Demons by J. M. Dillard Look for Star Trek fiction from Pocket Books Enterprise 17 Star Trek III The First Adventure The Search for Spock 1 Star Trek 18 My Enemy, My Ally The Motion Picture 19 The Tears of the Singers 2 The Entropy Effect 20 The Vulcan Academy 3 The Klingon Gambit Murders 4 The Covenant of 21 Uhura's Song the Crown 22 Shadow Lord 5 The Prometheus Design 23 Ishmael 6 The Abode of Life 24 Killing Time 7 Star Trek H 25 Dwellers in the Crucible The Wrath of Khan 26 Pawns and Symbols 8 Black Fire 27 Mindshadow 9 Triangle 28 Crisis on Centaurus 10 Web of the Romulans 29 Dreadnought! 11 Yesterday's Son 30 Demons 12 Mutiny on the Enterprise 31 Battlestations! 13 The Wounded Sky Star Trek IV 14 The Trellisane The Voyage Home Confrontation 32 Chain of Attack 15 Corona 33 Deep Domain 16 The Final Reflection 34 Dreams of the Raven Most Pocket Books are available at special quantity discounts for bulkpurchases for sales promotions, premiums or fund raising. Specialbooks or book excerpts can also be created to fit specific needs. For details write the office of the Vice President of Special Markets,Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020. a Star Trek Novel PUBLISHED BY POCKET BOOKS NEW YORK This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places andincidents are either the product of the author's imagination or areused fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales orpersons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Another Original publication of POCKET BOOKS POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1230 Avenue of theAmericas, New York, N.Y. 10020 Copyright 1986 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book orportions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information addressPocket Books, 1230 Avenue . of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020 This book is Published by Pocket Books, a Division of Simon & Schuster,Inc. Under exclusive License from Paramount Pictures Corporation, TheTrademark Owner. ISBN 0-671-62524-1 First Pocket Books Science Fiction printing July, 1986 10 9876543 POCKET and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster,Inc. STAR TREK is a Trademark of Paramount Pictures Corporation Registeredin the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Printed in the U.S.A. PROLOGUE Beekman's Planet. Its nearness to binary suns and oppressive humiditymade it hot, even for Vulcans, but unlike home, Beekman's was lush andwet. Up in the mountains it was cooler, and atop the smallest of them,T'Ylle sat on her heels, shading her eyes from the glare. It had beensaid that she was beautiful, and that her eyes made her so they werelarge and almond-shaped, with an upward slant, as velvety blue black asher hair. To T'Ylle, the fact had never been of the least importancethere was a remoteness about them as well that was impenetrable. T'Ylle pulled back the hood of her jacket and brushed the moisture fromthe face of the tricorder. The afternoon rains had just ended, and theleaves, coated with tiny droplets, made the glade glisten like a jewel.Steam rose from the ground around her boots with a soft hiss. Shescanned the area briefly, and the results pleased her--she was the onlyanimal life form in the immediate vicinity. Danger was, at least forthe moment, averted. She let the tricorder dangle again from the strapon her shoulder and peered over the precipice. Below, tiny workers crawled out from under makeshift shelters andbegan digging in the heavy muck, made heavier still by the fresh rain.In spite of the limitations imposed by the climate and soil conditions,work on the dig had progressed beyond their expectations. They hadoriginally anticipated at least another year, but it was rumored thatStarnn would declare their decades of work finished sometime within thenext few days. Already they were close to exhausting this site--thelast--of its treasure. And do they know, thought T'Ylle, what theyhave unearthed? Save for those already affected, none of the others suspected.. .. Perhaps it was foolish of her to confront the danger this boldly, butfamily relationships demanded no less. She could not go to the others,not until she had confirmation from his own lips first. If notfoolish, then she was at the very least reckless .. . but the chanceexisted that she could set things aright, or that she had been wrong,had entirely misunderstood. But she knew she had not. She repressed, so much from habit that she was no longer aware of itand would have denied it, a shudder at the thought of what would happenif she were killed. The gesture had arisen not from fear of her ownmortality, but of what would follow for the others--not only theexpedition, but the billions back home.. .. She rose expectantly at the sound of steps crushing the low, sun-bakedundergrowth, but did not use the tricorder to tell her what approached.At present only one species of animal life on the planet was capableof such footfall. The footsteps shuffled and came to a halt. At the same time, something buzzed loudly past her, grazing her face.Disconcerted, she stepped back and raised the tricorder in front of herface as protection. When the assailant flew past again, she struck outat it. The insect fell on its back in the soil, its legs dancingmaniacally in the air. Without hesitation, T'Ylle lowered her footover it and with a quick, firm movement, crushed it. Her mouthtwitched slightly as the hard shell made a loud crunch beneath herboot. The visitor stood silently and watched the murder without reaction;T'Ylle raised serene, fearless eyes to meet his. "You see," she said, "I know everything." Chapter One the building, which housed the sister sciences of linguistics,anthropology, and archaeology, was more than three thousand years old,but it could scarcely be distinguished from the younger buildings onthe campus of the Vulcan Science Academy. The structure's design was awonder of the architecture of the period --naturally lit by the sun andventilated by captured desert breezes, it had taken no notice of thepassage of three millennia, save for the addition of artificialnighttime lighting and computer equipment in the labs. Outside, thehot wind rippled red sand into tiny dunes under a blinding sun; inside,it was fresh and cool and dim. The ceilings in the ancient building were high, and the heels ofSarek's boots echoed loudly on the stone stairs. He climbed until hereached the third floor (he would not have used the lift even if therehad been one) and walked to the end of the hallway, to the door bearingthe inscription linguistics. He paused before the door and spoke aname aloud--the offices were not equipped with buzzers--and waited fora response too soft for human ears before he pushed against the heavystone door. In the center of the room was a desk and behind it a window flooded the room with sunlight, obscuring for a moment the faceof the seated figure in shadow. Sarek blinked. The figure rose andstepped forward out of the glare. Silek was younger, leaner, with an openness about him that Sarekcompletely lacked, but even so the resemblance was unmistakable. Heraised his hand in the Vulcan salute. "It has been many years,brother." Sarek returned the salute. "Many years; thirty-eight point fourstandard, to be exact." "I trust your wife and son are well?" "They are well." Sarek paused politely, taking notice of the strangerwho stood next to Silek's desk. Silek turned to him deferentially. "This is Starnn, my father-in-law.Starnn was chief archaeologist on our project. He will beparticipating in the presentation with us." "Sarek," Sarek addressed the old Vulcan. "Then you are part of ourfamily, and will be staying with us." Out of respect for Starnn's age, which he estimated to be well over twohundred, Sarek waited for the older man to initiate the salute. ButStarnn merely nodded distractedly. His white hair was disheveled, asthough he had forgotten to comb it, and there was a vacant gaze in hiseyes. Sarek took no offense; even the best of Vulcans sometimessuffered from forgetfulness at such advanced age. "Starnn, of course, has often heard me mention your name, and ishonored," Silek said swiftly. Sarek changed the subject. "And what of your expedition to theHydrilla sector?" "Most successful, actually," replied Silek. "Of the ruins, we were only able to thoroughly explore Beekman's Planet, whichis why we need more funding to continue exploration of the sector." "If you were successful, no doubt you uncovered some interestingartifacts," Sarek said, looking at Starnn. "Of course," Starnn said in a wavering voice, suddenly galvanized."That is why we must return. There were far too many for us to uncoverin one expedition. And several of these discoveries are worthy ofextensive study and testing, for they will no doubt lead to a greaterunderstanding of the principles of physics." He turned to Silek. "Show him the box." "Yes," said Silek. "One of our most intriguing discoveries." He wentinto the lab for a moment, then returned to the outer office area witha look of thinly veiled scientific excitement and what looked to be asmooth piece of onyx, polished so that its surface reflected the facesof the three. It was somewhat larger than Silek's hand, and shapedlike a Terran oyster, with an almost invisible seam around its center.Even in the daylight, a faint bluish glow emanated from it. Sarekthought he detected a slight hum. "Try to op en it." Silek handed it to him. Sarek pulled on the top of the box and flinched as it sparked andcrackled. "I cannot." "Nor can we," replied Silek, "with all of our instruments. It isapparently an internally generated force field. And it is shieldedfrom us; our scanners cannot penetrate this material. We don't evenknow if the structure is solid or hollow. And, of course, the fieldwill not permit us to analyze the material." "Fascinating," said Sarek. "And quite beautiful," said Starnn. "An ingenious blending of theprinciples of physics and art to create a puzzle. We found many otherslike it; this one is the smallest. Please take it as a gift, asouvenir of the Hydrilla sector." Silek shot a quizzical glance at the elderly Vulcan. "Forgive me," said Sarek, "but I cannot take it. This belongs to theacademy museum. It belongs where others can appreciate it." Starnn ignored Silek's stern, silent gaze. "We already have too manyfor display. This one is the smallest, as I said." "I cannot," said Sarek. Starnn grew something close to vehement. "You are a diplomat," hesaid. "Your house is open to many guests, some of them interplanetary;the box would be seen and enjoyed by many." "Perhaps you are right." Sarek bowed slightly, wishing at this pointonly to humor him. "I am honored." "Your acceptance honors me," Starnn said, mollified. "If you gentlemen are ready," Sarek said, "I will escort you to myhome." "Yes," Silek agreed quickly. "And will your family be there also?" "My wife will be there. Spock is in Star Fleet." "Forgive me," said Starnn. "I have some matters to attend to here inthe capital. If it is no inconvenience, I will join you later." "Certainly," said Sarek. "Take the evening shuttle to ShiKahr and Iwill meet you at the station." Starnn nodded and picked up the box. "Do not forget this. I know you will display it where it can be admired." Sarek bowed again as he accepted the box. The two left. In the hallway, out of Starnn's earshot, Sarek said, "Iam honored by the gift, but I feel it is inappropriate. I am unused toreceiving items which should be museum pieces." "Starnn uncovered many of these," Silek answered, not meeting hisbrother's eyes. "He is quite accurate when he says that there are toomany for display." "Then it could be used for testing. And I perceive that you also donot approve of Starnn's action." Silek paused before he met Sarek's eyes. "Starnn may be chiefarchaeologist, but even that does not give him the right to dispose ofacademy property." "Then why did you say nothing to him?" "He has not been himself of late." "He is old," said Sarek. "And his only daughter has died." Silek glanced at him darkly. "My wife. Yet I have not changed. It'smore than that. Even before T'Ylle died, Starnn .. . changed." "Perhaps he should visit a healer." "If you could recommend a local one," Silek said, "I will suggest it tohim." "That would be wise," said Sarek. Silek paused, and his tone became lighter. "And is the lady Amandastill as gracious as I remember her?" Sarek was unaware that his expression had softened. "Even more so." A diamond-eyed beetle with mother-of-pearl wings droned in through theopen window of the archaeology dating laboratory. Starnn took no notice; his eyes were focused on arow of silvery onyx boxes all weakly glowing in the day lit room. Hedid not see the insect until it had the misfortune of lighting on oneof the luminous boxes. Starnn cupped his hands and gently caught thecreature, moving toward the open window to free it; but a spasm shookhim before he was able to unclasp his hands. It passed swiftly,leaving his face locked in a hideous grimace. The grimace resolveditself into a serene smile as he set the beetle carefully upon thewindowsill, and with long, bony fingers, proceeded to pull off itsdelicate, iridescent wings. "I just don't understand, sir," Lisa Nguyen said. "Why are we pickingup only a handful of the expedition?" The security contingent of Tomson, Nguyen and al Baslama had seen to itthat the Vulcan researchers were safely ensconced in their quarters andwere now making their way back to C deck. Nguyen was the newest memberof the security team, and the lowest in rank. She had directed thisquestion deferentially to Security Chief Tomson. Tomson gave Nguyen a sideways glance, secretly displeased, althoughtechnically she had no right to be. Nguyen was eager and well-scrubbedenough, with hair pulled back and falling in an amazingly straight linedown her back. It was the hair that troubled Tomson; she could not getused to the new, relaxed regulations on hairstyle. Tomson was regularnavy, and still had palpitations when a crewman's hair touched thecollar. She made a mental note to talk to Nguyen afterwards. Forroutine security work, okay--but for show, pomp and circumstance, the hair should be pinnedup. Nguyen might not like it, of course; if she decided to be bold,she could point out to Tomson that this was a backwater planet in adead sector and the Vulcans they were picking up were scientists, notdiplomats.. .. She could point it out, and find herself transferred.Tomson was not there to be liked. She was there to see to it that herpeople did their job. Nguyen smiled up uncertainly at her, and Tomson's pale face shiftedinto the barest ghost of a smile. It was often an effort for her to befriendly, especially with overeager types like Nguyen. She'd onceoverheard a crewman saying that it must be the altitude--it wasn't thefirst such comment she'd heard. A cold, six-and-a-half-foot femalesecurity chief was an easy target for jokes. Tomson told herself shedid not care, as long as it didn't interfere with her job. "They were staying behind to finish up an archaeological dig, and oneof them was injured," Tomson answered, looking straight ahead and notat Nguyen. "All of their doctors had already left, and he neededimmediate medical attention. The Enterprise was the closest ship out.Apparently, his family came with him." "Extended family," al-Baslama said. He was swarthy, congenial, andalmost as tall as Tomson. Save for his intelligence, he perfectly fitthe stereotype of the beefy security guard. Nguyen nodded; they had picked up twelve passengers. "Do they alwaystravel in families like that?" "It was convenient in this instance," Tomson said. "They'd been outclose to forty years." "Forty years .. ." Nguyen faltered. Tomson shrugged. "The wink of an eye, to a Vulcan." She stoppedabruptly as they approached the turbolift and turned to al-Baslama. "Iwonder if I could talk to you for a minute, al-B?" "Of course, sir." Nguyen got on the turbolift and shot a glance in alBaslama's direction,which he studiously ignored. From the looks of things, Nguyen hadalready joined the ranks of al-B's ardent admirers; no doubt, she hadhoped to ditch Tomson and consult al-B about his off duty plans. Tomsonwatched the doors close over her with a sense of smugness. Al-Baslama stood politely at attention, and Tomson looked at himadmiringly. Next to Tomson, he held the highest rank of anyone else insecurity lieutenant, junior grade. Not, Tomson thought, that hehadn't earned it. Now that Nguyen was gone, she permitted herself tosmile at him. Al-B relaxed; he had not been able to tell from thelieutenant's voice whether to expect praise or a reprimand. Tomson never wasted words. "I've recommended you be put up forpromotion. I want you to know that my evaluation of you was extremelyflattering." "Sir?" al-Baslama said. He wasn't due for a promotion for another sixmonths. He was silent for a moment and then seemed to remember thatmore of a response was called for, "Thank you, sir. That's verykind." Tomson leaned forward conspiratorially and lowered her voice. "I'lltell you another secret, al-B. I'm almost sure you're going to getit." He hesitated. "Sir .. . that would mean a transfer." "I suppose it would," Tomson said, falsely casual. It was notsomething she liked to think about, but someone like al-B deserved anyhelp he got from his superiors. "You deserve a command of your own. We both know that." "But I've enjoyed working with you, sir," al-B protested. "You're thebest." Tomson lowered her eyes, uncharacteristically embarrassed. "Iappreciate the compliment, Lieutenant, but you've got a career to thinkof. You shouldn't let anything get in its way." "Yes, sir," he said, clearly unconvinced. "Again, thank you, sir."Tomson stepped into the turbolift, and al-B followed. He stood,silent, not looking at her, as they moved toward C deck. When she could no longer stand the silence, she said, slightlyexasperated, "Is there a problem, Lieutenant?" Al-B squared his shoulders. "Is there any way, sir, that I could getthe promotion and still be assigned to the Enterprise?" Nguyen, Tomson thought bitterly. She almost stamped her foot. "Dammit,al-B, I stuck my neck out on this one! What's the matter with you? There's no one on this ship worth wasting your career for!" "I had thought..." he said softly, then broke off. "I guess I waswrong." Tomson was about to continue her invective until she caught his eye.She had only seen such looks directed at others, never at herself--andshe became suddenly conscious of her heart beating faster. "Moh ." she saidgently. "I'm your immediate superior. It wouldn't be proper." "I know, sir. But a transfer .. ." He looked hard at her. "I guess Iread everything wrong. Is that what you really want?" "Yes--for your career," Tomson insisted. Then, in a much lower voice,she said, "Personally? No. You're the best person, male or female,I've ever had on this team .. . and the nicest." He smiled sadly. "Maybe it won't go through, Lieutenant." The doors to the turbolift opened. "Don't be a damn fool," she saidshortly, and walked away too quickly for him to catch up. Amanda had finished planting and was just watering the last rosebushwhen Sarek brought Silek back into the garden. She straightenedsuddenly, smiled, and then grimaced. "Are reunions always painful for you, my wife?" Sarek asked calmly. "It's nothing," she said, smiling once again. "A thorn. Silek, howwonderful to see you!" Her impulse was to hold out her hand in theVulcan embrace, two fingers extended, but a strange shyness held herback. "You've hardly changed." It was true, of course; other than a broad streak of gray in the frontof his hair, Silek looked exactly the same. Being human and aging muchfaster, Amanda knew that he could not truthfully say the same for her;after living with a Vulcan for many years, she did not expect him to.Curious, though, how much he looked like Spock.. .. She had never forgotten his face, but had somehowfailed to realize over the years that by some capricious combination ofgenes, her son had grown to look more like his uncle than his ownfather. "How long has it been?" she asked. "Thirty-eight-point-four years, or so your husband tells me." Silekdid not smile, but the effect was the same as if he had. Amandawondered how he did it. Sarek held out his hand to her in the ritual embrace; automatically,she walked over to the two men and touched her fingertips to herhusband's. Sarek looked down at her hand and permitted himself thesmall, exasperated tug at one corner of his mouth that usually appearedonly when he teased her in private. "Your hands are dirty, my wife. Isee that you have forgotten your gloves again." "I'm not afraid of a little dirt," Amanda replied, pretending defiance,but she wiped her hands again on her coveralls. "Ouch!" "The thorn?" Sarek asked. "Let me see." Amanda held up her thumb and did not flinch as Sarek removed the thornwith expert detachment. "So you see," Sarek said under his breath toSilek, "what marrying an Earther has brought me." A small rill ofblood followed the thorn, and she instinctively pulled her dirty thumbaway from Sarek and put it in her mouth. "Barbaric." Silek turned to Sarek. "Is it typical to find herthus--covered with dirt?" Sarek nodded. "She has always been fond of gardening; indeed, sheknows more now about Vulcan gardening than I. But it has always beenher private sorrow that roses could not survive the climate here. She tells me now that a genus of rose has been developed which canwithstand life on Vulcan." "For her sake, I hope it survives," said Silek, remembering that roseshad always been her favorite flower. Amanda smiled. "This time I am determined. Neither hot Vulcan breezesnor infernal pests are going to destroy my flowers this time. Buthere, let me clean up." She brushed the dark, loamy soil from hercoveralls. "I wasn't expecting you back so soon; this isn't exactly myhostess gown." "Finish your gardening," Silek said. "If we were on Earth, I'd say Iam family, not company. And it is quite nice in the garden." "On Vulcan the best kind of company is family," Amanda retorted."Besides, I'm finished. I'll be only a few minutes." She turned andwent into the house. "I have never seen such black soil," said Silek. "Earth dirt," Sarek replied. "For Earth flowers. Imported all the wayfrom Minnesota, knowing my wife." Silek walked carefully through the fresh mounds of earth and leanedover the nearest bush to inspect it. There were no buds. "These wouldbe yellow roses," he said suddenly. Sarek studied him curiously. "I was unaware you were such ahorticulture expert, Silek. These are a yellow variety known as DesertPeace." Silek straightened. "I cannot claim such expertise, Sarek, merely asimple deduction. I was recalling a conversation when Amanda mentionedher favorite flower." "You have an excellent memory, brother." * * * Thirty-nine years ago, Georgetown. It was Silek's first protractedstay on Terra, and the weather there had been abominable--freezing coldin the winter, cool but humid in the summer. It was Amanda who made itall infinitely more tolerable. As an exchange student in the doctoralprogram, he taught linguistics to undergraduates; Amanda, in the sameprogram, shared the office with him. There was something of the rebel in Silek. The fact that he was atGeorgetown attested to it he had gone despite his father's savageprotests. It was a matter of personal pride for him; he had explainedpatiently to his father that he had no interest in politics anddiplomacy, and that his talents lay elsewhere. But Skon would not hearof any divergence from the family tradition; Silek would attend theacademy, as his elder brother had, and would follow in the path of hisfather, and his father's father.. .. Silek chose instead to be ktorr skann, without a family. It had notbeen an easy decision--the formal cutting of ties, forbidding him everto return to the house of his father--but it was the only one he couldhave made. It was no small irony to Silek that following his own pathled him to Washington, where his ultra-conformist brother worked at theembassy. The relationship between the two was not without its strains;although Silek told himself he was incapable of feelings of jealousy orcompetition, he experienced them nonetheless. And anger, perhaps, athis brother, for always doing the correct thing, for never questioningthe old ways. After the formal declaration of Silek's apostasy fromthe family, he doubted whether Sarek would even acknowledge hispresence there Sarek, pride of his father, pride of the entire family, no doubt soonto be appointed ambassador to Terra. Silek was quite shocked whenSarek risked their father's wrath by receiving his younger brother withhis usual reserve. Perhaps Sarek was changing; perhaps he, too, waslearning to question. Amanda made Silek question himself more than any other being he hadknown. Many times he had asked himself what it was about her, what itcould possibly be, that made her so unlike any other female he hadmet. Yet it was he who had introduced her to Sarek after hearing of the needfor an English tutor who was willing to teach at the embassy. Becauseof Silek's glowing recommendations, Sarek interviewed her himself. Andout of family loyalty, it was Silek who convinced her to marry Sarek,after he had already realized the extent of her feelings for hisbrother and had condemned himself to forget his own. Thirty-nine years ago, Silek walked into his small, windowless officeand found Amanda sitting, looking at the cascade of roses which coveredher desk. He had asked her the significance of the flowers. "I wish I knew," she said and looked up at last with her clear blueeyes. "I wonder if the person who sent them knows." "Sarek." He stated it flatly, like a fact. "What do you mean, if heknows?" Amanda looked down at her desk again and didn't speak for a moment.Silek went over to the door and closed it softly behind him. "Red roses signify love," she said, still not looking at him. "I'msure that he doesn't realize that. I think he's just following what hethinks is a polite custom. He knows I'm fond of roses." "He is, at least, attempting to please you." Silek's desk wasperpendicular to hers; he turned his chair sideways to face her. "Isn'tthat significant?" Amanda didn't seem to hear the question; she looked up at him with asudden intensity. "Do you know of any marriages between Vulcans andhumans, Silek?" The question caught him off guard. "No ... I have not been informed ofany. However, I wouldn't be surprised--" "Not surprised?" Amanda seemed to be. "Most people would be shockedat the idea." "Only those who have not met you, Amanda." Silek leaned back in hischair, not quite able to believe that he had actually said it. She was too agitated to understand what he was saying. "I need yourhelp, Silek. I need to be ... logical about this.. .." Is it logic you want, Amanda, he thought; but he said, "You are in lovewith Sarek?" Amanda nodded, miserable. "But I mustn't expect anything in returnfrom him. I know how pathetically emotional I must appear.. .. But ifyou could just explain it to me--if you could tell me what his motivesare--I can't understand them." "Sarek doesn't tell you how he feels," Silek said quietly. Again, itwas a statement of fact, not a question. "Yes." Silek almost smiled, then turned his face away and spoke in a voicethat Amanda found almost inaudible. "How you underestimate yourself,my lady." He looked back at her. "You are aware, of course, of theorigin of your own name?" "I hadn't thought about it." Amanda, the linguist, was embarrassed. "Old Earth Latin. It means 'lovable." Your parents named you well." Silek watched with interest as Amanda's face flushed red, but shecontinued to struggle toward her objective. "Do you think--is itpossible--Sarek loves me?" "Roses do not symbolize logic, Amanda. And I know my brother is wellversed in any human custom he practices. He is, after all, chief aideto the Terran ambassador." Amanda raised a hand to her red cheek and looked at her roses. Silek continued. "But he cannot be pressed to use the same words andgestures you use, Amanda. Let his actions express his feelings; weVulcans are unaccustomed to the use of words when it comes to suchmatters." "I think he is going to ask me to marry him," she said with greatef fort. "And I don't know what to say, because I didn't know if hecould care for me." "At the risk of betraying my race, the Vulcan who says he has nofeelings is a liar. We are trained to suppress them, Amanda. We arenot born without them. But you must not expect Sarek to suddenly actlike a human male in love." "No," she said. "Then he wouldn't be Sarek. But I worry that thefamily wouldn't accept me ... and I worry what would happen if we hadchildren. ." "The family will accept what Sarek tells them to accept," Silek said,not without some irony. "And as for children .. . what two betterparents can you think of?" Amanda smiled at him, suddenly radiant. "Silek, thank you. If I couldhug you, I would." Silek straightened nervously in his chair. "That would be ...inappropriate. Here. You'll need to know this soon enough anyway." Hestretched out his hand, two fingers extended, toward her. "Forfamily," he said. "Welcome." Smiling, she touched her fingers to his. Awkwardly, he joked, "Of course, you needn't tell Sarek where youlearned this." Amanda laughed and turned back to her desk. "Red roses," she said, hervoice rising giddily, though she fought to keep it level. "Actually,yellow are my favorite, but I'm glad he didn't send any." "Is the color significant?" "Yellow roses are for parting. Goodbyes." "Interesting," Silek said noncommittally. The day he returned to Vulcan, Amanda found a single yellow rose on herdesk. Skon died soon after, and Silek's mother received her youngest son backinto the family, as was her right. Soon afterward, Silek's marriage toanother member of the expedition was arranged shortly before he and hisbride left for Hydrilla. So it was that Sarek, the conformist, took ahuman wife, while his outcast brother returned to Vulcan for the traditional bonding. They sat in the large central room before dinner-Silek in Sarek'sfavorite chair, Amanda on the sofa. Sarek had gone to retrieve Starnnfrom the shuttle station. Silek was studying the portrait of motherand son that hung above the piano. "A very good likeness of you," Silek said. "How old was your son whenthis was painted?" "Ten," said Amanda. "It's a good likeness of him, too." "I look forward to meeting my nephew someday. You say that he is inStar Fleet?" Amanda nodded. "He's a commander on a starship.""Commander. Then he has risen to a high rank in a very short time. Nodoubt he will soon be a captain." Silek paused. "I must admit that Iam .. . somewhat impressed at Sarek's acceptance of his son's choice ofcareer. Vulcan fathers are not always tolerant of deviations from thefamily pattern." "Spock and his father have reached an understanding. I won't say thatit was easy." She smiled at him. "But you haven't spoken at all aboutyour expedition to the Hydrilla sector. And I'm very interested inhearing about your experience as a linguist in the field." Silek lifted one eyebrow a millimeter to indicate that he understoodher reason for changing the subject and respected her loyalty towardSarek. "The number of documents I was able to unearth and translatewas staggering, but most of the work is behind me. Except --" "Except?" asked Amanda. "The brief inscription that appears on the unusual boxes we found. Asa matter of fact, your husband has one of the boxes here. The opinionof another linguist is always helpful." Silek disappeared for a few moments and returned with two items. Heheld one of them out to Amanda. "I forgot to give this to youearlier." "What is this?" she asked with delight and opened the book. "Copyrightnineteen thirty-eight .. . "The Creator sat upon the throne, thinking.. ." " She smiled up at him. "Silek, thank you, this is wonderful! Where did you manage to find this?" "In the capital. You don't have it, do you?" he asked. "I havealways remembered your fondness for them.... I saw you had amassedquite a collection." "I don't have it. And I love Twain. Thank you very much." She closedthe book lovingly and set it next to her on the couch. Silek ignoredthe thanks and held the next item out to Amanda, who hesitated asthough she were afraid to touch it. "What is it?" she asked. "My associate Starnn would tell you it's a work of art. I'm not socertain. It is, however, shielded against scanners and protectedagainst opening by a force field. We found several others like thisone." He turned it over so that Amanda could see the inscriptionetched into the smooth surface. Amanda ran her fingers over it and shook her head. "I couldn't evenbegin to guess its origin. There are no familiar points of references,no similarities to any thing I've ever seen." She looked up at him. "Have you consideredthat it might simply be a meaningless decoration?" "Yes. But the computer indicates that if it were simply a decorativepattern, it would repeat its design more often. It has the mixture ofredundancy and novelty one expects to find in language. But it's quiteunlike any of the languages in the Hydrilla sector. I'm most familiarwith the Beekmanian languages, of course, and it's certainly not likeany of those. One of my theories is that it's an ancient script ofsome proto Beekmanian language lost in some earlier global catastrophe--a form of script which died out. My problem has been that there'stoo small a sample of it for the computer to break the code." "And how long ago did that civilization die out?" " "Die out' is a misleading term. Roughly one thousand solar yearsago, the civilization destroyed itself." "War?" Amanda asked. "Perhaps you could call it that. In most cases, the population seemsto have brutally murdered each other. A plague of some