III by Brian W. Aldiss Good evening. I am speaking to you as the visual representative of the III, late San Mondesancto Liquefaction Company, the legal owners of the satellite Europa, the most valuable property in the Jupiter area of our solar system. The illustrious history of our company goes back a long way. As you will know, San Mondesancto was founded on Earth in 1990. We have always been a company of high integrity, as well as believers in free trade. At the time of our founding, when we took over the Shanghai and Orient Banking Systems, an approaching crisis in the form of a global water shortage had scarcely 'hit the headlines', as we used to say. It was, of course, .known to many government agencies in the developed nations of the world. We laid our plans accordingly. During that early period, NASA made a remarkable discovery. NASA, I should remind you, stood for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It was the predecessor of the III, our International Interplanetary Industries. NASA's Lunar Prospector Mission detected millions of tonnes of ice at the lunar polar regions. 'Within the limited technologies of the time, there was no way that these ice fields could be exploited. This was where the genius of San Mondesancto entered. By judicious investment through various holding companies, we established a small fleet of remotely operated space-faring vehicles. Without human freight, the space-vehicles were comparatively cheap to run, and were soon installed above both lunar poles. Pumping stations went immediately into operation, drilling to depths of twenty-three metres. The terrestrial shortage of fresh water was meanwhile taking hold. Many areas in previously fertile nations were reduced to drought or semi-drought conditions, while, more importantly, the industry of wealthy nations was impeded. San Mondesancto offered to supply Earth's G7 nations with an initial two million tonnes of fresh fossil water per week, delivered in solid form, in exchange for pumping rights in desalination plants over the rest of the world. By a series of ambitious deals, the company gained control over Earth's primary water supplies. The operator here was our subsidiary, Tubulability pie. Through another of our subsidiary companies, Aerial Irrigations Inc., a successful strategy of cloud-ionisation permitted us ninety-one per cent control of precipitation from the air. An early victory was the inhibition of annual monsoons, which could reduce the underlying countries to desert conditions, unless prosperous countries such as India paid a marginal fee of a few million rupees per year. Operating unusual caution and exerting only democratic and capitalist principles, San Mondesancto had, by the middle of last century, virtually complete control over all terrestrial climates. However, the company's plans were much more ambitious. We have always prided ourselves on our far-sightedness. It was perceived from the very beginning of our operations on the Moon that the ice locked there offered immense benefits for the future conquest of the solar system. There, San Mondesancto has always been among the foremost developers, operating under the name International Interplanetary Industries. Many of the best young men and women and androids have been proud to join the San Mondesancto ranks. Unusual living organisms, some multi-celled, had been discovered in the lunar icefields. These had been quietly exterminated, so that progress and development were not impeded. A few of our top company scientists, however, had observed that these tokens of alien life held the promise of other aliens existing on other astronomical bodies, which could be utilised as foodstuffs in future ventures. From the lunar H2O, a process of hydrolysis separated the oxygen and hydrogen. The hydrogen provided an essential for rocket fuel. The oxygen provided breathable atmosphere for vehicles with two-man crews. These vehicles, using the planet Mars as a slingshot operation, made the long haul away from Earth to Jupiter. It has always been a source of pride that San Mondesancto ships were the first to arrive on the satellite Europa. Our slogan, 'San Mondesancto Got There First', dates from that time. True, one crew was lost from the ice floes, but the other two crews survived to make good the claim. Preliminary reconnaissance of this moon confirmed that beneath Europa's broken and icy surface lay a global ocean. Sonic measurements indicated that this ocean was fifteen to eighteen kilometres deep in places. Moreover, the gravitational effect of the great striped gas planet looming in Europa's skies had caused the ocean to warm considerably. Cracks and chasms between the ice floes showed a teeming life ofkrill-like creatures, barely two millimetres long. When cooked and cautiously tasted, they proved edible, if rather flavourless. During this food trial, a large head burst through the ice. It was streamlined, its fur was thick and white, with mobile pink nostrils. Its whiskers were long. The general impression was of a dolphin crossed with a kitten. A report at the time - censored because it was unconfirmed and inconvenient - said that the creature tapped on the ice as if signalling. It did not stay because to remain in airless conditions would have proved lethal. The San Mondesancto crew became alert. One man, armed, was venturing out to inspect the beast closely, but it disappeared with a swirl of water before he could capture it. They called the brute a splunger, and the name has stuck. That incident marks the modest beginning of operations for what has become our foremost company, Canquistador. Within five years, it had become the biggest cannery company in the entire system, bar none. We still speak of splungers, although they are now extinct. Unfortunately, they were over-fished, along with other denizens of the Europan deep. Nevertheless, splungers and krill fed many brave explorers of the far reaches of the solar system, as well as the factory slaves on Mars. During this period, San Mondesancto's name became widely reviled among an ill -informed public. In order to establish better relations, the name of our founding company was phased out. Henceforth, we have become better known as III, the International Interplanetary Industries. Not until Triton, the moon of Neptune, was reached, was another source of food discovered. This again was an III discovery. The flabbers clearly had a language of sorts, with which they endeavoured to communicate, although their I.Q. was regarded as low. It was only later that their extraordinary city, known to men as Ultimate City, was found. Intelligent or not, the flabbers were certainly tasty, and greatly benefited mankind - thanks to Ill's mighty sub-division, Canquistador. Now the first III starship, under the logo III, is being launched from the orbit of Pluto. It will carry mankind's civilisation into the galaxy - and the name and fame of III to the very stars themselves. Thank you for listening, ladies and gentlemen.