed without saying nothing. In spite of the drug, its voice became rough. Still it felt a knife within him. - You can sleep in that room. I like, but nondesire your pink body. Not... of the way in which the things go. - It is well - she answered calm -. I include/understand. If you change of idea, also I will understand it - after a little while, it added -: You have to know that if you want you can cause that they alter my physical aspect again to me. Langley did not respond, but that seated astonished. It was the logical answer... No. One would always remember. It did not want to hide of a certain fact. Only in its room, Langley put the pajamas and it put in the bed. Closing the eyes, it tried to evoke the image of Peggy. It was dead, had gone away killed as much time that its very same blood was scattered by all a complete race. She entered whenever possible that all to which was well-known, Chanthavar and Brannoch and Valti and Marin and Yulien and the crowded together anonymous comuneros in the lowest level, had started off, were descending, of one night unforgettable with her. It was a strange thought. She asked herself if one would have become to marry; she hoped that yes, she hoped that the second husband had been a good man and that its life had passed happy, but was not probable. Peggy was of that class of women who only give themselves once. It tried to see it before him but it was difficult to obtain a clear vision. Marin erased it, they were as two photographies one of the other and not completely equal, with the blurred edges. The smile of Peggy never was like which it finished seeing now... or yes? They could later be hours when it heard an explosion. One seated completely without information in the bed, watching before him. That had been the boom of a detonator! Another detonation was heard and boots taconearon on the ground. Langley was put still on. Armed Forces... A true kidnapping this time, in spite of all the guards! Another firing of energy flamed somewhere outside the room and heard an oath exclaimed with a deep voice. One hid against the most distant wall, doubling the fists. There were no lights. If they went after him, who cost his work to locate to them to him. The tumult rolled until some place of the living room. Soon it heard the shout of Marin. It jumped towards the door. - To open, damn! - the door heard to him and it dilated. A metallic arm pushed to him backwards, demolishing to him to the ground. - Quédese where it is, Sir - it was a whispered rough order by which it occupied the helmet battle similar to a mask -. they have entered... - Dejadme to leave! - Langley pushed the giant form of the solar police. He was useless; the slave remained immovable as if it was a rock. - I feel It, Sir, my orders are... A bluish white ray crossed the Vista field. Langley could see a figure with spacesuit leaving by the destroyed window and Marin twisting in its arms. Another police persecuted, shooting to him frenetic. Soon, slowly, a silence took place. The guard inclined. - they have already gone away, Sir. Leave if it wishes. Langley advanced in the disorder of its living room. There was smoke, burned plastic, and bitter regusto of ozone. The furniture was destroyed and among them the black figures and corpulentas of the men with armors were seen that filled the camera. - What happened? - it shouted -. In name of God, What it has happened? - Tranquilícese, Sir - the head of the squad lay down the helmet back; the shaved head seemed to him small, leaving the metal and the fabric that its body boxed -. You are well. He wishes a sedative? - I asked to You what is what it has happened! - Langley wished to destroy that impassible face -. Ahead, I occurred it... you I order it. - Very well, Sir. Two espacionaves small, Navies, attacked to us from the outside - the commander indicated to the destroyed large window -. While one entertained our boats, the other unloaded to several men space armor and antigravitational units of flight, that entered the "suite". Some give they remained it go fearing to ray to the reinforcements ours that came by the door, one seized of your slave. Soon we met, came more men and the enemy retired. He has not had low in any side, I create. It has been a brief action. Fortunately they could not seize of you, Sir. - Who were they? - I do not know it, Sir. Its equipment was not the normal one of any well-known troops or police. I believe that one of our airships has sent them a tracking ray, but it is impossible to follow them outside the atmosphere and is difficult to imagine to where they go. But, it cálmese, Sir. You are out of danger. "Yes. Out of danger ". Langley was repressed and it separated. It felt as if their forces had expressed him all. After one hour it appeared Chanthavar. Its face carefully remained inexpressive while it examined the destructions. - they have gone away, in agreement - it said -. But it does not concern much, since they failed. - Who were, it knows it? - it asked with Langley stupidity. - No, it could not say it. Probably Centaurianos, possibly of the society. I will investigate it, clear - Chanthavar ignited a cigarette -. In certain way, is a hopeful sign. When a spy resorts to the force methods, she is that, of ordinary, she is desperate. - He watches - Langley took to him of the arm -. you Have who to find them. He must obtain that they give back me girl to that. Chanthavar smoked its cigarette hard, sucking until the cheeks swelled so much to him that disappeared the pómulos. Their eyes nailed computers in the American. - So that it already has gotten to mean much for you? - it asked. - No! Good, damn it is always, it is single honesty! You cannot leave them destroy, looking for it something that the girl does not know. - He is only one slave - one shrank of Chanthavar shoulders -. In appearance she was raptada due to an impulse when they were themselves repelled of his rooms. That does not mean anything. I will give a duplicate him of her if that is so important for you. - No! - In agreement, as it pleases. But if you try to deal with information so that they give back it... - I do not want - Langley said. His you lie had become a mechanical reflection -. I do not have anything in which to still deal... no, anyway. - I will do everything with my forces - Chanthavar replaced. It slapped the shoulder of Langley with one breva and surprising friendship -. Now it vuélvase to the bed. I prescribe two hours of rest with a drug of dreams. Langley took it without protesting. He would be something that would allow to escape of the sense of its own and deep impotence. Their dreams, their memories fell in abyss. When waking up it found everything repaired while it slept; the at night previous fight seemed never to have happened. In the evening the Sun made shine to the ships that patrolled beyond their window. Its mind clung to the problem like a hungry dog to an old bone of which all nutritious particle has disappeared. Marin... Because she had approached to him, she had been lost herself in the dark. Because it had been amiable with him, it had been given to the fear and the captivity and to the torment. She was only because it looked myself like Peggy? She was by she herself? It was the principle of something? Any thing that was the anguish of him had an origin, and was a present, present thing. It thought about calling to Brannoch, in calling to Valti, throwing to them to the face his accusations and... and what? They would deny everything. Several times it called to the office of Chanthavar, to be informed by maddening educated secretary who had left in trip of businesses. It smoked incessantly, it took a walk by the room, it was thrown to a armchair and one became to raise. Once in a while it reviewed all its existence of curses and obscenidades. Of nothing Serbian him. The night arrived and it sank in another length and deep dream. It could be that it ended up becoming an addict one to drugs... or committing suicide, average more cleaner express and to die. It thought about showing themselves to the balcony and throwing themselves to the street. Thus that chaos would finish all. A constructed affluent robot would sweep its destroyed rest and for him that universe would let exist. In the evening, a visit arrived. When they announced it, it ran towards the telephone, it encountered, it fell to the ground and one rose, swearing. The hand the switch had left return; it shook uncontrollably. The face of Chanthavar smiled with a little usual heat. - I have the good news for you, captain - it said -. We found the girl. Briefly its mind refused to accept it. The heavy furrow of the sutilidad so was worn away that it did not seem to hold to him. It watched fixedly, with the opened mouth, oyendo the words as if they came from the distance. - it was seated in a step-bridge, been annoying enough, when we gathered it. Post-anesthetic reaction. One has already recovered. I am sure that any mental deep examination was not done to him, perhaps a smooth narcosynthesis... That I see not has made it no damage absolutely. It has all along been unconscious. Nothing knows. I am going to send it now to it. - Chanthavar smiled -. That enjoys her! The impact filtered slowly through the bathtubs of madness. Langley knelt down, wanting to say or to cry or the two things. But it could not do nothing. Soon it began to laugh heartily itself. The hysteria had vanished to him already for when the girl entered. But it was the most natural thing of the world to embrace it. She tightened it, shaking when reacting. Finally they seated together in diván, taken of the hands. She said to him what could. - they took to Me, took me to the ship. Somebody aimed to me with a desvanecedora pistol and soon I did not know more. The following thing that memory is to be sitting in the bank of the bridge, while the sidewalk moved. They had to put to me there, they lead to me in a sonambulismo state and they left to me. I am been annoying. Later a police came and it took to me before minister Chanthavar. It did questions to me and it gave a medical review me and it said that nothing seemed bad. Later it has commanded to me here. - I do not understand it - Langley said -. I do not understand it absolutely. - minister Chanthavar said that in appearance they took to me with the hope of which he could be valuable... when they failed in seizing of tí. To me they maintained so that unconscious it could not identify to anybody. They did a few simple questions to me under the narcosynthesis and they loosen to me when they realized of which them it could not be of any, aid - it sighed, smiling a little tremulous -. I am glad which they let to me march. Langley included/understood that the girl did not say it only by itself. It swallowed the drink that had prepared and it seated without speaking during awhile. Its mind noticed strangely clear, but the last hours of nightmare formed a species of I put below everything. So that was what meant. That was what Sun and Centaur tried: A cruel game of force, in where nobody counted, in where no act was too vile. The moment at which a side felt that it had some advantage, to send it on the back of the other and in the struggle not to concern the one that the planets were destroyed. That was what it assumed that had to sanction. Still it knew well little about the Society; surely it would not be a collection of sincere altruists. But it seemed that they were neutral, that they were not lunáticos sleepy of empire. Surely they would know plus the galaxy, would have one better opportunity to find for him some young world him in where it could again be man. Its election was clear, it would make him run through a death game, but there are things worse than the extinction. It watched at the pretty profile of the girl its side. It wanted to ask to him that it is what that thought, wished. Hardly it knew it. But it could not, was impossible to speak to him, with existing the mechanical ears of listening in the room. It would have to make its decision by she herself. The girl faced her glance her calm green eyes. - It would wish that you said to me what is what it happens, Edwy - she said -. I seem to be so exposed as you in any case and would prefer to know it. It made it enter and it told the one him of Saris Hronna and the persecution. The girl caught the idea, she agreed without being excited and she was contained to ask to him if immediately an answer knew or what it is what tried to do. - It is a very great thing - she said. - Yes - Langley answered -. and before anything it will still turn to you something greater. Chapter 10 It could at the same time have eyes that heard in the walls. Langley went to the bed shortly after the putting of the sun. The spy rays penetrated among the signaller, was this Valti, but of all ways the pajamas was put. Means transposed were laid down during one hour, but incapable to fall asleep absolutely. Soon it ordered music in high voice. The noise of registered music would drown any conversation conducted in low voice. It hoped that the inner tension that it seemed to form a knot to him in the stomach, was not reflected in its factions. Gropingly, as if it felt in the dark, it pressed the button. Soon it ignited a cigarette and one tended to hope. The smooth voice was like vibration within him... It thought about hetereodinados and focused sonic rays towards the bony cavities of his skull... He was something that sounded dissonant, but knew more or less that Valti had said somewhere,: - Ah, Langley captain. You to me do an honor without precedents. It is a pleasure to see itself started of a comfortable bed to oir to him. He allows to advise me to him that he speaks with the closed lips? The transmission will be the quite clear thing. - In agreement - there was a desperate question that it had to formulate -. I am prepared to negotiate with you... but it has in its power to Blaustein and Matsumoto? - No, captain. He does not accept my word? - I... believe yes that. He is, well. I will say to him where I believe that Saris is... if it does not matter to him, a guest guest... and I will help him to find him if is possible. In return, I want that it does all whatever can rescue my friends, along with money, protection and the transport that offered to me, as much for me as for another person, an enslaved girl who is with me in this apartment. It was difficult to discern if the joy went what more thickness forced that fat man to respond with a voice something than of ordinary. - Very well, captain. I make sure it, will never regret which does. Now, like practical considerations, you must disappear without leaving sign. - I am not very safe of how it is going to be able to become that cochair, Valti. I believe that I am more or less I bleat arrest to domicile it. - Despite, you will leave tonight. Déjeme to think... Within two hours the girl and you will go to the gallery or terrace. By God, háganlo so that it seems natural. Quédense there, to total Vista of those of above, happens what it happens. - It is well. Two hours... 23:47 of my clock, agreement? Good bye. Now it had to hope. Langley took another cigarette and remained laid down as if it listened, music: "Two hours! Before it happens that time I will be a ruin of encanecidos hair ". The time crawled slowly, seemed to pass an eternity of minute by minute. Langley swore, entered the living room and marked in a dial to obtain a book. Modern basic physics. So and as the time passed of slowly in two hours would have enough like obtaining the title of Doctor in Sciences. Suddenly account occurred of which there was been watching the same page during last the fifteen minutes. Hastily it marked the following one. Even if he were not registered, had to behave as if outside. It watched the clock and it felt as the muscles of the stomach became hardened to him. Twenty minutes to go away. It had to remove it go to Marin. It could not leave it in that hell and had to do it of a way that did not call the attention to the observers. During a ratito he remained seated thinking. The only way was not of its affability. A distant predecessor of the New England tightened the lips angry and tried to retain to him. But... He walked towards the door of the room of her. He opened himself single and one was watching the girl: He was slept. The smooth scattered cobrizo hair around its face, a face that emanated peace. It dealed with not remembering Peggy and it caressed the arm. It seated. - Oh... Edwy - it was on the awares blinking What happens? - I feel despertarte - it said with terneza -. it could not sleep. It felt to me, like in hell. You want to come to speak with me? She watched to him with something similar to the compassion. - Yes - she responded finally -., Yes clear. Lying down a layer over his nightgown, she followed to him the terrace. Upon them the stars shone. Against the remote fulgor of the lights of the city the black form of a patrol ship stood out. To Langley a gust of wind excited the hair to him. It was wondered where raised Dark-brown the present one... not far from the old location of Winnipeg, right? Marin leaned against its flank and it surrounded the waist with the arm. The vague light showed a pensativa and uncertain curve in the pretty mouth of the young person. - one is well here outside - Langley said to say something. - Yes... It waited for some thing. Langley knew what was and also the seated observers of Chanthavar before its screens. God, how it wished to be able to escape to his eyes! One stopped and it was forced to kiss it. It responded gentile, with something of stupidity, nevertheless. Soon she watched with long fixedness short while and she could not say nothing. - I feel It - she murmured finally. How much they would take in going away? Five minutes? Ten? - So that? - she asked. - she did not have right to... - You have all the right. I am yours, already you know it. For that I am. - Cállate - rugió he -. I talk about moral right. Sienes felt a peening in his. - We go - she said, taking him from the hand -. We return inside. - Not... still not - Langley stammered. It hoped. And because there it did not seem to have another thing that to do, it was kissing it again. "Five minutes? Three? Two? One ". - We go - it whispered -. She enters now with me. It was made back. - Delay... hopes... - You are not scared to me. What happens to you? There is something rare in tí... - Cállate! - respingó the American. A fire bloomed in the air. A moment later Langley felt puñetazo of the impact. It was sent backwards