type, probably.Whatever happened, the destruction was sudden .. . and thorough. Andnot just Beekman's Planet. All inhabited planets in the sector wereaffected the same way, over a period of time." "They must have been quite sophisticated to develop something likethis," Amanda mused, looking at the box. "Our excavations don't give us much clue as to how they managed it.Their technology was no more advanced than ours, yet we have nothinglike this. My guess is that this was left behind during a visit froma more advanced civilization; but as to who that might be, we have noclue. All we know is that if such a visit took place, it was beforethe destruction. Starnn unearthed these himself and verifies that theyhad been buried for at least one thousand years. Therefore, it isunlikely that the visit had anything to do with the destruction of theplanet." "Maybe they opened the box," Amanda joked. Tomson was in the rec lounge drinking a solitary Scotch when al-Baslamaentered. "Mind if I join you?" he asked. His expression was unusuallyserious. Tomson nodded at the chair next to her. Al-B sat in it. "I got that promotion," he said. "I want you to know I appreciateeverything you've done." She forced a smile. "Moh, that's great! Congratulations!" "Thank you," he said expressionlessly. She quit smiling and frowned slightly. "You don't look too happy aboutit, Lieutenant. I think we'd better do something about that. I've gotjust the thing." She went over to the bar and programmed up anotherScotch. She brought it back and held it out to him. "To yourpromotion," she said, smiling again. He took it slowly. Tomson heldup her glass encouragingly. "Cheers," she said. Moh said nothing, but drank his Scotch, keeping his eyes on her thewhole time. When they put their glasses down, he said, "I report tothe Valor as the new security chief." In spite of herself, she said quickly, "When?" "A week fromyesterday." Tomson silently repeated this to herself. "That's great! I'm reallyhappy for you." She should be happy, she told herself, but still shefelt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. "The Valor's a goodship. Chen Szu-Yi's an excellent captain." Moh nodded. "Of course, the promotion is effective immediately. I'm afull lieutenant as of today." "Full lieutenant," Tomson said and swallowed her Scotch. "Well, sincewe're equals, I suppose you can call me Ingrit." "Ingrit," he said awkwardly. "I wonder, Ingrit.. ." Tomson looked at him expectantly. "We're equals now." Moh leaned forward across the table. "Does this.. . change things?" He was leaving in a week. Tomson threw her head back and finished herScotch. "I suppose it does," she said, meeting his eyes fearlessly. They left the lounge together. Sarek awoke with a gasp. He was in his bedroom, in the darkness, lyingnext to his wife. He looked over at her to see if he had disturbedher, but she lay on her side, breathing in soft, regular sighs. He sat up in the bed and, with a great effort of will, ceasedtrembling. He had had a dream--no, he had had a nightmare, anexperience quite alien to him. On a few occasions he had listenedtolerantly, almost smugly, to his wife as she recounted her own baddreams, and he had knowingly reassured her of their insignificance.Vulcans dreamed, of course--most sapient creatures do--but Sarek's weredreams of everyday occurrences, reflections of reality, the brainplaying back the day's events to index what was important in the memory anddispose of the rest. He had never before understood the depth ofterror such outwardly simple, even ridiculous images could evoke in thenight. He closed his eyes and remembered. Jeweled insects --thousands ofthem, flying and crawling. But something was amiss; the insects fellfrom the air, their wings torn and missing, limbs pulled off, shellscrushed. They lay on their backs and waved their remaining legs in theair in agony. The image was still capable of evoking horror in him,but at the same time made absolutely no sense. He had encountered nosuch insects nor had he seen anything mutilated recently. Yet thedream disturbed him to the point that he found it impossible to returnto sleep. He sat for a moment on the bed, listening to Aman da's breathing untilit became absolutely clear to him that he could no longer remain inbed. He would go to his study and read. The idea made perfect sense,but something in him quite illogically resisted. The notion persisteduntil at last he rose, dressed himself and went into the central room.In the darkness he imagined that he could see a faint blue glowemanating from his study; but when he entered, he saw that the box wasnot glowing. The force field had been lowered. "Fascinating," he said and bent down to open the box. In the bedroom, Amanda cried out softly in her sleep. Chapter Two it was crowded in the rec lounge, as was usual for the time of dayearly evening, for those just coming off the first shift. Kirk hadjoined the small group watching Spock and his opponent and had justcaught a glimpse of Tomson and al-Baslama surreptitiously gliding outwhen McCoy wandered in with a bottle of beer in his hand. "What's the matter, Bones?" Kirk asked. "Did the distillery finallyrun dry?" "God forbid," McCoy said fervently. "Can't a man do things a littledifferently once in a while?" "No law against it. But forgive me if I stick with my usual." Kirktook another sip of his brandy. "No law against that stuff--but there ought to be." McCoy sat down andtook a long pull on his bottle. "Well, I'll be damned. Looks likeSpock has a new protegee. When did she come on board?" Kirk smiled tiredly. "Nearly a week ago. You haven't been payingattention much lately, have you?" "I guess not," McCoy said, staring quite openly at the woman who satacross the chessboard from Spock. The most striking thing about her was most likely her hair flame red,thick and waving down her back, a startling contrast to her whitecomplexion. Her expression was far less exuberant than her hair. Sheleaned forward, elbows on the board, resting a very sharp chin on onefist, and the look on her face was a perfect reflection of Spock's.Were it not for the ears and that hair, McCoy thought, you'd think shewas a Vulcan. "Care to make a little wager? Two to one says Spock wins." "What kind of odds are those?" McCoy complained. "Of course, he'sgonna win. But you can put me down for five credits just on principlein favor of the young lady." Kirk shrugged. "It's not that sure of a bet, Bones. That young ladyis Dr. Anitra Lanter." McCoy groaned. "Doctor? I am getting old. She can't be more thantwenty years old." "Twenty-four," Kirk said. "Twenty-four," McCoy sighed and shook his head. "Twenty-four. I wastwenty-four once." "You? You were never twenty-four." "Ah .. ." McCoy turned his attention to his beer. "So the name Lanter means nothing to you?" "Should it?" "Hermann Lanter, the famous physicist?" "Oh, yeah," McCoy said without enthusiasm. "Wasn't he a genius orsomething?" "Or something," Kirk said. "And that's his daughter." "Well, dammit, Jim, why didn't you tell me sooner? I'd have put ten credits on her." McCoy belched softly. "What? And be out twenty credits?" Kirk said, smiling, as theintercom whistled. He went over to it, and McCoy watched the captain'sexpression turn sourer with each passing second as he listened andargued by turns for a full minute. "What is it?" McCoy asked when he returned. "You don't look toopleased, Jim." "Orders for shore leave." Kirk sat down abruptly and nursed his drink,staring straight ahead at the chess game without really seeing it. "Don't tell me. Canceled again." "Not canceled--changed. Star Fleet figures that since we're droppingoff the last of the Hydrillan researchers on Vulcan, we can just .. .take shore leave there." "If that's supposed to be a joke, Jim, that's not very funny." Kirk did not smile. "Komack's orders." "But Star Base Five is close enough and would be a hell of a lot morefun. Why would they want to change our orders?" "Ask Komack," Kirk said glumly. "Komack's gone nuts," McCoy muttered into his beer. "Too bad I'm notchief medical officer for the fleet. I'd have him certified unfit forduty so fast.. .. Why would anyone in their right mind want to takeleave on Vulcan?" Kirk sighed. "I can think of at least one person on board this shipwho would." They watched in glum silence for a few more moments. It looked asthough Spock would easily rout the young woman, until she looked up at him with a sudden, surprisingimpishness, stuck out her tongue, and moved her queen. McCoy sat forward, suddenly brightening. "Checkmate. Well, I'll be... I think I'm in love. Hey, where're you going, Jim? You owe me tencredits." Later that evening, McCoy stopped by sickbay to check in with M'Bengaand very nearly collided with Anitra Lanter on the way out. She leanedagainst the door, tightlipped and breathing heavily, one arm grippingher midsection, the mischievous glimmer in her eyes replaced bysomething very close to dull panic. It was at that instant that McCoydecided he was no longer off duty. "Easy .. . I'm Dr. McCoy. Is there something I can do for you?" heasked gently. She had to lift her head to look at him as she was hunched over. "Yes,"she said, gritting her teeth. "Perhaps there is. I seem to havedeveloped this strange compulsion to double over. Do you think itmight be significant?" She clearly had no intention of taking herselfseriously. "Might be." He took the arm that was not wrapped around the area ofconcern and helped her to an examination table. She would not lie downat first, but tried to sit up. McCoy gently kept pushing her backdown. "Now, just lie there. Where does it hurt?" "Three guesses," she said, patting her stomach. In the monitor'slight, she looked even younger than she had in the lounge. "Uh-huh. Can you describe the pain for me?" "It hurts." "I mean, is it stabbing, a dull ache .. ." "It's sharp. It sort of burns." An internal scan showed McCoy exactly what he expected. "It looks likeyou're working on an ulcer, my dear. For some reason, you've beenproducing too much stomach acid. If this had gone on much longer,you'd have a bona-fide hole in your gut. What I don't understand iswhy this didn't show up during an earlier checkup. Someone should havecaught the beginnings of this long ago." "I'm fast at everything," Anitra said. "Well, you may be fast but you're going to need some medication," McCoysaid. "I'm going to check your file. Lanter, isn't it?" She partially sat up again and frowned at him. "Have we met?" "I watched you play a little chess in the rec lounge. I can rememberthe name of anyone who can beat Spock--besides, it made me ten creditsricher." "Gambling," she said, her face twitching with the pain, but McCoyfancied he caught a bit of the glimmer in her eyes. "Really, Doctor.I'm shocked." She paused one beat for effect. "I netted a hundred." McCoy grinned broadly as he accessed her file. "Lanter, Anitra,right?" She nodded and bit her lip. "Hold on," McCoy said. "I'm just checking to see if the medicine I'mabout to prescribe is contraindicated." He bent down to read theterminal screen .. . and his smile quickly metamorphosed into a frown."What the--" "A problem?" Anitra asked, staring solemnly at the ceiling. "Something wrong with the computer. This says it's your file, but theinformation--" McCoy broke off, confused. "What does it say?" "Your medical file lists you as a o160 year old Benecian slime wormwith a history of prostate trouble. No allergies." "That's absurd!" she protested. "I break out in hives every time Ieat chocolate." McCoy subjected her to his sternest gaze for a long time. "If youthink this is funny, Ensign, think again. I'm not going to prescribeanything for you until I read your file. And what the devil are youdoing monkeying around with those, anyway? I'd better not find anyother files tinkered with--" "You won't." She was sitting up now and tilted her chin upward. Itgave her an almost feline, haughty look. "It can only be accessedunder Lanter, Anitra M. Enter anything else and you get theBenecian." "Thank you," McCoy said. He entered it. "That's much better." Hescanned the file briefly and then went back into the lab. When hereturned, he gave her a vial of pills. "Take one now." Anitra swallowed one, closed her eyes and sighed as the muscles in herbody relaxed in response to the absence of pain. When she looked atMcCoy again, the light in her eyes had returned. "I'd like to try to figure out how that ulcer got started," McCoy said."I couldn't detect any physiological basis for the excess acidity. Isthere any unusual stress that you've recently come under?" "Swallowing acid comments," she said archly. McCoy smiled faintly. "You know what I mean-the new job going allright and all that?" "It's going great," she said. "Which department?" "Astrophysics. Research. Actually, things are sometimes slower inthere than I'd like, but that's okay. Spock and I are working togetheron a project-particle physics, my one true love--so that keeps meinterested." "A project? On or off duty?" "Off. We're hoping to publish a paper on our findings." "How much free time do you spend on this project?" "Not enough. I know what you're getting at with all this, Doctor. AllI can say is, maybe it's just being assigned to a new ship. I don't find anything here particularly disturbing, and I enjoy working in myoff duty hours. I know you'll tell me all work and no play--but that'sthe way I've always lived. So don't worry." She sighed. "I'm sureI'll adjust." "Wait a minute. I'm supposed to be reassuring you. Besides, I can'timagine anyone wanting to spend their off-duty time with Spock." She cocked an eyebrow in perfect imitation. "Actually, he's afascinating individual." McCoy grimaced. "You have been around him too long, haven't you? Maybeyou need to find other outside interests besides physics." "Ah, but I do, Doctor." She smiled mysteriously. "I do. And Spockand I sometimes talk about things other than physics." "Spock? Talk about something other than science?" "Why not? He's been teaching me Vulcan philosophy and culture. He'seven taking me to visit his family when we take shore leave." McCoy heard a tiny internal alarm go off. "That's fine, but why don'tyou take some time off from the project? Meet some other peoplebesides Spock-people your own age." She frowned. "I don't understand. What does age have to do withanything?" "You know .. . young men." Her creamy complexion turned a delightful shade of pink. "Maybe I'mnot interested, Doctor. I have far more important concerns right now,and frankly, I don't think it's any of your business. I've had enoughof this kindly old doctor routine and your quaint, chauvinisticnotions--" In spite of himself, McCoy responded hotly to her sudden anger. "Nowlook here, I'm just trying to be helpful--" "You've already helped enough," she said huffily, and, pills in hand,climbed off the exam table and headed for the door. "You just need toknow when to stop." "Well, I'll be .. ." McCoy said in amazement as the door closed behindher. Amanda had not slept well; she had dreamed fitfully the night before,anxious dreams about Sarek and his brother, and a dead civilization.She glanced at the chronometer on the ceiling; it was early, but asalways, Sarek's side of the bed was already empty. Outside, the morning was gray, and the air still held a hint of the evening chill that descended each night over the desert.Sarek was in the garden, as she had expected, but not at his usualplace on the stone meditation bench. He stood looking down at theground. Amanda's mind at first refused to believe what she saw. Two of thefive bushes she had planted the day before were uprooted, torn out ofthe ground, their bare, thorny limbs bent and broken. A sudden rageswelled up within her; in all her years on Vulcan, she had never seenthe willful destruction of a thing of beauty. "Who--what--did this?" she choked, her fists clenched. Sarek studied his wife coolly. "A chkariya, most likely." "A what?" "Rather like a ferret." Sarek looked thoughtfully at the destructionand walked over to one of the bushes. He turned it over with hisfoot. "We've never had them before! Why would it single out my rosebusheslike this?" Amanda made a sweeping gesture at them. "Chkariyas are not known for their logic." His placid answer served as fuel for her anger. "Well, I don't carewhat they're known for. I want the damn things stopped, and I don'tcare how you do it." Sarek gazed at her calmly. "Anger serves no useful purpose, my wife.The roses can be replaced." "Not that easily," Amanda said, embarrassed by the fact that she wasactually near tears. Why did the loss of two bushes bother her so?Sarek was right; they could be replaced. And three had survived. Butit was just that the destruction of them seemed so--willfully evil, sointentionally aimed at her. "I will buy a trap," said Sarek, "and tomorrow take the creature to thedesert. Your other flowers will be safe, Amanda." "Yes, of course," Amanda said automatically, but did not look at him;her eyes were fastened on the ruined bushes on the ground. It wasn't like him at all. In the year she'd known him, al-B had neverreported late for duty, not even by a minute. Tomson's first thoughtwas that he was sick--too sick, maybe, to call in or answer the page.Her second thought was one that worried her even more Moh was takingadvantage of his new rank. She shook her head and dismissed it,although it still nagged in the back of her mind. She couldn't havebeen that mistaken about the person he was--especially now. No,something had to be wrong. Tomson clicked off the intercom and bit her lip. If Moh were any wereon the ship, he would have answered by now. The nagging thoughtsurfaced again he doesn't think he has to. He knows you wouldn'treport him--not only because of what it would do to his promotion, butbecause of what it would do to your credibility with the reviewboard. It struck her then the transfer. Would he really jeopardizeeverything just to stay? He had kidded about it last night, keptrepeating how he didn't want to leave her now .. . and her anxiety wasreplaced for a short while by anger. Pulling something like this wouldprove him to be more of a fool than she'd thought. She looked over at Nguyen, who had reported in and was waitingpatiently for her assignment. "Stay here for a few minutes," Tomsonsaid. "If al-B reports in, page me." It seemed only natural to look for him in his quarters. If he wereelsewhere on the ship, Tomson reasoned, someone might see him andreport that he was ignoring his page. It would be smarter just toignore the intercom and the pages while laying low in his quarters. When she got there, she pressed the buzzer. She was not at allsurprised when no one answered. She leaned closer. "Al-B," shecalled, and put her hand on the door. To her surprise, it opened. It was dark inside. Tomson fumbled for the light panel and pressed it.Seeing that the outer office was empty, she moved toward the darkenedbedroom, and was just able to make out a human figure lying on the bed.She squared her shoulders. "Al-Baslama," she said sternly and turnedon the light. And began to scream and scream and scream, as though she would neverstop. Tomson was waiting in front of al-Baslama's quarters, paler than usual,her arms folded tightly, fighting to keep her composure. "In there," she said to McCoy and Kirk. "Please try not to touchanything." The dead man's body was stretched out on his bunk. McCoy was used todead bodies, and Kirk had steeled himself for the sight of this one,but both of them flinched involuntarily. Tomson did not even try tolook again; she had already forced herself to see more than she could bear. Mohamed al-Baslama had been beaten to death--not justonce or twice in the strategic places, but over the entire surface ofhis body. His face was disfigured almost beyond recognition, the jawand cheekbones broken. McCoy raised the dead man's tunic, and Kirkfought the desire to look away. The spleen had swollen the stomach toghastly size, and the skin above it was mottled dark red and purple. "Internal bleeding," McCoy said. "Probably the ultimate cause ofdeath." "Any idea who did this?" Kirk asked Tomson. "A professional," she said. "Did you notice, no signs of a struggle?And al-Baslama was a damn good martial arts man Not a hair, not afingerprint, nothing out of place. I'm the only one who's been here,but I did a preliminary checkout. I have some people coming who'll goover this place with a fine-tooth comb. Al-B had a lot of friends insecurity." She faltered foray moment and looked away. "And Dr. McCoyneeds to do an autopsy. So I can't really say we don't have any leadsyet." McCoy was muttering to himself. Kirk leaned over him. "Find anythingunusual, Doctor?" "If you want to call it that," McCoy said with disgust. He pointed atthe dead man's hands. "Look there; every finger on both hands broken,smashed." He looked up at the captain. "Jim, this man was tortured todeath." The next day, McCoy caught Spock in the hall outside his quarters. "I wonder if I could speak to you about Anitra Lanter." "What is it you wish to discuss?" Spock asked. "Last night she came to me complaining of severe stomach pains. Itseems she's working on an ulcer." McCoy imagined he detected a note of concern in Spock's voice. "Is thecondition serious?" "Not at this point, but if it doesn't improve, it could become that.What has me concerned is Anitra's ..." McCoy tried to find the rightword, ".. . lifestyle." "That is none of my concern." Spock started to move away, but McCoyblocked him. "It is very much your concern, Spock. A blind man could see that she'sbeen your constant companion since she came on board. In fact, you twohave spent every off-duty moment together." "That is, as usual, a gross exaggeration, Doctor," Spock said in thelong-suffering tone he used to explain the obvious to theunenlightened. "And I fail to see how my company could induce Dr.Lanter to develop an ulcer." "Well, ulcers are caused by over secretion of stomach acid, which isusually caused by an excess of stress--" "I am constantly amazed, Doctor, by your ability to state the obvious.""Dammit, Spock, let me finish. I'm simply trying to figure out what'scausing the stress. Now I know that she's working on a project withyou during her off-duty hours. Could it be that you're working her toohard?" Spock frowned slightly. "I do not invoke the privilege of rank--we aremerely two scientists working in our free time on a project of mutualinterest. Dr. Lanter works as much as she cares to. I neitherencourage nor discourage her." "Well, frankly, I wish you would discourage her a little, Spock. Ithink she's suffering from overwork." Spock raised an eyebrow. "That har dly seems my place, Dr. McCoy. Ifyou, as her physician, feel that she should spend less time on theproject, then you should tell her so." "I did," McCoy muttered, "but I don't trust her to." Spock made no reply, but turned to walk away. "Wait, Spock, that's not all.... I don't know quite how to say this...." "That has never stopped you before." The Vulcan was in rare form today. McCoy forced himself to ignore theremark, drew in a breath and said, "Look, I think she has a crush onyou." "A 'crush'?" "Do you want me to explain it to you?" "I am familiar with the idiom, Doctor. I was merely expressing .. .surprise that you would come to that conclusion." "You wouldn't know a crush if it bit you. I'm telling you that thisgirl is in love with you. She spends every waking moment with you andI don't think it's healthy for her. It might be kinder to her if youcould think up some excuses from time to time instead of spending everyfree moment working on the project together." Spock was wearing that certain stone-faced expression that McCoy knewfrom experience meant he would get no cooperation. "I assure you thatI am not completely insensitive to such situations, Doctor. I haveencountered the problem in the past, but I have not perceived any suchproblem with Dr. Lanter." McCoy could not believe him. "Spock, she told me you've invited her to meet your family when we take shore leave. Don'tyou realize the significance of such an action?" "Friendship," Spock said. "Any interpretation beyond that is merelywishful thinking on your part." "Or on hers. She's young, Spock, and not all that mature. On Earth,when a man brings a woman home to meet his parents, it usually meansthat--" Spock cut him off. "I am not taking her to Earth," he said evenly."You are merely reading your own cultural interpretation into this." "She's Terran, too," McCoy argued. "She's bound to come to thesame--" Spock cut him off smoothly. "I find this entire discussion entirelyinappropriate, Dr. McCoy. Your questions merit no response except tosay that you should not meddle in areas beyond your expertise." "Why, you--" sputtered McCoy, but Spock had already turned on his heeland gone. Tomson called to say that further investigation had yielded no leads. Kirk's response was less than forgiving. "Lieutenant, I have fourhundred crew members about to take shore leave for the first time inseven months. We have the option of canceling that leave or findingthe killer. Do you understand?" "Yes, sir," Tomson said stoutly. "Then the only suggestion I have,Captain, is that we run a verifier scan on all four hundred crewmembers." "And our guests," Kirk said. Tomson paused. "Sir .. . they're Vulcans." "Well, if it's true that Vulcans can't lie, then they have nothing to worry about. And Spock tells me that Vulcans can't beoffended. Run the scan on them." "Yes, sir." Kirk stopped off at his quarters before going to the officers' mess.Somehow, a small drop of the murdered man's blood had stained histunic, and he felt the need for a ritual cleansing before dinner. Hestepped into the shower stall fully clothed, reached for the soniccontrols--and then changed his mind. Today's circumstances called fora more therapeutic means of hygiene hot water and steam. Kirkstripped, threw the tainted clothes out and closed the door behind him.The cubicle began to fill with white droplets of steam, and he let itcontinue until it was so dense he couldn't see his own hand in front ofhim. He had lost men before, and al-Baslama's was not the first murder onboard the Enterprise .. . but before, such things had always occurredunder unusual circumstances, caused by external forces--spies,invaders, outsiders. Other than the Vulcans, there was no one to pinthe guilt on, leaving the uncomfortable deduction that a crew memberwas responsible. Such a thing had never happened under his commandbefore, and certainly he had never encountered a murder so maliciouslycommitted. Kirk closed his eyes and sighed, forcing his muscles to relax. Hesucceeded to a modest degree, and after a moment or two, he didsomething he had not done in years he began to sing. It was the time of the ship's day when the officers' mess was mostcrowded. McCoy had gotten his tray and was headed toward Scott's and Uhura's table when Anitra caught hiseye and waved him over. She was sitting off to one side with Spock,and although McCoy was in no hurry to see the Vulcan after their mostrecent unpleasant encounter, he was far too intrigued to turn away. Anitra greeted him with an enthusiastic smile; the sudden storm oftemper in sickbay had apparently blown over without leaving any illeffects. But she had not forgotten it. "I'd like to apologize for the other day," she said as McCoy took aseat next to her. "No hard feelings?" "None at all," said McCoy. "I decided that your point was welltaken." "I think so," she said, but her eyes were playful. McCoy gracefully ignored the remark, as Spock continued eating his mealon Anitra's other side, ignoring him. "How's the medication workingout?" Anitra and Spock exchanged a quick glance; obviously, there were thingsthat she preferred to keep to herself. "Just great. Please, go aheadand eat." McCoy hadn't touched his food. After al-Baslama's autopsy, he hadn'tmuch of an appetite. Normally, such things never bothered him--in medschool, he used to pride himself on his ability to eat lunch, asandwich in one hand, while carving up a cadaver with the other--but ithad never struck him as grisly, as this one had, possibly because noneof the cadavers had been bludgeoned to death.... He smiled palely athis dinner. "Guess I'm just not as hungry as I thought." "Want some of my fudge brownie?" Anitra wheedled. "It's awfullygood." He frowned. "I thought you were allergic to choc--" He broke off, interrupted by the unlikely and painfully loud sound ofoff-key singing. "What the hell--" he began and then stopped, for bythen he had recognized the captain's voice--as obviously had the restof the crowd. After a moment of startled silence, titters began toflutter through the room. Only two of those seated did not share inthe laughter--Spock and Ani tra. And although Spock came alarminglyclose to a double take, he recovered smoothly enough (since everyonewas far too distracted to notice his reaction), and now simply sat,studying the reaction of the others. Anitra alone continued eatingwith gusto, unfazed, but grinning like a Cheshire cat. "So do you want some or not?" she persisted, while McCoy gazed at her,dumbstruck. Spock and Scott stood at attention. Kirk was in his quarters, nowfully dressed, and in significantly less melodic voice. He paced backand forth in front of his officers. "In answer to your question, sir," Scott said, his face twitching withthe awful struggle to maintain decorum, "it was a simplemicrophone--something anyone could have planted. And it woulda been notrouble to hook in into the main intercom system." Kirk stopped pacing and looked sourly at Scott. "No trouble. For you,perhaps, Scotty." "Aye, sir." The subtlest twitch passed over the Scot's face. "I must agree with the captain," Spock said. His smoothly serious composure was in striking contrast to Scott's. "Itwould require no small amount of engineering talent to hook themicrophone up to communications --" "And pick the lock to my quarters. Who on this ship would have thatkind of expertise?" Kirk demanded. Spock shifted uncomfortably. "I would, sir." "And I," Scott volunteered. "That's very gallant of you gentlemen," Kirk said impatiently, "butsince neither one of you has confessed to the crime, who does thatleave us with?" Spock and Scott eyed each other for a moment before Spock cleared histhroat. "Lieutenant Uhura, sir, although it would be most out ofcharacter for her--" "And?" "And ... a few other individuals in science and engineering." "Who are they? I want to speak to them." "I will .. . attempt to arrange it, sir," Spock said, knowing exactlywho he needed to speak to, wondering if he could convince her to admitit. The verifier scan showed nothing. Kirk consulted McCoy. "Can anyone fool a verifier scan, Doctor?" McCoy waxed philosophic. "Well, now, some would tell you no. Butmaybe .. . well, maybe someone with a pathological condition, who wasconvinced he was telling the truth, could fool the scanner." Kirk nodded. "And, of course, you have no one with a psychological profile who would fit this description?" McCoy frowned. "If someone like that got through the academy and pastme, they're in the wrong business. They ought to take up the theater,and I ought to be drummed out of my job." "Could someone--formerly healthy--experience a personality change thatwould permit them to do what someone did to al-Baslama?" "God knows we've seen enough types of space madness, Jim. I'd say it'spossible." "Then I'd like you to update your files, Doctor. I want a recentpsychological analysis of everyone on board this ship." McCoy started to grin, but it faded quickly when he realized that thecaptain was not smiling. "You're not kidding, are you?" "I'm not kidding." "Do you have any idea how long that would take? We'd have to pulldouble shifts in sickbay just to get it done before the end of themonth--" "Then pull double shifts. But I want it done before we go on shoreleave." McCoy grimaced. "No problem, Captain. There's nothing I like betterthan trying to pick one sadist out of four hundred and twenty crewmembers." The day passed without incident, and Aman da forgot about the rosesuntil she went out into the garden shortly after sunset, when the heathad broken. The sight of two empty holes where the bushes had been wasan unpleasant reminder, but she noted with satisfaction that Sarek hadkept his promise--a small trap, a square box with an entrance but noexit, sat next to the remaining rosebushes, no doubt loaded withchkariya pheromones. She heard a rustle behind her and turned to see someone hidden in theshadows at the other end of the garden, near the tall bushes. Herheart beat faster until she realized it was Silek; she drew a smallsigh and smiled. He seemed almost startled himself, but he walkedtoward her. "I see that two of your roses are missing." "Furry vandals," she said. "I take it your presentation at the academywent well." Silek nodded. "And that you slept well last night." Amanda watched his expression with fascination; like his brother, Silekcould convey wry amusement without moving a single muscle in his face."Do you wish an honest answer, my lady Amanda, or the expected one?" Her eyes saddened. "I wouldn't blame you, Silek, if you didn't. Somany things happen in thirty-eight years, so many changes. I didn'teven know that you were married, and now Sarek tells me that yourecently lost your wife." Privately, Silek was amused by her use of a very Terran idiom. Humans.Their fear of death was so great they could not force themselves tospeak its name, lest it take notice of them. He wondered how one mightliterally lose one's wife--misplace her, perhaps. Aloud he said, "Yes.We married shortly after we met. She was a researcher on the Hydrillaproject. I'm sorry that you did not have the opportunity to meet TYne." He thought of T'Ylle here and wondered what Amanda wouldmake of her--certainly two women were never more