Grace opened the front door half-hoping to find Lance waiting for her. She wasn't sure if she'd rather take him to bed or plow her fist into his face. In her current mood, she suspected either would do. Instead she stepped inside to see a dark, hulking shape waiting in her living room. Every muscle instantly knotted. She flicked on the light. The shape resolved itself in a massive chunk of granite with a sword thrust through it. Grace straightened from her instinctive crouch and dropped her hand from her holster. "Okay, what the hell is this?" Despite her irritation, some part of her sang in anticipation. Count on Lancelot to give her exactly what she desperately needed. She swung the door closed behind her and stalked toward the stone with its embedded weapon. She wasn't at all surprised to see an inscription cut into the granite: Maybe you'd rather be a Champion. Grace studied the sword, adrenaline surging through her blood. The simple cross guard hilt was plain, unadorned, without the gems and runes she'd seen on Excalibur's. It looked exactly like the blunted practice weapons Lance had used to teach her swordplay. Her lips peeled back from her teeth. Without hesitation, she scrambled up on top of the stone until she could get a good grip on the sword. "Want to play, Lance?" she muttered, heaving upward. "Okay, let's play." The blade pulled free of the rock with a slow, sliding sensation, as if it had been buried in peanut butter. The instant the point cleared the granite, light exploded in Grace's eyes, brilliant and cold. Blinded, she was dimly aware of a spinning sensation she recognized as a dimensional doorway. Must be a spell generator in the rock, she thought. When the purple flashes faded from her dazzled vision, she found herself standing in a huge space that reminded her of a medieval castle great hall, complete with arched walls and a curving staircase running up one side. "Jesus," she muttered, turning in a slow circle with the sword still gripped in one hand, "I've been transported into an Errol Flynn movie." A loud, warning creak made her spin warily just as a wooden door swung slowly open. Lance sauntered in carrying a sword just like the one she held – and just as she'd thought, it was a practice sword. But he'd never dressed like this when she was sixteen. He wore only a leather loincloth, soft, knee-high boots, and thick straps buckled around his wrists, biceps and thighs. His skin gleamed as if oiled. It was the kind of getup that would have looked utterly ridiculous on another man, but adorning Lancelot's sculpted body, it looked like an invitation to break a few commandments. Grace grinned. "Well, well. If it isn't Leathergod Ken." He smirked back. "I suppose that would make you Bondage Barbie." As she swallowed a bark of laughter, she looked down and realized he was right. She, too, wore nothing but a few strategically placed pieces of hide set off by thigh-high boots. "What is this, Lance?" Grace demanded. "You guys didn't wear this crap." "No." He strolled toward her, a wicked glint in his eyes as he admired her barely clad body. "But then, if any of my opponents had looked like you, I might have been willing to." "Uh huh." She felt a feral smile spread across her face. God,after the day she'd had, she needed this. "What have you got in mind – as if I need to ask?" "A duel." He lifted the sword, his sherry eyes lighting with laughter. "Winner fucks the loser." The fury that bubbled under the tight lid of her control turned her smile into a savage grin. "That's what I thought." Leaping forward, she swung her own sword at his head with every ounce of her strength. "Jesu, Grace!" He retreated, lithe as a tiger, his blade shooting up to block hers in an automatic parry that sent a satisfying jolt up her shoulders. In his eyes was a hint of offended astonishment, like a big predator suddenly attacked by something small and delicious that should know better. "Hey, you're the one who wanted to fight." Grace went after him again, hacking at his head, watching those powerful arms lift his weapon to beat hers effortlessly away. She licked her lips, admiring the sheen of torchlight on his oiled skin. "So let's fight." "Actually," he gritted, blocking another attack with a ringing parry, "the operative word in my challenge was `fuck.'" Well, they might get around to that, too. Eventually. But all she wanted right now was to burn off some of the rage roiling in her belly, wipe out her galling helplessness with a good brawl. And Lance could give it to her without getting hurt. She didn't have to hold back. With a happy growl, she banged her blade into his, enjoying the hard impact of steel on steel as he parried with no particular effort. Apparently realizing she needed to work off her anger before he attempted the seduction he had in mind, Lance circled her, testing her guard with flicks of his sword. Still, it was obvious what his primary objective was, just from the hunger in those sherry eyes as he watched her breasts bounce in the cups of her top. A smile of sensual anticipation curled his lips. She knew she was no real contest for him. He could end it in a dozen ways, either through sheer vampire muscle or his overwhelming experience in gutter fights spanning the sixteen centuries. And when he did.... Grace felt her nipples harden and rasp against the rough hide of her bra. Common sense told