and it seen pass as a ray to one espacionave sending flames against the patrol ship. The wind rieló after her. - Aléjate of enmedio, Edwy! - Marin was sent in search of protection of the living room. Langley took it of the hair, it forced it to back down and it remained in the open. The attacking ship flew, disappearing blurred. And something seized of Langley and it made him ascend turning. "a ray tractor", thought crazy, "a ray of controlled gravity". Later something black yawned before him. An open gangway. It happened to his traverse and the door was closed immediately to its backs. While it was reanimated perceived the beat of great motors. Marin was curled up on its feet. She raised it and it shook between her arms. - Everything goes or - it whispered to him uncertain -. Everything goes or. We managed to escape. Perhaps. A man with gray coverall entered the small sealed chamber. - done Well, Sir! - it said -. I believe that we go away without newness. It wants to follow to me? - What is this? - frenetic Marin asked -. Where we go? - I made a deal with the Society - Langley explained -. they will remove from the Solar System to Us. We are going to be free, both. Inner it was asked if it would be certain. They lowered by a close corridor. The ship trepidaba in its winch. At the end of the corridor they entered a stuffed and brilliant small stay of instruments. A screen contained a Vista of hard stars of the space. Goltam Valti emerged in its armchair to slap the back of Langley and to shake the hand to him and to rugir a greeting. - Wonderful, captain. Excellent! a most excellent work, if you pardon the lack to me of modestia. Langley was weak. I drop myself in a seat, dragging to Marin so that one seated in its lap without thinking it at least. - What is what it happened exactly? - it asked. - A few others and I escabullimos us of the tower of the society - Valti said -. We took a fast ship to direct us to the property of a minister who... gets along... with us in where we maintain a small bastion. Two were needed espacionaves: one to create a brief dispersion of forces and this one to gather you to them and to escape taking advantage of the confusion. - What has of the other ship? They did not capture it? - That this already solved. There will be a lucky firing that will demolish it already... knows, a placed pump on board. It goes manned by robots and has been cleaned with taken care of of all sign of his proprietor except one or two small suggestions that will indicate to Chanthavar their centauriano origin - Valti blinked -. Pity to have to lose so excellent ship. Its good means million lots cost. It is difficult at this time to anticipate substantial benefits. - As soon as Chanthavar you make inquiries will find it to need... - My good captain! - Valti seemed victim -. I am not no fan. My double one duer to me pacifically and legally in my own rooms. - Clear - pensativo added -, if we can find to Saris can that is necessary that I also leave Sun. If he is thus, I hope that my successor knows to handle the venusiano commerce. It is quite difficult; with extreme facility he can put itself to the red one. - In agreement - Langley exclaimed -. Done it is. I already am it jeopardize. Which is its plan of action? - That depends from where he and of what is methods will be necessary to make contact with the enemy. But this cruise is fast, quiet, screened against radiations; equipped with artillery well and on board there are thirty armed men. Think that they will be sufficient? - Me... it seems yes to me that. Tráigame maps of the zone of Mesko. Valti agreed and the small hairy greenish creature called Thakt, that was been in a corner, perceived the gesture. She gave a small jump and she left. - Charming youngster - inclined Valti -. I can ask how is called? - Marin - it with a voice thread responded. One rose of the lap of Langley and remained still on, endorsed against the wall. - Everything goes well - it said to the man of the space nonsubjects. - I am not scared - the girl responded, treating to smile I am only stunned. Thakt returned with a handful of papers. Langley was involved in them, frunciendo the frown, treating to find direction in the middle of that altered geography. - Once, in Holat - he said -. Daris and I took the free day to go of fishing and he showed some caves to me. Then I spoke to him of the Carlsbad Caves, in New Mexico and one was very interested. Later, shortly after which we started off for the Earth, it returned them to mention and I promised to take to him to see them to him. While we examined some terrestrial maps for benefit of several holatanos philosophers, I showed its location to him. So if has managed to obtain maps of the modern world, Carlsbad would not be very far and he would know that that zone is forbidden land, almost unexplored. Clear that so far he could be colonized or to have disappeared of the existence, by how much I know. Valti followed the direction that indicated the finger of Langley. - Yes... I believe that I have heard speak of that place - it said with one picks yes of excitation -. Corrad Caverns..., here. Is that the site? - Ah, then I know it. Form leaves from territories of minister Ranull, in where the life develops wild. Some times it takes to its guests until the Corrad Caverns, but I am sure that nobody is introduced very far in them. Most of the time must be completely desert. A shining suggestion, captain! I congratulate to him. - If it does not give result - Langley aimed -, then I will be as in the dark as you. - we will prove It. Of all ways, you will have his you compensate. - Valti spoke by a signaller -. We will go back in followed. There is no time that to lose. It wishes some stimulating drug...? Take, this will give to vivacity and energy him for the next hours and can get to need it. Perdóneme, I must complete some details. One went away and Langley was solo with Marin. She contemplated to him during some time without speaking. - She is or - he said -. He is or, I was decided by a side. I imagine that the Society will make better use of this force that no other faction. But, sure you are a Sun citizen If you do not approve it, I feel it. - I do not know. She is one loads very great so that one takes it on its own shoulders - the head shook -. I include/understand what it impelled you to this. It can that you are right, can that you do not have it, you I do not assure it. But I am to your side, Edwy. - Thanks - he said trembly and he was asked if in spite of itself he would not get to fall in love with her. Suddenly the image of both imagined to him, beginning again in some place beyond the firmament. Clear that that depended on which they could escape of Sun. Chapter 11 Changing made him feel well the showy pajamas by a spacesuit, with boots, helmet, pistol. Langley never had realized before how much they make the clothes in a man. But walking through a deep immensity of the darks, feeling escalofría of the underground world and oyendo a cruel ridicule of echoes, it returned to include/understand that the neglect and the doubts speak state strangling to him. There there were luminous tubes hanging during kilometers and kilometers of caves, but a furtive expedition could not follow them; they would only serve to indicate the zones in where Saris would not be. Average dozen of men walked next to Langley, the brilliance of its rays of light gave to its faces a fantasmal aspect emphasizing to them of the shades. They were crew members, strangers for him. Valti had been declared to too old and cowardly itself to enter the tunnels; Marin wanted to accompany to them, but the permission refused to him. One disordered limestone fantasy, coarse and great pillars and protuberances jumped of the dark when the rays crossed the cavern. That place must not have changed much, thought Langley. In five thousand years, the slow one to drip and the evaporation of the cold water would have added one every so often picks to stalactites and the estalagmitas, but the Earth was old and pacienzuda. It felt that the time in if it lay buried somewhere of that intrincate labyrinth. The man who carried the neural dredge raised the Vista. - Still nor sign - he said. Unconsciously its voice was low, as if the calm weighed on him -. How far we must go? The ways are long... and are many ramifications. Although it even is here, can that never we manage to find him. Langley followed ahead. It could not make another thing. It did not think that Saris had been entered in the subterraneans more of precise it. The holatanos were not exactly claustrófobos, but they were customary creatures to the open field and the cloudless sky. It went against its instincts to remain locked up long time. The logic helped in certain way. Saris had not had by hand any map of the caves. It would have penetrated through the main entrance, like his present pursuers, because it could not have known another means access. Later it would have looked for a room to live, with exits and water. Langley became towards the man of the tracking equipment. - there is this way close some river or no inner lagoon? - Yes. Water in that direction. We must prove? - Ajaja! Langley put by the next tunnel. A rock edge struck the ankles to him. Further on, the passage narrowed quickly until it forced to him to crouch itself. - It can that is this - it said. The echoes retemblaron with their words -. Saris could slide this way with facility. It can go to four legs when it pleases to him, but is a difficult step for a man. - It hopes! Take, takes you the dredge, captain - somebody behind him said -. I believe that it has signaled life, but with all those people in front of me too many interferences take place. Langley was contracted to take the box. Focusing it, it watched the brilliant greenish dial. It responded to the impulses of short reach emitted by a nervous system and... yes, by God, the needle oscillated more of the due thing! Excited reptó further on, the humid wall scratching to him the back. Its luminous ray was an only white sends aimed to the blind dark. Its breathing was a strong death rattle in its throat. Suddenly it arrived in the end and nearly one falls. The tunnel had to be opened to some meters over the ground. - Saris! - it called. The echoes seemed to revolotear around to his; that was a room of good size. From some place the murmur of a water obstacle arrived to him -, Saris Hronna! You are there? A disintegrator firing exploded after him. It saw the flash. Minutes later still there were light sparks dancing before his eyes and the radiation gave him in the face. It extinguished the light and it jumped, hoping frenetic that the ground was not very far. Something scraped the leg to him, the fright made him castañear the teeth and fell to an invisible floor. Another ray flamed towards the mouth of the tunnel. Langley noticed how the hot and sticky blood ran to him by pantorrilla. The holatano knew right where it was the manway, could make firings and fry the men inside. - Saris! I am... Edward Langley... your friend! The echoes seemed to reir themselves of him, dancing by in the middle of one night enormous. "Friend... friend... friend... migo...". The underground current spoke with a cold and frenetic voice. If the prohibited one had become crazy by the fear and the solitude, or if it had decided in his dismal desperation to kill any human who ventured itself that way, Langley was lost. The incandescent sword of an energy ray, or suddenly to close itself of the jaws in his throat, it could be the last thing that felt. But it had to try it. Langley was squashed on a smooth rock. - Saris! I have come to sacarte from here! I have returned for llevarte to your mother country! The answer resounded in the dark, impossible to locate because of the echoes. - Are you? What is what you want? - I have made some agreements... You can return to Holat! - Langley shouted in English, the only common language to both; the holatanos dialectos were too different so that a man could learn something more than a few phrases -. We are your friends, the only friends who you have. - Already. - it could not notice no expression in his tone. One imagined to notice the vibrations of the heavy body, clapping in the dark with his waddings feet -. I cannot be safe. Please, it tell me sincerely as it is the present situation. Langley explained it briefly. The stone below the belly was humid and fries. It sneezed. - It is the only possibility for all we - it concluded -. if you do not agree, you will have quedarte here until you die or they remove you to the force. Hugo a silence; later: - I trust you, I know you, but it is not possible that other they have deceived to you? - What? Oh! You mean that the Society is using me for its own aims, also. Yes, it could be. But I do not create it. - I do not have in smaller desire of than they make the dissection - the being said who was to the delay. - you they will not do want estudiarte, to see it how beams which beams. You said to me that your thinkers, in your mother country, have a good idea of as that works. - If. Nothing could be learned of the coarse anatomy of my brain. I believe that a machine like which your... friends... wish could be constructed easily. - Saris doubted, soon -. Very well, I must run the risk, does not matter what it happens. Thus it is. You can enter all. Guando the lights located it, raised proud stop and, waiting with the dignity of their race between the boxes of provisions that had been their only objects. It took the hands from Langley between hers and husmeó the cheek of the man. - I am glad of volverte to see - it said. - I... feel what she has happened - answered Langley -. it did not know... - No. The universe is full of surprises. It does not matter, if I can return again to my mother country. The crew of espacionave accepted to him almost with indifference; they were customary to nonhuman intelligences. After curing the wound of Langley, they formed a cord and they returned. Valti caused that the ship overcame the flight all as soon as were on board and soon they conferenciaron with them. - Need you something, Saris Hronna? - he asked through the American. - If. Two vitamins that seem to lack in terrestrial chemistry. - Saris drew the sketches in a sheet of paper -. These are you formulate them structural, according to the technology of Langley. The man of the space redibujó in modern terms and Valti agreed. - They will be easy to synthesize. I have an apparatus to make molecules in my hiding place. - the beard was pulled -. We will go there in the first place, to make the preparations for the game. I have a cruise extreme-express in orbits secret investigation, you will be installed you on board and it will be sent to them to our base in system 61 of the Swan. That is well far from the solar spheres of influence and centaurianas, then, Sir, their faculties will be studied to pleasing and to you, Langley captain, I will give the decided payment to him. Saris spoke. It had his own proposal that to do, it would cooperate if later one gave back to Holat with a crew of technicians and an amount to him of provisions. Its world was too much far for being in direct danger of stars of this region, but some nomadic expedition of conquerors could arrive at by chance. and Holat did not have defenses against a bombing of the space. The situation had to rectify itself, armed satellites robot would not completely stop an equipped fleet for the invasion - nothing would possibly do it except another fleet but thus they could have small groups of merodeadores that were everything what Holat would have to fear and reason why to worry. Valti blinked. - Captain, realizes the considerable thing that would be the expenses of a trip of that type? Knows he what would cost to locate those stations? He is that he does not feel sorry himself of an old poor man who must undergo an expert examination of his books of accounts? - I am afraid that not - Langley with a smile replaced. - Ah, that securities wants that we will fulfill our part in the agreement? - the control Will have on the development of the nulificador... cannot construct it without him, as much thanks to its empirical evidence like a its theoretical knowledge... so it is not necessary to worry about that part. When it sees that the project approaches its aim, it will want that the ships of you are prepared according to their desires, quick to weigh anchor. And it will want an installed pump in which him transport to him, so that it is his mind the only form to control it. Women and children would be on board while the work on behalf of Holat became and to the first sign of treason it would fly all the ship. - Poor of my! - Valti shook hurt the head -. Surely that its mind is odiosamente distrustful. It thought that a glance was enough to my honest one... Either, or, thus it is. But I shake when thinking the expenses that we go that to have to do to our expenses. - Oh, devils! Man, you can amortize that debt; in 2.000 years. Olvídelo. Now, where we go first? - We maintain a small hiding place in the Himalayas... nothing palacial; our tastes are sober. I must present/display a report here my Earth heads, obtain its approval to the plan and prepare documents for our office in the Swan. It will take only very just a short time. Langley went to the infirmary gives the ship. The wound of the leg was serious thing, but the treatment in those days was routine thing: one grapilla, to unite the edges of the wound, an artificial enzyme inoculation to stimulate regeneration. After few hours of the operation but extreme it would be cured completely and without the smaller scar. Langley found to Marin in the central room of the ship, it seated next to her and it took the hand. - and it lacks little now - it said -. I believe that we have done the best thing... removing the force from Saris of the place in which it could only cause the destruction. Also, the best thing for Sun and now we are united to our own way. - Yes - she did not watch to him. Its face was white and in him there was a tense expression. - What happens to you? - he asked anxious -. you are not well? -... I do not know it, Edwy. Everything seems so rare, of some way, as if a this outside dream - it watched with fixedness and cloudy eyes towards in front of her -. Truth? I am sleeping somehow and... - No. Which is the annoyance? You cannot describe it to me? The girl shook the head. - She is as if somebody but was sharing my brain, seated there inside and hoping. She has happened to me