opposite. Amanda waseverything open and warm and forthright, while T'Ylle was cool,retiring, always watching and weighing. . "Was she ill?" "The official cause was listed as an accident," said Silek. He wasstaring in the direction of the sun, although it had alreadydisappeared below the horizon. "You say that as though you don't believe it was." "It was not," Silek said, still watching the nonexistent sunset."T'Ylle was intentionally killed." Why he chose to tell Amanda now hedid not know. It was foolish, illogical, for it could accomplish noaim save to upset her. Amanda did not need to know, yet it somehowseemed rude to refuse to explain further. And perhaps there was somesort of relief in finally being able to voice it, to say the dreadfulwords aloud, to another who would listen. Amanda was shocked speechless for a moment. "I thought the expeditionwas all Vulcan." "Forgive me." Silek returned to his senses. "I am a poor guest to sodisturb my hostess. I have no proof to back my claim. Let us discussit no further." But the look of anxiety in Amanda's eyes reminded him very much ofsomething he had found in T'Ylle's cool brown ones shortly before herdeath, the unspoken fear she had kept from him, to protect him, untilit was far too late.. .. The ground had given way, Starnn had claimed, given way and crumbledbeneath their feet--and T'Ylle had fallen from the overhang onto therocks below. Fallen, Silek recalled grimly, but not without assistance. He wanted to warn Amanda now .. . but it was still early. Such awarning now would only serve to confuse and terrify. Perhaps he knewwhat he had to do to set things right. Out of politeness, Amanda did not press him, though there were manyquestions she wanted to ask. Instead, she stood and held him with thattroubled gaze. Silek spoke again. "Our expedition to Hydrilla was successful, butmany strange things happened on the last planet--on Beekman. Three ofour party were killed--T'Ylle and two others. AH died under unusualcircumstances--all 'accidents." Some of the people on the expeditionseemed to--change--as a result. Starnn, for example." "He's elderly," Amanda said. "And he lost a daughter." "True." Silek suddenly felt tired of discussing the subject. Helooked down at the trap Sarek had set. "What type of animal are youexpecting another visit from?" "A chkariya," Amanda said, accepting the change of subject with aninsincere cheerfulness, her eyes still troubled. "It pulled two bushesright out of the ground last night and somehow managed to snap thebranches right in two. Terran that I am, I hope it got a mouthful ofthorns." Silek frowned. "You are sure a chkariya did that? I did not thinkthem capable...." "Sarek thinks it might be. Whatever it is, I'm going to stop it." Silek finally looked at her. "For your sake, I hope you do." She smiled at him. "I'll see you at dinner." Silek waited until he was sure that she had gone inside the housebefore he went back over to the bushes. The small mammal lay halfburied in the sand, its teeth bared in a death scream. Its neck hadbeen snapped, and its legs dangled from its limp body at unnaturalangles. Silek did not doubt that the animal had been tortured beforeit was killed. It was starting again, just as it had started on Beekman's Planet. Chapter Three "coming into orbit around Vulcan, Captain," Sulu announced. On thescreen was a red giant of a planet. Kirk snapped off the intercom on the arm of the con. He was not at allsurprised when McCoy called to say that working round the clock, themedical staff had managed to psycho scan only half the crew, and ofthose, all were normal. "So much for shore leave," Kirk said quietly. The remark had been too soft for others on the bridge tooverhear--except, of course, for Spock. The Vulcan walked over toKirk's side. "Captain," he said in a low voice, "for one guilty of murder charges,Vulcan would be a most difficult planet to escape from, particularly ifsecurity central were alerted to the problem and landing partiesrequired to stay in groups of three or four." Kirk grunted. "If they were required to stay together the entiretime--it might work." He smiled up at his first officer. "A logicalsolution, Mr. Spock, but I might be tempted to think that you'retrying to convince me not to cancel shore leave for purely ulteriormotives." Spock's expression was one of mild shock. "Sir, I was merely trying tobe of assistance.. .." Kirk laughed briefly. "So be it. We're long overdue for a little Rand R. Groups of four--no one is to be alone, not even for aninstant." "That," said Spock, "is likely to prove interesting." He returned tohis station and bent over his viewer. "Maybe it won't be so bad," Kirk mused, watching the planet rotate onthe view screen. "Is there any place you would recommend, Spock, forout-of-towners looking for some purely human forms of entertainment?" Spock did not answer. He remained bent over his viewer. "Spock? Is there something wrong?" Kirk got out of his chair and wentover to Spock's station. "There appear to be some abnormalities with Vulcan's atmosphere," Spocksaid, distracted, without looking up. "Abnormalities?" "It cannot be the instruments," Spock said. "I just ran diagnostics onthem; they're in perfect working order. As I know the exactcomposition of Vulcan's atmosphere, I was scanning to test theircalibration. I often do so as a matter of procedure--" "What sort of abnormalities, Spock?" Spock looked up and sighed. "Myscanner registers the atmosphere as unusually dense. According tocomputer analysis, the chemical composition and consistency indicatesthat the atmosphere has become .. . split-pea soup." "Split-pea soup?"Kirk asked. "There is something I must talk to you about," Spock said. He andAnitra sat in the office in his quarters. "Then talk, sir," she said. "I do not understand the purpose of practical joking." "It's funny." Spock focused his gaze on her intently, and she shifted her chair; ifshe didn't know him better, she might think he was trying to intimidateher with that peculiar, nonthreatening but nonetheless frightening wayVulcans had. "You might think such jokes humorous, Dr. Lanter, butthey can lead to serious outcomes." "Such as?" Anitra asked coolly. "Changing the readings of instruments at critical times when quickdecisions must be made could lead to life-threatening situations. Andpersonally humiliating the captain serves no purpose except toinfuriate him and, should you be discovered to be the perpetrator,damage your career in Star Fleet." "What makes you think it's me?" Spock stared at her without answering, and she felt herself flushing inspite of herself. "And besides," she said, "maybe I'm not that concerned about mycareer." "I am at present," Spock said. "We cannot afford any interference withour mission." "All right, then, I apologize," she said, straight faced, then she suddenly covered her mouth with her hand. "But youhave to admit, it was funny." Spock held her with that stony stare. "It is not necessary toapologize to me." "Then what do you want?" "Apologize to the captain." She blanched and lowered her hand. "You just said that we couldn'trisk any interference--" "Ensign, he has ordered me to find the perpetrator. I could have toldhim that I knew who it was, but I would prefer you went to himvoluntarily." "I see." She considered it for a moment. "I suppose in that case, Ivolunteer." Kirk was just about to step into the shower fully clothed--the sonic,that is, since he hadn't resorted to water showers since the fatefulincident--when the buzzer sounded. It was Anitra Lanter. "Come in, Ensign." For a minute, he could not piece together why shewas there. "I've come to c onfess, Captain," she said. She seemed contrite enough, but there was a hint of a smirk in her eyesthat aggravated the hell out of him. "I see. Would you like toexplain to me why you did it, Ensign?" She looked at the floor. Kirk was not sure if it was out of shame andregret, or simply an attempt to hide those dancing eyes. "I suppose Ithought it was-funny, sir." "Funny," he echoed tonelessly. "Do you realize that you could becharged with breaking and entering a senior officer's quarters? Andsabotage, for tampering with the communications board and Mr. Spock's computers?" "Yes, sir," she said in what Kirk judged to be a sincerely meekvoice. "I could very easily slap you with ten demerits, Ensign, and have youdecommissioned. Do you understand that?" "Yes, sir." "But that would be a waste of a very ingenious officer. Since youappear to be so good at manipulating the hardware around here, I'mgoing to give you a little project that you can do in your off-dutyhours, to keep you out of trouble. Engineer Scott needs some helpoverhauling the engines. Have you ever overhauled engines, Ensign?" "No, sir. I guess I've just been lucky," she answered, without a traceof impudence. Kirk was beginning to experience some degree of satisfaction. For anexperienced engineer, an overhaul might take a day--for an engineeringgenius like Scotty, several hours. A neophyte--ah, a neophyte mightwell take forever. "It's a project that usually requires two men and afull day's work. I'm sure those men would appreciate getting off earlyfor shore leave. I'm going to let you do their work, Ensign--but youare not relieved of any of your other duties. You are to do it onlywhen you are off duty. Understood?" "Understood. If I finish in time, may I take shore leave, sir?" sheasked timidly. Kirk smiled sardonically. "Of course, Ensign." By that time, leave onVulcan would be nothing more than a memory--one that she woulddefinitely not share with the rest of the crew. She smiled suddenly and brilliantly at him. "Is that all, sir?" "That's all," Kirk said smugly. She would soon find it to be more thanenough. Each day the trap came up empty, while the rosebushes were destroyedmethodically, one by one. Two more dead animals were discovered andput into the incinerator. One evening after the guests had retired, Amanda went to speak with herhusband. He had not gone to bed, of course, but was sitting in hisstudy. It seemed he never came to bed at all these days. The door to Sarek's study opened in response to his wife's voice. Sarekwatched her as she came in, and knew that she was quite agitated,although anyone else would not have been able to tell from herperfectly composed movements. Only her eyes betrayed her, and herlips, which were pressed together somewhat more tightly than usual. "Sarek," she began in a voice deceptively calm to the ear, "have youmoved your father's ahn vahr for any reason?" The double-edged swordhad been in Sarek's family for centuries and was displayed in a placeof honor on the wall of the central room, an ancient reminder ofVulcan's warrior past. Please, Amanda's eyes begged numbly. Say yes.Say you took it to have it polished. "No," said Sarek. "Is it missing?" His wife's lips compressed even more. "Come with me," she saidresolutely. "You must see this." Without question, Sarek rose and followed his wife to the central room.The ahn vahr was, indeed, missing from its customary place. But something even more bizarre .. . theportrait of Amanda and her son hung in its usual place--upside down. "Who would do this?" Amanda whispered. "Why would anyone here dosomething like this?" This was Vulcan, not Earth. Nothing irrationalor insane had happened here in five thousand years, except in thetourist quarter .. . but not here. Sarek did not answer her. He walked over to the portrait and rightedit, and after a time, he said, "I will implement the security screensand see to it that our guests are given the code." "Not Starnn," Amanda said quickly, in spite of herself. "Just Silek.Starnn doesn't need it; he always comes home with you, anyway." Sarek studied the bare spot on the wall. "As you wish, Amanda." No doubt it was the rigorous code of Vulcan hospitality that compelledSpock to invite Kirk and McCoy to visit his parents' home in ShiKahr.Kirk had accepted out of politeness, although he made it clear to Spockthat at least a few hours' leave would be dedicated to less civilizedpursuits. McCoy accepted out of a desire to keep an eye on Anitra;upon learning she would not be coming, he stewed silently on histransporter pad, thinking of the hours that he could have spent in oneof the tourist bars in the capital. Scott was just on the verge of beaming them down when Anitra enteredthe transporter room. She gave them all a sprightly nod and took herplace on the platform next to Spock. "Ensign Lanter." Kirk glowered at her. "I thought we had anagreement." She blinked innocently at him. "Is there a problem, sir? I thoughtyou said that when I was finished overhauling the engines--" "Aye," Scott spoke up with enthusiasm before the captain could protest."And I'd forgotten to thank ye, sir. It's glad I am you sent her tohelp out. I had no idea the ensign here was such an old salt atoverhaulin' engines.. .." "I'm not, Mr. Scott," Anitra said quickly before Kirk could protest,but not before he shot her a withering look. "I swear, that's thefirst time I've ever helped to overhaul an engine." "You'll never get me to believe it," Scott said, addressing Kirk."Captain, the woman's a phenomenon. She never asked a single question,just seemed to know what to do before I could get the words out of mymouth. And she did the job exactly as I woulda done it myself. Simplyuncanny. It took half the time. I usually have to repeat myself ahundred times before a greenhorn understands what's goin' on." "I see," Kirk said heavily, without taking his eyes off of Lanter. "Well, I'm most grateful, sir, for your sendin' Dr. Lanter to helpout." Anitra smiled her brilliant smile at them all; if there had been atrace of smugness in it, Kirk would have ordered her off the platform.As it was, he resigned himself to a stony, disapproving glare. For some reason, Scott was unable to get a fix on the interior ofSpock's home, and they were required to beam down outside. This caused Kirk and McCoy to put an immediate,silent curse on Star Fleet and Komack in particular, for the climatecould not, even with the most generous interpretation, be calledinviting. It was early evening, just before sunset, the time when theafternoon winds were in full force. The breezes, if they could becalled by such a gentle name, gave no relief from the 115 heat; indeed,they seemed hotter than the still air, and served only to punctuate theheat all the more, and to whip up sand, stinging human eyes. McCoy wondered aloud how such an advanced civilization could still beafflicted with sand streets. Spock paid him no heed, but held his hand before a small metal plate onthe great stone wall which stood before them. He seemed rathersurprised when nothing happened. "This may explain the problem with the transporter, Captain. I believethat the security system is on." Kirk wiped the perspiration from his forehead and left his hand thereto shield his eyes from the sand. "I thought you said they wereexpecting us." Spock shrugged. "They are. Most unusual. My parents haven't used thesecurity system for twenty years." "I hope you haven't forgotten the code," McCoy raised his voice in arather ungracious tone over the howling wind. "I'd like to get out ofthis mess." Under his breath he muttered, "Hell of a place for R and R." Spock turned his face toward him and arched a brow, but did not answer.Instead, he touched the four corners of the metal plate in what seemedto be a random fashion. The massive gate slid open. The outside of the house was typically Vulcan in design--anunimpressive dome-shaped structure, the same as all Vulcan homes,whether they were built two thousand years ago, a hundred years ago oryesterday. Inside, the humans noticed with immediate relief that thehouse was cooler and not as dry--indeed, it was almost comfortable fora human, although not quite as cool as they would have liked.Naturally, thought Kirk, a human lives here, too. They walked through a long foyer into a large, open room, which wasevidently used for entertaining guests. "Wait here," Spock told them, then disappeared. Kirk smiled; the house rather reminded him of his first officer. AllVulcan on the outside, but inside, there was definitely a human'stouch an old upright piano, a comfortable-looking sofa of decidedlyTerran design, and on the wall, near displays of fierce-looking Vulcanweaponry, a portrait of mother and son. Spock returned shortly. He wore a slight frown, which indicated thatthings were not as he had expected to find them. "I know that mymother is tutoring at this time. However, I had expected my father andsome house guests to be present. Perhaps they were detained." Anitra was staring dreamily at the portrait. "Is this your mother?" Spock nodded. "Twenty-six years ago." "She's very beautiful." Spock grunted assent. "The polite thing to do is thank her, Spock," said McCoy. Spock raised his eyebrows in mild surprise. "I had no hand in it, Dr. McCoy. I can scarcely take credit." He lookeddistractedly at the wall for a moment. "Odd..." "What is it, Spock?" asked Kirk. "Something missing?" "Yes ... an antique. Perhaps my parents took it to be repaired. But Iam failing in my duties as host. Please, sit down. Doctor, I am sureyou would appreciate something alcoholic to drink." McCoy sat on the couch, surprised. "You mean, your parents stockliquor?" "They entertain frequently. And my mother has been known to imbibeoccasionally. Whiskey? And you, Captain--a brandy?" Kirk and McCoy smiled and shrugged at each other from across the couchbefore nodding. Spock playing bartender. Perhaps this wouldn't be sounpleasant after all. "Dr. Lanter?" Anitra had wandered over to the far end of the room and stood gazingout of the window that overlooked the garden. "Nothing for me,thanks," she said cheerfully. Spock left to get their drinks. "You should see the garden," Anitra said with her back to them. "It'sincredibly lush compared to the desert out there.. .." She broke off,her back straightening suddenly, strangely. "What is it?" McCoy asked. "I think I see someone out there." "You wouldn't happen to be pulling anyone's leg, would you, Ensign?"Kirk's tone was cool. She turned toward them, and after a glance at her expression, both men jumped off the couch and went to the window. "Over there," Anitra pointed, "in the bushes." "Spock," Kirk called. Spock returned, drinks in hand. They did not need to say anything tohim. He followed their gaze to the window and looked outside. "Captain, would you stay here with Anitra? Doctor, would you mindaccompanying me?" McCoy knew, of course, why he was being asked to go along. People whowere alive did not lie motionless like that, and certainly not inthorn-covered bushes. It did not surprise McCoy when he knelt down to find that the man wasdead; nor, for some reason, did he feel any real sense of shock to findthat the man had died as a result of repeated stab wounds. Whatstartled him was that the Vulcan was a dead ringer for Spock, fortyyears from now. He looked up at Spock from under lowered lids. "A relative ofyours?" Spock nodded. "I believe he is--was--my uncle." Silek's nephewstudied him quietly for the first time. His face was composed,although covered with bloody scratches where he had fallen against thelast remaining rosebush, and his wounds, mercifully, could not beclearly seen for all the blood. "The ahn vahr," Spock said suddenly. "The what?" "The weapon missing from the wall. It could have been used to inflicthis wounds." McCoy looked up at him. "Do you know why anyone would want to murderyour uncle?" Sarek and Amanda had returned home, and a representative of Vulcansecurity had come .. . only then had anyone thought to look for Starnn.He lay on the floor in the guest room, toppled over from the kneelingposition of ritual suicide, the ahn vahr still in his heart. Thesecurity representative requested the ahn vahr as well as the twobodies for examination. It was assumed that traces of Silek's bloodwould be found on the sword; nevertheless, she also respectfullyrequested that the landing party remain on Vulcan until the followingday, when the investigation would be completed. In other words, asMcCoy put it, they were not to leave town, the one thing the landingparty wanted to do, not wishing to disturb the family's grief. AndAmanda was clearly stricken, although she did not weep (at least, notwhere she could be seen or heard). Sarek, on the other hand, acceptedhis brother's death calmly. And so the landing party spent the night--Anitra in one guest room,Kirk and McCoy in another, Spock in his old room. Under thecircumstances, no one slept well. Anitra dreamed that night--dreamed of murder, of the old Vulcan withthe white hair and the sword through his heart, of Spock's uncle withtiny bloody scratches across his face. She was awakened not by thedreams, but by a strange noise--an internal humming, like the drone ofthousands of wings beating in unison. She felt rather than heard them,but the source of the silent vibration was definitely external. Itpulled her from her bed and led her into the spacious central area. From the garden window she could see the stars shining clearly, andshe paused for a moment to locate Sol. It was almost too weak to beseen by the naked eye, but it was there. On Earth it was impossible tosee Eridani without aid, in part because of the brightness of the moon.But here the stars were glorious, for no moonlight detracted from theirbrilliance; on the other hand, the lack of it made it difficult for herto find her way in the dark. She walked, barefoot, with measured,silent steps, one hand held out in front to save her from collidingwith the furniture, for she knew that the ears of some sleepers herewere far more sensitive than her own. She crossed the central room until she stood in front of a door, theedges of which glowed faintly in the darkness. Her pulse quickened.She was at once certain that inside lay what had awakened her. She puta hand on the door, gently, so that it would not misinterpret the touchas a desire to enter, and closed her eyes. They were here, in thisroom. The sudden sensation of a presence in the nearby darkness startled herso that she whirled around, drawing in her breath sharply. The face ofthe Vulcan was obscured by darkness, but she could sense Spock'spresence. "What we're looking for is here," she whispered just audibly enough forhim to hear. "You are quite certain?" She nodded, knowing that he was accustomed to the darkness and couldsee her quite easily. "Why would it still be here, with Starnn dead?" "I don't know, but it's here." She turned and faced the door. "There's no one--at least, no person-inside. I'd like toinvestigate." Spock would have liked to disagree, but could find no logical argument.Anitra moved so that the door to Sarek's study glided open. She walkedinside with Spock close behind her. The light was off in the study, but its entirety was dimly lit by thefeeble luminescence of the small black ellipse on Sarek's desk. "There," Anitra said, her large eyes focused on it. "In that." "Be careful," said Spock, but Anitra was too fascinated to hear him. Asshe neared the object, the glow slowly flickered and began to recedetoward it. When the light had died away completely, the box began to open. Anitra's eyes snapped away and found Spock's. "Get out of here," shehissed. "NOW." They both bolted out the door. Anitra gasped as she landed directly ina steely pair of arms, recoiling immediately. Sarek was fully dressed, as though he had not been to bed at all. Hestared intently at them both, and at the open door to the study wherethe faint light emanated once again. Don't look at him. The terrified thought passed through Spock's mind,and although it was not his own, the urgency of it was such that heobeyed. "Dr. Lanter was unable to sleep," he said to his father withrespectfully downcast eyes. "I heard a noise and came toinvestigate." Sarek's voice was cold. "She should not wander at night, considering what has happened here recently." "I won't," Anitra said in a small voice. She turned and made a swiftretreat toward the guest room. Spock bowed slightly to his father andfollowed her. Sarek stared after the two of them for a moment and then went insidethe study. "I'm sorry." Anitra and Spock were inside the guest room with the light on. "Why do you apologize?" he asked. "We were able to escape safely,thanks to your alerting me. And it is not your fault that the evil hasinvaded my parents' household." Anitra's voice was soft and husky. "More than you know, Spock." Spock looked at her questioningly, although he had already guessed whatwas coming. "I'm sorry, Spock. Whoever we spoke to tonight . isn't your fatheranymore." Spock folded his arms calmly, but Anitra knew him well enough to knowhe would have reacted much the same to a heavy blow to his stomach."Perhaps I suspected as much." He took a deep breath. "Although I'dhoped that I was wrong. This changes our plans." "No it doesn't. Not yet, anyway. We're still going to the academytomorrow." "My mother," Spock said swiftly, firmly, "must be warned. She willhave to leave. It isn't safe for her to remain." "If she leaves, Sarek will know that she knows and come after her. Andhe'll deduce that we told her. Right now, he still doesn't suspect us.He only knows that we were drawn for some reason to the study. Wecan't risk it. Not yet." She folded her arms in unconscious imitationof him. "But the danger .. ." "Only to those who know or suspect. Your uncle suspected and warnedStar Fleet. For that, he was killed. Do you want that to happen toyour mother? To us?" Spock looked intently at a point on the far wall and after a time said,"The moment we learn there is a threat to Amanda's safety .. ." "We'll take care of it. Until then, we speak to no one." "Very well." He shot her a dark glance that she could not interpret,then left. Apparently, they were not the only ones suffering from insomnia, forMcCoy stood waiting in the hallway. "I thought I heard something," he said quietly. "But I'd convincedmyself it was an auditory hallucination. A little late to bediscussing physics, isn't it, Spock?" Spock attempted to walk past him without acknowledgment, but McCoystepped in front of him. "Don't you realize how this looks, Spock?" His tone was sarcastic, butthere was a razor-sharp edge to it that Spock was unable to interpretfor a moment. "I have nothing to explain to you, Doctor," he said, and pushed pasthim. McCoy remained in the hallway for a few moments, his eyesglittering jealously. Vulcan security was as good as its word--the next morn ing, after a fewquestions, the landing party was free to go. It was no small measureof irritation to McCoy that only the humans were required to take averifier scan. "He's half human," the doctor said irritably to the officer operatingthe scanner, and thrust a thumb at Spock. "Doesn't that make himcapable of at least exaggeration?" With inscrutable Vulcan wisdom, the officer decided that the questionwas unworthy of reply. They left Amanda and Sarek to their grief. Spock offered to takeAnitra on a tour of the Vulcan Science Academy, which she acceptedenthusiastically, despite McCoy's attempts to convince her otherwise.He and Jim were headed for one of the tourist bars in ShanaiKahr. Amanda sat up, mysteriously jolted from sleep, and at the same instantwas painfully disappointed to find herself awake. She had been plaguedby insomnia since Silek's death, too horrified by the thought of how hehad died, at what Starnn had become, to relax. Now, in the afternoon,sleep had come upon her at last, and just as quickly, slipped away. The book she had been reading was still on her lap-an old paper bookbound in cloth and leather. Her library was always filled with thecomforting smell of dust and old paper, for the tall shelves in thelibrary were lined with hundreds of antique books. The book inquestion had been a childhood favorite, and she had never tired ofreading it--until now. Sighing, she shut it and put it back on theshelf, looking for something different to catch her interest. She ran her fingers over the backsof the books, but nothing appealed to her. Disgusted, she sat back inher chair, now completely wide awake. And then her eye caught the title of the volume that rested on thesmall table next to the chair. Letters from the Earth. She hadcarefully set it aside there so that she might remember to read itnext; perhaps her subconscious had refused to register the book'sexistence until now. She picked it up and ran her hand over the gilt and leather cover,smiling sadly, touched that Silek had remembered her fondness for suchthings. There was no need to open the book at the middle and turn thepages back one by one; the spine had already been cracked once andrepaired, and the pages were limp from centuries of being handled. Sadand warmed at the same time, Amanda began to read. After the Table of Contents, before Chapter One, a slip of paper slidout and gracefully floated to the floor. Amandaleaned forward to pickit up, thinking it to be a used bookmark or an old letter. But thepaper was crisp and new My lady Amanda, This is the first time that I shall write you, and the last. I havefound Starnn murdered, and know that my own time approaches. Do notgrieve for me. What I tell you is the truth, and regardless of how unbelievable itsounds, it must be acted upon quickly, without panic. The evil thatdestroyed Hydrilla has survived to infect Starnn. T'Ylle discoveredthis, but paid with her life. It is to my [the word here was archaicand Amanda guessed it to mean "sorrow"] that I brought the evil intoyour household. You must leave Sarek quickly, immediately, and give this note to theauthorities. Do not confront him, or you shall meet with the gravestconsequence. Live long and prosper, sister. Silek Amanda rose, too numbed for thought or reason, and went into herbedroom. There her husband slept for the first time in several days,and she stood next to the bed, watching him, unthinking, unfeeling, ashis chest rose and fell in slow, regular intervals. He stirred in hissleep and threw a hand across his forehead; in the gray light, she sawthat his hands and wrists had been scratched. With some quiet, detached part of her brain, she wondered how Sarek hadgotten the scratches. A logical explanation, her mind chattered furiously, there must be aperfectly logical explanation.. .. And the quiet, detached part of her again asked, who killed Silek ifStarnn had died first? A different part of her brain answered, a part that seemed to beswelling with panic and threatening to burst. It spoke not with words,but a picture she and Silek in the garden, Amanda laughing and saying,"I hope it got a mouthful of thorns." Cold panic broke through her outer calm, and she felt a sudden urge toscream. Instead, she stole quietly from the room and back to thelibrary. She went immediately to the view screen and tried, withtrembling hands, to conjure the proper frequency, but it was not one that she called often. After several desperate,unsuccessful tries, the static ceased. "This is Amanda Grayson on the planet Vulcan hailing the U.S.S.Enterprise." "Enterprise. Lieutenant Uhura here." "Get me Commander Spock, please.It's urgent." "Ma'am, Commander Spock is still on the planet surface.Would you like us to locate him for you?" A fist of crushing strength closed on Amanda's wrist. "Tell them no,"Sarek said softly. "No," she told Uhura. Chapter Four "How do you intend to access the information?" Anitra asked. Theywere in Sarek's office in the new physics wing of the academy, andbehind them the door was closed. Spock sat at the terminal, enteringdata while she leaned over him and squinted at the screen. "Very simply," Spock said. "Security records are public domain." Heleaned back as the screen filled with hieroglyphics. Anitra frowned. "My Vulcan isn't that good." "Since the return of the expedition, eleven murders." Spock keyed in afew more symbols and the screen shifted again. "Planetwide?" Anitra asked. Spock nodded. "Seven of those occurred in the tourist quarter, but therest were Vulcan fatalities." "Amazing," Anitra said. "Four Vulcans murdered in that period of time.In one city on Earth, more than that would be killed in one day." "However, on Vulcan this is critically significant, given that theseare the first murders to occur outside the tourist quarter in athousand years." Spock peered at the screen again. "Two of those we already know of, but two othersoccurred in the towns of SriKahr and SuraKahr." He spoke a briefsentence in Vulcan into the computer, then turned to her. "I amchecking for the names of those in the expedition." The screen flashedand changed before him. "Yes, as I thought. These are hometowns ofHydrillan-expedition members." "Get the names. I'd be interested to know if they were the ones onboard ship when al--" The beep from Spock's communicator interrupted her; Spock answered."Spock here." "Lieutenant Uhura here, Mr. Spock. Your mother just contacted theship, asking for you. She said it was extremely urgent. I told herthat you were still on the planet surface and offered to find you, butshe broke off communications rather abruptly. She sounded a littlestrange, so I thought I'd better contact you." Spock stood up. "You did the right thing, Lieutenant. Thank you. I'll contact her." "No problem, sir." Spock snapped his communicator shut and turned to Anitra. "Remainhere." "No." Anitra folded her arms and set her chin with a determination asstrong as the Vulcan's. "You need me there. You know that; you'd beas good as helpless without me." "Not entirely helpless ... while my telepathic skills are modestcompared to yours, they still afford me some degree of protectionagainst the creatures. And remember, this is my family. I am moresensitive to their thoughts." "Perhaps no longer your family," Anitra murmured, her face white. "Perhaps no longer their thoughts .. ." "Admittedly, your presence would be a definite