her she should throw down her sword and cry off before he claimed his inevitable prize. Each time that big cock pumped inside her brought her that much closer to the Gift. But just as that shaft of sanity penetrated her reckless mood, she saw Lance's gaze sharpen. Predator that he was, he had no intention of letting her get away. He began stalking her. It seemed his every move became a dance of seduction, muscle rippling under gleaming, oiled skin. When she inhaled, her lungs filled with the hot scent of leather and Magus. And her Lineage body responded just as he intended, growing so wet and ready she was tempted to drop the sword and surrender to whatever he wanted to do to her. Instead she lunged at him, refusing to yield, either to her hunger or her common sense. Her sword slammed against his, skated down the length of it until Grace was nose to nose with him. "You do know what I'm going to do to you when I get tired of this?" He flashed his fangs in a dark smile. "The question is," she gritted, "what am I going to do to you?" He laughed and tossed her back with a thrust of his weapon that forced her to scramble to keep her feet. As she steadied herself, he came after her, that smile stretching white and hungry. She danced away, knowing he allowed it. "You know, this would be a good time to consider surrender," Lance drawled. He wasn't even breathing hard, the bastard. That wolf-smile broadened. "Spin it out much longer, and I may have to punish you." Stung, Grace slammed a quick, hard one-two combination strike against his blade, trying to knock it aside. She would have had better luck beating down an I-beam. "You really need your arrogant ass kicked." Lance had the gall to laugh. She used the instant's distraction to snake through his guard. Would have hit him, had not those vampire reflexes carried him neatly out of the path of her blade. He shot her that annoyed predator glower again. "I can think of better uses for all that energy." "I can't." She attacked again, mostly for the sensual enjoyment of watching those powerful thighs bunch as he leaped back. This is stupid, a small voice whispered as she charged recklessly after him. She ignored it. Damn, he didn't think he'd ever seen anything more delicious than Grace wearing nothing but three bits of leather and thigh-high boots. Her hair had worked free of that French braid, long blonde wisps floating around her lovely face. A sheen of sweat gleamed on her thighs and the full curves of breasts that quivered with every attack and parry. God, there was something about a mock brawl with a beautiful woman that got his blood pumping. For one thing, there was the tantalizing prospect of what he'd do for his victory celebration. Lance hadn't expected to take this much time getting to that. He'd intended no more than a couple of exchanges, just enough to get past her wary self-control, then a quick disarm and a segue into seduction. He had to admit, this was much more fun. He wanted to pin her down and redirect all that hot passion toward doing something to him besides taking his head off. Though judging from the way she kept stealing glances at the massive erection behind his loincloth, she was already headed in that direction as it was. Then her recklessness provided him with the chance he was waiting for. When he blocked one of her wild hacks at his head, she kept trying to bull past his guard until she slammed chest to chest with him. Her eyes glittered as she tried to force aside a sword backed by a vampire's strength. "Come on, Grace, you know better than that," he said, and hooked a foot around one of her ankles. She tumbled. He pounced, locking one hand around her sword wrist and pinning her on the ground. Snarling a curse that made his eyebrows rise, she twisted under him, slim and lithe and wild as an infuriated cat. His cock hardened even more as his fangs slid to full extension in his mouth. Still holding her sword arm pinned, he used his free hand to hook one cup of her leather top and tug it down. A sweet pink nipple popped free. It was, he saw as his hunger spiraled, almost as hard and eager as he was. He bent his head to feast. Grace gasped at the sensation of Lance's wet mouth claiming her breast. At the same time, his free hand roamed down her body to cup her sex through her bikini bottom. One long, strong finger slid under the leather, eased between her lips. Stroked deliciously. She caught her breath and let her head fall back, arching her body under his. He felt so damn big, so damn good. Rock hard and sweaty and strong. And when he touched her, tasted her, the bitterness of the night fell away. Stop him before it's too late, the voice of sanity whispered. But it had been too late since the moment she'd watched him swagger in wearing only a loincloth and a fine layer of oil. Besides, she'd only had him once. And she wanted him again. She fisted her free hand in his dark hair as he devoured her breasts. His middle finger was buried deep in her sex, while his thumb strummed her clit. Pleasure curled and snaked through her veins. Something wild escaped the tight control she'd kept on it. She slid a hand up and jabbed a thumb hard into a nerve bundle in his chest. He jerked away with a gasp. Grace used his momentum to shove him over on his back and straddle his thighs. Having spotted a glint of silver in the top of his boot, she reached back