of suddenly. I suppose that by the tension, I will not take in being well. Langley frunció the frown. The preoccupation made prey of him, if it became ill... Why it was so important to him? One was falling in love with that creature? It would be easy thing. Leaving his physical aspect separate, she was brave and intelligent and willful. She could see itself passing next to happy her and all a life. Peggy... Jim... Bob... No, not she also. Not again, great God! One slight commotion took place and, the motors stopped. Saris Hronna showed its with long thick sideburns snout by the door and announced: - we have landed. Let us leave. The ship lay nested in a cavern shiningly illuminated; after her an enormous cement door was seen that had to lead to the slope of the mountain. That had to be a high and wild earth. Probably there would be fields of snow and glaciers, permanent in the call ceiling of the world, windy, empty, a place in where the men could hide during years. - Have you defenses? - Langley asked Valti while this one showed to the last way the helmet to him of the ship. - No. Why? They would only serve to add more metal than it could be detected from the space. So and as it is, all the things are of plastic or stone. Captain, I am a Pacific man. I trust more my cerebral crust that in my arms. During five decades nobody has suspected the existence this cubil. They entered a lobby from which several doors were opened; Langley saw that it must have a room of radio, with complete certainty to be used in case of emergency. The men of Valti went towards their own rooms. They spoke little; the people of the Society seemed to fruncir the frown before the perspective of char it useless among them. The flight had finished. Marin gave a jump and their eyes were desorbitaron. - What happens to you? - Langley asked. The voice sounded rough and cascade to him. -... I do not know it - the girl dealed with not crying -. I feel very rare. Their eyes were defocused and it moved like a sleepwalker. Langley noticed it. - Valti! What is what has? - I am afraid that I do not know it, captain. Probably only the reaction; it has been a test for a person who was not customary to the problems and the anguish. Let us lay down it and I will do that the doctor of the ship him of a look. The victory of Langley undid to him between the hands. - We go, captain - Valti, taking him from the arm said -. We do to Saris Hronna its vitaminic tablets to him and later you will be able to sleep a little. Within twenty-four hours they will be outside the Solar System. Think about that. They were working in the laboratory when Saris was put rigid. - It happens close - she said -. She walks giving returned and its mind to very strange note. Langley ran to the corridor. Marin there was planted, watching to him with clear eyes. - Where I am? - it asked with weak voice. - We go - it responded it -. I will return with you to the bed. - I feel better - she told him -. There was a pressure in my brain, everything was darkened and now I see myself here of pié... But already I return to feel i myself. The glass with the drug remained untouched next to its bunk. - Tómate this - Langley said. She obeyed, she smiled it and it remained slept. It repressed desire to kiss it. To the return it found to Saris keeping a frasquito from tablets in stock-market that hung to him of the neck. Valti had been going away to prepare its papeleo, were single between the machines. - I noticed that the mind of her was clarified while I... listened - said Saris - Perhaps. those of its race they suffer of such on the point of passing out? - Once in a while - Langley replaced -. mechanical Defects of its organism. I am afraid that we are not so carefully designed as your town. - It is possible. We killed the weak ones when they are young. - That also used it to make my race in diverse occasions, but the custom never lasted long time. Something in our nature seems to prohibit it. - and nevertheless, you are able to destroy a world taken by your own ambitions. I will never obtain entenderos. - I doubt that we ourself we never pruned to understand to us. - Langley rubbed the nape of the neck and yawned. He was sore of fatigue now that him the effects of stimulating -. To the devil the all that had disappeared. I am going to sleep a little. It later woke up hours by the roar of an explosion. When seating in the bed, it heard the detonations of the disintegrators. Chapter 12 Another boom made shake the bones of Langley. Somebody shouted, somebody cursed and a rumor of feet was heard running by the corridor. While it felt in search of his clothes and it removed the pistol from energy, it wanted to vomit. Without knowing like, they had failed. It was squashed against the manual door of the room that had been granted him and opened a little. It was was a strong scent to burned meat. Two bodies dressed gray were thrown in the corridor, but the fight had happened of length. Langley left. In front of him there was noise, coming from the room meetings. It ran in that direction with the clear idea to fall behind on the attackers. A bitter wind was taken with himself the air and the man jadeó in search of breath, a remote part of him understood that the front door had been opened flying it and that the fine air of the mountain hurried in the interior. Now... the threshold! it burst in by him, tightening the trigger of his disintegrator. There was no backward movement, but the ray gave completely in the back that it wanted. It did not know the way to aim with a modern weapon, like surpassing a modern mind, doing something. The understanding of the technique happened to him when somebody turned on a heel and it kicked expert to him with the other foot. Langley lost the disintegrator, that fell to the ground and it remained watching to a dozen of tubes apuntándole.. The crew of Valti was crowded together around Saris Hronna. They raised the hands reluctantly; coils in the assault had been seen and were being given. The holatano was to four legs and their eyes llameaban yellow. Brannoch dhu Crombar emitted a estridente laughter. - So that you are! - it shouted -. it is greeted to him, Langley captain! - one became indicating the crowded room with his fifty men -. Between and it únase to the diversion. - Saris... - the American moaned. - Please - Brannoch opened passage to him with a pair of codazos -. It recognizes that I have some brain. Several days ago I was made conduct purely mechanical military operations for half of the components of my group... capsules of sudden of mercury to percussion that originate a chemical explosion. Only arms very scandalous and difficult to aim, but to short distance can fill to him to one of lead and it is impotent to prevent it. - I include/understand - Langley noticed how within himself grew the defeat sensation, the loss of all hope -. But, how found us? Marin entered. It remained in the threshold watching to them with the face congealed in mask form, the face of a slave. Brannoch indicated it with the thumb. - the girl, clear - she said -. It warned to us. The cruel composure of the girl crumbled. - No! - it shouted -. I never... - Not of conscious way, loved mine - Brannoch said -. But while you were in the final tests of surgery it seeded by means of a machine a post-hipnótica order to you. Very powerful, like... and so impossible to break. If Saris were found you would notify the circumstances to the first opportunity. What, as I see, you did. She contemplated to him dumb of horror. The head of Langley hummed to him strangely. Very distant it heard the murmur of the words of the centauriano: - you also Have who to know, captain, that I went the one who took to his friends. They could not say nothing to me and against my desires... they died. I feel it. Langley gave the back him. Marin began to cry. Valti clarified the throat. - Pretty maneuver, milord. Made very well. But it is the detail of several losses between my own people. I am afraid that the Society cannot allow that class of things. It must have a restitution. - In that one will include Saris Hronna, right? - Brannoch smiled without humor. - Clear. And the repairs according to the providencias of the clause determined by our treaty. Otherwise, the Society would have to apply sanctions to its system. - Retired of all commerce? - Brannoch grumbled -. We can happen without its shipments. And what proves to use the troops! - Oh, no, milord - melifluo said to Valti -. We are human people. But we have a great participation in the economic life of each planet in where we have offices, local investments, companies, property our. If it is necessary, we can make lamentable things to your economy. She is not as rigid as the one of Sun, already it knows. I doubt that its town would accept satisfied... we say... the catastrophic inflation when we put in circulation several tons of praseodimio, that is your commercial pattern, followed by the depression and unemployment when certain number of corporations nails retired of the businesses. - I include/understand - unyielding Brannoch said -. attempt not to use but force with you who the necessary one, but if forces to me I must exceed to me. It can that the solution is that all its personnel disappears entirely... I will have to think it to me. To me they ignored our games. - I have already completed a report for my heads, milord. It waited only the last orders. They know where I am. - But it knows who has attacked to him? The things could be fixed so that the blames fell on Chanthavar... Yes. An excellent idea. Brannoch became towards Langley. It had to take by the shoulder to the American to attract his attention. - It watches - it demanded -, that beast hers speech some present language? - Not - Langley replaced -, and if it thinks that I am going to serve to him as interpreter, will be better than it begins to be changing to seem. The face of the thoriano nobleman seemed sore. - It would wish that it let consider a gangster me, captain. I have fulfilled my to have. I do not keep the smaller resentment to him to try to escape of me. If it cooperates, my supply follows still on. If no, I will have to execute to him and nothing will have gained. We will teach to Saris our language and we will force to him to work is as it is. Everything what you can do you are to delay a little to us - made a pause -. Will be better, nevertheless, than is let now it. If it tries to sabotage the project once is in accomplishment process, the punishment will be exemplary. - Ahead, then - Langley exclaimed. Everything already mattered to him I comine -. What means to him? - We want to take to Thor, in where it will help to construct a nulificador us. If something goes bad during its work, it will die and ships robot will be sent to bomb their planet. It will cost thousand years to them to arrive until there, but we will send them. If, on the other hand, it helps us, we will give back it mother country to its. - Brannoch shrank of shoulders -. What it concerns to him what party to him wins to the aim? Langley translated the English, almost word by word. Saris remained shut up during, a minute, soon said: - There is pain in you, friend mine. - Yes - Langley answered -. That I create. What is what you think to do? The holatano seemed to meditate. - It is difficult to say. At the moment I do not have much where to choose. Nevertheless, reason why I know of the present, equal universe gives to help Sun that to Centaur. - Brannoch has put the finger in the sore - Langley replaced -. We are of different race. Unless the Society offered better business, that does not affect your town. - Because yes. The erroneous thing in the life, any class of life in the space, always is erroneous. It has, for example, the possibility that somebody someday discovers means to travel more express than the light. Then a mistaken race to become it a general threat. Also for itself, because other ultrajados planets could be united to destroy it. - Good... we can now do something, except causing that they kill to us in a heroísmo starting? - No. I do not see any exit. That does not mean that it does not exist. He is better to dance to are that they touch to us, while we smelled a new track. Langley agreed with indifference. Too much it was disgusted of all that repugnant subject to continue worrying. That they gained the centaurianos. They were not better nor worse than the others. - It is well, Brannoch - it said -. We will follow its dictations. - I suppose that account occurs - Valti took part -, that that means the war. - Excellent! - the giant shook with an almost uncontrollable exuberance. - and what another thing? - surprised Brannoch asked sincerely. - a war that, with or without nulificadores, can destroy the civilization in both systems. What would seem to him if, we say, the procinitas settled on the radioactive ruins of Thor? - All the life is chance game - Brannoch said -. If one does not load its position and marks its letters... I know darned well that you also do it... loses the game. Until now the forces been they have balanced. Soon we will have the nulificador. That can unbalance the balance very much, if we used it well. It is not a definitive weapon, but he is powerful. - the head Threw back and it was shaken with a quiet laughter. When recovering it said: - It is well. I have in Africa a small cubil of my property. First we will go there to carry out the initial preparations... to construct among other things, to construct a wonderful synthetic dummy, the corpse of Saris, so that Chanthavar finds it. I cannot leave the Earth immediately, because it would suspect too much. What I must do is to go of the hand the enough thing to me like so that person considers itself me does not burnish, must leave in misfortune; and to return with a fleet to my backs! Langley was impelled to leave to the outside in a slope in which the snow crujía under the feet and the sky was a full black star coffer. Expelió the breath in steam form because of the cold; breathing acute and laborious era and its body shook. Marin was tightened against him, as if it looked for heat, but it separated vividly from her. Tool! Not... no, that was not to play fair with the girl, right? The girl was not responsible when she betrayed to them, with less own will than the one that would have a man to whom they are encañonando to him: by the back. But she could not watch now without feeling dirty. One espacionave lowered until the ground. Langley raised by the stairway, found a armchair in the room and dealed with not thinking. Marin directed a full glance to him of pain and soon it seated remote of the others. A pair of armed guards, blond, arrogant men, who had to be thorianos, settled in the doors. Saris was taken to another part. Still he was not impotent, but its only possible action would have to be the suicidal one of starring the ship against the ground. And Brannoch seemed to want to run that risk voluntarily. The mountains were very under the prow. The brief one to hum of the conditioned air and later saw above of the atmosphere, giving a return to the planet in the direction of central Africa. Langley was wondered what was going to be of him during the rest of its days. It entered whenever possible that Brannoch established in some planet terrestrial type to him, so and as it had promised to him. It would not be present at the war, but all its life would be plagued of nightmares in which the sky would be opened and million million human creatures would burn, would be disintegrated, would fall made dust by the ground. And nevertheless, what another thing could do? It tried to build otherwise and it failed. It was not enough? No, it said to some distant predecessor his of the New England. The time happened. Constantly more approached their own death, thought with sadness. Although Africa was in the zone of the day at those moments, Brannoch made to go down its ship. Langley imagined that something had been prepared perhaps false identification signs, to get rid of the patrol ships. There was an outer screen of vision and contemplated the ample river there that in her appeared and that it had to be the Congo. Cleanings and ordered plantations extended in perfect rectangles until losing themselves of Vista in the distance and the continent seemed cultivated field of cities of so large means. The ship ignored them flying low until arriving at a packing of small constructions with cupulados ceilings. - Ah! - Valti said -. an administrative of plantations... and perfectly genuine center in addition, does not fit the smaller doubt to me. But underground... hummm... A portion of dusty ground opened metallic lips and the ship descended to the interior of a hangar, Langley followed the rest until the outside and entered the austere adjacent rooms. To the end of the stroll a very great camera was raised; it contained some equipment of offices and a tank. Langley studied the tank with an interest spark. It was a great thing, a steel box of six meters wide by fifteen of length, mounted in his own antigravitational base. There were auxiliary bottles for gas, pumps, motors, measurers there, a dial marking the inner pressure and the outside that it understood differed in almost thousand atmospheres. Good toy, thought. It had been done by means of fields of force or simply in accordance with the present metallurgy? All the device was great, constituting a movable machine by own means, seized there, as if outside an alive thing. Brannoch went ahead to the group and with the hand it made a glad gesture in the direction of the imposing object. Its triumph had given an almost infantile fluidity him. - we are, thrymkanos Here - it said -. we have brought Them to all of them! Chapter 13 The flat microacoustic voice responded with dismal tone. - Yes. Now. You are sure that any trap has not put you, that has not raked to you, that all this in order? - Then clear! - the joy of Brannoch seemed to cool off; suddenly, it seemed bad-tempered -. less of than they have seen fly up to here to your tank. - they did not see it. But after arriving, we made an inspection. The negligence of the superintendent of the plantation, that it means yours, has been deplorable. In the last week it has bought two new farmers for the field and one has forgotten to prepare them against the memory of us to have seen us and our activities. - Oh, good... enslaved of the plantation! They never realize never anything, of all ways. - the probability is small, but it exists and it can be come up. The error already