advantage." He held hereyes intently. "But your survival is crucial to this mission, and StarFleet has put the onus of your safety on me. I cannot let you come.The risk is too great." "You know that you can stop these things from spreading without me,"Anitra said, but her tone was unconvincing. She lowered her head,unable to come up with a better counter argument "Perhaps," Spock answered, "but your death would greatly reduce StarFleet's chances of success. And I would prefer at this point to keepthe odds in our favor." "We can't risk losing you, either, Spock. Promise that you'll contactme if you run into a serious problem." He nodded, knowing that she was not speaking of the communicator."Perhaps it would be safer for you not to remain alone here at theacademy, where you are too obvious. It would be wiser for you to jointhe captain and the doctor." And, he reflected silently, it might getMcCoy off his back. "A tourist bar?" Anitra grimaced in disbelief. "Who are you?" Amanda wheeled on her captor in what she knew to be adoomed attempt at bravado. "Where is my husband?" "I am here, my wife," Sarek replied calmly. She responded with haughty coolness worthy of a Vulcan. "You aren'tSarek. Whoever you are, whatever you are, I don't know, but I cansense that he's not here. What have you done with him?" Sarek's face tightened suddenly in a grin--a grimace more than asmile. "He is here, my lady, but .. . indisposed. At the moment, hecannot speak to you." Up to that moment, Amanda had not truly believed the evidence of hersenses. Now her heart froze. He moved closer to her, and she found herself pulling away until herback pressed against the spines of the books on the shelves. He neareduntil she felt his breath upon her face, and then he laughed at her, ahorrible sound, so horrible that she covered her ears with her hands. "You .. . killed Silek and Starnn," she said, but she no longer hadcontrol of her voice; like a dreamer, she screamed and heard it emergefrom her throat something less than a whisper. The creature emitted a low rumble and then a deep whine thatintensified until she could no longer bear it. When it spoke again,the voice was low, rasping, no longer Sarek's. "We .. . killed them. Sarek was rather distraught. He knows what hashappened; he even knows we are talking to you now, and he is mostdistressed." It chuckled cruelly. "Starnn was one of ours, but nolonger necessary. And Silek .. ." Sarek's eyes had begun to burn withan unnatural fire. "Silek had become a threat." It moved even nearer to her, and smiled its horrible smile. "Just asyou are now, my dear." It raised Sarek's finger and ran it as gentlyas a caress along the length of Amanda's neck, up under her chin. Shetensed, unable to suppress a moan of revulsion. "What shall we do with you, my dear?" it crooned. * * * Kirk never really understood how the fight began. He and McCoyweren't exactly drunk, merely well oiled by the time Anitra joined themat the bar in the center of ShanaiKahr's tourist quarter. The bar wasjust like any other bar in a large city with a majorspaceport--crowded, dark, mercifully cool--but definitely much cleaner.There were no Vulcans inside-the proprietor was Rigellian--althoughKirk noticed the Vulcan security officer conspicuously standing justoutside the entrance, his sensitive ears on the alert for sounds of abrawl beginning between out worlders "Well, look who's here," McCoydrawled; the thickness of his Georgia accent was directly proportionateto the amount of alcohol he consumed, and at the moment it was rapidlygrowing more distinct. "We certainly weren't expecting you." Anitra grinned, her face alive, mercurial, as she slid into the boothand surveyed her surroundings. The barmaid had thrown a napkin onto the table before Anitra hadsettled herself in. "What'll it be?" "It's such a pleasure to know there are people on this planet who speakin contractions," McCoy sighed. "What are you having?" Anitraleaned over the table to look at theirdrinks. "I have finally convinced the captain here of the virtues of sourmash," the doctor intoned triumphantly and held up his glass. Anitrastared dubiously at the clear amber liquid. "It's whiskey," Kirk said. "Whiskey?" McCoy's honor was clearly wounded. "Bite your tongue. This here is George Dickel Old No. 12 Brand, the finest beverage in the civilized galaxy." "I see." She cocked a brow at the two of them. "And how many of thesehave you had?" "Three," McCoy said. "Four," Kirk corrected him. She turned to the barmaid. "Four of those, please. Line 'em up." "Er," said McCoy, "are you sure you want to do that?" Anitra considered. "Yes. I took my medicine, if that's what you'regetting at, so hopefully this poison won't eat another hole in mystomach. And it's going to be awfully boring talking to the two of youunless I catch up. There's nothing worse than being the only soberperson in a crowd of drunks." Kirk shot McCoy an amused look. The doctor shrugged. "Well, if you'regoing to do it, I suppose you may as well do it with the best." "Where's Spock?" Kirk asked. "Did he give you a nice tour of thescience academy?" "He won't be joining us," said Anitra. "He went to see his parentsagain. And yes, the tour was very interesting. I've never seenanything like it. It's far better equipped than Star Fleet Academy." "Better, maybe," allowed Kirk. "As to far better ." "What made you decide to join us?" asked McCoy. "It was Spock's idea, really." "Spock's?!" "Yes. He thought I should relax .. . have a little fun while I'm onshore leave." Well, I'll be .. . , thought McCoy. The barmaid reappeared. "Fourshots of sour mash." She set them in a neat row in front of Anitra."Pay up, please." "Put it on my tab," Kirk said. "Thank you." Anitra smiled at him genuinely and made a useless attemptto smooth her impossibly red, recalcitrant hair. "It's very kind of you after what "Don't mention it." There was a hint of ominousness in Kirk's answer.He was trying hard to maintain his anger at her, trying hard to dislikeher, and failing at both. McCoy made an unsuccessful attempt to stifle a giggle, and he finallylet it out with helpless abandon until tears ran down his cheeks. "Youreally got us," he gasped at last. "Me, Spock, the captain .. ." It was contagious. Kirk fought it at first, then succumbed graciously.Out of deference to the captain, she did not join in, but sat grinningat them both. Laughing, Kirk said to her, "Do it again, Ensign, andyou're off my ship." "Yes, sir," she said softly. She tilted her head back and with asmooth flick of the wrist, poured down a shot. She set the empty glassdown on the table with a click and proceeded to do the exact same thingwith the second glass. "You're going to get drunk," McCoy said, still weak from his outburst.At about that time, he became aware of a giant pair of legs standingnext to him. They were attached to an equally massive body--the youngman's neck was as wide as McCoy's waist. He wore the uniform of amaintenance crewman for one of the big cargo freighters, and above theleft breast pocket was the inscription "Roy." He grinned down at Anitra withsandy-haired good looks. "Care to join me at my table? You might havea little more fun with someone your own age." In a second, Anitra became as cold as ice. She was really quitebeautiful, thought McCoy, when she wore that haughty expression; ittook away every trace of childishness and, with those high cheekbones,made her look exotic, almost feline. "My physician has advised me tostay away from cretins, thank you." Roy blinked, unsure whether he had been accepted or rebuffed. Ratherthan leave quietly, he stood his ground (albeit swaying slightly) andbegan to speak in a loud, obnoxious manner, punctuating every thirdsyllable by stabbing the air with his index finger in McCoy's generaldirection. "What do you want to stay with them for? They're a little old for you,don't you think?" He peered unsteadily at McCoy. "Hell, he's almostold enough to be your father." McCoy stood up, pathetically dwarfed by Roy's bulk. "Sit down." Kirk tugged at his elbow. "Not until the gentleman leaves." McCoy's eyes glittered angrily. "Getout of here and leave the lady alone." "I am not a lady," Anitra protested, but she was ignored. Roy giggled. "Are you going to make me, shortcake?" "If I have to," McCoy said, realizing vaguely how very ridiculous hesounded. Anitra stood up between them, annoyed with them both "I don't needany help from you, Doctor. And you," she turned to Roy, "get out ofhere before I make you regret it." "Sit down," Kirk said, getting the uncomfortable feeling that he washelpless to avert certain disaster. "I understand," Roy sneered at her. "Working your way up through theranks?" Kirk remembered hearing McCoy weakly exclaim "Oh, no" as the two ofthem watched Anitra launch a blow and follow it through to itssubsequent arrival at its destination--Roy's stomach. McCoy, in aneffort to be gallant, was in there swinging, but Kirk alone kept hissenses. He alerted the transporter with no time to spare as the threeof them dematerialized, they had the satisfaction of seeing the Vulcansecurity guard intervene and drag Roy off, presumably to the localhoosegow. The security code was no longer on, for the stone gate opened atSpock's touch. The sun was setting, and the interior of the house wasdim in the twilight. Spock silently entered the long hallway,listening, but there was no sound, no sign of life in the large centralroom. The doors to the adjoining rooms had been shut. There came a gentle thud behind him, and Spock whirled, his phaserdrawn. A silver bird had hit the window overlooking the garden. Afterseveral seconds, it flew off, stunned. It would be best, Spockdecided, to keep the phaser drawn, although he was no longer sure whateffect a phaser stun would have on Sarek now. He walked softly, too softly even for Vulcan ears, and paused at eachdoorway, bracing himself to pull the trigger as soon as the dooropened. There would be no margin for hesitation. But eachdoor--Sarek's study, his parents' bedroom--opened on an empty, lifelessroom. And then he heard a muffled sound, like a sob, emerge from deep withinthe house from Amanda's library. He moved catlike toward the door,only to find that it had been locked from the outside, trapping whoeverwas inside. Even so, after he turned off the lock, he made certain tohold the phaser at chest level when the door opened. For an instant, he did not recognize the wild-eyed woman, and wouldhave fired the phaser had she not said his name. "Spock." She gasped, trembling from relief and fear. Quite obviously,she had expected someone else. She flinched at the phaser aimed ather, and searched his eyes, her own almost wild, to be sure that thiswas indeed still her son. Spock lowered the phaser, and Amanda rose from where she had crouchedin the corner. She moved as if to embrace him, but controlled herselfin time to simply gesture toward him. "Spock--" she said and fought for air as if she had been running,"we've got to get out of here now. Your father--" Her face began tocontort, and she tried to continue. "Your father--" "--is not himself," Spock finished hoarsely, arguing with his guilt. "Iknow." "You knew?" Her eyes widened, aghast and stricken, but did not accusehim; Spock was capable of doing that himself. He looked at the floor, wishing that she wouldcurse him for it, knowing that she never would, and he reminded himselfagain of the logic that had dictated the necessity of this situation.At present, it appeared distinctly flawed. He could not bring himself to answer her question, so he asked another."Lieutenant Uhura said you called the ship looking for me. Why didn'tyou simply have them connect us? I was at the academy." "He found me," she said simply and closed her eyes, "while I was tryingto contact you. He realized that I knew. Silek ... left a note forme, before he was killed." Spock looked away as her chin trembled. "Itwas your father who killed both Starnn and Silek." She covered herface with her hands. "My father," Spock corrected her gently, "killed no one. Whatever,whoever controls Sarek now is responsible for their deaths." He gentlypulled her hands from her face, and she tried to smile at him. "He's coming back," she said, recovering herself. "He seemed to enjoyleaving me to think about my fate. I think he wanted me to feelterrified. I don't know where he's gone; I only know that when hecomes back, he'll kill me. It isn't safe here. Please, please take mewith you to the ship." "Vulcan is infected with whatever destroyed the Hydrilla sector," Spocksaid levelly. "It isn't safe here for any of us." Sanghoon Cho was alone in the garden lounge, feeding hisVenus's-flytrap what looked to Tomson like raw ground meat. He peeredat her with narrow, unfriendly eyes for a moment, blinked owlishly, and returned hisattention to his pet. "Someone said you were looking for me," he said. His eyes were stillon the flytrap. Tomson had been told that Cho was odd--he was indeed that and more. Hisface was Oriental, sharp and thin to the point of being gaunt, and itwas framed by the most incongruous fluff of riotously curly brownhair. And I have found you, Tomson thought. She said, "I have a fewquestions to ask you." "Let me guess." A bit of meat dangled precariously from Cho's fingerabove the flytrap's gaping jaws; it fell, finally, onto the plant witha small slap. "Moh al Baslama." He smiled ironically down at his petas its jaws closed over its food. "Actually, it wasn't a guess. Ihave a very high psi rating." "Well, you're right." She was unimpressed. "We have a warrant and mymen are searching your quarters now." "Let them search," Cho said mildly, looking up at last. "I didn't killMoh. But I do have a question for you." He wiped his fingersdelicately on a handkerchief. Tomson waited. "Just what the hell is going on on this ship?" He looked at hersharply as though expecting an answer; Tomson stood there, not sayinganything. "People on this ship aren't the same anymore," he continued."Something very weird is going on." Tomson's eyes narrowed. Mentally, she saw herself confronting McCoy insickbay and saying, All right, Doctor, explain to me how this oneslipped through the psycho scans To Cho, she said, "I don't know what you're talkingabout. Explain." He knit his pale, oversized brows together and glanced suspiciouslyfrom side to side, as though fearful of eavesdroppers. "Moh was killedfor noticing the changes in ... certain people. He said too much tothe wrong person. I sensed the changes in them, too-my psi, like Isaid. But after what happened to Moh, I thought it might be better tokeep what I see to myself." "If you want to do something for Moh, you won't keep it to yourself." He looked up at her, and the fear in his eyes was unmistakable thistime. "Look," he said in a tone far less contrived than the one he hadbeen using with her, "something strange is going on. Check with Dr. MeCoy--he'll verify my sanity and my psi rating for you. I last saw Mohwith one of his good friends, a guy from engineering--one of the oneswho's changed." He shook his head. "Sometimes I think I'm the onlynormal one left in the department." Don't bet on it, Tomson thought wryly. But she half believed him. "Give me the name of Moh's friend," she said. Cho leaned forward and whispered, "Stryker." "First or last name?" "Just Stryker. But don't go alone." He paused for effect. "You won'tcome back." Tomson's mouth twitched. "If he's responsible for killing Moh, he'sgot more to worry about than I do." Inside the ShanaiKahr Oasis, it was cool and dark. Outside, hot windsmoaned ghoulishly. "Hell of a place for shore leave," Stryker said. He had a clean,sincere face--handsome, but not so handsome that he had developed anyconceit about it. "I spent a little time here once. You know what theVulcans call that?" He thumbed at the small cyclones of red sand thatbeat against the door. "The word translates as 'breeze'." Scotthelped himself to his second round of Scotch. "I'd hate to see whatthey call a wind." "You're right." Stryker grinned. "You would." "What were you doing on Vulcan then?" asked Ensign Gooch. She wasbeautiful, dark and as tall as Scott, who sat most appreciatively nextto her. "Serving time, Lieutenant?" "Just a minute." Scott held up his hand. "I've been on shore leaveless than an hour, and I've already heard more "Lieutenants' and"Lieutenant Commanders' than I care to. Enough of rank for the nextfew hours." "A great idea, sir." Gooch smiled warmly at him. "Call me Mikki." "There now," Scott said, "so it's Mikki, and Scotty and.. ." "Stryker." Satisfied, Scotty nodded at Mikki to continue. She looked at Stryker with dark, innocent eyes. "I just wanted to knowwhat penal colonies there were on Vulcan." Stryker lifted an eyebrow in perfect native style. "I studied here fora year--exchange program." "God help the Vulcans." "It's true. Vulcan Science Academy, the engineering program." He leaned forward as if divulging a confidence. "Would youbelieve that Sanghoon Cho and I were in the same program together?" "I can believe it," said Scott. "You're both excellent engineers." "Thank you for the vote of confidence, Mr. Scott-Scotty." Strykercast a smug look at Mikki. She ignored it. "Now there's a queer duck. I'll agree that Cho is thebest at what he does, but... he hardly fits into the Star Fleetmold." "Not too well," Scott agreed. "Cho always kept to himself a lot," Stryker said. "It was always hardto know what he was thinking about." He looked down at his beer. "He'sgotten even stranger since Moh died." Mikki's animation dimmed. "That was a horrible thing. And they'vestill no idea who--?" Scott shook his head solemnly. "I've seen murders on starshipsbefore--of diplomats, spies and crew when aliens attacked or came onboard--but I've never, in all my years in the service, heard of a crewmember killed by one of their own." "They say he was tortured," Mikki said softly. Stryker stared morosely at his beer. "He was a close friend of yours, wasn't he, Stryker?" Scott put a handon his shoulder. "As a matter of fact, he was." Stryker did not look up. "I don'tsuppose anyone would like to change the subject. I came here torelax." Mikki brightened again. "I know--show Scotty your hypnotic trick.That's always good for a laugh." "What's this?" Scott smiled tentatively. The corner of Stryker's mouth crooked upward. "Okay, Scotty. Justlook into my eyes and concentrate." "Aah," scoffed Scotty. "I don't cater to that mumbo-jumbo stuff." "It's not--whatever you called it. Come on, it's fun." Mikki glancedsideways at Stryker, her eyes shining. "I let him do it to me. Do Ilook any worse for it?" Scott looked at her dubiously. "If it makes you nervous, forget it," said Stryker. "But it'sperfectly harmless." "Well... all right," Scott said. He looked into Stryker's clear, pale eyes. For a moment, Scott had the sensation of being smothered, snuffed out.And then he was falling into the colorless eyes, becoming smaller andsmaller.. .. The chief engineer's face showed a burst of unutterablehorror, and then went completely slack as Stryker leaned across thetable and touched his temples briefly. For a moment, Stryker's fingersglowed palely . and then he dropped his hands. "See?" Mikki whispered. No one else in the crowded bar had takennotice. "I told you it would be fun." Scott's face came alive again and smiled back at them malevolently. Chapter Five McCoy stood in his office in sickbay. He'd treated his eye as soon asthey'd made it back to the ship-miraculously, the others had escapedinjury--and it was now only slightly swollen, although below there wasa darkening semicircle. At the moment, however, Spock was far toodistracted to notice. "Physically, your mother is perfectly fine, with the exception of a fewbruises, but she's pretty shaken up. I gave her a mild tranquilizer,and she's sleeping." McCoy nodded toward the inner exam room. "Nowwould you mind explaining what she's doing here?" Spock looked from the captain to the doctor; both pairs of eyes werefastened unwaveringly upon him. He sighed and clasped his hands behindhis back. "Perhaps now is the time for explanation. I regret I wasunable to tell you earlier, but Dr. Lanter's safety was a paramountconcern. Captain, the murder on board and the murders at my parents'house--" "--are somehow connected," Kirk guessed. He nodded. "So is the destruction of the Hydrilla sector." "You're telling me that whatever killed the population of Hydrilla hasspread?" "It is spreading as we speak. It was brought back by the expeditioncrew, some of whom returned later on the Enterprise. Starnn was amongthose who returned to Vulcan earlier." "You mean, the old man who killed himself at your parents' house?"McCoy asked. "He was affected. But he did not kill himself." "Wait a minute," said Kirk. "If he didn't kill himself, who did?" Spock did not meet their eyes. "My father has been affected," he saidtonelessly. "He almost killed my mother, but she managed to contact mein time." The two humans looked at each other. "Is there any way," asked Kirk, "that he can be-helped?" "I do not know. The important question is whether Vulcan can avoid thesame fate as Beekman's Planet. And not only Vulcan--the madnessspreads quickly." "The number of planets," Kirk said slowly, "that come into contact withVulcan by cargo or passenger ships ..." "My God," McCoy interrupted. "How many shuttles run between Earth andVulcan every day?" "We must contact Star Fleet immediately," said Kirk. "Star Fleet was already notified," Spock responded, "by my Uncle Silekbefore he left Hydrilla. Murders were occurring within the expeditioneven then. I do not believe security will be breached by any furtherexplanation at this point. Dr. Lanter and I--" "That damned project of yours," McCoy said, exasperated. "You're telling me," Kirk's tone began evenly, but rose with increasing anger, "that Star Fleet knew about this--knew ofthe danger--and let these .. . things on my ship? Exposed my entirecrew, just like that?" "Star Fleet does not inform me of the rationale behind its decisions,"Spock answered calmly, "but I am sure the decision was not withoutjustification. First, the Enterprise's location made it a logicalchoice. And imagine the outcome, Captain, had Star Fleet sent a shipwhich was completely unaware of the danger. At least Dr. Lanter and Iwere able to warn you." "It's not enough," Kirk said heavily. "Al-Baslama is dead. A man isdead. And now all of my crew is at risk." "I regret his death deeply, Captain, and accept responsibility for it.But there was no way for us or Star Fleet to know that the researcherspicked up by the Enterprise were affected. According to theinformation we had at the time, only Starnn and a few others who hadreturned to Vulcan earlier were affected. If anyone was remiss, it wasI and not Star Fleet. Had I realized earlier what was happening onboard--" Kirk's expression remained grim, but he said, "If you were unable tofigure out what was happening, Spock, then no one else could have. Butwhat does all this have to do with Dr. Lanter and her safety?" "Dr. Lanter is eminently qualified for this in a special way. She cansense the mental changes in an afflicted person." "How?" asked McCoy. "I've seen her medical file. It states a normalpsi function of around a hundred." "For security purposes, her file lies, Doctor. Her psi function iswell over five hundred." Kirk whistled in surprise. "She can read minds easily. She knows ifpeople have--changed." "Yes. She was able to advise me of the change in my father. Thismakes her particularly useful to us, and unfortunately, useful to the.. . creatures." "How so?" McCoy asked. Kirk answered before Spock could. "If they had her telepathicabilities at their disposal--" Spock nodded. "It would make them even more powerful than they arenow. That is why Star Fleet insisted that as few people as possible beinformed of our mission, and of Dr. Lanter's talent. If anyone whoknew became affected--" "She'd be the next target," Kirk finished. McCoy frowned. "You never explained--if it isn't a disease, then whatis it that we're talking about?" "In the course of our investigation, we have come to believe it is notbest described as an infection, but rather a type of mental parasitewhich takes control of the personality. It might be possible forseveral to infest one body. However, the change is not alwaysnoticeable; they seem at first to act very much the same as theoriginal occupant." "Parasite?" McCoy said in disgust. "Like a flea or a tapeworm?" "Nothing so corporeal, Doctor. Pure energy, most likely. Dr. Lanterhas suggested that they might be subatomic particles which can bondwith chemicals in the brain. And apparently they thrive on sadism.Rather like--" He paused for a moment, hunting for the proper analogy. "You are familiar with Old Earth legends ofdemons?" McCoy shuddered. In the next room, Amanda's eyes were open. "I wanted to let you know about the progress of the investigation,"Tomson said. She sounded more up than usual. "You have a suspect?" "Yes, sir, a pretty good lead." "Maybe I should congratulate you, Lieutenant. You haven't had much togo on." She actually laughed at the other end of the intercom. "Congratulations would be premature at this point, Captain. I haven'tmade any arrests yet, and it's taken a long time to get to this point. I used the computer to eliminate those who were on duty, and verifiedthe whereabouts of the rest by questioning. I've narrowed it down toone major suspect." "Someone I know?" "A Lieutenant Stryker in engineering, sir." "One of ours," said Kirk softly. "And he came back from shoreleave?" "Records indicate that he has. I'll call you, Captain, if I scrapetogether enough proof to arrest him." "You do that, Lieutenant." Anitra was standing in the sonic shower when she heard the door to hercabin open. She waited for a moment for someone to call hername--Spock perhaps, in a matter of urgency when all civility must bethrust aside--but she did not sense him. In the next room was silence. She emerged from the cubicle and went into theouter cabin. Spock's mother stood hesitantly by the door. She was extremelyagitated, and her thoughts wove in and out so quickly that Anitra foundit difficult to pick up their thread. Amanda glanced up at her andcalmed her outward agitation, but the strong mental stream continued. "You remember me, don't you?" She smiled sweetly at Anitra. "Yes, of course." Anitra was too stunned for a moment by theincongruity of the situation to determine the proper course of action.Maybe the stress of what had happened to Amanda on Vulcan had inducedsome sort of breakdown, so that she walked unannounced into the roomsof relative strangers. Anitra stood just in the doorway to the outerarea and moved no closer. Spock, we need your help.. .. Amanda's eyes shone with an unnatural brightness. "I'm just sorry thatthe .. . circumstances on Vulcan prevented us from having the chance toreally meet each other." She moved closer. Instinctively, Anitra retreated slightly. There was something wrong,something terribly wrong.. .. In midstride, Amanda seemed to double over. "Get away," she shrieked,"get AWAY." She crumpled to the floor. A split second before she spoke, Anitra had already received thewarning and was bolting past her to the door. She didn't make it. Amanda rose from the floor in a smooth, graceful upsweep, as thoughlevitated by some invisible force, and caught Anitra's wrists in asurprisingly firm grip. All those years on Vulcan, with the higher gravity, Anitra thoughtwith detachment. "Look at me," Amanda snarled. "Look me in the eye." "I know BETTER." Anitra freed her wrists from the hold and punctuatedher statement by throwing the older woman against the wall. Amandaslid to the floor. Anitra ran. "Stop." The tone in which it was said was enough to make Anitra turnand see the phaser pointed at her. "You can join us," Amanda said, "and you will be the most powerfulamong us. Or you can die here and now." "Go ahead and shoot," said Anitra. She closed her eyes. Behind her, the door to the cabin opened. Spock stood in the doorway,his phaser leveled at his mother. Amanda's eyes rolled back in her head, and when the pupils reappearedagain, the eyes were wide with terror. The voice that spoke wasunquestionably Amanda's. "They say if you shoot me, even stun me,they'll kill me. I know you won't let them hurt me, Spock. I knowthat. I trust you." And she smiled at him, Amanda's sweet smile. Spock fired. Anitra was closer, but somehow Spock made it to his mother's sidefirst. Anitra threw an arm across her forehead and leaned against the wall."I'm sorry it had to happen this way, Spock," she said softly. "DearGod, I'm sorry. Both of your parents now. I should have let you bringher here sooner. It's my fault." Speck's shields were up, as they always were around her unless he wasteaching the mind meld-partly out of politeness, to spare her fromanother's thoughts, but mostly, Anitra suspected, to protect himself.Now those shields were tight as a steel vise, with no trace of thoughtor feeling emanating from him now--but when he looked up at her, hiseyes were haunted. "She appears to be dead," Spock said. Suicide, the forensics lab maintained even after Tomson had insisted ona second thorough investigation. Rodriguez had shown her the curlyheaded corpse himself, holding the knife with skillful precision. "Seehere," he pointed at the most gaping wound, "and here. You can seethat it's a very awkward position from which to try and inflict a woundon someone else; I can't really thrust at that angle. But on myself--"He indicated exactly how the victim had inflicted the stab wounds uponhimself. Everyone in security and forensics was thus convinced that Sanghoon Chohad murdered Ensign Teresa Liu and turned the weapon on himself. Theywere quite hopeful that a thorough examination of Cho's quarters wouldyield enough evidence to credit him with al-Baslama's murder as well.Everyone, that is, with the notable exception of the chief of security.She was well aware that she could pin it on Cho if she wanted to, andmake it stick, just as she was dead certain that Cho was not the manthey were looking for. She knew who was, and she had absolutely zeroproof. Tomson was therefore not in a particularly good mood when she went to question Stryker, especially because she hadmeant to bring someone with her--as a wi tness, she told herself, notbecause of the late Cho's caveat. But all of her people were tied upwith the suicide murder investigation, and she had no real excuse forquestioning Stryker at this point anyway, since Cho's supposed suicideexonerated him. The door to Stryker's cabin opened on the first buzz; Tomson had halfhoped that it wouldn't open at all. She stepped inside, and as thedoor closed behind her, she felt a surge of panic. The outer officewas completely dark; she could barely make out a male form in theroom. Stryker pressed the panel, and the lights came on. The man standingacross from her could scarcely be described as threatening; he had anhonest, friendly face, which at the moment wore a broad smile. "Lieutenant Tomson," Tomson said stiffly. "I'm here to question youabout the murder of Mohamed al Baslama." "Lieutenant Stryker," he said, still smiling, and held out a large handwhich Tomson took reluctantly. His grip was warm and firm. "I've been waiting for you," he said. And then Tomson noticed his eyes--impossibly clear and colorless--andthe sensation of being pulled downward, as if by an irresistiblecurrent. With sudden, heart sickening certainty, she recalled Cho'slast words to her .. . and knew that he had been right. In the next room, Amanda's body was gently illuminated by the pale blueglow of the monitor. "She's on complete life support," McCoy said. "Her condition isstable--" If you can call it that, he thought to himself. My God, thewoman was dead, pure and simple. "--but it's going to deterioratequickly unless something is done." "How quickly?" asked Spock, as coolly as if he had just inquired aboutthe weather. McCoy hedged. "It varies with the individual, Spock. Two days .. .three, at the outside." "And what do we do with everyone else who's affected?" Kirk askedquietly. "How do we stop it? Stun them all, and put them on lifesupport?" Spock remained silent, withdrawn. Anitra said, "That's what we haven'tfigured out yet, Captain. We're working on it." "Is there any way we can protect ourselves--the crew?" "Yes and no." Anitra sighed. "It appears to spread by some sort ofcontact with an infested person--and when I encountered Sarek after hewas affected, I saw in his mind that he wanted me to look in his eyes;he was trying to focus them on me. I think it might be spread by aform of hypnosis. But I can think of only one sure-fire way to protectourselves." "Which is?" "Getting off this ship." The muscles in Kirk's jaw tightened. "I can't leave my crew at themercy of these things." "I understand your feeling, Captain," Spock said. He seemeddistracted, as if he were looking at something very intently, thoughhis eyes were not focused on anything. "But it is something we mayhave to consider. According to records found in Hydrilla, infestationoccurs rapidly. Even more so once they have gained control of the Enterprise. Every planet within reach of thisvessel could be affected." Kirk did not reply. "It seems to me," Spock continued slowly, "that if the creatures arecapable of rational thought--and they do seem to be quite devious--theywould want to attack the bridge crew first, and anyone who isknowledgeable about controlling this ship. From what we have seen,they are quite capable of using the abilities of those they haveinfested." Kirk straightened suddenly and turned to McCoy. "Turn on the viewscreen." "A hunch, Jim?" asked McCoy. "Turn it on." The darkness of the small view screen in McCoy's office melted awayinto stars. Kirk's eyes held Spock's intently. "Where's Vulcan?" McCoy asked. Kirk