Miles Vorkosigan/Naismith: His Universe and Times - Approx. 200 years before Miles's birth 0) FALLING FREE - Quaddies are created by genetic engineering. - During Beta-Barrayaran War 1) SHARDS OF HONOR - Cordelia Naismith meets Lord Aral Vorkosigan while on opposite sides of a war. Despite difficulties, they fall in love and are married - The Vordarian Pretendership 2) BARRAYAR - While Cordelia is pregnant, an attempt to assassinate Aral by poison gas fails, but Cordelia is affected; Miles Vorkosigan is born with bones that will always be brittle and other medical problems. His growth will be stunted - Miles is 17 3) THE WARRIORS APPRENTICE - Miles fails to pass physical test to get into the Service Academy. On a trip, necessities force him to improvise the Free Dendarii Mercenaries into existence; he has unintended but unavoidable adventures for four months. Leaves the Dendarii in Ky Tung's competent hands and takes Elli Quinn to Beta for rebuilding of her damaged face; returns to Barrayar to thwart plot against his father. Emperor pulls strings to get Miles into the Academy. - Miles is 20 4) THE MOUNTAINS OF MOURNING (BORDERS OF INFINITY part 1) 5) THE VOR GAME - Ensign Miles graduates and immediately has to take on one of the duties of the Barrayaran nobility and act as detective and judge in a murder case. Shortly afterward, his first military assignment ends with his arrest. Miles has to rejoin the Dendarii to rescue the young Barrayaran emperor. Emperor accepts Dendarii as his personal secret service force. - Miles is 22 6) CETAGANDA - Miles and his cousin Ivan attend a Cetagandan state funeral and are caught up in Cetagandan internal politics. 7) ETHAN OF ATHOS - Miles sends Commander Elli Quinn, who's been given a new face on Beta, on a solo mission to Kline Station. - Miles is 23 8) LABYRINTH (BORDERS OF INFINITY part 2) - Now a Barrayaran Lieutenant, Miles goes with the Dendarii to smuggle a scientist out of Jackson's Whole. Miles's fragile leg bones have been replaced by synthetics. - Miles is 24 9) THE BORDERS OF INFINITY (BORDERS OF INFINITY part 3) 10) BROTHERS IN ARMS - Miles plots from within a Cetagandan prison camp on Dagoola IV to free the prisoners. The Dendarii fleet is pursued by the Cetagandans and finally reaches Earth for repairs. Miles has to juggle both his identities at once, raise money for repairs, and defeat a plot to replace him with a double. Ky Tung stays on Earth. Commander Elli Quinn is now Miles's right-hand officer. Miles and the Dendarii depart for Sector IV on a rescue mission. - Miles is 25 11) BORDERS OF INFINITY - Hospitalized after previous mission, Miles's broken arms are replaced by synthetic bones. With Simon Illyan, Miles undoes yet another plot against his father while flat on his back. - Miles is 28 12) MIRROR DANCE - Miles meets his clone brother Mark again, this time on Jackson's Whole. - Miles is 29 13) MEMORY - Miles hits 30... Thirty hits back - Miles is 30 14) KOMARR - Emperor Gregor dispatches Miles to Komarr to investigate a space accident, where he finds old politics and new technology make a deadly mix. - Miles is 30 15) A CIVIL CAMPAIN - The Emperor's wedding sparks romance and intrigue on Barrayar, and Miles plunges up to his neck in both. - Miles is 32 16) DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY - Miles and Ekaterin's honeymoon journey is interrupted by an Auditorial mission to Quaddiespace, where they encounter old friends, new enemies, and a double handful of intrigue.