is, rectified, but you will order that your superintendent is placed five minutes under the neural unloadings. - Sight - the lips of Brannoch retired in the open leaving the teeth -. Mujara has been in my list for five years and it has served to me with fidelity. A reprimand is enough. I will not do that... - Yes, it will do it. During a long moment gigantón remained challenging, as if it was in the presence of the enemy. Soon something in its interior seemed to fold, it shrank of shoulders and it smiled with certain bitterness. - It is well. It is not worth the trouble to discuss for that reason. There are many other things that to do. The mind of Langley seemed to meet with same himself and to begin again to work again. Still it experienced an emptiness sensation, of deficiency of emotions, but it could think and their reflections did not have anything of placenteras. "Valti already gave an indication me of this. Those monsters of the interior of the tank are not solely the small ayudantillos of Brannoch. They are his masters. To his sly way they are the one who govern this spectacle ". "But, what want to remove in clean? Why they are bothered? What benefit will obtain fomenting the war? The thorianos could conquer more territories, but a planet of terrestrial type, anything to serve it to the beings as hydrogen breathing." - Adelántate, strange being! - the mechanical voice said -. It leaves we see you better! Saris slid forwards, lowered the pressure of the tubes of the arms. Its skinny thin and brown form was seized and low, immovable with the exception of the very same end of its tail that twisted with hunger. It watched the tank with cold eyes. - Yes - the thrymanos after a long interval said -. Yes, there is something in him. We had never felt before those vital current individuals in no of the hundreds of races that we know. It can be very well dangerous. - He will be useful - Brannoch Took part. - If it is that that effect can mechanically be duplicated, Milord - Valti with its oilier tone Interrupted -. You are safe you of that possibility? It could not be that single an alive nervous system could generate that field... or control it? The control is a problem of most complex, goes knows. It can require something as good as a genuine brain, that no science that we know can make artificially. - That is thing of studies - Brannoch murmured -. To the scientists it is called on to them to solve it. - and if the scientists fail? it has happened oneself to think to him about that? Then you would have precipitated a war without the advantages that was hoping to have. The Sun forces greater and are better coordinated than hers. They could gain and gain a definitive victory. Langley could not less than to admire the resolute way that had Brannoch to face such idea that had before not existed for him. It remained awhile watching itself on the feet irritating and being the openhanded. - I do not know it - it said finally in slow voice -. I am not a scientist. What seems to you, Thrymca? Think that it can become? - the possibility that the task is impossible already has been considered by us - the tank responded -. It has his defined probability. - perhaps Good... the best thing would be to disintegrate to him, then. It can that we are risking too much in the game... because it does not go to me if possible to continue deceiving Chanthavar during long time. Perhaps we had to be checked, to construct but of our conventional arms during few years... - Not - the monsters said -. the factors have been hefted. The optimal date for the war is now very next, with or without nulificador. - You are safe? - you do not make questions unnecessary. You would lose weeks having treated to include/understand the details of our analysis. It comes as it is glided. - Good... in agreement! - once made the decision in its name, Brannoch put into action as if he was anxious to escape to his thoughts. He shouted his orders and the prisoners were lead to a block of cells. Langley could by ricochet see Marin while it happened through his side; soon Saris and it were thrown together in a small room. An armored door was closed after them and two thorianos stood armed to the outside. Fourth he was small, naked and without windows. It had sanitary service, a pair of bunks and... nothing else. Langley seated and directed to Saris, that was curled up on its feet, a cansina smile. - That remembers the way that the police of my time it had to take to a suspect from jail to jail, maintaining to him always a passage in front of its lawyers so that these could not make him sign the request of "habeas corpus". The holatano did not request to him that was explained it; it was rare to see the relaxed thing that it was. After awhile, Langley continued: - I wonder myself why they have put to us together in the same room. - So that we pruned to speak - Saris answered. - Oh! You feel that in the walls there are recorders and microphones? But if we spoke in English... - Without a doubt there are faculties translators who they have. Our conversation is recorded so that tomorrow it is translated without haste. - Humm. If, good, in any case we do not have you speak of anything important. Langley loosen an outburst of laughter, that sounded like a bark. - Very good! And those birds of outside do not know English there... - Desire to order my thoughts - the Holatano- said while it watches if you can induce to them to a conversation. - It would have to think that you had more interest in which it happens to you to you, just they spoke of matarte. - That is not as vital as your you think. Langley directed one to him disturbed glance, never I will get to understand this creature. One went towards the door. One of the sentries nervously raised its pistol, that rather seemed a small snap harness. One saw that it had been constructed by a craftsman like a weapon for exceptional cases. - Cálmate, son - Langley said -. I almost never bite.... - We have strict orders - the thoriano replaced. He was young, a little scared what its rough accent did more thickness to him -. If it passes something rare, it is fault yours or no, we will shoot for mataros. Recuérdalo. - you do not want to run risks, eh? Good, he is own of you. - Langley leaned in the bars. It was not difficult to act as if he was calm and one felt sociable, and less now than already he was everything defined -. it only asked that you to Me will remove from it, boys. - What you mean? - Good, I suppose that you came here with the diplomatic mission, or in a later shipment. When you arrived at the Earth? - For three years - the other sentry said -. the military service in foreign planets lasts four years normally. - But the time used in the transport is not included there - Langley observed -. That for about thirteen years you have been outside. Perhaps your parents will have become old, have died; your fiancèes will have married with others... There, from where I came, we would consider that term infernalmente long. - Cállate! - the answer was a little too bitter and fast. - I do not speak for predisponeros to the rebellion - Only curiosity said to Langley with voice meliflua -.. I suppose that to compensate it will be paid to you well, eh? - There are premiums for the foreign planet service - the first sentry said. - Great? - Good... - Me he thought it. It is not the quite important thing. The boys are outside a pair of decades; the old ones have to mortgage their farms to be living; the boys return without money to leave the hardship and the rest goes of their lives working more for somebody... some banker than he was enough the ready thing like remaining in the mother country. The rich one becomes and the poorest poor man richer. It happened the same in the Earth 7,000 years ago. In a called place Rome. The heavy and clumsy faces - of tozudos farmers, estólidos, slow of thought they were irritated trying to find an answer the quite advisable thing to squash the solid argument. But nothing found. - I feel It - Langley said -. it did not want punzaros. You watch I am a little peculiar. It seems as if Centaur is going to be the dog mandón, so I feel desires to learn things yours, eh? I suppose that you will imagine that you will be able to obtain a good earth parcel in the Solar System. But, why endorses to you Thrym? - Thrym belongs to Liga - one of them said. Langley did not lose the reluctance of its tone -, They come with us... is their obligation. - But they have vote, right? They could have opposed this adventure. Or has been promised to them the Jupiter colonization? - they could not - the guard answered -. There is some difference in the air, does not have quite ammoniac, I create. They cannot use no planet of this system! - Then, why they have interest in conquering Sun? Why they endorse to you? Sun never did the smaller damage to them, however Thor, does few years maintained a war against them. - they were defeated - the sentry said. - and a demon was it. Son. It is not possible to be defeated to a unified planet that is greater than all cough other together ones. The war was a farce and you know it. More than the united Earth and Thor he could make, good looking what you want, would be to establish a monitoring around his world there, maintaining to the native ones down. "Therefore, I continue asking to me that they will remove from this treatment" - No longer I want to speak more of it - the sentry talked back - She returns to your site. Langley a little while remained next to the soldiers, considering the situation. There were no more welding in the block of cells that those two. The door stayed closed by an electronic lock. Saris could open it with a mere effort of will. But both young sentries were in a nervous state of great tension. To the first sign of unexpected they would open fire. He returned with Saris... - you have put already in order, your thoughts? - In certain way - the holatano directed to a glance somnolienta to him -. you will be astonished when it says certain things to you. - Ahead. - I cannot read the human mind... not its present thoughts, only its presence and its emotional state. Giving time me he could find out something more, but we still do not have time, not even to study with you. But the thrymanos have had time in abundance to study your race. - So they can read our thoughts, eh? Good looking Humm... to that Chanthavar does not know it. Then the inspection to that they made reference must have been via the mind of the superintendent, I suppose. But, you are safe? - Yes. With all certainty. Déjame that explains to you. The explanation was brief and clear. All alive nervous system radiates energy, of diverse classes. There are electrical impulses that the encefalografía discovered in the man before the time of the birth of Langley. There is a little heat; there is the subtlest and penetrating emission in the gyromagnetic phantom. But the mold varies: each race has own norms. A encefalografista of the Earth would not find the rate alpha of a human brain in a holatano; it would have to learn first a "complete and new language". In most of planets, including the Earth, there are few or no sensitive to such emissions. The surrounding life develops reactions to such vibrations as the light and the sound and, being all this sufficient one for the survival, does not continue developing the ability for "listening inner" with the nervous impulses. Except a few and doubtful beings, the question of the Sensorial Extra Perception in the man is something to discuss and to treat... the humanity is very telepathically deaf. But in some planets, through tremendous series of mutations, the Sensorial Extra Perception makes that some organs are developed and that many animals have it, in the case of Holat the development was unique... the nonsingle animal could receive the nervous impulses of the others, but induce them to short reach. This was the class of the holatana emotional empathy; also it was the reason for which there was form to control had of emptiness. Like following some law of compensation, the perceptiva faculty was poor at verbal level; the holatanos used the sonorous speech because very telepathically it was not possible to clarify the ideas to them. The thrymana telepathy was of "the normal" class: the monsters could listen inner, but not influence, except via the specialized end of their nerves when the union between its companions took place. So to read the thoughts of another being they had first whom to know his language. And Saris and Langley thought habitually about languages unknown for them. What they detected sounded jerigonza ininteligible. - I include/understand... - the man agreed -. He has sense - smiled with sadness -. At least it is a consolation to be able to conserve our mental privacy. - There are others - the holatano talked back -. I have darte a warning. Soon an attack will take place. - Eh? - you do not demonstrate to be so alarmed. But the female to which Marin flames... do not have an electronic circuit. I have detected it. - What? - Langley remained out of breath. Through his nerves it passed a stranger -. But she current... - they have been placed it surgically, is something that I can catalogue like an emitter of variable frequency. The girl it is possible to be followed. It had meant it to it to Valti, but then it was not familiarized with human the nervous system. I thought that he was something normal in your females. Ours they are even different from the males. But now that I have seen more of those of your species I give account of the truth. Langley noticed shaking. Marin... again Marin! But how? Then it included/understood. During the disappearance and its later return. It had been done to intention, after all. Langley was not the goal of the attack. An automatic signaller similar to the one of Valti introduced in its body by the surgery of today... yes. And such talent would be of short reach, which means that only a system of detectors scattered by all the planet could hope to follow it. And Chanthavar could solely have such system. - God of the sky - she moaned -, of whichever people is that woman a Judas? - We must be prepared - said the quiet holatano -. Our sentries will try to kill to us in a case thus, no? IF we are come up perhaps we pruned... - Or to warn Brannoch? - Langley played a minute with the idea but it discarded it immediately. Even if the centaurianos were able to flee cleanly, the Sun fleet battle to step on it the heels to them; the war, the empty and useless war, would be triggered like an avalanche. Then, that gained Chanthavar. The thing did not matter. Langley buried its face between its hands. Why to continue fighting? It could leave the lead swept to him of the world like a horseman when the attack took place. No. Anyway. It noticed that it had to continue fighting. Voice, although weak had occurred him, in history; it was thing hers to continue speaking while it was possible to him. It could later be one hour when the snout of Saris grazed to him conminando to him to be alert. - gravitational Vibrations. I believe that the moment has arrived. Chapter 14 A siren roared. While their echoes crossed; the corridor, the guards gave a jump, staying themselves as congealed during a moment. The door was opened and Saris Hronna crossed it. Its feline jump sent to a man against a distant wall. The other was giving returned, to fall to a meter of distance. Still it grasped his weapon. It jumped to put itself still on, raising the pistol, while Langley attacked to him. The man of the space was neither fighter nor boxer. He grasped the tube of the pistol, twisting it to a side and sent his other fist in a hook to the jaw. The Thorano blinked, escupió blood, but it did not lose the knowledge. Instead of that, he sent a kick to the ankle of Langley. The American; he jumped to a side, as if he had received a painful blow from a ball. The centauriano backed down, raising the pistol. Saris separated to a side to Langley and in only a jump it squashed the man. - You are well? - it asked, giving the return Hurts? - Still I can move. Langley shook to the head, savoring the bitterness of the defeat -... We go! Let us jump on the rest. Perhaps we pruned to still flee during the fight. Firings and explosions deafened in all the other stays. Valti went ahead staggering, its unkempt red head inclined to attack cone a bull. - This way! - rugió -. Síganme! It must have a later exit. The prisoners grouped themselves down after him, running quickly running until the door that Saris opened. An incline lead until level of the ground. Saris sent presuroso, somebody could be hoping further on. But there was no another alternative. The disguised door jumped and it was seen under the light crepuscular of the day. Black ships of patrol revoloteaban superficially like furious bees. Near one of the buildings there was a rocket or small ship. Saris went to by him, with enormous jumps. It was almost already there when a whitish blue ray of the sky fell in front of its way. Turning with gruñido, the holatano seemed to swing one's arms. A ship of the police turned suddenly and it crashed against another one. Both fell between flames. Saris jumped towards the end of the compound, the humans jadeaban following to him. A fire barrage fell on its way. Valti shouted something, indicating backwards and saw as the enslaved soldiers dressed black left in torrent from the underground section. - Detén its arms! - Langley shouted. It took one of the lugs of his detectors, that supported against their cheek and shot. The outbreak and the backward movement were something glorious for him. A man turned on his heels and fell. - Too many. - Saris lay down in the naked, jadeante ground -. They are more of those than I can handle. Of all ways it had few hopes to escape. Langley cursed and lowered its pistol. The police surrounded them, cansinos. - Gentlemen, all you are arrested - the head said Please -., acompáñennos. Marin cried, quiet and defeat, while it followed to him. Chanthavar was in the office of the plantation. The walls annulled with guards and Brannoch remained sad still on to a flank. The Solariano went immaculate in his atuendo and its joy as soon as it was absolutely. - Cómo.está.usted, Langley captain? - it said -. and Goltam Valti, gentleman, clear. I see that I have arrived at the precise moment. - Ahead - the man of the space -. Mátenos said and sálgase with hers. Chanthavar raised the eyebrows. - For which whole that dramatic quality? - it asked. An official entered, its part inclined