was already signaling the bridge. Sulu answered; behind him, thebridge appeared normal, calm, unaffected. Kirk forced his facialmuscles to relax. "Status, Mr. Sulu?" The helmsman smiled blandly. "Orbiting Vulcan as per your order,Captain." The expression, the intonation, all of it was perfectly normal andright. "Who's got the con?" Kirk asked nonchalantly. "Mr. Scott. Would you like to speak to him, sir?" "Yes." Montgomery Scott seemed as amiable as ever. "What can I do for ye,Captain?" "What's our status, Scotty?" "Just as Sulu said, sir. Still orbiting Vulcan." "Scotty--" Kirk studied the face, searching for a clue, any kind ofindication that would tell him not to continue, but found none. "Mr.Scott... we are not orbiting Vulcan." The engineer almost chuckled. "I beg to differ with ye, sir--" "Check your instruments. My view screen shows we're out of orbit." "Sir--" a hint of a registered insult crept into Scott's voice "--I rana diagnostics when I came on duty. With all due respect, Captain, ifyou're worried about the instruments, maybe you'd like to come to thebridge and see for yourself." Anitra had been standing silently behind Kirk; he could barely hear hersay the words, "Don't. Don't go to the bridge." Kirk smiled down at his chief engineer. "Never mind, Scotty. If yousay that the instruments are all right, I believe you. I guess Ibetter have this viewer checked out. Kirk out." He turned to Anitra."You're telling me that Scott.. ." "I don't know for sure," she said. "I'm a touch tele path--I need thepeople in the same room with me usually, although some people transmitmuch more strongly than others. Call this a hunch, if you want, but doyou really want to walk onto that bridge?" Spock looked up from the nearest terminal. "Captain, I have accessedthe navigational computers." "And?" "We are not in orbit around Vulcan. Our course heading is for theRigel system." "With billions of inhabitants," Anitra said. "And Earth not farbeyond." Kirk sat down heavily at McCoy's desk. Spock faced him. "I suggest we take action to protect ourselves,Captain, and soon. Mr. Scott will no doubt have become suspicious,and it will not take him long to find us." "We could barricade ourselves in auxiliary control," Kirk said, "but toleave the rest of the crew stranded--" Spock was grave. "We can warn them from auxiliary control, Captain,tell them to lock themselves in their quarters, if necessary. But wecannot risk becoming infected ourselves. If we do--" "Vulcan," Kirk said. "Rigel, Earth. But Scott's affected, and heknows this ship better than any of us. It won't take him long to breakinto auxiliary or find a way to override us." "I respectfully suggest, sir, that the combined efforts of Dr. Lanterand myself just might prove to be a match for Mr. Scott's talents inthat regard." Kirk almost smiled and started to reply when the intercom whistled; fora moment, he did not answer. "Ensign Nguyen from security, sir. There's been another murder--thisone on B deck." "Let me talk to Tomson," Kirk said. "I haven't been able to raise her, sir, which is very unusual, sinceshe's on duty. I'm extremely concerned about it." There was a heartbeat of silence; Kirk looked grimly at the others ashe spoke to Nguyen. "Ensign, I want you to listen carefully. I am not insane, and what Iam telling you is the truth. There are entities on board which havetaken control of some of our personnel. They are spreading quickly, and right now we haveno way of controlling them. These entities cause people to becomeextremely violent. I want you to go to your quarters and lock yourselfin. Don't come out until you hear from me again. Do youunderstand?" There was a startled silence at the other end of the intercom as Nguyencontemplated whether the captain was the victim of paranoid delusions.. . and then she replied meekly, "Yes, sir." Kirk looked up at his friends. "It's time we headed for auxiliarycontrol, gentlemen." "Amanda," McCoy said suddenly. Kirk stopped. "We can't just leave her here," the doctor said. "God knows what theymight do to her. The least of which would be to turn the life-supportsystem off." Spock closed his eyes and opened them again slowly. "Any chance we can take her with us?" Kirk asked. "I can rig up a portable life-support system--but it'll take a fewminutes." "We may not have a few minutes, Doctor." "I won't leave her," McCoy said doggedly. He was aware of Spock's eyesupon him. "Come with me," Kirk told the others. "McCoy, we'll meet you later inauxiliary." "I.. . prefer to wait and escort the doctor," Spock saiduncomfortably. Kirk considered it and decided not to argue. "Dr. Lanter," he said,extending his arm in the direction of auxiliary control. She gaveMcCoy and Spock an anxious glance before she turned and left withhim. Chapter Six "doctor," Spock said, "I appreciate your concern for my mother'ssafety. But there is no reason for you to be detained any longer. Ifyou will tell me where you keep your equipment, I--" McCoy shrugged, uncomfortable at the Vulcan's remark; he far preferredargument as a means of communication. "Forget it, Spock. It wouldtake longer to explain it than to do it. You stay here. I'll just begone for a second." And he went into his office. Spock turned his attention to the woman on the bed. The life-supportsystem encasing her chest made her appear to breathe, made the pulse onthe monitor beat steadily, made her seem alive, though the face wasdrained of color and already acquiring the pinched look of a corpse.Spock had to remind himself sternly that she was not alive. Someone entered the room while Spock's eyes were on Amanda. He wasabout to compliment McCoy on his swiftness when he looked up and sawEngineer Scott. It took him no time to notice that Scott was wearinghis phaser, while he was unarmed. "Mr. Spock." Scott greeted him cordially. "I'm glad to have found ye. There's something urgent we must discuss." "I'm sure that it can wait, Engineer," Spock said evenly. He fastenedhis eyes on Amanda and kept them there. "It's about the captain," Scott said. "What about him?" Spock's tone was brusque. "I wonder if you might look at me while I'm speaking to you, Mr. Spock.This is rather important." "It is important," agreed Spock. "And that is exactly why I am notlooking at you, Mr. Scott." Scott appeared honestly puzzled. "I'm afraid I'm not followin' ye,sir.. .." Spock walked in measured steps halfway round the bed until he directlyfaced the door to McCoy's office. Scott followed, hoping to catch hisgaze, and stood opposite him. "I have nothing to explain to you," Spock said. "But there are somethings you can explain to me." "I'd be happy to, sir, but I'm not sure I understand --" "For example, what has happened to her?" Spock nodded at the stillform beneath the monitor. "Now, why would I know anything about what happened to your mother,sir? Is she ill?" "She's dead," Spock said, "and you killed her." "Have ye gone daft, man, like everyone else on this ship? Begging yourpardon, sir, but maybe you should pay a little visit to Dr. McCoy." "Perhaps not you who control Scott, but one of you," Spock said. Scott stared, thunderstruck, at him and put anervous hand on hisphaser. "Please, sir, I'll leave ye alone if ye'll just tell me whereI can find the captain. There's been trouble on the bridge." "What kind of trouble?" Spock continued to gaze steadily at Amanda. "Iam second in command. Perhaps I can help." "It's hard to explain, sir.... Ye'll have to come see it foryourself." "If that is the case, then I cannot help you," Spock answered. "I willnot leave this room." He did not see Scott's face harden, did not see the cold hatred burn inhis eyes, but he heard the shift in his voice. "Maybe you'll tell mewhere he is if you know it'll save your mother's life." "She is already dead. You cannot harm her further." "We did her no harm." "We," Spock repeated softly. "How many of there are you?" "Here?" The sound was hollow, thin, mocking. "Not so many yet. Lookat me, Vulcan. Look or I will kill you." "I am not as easily persuaded as some others. It would be wisest tokill me." Scott raised the phaser, but a split second before he could fire, theheavy object in McCoy's hand impacted with his skull. "A hypospray would have been somewhat less violent, Doctor," Spockchided. "I trust no permanent damage has been done." McCoy bent over the unconscious engineer. "Poor Scotty. He'll have ahell of a headache when he wakes up." He frowned up at Spock. "You've got a lot of nerve, complainingabout my methods. I just saved your life, Spock." "And I am grateful, Doctor." He regarded the instrument in McCoy'shand with an arched brow. "The method was crude .. . but mosteffective." McCoy grinned. "I never knew these portable life units were soversatile." He struggled with Scott's dead weight. "Come on. Help meget him onto an exam table." "We haven't the time, Doctor--" "Fine," McCoy gasped. "I'll do it myself. You take Amanda." Spock sighed. He lifted the engineer out of the doctor's hands withenviable ease and laid him on the table. Freed of his burden, McCoy leaned shakily against the table and turnedon the monitor. "Looks like a headache is the worst problem he'llhave. Okay, Spock, that's enough excitement for one day. Let's getyour mother out of here." "Doctor," Spock said, "the excitement has not yet begun." Anitra stopped at the door to her cabin. "There are some instrumentshere I'll need," she said. "It'll only take a second." "For what?" Kirk asked suspiciously. "More of your practicaljokes?" "Absolutely," she replied, her eyes dancing. "Only this time, Ipromise to play them on the opposition." He almost smiled, then glanced warily about them; the corridor was deserted. "You have exactly one second. And don'tforget your phaser." She hesitated in the doorway. "Us or them, is it?" "Absolutely." She set her jaw and disappeared inside. In less than ten seconds shewas back with a phaser and a small kit. "Worried about me, aren'tyou?" She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. "Lying about it would be useless." She frowned, puzzled. "I know about your psi rating, Ensign." "Who told--" she began angrily, but he cut her off. "After all, how else do you explain overhauling Scotty's engines .. .exactly as he would have? Lucky for you, wasn't it, that he wasstanding over you the whole time." "I see." She turned red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment."Well, maybe you don't know that Spock has been giving me lessons toshield out other people's thoughts. I am not a telepathic peeping Tom. sir." "I'm sorry if I insulted you, Ensign. I suppose I'm rather ignorantabout such things." "I was just going to say," Anitra said haughtily, "that you can trustme in a pinch. I may be a practical joker, but I'm capable of being ateam player." "And if we're not in a pinch?" Kirk teased her gently. "Then you can just forget it, Captain." And she smiled in spite ofherself. They managed to stop at Kirk's quarters as well for his phaser, thenmade it to their destination without incident. The door to auxiliary slid open, and Kirk caught a blur ofmovement as the young officer on duty quickly removed his feet from theconsole. He jumped to attention, blushing deeply. Kirk smiled at him."At ease, Ensign. Just a routine inspection." The young man seemed confused. "Routine, sir? Are you sure we aren'ton alert?" "Why do you ask?" Kirk asked. Anitra stood behind him, her handdiscreetly gripping her phaser. "You're wearing a phaser, sir. Isn't that rather unusual?" He staredat Kirk, his eyes wide and innocent. Kirk was debating whether or not there was time to explain, whensuddenly he was overcome by a sickening dizziness and felt himselffalling forward. "No," shouted Anitra. He heard the phaser whine; somewhere, a bodydropped to the floor. Kirk drew in a breath and waited for his head to clear; behind him,Anitra dragged the young man out into the corridor and came back,locking the door behind her. "Thank you," he said. "Is he dead?" "Just stunned," Anitra said. "Amanda was apparently a special case." The door buzzed. "It's Spock," Anitra said confidently, turning off the lock. McCoy andSpock trooped in with Amanda in Speck's arms. A small device wasstrapped to her waist. Spock carried her as easily as if she wereweightless and set her down gently in the small inner lounge area. "You're late," Kirk said archly. "I guess you could say we were held up," said McCoy. "It was Scotty,Jim. He was looking for you." "Then it's a good thing Spock stayed to look after you." Spock and McCoy exchanged glances. "I believe you're making anerroneous assumption, Captain," the Vulcan said. McCoy beamed proudly. "Brained him myself with the medicalequipment." "How does the Hippocratic oath go, Doctor?" Spock asked rhetorically."First, do no harm .. .?" "Aren't we forgetting the fact that I also happened to have saved yourlife in the process?" "Gentlemen," Kirk said and waved his hands, "there's no time forpleasantries. We've got to come up with some answers fast. It'll onlytake Scott a few hours to cut through the bulkhead and spring thelock." "Indeed," Spock agreed. "Perhaps Dr. Lanter and I could attempt toslow Mr. Scott down somewhat." He looked questioningly at Anitra, whonodded. "The electrical energy of the lock itself might be used togenerate a crude force field of sorts--" "So much for the first problem," said Kirk. But we have a secondpressing concern at the moment. We need a strategy for regainingcontrol of this vessel." "Simply accomplished," said Spock. "Neutralize the manual override andthen channel the navigational computer through this terminal." Kirk looked at the doctor. "How long do you think it will take forScott to come to and start looking for us?" "Not that long," McCoy said. "Probably some where between five and thirty minutes for him to regain consciousness.It wasn't that hard of a blow. And I'm sure his minions will beadvised about us soon enough." "And the next question is, once we have control of this vessel, whatcourse heading do we take?" McCoy shook his head. "Wherever we go,we'll spread these--whatever they are." "Vulcan is already infested," Spock pointed out. "And shuttles rundaily between Earth and Vulcan. It will spread, with or without theEnterprise's assistance. I suggest we return there." "Definitely," Anitra said. "But rather than risk spreading theproblem, we should commandeer a shuttlecraft for ourselves and sabotagethe ship so it drifts." "But what's the point of returning to Vulcan?" Kirk wanted to know."It's as dangerous there as it is on this ship." "Even more so," Spock acknowledged gravely. "But our safety is not theobject, Captain." "Mr. Spock and I were commissioned by Star Fleet to investigate andfind a solution for this problem." Anitra was suddenly all scientist."In order to do that, we need an infected subject and the properequipment for experimentation. And we need to be at a safe place whereno one can locate us. Vulcan offers these things." "But the chances of being infected or killed there--" Kirk began. "Are high," Anitra conceded. "We don't deny that. But the academy hasequipment that is far superior to anything we have here. And there'sthe hope that we can stop things before they spread to other planets." "We have a subject h ere we could test--" "Captain," Spock said quietly, "we need a living subject who isdefinitely infected. It is quite doubtful that my mother will beeither one of those things." "Vulcan is the only logical choice." Anitra's voice was calmlydetermined. The ghost of a smile flitted over Kirk's face. "You're as bad as heis," he said with a nod at his first officer. "All right, then. Ifwe're going to isolate them, then we'll need to cut off communications.I'll let the ensign do that from here, since she has already shown usher expertise in the matter. And we'll need someone to sabotageengineering so the ship will drift." "I am qualified," said Spock. "No contest, Mr. Spock. And I'll sabotage the sensors on the hangardeck." "Hey," said McCoy, "what about me?" "You can stay with me," Anitra piped up, "and provide moral support." McCoy blushed; Spock looked nauseated. "You heard the lady, Bones." Kirk winked at him. "I'm leaving. Andonce you're satisfied, you can keep Scotty from breaking in here,Spock, then you and the ensign can figure out how to make this shipdrift short of blowing up engineering." Kirk decided not to risk taking the turbolift down to the hangar deck;instead, he climbed down the emergency shafts connecting each leveluntil it seemed his arms would fail. The corridor leading to the deckwas, fortunately, empty--the area was not regularly patrolled. He hadalmost made it to his destination when he felt a giant hand clamped down on his shoulder. He reachedinstinctively for his phaser, but the hand pulled his arm and twistedit behind his back until the phaser clattered to the floor. Kirk kicked backwards, freeing himself from the hold, and turned toface his attacker. The huge, beefy crewman wore the blood-spattereduniform of a maintenance technician and appeared to be in some sort offrenzy; he was snarling and his mouth was flecked with foam. Kirkfroze and swallowed audibly. The crewman roared and made a graceless lunge. Kirk sidestepped himneatly and glanced desperately about for the phaser. He spied it lyingbeneath the hangar console and scrabbled toward it, but the giant wasnot as slow-moving as Kirk had judged him to be. He pulled the captaintoward him with a huge paw and laced his thick fingers around Kirk'sthroat. Red faced, Kirk swung at his opponent, but the giant's arm wassufficiently long enough to hold Kirk too far away to do any damage.Kirk closed his eyes and was just pondering his next move when he hearda feminine voice say, "Don't hurt him, fool!" The next thing he heard was the whine of a phaser. The force of itknocked them both to the floor. Apparently, the technician was stunnedby the blast, for the footsteps Kirk heard approaching were those of adecidedly lighter person. He opened his eyes. "Tomson." He smiled with relief. "Am I glad to see you." "I'm glad I found you, Captain," she said in her typically flat toneand bent over him. "Are you all right?" He sat up, waving away her attempt to help him up, and fingered his throat lightly. "Thanks to you, yes." "That idiotwas really trying to throttle you. I couldn't let him do that. We need you." Kirk was puzzled by thesudden warmth of her statement. "Where have you been, Lieutenant? Your people are looking for you." "No kidding. What a coincidence." Kirk blinked and shook his head. Her eyes had always been small andnarrow before; now they were huge, so huge they seemed to fill herface, fill the room. "We've been looking for you." McCoy was pacing again. He had noticed the tendency twice already andhad forced himself to sit down and relax, but was unsuccessful for morethan five minutes at a stretch. It had been hours since they had firstarrived in auxiliary. Spock and Anitra had rigged the lock, and aftera relatively brief discussion with Anitra, the Vulcan had gone tosabotage the engines. He hadn't been gone all that long .. .nonetheless, McCoy found himself beginning to worry about the Vulcan.And as far as the captain was concerned, McCoy was convinced thatsomething horrible had happened. "How much longer do you think it'lltake 'em?" "It depends," Anitra answered. "I've decided not to worry for anothertwo hours. They might have to be patient and wait for people to leavebefore they can start working." "And after two hours have passed?" McCoy asked gently. Anitra sighed disconsolately. She was sitting with one elbow restingon the vast control console. Her chin was propped up on one fist, and her hair streamed, unruly, downher back. McCoy sincerely doubted that it had been brushed at all forthe past few days. "Then we try to make it to the hangar deck,sabotage the sensors ourselves and take the shuttlecraft." McCoynodded unenthusiastically. "Makes sense. Do you think there's anydanger of Scott finding us before Jim and Spock show up?" "My God, aren't we dreary? Look, if it's any comfort to you, I haven'tdone anything to let them know we're in auxiliary control. The onlything I've interfered with is their internal sensors." McCoy frowned at the realization that he was pacing again and sat downnext to her. "Why would you need to do that?" "They can't tell individual humans apart with an internal scan--butthey could certainly find the only Vulcan on board. They'd have us intwo minutes. I rigged it so they'll think it's an equipment failure.They'll never trace it here." McCoy whistled in admiration. "You've thought of everything, haven'tyou?" She struck a pose of mock arrogance. "My job, which, of course, Ihappen to be great at. Now let's talk about something moreinteresting. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you with my commentearlier." "About my moral support." McCoy felt himself beginning to blush again."Well, I'll have to learn to live with these things. Speaking aboutchanging the subject, how did you ever come by a name like Anitra? I've heard of Anita--" "That's usually what everyone hears the first time I say it. Never listened to Grieg? The Peer Gynt Suite?" "The song about the man going into the mountains, and he runs into allthese little ghouls, and they dance frantically .. . that was a goodone." "That's The Hall of the Mountain King--an appropriate musical choicefor the moment, eh? Haven't you heard Anitra's Dance?" And she hummeda few bars for him. "Yes, of course. That's beautiful. Who was Anitra?" "A houri." "A what?" "A seductress." She smiled appropriately. McCoy fingered his collarand cleared his throat until she laughed good-naturedly at him. "I'msorry. I've embarrassed you again." "Two to zero," he said. "No fair. Now I get to choose the subject." "Fair enough." "Why do you think you have an ulcer?" Her smile faded until only a trace of it remained, and she looked downat the control panel in front of her. "I don't know. Stress of thejob, I guess." "With your sense of humor, I don't see how being a starship physicistwould really get to you--especially since physics is your field. Mostpeople who get to work in a field they love are perfectly content withtheir jobs." She smoothed both hands over her forehead and scalp and grabbed thehair tightly at the nape of her neck, drawing it up as if the weight ofit on her back had suddenly become too much. "That's true. Maybe thecause of my ulcer is something I'm not at liberty to talk about." Her head was tilted downward, toward McCoy, and herexpression was now quite serious. McCoy drew in his breath at how suddenly beautiful she had become. "MyGod," he said suddenly. "Your eyes are purple." It caught her off guard, and she flushed scarlet to her hairline."That's violet to you, Doctor." "Whatever you call it, it's the prettiest color I've ever seen in apair of eyes," McCoy said. "Embarrassed you, didn't I?" "That's two for me, one for you." "We haven't finished talking about your ulcer yet. And it justoccurred to me that I ought to have a handicap--I'm at a disadvantage,since you know everything I think before I say it." "There's an ugly rumor going around to that effect. Just please, don'tblow my cover with anyone else. And, for the record, I've been takinglessons with Spock." "What do you need lessons from Spock for?" "So I can not read people's minds if I choose to. I was prettymiserable before he started tutoring me." "So it wasn't just that mysterious 'project' all the time?" "No. We've spent a lot of time learning to control my ability." Shesmiled ruefully. "If I hadn't learned about shielding, I think I wouldhave finally gone crazy." "I guess I never really thought much about it," said McCoy. "I alwaysenvied tele paths being able to know what others were thinking. Iguess it wouldn't be so much fun to constantly be flooded with everyoneelse's thoughts." "There are times," she said with a wry expression, "when it isn't funto know what others are thinking about you. It's kind of like findingout what someone has said behind your back. Sometimes even yourfriends might not think too much of something you do, but most peopleare too polite to come right out and say what they think. White liesare really more of a courtesy than you know. They really keep people'segos from constant bruising. I'm a great believer in white lies." "And I believed you when you said I was cute." She smiled the houri's smile again. "And you thought I was mooningover Spock." "Now that's not fair," McCoy said. "You were reading my mind then." "Tsk, tsk, Doctor--it was written all over you. You were certain I hadjoined the ranks of unrequited Vulcanophiles." "Well," he protested half-heartedly, "you certainly had all thesympto ms." She twirled a lock of hair around her finger and studied it idly. "Isuppose I do have a certain .. . fascination .. ." (McCoy winced ather use of the word)"... for all things Vulcan. Maybe it's because ofthe control they offer. After being at the mercy of everyone else'sthoughts and feelings, not to mention my own, for so long, I guess Ilike the thought of finally being in control of it all." "My dear, you are the last person in the entire world I could pictureas a Vulcan. You're far too fun-loving for that. And if you cutyourself off from all that's human, you'll wind up missing an awfullot." She laughed. "I suppose you're right. ""Of course I'm right. Justdon't ask Spock to back me up." "I wouldn't dream of it." She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "A little tired?" he asked. She nodded. "Another all-night brainstorm session with Spock." "You're not a Vulcan, my dear. Just because you can compete with Spockintellectually doesn't mean you have to keep up with him physically." "I know." She swiveled in the chair toward him and looked in his eyesintently. "But don't you think that the gravity of the situationmerits the loss of a few nights' sleep?" "God," he groaned. "Listen to you--you're even starting to sound likehim. Look, we're not expecting anyone to come pounding on that doorfor at least an hour or so. Why don't you lie down for a fewminutes?" She looked painfully tempted. "I couldn't." "Nonsense. You're the one running the show, and if you get too tiredto think clearly, go stretch out in the other room and turn out thelight." "I suppose a few minutes wouldn't hurt," said Anitra. "But what ifsomething happens?" "I may not be a genius, but I think I can figure out if I need to callyou. Go on, now." She shrugged helplessly. It was dark and cool in the little lounge. Amanda lay corpselike onthe couch at the other end of the room, and while Anitra found itrather morbid sharing the room with her, there was no other alternative. She lay, as far awayas possible, on the floor near the entrance. Seconds after her eyes closed, Anitra was asleep, but it was not thepleasant experience she had anticipated. It was deep, trancelike, andshe fell instantly into a nightmare. In her dream, Anitra lay sleeping in the little lounge, through somenocturnal magic having acquired the ability to see through closedeyelids. Amanda was there, too, and rose silently from the couch--notusing her legs and arms, but levitating straight up into the air. Aboutfive feet above the couch, she turned round and round, like acorkscrew, and then slowly righted herself, descending until at lasther feet gently contacted the floor. Anitra struggled to screamMcCoy's name, but the trance was too deep, and her vocal cords wereparalyzed. Nor could she run, for her limbs had become too heavy tomove. She lay perfectly motionless, except for her steady breathing,unable even to blink. The torment continued for some time-Amandaalways nearing, always closer, yet never quite close enough to touch. The touch of a warm hand broke the spell, and she woke gratefully,opening her eyes to darkness. "Doctor?" "A neat trick, don't you think?" Amanda whispered slyly. Her eyesglowed palely in the darkness. Chapter Seven McCoy let kirk in the door to auxiliary control and closed and lockedit as quickly as possible behind him. "That was fast," McCoy said. "That's why I get to be captain." Kirk looked around the room."Spock's not back yet?" "Not yet. Anitra wasn't expecting either one of you for another halfhour." "Where is she?" McCoy lowered himself shakily into a chair. "We've had a littleexcitement while you were gone, Jim. Amanda--woke up." "She did?" Kirk stiffened as though struck by a thunderbolt. "How isshe?" McCoy shook his head. "The things were playing possum on us, Jim." "They did a damn good job." "No kidding. My guess is they did it to get to Anitra, and they'vebeen waiting for the opportunity all this time. I guess they found outabout her somehow and really wanted her. That's my guess, anyway." Heput his face in his hands and peered down through his fingers. "Shewent to lie down in the other room. Five minutes later, I heard her scream. Amanda was trying to strangleher." "My God," Kirk whispered. "What'd you do?" "You know me--never without a medikit. I gave that woman enough elenalto put her to sleep till next Christmas." "How's Anitra?" "Upset, naturally--other than that, just bruised. It gave her one hellof a scare. And she's exhausted from all that's been happening.Working late with Spock. She needed a rest...." "So you gave her a dose, too," Kirk sounded disapproving. "Not enoughto keep her out until Christmas, I hope. We're going to have to beready to leave as soon as Spock gets back." "Nan," McCoy rubbed his face, "she'll be out another half hour, Ifigure. We can spare that much time, can't we?" "Maybe," Kirk said. He started for the lounge. "Jim?" McCoy called. "No point in going in there. They're both outcold." Kirk stopped at the entrance to the little room and half turned hishead back toward the doctor. McCoy could not see his face. "I justwanted to check on Anitra," he said easily. "No harm in that, isthere?" There was a heartbeat's pause. No harm that McCoy could see ... yetthere was something wrong with the question, with the way that Kirkstood in the doorway. McCoy realized that the hairs on his scalp andneck were standing straight up. "Dear God," McCoy whispered. "Jim--" Kirk's back relaxed. "Something wrong, Doctor?" "Yes. Yes, there's something wrong," McCoy croaked forcing the wordsfrom his throat against their will. In the midst of his terror, he wassuddenly struck by anger at what had been done to his friend. "Justwhat in hell are you?" Without turning around, Kirk swiveled his head around at an impossibleangle so that it faced McCoy. "We," he corrected McCoy, smiling. "What in hell are we?" Spock completed his task in engineering without incident, although hewas considerably delayed by two engineering trainees engaged in a tasknear the matter antimatter pods. He was making his way back down thecorridor from engineering to the emergency shaft when he turned acorner and bumped directly into Lieutenant Uhura. Both of them did adouble take, but Uhura had her phaser ready. Spock never had thechance to draw his. She waved it at him, looking bedraggled and alittle wild-eyed. "All right, stop it. Stop it right there or I'll fire." He half raised his arms in acquiescence. From the intensity of herexpression, she clearly meant business. Spock sighed. She was too faraway for him to attempt to wrestle the phaser from her; logically,there was not much left to do, except to try to get closer to thephaser. He took a tentative step toward her, but she would have none of it."One more," she said, her voice deadly, "and I'll shoot." "I have no doubt of that," Spock said and fastened his eyes on thedeck. She gestured menacingly with the phaser. "Where's the captain?" Spock lowered his hands and said with mild exasperation, "That seemsto be a most popular line of inquiry of late. Lieutenant, I'm afraidthis will prove to be quite pointless. It would be less frustratingfor both of us if you simply fired." "Get those hands up," she barked with such explosive force that Spockraised his hands with exceptional dispatch. "And didn't your mothertell you it was rude not to look at people who were talking to you?" Spock managed a step closer without her noticing. "Eye behavior isculturally bound, Lieutenant." "You haven't answered my question." Spock thought for a moment. "Yes, I believe she did." Uhura grimaced as she thrust the phaser closer. "For God's sake, notthat question--the one about Captain Kirk." "If I knew where he was," Spock said, "I would not tell you. And atthis moment I cannot say with certainty. I suggest you kill me andtell Mr. Scott that I knew nothing." "Now why would I tell Scott .. ." Uhura's voice trailed offuncertainly. At that moment, Spock moved close enough to see that the phaser was seton stun. In a breach of Vulcan ethics necessitated by the urgency ofthe situation, he lowered his mental shields just long enough to brushup against Uhura's mind. He looked up at her. "Lieutenant Uhura," he said almost warmly. "It is you, isn't it, sir?" Uhura grinned broadly, and for a momentwas tempted to hug him. "Sorry, Mr. Spock. I should have known whenyou answered that question about your mother." "Why were you so interested in the captain's whereabouts?" "Who wouldn't be? Mutiny on the bridge, total chaos on the rest of theship." She shuddered. "For a moment, I thought you were in cahootswith everyone else on the bridge--" "Everyone else is affected?" "On the bridge at least," she said soberly. "But not me. I had justreported for duty. When I stepped off the turbolift, I saw the starson the view screen, and I was going to ask Mr. Scott if our orders hadbeen changed." She closed her eyes and shuddered. "Sulu was sittingat his post. He looked like he was .. . hypnotized or something. Hejust sat, staring straight ahead, with his mouth open and Scott's handswere holding his head--sort of the way you do it, sir, for the Vulcanmind meld. But Scott's fingers .. . Mr. Spock, they were glowing. Itseemed