to snatch it free. It was a dagger. And unlike their swords, it was stiletto sharp. She grinned. Sucking in a breath, Lance looked up to see her crouching across his hips with his knife in her hand. "Oooh," she purred. "I wonder what you were gonna use this for?" He lifted a brow. "Surely you don't think I'll tell you?" "You don't have to." A wild-thing smile curled her lips. "I know exactly what you had in mind. Something like...." She slid the knife's sharp blade between the leather cord of his loincloth and his skin. "This." A flick of her wrist cut the cord as she flipped the cloth aside with her other hand, revealing his cock, straining toward his navel. Lance licked his lips. "Actually, it wasn't my clothes I planned to cut off." That wicked smile widened. "Oh. You mean...." She reached down and cut the cord around her own waist at one hip. "...this." The triangle of leather drooped even as a second flick of the knife cut the cord on the other side. She whipped the bottoms off. With the same breathtaking ruthlessness, she sliced the cords holding up her top. Her lovely breasts bounced free, pink-tipped and gleaming with sweat. "And this." He swallowed, taking in Grace's lush body dressed only in leather boots. His shaft jerked against his belly, heavy and hungry. "Yes," he managed, his voice strangled. "I think I did have something like that in mind." "Too bad." She reached for his cock and aimed it skyward as she rose off his thighs. Pressing the rounded head to her nether lips, she sank slowly down, impaling herself. "Because I seem to have won, and we're going to do what I want." God, she felt so hot and tight and wet. Long, luscious thigh muscles bunched as she rose off him and bent forward. Lance was still gasping at the sensation when he felt the cool edge of the knife against his throat. He jerked in shock and stared up at her, about to knock the blade away. But the look in her eyes was more wickedly sensual than threatening, so he stayed his hand. "You're at my mercy, Sir Lancelot," Grace purred. "Are you going to be a good, obedient captive?" He was strongly tempted to roll her over, tie her up with what was left of her bikini, and show her who was whose captive. Instead he arched his hips and slid slowly deeper. "Your wish is my ...pleasure." Her soft mouth fell open at the sensation as her eyelids drifted to half-mast. "Good. Ohhh, good." A pink tongue flicked out to wet tempting lips. She bent until her breasts hung lusciously over his mouth and pressed the knife's cool mock threat to his throat. "Then suck my nipples, captive." With a groan of hunger, he lifted his head and obeyed the rough command, swirling his tongue over and around each hard little peak in turn as he simultaneously rolled his hips upward, driving his shaft even deeper into her slick, clamping depths. His head spun. She felt so damn good. He couldn't remember the last time a woman had turned the tables on him so deliciously. Two of a kind, he thought, drowning in heat as he stroked harder, faster. They were two of a.... Lance bucked against her, his skilled mouth locked on the tip of one quivering breast. The raw, unbelievable pleasure made her shiver. Made her burn. Until she had to have more. Grace threw the knife aside with a flick of her wrist and leaned back to grab both ankles. Circling her hips, she ground down hard on his thick width. "God, Lancelot," she whimpered. "You make me...." "Yeah," he said roughly, deepening his rolling thrusts. Strong male hands clamped over the tops of her thighs, holding her captive for his cock. His voice dropped to a guttural purr, rumbling an incomprehensible torrent of words in a language that hadn't been spoken in centuries. She could feel her orgasm building, hot and cold and blinding, a corkscrew of pleasure twisting up her spine. Until she heard herself begging in a hoarse, broken voice. "Lancelot, God, please...." "Yessss." A big hand snapped up, wrapped around the base of her skull, and jerked her down. Then his mouth pressed against her throat with the quick, dark pleasure-pain of his fangs sinking into her pulse. She jolted in surprise, but she was caught in those powerful arms, impaled on his shaft. Helpless. He began to feed as he fucked, his mouth moving hot on the thin skin of her throat as his body jolted hers. Burning, prickling waves of pleasure spread from the contact points of his cock and fangs. Grace keened at the furious storm of sensation. Arching his spine, he forced his full length to the balls and held it there, growling out his orgasm against her pulse. Her climax exploded through her body in a shower of hot sparks to burst from her mouth in a helpless scream. "Lancelot!" Long minutes passed before Lance became aware of the press of cold stone against his back and the heat of a limp, sated woman draped over his chest. "Grace?" She moaned but didn't stir. He rolled carefully over with her, laid her down just long enough to rise to his feet. "Floor's cold," she said grumpily. "I know." He bent and picked her up again. She draped an arm around his neck and curled in his arms as he walked through the castle doorway and into his own opulent bedroom. Putting her down on the furs piled in barbaric luxury on his massive bed, he slid in next to her. When he gathered Grace against him, he discovered she was already asleep. It didn't take him long to follow. END SCENE