and gave. The hiding place was occupied, all the dead personnel or arrested, the low lots were six dead and ten wounded ones. Chanthavar issued an order and Saris was forced to enter a cage specially prepared and placed in the outer part. - In case that you ask yourself, captain - the agent said -, how I discovered where they were... - I know It - the alluded one said. - Oh? Oh... if, clear. Saris must it have detected. It was a game... I I did not think that account would occur on time of which it was and in appearance I was right. It had prepared other procedures of tracking; but it happens that he has been this the one that has given result - the lips of Chanthavar were curved in their peculiar smile -. I do not keep resentment to him, captain. You tried to do what it seemed better to him, I am safe. - and we? - Brannoch asked. - Good, milord, the case requires the deportation clearly. - It is well. Let us go. I have a ship. - Oh, no! Milord. We cannot be so discourteous. The Tecnicado will prepare the transport to him. It can even take to a that temporadita... a few months... - Until you are able to advance in the investigations of the nulificador. I include/understand. - Meanwhile, you and its personnel was left prisoners in its own rooms. I will place guards to try that you... they do not bother. - In agreement. - Brannoch forced its mouth to curve itself in a false smile -. I must thank to him for that reason, I suppose, in his situation, I would nothing else have killed to him to make use to him raises. - Someday, milord, can that their death is necessary - Chanthavar Hereby said -., nevertheless, I must something to him, this subject is going to mean much for my own position, already includes/understands. There are high offices but that the mine present and soon will be open for me. One became to Langley. - I have already made some preparations for you, captain, no longer will be necessary plus its services, we have encomiado a pair of schoolboy who can speak to the old American language and among them and the hipnóticas maquinas Saris will give a quite perfect image us of its ideas until after few days learns the modern language. As far as you, a position and an apartment in the university of Dark-brown him have been prepared. The historians, archaeologists and planetógrafos are very anxious to consult to him. The payment is small, but you will conserve the rank of free man. Langley nothing said. So that that was going to him to separate already of the game. That was already the aim. Valti clarified the throat. - Milord - it said pomposamente -. I must remember to him that the Society... Chanthavar directed one long cautious one to him through its entrecerrados eyes. The smooth face had adopted a deep inexpresiveness... - You have committed criminal acts according to the Sun laws - she said. - the extraterritoriality... - That is not applied here. Like a less, you will be deported. - Chanthavar seemed to fight with same himself -. Despite, I am going to leave to him in freedom. Reunite to its men, you take one from the small atmosphere ships of the plantation and fly of return to Dark-brown. - Milord is very indulgente - said Valti -. I can ask why? - it does not matter why. Váyase. - Milord, I am a criminal. I confess it. I want a right judgment by a mixed court as it is predicted in the article I SAW, section 4, of the Treaty of the Moon. The eyes of Chanthavar were level and cold. - It leaves or I will cause that they throw to him. - I demand to be arrested! - Valti shouted -. I insist on defending my rights and privileges to clean my own conscience. If you do not stop to me, I will complain directly to the Tecnicado. - Very well! - Chanthavar seemed to escupir the words -. I have orders of the own Tecnicado to leave you frees. Why, I do not know it. But it is an order; it arrived I took the report to me so soon of the situation and with my intention to attack, it is satisfied? - If, milord - it said with Valti smoothness -. Thanks for its amiabilities. Good morning. I incline with stupidity and left. Chanthavar broke to laugh. - insolent espantapájaros! I did not mean it to it, but all ways she would have found out with time. Now we follow with the rest of us. Perhaps Vámonos can arrive on time at the concert from tonight. Langley blinked before the brightness of the sun was. The Earth tropical had become warmer in 5.000 years, saw a group of armed men, a military rocket and suddenly it had in his heart a species of pain sensation. - Chanthavar - it asked -, I can take leave of Saris? - I feel It - the agent shook the head, not without compassion -, I know that he is his friend, but already too many risks in this subject have been run. - I will return to see Him sometimes? - Perhaps. We are not beasts, captain. We did not try to treat to him bad if it cooperates. - Chanthavar made a gesture to a small machine but -. it seems to Me that he is hers. Good bye, captain, I hope to return to him to see in some occasion, if I have the opportunity. The return occurred and I move away to great strides. The dust of the ground was raised under its sandals. Langley and Marin entered the rocket. A quiet guard accompanied and placed the automatic pilot to them. The apparatus was raised surely of the ground and the guard seated before them to hope with absolute patience. The girl remained dumb length short while. - How they found us? - it asked finally. The man of the space said it. In that occasion he did not cry, seemed that no longer it had left tears. They almost did not say anything during the hour that lasted that vertiginous flight. Dark-brown one raised on a nocturnal horizon like an enormous source of rugiente and proud metal. And rocket made fun of in its winch, finding a shelf or terrace in one of the small towers but of the North zone. The guard agreed. - Its apartment is number 337, indeed underneath the corridor, gentleman - it animated Good night -.. Langley set out the on march. When the door was opened for him, it saw a set of four small, comfortable rooms but nothing ostentosas. There was a robot on watch, but clearly its new position did not include alive slaves. Except... the return occurred to watch Marin and remained contemplating it during a minute. It gave back the calm glance to him, but she was pale and she had in his ojeras deep eyes. That condemned creature was not her Peggy, thought he. The rage and the bitterness rose in their throat like a vomit. Here history finished. She had tried to fight with all his hopes, and it was the unique one who had spoiled it everything. - He vetoes - he said. It took the hand to the mouth, as if she finished receiving a blow, but did not pronounce the smaller word. - Already you have heard to me - it walked by the ground, so smooth and so light as if it was done of human meat, and watched after the window -. I grant the freedom to You. No longer you are enslaved. You include/understand? It responded, still: - No. - It is necessary to fulfill some formality? - he asked. She said it. There was no life in his voice. She marked in the apparatus the office of archives and registered the warning of which it, only proprietor of the enslaved number "so and as" granted the emancipation to it. Soon one became, but she could not resist the glance of the green eyes. - it was not fault yours - she said with heavy voice. In his sienes had to roar sonorous and their legs seemed to double to it him -. it was not fault of anybody. You were an impotent tool. Clear. I do not condemn to you. However, I cannot around support verte to my more time. There are in you too many failures. - I feel It - it whispered. - I also - he with little sincerity -. We go... vetoes... you do what you want of same tí - with conscience of his impulse said hardly, its stock market undid and Taking was thrown -.. There is inside tidy sum of money, cógelo there... utilízalo for establecerte. She watched to him with a frightening that little by little was clarified. - Good bye - she said. Its back was straight while it left. It was not until much more late that Langley realized of which the young person had left stock-market so and as it fell. Chapter 15 Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow; thus it is the way that has the world to finish. In the university the men were calm and calm. They had serious and good modales, but little formality and were known by the man of the past. Langley remembered its own days of student, towards be junior instructor during the season and had seen and known enough life in the faculty. Here there was nothing of the hypocritical murmuraciones and small you intrigue and meriendas that remembered; but he was not that spirit of the anxiety and intellectual adventure here either. Everything was known, everything well was lodged and surely; it solely lacked to fill the details. There, in century XX, the doctoral works and theses about the orthographic score of Shakespeare continued being today matter of jokes..., that was matter of studies. However, Langley found in those gray men, dresses with brown clothes, a company with which congeniaba. There was a historian in individual, a wise man with enormous bald head, Jath Mardos, of that became friend. The individual had an enormous initiation and a refrescantemente ironic point of view, could spend hours speaking, while a recorder took each thing from which said for a later evaluation. For Langley the worse thing was the nights. - the situation present era, sure inevitable - Mardos said -. If a society does not petrify itself, must renew, as hers it did. But sooner or later it is arrived at the point which all successive innovation becomes impassable thing and soon petrifaction seizes of everything. - it seems to Me to me that you still they could make some changes - the man of the space said At least -., political changes. - the Commercial Society has a reach of hundreds years of light and I have not encomiado anything of which you dream. - With complete certainty no. A group that it wanted to save of which considered a civilization diabolic would go away still more far that that. And this the idea of something hidden behind its reaches... - nonmature! - Clear. One does not forget, the nonmature nature, or Society, is a growth process... But, speaking of the Society, I would like to know but of her. I have a species of suspicion... - there is not much amount of information. They have been reserved always enough. They right here seem to have had his Earth origin, thus makes thousand of years or thing, but history is dark. - it would not have to be - exclaimed Langley -. it does not assume that the Tecnicado conserves complete registries of each important fact? And surely the Society is important. Anyone could have anticipated that would become a greater factor. - Ahead - one shrank of shoulders, Mardos -. you can use the library if she is that that amuses to him. Langley found a writing-desk and it seated requesting the bibliographical list. She was surprising small. As a comparison, he obtained a list of reference of Tau Ceti IV, a shady planetita of no special value... was several times longer than first. One seated during some minutes meditating the effects of a static culture. For him, the parquedad of information seemed to shout: tapujo. For that reason the wise calls, of his around, only noticed that there were few reasonable books and articles and came to forget all the referring one to that subject. It was sent willful to the task of reading whatever I prune to find on the matter: economic statistics; cases in where the Society, to protect itself to if same, had taken part in the local policy of one or another planet; speeches on the psychology produced by all a life on board of a ship... and a dated section thousand ninety and seven years back in order that that a certain Hardis Sanj, representing a group of interstellar retailers (the list of names including) had asked for one of the special privileges and that were granted to him. Langley read the decree of the privileges: it was a stirring document; its innocuous language gave powers that any minister could envy. Three hundred years later, the Tecnicado got to recognize the society like independent state; other planets already had done it, the rest did not take in following to them. Since then there had been treaties and... Langley remained seated very quiet, four days after its search began. Everything agreed. item: the Tecnicado had allowed that the Society was ahead without discussion, although on the other hand its political base was pointed frankly towards the gradual reunification of all the accessible galaxy. item: The Society already had several hundreds of million members, including personnel of many nonhuman races. No member knew more than a fraction of the others. item: The rank and the file of the Society, until arriving through the ship officials, did not know who were their last governors nor where were, but had been prepared to obey and to all they needed a normal curiosity to know it. item: The same Tecnicado had ordered to Chanthavar that loosen to Valti without prejudices. item: The economic data showed that during long periods of time, and more planets they more became employees of the Society by one or another vital element of his industry. It was easier and more cheap to deal with the nomads who to leave and to obtain what same ones needed; and the Society was, after all, quite neutral... "and a hell" Langley was wondered why nobody more seemed to suspect the truth. Chanthavar, now, but Chanthavar, always intelligent, also was prepared. Its work was merely to carry out the policy ready by the machine, not to make deep inquiries. Clear that no minister could allow itself to know, and if it happened, once in a while, which it encountered over the facts, did not take in disappearing. Because if a used person did not discover it, the secret could not be conserved; soon one would extend between stars and the authority of the Society would finish... and its utility for the Tecnicado. Clear! The Society was based shortly after, from which the colonies became independent. There was hope no to occupy them in a foreseeable future again. But a power that will go to all parts and informed for a unknown central office... A power in which everybody, including the propietary members, wanted to be disinterested and nonaggressive... was the perfect front to watch and gradually to dominate other planets. Machine goes that it had to be the Tecnicado! How magnificent monument, the final conquest of a millenarian science! Their creators had made it better of which they thought; their children grew, became able to think advanced millenia, until finally there was civilization. Langley had of sudden irrational desire to see that enormous machine. But that never could be. Was that thing of metal and energy really a conscious brain? Not... Valti was saying, and in the library it was confirmed, that the alive mind has almost in all infinite capacities that never could have been duplicated by artificial means. So the Tecnicado thought, it reasoned, within the limits of his own function, that was not possible to be doubted. Something equivalent to the creative imagination is needed to govern whole planets and to imagine plans like the Society. But there was still the robot, the electronic superbrain; their decisions still were done of strict way and on data bases that were provided to him and would be erroneous your conclusion according to the serious error of the data. It was like a boy, a great one, almost an impotent boy without humor, fixing the destiny of the race that had built its own responsibilities in him. The idea was not attractive. Langley ignited a cigarette and arrellanó. In agreement. It had made a discovery that could make stagger to an empire. That was because it came from a completely different time, a way different to live and to think. Its intelligence did not admit impositions, was free, without mental contraventanas. But what to do with its facts? It had a nihilista desire to call to Valti and Chanthavar and to say it to it. To destroy all the works completely. But not... who was going to upset all the universe that contained million lives and probably to obtain that they killed it during the process? It did not have criterion, was not God... his desire was merely a reflection of impotent rage. "So he is better it maintains the mouth closed. If sometimes one suspected what I have learned, a minute would not last nor. I was important during one season and watches what happened ". That night, single in its apartment, was watched in the mirror. Its face had thinned and lost most of its bronzed color. The gray splashes of their hair had extended. One felt very old and tired. The compassion seized of him. Simply, it did not belong to there. Marin... What to be doing it? It would live at least? Or can be called life to the existence back in the inferior level? It would not want that she herself was sold; to die it of hunger before folding its fierce pride that knew so well. But any thing could happen in the Old City. The remorse had given his zarpazo. It must not it have sent that one went away. It must not have unloaded his own failure on her, who single had wished to share her load. Its wage altogether was small, as soon as sufficient like supporting to two people, but they could more have worked in some other thing. Completely without information, it dialed the number of the main police office of the city. The courteous face of the slave said to him that the law did not allow the free search of a comunero that was not protested by any crime. A special service was offered to a price, of... more money of the one than it had. Very lamentable, Sir. To borrow the money. To rob it. To lower he himself to inferior level, to offer to him you compensate, any thing. But to find it! And it would love she to return? Langley was shaking. - That will not serve as anything son to you - it said aloud, in the vaciedad of the room -. you are becoming crazy quickly. Siéntate. Siéntate and thinks something to vary. But all their thoughts went in the same crazy person race. The era the stranger, put off center he, the black ewe, that existed only by the quality and the intellectual interest. Nothing had could do. It did not receive training, did not have education; if it had not been by the university, a he himself thing; anachronistic, it would have lowered, until the dreg. Something of deep tozudez in him prevented him to commit suicide. But its other aspect, madness, watched to him to