to travel down from Scott's hands to Sulu, because then Sulu'seyes started glowing with the same kind of light. "I guess they heard me come in, because when they finished, everyone onthe bridge was looking at me. They were all wearing these horrible,creepy smiles. I figured I was their next target." She bowed herhead. "You know, sir, I've never left my post before--" "I know, Lieutenant. You had no choice." "I didn't. I stepped right back onto the lift and went to my quartersand locked myself in. When I calmed down, it occurred to me that theymight look for me there. Plus, I hoped if the captain weren't on thebridge, maybe he had somehow escaped, and maybe I could find him. That's when I ran into you." Her soft eyes widened."Mr. Spock, what is happening to everyone?" "You see that they are not themselves," Spock said quietly. "They arecontrolled by an outside force-some type of parasite. As you saw, theyhypnotize their victims .. . and apparently need physical contact tocomplete the transference." "Is the captain all right?" Spock nodded. "As far as I know. But it is imperative that as few aspossible know of his whereabouts." "I understand, sir." "We're going to have to leave the ship, Lieutenant. I regret that youcannot come with us." She looked up at him, stricken. "We're going someplace far more dangerous than the Enterprise. Icannot ask you to risk that. But you can return with me to auxiliarycontrol. It's been rigged so that Scott and the others can't break in.You'll be safe there until we return." "Thank you, Mr. Spock. Anything I can do to help--" Spock paused. "I'm sure we'll think of something, Lieutenant." There came the sounds of stirring and shadows moved in the inner room.No, McCoy screamed silently, mentally projecting with all his might.Don't come out. Don't.. . But Anitra either did not perceive his message or did not care. Sheshuffled into the outer room, half staggering from the effects of thesedative, and leaned against the console heavily. Her hair was tangled, and she frowned atKirk with the petulant expression of a child wakened from a deepsleep. "Leave him alone," she said. "He's of no use to you. I'm the one youneed." Kirk's voice was gravelly. "If we need to take someone, we take her.If we don't need to take someone, we can still use him ... for otherpurposes." He smiled menacingly at McCoy, who quickly lowered hiseyes. "We don't just.. . leave him alone." The door slid open behind him and Kirk turned. At the same time,Anitra fired behind him. Less than a second afterward, Spock firedfrom the doorway, and for an instant, the captain's body was suspendedin the air, held upright by the sheer force of the opposing beams. Thewhine ceased and the body collapsed. Uhura peeked tentatively around the door as both Spock and Anitra ranto Kirk's side; McCoy, stunned himself, took longer to get there. "He'll be all right," Spock was saying by the time McCoy had hisscanner out. "How in God's name did you know to come?" McCoy marveled. "A mental link," Spock said. "Dr. Lanter and 1 have found it to beinvaluable. I only regret that I did not link with the captain aswell. It would have warned me sooner of this." "But the door was locked," McCoy said. "How the devil did you get inwithout buzzing us?" Spock nodded at Anitra. "Mental link again," she said. "I knew he was at the door. But Ican't believe you didn't notice either. I thought I was so obvious atthe console." She looked uncertainly over at Uhura, who had silently entered and stood lookingdown at Kirk. "Lieutenant Uhura," Spock said, "will be remaining here." McCoy smiled at her. "You don't know how good it is to see a friendlyface again, Uhura." She returned the smile. "You want to make a bet, Doctor? I'm justsorry about what's happened to the captain." "We all are." "It's time we got to the shuttlecraft," Spock said. "Spock," McCoy began, "your mother--" Spock straightened. "I cannot ask anyone else to take furtherresponsibility for her. I'll sabotage the sensors while the two of youget to the shuttlecraft. I'll come back for her, but the instant yousense danger --" "Spock," McCoy interrupted gently, "she came to." Spock's eyes widened almost imperceptibly. McCoy's tone was sympathetic. "They still have her, Spock. Somehow,they were able to control her bodily functions so that she appeared tobe dead. That way she could get to Anitra without anyone suspecting.I've got her heavily sedated right now, but--" Spock cut him off. "Then she stays on the Enterprise." McCoy watched his face intently for a shift in expression, but Spockwas unflinching, steady. So it's just that simple, McCoy thought, buthe could say nothing. Taking her with them now would be insanity; evenhe could not argue in favor of it. Spock turned to Anitra. "The ship will begin to drift shortly Ibelieve we'll have enough time before that happens to make it to thehangar deck. And we'll need to remove the captain and my mother fromthis room, for the lieutenant's sake." "I'll take care of that," Uhura said. "You go on." The excitement hadgone a long way toward neutralizing the effects of the sedative; Anitraput her hands on her hips. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Spock stopped in front of the circuitry panel near the entrance to thehangar deck. Anitra and McCoy hovered behind him, and he spoke to themover his shoulder. "Get into the shuttle and prepare for launch, butdon't open the docking doors or move the craft until I've signaled thatthe sensors have been disengaged. Anitra gave him a reluctant backwardglance and headed for the hangar deck, where the Galileo stood readyfor launch. McCoy did not follow, but planted himself firmly behindthe Vulcan. Spock frowned. "Go with Dr. Lanter, please. I can manage thingshere." "I'll stay," McCoy insisted. "Maybe I can help." Spock lifted a brow. "I seriously doubt it." "I may not be much help as a technician, but I can serve as alookout." "I am perfectly capable of serving as my own lookout," Spock said,removing the first layer of paneling. "Interesting." McCoy looked over the Vulcan's shoulder. "What's that?" "This paneling has apparently been cut through before. Perhaps thecaptain completed his task--" He broke off suddenly and frowned. "What is it, Spock?" "The circuits have been polarized. It seems someone suspected we mightattempt this and wanted to slow our escape. I'll have to recalibratemy instrument." He glanced back at the doctor. "This will take sometime, Dr. McCoy. Please get on the shuttlecraft." "If you can't cutthe circuit in time, what's the point?" Spock worked rapidly as he spoke. "You could attempt escape--" "They'll blow the shuttlecraft to bits if they can track it." "At least your chances would be better than if you remained on board,"Spock said, exasperated. "I fail to see the logic of remaining here.You're providing me with no useful service--" "I've got a phaser, dammit. I'm covering you." Spock sighed and concentrated fully on the work at hand once it wasquite clear that arguing would not change McCoy's mind. Despite hisgloomy predictions, it took him no more than three full minutes todisengage the sensors. "Good work, Spock," McCoy said approvingly. "Good work, Spock," a rasping voice echoed. They turned to see Kirkbehind them. Spock made a subtle movement for his communicator, but Kirk's tightenedgrip on the phaser made him abandon the gesture. It would have been analtogether unnecessary one; the hangar doors parted slowly, and the three of themwatched as the Galileo rose silently and sailed through the openportal. Kirk found the nearest intercom and, without compromising his weapon'saim, hit the toggle with his fist. "Kirk to bridge. Lanter has theshuttlecraft--the sensors have been knocked out. Track her for now.I'm on my way." He turned to his prisoners. "After you, gentlemen." The bridge was eerie in the artificial evening's half light; thedimness left faces half in shadow. It was bad enough, thought McCoy,without the darkness. The faces of his friends wore expressions thatwere parodies of those the real owners would have worn. Scott's eyes glittered palely as he rose from the con. "View screen on," Kirk said and took his seat; for want of a betterplace, his prisoners stood alongside in their usual places, staringglassily ahead as the Galileo attempted to make its escape. "Helmsman.Approximate range." "Three hundred kilometers, sir." "Phasers ready," Kirk said. "No," McCoy whispered urgently. Kirk swiveled in his chair to smile athim. "Fire," he said, his eyes on McCoy. The doctor looked down, unable tobear what was happening on the screen. "A direct hit," Sulu gloated. McCoy looked sideways and caught a glimpse of Spock's face, illuminedfor an instant by the brilliant orange glow as the Galileo flared andburst into bits of wreckage, and then went dim again. Throughout, the Vulcan staredimpassively ahead. "What are you?" McCoy wheeled to face Kirk, his voice shaking withrage. "What kind of thing are you, that you could do that to someonelike her--" He moved threateningly toward the captain. Spock stepped in front of him before anyone else had a chance to stophim. "Doctor," he said softly, "there is no logic in making oursituation any worse than it already is." McCoy felt as though he were breaking into small pieces. "Oursituation? Who gives a damn about our situation? You cold-hearted sonof a bitch!" His voice rose until it cracked. "How could you juststand there and watch?" Spock said nothing. "How could you!" McCoy spat vehemently, but the Vulcan remainedsilent. "Gentlemen," Kirk's tone was mocking, "she had it easy. You, on theother hand, will not." He nodded at Scott. "Mr. Scott, escort thesepr isoners to the brig." He leered at them. "I want you tothink--really think about what happened to people on this ship who wereuncooperative." "Such as al-Baslama," said Spock coldly, "and Liu .. ." The remark seemed to please rather than anger him. "To mention onlytwo. We don't need you, gentlemen. But we can use you ... at ourleisure, and for our own pleasure." His chilling smile was the last thing McCoy saw as they left thebridge. McCoy had not actually seen the shuttlecraft be destroyed, but he hadseen the glow of the flames on Spock's face, could even now see thedeath scene played back in Spock's eyes--the metal hull ripped,twisted, hurtling in a thousand directions as the initial burst offlame was extinguished rapidly in the oxygen less reaches of space.Spock sat on the floor of the brig, his back straight against the wall,morose, untouchable. McCoy sat in the opposite corner. From where hewas, he could just see the guard's back on the other side of the forcefield. McCoy was hurting too badly at the moment to keep his feelings tohimself any longer. He thought of Anitra, so beautiful, so ...alive--and found himself trying not to weep in front of Spock. Hesurreptitiously wiped his eyes on the corner of his sleeve. "How long do you think we have?" he asked when he could speak again. "Impossible to estimate." Spock's voice had no inflection; his eyeswere focused on a far-distant point. "I wasn't really asking for an estimate," McCoy said in his bestconciliatory manner. "I guess ... I was just trying to makeconversation." As soon as he said it, it struck him as a stupid thing to say; Spock,of course, would be in no mood for idle conversation. He sat, a woodenVulcan deity, showing no signs of having heard. There was probably nological reply, McCoy guessed, to such a statement. He came to the point. "Dammit, Spock, I was trying to apologize forwhat I said on the bridge." "I have come to expect such outbursts, Doctor." "It's just that .. . she's dead." McCoy blinked rapidly at the sound of the words. "How can you not react to that?" Spock's eyes were on him, and so cold that they seemed to burn rightthrough him. "I need not account for my behavior to you." "You're right," McCoy sighed. It took Spock a full minute to register what he had just heard. Heturned to McCoy, both eyebrows raised in an expression of honestamazement. "That is the first time," he said slowly, "that you haveever said those words to me." McCoy said nothing. "Your normal reaction at this point is to argue even morestrenuously." McCoy shook his head and rested his chin on his knees. "What's thepoint? They're going to torture us . then kill us, if we're lucky." Spock nodded in somber agreement. "Why make it any worse for you? It wasn't anyone's fault. We're bothsorry she's dead. It's just that I" McCoy broke off. "You are ... fond of her," Spock said gently, almost kindly. "I didn't think you were one to notice that sort of thing," McCoy said,blinking rapidly. There was no longer any reason not to admitit--there would be no further arguments where Spock could use suchknowledge as ammunition. "You give me little credit, Doctor," Spock said in the same soft tone.It was one that McCoy had not heard before--Spock with his defensesdown. "I've been observing humans for many years now. It's a phenomenon I've had the opportunity to see numerous times. How elsewould you explain your reaction on Vulcan when you saw me emerge fromher bedroom?" "It's just a damn shame--all of it." McCoy was beginning to feeldownright tearful. "We were so close to succeeding, and she was ouronly hope. I wish now I had gone on that shuttlecraft with her." "There's still a chance," Spock said softly. He seemed to be studyingthe doctor with a curious look of pity. "What chance?" McCoy laughed hollowly. "It's all over, Spock. They'vegot Jim, they've got the ship and probably most of Vulcan by now. Anitra was Star Fleet's great hope and now ..." He looked over at Spock, but the Vulcan was no longer listening tohim--he was looking over at the door to the brig, where the securityguard lay sprawled on the floor. There was a small crackle as theforce field in front of them melted away. McCoy looked up and grinned so hard it hurt. "Just sitting around doing nothing?" Anitra teased. "Come on." McCoymade a move to hug her, but she sidestepped it and thrust him forward."There isn't time. The hangar deck." "She's alive," McCoy said, beaming stupidly and moving it. "Obviously," Spock said, and for a moment McCoy feared the Vulcan mightactually smile. "Wait a minute. Now wait just a minute!" Outrage crept into McCoy'svoice, and he vacillated between the ridiculous urge to kiss the Vulcanor kill him. "You knew. Damn you, you pointy-eared bastard, you knew." "Dr. McCoy, I have tolerated enough remarks concerning my legitimacyfor one day--" McCoy laughed. "She's alive." "Not for long, if you don't shut up,"Anitra said, feigning irritation, but nonetheless pleased by McCoy'sreception. "But how--?" "I put Galileo on autopilot and hoped they'd assume I was on it. Thesensors are still out on the hangar deck, and I've got anothershuttlecraft all set up to go-" "Then let's get the hell out of here," McCoy said and grinned. Chapter Eight McCoy stepped out into the Vulcan night. Above him the sky dazzledwith an alien configuration of stars, brighter for the absence ofclouds and moons. He tried to orient himself, but the myriad starsmade it impossible. A dry, chilling breeze swept the sand, and McCoyshivered and rubbed his upper arms briskly. The nearest large body ofwater lay more than a thousand kilometers to the south; without theinsulating properties of water or clouds, the desert surrendered itsheat quickly. He took a step forward and half stumbled; in spite ofthe brilliance of the stars, his eyes were unaccustomed to thedarkness. "Roughly five-point-six hours before dawn." Spock emerged from theshuttlecraft behind him. "We should be able to reach the capitalbefore that, if we maintain a good pace." "Why the urgency?" McCoy asked. "You aren't expecting anyone to belooking for us, are you?" "Doubtful," Spock said. "With communications on the Enterprisesabotaged, there is no way for anyone on Vulcan to know we're here. But I do not believe you would enjoycrossing the desert during the day." "I won't argue that with you, but I still don't see why we have to hikefive hours through the desert." Spock sighed. "As I explained to you before, Doctor, secrecy isessential. The closer we land to a civilized area, the greater therisk of detection." Anitra poked her head out the door and wrinkled her nose. "Chilly outhere," she said. "Any chance this craft is equipped with some thermalsuits?" "Check the storage area in the back," McCoy suggested. "Of course, Idon't know how recently the ship was stocked. No one was expecting tobe taking it anywhere." She came out a moment later carrying two thermal blankets and handedthem to Spock. "This is all I could find." "Not the most elegant means of dealing with the cold," Spock said,eyeing them, "but suitable." He handed one each to McCoy and Anitra. "Just a minute," Anitra said, "what about you?" "I am better equipped--" "You're forgetting something .. . sir," she interrupted, tacking on the"sir" as if the protocol of rank were an extreme irritation bestforgotten. "Females are far better equipped than males to handlecold." "You're forgetting one important thing," Spock said stiffly. "I am aVulcan. And more importantly, I am the ranking officer here;therefore, I make the decisions." Anitra blushed and closed her mouth; without a word, she pulled thesilver blanket tightly about her shoulders. It was all McCoy could do not to express delight at hersuccess in insulting Spock, but he said nothing and put the blanketaround his shoulders. "I'll go first," Spock continued, "as my night vision is better and Iam most familiar with the hazards of the desert." He and McCoy bothwatched Anitra to see if she would also take issue with that statement;McCoy felt almost disappointed when she remained silent. The sand was soft and yielding, and the wind whispered it across thetops of their boots. McCoy could not see where his feet were falling,and found it a struggle just to keep pace behind Spock and Anitra. Inthe distance, he heard a rasping, metallic scream, and shivered. "What the hell was that?" "Ale maty a." Spock turned his head so that the wind would not carryhis words away. "There is no cause for alarm. From the location ofits scream, I would say that we are downwind of it." "Oh, great." McCoy's eyes widened and searched dubiously about, butsaw nothing but stars and darkness. After an hour, when no attack wasforthcoming, he gave himself completely to the task of keeping up. They continued in this way for at least an hour, by which time McCoywas huffing, while Anitra and Spock seemed quite unaffected. "I don't suppose," McCoy called over the wind and the rumbling of hisstomach, "that anyone thought to bring anything to eat?" Spock looked at him, but did not deign to reply. A sudden, sharp force lashed itself about McCoy's lower leg and ankle,yanking him to the ground with such force that he emitted a short, softyelp. It pulled him backward with numbing speed, and he slid on his stomach, cursingand sputtering sand, his fingers leaving a trail of furrows across thedesert. The blanket was left far behind. McCoy was far too stunned to wonder what was happening to him; caughtup in the preocc upation of keeping his face out of the sand, hescarcely registered the lightning glow of a phaser nearby. With asudden jolt, the pulling stopped. Gingerly, he raised himself to asitting position and examined the thick dark green vine spun tightlyaround his ankle. Spock knelt next to him and gently began to unwindit. "What in God's name--" McCoy began shakily. "A d'manu vine, Doctor." Spock held up the three foot length for McCoyto inspect. "You're quite lucky I was watching when it attacked.Otherwise, it would probably have been some time before we missedyou." "Thanks a lot," McCoy muttered. "Had you been dragged another few yards--" "You should have seen it," Anitra volunteered enthusiastically. "Ithad this huge, gaping mouth--" McCoy shuddered. "Don't tell me. I don't want to know." "Actually, this attack comes at a most convenient time," Spock said."Didn't you just say you were hungry?" He broke off a piece of thevine and proffered it to McCoy, ignoring the doctor's thunderstruckexpression. McCoy paled. "Oh, no, now wait a minute." He held up his hands toward off the thing. "That thing just tried to eat me. I've heard ofgetting even, but this is just too much." The Vulcan bit into the refused morsel with a loud crunch and beganchewing with a decidedly whimsical expression. "Spock, I'm surprised at you. You're supposed to be a vegetarian." "It is a plant," Spock replied serenely. "Surely you aren't thatsqueamish, Dr. McCoy. I have seen you eat things capable of far moremovement than a d'manu." He snapped off another piece of the vine, not without a glimmer ofamusement, and handed it to McCoy. This time, logic and hunger wonout, and McCoy took it, though reluctantly. He bit into it and foundthat it had very little taste--crunchy and slightly sweet. He began toeat with more relish, and with a rather smug sensation of revenge. "Can you stand, Doctor?" Spock asked. "Of course." McCoy scrambled to his feet--and had to bite his lip tokeep from swearing. The d'manu had lost the battle, but it had managedto inflict a few wounds the ankle was badly bruised. McCoy wobbled,struggling to maintain his balance in the soft sand, and smiledinsincerely. "Just shook me up a bit, that's all." "You're a terrible actor," Anitra said. "You shouldn't walk on it," Spock said. "I can carry you without anyappreciable loss of time." "Like hell you will." To prove his point, McCoy began walking brisklyahead. Spock sighed. "That's all very well, Doctor. But ShanaiKahr lies thatway." He pointed in the opposite direction. The sun rose at last, heating the air with alarming efficiency. Anitraand McCoy had shed their blankets almost at the first rays of sunrise. According to Spock, they werestill two hours from the outskirts of the capital; because of McCoy'sdogged insistence upon walking unaided, they had made little progressduring the night. Spock had at first kept up his rapid pace, only torealize that McCoy was being left behind. And McCoy's vehement refusalto be carried made it clear to Spock that invoking command privilege inthis instance would be futile; the doctor obviously found the idea ofcourt-martial preferable to that of being carried by the Vulcan. Eridani climbed quickly in the sky and brought with it heat andblinding brightness. McCoy had been unable to see the night before forthe darkness; now he could not see for the light. Spock turned to him,concerned. "It's quite dangerous even for a Vulcan to stay long on thedesert, unprotected as we are from the heat. I suggest we alter ourcourse and head for shelter until evening." "Shelter?" McCoy squinted about uncertainly. The desert stretched toinfinity in all directions. He raised his hand to his forehead to wipeaway a bead of sweat, but the dry heat had already evaporated it and hetouched dry, hot skin. His ankle was throbbing now to the point thathe no longer pretended it was not painful. Spock studied his two companions. Anitra appeared to be in fair shape;being young and female, she suffered from the heat far less than didthe doctor. She had walked uncomplaining the night before, with silentdetermination. But Spock was definitely worried about McCoy. Exhaustedfrom the previous evening's trek, McCoy was shuffling at an ever-slowerpace, and the heat had already turned his face pale gray. He also desperatelyneeded to stop and rest his ankle--but Spock knew that to lie down inthe desert sun was the sheerest form of idiocy. "There is shelter," Spock said. "Forty minutes in that direction." "Forty minutes?" McCoy rubbed his face wearily. "Why not just go thetwo hours? At least we won't have to backtrack." "Every minute spent in the sun," Spock said, "is a minute closer todeath." For humans, at least, that was true. Even a Vulcan equippedwith a desert soft suit and an ample supply of water would think twiceabout a two-hour hike at midday. "Whatever." McCoy was too weak to argue. Anitra and Spock stopped andeyed him with concern as he slowly trudged forward. "Well, come on,"he said irritably, looking back over his shoulder at them. "Everyminute in the sun .. ." Anitra and Spock followed, but this time they walked on either side ofthe doctor. That way, when he collapsed twenty minutes later, they were easily ableto catch him. Anitra lowered herself into the steaming water smoothly, slicing itwithout a splash. After the heat of the desert, she was surprised athow the hot water refreshed her. She sank down until it covered herhead, fanning her hair out behind her. The long copper strands floatedlazily to the surface. She was buoyant, so that she had to paddle tostay beneath the water's surface, which smelled and tasted strongly,but not unpleasantly, of mineral salts. She opened her eyes and looked down into darkness except for theshallow rock shelf near the shore, the pool was bottomless, so thatfrom a short distance away, the water appeared black. She let herselfdrift back up to the surface, her hair clinging, soaked, to her scalp,and began to swim. After the past night's journey, it did not take her long to exhaustherself. She closed her eyes and floated. The water supported hersoftly, and she sighed as she attempted to forget the horror of thepast few days. She had almost succeeded when something brushed, squirming, against herarm. Startled, she pulled out of the float. A small water beetle wasskimming the surface of the water next to her; on the other side of thepool, hundreds of beetles skated in a graceful aquatic ballet. Shepushed the water with a cupped hand and sent the insect riding a smallcrest of wave toward its peers. She floated again, this time with her eyes open. A hundred feet aboveher, the ceiling of the great cavern hung with a thousand razor-sharpstalactites, which seemed in imminent danger of falling, like a swordof Damocles, upon the heads of whatever innocent swimmers happened tobe in the pool. No doubt they had appeared that way for millennia, butAnitra chuckled silently at the irony--to come this far, only to bedone in by a stalactite--and amused herself by calculating the odds. The immense silence of the cavern magnified sound, so that she startedat the sound of footsteps ringing against the hard stone floor. With adownward-circling motion of her arms, she righted herself gracefullyin the water. Spock had been so concerned with McCoy in the small cavethat she had expected to bathe in the spring with complete privacy. Shelowered herself in the clear water in a useless gesture of modestyuntil it reached her collarbone. The footsteps stopped at the edge of the pool, and Anitra started. Ayoung Vulcan male, perhaps seventeen or eighteen years old, knelt atthe edge, dressed in an ankle-length robe that made him look like amonk. His striking features were perfectly composed, but his eyes werewide. "Who are you?" he asked in Vulcan. His voice was surprisingly deep. Anitra stammered for a moment, trying to remember the few words she hadlearned in Vulcan, failing entirely. "I don't speak Vulcan," she said,feeling the warmth rush to her face. She folded her arms strategicallyin front of her. "I am Soltar," the Vulcan said in English. "Who are you?" "Anitra." She was sorry as soon as she said it; after the paranoia ofthe past few days, she feared leaving a trail that anyone from theEnterprise could follow, but she had sensed no evil in the young man,and there was no reason to mistrust him. She came closer to the edgeof the pool so that the rock at the edge would at least partially hideher from Soltar's gaze. "It is a very unusual name," he said. "Is it Terran?" "Yes," she said. There was no point in lying about anything else. "How have you come to be here? Terrans do not come to Gol." "I might ask you the same thing," she said, and Soltar digested the remark, wondering if it were meant to be takenliterally. He was rescued from his dilemma by Spock, who emerged from the cave inthe rock wall, where he had been treating McCoy. He spoke to the youngVulcan, and Anitra watched his manner change, become stiffer, moreformal, his face as masklike as Soltar's. He stood on the oppositeedge of the pool from Soltar, while Anitra stayed in the water betweenthe two, more than a bit uncomfortable at being naked in the waterwhile the Vulcans conversed, apparently quite oblivious to herdiscomfort. "I am Spock," he said. "We require assistance. Our other companion isin there--" he nodded toward the cave "--a human, who suffers from theheat." "I will take you to the High Master," said Soltar. "I don't suppose I could dress fir st," Anitra said. The Vulcans lookeddown at her, startled. Soltar led them down a perfectly symmetrical staircase which had beencarved into the rock. Spock and Anitra followed at a distance thatallowed for some privacy of conversation. "Amazing," Anitra said at the sight of the stairs. "The mountains of Gol have been inhabited for thousands of years by themasters," Spock said. "The masters?" "The ones who practice Kohlinahr, the perfect mastery of emotion, andinstruct others as to its attainment. From his robe, I would say ourguide is a postulant--new to the order. He has not yet attainedmastery." "Seems close enough to me." She lowered her voice even further. "Spock--I told him my name. Do you think it might bedangerous?" Spock shrugged. "It would be nearly impossible for anyone to trace ushere. And the masters lead a life completely isolated fromcivilization. They generally accept one postulant a season, so I doubtthat we need worry about contamination here." Anitra sighed. "That's a relief. How's McCoy?" Spock looked over at her. She had asked the question casually enough,but even now, she could not hide the eagerness in her eyes. "He seemsto have suffered no permanent damage." "I'm glad," she said simply and looked away. Spock did not answer. Soltar came to a halt in front of a high stone door and pushed itaside; inside, the High Master sat, regal and silver-haired, in thesolitude of an empty chamber. "High Master T'Sai," Soltar said from a respectful distance. She opened her eyes and looked at him. "Strangers," said Soltar, "needing our assistance." He bowed and leftthe room. T'Sai's face was quintessential^ Vulcan expressionless, devoid ofemotion, ancient and ageless at the same time. Yet it lacked theseverity of most Vulcan countenances, and the masklike quality ofSoltar's or Spock's. It was benign, childlike, a sincere reflection ofher innermost being. Although the others struggled to suppressemotion, T'Sai had simply emptied herself of it. Spock stepped forward. "I am Spock." "Spock," T'Sai repeated in a very low, dreamlike voice. "I have heard the name. The child of Sarek and Amanda, isit?" Spock bowed his head in acknowledgment. "What manner of assistance do you require of us, Spock?" "There are three of us," Spock said. "We were crossing the desert atnight when one of us--a human --was injured, slowing our pace. Whensunrise came, the heat was too much for him." "We will see to him," T'Sai said. "What more can we do?" "We need food." "That can be provided." She examined him with serene black eyes. "Youare wearing communicators --the Star Fleet uniforms. Why did you notcontact your vessel for assistance?" There was no suspicion in herquestion; merely--or perhaps Anitra imagined it--the smallest hint ofcuriosity. "Our ship is out of range. There was no other means of assistance." "The frequency on your communicator could have been adjusted to contactauthorities in the capital." Spock bowed his head silently for a moment. When he raised it, hesaid, "We do not wish to have the authorities aware of our presence.Here, in the isolation of Gol, you are not aware that an evil hasinvaded our people." Anitra watched, but T'Sai's expression shifted not even minutely. "Whatevil is this?" "An evil which devours personalities. It ... possesses. It bringsabout violence. Vulcans are murdering each other, T'Sai." TSai's eyes closed. "As in the time before Surak." She opened themagain and fastened them on Spock. "This evil--how many areaffected?" "Impossible to estimate at present. It spreads rapidly; it is the sameforce which destroyed the Hydrilla sector. You must maintain yourisolation; you must not accept any new postulants." "But what of Vulcan?" T'Sai asked; her voice was as soft as a sigh."Shall we remain in the mountains while madness spreads?" "We're going to the capital to try to reverse what has happened,"Anitra spoke up. From the silence that followed and the look thatSpock gave her, she realized that she had committed a breach of Vulcancourtesy. "And you are?" T'Sai asked. "Anitra." In spite of herself, she flushed. "I am not familiar with the name. It is Terran?" "It is." "It is imperative that we reach the capital, T'Sai." Spock gesturedtoward Anitra. "My companion here has an uncommon telepathic gift; sheis able to discern the presence of the evil force. She is also ascientist of great capabilities. With equipment at the Vulcan ScienceAcademy, we hope to find a means of rescuing our people." "She would benefit from our training," T'Sai said approvingly. "Andthe human with you?" "A physician. When our ship was overtaken, he was one of the few whoescaped control." "If you reach ShanaiKahr," T'Sai said slowly, "but find yourselvesunable to locate a solution--what then?" "Vulcan will suffer the same fate as the other planets in the Hydrillasector. And not only Vulcan will be affected. The planets in theHydrilla sector had developed only a very crude means of interplanetarytravel; they had not yet discovered warp drive and could not leavetheir own solar system. With starships available to carry themadness--" T'Sai raised a hand to silence him. "You speak of the destruction ofthe galaxy," she said. Chapter Nine "FILING better?" AiMiTRA knelt down next to Me Coy and smiled athim. He opened his eyes and smiled at the sound of her voice and struggledto sit