huge steps. That repugnant autocompasión was the first sign of its own one to disintegrate itself. How long took here, in the university? two weeks and already it was very of her. It said to the window that was opened. There there was no terrace, but it was shown and it breathed with force. The air at night was warm and humid. Even of that height, it could smell the kilometers of Earth and the plants growing. The stars blinked over the head, making fun of of him from their distance. Something moved there outside, a vague shade. One approached and it saw with stupidity that was a man with spacesuit. It flew with a personal equipment antigravitational police model. After what they went now? The black armor happened close. Langley jumped backwards while that crossed the window. It landed with a jump that caused that the ground shook. - What devils...? - Langley was interrupted. A hand with guantelete metalist had extended, undoing the massive helmet, throwing it to it backwards. An enormous nose showed by in the middle of one mezcolanza of red hair. - Valti! in body and soul - the retailer said -. Perhaps more in body, right? - the window polarized and ordered that it was closed -. How is, captain? You enough seem tired. -... I am it - little by little the man of the space felt that its heart was reanimated and that there was a tension meeting throughout his nerves -. What is what wishes? - A little char it, captain, only one small discussion in private. Fortunately, we have some regulations that allow us to have solar equipment in the office... The men of Chanthavar are putting themselves infernalmente interested in our movements; it is difficult to avoid them. Create you that I can speak without fear? - Yes. That I create. But... - Nothing of refreshments, thanks. I must go to me as rapidly as possible. They return to happen things again - Valti loosen a giggle and it rubbed the hands -. Yes, truely. It knew that the society had tentacles in high places affluent, but never I thought that its influence was so great. - Yes? - Langley stopped, aspired deeply and it was commited to appear with a glacial calm -. It goes to the grain, Wants? What is what wishes? - To be safe, captain, that it likes to remain here? He has left the idea completely to initiate a new life in any other part? - He goes, so that me he returns it to offer, Why? - Ah... my heads have decided that Saris Hronna and unifying effect do not have to be given without struggle. They have ordered to me that removes to him from its confinement. Créalo or no, my you order came accompanied by credentials you authenticate and unfalsifiable of the Tecnicado. With all evidence, we have high very ready agents good in the Sun government, perhaps in the body of Crew members. They have been able to give to the machine false data so that automatically she has concluded that their own interests are in obtaining that Saris moves away of the side of Chanthavar. Langley approached the robot on watch and obtained a stimulating drink. Only after to it to have swallowed it it returned to trust if same the sufficient thing like speaking. - and you need to me - she said. - Yes, captain. The operation will be risky in all cases. If Chanthavar discovers it, naturally it will take like honor question to have it everything until it can interrogate with more thoroughness to the Tecnicado. Soon, to the light of new and fresh data, the Tecnicado will order an investigation and it will find out the truth. So we must act quickly. You will be necessary as friend of Saris and in whom he she has confidence, and like posesor of a unknown common language with the Holatano... Ours already must know at the moment... so account will be able to be given of which we are arranged to help him and to cooperate with us. The Tecnicado! The brain of Langley staggered. What fantastic new plan that thing had prepared already? - I suppose - it said slowly -, that we will go first a Swan as you glided originally. - Not - the plump face was contracted had in its voice a fantastic tone -. I do not understand in fact. One assumes that we must give it to the Centaurianos. Chapter 16 Langley did not talk back. It did not seem nothing that to say. - Not why - Valti said -. Often I think that we, the Society, it would have to mount an own Tecnicado. The decisions sometimes are incomprehensible, although they have always given the best results. That means the war if some of both sides obtains the nulificador... and why those Centaurianos Barbarians have to have the advantage? - Because it can think that... that the Sun represents a long term threat against us. It is, after all, a rigid culture. If one becomes dominant, can act against us, who we cannot fit in its own static molds. Probably he is better to the light of history is to think that the Centaurianos takes the control during one season. This destroyed it. That demolished everything what it had thought. In appearance the Tecnicado "" was not the real head of the nomads. And, nevertheless... - I say it with all sincerity - it continued Valti -. It can have been easier maintaining to him to you in the ignorance, but also there was a risk. When you discovered what we seted out, in company of Saris she could arm enough commotion. He is better to obtain his free consent from the beginning. "For its own aid, captain, one is offered to him espacionave manned with which you will be able to locate your own planet, if it does not like any of which we know. It is not necessary that one worries in the one to betray to Saris; he will not be worse in Thor than in the Earth. In addition you one will On guard be to negotiate and to assure a good treatment for his friend. But I need its decision now. Langley shook the head in negative sense. That was too sudden. - Déjeme to think a little... What has of the gang of Brannoch? They have been put in contact with you? - No. I only know that she assumes that we must remove them from the tower of the embassy, in where they are bordered under house arrest and to prepare transport to them until Thor. I have documents of the Tecnicado that will take to us until there inside, if we used them well. - have not put yourselves you in contact with anybody? It could not be seen through the rigid spacesuit, but Valti had to shrink of shoulders. - Officially, no. With certainty, not with us. But, actually sure Trimanos must tenar secret signallers of variable frequency in their tank, in where the human police as soon as it would dare to register. They must have been speaking to its Earth agents by that means, although what they have been said he is something who I ignore. Chanthavar also includes/understands it, but there is little can do except destroying at Trimanos and that goes against the code of social education. Those gentlemen of high social level, although come from different States, are respected mutually, the rights of both; they never know if someday they can be in the same jam. - It goes - Langley remained immovable, but the knowledge began to raise itself in him and wanted to shout it to four winds. It had not been mistaken. The Tecnicado governed the Society. But it had, it must have, an additional complication and thought to have caught his nature. - I am going away it to ask, captain - insisted Valti -. It wants to help us? - If I say that not - the man of the space answered with dryness -, I suppose that his I disillusion will be enough violent. - It would have to lament it infinitely - Valti murmured, grazing the desintegradora pistol of its flank -. But some secrets they are quite important - its small eyes and pale they examined its interlocutor -. I want, nevertheless, to accept its word if it accedes to help. You are of those men who respect the given word. Also, little you gain or nothing can betraying to us. Langley made its decision: It was a jump in the uncertainty, but, suddenly, it felt as one calms were raised within himself, a security that was as a reassuring hand. It was going to go again to some part. It only could be to cross on a precipice, but it was going to leave the mass and to walk like a man. - Yes - it said -. I will go away with you. Yes... Valti waited. - the same conditions that before. The Marin girl, must accompany to us. That first I have to find it I only gave the freedom Him... must be somewhere of the low level. When it returns here, I will be arranged to start off. - Captain, that can take days... - That is the very damn bad thing. Déme a good handful of money and I will carry out a personal investigation to locate it. - the operation is arranged to morning. Can you do it by then? - That I create... if it gives enough money me. Valti emitted sad gruñido, but it looked for in its pockets. It was a stock market very bulky the one that Langley fit in its belt. Also it obtained a small disintegrator, that it contained underneath its layer. - Very well, captain - Good luck said to the retailer -.. I will hope to him to you in Twin Moons, to 21:00 hours tomorrow at night. If not... - I know It - Langley significantly went a finger through the throat -. I will be There. Valti inclined, the helmet lowered and it went away by where it had come. Langley could have cried and have moaned of acute excitation, but there was no time. It left the apartment and it crossed the corridors. To that hour they were not desert. The bridge-step further on was still more report but when it took a gravitational elevator downwards went solo. It was shouted and it was ed ***reflx mng between the comuneros; the multitudes clusterd themselves around him. With that university túnica it inspired little respect and it had to break through to pushes... towards the Etie Town. That portion dedicated to the foreigners was in the borders of the inferior zone, but in itself it enjoyed order and good police. There were some human beings there living in his proximities. Within the zone, it knew it, servants and people to wage. A nonhuman being is not interested in the women, except as his maids. It would be the place more surely for a girl dismissed of a high level. At least, it was the most logical site where to begin its search. He had been a clumsy fan, whose mental paralysis grew with their repeated failures in a world of professionals. That sensation had disappeared to him completely now. The magnitude of its determination lent a security to him that was almost chilling. That time, by God, nothing was going to interpose in its way without coil by its impetus was seen. It entered a tavern. Their clients were in their majority of a biped race of narrow heads, that did not need special conditions of atmosphere or temperature. They ignored to him when he crossed the fantasmal mass of humid and spongy bars that were their favorites. The light was red strong, difficult to be able to see by means of her. Langley approached a corner in where a few men with the librea of paid crew members were drinking. They watched to him fixedly; it had to be the first time that a professor arrived at that place. - I can seat? - it asked. - There is much people - a man of sullen aspect answered to him. - I feel to Him. It was going to invite to a round, but... - Oh, then good, siéntese. To Langley it none did not concern the restricted silence to him that fell surplus they. It agreed to him perfectly. - I look for a woman - it said. - Four doors more down. - Not... a woman in individual. Discharge, black hair, accent of superior level. I believe that it must of have come does two weeks. Somebody has seen it? - No. - I offer one compensates by the information. One hundred lots. The eyes of all seemed to desorbitar themselves. Langley noticed the avarice of some of the faces and the layer lay down backwards of accidental way but it was served to reveal the weapon that carried. Its possession was a serious crime, but nobody seemed inclined to call to the police. - Good, if you cannot help me I will have to prove in some other part. -... it does not wait for a minute, Sir. Tómeselo with calm. Perhaps we pruned - the man of sullen face watched around the table -. Some knows it? No? nevertheless, it was possible to be asked for the environs. - Clear - Langley removed to ten tickets from ten lots each one -. That is so that you pay to the informers. It compensates it goes aside. But it will not serve as anything if is not it to her within... three hours. Its company evaporated. He remained seated, it requested another drink and it tried to control his impatience. The time crawled very slowly. How much life is spent simply hoping! A girl approached to him with a suggestion. Langley also sent it to that it looked for. It contemplated his beers: now, like never before, it had to conserve the clear head. To the two hours and eighteen minutes, a little man out of breath ran jadeando until the table. - I have found It! The heart of Langley gave a jump. It was put still on, slowly. - it dresses It? - Good, no. But new doncella responding to the description that they gave contracted with a Slimer... a retailer me of Srinis, I have been meaning... only for eleven days. The cook said to me that, after to have interrogated and looked for to him, that girl seems different. The space man agreed. Its deduction had been correct: the class crew member was more effective with its murmuración that a regiment of police to look for a person. People had not changed so much. - We go - she said and one went towards the door. - What has of my compensates? - you will receive It when it sees it. It controls your emotions. They lowered by an ample full street of surprises, the little man stopped before a door. - It is here. Nevertheless, I do not know as we will enter. Langley pressed the caller. To little the door it opened to reveal a butcher of formidable proportions, but to be human. The American was prepared to separate it to a side and to penetrate if it were necessary. - Perdóneme - said Langley -. Have you new doncella, discharge, black hair? - Sir, to my master it likes the privacy. Langley shook on its noses a ticket roll great. - Bad. That interested much to me. I solely wanted to speak with her. He entered, leaving his informant hoping outside. The air was thick and humid, the light of a green yellowish fluid that hurt to the eyes. The beings of outer worlds used native crew members for their prestige, but they had to pay to them very well. The thought of which it had been the one who he impelled to Marin to live in that artificial marsh was like teeth biting to him the soul. It was standing in the center of a full fog camera. Condensed drops shone in their hair. Surprised eyes did not watch to him with gravity. - I have come - it whispered. - It knew that you would do it. - I can... I can decirte how much I feel it? - it is not necessary, Edwy. Olvídalo. They returned to the street. Langley paid to its informant and obtained the direction of a hotel. It walked until there, taking it of the hand, but nothing said solo until they were safe and. Then it kissed it, afraid means of which it rejected it. But the girl responded with sudden hunger. - I love to You... - he said. It was a new and surprising knowledge. She smiled. - I believe that the feeling is mutual. Later, it told him what it had happened. It was like igniting a light behind its beautiful eyes. - and we will be able to escape? - it asked with smoothness -. We will be able to begin again? If you knew what I have dreamed since... - Not so quickly - seriousness returned to him; it put a sharp edge in his voice while it twisted the fingers nervous -. This is a quite complicated situation. I believe that I know what there is after her... perhaps although you can help me to complete the image. "I have proven same me that the Tecnicado founded the society and that uses like spy and agent of economic infiltrations. Nevertheless, the Tecnicado is hidden in some cavern of some part. It cannot leave and to supervise the subjects, must trust the information that their agents provide to them. Some of these agents are officials, part of the solar government; other semi-official ones, members of the society; some truely, spies in other planets. "But already you know that two can play the same game. There is another race this way that has a mentality very similar to the one of the Tecnicado, a cold, impersonal mental mass, that glides with a century of anticipation and is able to hope indefinitely to see how the seeded seed blooms, and that is the race of Thrym. Its mental practice to be united does to them of that class: An individual does not matter, because in a true real sense each individual is only one cell within an enormous unit. You can see operate it in the case of Liga, in where quiet they have occupied the key positions, they have become to themselves, masters so gradually that the Thorianos just today realizes. - and you think that they have filtered in the Society? - she asked. - I know darned well that if. There is no another answer. The Society would not give to Saris Brannoch if he were truely independent. I know that the Tecnicado thinks that still it has the Society and that it never would give an advantage to Centaur. - But she is going it to give, according to you you say - she protested. - Ajaja. Here it is the explanation as I see it. The Society includes a good amount of races, one of these races is the Thrymana. Probably they are not officially of Thrym. Can be placed in a similar world... with surgical changes in its physical aspect... and perhaps to be made happen to themselves like native. Members have been able to become of the bureaucracy by the normal process of the ascent and, being able with time to raise enough stop, they have not been able by less knowing the truth: that the Tecnicado was behind all the spectacle. "What gale for all! They must have introduced in the society general principles, to control another human group, but also they have obtained progresses in the own Tecnicado. They can prepare information that obtain of the Society... not all, but enough. The force has to save itself for special occasions, because the machine must have comparadoras units of data. It must be able to suspect, to be able to work. This is a special occasion. "Chanthavar, Brannoch and Valti were all acting with crossed intentions because there had been no time to consult to the Tecnicado; of another form it would have been said normally to Valti that did not put in the subject, or at least that it cooperated, with Chanthavar. When the Tecnicado inquired, you already know it, this ordered the freedom of Valti. "But then the Thrymanos was put to work. Still prisoners, must have had contact with their outer agents, including the Thrymanos of high rank of the Society. "I do not know exactly that of histories they have provided themselves to the Tecnicado. Like hypothesis, I suggest something thus: a commercial ship finishes returning with the news of a new planet inhabited by a race that has the abilities of Saris. They have been studied and it has been discovered that there is no way to duplicate artificially that nulificador effect. The Thrymanos is perfectly able to cook such complete report with quantitative data and mathematical theories, would bet to that yes. "It is well. This report, hypothetical elaborated for its own good, given to the Society, arrives until the Tecnicado. The machine makes a very natural decision. That the Centaurianos takes control of Saris, that wastes the time investigating in an impasse. It must seem real, so that Brannoch does not suspect; therefore, to work by means of Valti, without informing to Chanthavar. "So... the final result is that Centaur will obtain the nulificador. the first news which the Tecnicado has about will be that the invading fleet arrives able to put outside circulation to all ship within the Solar System! Marin did not respond during awhile. Soon it agreed. - It seems logical - it said Darned -. logical. Now memory... when I was in house of Brannoch, shortly before conocerte to tí, that he spoke with that tank. It mentioned something about which Valti opposed difficulties to him and that looked for great steps that they assassinated to him and the tank prohibited him to do it. We will have to say it to it to Chanthavar? - Not - Langley answered. - But you want that they gain the Centaurianos? - Emphatically no. I do not want a war absolutely and to let leave this information premature way would be the way more surely to begin the war. You cannot see the wild struggle that would be armed to cover itself, to bleed itself, to strike immediately before the other reacted? "the fact that same Brannoch is in the dark, of which nothing knows about this important subject of supreme way of the Society, it does not indicate to me either that Thrym exactly does not have its interest put in Liga. Liga is only an average one for a great and much more deadly aim. It raised the head. - Until now, affection, my attempts to introduce to me in this game, has been splendid and miserable failures... I am risking our two lives against which I believe that it is the future of the human race. It seems enough idiot, right? Only a little man thinking that he can change history with his own effort. By that hallucination many misfortunes have been caused. "This time, although is the exception, is no error in my work nor in my game... I believe that I can carry out something that is worth the trouble. Think that I am right? It seems to you that I straight must even to prove it? She approached to him and its cheek was united to the one of him. - Yes - it whispered Yes -., love mine... Chapter 17 Langley did not introduce of contraband to Marín in its apartment. If they saw it, it were possible that male sense of expectancy or commentaries did not wake up, but tried to be discreet. Soon, it was surprised when sleeping far better of since it had done it in the last weeks. To the following day, loa took microscopies of all data from the library on the Society, also it caused that the robot prepared a summary to him and the spool in its stock market put. He was discouraging to think, that it depended on so tenuous threads of hope. The character of Valti was one of them; it thought that the trading one was able to shake to the preparation of all its life the enough thing as to watch the new facts and to reason a little before the subtle evidences, but he were safe? The sun was put after the horizon. Langley and Marin ate in the apartment without savoring what it appeared to them. The girl was pensativa when both were shown to see the twilight. - You will miss to the Earth? - he asked. Marin smiled with smoothness. - A little... Once in a while. But not too much, teniéndote to tí. Langley rose and took articles from the closet that seemed to him appropriate so that she covered herself. With the hair gathered within the gorrito, it had almost infantile an ingenuous aspect.... Jovencísimo seemed a student. - We go already - it said. They lowered until the lobby, they left to the terrace and they crossed the bridge-step. The multitude laughed and chatted in its winch, gladly dressed, leaving in one anxious search pleasing. The lights were like a sharp and irisada rain. Langley tried to repress the tension, within itself. There was nothing no to win with that pressing series of questions about forces coaligadas against him. "Cálmate, breathes deep, savors the wind at night and the vision of stars", thought Tomorrow, "can that you are dead". It could not. It hoped that its face did not reflect the tension of its nerves. "It walks slowly, with gravity, as it corresponds to a culture man. It forgets that underneath the arm you take a deadly weapon " The Twin Moons conocidísima was one tavern of slightly shady class, nested on the tile roof of upon the low level, indeed in the shade of the immense mass of metal that was the Tower of Interplanetary Companies. When entering, Langley was in a Martian atmosphere: dark green-bluish sky, a modern channel and an old fragment of red desert. There was an opaque atmosphere of smoke and the Martian songs of smaller tone. Reserved they were aligned throughout a wall whose aspect remembered the grayish and shady caverns of the primitive men. Opposite it was the counter of the bar and a scene, on which one eodiasta formed well was making the most improbable contorsiones with a gesture of immense boredom. Below music the drone of the own conversations of any nightclub was perceived. 20:45. Langley approached the counter. - Two beers! - it requested. The robot extended an arm with glasses, it filled them with the same arm and it extended a metallic hand awaiting the money. A man with skin toasted by the sun and the gangliosa constitution of a Martian did a gesture to him with the head. - they do not see themselves many professors in a site as this - he observed, with affected gesture. - It is our free night - Langley said, trying to seem amiable. - I also suppose that mine. I am impatient, nevertheless, to return to house. This planet is too heavy. Clear that Mars also is dead in these days. Long ago we governed the Solar System. Those were good weathers. Now we are only young obedient to the Tecnicado, like everything quisque. A black uniform approached to them. The Martian closed the mouth and tried to put aspect innocent. - It pardons, Sir - the police said touching to Langley in the shoulder -. they are hoping to Him. During a little while... the world of the man of the space, it seemed to rear itself. Soon it recognized under the helmet now the face without beard. That man, back in the subterraneans, was the one who its disintegrator against the agents of Brannoch shot. It back seemed to have happened an eternity. - Clear - he said and he followed to him. Marin continued after them. They entered reserving. He was full of uniforms. A voluminous form dressed light armor battle; the voice of Valti left among the helmet. - Good night...! Captain... Lady... All clear one? - Yes. I believe that everything is prepared. - This way. I have confidence with the owner -. Valti pressed with the finger a place of the drawing of the scenery. The later wall was opened and the first stairs that Langley had seen from its time appeared at sight. They lead to a small superior room in where they were two uniforms of ministerial military official -. Pónganselos - said Valti -. I believe that it will be better than they seem aristocrats who enslaved. But déjenme to speak except when it is with Saris. - It is well. Marin undressed of the túnica and without showing to pregnancy some pus it dares the military suit. The hair rose and it disguised it within the light steel helmet, leaving layer decidedly fell it of his shoulders, could happen with facility through an adolescent Minister to whom it had been promoted recently for some mission of training. Valti explained its plan, soon lowered again, left the reserved one and they were seen in the street. The game was numerous until certain point. But it seemed a insignificancia if one thought that it had to send itself against all the powerful Sun. Nothing said while the step-bridges lead to them towards the military research center in the western part of the city. Langley wished to take to Marin of the hand, but that was now impossible. It was put to meditate however. Its destiny was a tower that was raised to the same edge of the acute cliff that was like a wall of the city. It was aside from the neighboring constructions and probably it would have tubes and armors after his smooth plastic facade. When the group of Valti arrived at the central terrace and he directed himself to the entrance, three enslaved guards left a species of next niche. They inclined to the unisonous one and one asked the reason for the visit. - Urgent and special - Valti answered. The helmet that took deformed its accent -. We come to take certain object to us of study privily and to lead it to a place more surely. There are our documents here. One of the guards removed a species from full table of instruments. The authorization was examined microscopically; Langley deduced that the documents of the Tecnicado would have some invisible based number that would be changed daily at random. Several men fixed the Vista to pápeles and they compared them with which they had registered. Soon efe of the sentries agreed. - Very well, Sir. They need aid? - Yes - Valti replaced -. It makes come a closed truck from the police. We will leave soon. And it does not let enter or leave to anybody until we have gone away. Langley thought about the hidden automatic guns within the walls. But the door dilated to let to him pass and followed Valti through the corridor. They happened in front of several small stays, but the personnel in them did not interfere; soon they had to stop in a second point of inspection. After that they entered the prison of Saris; the papers indicated their location to them. The holatano was laid down in diván after the grates. The rest of the camera was an enigmatic forest of laboratory equipment. There were sentries with mechanical arms and electronic and a pair of technicians worked in a table. They had to call to its heads for another discussion before they loosen to the captive. Langley had approached the cell. Saris did not make the smaller sign of to him have recognized. - Hello - said with smoothness the American in English -. You are well? - Yes. Until now electrical measures have been made me and of another class. But he is laborious to be enjaulado. - they have taught his language to You? - Yes. , very well better than the English. Langley felt weak of lightening. All its precarious plan had depended on this presumption and the surprising linguistic ability of the holatano. - I have come to sacarte from here - it said -. But it will cost a little. You will have to cooperate and to risk pellejo. - My life? - there was bitterness in the tone of the answer -. It is that whole? Then... now it is not much. - Marín knows the facts and as it is my plan, now will be said to you. But we will be three against all the others. Quickly the man explained to him what knew and the elaborated plan. The golden eyes flashed with a fierce light and fast and their muscles were contracted below the skin. But it only said: - It is well. We will prove it thus. The voice tone only demonstrated to boredom and hopelessness. Valti imposed its criterion to the supervisor. One releases metallic box with diverse holes to breathe was introduced by means of a antigravitational aerial suspension. Saris put in her when leaving the cell and the cover was closed on him. - we go away, Milord? - Valti asked. - Yes - the American responded -. Everything already is completed. Several men pushed the floating box by the corridors. Without weight the inertia of the object was even considerable and to start up the self-propelling unit could make sound to the automatic alarms. When they arrived at the terrace, a great light ship of black color hoped to them. The container of Saris was placed in the back part, the men crowded in the cabin and Valti started up it towards the centauriana embassy. Langley doubted in now putting in practice its plan before gives that they made contact with enemy with the following enemy. To leave completely of side to Brannoch? No. There was no time. And Saris was almost impotent under a mechanical lock. Langley bit the lip and hoped. The flying vehicle-truck stopped near the tower of the embassy of which Liga had the superior third for apartments and offices. Valti lead to the entrance to half of its group. Again it had to remove documents and to undergo a new inspection; Chanthavar maintained affluent the place watched. This time its orders I pretend were to take certain centauriano key personnel; it let suspect that it was an outward journey only and the commander of the guard smiled. - It causes that they enter the box - remembered Langley to him. - What? - it asked astonished Valti -. Why Milord? - They can try something to the desperate one. It already knows. That will surprise to them. Better it is to be prepared. - But... the mechanism... will work suitably, milord. - Surely. I have reviewed it. Valti oscillated indeciso and Langley felt that the sweat dampened the palms to him of the hands. If the retailer said that not... - He is well, Milord. He can that is a good idea. The box entered oscillating by an open door. It was not seen anybody; the small fish probably would be sleeping in their own rooms. The particular door of Brannoch was ahead, it was opened when approaching and the thoriano showed to her its enormous mass. - What is this? - it asked with coldness. His corpachón was contracted underneath the showy pajamas, that dressed, as if it prepared itself for a desperate final jump towards his arms -. I did not invite to him. Valti lay down the helmet back. - It can that you do not lament a visit, milord - she said. - Ah, you? And also Langley, and... between - the giant lead to them to its living room -. What happens now? Valti explained it. The joy of the triumph caused that the face of Brannoch seemed cruel. Langley remained next to the floating metallic coffin. It could not speak to Saris, could not prevent it with anything or say to him now. The holatano lay completely without information in the iron dark. Only their mental senses and their faculties could arrive beyond their jail. - you have heard It, Thrymicanos? - Brannoch shouted -. We go! I will call to the men. - No! Brannoch stopped in half of its movement. - What happens? - you do not call them - the artificial voice said -. Us we waited for it. We already know what to do. You will go away with them single; we will follow to you soon in our vehicle. - What space devils... - Quickly! It has in game more than what you assume. Chanthavar can come at any moment and we have left much that to still do. Brannoch doubted. If one occurred to think him a little while would remember the abilities of Saris, it would suddenly notice the slight change in the accent of his thrymanos. But it finished rising to sleep, still was with the dream stuck to the eyelids, was customary to obey you order them of the Monsters... Valti pushed to him. The lightening became evident in its flowery wordiness. - reason Has, milord. It would be diabolically difficult to remove that enormous tank without waking up suspicions, would take minutes to summon the men. Vámonos! Brannoch agreed, a pair of shoes was put and left by the door between its supposed guardians. Langley directed a glance of reojo to Marin, the face of the girl was in favor white of the tension. I hope that the wild one to roar of its heart was not audible. Until now, all good. To stop in the embassy was inevitable, but the gathered extra opposition had there to be reduced to a man... and a man to whom the conscience of Langley impelled to that it was told him, the truth. Saris had not only had as a function to control the microphones gives the thrymkanos, but to cortocircuitar the devices of its antigravitational mechanism and to leave surrounded them, immovable, abandoned, there where they were; it would have obtained it? He was enough the strong thing? Perhaps! He would be strange, nevertheless, if those acute and suspicaces intelligences were contented with a device that left prisoners them in case of accident. It must have mechanisms to repair the controlable apparatus, tools robots from the interior of the tank. Surely there would be means to warn all the ring of centaurianos and sabotaging spies, throwing to them so that they broke through the encirclement of Chanthavar and they lead to the thinking monsters to a spaceship that undertook the fled one. The thrymanos would escape. There was no way to prevent it. To probably they would persecute them. And Chanthavar could not sleep peacefully time much more, either. The question was if the group of Valti could be placed outside the reach of a tracking ray before some of the other parties conducted battle. "He will be interesting to know it", thought Langley. Chapter 18 In their own world relegated to the forgetfulness, they never would have arrived so far. Of some way, throughout the line, there would have been a man with the enough independence of mind like skipping to the bullfigther the prescribed procedures and not hoping to that their superior ones made one delayed decision. But a slave is not educated and trains so that he thinks by itself. That could be the reason for which the freedom, unstable, inefficient, consequently impelled towards the forgetfulness time and time again, still was raised again through history. The vehicle flew smooth and fast by the darkened planet. Dark-brown one became a luminous constellation on the horizon and soon it disappeared. Only night could be seen. Langley doubted to be able to return someday to the city. It happened like a lightning over his experience during few weeks but now it was as if she and their million inhabitants never had existed. It gave to some understanding about the philosophy of Valti its way him to accept the nonpermanent and subjugated thing like essential to the general state of the things. The recosido face of