up. She put a hand on his arm to help him; he tried to push itaway, but she was firm. "If you aren't a sight for sore eyes .. ." Hestretched stiffly. "I don't suppose those rocks make a very comfortable bed." "Beats the desert all to hell." McCoy unconsciously rubbed the bruisedankle, keeping his eyes on her all the while, mesmerized. She hadchanged out of her uniform and wore the soft, draping folds of a desertsoft suit--a size too large, but its golden color made her hair seem,if at all possible, even redder. She was meeting his eyes intently, the imp replaced by the houri. "Youhad us very worried." "Sorry about that. You'd never know it, but I once got a merit badgein hiking--" "A what?" "A merit badge. Weren't you ever a scout?" McCoy asked. She shook her head. "Pity. You'd have made a good one." "Thanks ... I think. Hungry?" McCoy shrugged. The nausea, at least, had passed. "A little. But ifall you've got is d'manu vine, you can forget it." Anitra laughed. "Nothing of the sort. I can bring you a home-cookedmeal--vegetarian, of course, but not bad." "Where did you find something to cook in all this sand?" "There's a group of about fifty Vulcans living in this mountain. Spockcalls them the masters of Gol. I think it's some sort of religiousthing. They keep to themselves --they didn't even know what's beenhappening on Vulcan." McCoy made a face. "Religious Vulcans, huh? I bet they have one hellof a sense of humor." "Not particularly. The High Master had the nerve to tell me I shouldsign up for Vulcan lessons." Her expression of outrage was so comical that McCoy laughed. "I canjust see it now. What'd you do, put a frog in his ceremonial robe?" "Her robe," Anitra corrected. A look of mischief crossed her face."Frogs are few and far between here, but it's an idea.. .." "Oh, no," McCoy said with mock horror, "let's not get you started--" "Don't worry," she sighed. "Spock would never forgive me." "So? All the more reason to do it. Besides, what do you care whatSpock thinks? Anyone who would risk court-martial playing a joke likethat on the captain--" "Maybe that was the idea," she said, but she still smiled. "Uh-oh. This sounds serious." "I'm never serious. It's just that I hate spit and polish, the wholerank thing. There are days when I'm sorry I signed up." "Why did you?" McCoy asked seriously. "It seemed like fun. Travel the galaxy, meet unexpected danger--" "Well, you've certainly done that. But look, you haven't been in theservice long enough. Give it a chance. It might grow on you." "I've been in it long enough to know. Of course, I'm sure it's allthere in my psychological profile rebellious, dislikes authority--" "It doesn't say that at all." Her expression became curious. "Oh?" "No. As a matter of fact, it says that you are--" He ticked them offon his fingers, "Intelligent, creative, stubborn, sensitive,telepathic, a practical joker, stubborn, optimistic ... did I saystubborn?" "Twice," she giggled. "Oops, almost forgot--and extremely beautiful." "That's not in there," she said, lowering her eyes. "I know. But it's quite true." "I never noticed." "I have," he said. And he leaned over and kissed her. Uhura had made it back from sealing Amanda safely inside her quarterswhen she returned and found Kirk missing. It was preposterous--therewas no way that he could have recuperated that quickly, and yet he had, and she could only hope that he had not been able to stop Spockand the others--but there was no way of knowing. She had cursedherself soundly for not taking the extra precaution of locking him inthe small lounge first. After some time of sitting and waiting, shedecided to take matters into her own hands and risk looking for Kirkherself. It beat waiting around for him to find her. She had searchedfor hours on C deck, thinking that the likely place to find him, andhad given up in despair and returned to auxiliary. It was then thatshe saw Kirk waiting for her outside auxiliary. She swore softly underher breath. Luckily, he had not yet caught sight of her, and shepressed her back against the wall of the eme rgency shaft. Discretion,she decided, was the better part of valor, and she angled herselfforward just enough to be sure her shot would not miss. She fired, and Kirk crumpled compliantly on the floor. "Sorry aboutthat, sir," she said sincerely, unable to shake the feeling that sheshould be court martialed for what she had just done. She studied his limp form with indecision. She couldn't leave himoutside--he knew where she was, and had obviously been waiting for her.When he came to again, he would alert the others. Besides, she felt apang of guilt at the thought of leaving him in the hallway, at themercy of God knows what. She dragged him into auxiliary control andsighed. She most definitely could not leave him in here--she'd have tohit him over the head or stun him each time he revived. The thoughtstruck her as perversely humorous, and she giggled at the insanity ofthe situation. It was then that her eyes came upon the small lounge She dragged Kirkinto the small room, and with a touch of consideration and a lot ofgrunting, pulled him up onto the couch. She walked outside and pressedthe panel that sealed the lounge off, turned, and, resting her backagainst the door, sank to the floor with a sigh. The sound of a contrived cough at the entrance to the small cave madeMcCoy and Anitra break off their embrace immediately. Spock enteredwith a tray of food. Anitra brushed a stray lock of hair back. "I'll be back," she murmuredand went outside. Flustered, McCoy straightened his tunic. Spock set the tray down. "I thought your appetite might have improved,Doctor." "Hm? Oh ... yes. Thanks, Spock." McCoy gingerly inspected thecontents of the tray. "Anitra was just explaining to me where weare." "Obviously," Spock said, making McCoy shoot him a guilty glance, butthe Vulcan's expression was one of innocence. McCoy cleared his throat nervously. "How long have we been here?" "Only four-point-two hours, Doctor. Your recovery has been mostrapid." "I'm sorry I was such a problem. I don't know why the heat got to meso fast.. .." "It has nothing to do with you personally. It's a matter ofphysiology. All humans are affected in the same way by the heat." "Well, even so, I'm sorry that I held us up." Spock nodded. "It is an inconvenience." McCoy reddened. "You don't have to be so damn blunt, Spock." The Vulcan continued. "I have been thinking about it, Doctor. We canafford no more delays, and quite frankly, you will be of little help tous once we arrive at the academy--you could, in fact, prove to be ahindrance. I have decided that you should stay here, at Gol, where youwill be safe. I am sure that the masters would not object." McCoy struggled to his feet. "Now, wait a minute, Spock. How can yousay that a doctor is not worth having around? And I'm perfectlycapable of making the trip--" "Are you, Doctor?" Spock folded his arms resolutely. "It seems to methat you are still weak as a result of exposure. And why should yourisk going into the capital? I suggest you consider your own safety.Even if we failed in our mission, you would survive here at Gol." "Survive--with a bunch of Vulcan mystics. You call that living?" Spock was silent for a moment. "If I have to order you to stay,Doctor, I will." "What does the service have to do with it anymore? We're talking aboutsurvival here. And I prefer to take my chances with you and Anitrathan be left behind." "As long as I am alive," Spock said slowly, "you will obey myorders." "Don't pull that crap on me," McCoy replied vehemently. "I'm a doctor,not a soldier, and I'm going with you and Anitra." "Anitra," Spock echoed, and nodded, one eyebrow lifted. McCoy blushed deeply. "Yes, and what the hell business is it of yoursif I--" He broke off suddenly. "Oh, now I get it, Mr. Spock. It haseverything to do with Anitra, doesn't it?" "I don't understand." "Oh, but you do understand, Spock--only too well. You're jealous,aren't you? I'm moving in on your territory, so you're just going toget rid of the competition by leaving me behind." "That's absurd," Spock replied simply. "Is it?" McCoy hissed. "Is it really so absurd, Spock? Maybe deepdown somewhere you feel that it's unfair. After all, you've spent alot of time with her. You probably know her better than I do. And whywouldn't you want her? Her intelligence is a match for yours; she'sgifted, she's beautiful .. . she's even mind-linked with you. Whatmore could you want?" "Doctor, you are rationalizing," Spock said calmly. "The truth of thematter is that you do not wish to remain behind, therefore you cannotadmit to yourself that you might be a burden." "You're a hell of a one to tell me about rationalizing," McCoyanswered, glaring. "I won't stay here." Spock's voice was soft, controlled, the voice of the masters, yet itcarried a steely edge that made McCoy swallow any further protests."You will stay, Doctor --on my order." He left and did not look back. Kirk opened his eyes and saw nothing but polished white metal ceiling.He rubbed his face and sat up. "Where the hell am I?" he asked aloud, but no one replied; the smalllounge area was empty. "Anyone here?" he called. No answer. He rose stiffly and walked to thedoor--and bounced off it when it refused to budge. He struck it withhis fist. "Damn it, open!" Nothing. Disconsolate, he walked back tothe couch and sat down heavily. It made no sense. What was he doinghere? And how had he come to be here in the first place? He closed his eyes and snatches of memories came back to him. He waswith Spock and McCoy in auxiliary control. This must be the small roomjust off the main control room. But how .. . ? He squinted with theeffort to remember. Anitra had been there with them. They had decidedto escape on the shuttlecraft, and he was going to trip the circuits tothe sensors on the hangar deck. He tried to picture himself on thehangar deck, cutting the circuits, but the image refused to form.Something must have stopped him, something.. .. He stood up quickly with a shudder. Tomson .. . "Dear God," he said aloud. But he was somehow himself now. MaybeSpock and Anitra had found the antidote. He walked over to the sealeddoor again and kicked it. "Spock," he called. "McCoy .. . are you outthere?" Outside, in the main control room, Uhuraleaned against the console andpretended not to hear. Kirk-or whatever controlled Kirk--had raved andscreamed at first, and then tried to wheedle her into opening the door.It had lasted for hours until the thing had screamed itself hoarse. Shehad found it extremely unnerving and had to keep reminding herself thatit was not the captain talking. The day after, he had remainedominously silent for hours. She'd gone out to raid the commissary for some food--and when she'd come back, Kirk didnot even seem to hear the door, but remained perfectly quiet. She wasalmost glad to hear him talking again, for she had feared Kirk might bedead. But now he took a new approach, one that she found moredifficult to deal with. "Ensign Lanter?" he called. "For God's sake, is anyone out there?" Hefelt a surge of panic--they had escaped on the shuttlecraft, abandonedthe ship and left him sealed inside this small tomb of a room. Heforced himself to be calm. Spock was not responsible. Even if he hadbeen possessed, Spock would not have left him like this. Someone elsehad to have done this--and that someone couldn't be far. In a flash of inspiration, he decided to cut through the wall, but hisphaser was missing from his belt. Then someone must have taken it andthrown him in here. He tried in vain to remember the encounter. "I know there's someone out there," he called. "Answer me--that's anorder." Uhura had forbidden herself to talk to the thing--but the temptationthis time was far too strong; it sounded too much like the captain."It'll do you no good." "Uhura," Kirk said, smiling on the other side of the door. "Uhura, letme out of here." She laughed. "Fat chance." "For God's sake, Lieutenant, how long have you been keeping me inhere." "A day or so," she said. "Not long enough." "Uhura, I don't remember what's happened." Kirk pressed himselfagainst the door. "Why are you keeping me here?" "You tell me," she said, "Captain." He fell silent for a moment until an idea occurred to him. "A day orso," he repeated. "Uhura, I'm terribly hungry. If I don't have somefood and water soon, I'll die." She felt a twinge. It was true--and it was a problem that she hadtried to avoid thinking about. How could she keep the captain's bodyalive without facing the thing? She picked up the tray of food thatshe had gotten for herself, and a cup of water. Balancing it in onehand and a phaser in the other, she went to the door of the lounge. "AH right," she said, "step back from the door. But I'm armed and Iswear to God, if you make a wrong move, I won't hesitate to shoot." "I understand," Kirk said. He stepped to one side and pressed himselfagainst the wall. Uhura entered, clutching the phaser--but was unable for an instant tosee Kirk. He leapt at her, swinging, and the tray clattered to thefloor. She fired a wild shot. It was a clean miss. Kirk had her pinned to the floor in two seconds,but she kneed him square in the crotch, and he fell back, groaning. Shegroped about for the phaser, but it had slid under the couch where shecouldn't see it. His teeth gritted, Kirk crawled over to the couch onhis hands and knees and retrieved the phaser. "Lieutenant," he gasped, sitting on the floor with the weapon pointedat her and fighting the despe rate urge to cradle his injured parts, "Ipromise you, if you ever do that to me again, I'll have youcourt-martialed." Uhura looked at him uncertainly; Kirk's eyes were full of nothing but pain. "Captain, is that really you, sir?" "I won't do it." McCoy's arms were wrapped tightly about himself in adisplay of defensiveness. "I won't stay. I can't believe that you'residing with him on this." "Nobody's taking sides." Anitra stood in front of the hot spring,wearing a long, hooded cloak over the soft suit Soft wisps of steamfloated over her reflection in the water; her expression was one oftaut control, perhaps out of unconscious emulation of the others."Don't you understand how dangerous this is?" "Of course. I've always known. I just can't understand why the two ofyou would gang up on me--" "Now you're getting paranoid." "Maybe I have a right to be." Anitra sighed and looked into the water. "Don't be ridiculous. Idon't want to leave you behind any more than you want to stay. But didit ever occur to you that Spock might be right? It's bad enough thathe and I have to risk ourselves by going into the capital--but there'sno reason for you to risk yourself." "To be with you," McCoy said, "is reason enough." She smiled sadly at him. "But it isn't logical." He started to saysomething, but she rested her fingertips gently on his lips. "Trythinking that way just for once, Len. If you went with us andsomething happened to you, I could never forgive myself." He caught her hand. "And if something happened to you, and I wasn'tthere to stop it.. ." "I'll be all right," she said, turning away, "I'll be with Spock." "I would like to remedy that," he said. "Please. Promise me you'llstay. It'll only be for a little while." "All right," McCoy lied."I'll stay." "Sorry I had to rush you like that," Kirk said, putting down thephaser. "I still don't understand, sir," Uhura said. "You were one of them.What happened?" "You tell me, Lieutenant. What did you do to me?" "Nothing, sir. Mr. Spock had to stun you. I ran into him in thecorridor and he took me back to auxiliary. It seems Ensign Lanter istelepathic and she warned him mentally before we got there that youwere in auxiliary. They put you in the lounge, sir, and put Mr. Spock's mother somewhere else. That was about a day and a half ago. Ijust can't understand why you're yourself again." Kirk stared at the lounge and shook his head. "Well, I suppose we'llhave to brain the entire crew and shove them in there and see if itworks." "With four hundred crew members, that might take a little while,Captain." "More than that, Lieutenant. What's the status of the ship?" "We're drifting, sir. Spock sabotaged the engines." He nodded in approval. "Good. Did Spock and the others make it out ofhere safely?" "I have no way of knowing for sure, sir, but if they did, they must beon Vulcan by now." "What about communications?" "All out, sir. Ensign Lanter sabotaged them." "Very good," Kirk murmured. "So ... a crippled ship, no communications, and a murderous crew. Looks like we've gotour work cut out for us, Uhura. Too bad Spock's not here." "We'll manage without him, sir." He grinned at her. "What do you suggest for starters, Lieutenant?" "For starters? Well, just what you said." Kirk frowned. "Brain the whole crew," she said, and giggled. McCoy cleared his throat, but the Vulcan youth did not stir; he sat infront of the steaming, hot spring, his eyes closed in serenemeditation. "Excuse me," McCoy said. The Vulcan opened his eyes. "I need some equipment for crossing the desert," McCoy said. "It is too dangerous for humans." The Vulcan closed his eyes again. McCoy persisted. "Look, I've heard all that before. And I'm goinganyway. Now, will you help me or not?" The Vulcan looked up at him. "Your friends asked the High Master forpermission for you to stay here. I have heard it said that there isdanger outside Gol. Why do you wish to leave?" "I have been left here against my will." "Your friends are trying to protect you." "I don't want to be protected!" McCoy kicked the stone floor inexasperation; a small puff of red dust rose. "I would prefer to riskdanger in order to be with my friends. They're risking dangerthemselves, and I want to help." He eyed the youth warily. "Maybe that's something youVulcans can't understand." Soltar looked up at him sharply. "I do understand. As I said before,we aren't keeping you here against your will." "No .. . but you would let me go out into the desert without anyprotection." It seemed for a moment that Soltar would sigh, but he caught himself intime. "If I help you, I will have to inform the High Master." "You can do that after I'm gone." The Vulcan started to protest, butMcCoy cut him off. "There's no time. My friends have already left. IfI lose their trail, I'll be lost myself on the desert." The Vulcan rose with an air of resignation. "I can bring you what youneed so that you will not lose your way. Stay here. I will returnshortly." "Thanks," McCoy said, grinning. "Thanks very much." Sunset. The air was cooling quickly, but McCoy still feltuncomfortably warm in his soft suit and cloak. The boots Soltar hadbrought made navigating the sand dunes far easier; even so, his ankleached dully with each step. It was just as well that he had waitedbefore following Spock and Anitra; it had occurred to him that once hegot close enough, Anitra might be able to sense his presence. Hepulled the old-fashioned compass from a hidden pocket in the cloak, andoriented himself until he faced east-northeast, the direction whereShanaiKahr lay. In the fading light, it gave him comfort to see twosets of footsteps heading in the same direction; the wind, which had howled so devilishly only an hourbefore, had stilled itself just before sunset so that their trail hadnot yet been erased. Somewhere, beyond his line of vision, Spock and Anitra were together.He tried to imagine what they were talking about, and was instantlyengulfed by an irrational wave of jealousy. McCoy tried to clear hishead; Anitra was probably too far away, but such a precaution couldn'thurt. He concentrated on his pace; they would outdistance him soon ifhe wasn't careful, and he had no intention of losing them. The windwould stir up soon and erase their footsteps in the sand; McCoy onlyhoped that Spock's instincts were as good as the compass. He continued across the sand for some time, breathing heavily from hisquickened pace, as the sky darkened and the desert faded slowly to anindistinct gray. The first soft, tentative breeze rustled his cloakand carried the sharp, metallic cry of ale matya. The sound wasuncomfortably close, and McCoy stepped up his pace; a moving target, atleast, had a better chance. The le matya screamed again; only this time, it was closer. "Wait." Anitra stiffened and stopped dead in the sand. Spock waitednext to her, listening. "Ale matya," he said, "but not close enough tobe a threat." Anitra's face was hidden within the hood of her cloak. "That's not it.It's McCoy." Spock raised an eyebrow. "Over there." She pointed in the direction of the le matya's scream. She broke into a run, and Spock followed; beyond the slow, slopingrise of one dune, and then another, was McCoy, cloaked as they were.Even though he was covered by the loose folds of his garment, Anitracould see that his body was tensed; he had drawn the ahn vahr thatSoltar had provided, and his whole attention was focused on the squat,muscular reptile facing him. Spock cupped his hands around his mouth and gave a short, eerie cry.The le matya turned dully in his direction and sniffed the air with itstongue. "Doctor," Spock called, "do not move." But it was too late. McCoy broke into a run the moment the creaturewas distracted. Spock directed another cry at the le matya, but it wastoo enraged by the thought of its dinner fleeing. It leaned back ontwo mighty, rippling haunches and pounced. "No," Anitra screamed, but it was carried off by the wind. Spock fired; the brilliant beam from the phaser split the darkness.... But McCoy never saw it. Chapter Ten anitra flew to McCoy's side and dropped to her knees. "Thank God," shemurmured. The doctor sat, conscious but dazed, in the sand. Spock came over. "Are you all right, Doctor?" McCoy nodded, half breathless. "I'm okay. It just knocked the windout of me, that's all." Spock helped the doctor to his feet. "I know what you're going to say." McCoy was already on the defensive."I'm already causing you to lose more time again. But dammit, it was asimple case of bad luck. It could have happened to any of us." "It would not have happened at all," Spock said stonily, "if you hadnot disobeyed a direct order. And I am amazed at your capacity forrecurring 'bad luck'." His eyes scanned the doctor briefly. "Anyscratches?" "No. I'm glad you came when you did." McCoy looked at Anitra. "Didyou know it was me?" She put a hand on his arm. "Fear travels a long way." He smiled. "I had enough to get to ShanaiKahr and back. Thanks fornoticing." He wobbled slightly. "What is it?" Anitra said, alarmed. "It's nothing." McCoy wiped a sudden trickle of cold sweat from hisforehead. Spock caught him before he fell and eased him gently to the ground. "What's wrong with him?" Anitra cried. Spock examined McCoy's limp form and pointed to the small scratch onthe doctor's wrist where tiny beads of blood were already congealing inthe dry air. "The scratch of ale matya is quite poisonous." "Maybe so mething in the medikit--" Anitra suggested. Spock shook his head. "The poison requires a specific antidote.Without it, he will die." Anitra fought to keep her voice from trembling. "How soon?" "The cut is superficial... an hour, perhaps two." "An hour--" The words caught in her throat. "Do you think we could gethim to a doctor by then?" "Possibly. But transporting him is dangerous. It could speed thespread of the poison." "I'll go to the city, then." Anitra was resolute. "I'll bringsomeone." "No. I am more familiar with the city. I know where the healerlives." "Then tell me. I would know if the healer is safe to bring back here."She paused, and in perfect imitation of him, said, "I am the logicalchoice." Spock looked down at McCoy's pale face. "Very well," he said. "Butyou must hurry." McCoy shivered as the wind swept over him. Spock was sitting so as toblock the wind as much as possible, but it still was not enough; he tucked the doctor's cloak more tightlyabout him and raised the hood so that it sheltered McCoy's face fromthe wind and sand. Precisely forty-seven minutes ago, Anitra had left,and McCoy had been mercifully unconscious the entire time until amoment before when the delirium had started. Spock had only twice before seen the effects of ale matya'spoison--once, on a pet; the other time, during the ordeal of theKahswan, on a childhood friend. Neither had received help in time tosurvive. Spock knew that while the poison might affect humans somewhatdifferently, the doctor would no doubt suffer greatly. McCoy's face had already turned a distressing shade of gray, and hismuscles spasmed periodically, then relaxed, trembling from the effort.His eyelids fluttered, but never opened quite long enough for him tofocus on anything. He was speaking now, but the words were so slurredthat Spock could barely make them out. "Anitra," he said. "Don't go. Don't.. ." "She will be back soon," Spock said. "Don't speak." "Sorry," McCoy mumbled. "Didn't mean to ... didn't mean to .. ." Hetried to pull himself up, but Spock held him down gently. "It wasn't your fault you were injured," Spock said, although hedoubted the doctor heard or understood. "My fault," said McCoy. "Didn't mean to love her.. ." Hardly something to apologize for, Spock thought. "You mustn't hurt her, understand? Can't let you hurt her--" McCoybroke off, shaken by another spasm of pain. "Isn't fair .. . isn'tfair to her. Too many people ... trying to make her into ... somethingshe's not.. .." Spock listened in the darkness. "I shall keep it in mind, Doctor," hesaid softly, "... if she ever makes it back." Kirk crouched inside the darkened doorway to Scott's inner sleepchamber, waiting for the moment when the engineer would be off duty. Hehad picked the lock to the engineer's quarters and carefully relockedthe door behind him. He had been squatting patiently in the dim light,his phaser drawn, for a good fifteen minutes before he heard the doorslide open. His grip on the phaser tightened and he half rose, ready to fire, butstopped before his finger squeezed the trigger. Tomson entered the outer room. She wore her phaser, an accoutrementnot all that unusual for a security chief, but the Klingon dagger--abrutal, three-pronged weapon outlawed in Federation territory --was.She walked slowly about the outer office; she, too, was clearlysearching for a place to hide. As she neared Kirk, she paused, and thesudden deliberation with which she moved alerted him to the fact thathis presence had been detected. Before she reached either weapon shewore, Kirk had already fired his. She slumped to the ground. He stood over her for a moment, thinking. He could drag her outside Scott's quarters and hide her somewhere, with thehopes that Scott would not arrive while Kirk was gone. However, therewas also the chance that she might regain consciousness before Scottarrived, and return to reveal Kirk's presence. He decided not to risk either scenario. He pulled his security chiefup over his shoulder. At six feet six inches, she made an awkwardbundle; her upper torso hung all the way down his back, and her thinplatinum hair, unraveled from its customary knot and hanging forward,swept the floor. Kirk wobbled a bit at first, but managed. He was quite unable to suppress the smug feeling that he had justgotten even with something. Anitra ran--flew--over the desert dunes. The wind filled the back andsleeves of the cloak, which she had permitted to fall open, and theyflapped and billowed; her hood had long ago fallen back, and she lether hair stream quite unselfconsciously. The thought occurred to herthat removing the cloak would reduce wind drag, but she could not letherself take the time even for that. It took her less than an hour to reach the outskirts of the city; inthe distance, the multiple pale domes of the academy shone weakly. Shestopped for a moment to remember Spock's directions and orientherself. The sky was virtually empty of traffic, and she was the only pedestrianon the sand streets. She waved to the occasional skimmer that passedoverhead, but none stopped, and she wished she had thought to ask Spockthe Vulcan gesture for hitchhiking. Fortunately, the fourth skimmer that passed stopped in the sky and gently lowered itself beside her. She couldsee just well enough in the darkness to make out a smiling human face,and she lowered her screens long enough to sense the absence of evil. She returned the smile and climbed into the skimmer. The hatch lowered as Anitra settled back into her seat; in the glowfrom the control panel, she was able to make out her host's face. Shewould have climbed right back out if they hadn't already been a hundredfeet off the ground. "I never thought to see you again," Roy said. If possible, he wasdrunker than he had been the last time they had met. "I knew it wasyou the minute you smiled. I've never seen a smile like yours." The much-touted smile froze on her face. "Roy, isn't it?" He beamed, pleased that she should remember. "That's right. Aren'tyou gonna tell me yours?" "Anitra." "Anitra. That's a pretty name." She started to protest, then thought better of it. "Roy, you couldreally help me. I have a "friend in trouble--" "Not one of them you was with last time," Roy growled. "I don't owethem nothing." "No," she lied. "Someone else ... a girlfriend of mine. She got hurtout in the desert. I have to get a healer." "Hurt, huh? Not bad, I hope." "Bad," Anitra said. "We've got to hurry." She pointed. "Over in thatdirection." "The suburbs, of course." Roy hiccupped. "I suppose I could head thisbaby in that direction." "Thank you," she said fervently. He squeezed his eyes at her sideways. "You know, I hope you're notstill mad about what happened." Anitra bit her lip and decided it would be best to stay on Roy's goodside. "Not at all. I notice you're still on Vulcan. I thought youwere just on shore leave." "I decided to extend it," Roy said darkly. "Funny things are going onwith the crew--kind of a mutiny, you could say. I thought it'd besafer to stay behind. Of course, it's been getting weird enough aroundhere these days. Vulcans killing Vulcans now, they say. Things likethat haven't happened for thousands of years." He glanced at her in the darkness, but she sat absorbed in her ownthoughts. "I might ask you what you were doing out in the desert at night. It'snever been too safe out there." "That's why we need the help," Anitra said drily. "Look, the importantthing is that we get the healer. We can talk later." "Suit yourself." They flew along in silence for a moment; Anitraleaned back and watched,hypnotized by the sight of the city passing by beneath them. "Wait a minute," she said. "We've passed it." Roy did not seem to hear. "Turn around. It's back behind us." Roy continued flying without a word. "Hey." A note of anger crept into Anitra's voice. "Where do you thinkyou're taking me?" Roy leered at her. "We'll get you to your healer. I'm just taking the... scenic route." He leaned over and put his huge hand on herthigh. Anitra's hand sought the phaser hidden in the folds of her cloak andclosed on it. "Turn this craft around," she said, pulling the phaserout. Roy's initial astonishment gave way to amused confidence. "Now, lookhere, honey, you're just a little nervous. I know you wouldn't usethat thing on me." "I'm with Star Fleet Intelligence, you mouth breathing idiot, and I'lldo whatever I have to do to get to a healer. Now turn this goddamnthing around before I blow you away and do it myself." "Holy .. ." Roy said. The skimmer came about in a wide arc. Anitra stood outside the stone wall and pounded on the wooden gate.Vulcans, Spock had told her, rarely, if ever, locked anything, but thehealer's doors were sealed shut against intruders. She called outseveral times, but could not be sure that her cries were not swallowedby the wind. When she was on the verge of tears and utter desperation, her faceleaning against the smooth, polished gate, she heard a voice on theother side of the gate. "Go away," the healer cried. "Leave me in peace." "I'm not dangerous," Anitra called. "I don't want to hurt you. Myfriend was attacked by ale matya on the desert and needs your help." "Say what you will," came the voice. It was thin, reedy, aged. "Iwill not open the door. Go." Anitra's voice rose, impassioned. "You must. My friend will die ifyou do not come!" "You are like all the others. Emotional, violent--" "I'm not like all the others. If I sound emotional, it'sbecause I'mTerran and my friend is dying. Please hurry. We don't have time toargue--" "I will not come." The healer's voice was cold and distant; already hewas moving away from the gate. Anitra sobbed without tears; her face still pressed against the coolgate, she could hear the steps of the healer, walking away. "Stop!" she called. "If you won't come, then throw me the le matya'santidote over the wall. Do that and I will leave you alone." There was a silence on the other side of the wall, and she was surethat the healer had gone, already out of earshot. She bowed her headin frustration, but then a voice said on the other side of the fence,"Your friend--is he also Terran?" "Yes," she said. Her eyes burned with sudden tears. She heard the soft sound of sand squeaking under his footsteps as hewent into the house. A moment later, a small object sailed over thewall onto the sand. The wind began to roll it across the ground.Anitra chased it a short distance and picked it up. "When you open the vial," the healer called, "inside you will find ahypospray. Use it on your friend and he will live if it is not toolate." "Thank you," Anitra said. "Thank you." But the healer had already gone back into his house. There were three long buzzes at the door--the code Kirk and Uhura hadagreed upon--and Kirk walked over to the door and stood next to it, hisback pressed against the wall. He pushed the panel Anitra had riggedto open the door. Uhura entered, and Kirk relaxed visibly--but she was alone. "You're late," he said. "Where's Sulu?" "I got him without any trouble, Captain, but