Brannoch stood out in the shade by the weak light of the panel of: instruments. - It knows why has decided to help the Society us? - it asked. -... I do not know... milord to it... - the retailer responded. - There is money somewhere. Much money. Unless you they plan some treason... - during a little while the teeth squeaked, targets and brilliant, soon they thoran loosen an outburst of laughter -. No. Why they would be bothered with me after all, if not outside, by the intention that you aimed to me? - Sure milord, but... I suppose that the league will be desagradecida to my efforts. - Oh, yes, yes, nonsubject, will have its tiny amount. The vehicle praised/poured off towards a small forest, Valti took the word. - There I have a rocket that will lead us to the cruise, They have kindness, horsemen! A firing harvested the lock of the box of Saris. The holatano left an agile jump and the group entered itself among the trees. - All take energy arms - murmured English Saris in All except one, that high type there, you will be able to dominate to him? - I will not have more remedy than to be able to do it - Langley between teeth said. The rocket appeared enormous in sure like a column at night. - Where it is the rest of the group? - Brannoch asked while it raised by the stairway towards the hermetic sluice of the ship. - Comfortably sleeping in its beds, milord - Valti replaced. Its voice sounded to discharge and trowel in the immense calm. Somewhere, far, the crickets sang, is probable that this is the last time that I hear them sing, thought Langley. Those were twenty men that it had to capture. That espacionave, although in fact was not more than a boat destined to the transport from the Earth to the cruises in orbit, was designed with sights more towards the speed than to the comfort. A single room contained seats for the passage and the pilot's seat. Valti got rid of its armor planted its enormous buttock in the control armchair and their fingers initiated a graceful dance over the panel. The boat shook and jumped towards the firmament. The atmosphere fell back. The Earth turned enormous and beautiful and unalterable against a star curtain iridiscentes. Langley watched it with the grief of the goodbyes. "Good bye, Earth. Good bye, hills and forests, windy discharges mountains, plains, great sea of the Oceans bathed by the moon. Good bye, Peggy ". A computer chatted in low voice for himself. The lights blinked in the panel. Valti closed a commutator, sighed with fatigue and it became to the others. - It is well - it said -. We go already in automatic flight, to high acceleration. We will arrive at our ship within half an hour. You can rest. - That is easier to say than to do - gruñó Brannoch. The calm grew within the narrow metallic camera. Langley watched Saris. The holatano agreed, although of weak way. Marin saw the gesture and its own head repeated it. It was the hour. Langley supported the back in the wall near the controls. It removed his disintegrator. - they do not move - it said. Somebody cursed. A weapon jumped with blinding speed. It did not get to shoot. - Saris controls each weapon of here except mine and the one of Marin - Langley explained -. It will be better than they remain quiet and they listen... No, it does not do it! It sent a ray to the high man of the old pistol. The retailer folded with moaning, while the weapon fell to the ground. - the moan! - Langley spoke under -. I do not want to make damage to anybody. But there is much in game. They want to give occasion me to explain to me? - Captain... - Valti was gotten up. Marin forced to him to repress itself with a threat gesture. Saris, seized in a corner of the stay, shook because of the effort. - Escúchenme. - Langley felt a vague anger when seeing that its tone sounded so suplicante. Perhaps is not the master that that he is grasping a weapon? But the ojillos of Valti went incessantly of a side for another one like looking for any opportunity to take control of the control of the situation. The legs of Brannoch were together and folded under their seat, quick to jump. The space retailers gruñían, reuniting value to rush themselves on him and to dominate it by the number. - I want to explain a few facts to them - Langley continued -. All you have been handled marionettes to whim by one of the greater ones and more spectacular you intrigue of history. You think that you act by its own good... Valti, Brannoch... but I am going to demonstrate the opposite to them. In any case he has half an hour of delay, thus was nothing prevents them to listen to me. - Ahead - Brannoch with heavy voice exclaimed. The American gave a trembly sigh and he was sent to relate what knew: the submission of Liga, the Tecnicado and the Society to a foreign and hostile power working for its own aims. It gave to Valti the spool that took with himself and the retailer placed it in a reading apparatus and she studied it with deliberate and maddening slowness. The clock shelled the minutes indolently and the Earth backed down to stern of the ship. The room was warm and quiet. Valti raised the Vista. - What you go á to do if I do not cooperate? - it asked. - To force to him. - Langley shook its weapon. Hairy and the red big head oscillated and in his fat figure it appeared a peculiar dignity. - No. I feel it, captain, but of anything it would be worth to him. You do not know to handle one espacionave modern. It does not know to do it and my old skeleton is not worth so much as what would do in its benefit. Langley contained its disintegrator. - It is well! It seemed a dangerous thing, but Valti was limited to agree and to occupy the pilot's seat. - Almost we have arrived - it said -. It is hour to put the brakes and to conjugate speeds. Espacionave grew enormously. It was a long black cylinder, floating through the starred immensity. Langley saw stand out its artillery turrets against the milky luminosity of the milky Route. One slight commotion took place, the metallic noise of two steel plates was heard when making contact with enemy and the boat united its hatchway of hermetic way with the one of the great ship. - Positions battle! - Valti exclaimed -. It can come with me, captain. It was sent towards the exit. Langley stopped next to Brannoch. The giant watched to him and it flattered to him with a wild smile. - Good work - it said. - It watches - the American responded -, when Liberte, flies of here, but it does not go away too much far. Listen to any conversation by radio. Think about which I have said to him. Soon, if you are prudent, it will be put in contact with Chanthavar. - It can... that does it. - If... in good of the Society. - I no! The answer of Valti cracked as a pistol firing. - You, yes, Sir, or personally I will break the neck upon my knees. In this trip I am the pattern. I must read articles to him concerning absolute obedience to its pattern? - I... yes, gentleman. But I will write up a complaint in... - Clear that it will do it! - spirited Valti agreed -, and I will be to his side, in the office, filling the form of my claim. The disintegrators began to fall on the feet of Langley. Saris was let collapse in diván shaking of exhaustion. - They tie to Brannoch - the American ordered. - Clear... He pardons the freedom, milord? We will leave him in this rocket, you will be able to free yourself and to leave to your pleasure. Brannoch watched with eyes assassins to him, but it surrendered. - Satisfied, captain? - Valti asked. - Perhaps. Why it creates to me now? - Partly by the tests that showed to me, partly by your own sincerity. I feel respect by its intelligence. - Somebody has focused on us a tracking ray. They are following to us. - Who? Very far? Very quickly? - Brannoch shot the questions like a hungry dog. - I do not know it. They can be its friends of Thrym, can be Chanthavar. - Valti jugueteó with some bellboys and considered the reading of the dials -. a ship of good size. It runs more than we, but we had been our good ten minutes to them of advantage. Some time will cost to warm up the generators for an interstellar jump, so it can that we must fight during that short while - their eyes were fixed in Langley -. If the good captain us allows it. The American expelió the air of its lungs with a chill. - No. Before that I leave them they fly us to all. Valti emitted a giggle. - It knows, captain who I create... you to him and to his fantastic hypothesis. - That will have to demonstrate it - Langley answered. - I will do It. Men, please, throw here towards all their arms. The captain will watch us to all, if he does not consider it very boring. - He waits a little while! - a nomad put itself still on. - He is going to go you against the orders of the heads? Brannoch nothing said, but their eyes were like blue stone cards. - It is that it does not include/understand it, man? - Langley shouted -. it cannot think? - Their tests are very little consistent captain. All those facts are susceptible to other interpretations. - When two hypotheses enter game, it escójase simplest - it sentenced Marin, with prophet air. Valti seated. It rested his chin on a fist, closed the eyes and it suddenly seemed very old. - It can that is right - Brannoch -. a long time ago said finally that I came suspecting to me those monsters. But already we will deal later with them... after Thor has obtained one more a position hard. - No! - Langley shouted -. Blind, crazy bloodthirsty! it is that it does not see it? All this subject has been maquinado by them. They must consider to the men like dangerous worms. They cannot conquer to us by themselves, but they can cause that we bleed in fraticidas fights. Then they would laugh triumphant! He sounded a bell. Langley returned the head and turned in round when hearing the shout of Marin. Brannoch almost was upon him. It made back down to the centauriano with a gesture, that smiled imprudently, but left Valti approached the instrument panel. The retailer became and announced with llaneza: - God protects to him if no. Good bye, Brannoch. Langley crossed the hatchway. He was the last one in leaving and the door of the great ship was closed after him. It did not know the distribution that cruise, but it followed his instinct and it crossed the long corridors. In his winch it was perceived to rugir of machines; espacionave was prepared to fight. To the few minutes it located the main driver's compartment. Valti there was seated, with Marin and Saris remoloneando, to the bottom. The ship had to be almost entirely automatic, a robot in himself, so that a single man could lead it. A stellar globe gave the maneuvers of the cold saturated outer dark of constellations. Valti located a movable small point in the globe and fit telepantalla to extend the vision. The ship that approached was a steel sphere. - Of thrymana construction - Valti said -. It would know his lines anywhere. Let us see what must say to us. It pressed the bellboys of the radio. Thrymanos! Then they had to escape almost nothing else to go away the others, shooting the arms that doubtlessly they had in some place of its tank, arriving until some hidden ship military and starting off for the space to an almost impossible speed. They would have to know the orbit the ship of Valti thanks to the Tecnicado. Langley shook. Marin was tightened against him. - Hello, Thrym! - Valti spoke almost with indifference. Eyes and hands still moved, pressing bellboys, fitting dials, observing the light signals that flamed from a department to another one. The mechanical voice responded of estridente way: - they have been followed! If they are sensible, they will surrender immediately. The solar patrol crafts have applied a tracking ray to us. They follow to us close by and before allowing them that they seize of you, we will destroy everything. - Solar! - Langley emitted a whistle. Chanthavar had been very fast in conducting battle, according to seemed. But, sure the flight of the thrymanos would have alerted that any other thing much more to him. - It seems that the celebration soon will have too much people - it murmured. Valti lowered a commutator. The celestial globe reflected tiny fire small points that had to be phenomenal explosions. - the ships fight to each other - it observed calm -. Our crew has little to do except being alert with the controls of emergency for the case that we receive a direct hit. The two ships maneuvered, sending their own tonnage through the sky so slightly as if they were agile dancers. Nuclear shells divided raudos to be destroyed and to be annihilated by projectiles anti projectiles. The rays of energy of long reach hurgaron the firmament with their flashes. Everything what Langley noticed was to ulular of the generators, the crazy dance of the sparks of the globe and the laborious one cliquear of the brain robot between the ship. Hungry Saris gruñó. - If it could leave! - it exclaimed rabid -. it would nail the teeth to Them to all! Langley attracted Marin towards himself. - It can that destroys to us before we pruned to release to us - it said -. I feel terribly impotent. - you did It very well, Edwy - it responded. - Good... I tried it. I love to you, Marin. She sighed with great happiness. - With that coarse one. The walls shook and the air was full of rage. A voice sounded by the intercom. - Nearly they give us in Seven, Sir. The outer plates are dented by the expansion of the energy explosion, but still air is not lost. - Ahead - Valti said. A nuclear blast even had to be very next to cause much damage in the emptiness. But a simple grenade that touched to the ship before exploding would make of her a fused steel rain. - Chanthavar arrives Here - Valti said -. I have an idea. I will be to listening by the radio so... - return gave a key -. Hello, Thrym! Hello! The solarianos will fall on us within a moment. I have more phobia to them to them than to you, so, we settle our differences later a little, in agreement? There was no answer. The thrymanos never wasted words and had to recognize that so diaphanous fraud. But two solar cruises yes described to a next circle and they who heard it. Next it described a graceful arc that would have been impossible without gravitational impulsion, and opened fire against the thrymana ship. Valti sent a "alive one" and sent its ship forwards. A ship could not face the attack of other two. The screens did not transmit that blinding detonation. They refused the load, white were put and when they returned to work seconds later, the thrymanos were a gas cloud that expanded quickly. The two solar ships described I circulate cautious, drilling to the nomads with a few rays and grenades. A siren roared. Valti rióse resoundingly. - the superimpulsion is ready. Now we can go to us of here. - It hopes! - Langley said -. Lla them to me. I want to speak to them. - But they can fall on us while we spoke and... - Damn it is, man! The Earth has right to also knowing it! Lla them to me! Lla them to me immediately! But it was Chanthavar that entered first wave. Its voice sounded irritated. - Hello! Here Society... Deténganse to be boarded... - Not so quickly, brother... - Langley showed over the shoulder of Valti, looking for the earpiece. It is enough to give to us a switch to see us ten years distance light! but I have something to say to him... - Oh...! You? - the tone of Chanthavar had something of impertinent comicidad -. You again? My respect towards the fans have grown much tonight! I to like to have it to him between my personnel! - Then it will not have east pleasure! I feel it! Now it listens: - Langley explained what knew to him as quickly as could... There was soon an expectant silence. Later Chanthavar said slowly: - it Can demonstrate... - You can demonstrate it itself. Such study documents that I. Reunite to whichever centaurianos agents can and, later, he interrogates... the thrymanos to them must have in his list some human. Put the facts and the hypotheses before the Tecnicado, pídale a reevaluación... That great brain must be able to add two and two. - It can... can that you have reason, Langley. It is very possible. - the neck Can be bet to that I have it. The thrymanos cannot use to us. We are for as monstrous them as they are it for us and the war that we maintained even convinced to them that we are dangerous, towards those of our race. Its objective must be, more or less, the extermination of all being with life. Perhaps it mistakes to me... but one can run the risk of verifying this so probable hypothesis... - Not - Chanthavar with calmness replaced -. I believe that no. - It pledges to Brannoch. Fleet by some near place. You, he and the Society - all the planets are going to have to bury their small ambitions. If they do not do it, are finished. Together, they can face before any power. - We will need that nulificador. - No. They do not need it. A planet Thrym cannot be conquered as large as, but you can make back down to your native ones and maintain to them in your site if they arrange his possibilities. Later, he will be beneficial for you to know that "somebody" in the galaxy, in a planet of free men, has a weapon that cannot resist nobody. That even can suggest some ideas to them to free you yourself... Good bye, Chanthavar! Good luck! It disconnected the transmitter and it was put still on, feeling a sudden and enormous intimate satisfaction... As if it finished fulfilling with that it was designated to him from before the consumation of the centuries... - It is well! - it said -. We will travel! Valti directed a special glance to him. Only later, when evoking it identified it Langley like the adhesion glance that a man would dedicate to his head. - It will be better than we go first a Swan and we leave Society it... the true Society... knows everything. - Yes - Langley -. to Holat agreed Later, to construct the defenses that we promised to Saris... You will return to your mother country, Saris! The black and great head rubbed against the legs affectionate. - and later? - Valti asked; their hands were put on the Control Panel, prepared to initiate the jump. - and later... - Langley with a satisfaction smile exclaimed -, Marin and I will start off in search of a world in which "" we pruned ourselves to feel like in the mother country! - he would matter to Them that he was to me with you? - Valti suggested timidly. Marin took the hand of Langley. They were watched more without eyes for no other thing. And, when they returned to watch his around... There was a new sun in the firmament... Or, at least, they therefore believed it. The End.