I need your help ingetting him back here. The problem was carrying him down the emergencyshaft--" She broke off as Tomson, locked inside the lounge, burst intoanother tirade of unspeakable threats and obscenities. "Sir, thatcertainly doesn't sound like Mr. Scott." "It's not," Kirk answered. "It seems that Lieutenant Tomson hadplanned her own little surprise for Mr. Scott. Only I was luckyenough to get there first." Uhura's eyes widened uncertainly. "Tell me where Sulu is," Kirk said. "I'll go get him." "I'll go with you, sir," said Uhura. "I'd rather you didn't goalone." "There's no point in risking both of us, Lieutenant." "I know, sir, but I'd rather go with you than stay here and listen tothat." She nodded in Tomson's direction. Kirk made a wry face. "You have a point there, Lieutenant." She led him to the emergency shaft that opened just outside C deck, thelevel of the officers' quarters. "You'll find him at the top of theshaft, Captain." Kirk entered the shaft first and began to climb the rungs; Uhurafollowed. Before he could make it all the way up, he saw that Sulu wasindeed at the top. Brandishing a fencing foil, he leaned threateninglyover Kirk's head. "How refreshing," Sulu gloated. "Another innocent victim." Kirk looked down between his feet at Uhura. "Uhura, get out of here!He's come to." She did not budge. "Lieutenant, that's an order. Move it! Do you hear me?" "Oh, I hear you, Captain," she said sweetly, smiling up at him as shetrained her phaser on him. "I hear you. But you see, Sulu's promisedme a chance to feed." Spock could see the skimmer lights approaching from some distance away,and from the vessel's heading he was able to surmise that it washeading straight for them. He could only hope that when someoneemerged, it would be Anitra. Fortunately, it was. She was attended by a tall, muscular human malewho impressed Spock with his singularly unintelligent expression. Hehung back near the skimmer, but Anitra ran to McCoy's sideimmediately. "How is he?" "He's been in a coma for the last five-point-three minutes," Spocksaid. "I am uncertain whether he can be revived." Anitra found the hypospray and emptied it into the doctor's arm, butMcCoy remained ashen and scarcely breathing. "It's not working." Alarmed, she looked up at Spock. "Give it time," Spock said. He ran the mediscanner over McCoy andchecked the results, then looked at Anitra. "His heartbeat is getting stronger." Anitra sighed and sank back into the sand. "You lied to me," Roy muttered from a distance. "You said your friendwas a woman, but this is the jerk who knocked my tooth out." Spock raised an eyebrow. "You must be mistaken, sir." Anitra turned on Roy. "If I'd told you the truth, would you havecome?" "Probably not," Roy admitted. "Well, I'm grateful you did," said Anitra. "I can't tell you howmuch." Abashed, Roy looked at his feet and mumbled somethingincomprehensible. McCoy's eyelids fluttered. "Doctor," Spock said, "can you hear me?" There was no answer. "Doctor--" "I hear you, Spock," McCoy said weakly. "You don't have to shout." "I was hardly shouting, Doctor.. .." McCoy moaned as he sat up and put his head in his hands. "Argh. Whata hangover. What happened?" "The le matya scratched you," Spock said. "You're lucky to havesurvived." "Just a scratch did this?" Spock nodded. "It has venom sacs in its claws. Anitra went to thecapital to procure some antivenin--" "So that's what's making me sonauseous," McCoy groaned. "Hmm," said Spock. "I believe that the idiom 'the shoe is on the other foot' is rather applicable here." "My hypos never made you nauseous, Spock," McCoy said, with a small,vehement burst of energy. "That was all in your head." "I see," Spock replied. "Just as it is in your head now. Regardlessof all that, the antidote Anitra obtained saved your life." Anitra blushed. "Actually, Roy was responsible. I wouldn't have madeit back in time if he hadn't--" "Oh, my God ..." McCoy paled again as he looked behind Spock andAnitra at Roy. "I knew it. I've died and gone to hell. My grandmaalways told me this would happen, but I never believed it.. .." Roy growled and retreated closer toward his skimmer to show that thefeeling was mutual. "Am I to understand that you know this gentleman, Doctor?" "Damn straight. The sucker insulted Anitra and gave me a black eye." "And you cost me a tooth," Roy started to protest loudly. "A drunken brawl," Spock said with a contemptuous air, "in a touristbar--" Anitra stamped her foot. "Shut up, all of you! And you, Doctor--hesaved your life. He gave me a ride back here. The least you could dois thank him." "Thank him," McCoy scoffed weakly. "Not on your life." Spock leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Doctor, I suggest youtreat the young gentleman with more respect. He has a skimmer, whichwe can use to get to the academy." "I'd rather die in the desert," McCoy asserted. "If you would, then you will die alone," Spock said. "I, for one, muchprefer to take a skimmer rather than continue our journey on foot." McCoy considered the alternative for a moment, then turned andaddressed himself to Roy, looking for all the worlds as if he hadsomething extremely unsavory in his mouth. "Say there .. Roy, is it? Ididn't mean to be hasty just then. Maybe we can let bygones bebygones.. .." Roy let them out in front of the Vulcan Science Academy well beforedawn. McCoy stepped shakily from the skimmer, Anitra and Spock each holdingonto an arm. "Well, where is it?" Spock looked at him quizzically. "The academy," McCoy repeated. "Where is it?" "This is it, Doctor." McCoy looked at the tall, domed buildings stretching out to infinity inevery direction. "This isn't an academy, Spock--this is a city." "It is nearly twice the size of Star Fleet Academy, Doctor, if that iswhat you're comparing it to." The rows of buildings seemed identicalto McCoy, but Spock seemed to know where he was going. He led them,over blessedly un shifting rock, for what seemed to McCoy aninterminably long time, until he brought them to the door of one of thebuildings. McCoy could not understand how Spock had managed to tell itfrom any of the others, for the buildings were not numbered; he knew hewould never be able to find his way back alone. In spite of the ungodliness of the hour, the door was unlocked andopened easily. Spock and Anitra drew their phasers; Spock went first,Anitra behind, still clutching McCoy's upper arm with one hand in agesture of support. But the halls were empty and quiet. McCoy gave silent thanks for thesmooth stone floors, easily navigable in the darkness. Spock led themto a downward staircase; from the first landing they came to, they sawa light coming from that floor, and two Vulcans talking calmly in thehall. The Vulcans turned, saw them, and moved quickly into one of theoffices. "They're all right," said Anitra. "I think they're more worried aboutus." They continued walking downward until McCoy's knees began to ache. Atlast, the stairs went no further. Spock led them to a large room onthe right and touched the wall. The room filled with light. "This is one of the medical labs," Spock said. "I believe it is one ofthe best equipped." "No kidding." McCoy whistled. Some of the equipment he could not evenrecognize. It made sickbay on the Enterprise look quaintlyold-fashioned. "I thought you might find it interesting," Spock continued. He pressedanother panel on the wall and gray metal walls slid out, covering theold stone ones. The door behind him disappeared. "What are you doing?" McCoy asked. "The lab can be sealed or opened by using this panel," Spock answered.A safety feature--in case of a radioactive leak during certainexperiments. It cannot be opened, however, from the outside." "Lucky for us," McCoy muttered. "You'll find a food synthesizer here," Spock said. "You'll haveeverything you need. " "You're not going," Anitra said. It was a question. "Our experiments would be quite useless without a subject." "You think you're going out there alone to bring *] someone back?"McCoy asked. "You're hardly in shape to assist, Doctor," Spock said, with more thana hint of sarcasm. McCoy did not dispute it; his ankle still slowedhim down, and he was still weak and queasy from the le matya poison--orwas it the antidote? "You're right," he said unhappily. "You can't go without me," Anitra said. "I'm the one best suited forfinding someone--" "I already know of someone infected," said Spock. "But who--" Anitra broke off as she realized the answer. "Yourfather?" Spock confirmed her guess by ignoring the question. "I shall attemptto procure a skimmer so that the trip does not take long. I do notintend to walk across the desert this time." "That's insane!" McCoy exploded. "Your father will kill you, Spock.We know how dangerous he is." "We can't let you risk something like that," Anitra chimed in. "Itmakes more sense to use someone in the capital." Spock gazed at them both calmly. "We already know that my father isaffected. Therefore, Anitra need not risk herself. Secondly, we knowwhere he is likely to be, so we do not need to waste time searching for him. Thirdly, his sphere of influence is enormous; he can causetremendous harm to the planet. That alone is an important reason tostop him." "You're going all the way out to your parents' house to bring himback?" McCoy asked. "Spock, I think that's the most illogical thingyou've ever suggested." A minute change in Spock's expression indicated that the insult hadregistered. "It is not far by skimmer, Doctor. And the testing may,at times, be quite dangerous for the subject. Are you willing toinflict that on an unconsenting stranger?" "It's a chance for them--" "There's a risk in any type of testing. I know that my father would bewilling to take the risk." McCoy shook his head. "It still doesn't make sense to me." "All right," Anitra said. "You can go--as long as I go with you." "No," said Spock. "We need you to set up the lab." "McCoy can handle it." Spock sighed. "You know best what type of experiments to set up for.Admitted, my father is dangerous. But we cannot risk losing you,Anitra. If the two of us are killed, Vulcan's fate is in the hands ofMcCoy." The two of them turned and looked at the doctor. Anitra sighed. "I suppose you're right," she said. "Well, thanks a lot for the vote of confidence," McCoy said. Spock ignored him. "Before you let me in again," he said to Anitra,"use the mind link. Understand?" She nodded as he pushed the panel. The door opened briefly, thenclosed behind him. "We're crazy to let him go," McCoy said to her. "The whole thing is crazy," said Anitra. "But I know why he has togo." McCoy looked at her. "It's a family thing," she said. "He is responsible to stop Sarekbefore he kills again." Chapter Eleven kirk took a deep breath and let go of the rungs. His momentum knockedUhura and she fell, squawking, beneath him. She struck the landingfirst, but did not entirely break his fall. He fell sideways acrossher, his back and side striking the floor. For a moment he laystunned, the wind knocked out of him, but the memory of Sulu galvanizedhim into action. He stood up, sucked in a deep breath and winced--arib was broken. Still unconscious, Uhura lay half in the shaft landing, half in thecorridor, and Kirk bent over her, but the sound of Sulu climbing downthe shaft stopped him. He found Uhura's phaser on the other side ofthe corridor and picked it up--no point in leaving it for Sulu. Sulu stepped over Uhura with a singular lack of concern for his injuredcomrade and faced Kirk in the corridor. He carried the long rapier inhis teeth. Kirk noticed he also wore a phaser, and he decided to firehis own before Sulu could get to it. Sulu fell. Kirk leaned against the wall, gasping, each breath exquisite misery. Helooked at the corridor; he was on C deck, officers' quarters, and damnlucky that no one had been passing by to see what had happened. C deck usually bustledwith activity, but now it was silent, as though those who frequentedits halls had shut themselves away. Kirk deemed it a good thing, ashis broken rib ruled out any possibility of carrying two bodies downthe emergency shaft to auxiliary. He tried to bend down toward Uhura, gave it up, and knelt, his backramrod straight, beside her. Her pupils were not dilated, and shewould probably come to shortly, although he could not be sure without amediscanner. She seemed to have no serious injuries, save for a wristthat was already swelling to alarming proportions. He rose withdifficulty. Slowly, grimacing, he grabbed Sulu's ankles and began dragging him inthe direction of his quarters. The security system was still on, but the gate yielded to Spock's code.He felt a faint surprise; he had fully expected Sarek to change it, butapparently his father did not fear his return. It was quite possible,Spock reflected glumly, that he welcomed it. He walked slowly through the gate and did not flinch as it closedbehind him. Before him, the door to the house opened invitingly. Thesensors recognized him, welcomed him, anticipated his every move, andif Sarek was taking the trouble to monitor them, then he also knew hisson was here. And he was waiting. Spock came to a halt at the sight of the central room. Even in theweak light, he could see things that were disturbing. The portrait ofmother and son hung right side up in its proper place, but it had beenslashed on the diagonal with a sharp weapon. The furniture had not been disturbed, but the large white sofa that his mother hadbrought with her from Terra was stained with huge splotches of darkgreen. Spock's eyes followed the blood across the soft carpet and backtoward the guest rooms. In the gray light, it was impossible for himto tell how old the stains were; he walked over to the sofa and touchedit with his hand. It was cool and dry. Unconsciously, he wiped hishand on his pants as he stood quiet, listening. All within was silence. With careful steps he moved to the garden window, to see if Sarek wasin his customary place of meditation, but the stone bench was empty. It occurred to him then that his father might be dead. He forced himself to follow the bloody trail back to the guest rooms.It led to the room where Anitra had slept. Standing before the door,he became uncomfortably aware of the smell, and had to argue withhimself for a full minute before he was able to go in. When the body pitched forward, he jumped backward a good three feet. The corpse that hit the carpeted floor with a soft thud was that of amiddle-aged Vulcan male whom Spock recognized as one of Sarek'sacquaintances from the academy. Rigor mortis had already set in, andin the heat there was already the subtle scent of incipient decay.Spock did not bother to examine him to determine the cause of death; healready knew more than he cared to about how the man had died. Hebacked away from the corpse without touching it, calm, but beneath theoverlay of logic there was a growing thread of fear and revulsion, alow hum, like the soft beating of insects' wings. It increased as he made his way back to the central area. The door tohis parents' bedroom was open, and he went inside. Unlike the otherrooms, all was in order here--the room was neat--too neat, as though ithad not been inhabited for several days. On the low dresser acrossfrom the untouched bed was a hologram of Spock's parents Sarek sternin full ambassadorial dress, Amanda smiling beside him. Spock stoodgazing at the picture, captivated for a moment by the way they hadbeen. There was a sound from outside the room, soft, almost inaudible, butenough to make Spock spin about toward the door with the phaser. No one was there. The sound had emanated from another room, mostlikely Sarek's study. The door to the study was closed. Spock walked toward it silentlyuntil he stood as close as he possibly could without opening it. Heaimed the phaser at chest level and charged. The sight of his father made him freeze. Sarek sat at his terminal,slumped down in the chair, and for a moment, Spock thought he wasanother corpse until he stirred, struggling to speak. His skin wasdrained of color, and his eyes were sunken above deep circles. Helooked at his son, and it seemed to Spock that the eyes belonged onceagain to his father. They were trying to tell him something, but Spockcould not interpret the message--for although they were Sarek's eyes,they were at the same time different, clouded with alien emotions Spockhad never seen in his father before fear and pleading. Sarek attempted to lift his head, but the effort required was too greatand he let it fall back again. His lips worked silently for a moment before he was able to form words. "Help me," he said. "Father?" Spock said. He moved closer; Sarek did not stir in hischair. "Help me," Sarek croaked. "What do you want me to do?" Spock asked. "Help me up," Sarek said. He extended a trembling hand. Spock reached for the hand--then stopped. He stood helplessly for amoment, teetering on the edge of indecision. Sarek spoke again, his voice gentle, persuasive, the voice of adiplomat. "Don't fear me, Spock. You do not need to fight me anylonger." For the first time in his life, Spock acted on a sheer hunch. Heraised the phaser at Sarek. Sarek's eyes bored into his. "Put the phaser down, Spock. You willnot harm me. You are my son." "You are n ot my father," Spock said. Sarek closed his eyes and sighed heavily. The sun was beginning toclear the shadows from the room, and Spock could see the lines etchedin his father's face. Sarek spoke again, his voice deep withweariness. "If I am not your father, then who am I?" "I do not know. But my father does not kill." Spock steeled himselfto fire the phaser; any further conversation with the demon would bepointless, not to mention hazardous. But before he did, Sarek groaned, clutching at his heart, and crumpledfurther into the chair. Spock could not resist the instinct to leancloser to his father, and at that instant, Sarek knocked the phaserfrom his hand with a mighty blow. Spock watched as it sailed across the room.The chair fell backward as Sarek, miraculously recovered, rose to hisfeet. A thought flashed across Spock's mind. In a contest of sheer strength,he was no match for his father. Spock scrambled for the phaser and almost succeeded, but Sarek kickedhim in the jaw with such force that it sent him flying backward. Heshook his head to clear it and once again made a move for the phaser.Sarek lunged at him, forcing him to roll quickly out of the way. Spock had hoped that it would not come to this he had already promisedhimself that he would not harm Sarek--or more precisely, Sarek'sbody. "Father," he said and reached out mentally, desperately, to see ifanything of his father remained. Sarek stopped momentarily and blinked. But all Spock found was darkness and a black terror that made him tearaway in fear that it would veil his own mind. Sarek roared and charged; Spock, still recovering from his attempt tocontact his father, reacted a split second too slowly. Sarek caughthim and threw him against the stone wall. There was a sharp crack asSpock's head impacted with the wall. He slid, unconscious, to theground. "So what do you think our chances are?" McCoy asked. Anitra was busy checking the calibration on the decompression chamberand did not look up. "Of what?" "Of making it out of here. "She looked up at him. "What, out of themedical lab?" "You're getting to be more like Spock every day," McCoy notedirritably. "Getting too literal. You know what I mean. Surviving.Finding a way to get rid of those things." Anitra studied the gauge dispassionately. "What kind of question isthat, Doctor? Would you like me to do what Spock does and calculatethe odds for you?" "God, no. I suppose I was just trying to find a little reassurance." She sighed and gave up her attempt at working. "Frankly, Doctor, Idon't see any point in talking about our chances. I think such talk isfar too depressing." "I see," McCoy said, disheartened. "Don't get me wrong. There are plenty of Vulcan scientists out there,probably many of them doing what we are now. Eventually, someone willcome up with a solution." "Eventually," said McCoy, "may be too late." "Exactly my point," she said, folding her arms in front of her. "That'swhy I was trying to get this damn thing calibrated. Now are you goingto help me or not?" McCoy had two choices to get angry or to laugh and help her. Helaughed. "That's better." She brightened. "You've had a pretty roughtime on Vulcan so far, haven't you?" "It's not a nice place to visit. God forbid I should live here." She laughed; it had a startlingly lovely effect on her features, and he walked over to smooth her hair with his hand. Shedid not protest. "What can I do to help?" he asked, smiling. "You're the boss in the medical lab," she admitted. "I'm more at homewith physics. But you might want to check on the radiation shields inthe isolation chamber." "Will do." McCoy went over to the control console. As he beganworking, his brow furrowed. He began to say something, then stoppedhimself. "All right," Anitra said. "What is it?" "Well ... I hate to keep bringing up morbid subjects, but what happensif Spock doesn't make it back?" "He'll make it back," Anitra said firmly. "Telepathy is a fact," McCoy said, "but I've never believed inprecognition. You don't know that, Anitra." "I know Spock," she said simply. "I know he'll find a way to make itback." "And if he doesn't?" Her expression saddened and she looked away. "Then we go out and findourselves a subject, Doctor. What else would you expect us to do?" He got up and walked up behind her chair. "Look, I'm sorry if I'mupsetting you.. .." He put his hands on her shoulders. She leaned back against him. "I'm not upset." "You're right about Spock. I'm sure he'll make it." He leaned forwardand kissed her. She returned the kiss, but after a moment, pulled outof the embrace. "Hey," he said, "is there something wrong? I thought before that..." She sat up straight and turned to face him. "No offense, Len, but wedo have important work to do. We can't afford to take time outfor--" "Little wonder you have an ulcer," McCoy teased gently, trying not tosound injured. He raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Noproblem. I'll just go back to my console and look pitiful." "You do that," she said, all business. They worked in uncomfortable silence for a time. Suddenly, Anitrastood up so quickly that her chair scuttled backward and nearly toppledover. McCoy looked up in alarm. "What's wrong?" Fear clutched at her throat so tightly that she was barely able tosqueeze the words out. "It's Spock." "What's wrong? Is he hurt?" "He .. ." she gasped, unable to get enough air to speak, "... hesimply isn't there anymore." "What the devil are you talking about?" "We--we mind linked some time ago. That way each is aware of the otherat all times; each can know if the other becomes affected or is indanger." McCoy took her hand and tried to calm her. "I know, Spock told us...." She looked up at him and blinked back tears. "Don't you understand?He's gone." "Take it easy," said McCoy. "All right, he might be dead. But couldsomething else break the link? Could something else have happened?" Anitra took a deep breath and concentrated. In a voice that was muchcalmer, she said, "He can't dissolve the link without my presence, sothere's no way he can consciously break it. He might beunconscious." "Asleep, maybe?" "No, not asleep. I would know his dreams." McCoy raised his eyebrows but said nothing. "He's either dead or unconscious. If it's the latter, it means he'shurt somewhere." She pulled her hand away from McCoy and went over tothe panel and pressed it. The metal walls began to recede. "And I'mnot going to sit here and wonder which one it is." "Now, just wait a minute," McCoy called, frowning. Anitra shot him a look that dared him to stop her. "I'm coming with you," he said meekly. There had come a merciful hour of silence when Tomson had stoppedranting, and Kirk had been grateful for the silence. He drifted off tosleep until he was awakened by a small, persistent knocking. "Is anyone out there?" Tomson called. Kirk rose stiffly to his feet and swore as the broken rib reminded himof its presence. He went to the console and checked the chronometer;it had been roughly twenty-eight hours since the security chief hadbeen incarcerated. He went over to the lounge door and opened it, butnot without first drawing his phaser as a precautionary measure. Tomson sat on the floor by the door, looking particularly pathetic anddisheveled. Her uniform had bunched up around her waist, and theretentive bun she wore her hair in had disintegrated into a mass ofpins and tangles. "Sir?" she said curiously, and out of a sense of military protocolbegan straightening her hair and uniform. The response was so typicalof Tomson that Kirk hung the phaser back on his belt and helped her to her feet. "If you don't mind my asking, Captain, how the hell did I get inthere?" "It's a long story," Kirk said, grinning with the relief that he was nolonger the only sane human on board. "Too long." "I was in Stryker's quarters.. .." Her expression slowly became oneof realization. "Stryker ... he hypnotized me or something, sir. He'sthe one who's responsible for al-Baslama's death. I'm sure of it." "I don't doubt it," Kirk said soberly. "Only Stryker himself isn'tresponsible." "Sir?" "Some sort of infection, Lieutenant. Or an entity using Stryker. Butnot Stryker. You and I have both suffered from its effectsourselves." Tomson's pale eyes grew larger. "You mean I..." "And most of the crew by now, I think. Whoever, whatever they are,they've taken over the bridge. We're sealed off here in auxiliarycontrol." "Are we still orbiting Vulcan?" Kirk shook his head. "We're not far from there, but Spock sabotagedthe ship so she'd drift. Communications are out, too. We didn't wantto risk spreading this thing." "So you're saying we're trapped on the ship with most of the crew underthe influence of..." "Something. I don't know what, but something that causes them to beviolent." Tomson shivered. "Any chance we could get off the ship?" Kirk stopped; since Spock and the others had gone, the idea had simplynot occurred to him. It smacked too much of desertion. "No. Bothshuttle crafts are gone. And we're not close enough to anything totransport down." "What sort of plan do you have, sir?" Kirk paused. "I need my bridge crew back first. Once I have them, Ican do anything with the ship." Tomson confronted him with those freezing-blue eyes of hers. "Sir, youstill haven't answered my question about how I got here." "I brought you here, Lieutenant. I was .. . repaying a favor, youmight say." Tomson flushed. "When I was .. . affected, do you know if I... hurtanyone?" Kirk half smiled. "Well, I happen to know that you gave me a run formy money." "Sir?" "It's not important, Tomson. What's important is that we getthe bridge crew back." "Any suggestions on how to do that, Captain?" "I've already started on it. And you can help." He took her via the emergency shafts to C deck (and his broken rib madehim swear under his breath the entire climb up). There was the soundof a loud fracas in the hallway, and they clung to the ladder silentlyfor a while until it broke up. When the way was clear, they headed forSulu's quarters. Kirk stopped at the door. "If my calculations are right, to quote Mr. Spock, they've been inthere approximately twenty-eight hours. That was the amount of time ittook you to come to your senses. They ought to be all right." "You mean, all you had to do was shove me in the lounge fortwenty-eight hours and I was fine?" "It seems to be that simple." "Too simple," Tomson said. "We'll see." Kirk called softly at the door, "Uhura? Sulu? Can youhear me?" There was no reply. Kirk tried again, but feared raisinghis voice too loud. "They're in there," he said over his shoulder toTom son. "There's no way they could have gotten around that lock." Hepressed his ear to the door; he could just barely make out the soundsof Uhura moaning softly. He remembered the fall she had taken andopened the door immediately. His phaser was still on his belt, butTomson, the quintessence of security, held hers at waist level (whichguaranteed that it would hit most others directly on the chest). Uhura lay on the bed in the inner room, exactly where Kirk had placedher the day before. When she saw Kirk, she struggled to hold up herhead. "Captain," she said sweetly. "Uhura, are you all right?" Kirk moved toward her. "You took quite afall--" As he entered the inner room, Sulu leapt from behind the wall andjumped him. Tomson could not shoot until the two separated. When she did, and Sululay twitching on the floor, Uhura came charging. She never had achance. Tom son fired almost leisurely; the communications officerdropped one step away from Kirk. "Thanks," Kirk said. He was still breathing heavily from the shock tohis injured side. "It's nice to have a bodyguard for a change." "That's what we're here for," Tomson said, putting her phaser back onher belt. "Did you miscalculate the time, Captain? Did we come tooearly?" Kirk folded his arms protectively about his rib cage. "No. I gaveplenty of time, even allowed extra. Something's not working here." "Maybe you should have used the lounge," Tomson suggested. "Maybethere's something special about it." "It's worth a try," Kirk said. Tomson hoisted Sulu over her shoulder in a graceful move that wastedlittle effort. She paused, waiting for Kirk to do the same withUhura. Kirk contemplated the picture of Tomson with a body slung over eachshoulder... and himself, empty handed, and decided not to explain therib to her. He bent down, grimaced and pulled Uhura awkwardly over hisshoulder. He wondered how the hell he was going to make it down the emergencyshaft. Spock awoke to the sensation of warmth on his face; the sun wasstreaming in the window of his room, filling it with intense light. Fora moment, he was in the past, a boy in ShiKahr, wondering why hisparents had permitted him to sleep so late this particular morning. Hebegan to call for Ee-Chaya, his father's old pet sehlat, but stopped atthe realization that Ee-Chaya had died some thirty years before. He looked around the room and was struck by a wave of nausea. Thelight pained his eyes and he closed them. Obviously, he had injuredhis head. But what was he doing at his parents' house? He tried to rise and crawl onto his bed, but could not. He was somehowrestrained into a sitting position, his hands behind him, his kneesbent. It was then that he remembered the body that had fallen in the doorway and thestruggle with his father. Sarek would no doubt be returning for him soon. It occurred to him that he should contact Anitra, but after someconsideration he decided there was no logic in risking her as well. Itwould be better to keep his thoughts from her as best he could. Sheand McCoy were safe in the lab where they should be. When he was dead,she would know it and then find another subject. He trusted her tofind a solution. He prepared himself for death and promptly fell asleep. Chapter Twelve "He's alive," anitra crowed triumphantly. "I just got a sensationthen.. .." She was sitting behind the control pane! of the skimmerthey had found parked in the street not far from the academy. Intypical Vulcan fashion, it had been left unlocked--in fact, it was madeentirely without locks--and she was trying to figure out how to startit. "Where is he?" McCoy turned toward her in his seat and leaned forward."Is he with Sarek?" "I don't think so." She frowned. "I don't think he knows where he is.He's not making it easy for me." "What do you mean?" "He's trying to shield his thoughts from me, but he's not doing a verygood job of it. There .. . he's asleep right now." "Asleep? That doesn't make sense," McCoy said. "Well, at least he'salive. That's what's important." Anitra smiled in agreement and turned her attention once again to thecontrol panel of the skimmer. "I watched Roy drive one," she said."They're really quite simple." She looked over at McCoy. "If you readVulcan, that is." McCoy feigned irritation. "Wait a minute, you're supposed to be thegenius around here. You'd better hurry up and figure this thingout." Anitra, her face still radiant, let a few fingers fly over thecontrols, and the skimmer rose spasmodically. "See? Nothing to it." "Fine. Now, if you could just lower it enough to pick up mystomach--" "Sorry about that. The ride should smooth out." Anitra looked throughthe wide windshield at the skyline and frowned. "Now, all I have to dois figure out which direction ShiKahr is.... That way." The skimmeraccelerated spasmodically. McCoy groaned. "Can't you put this thing on automatic?" She looked at him, shocked. "Automatic? Doctor, that would becheating." "This is it," Anitra said. The windshield on the skimmer lifted up andshe hopped out. McCoy crawled out gingerly, his legs rubbery afterwhat Anitra had called "an exhilarating ride." Anitra stood before the gate of Sarek's house and held her hand beforethe metal plate. Nothing happened. "Security must be on," she muttered. "I wouldn't be surprised if he'schanged the code." "We can't get in?" McCoy asked hopefully. Anitra didn't answer; she thought for a moment, then touched the platein what seemed to McCoy like a perfectly random sequence. The gateslid open. "How'd you do that?" McCoy demanded. "Good memory." She started inside, but he put a hand on her shoulder and held herback. "Look, do we have any sort of plan? That is, do we know whatwe're getting into?" McCoy had always had an innate half-buried fear of Vulcans. Perhaps ithad something to do with their severe appearance, or the hint of afierce warrior past, coupled with bone-crushing strength. Whatever thereason for it, McCoy knew he was afraid to face Sarek--even moreterrified than the moment he had realized Jim was lost. Anitra turned to face him, her hair turned to fire by the Vulcan sun.She frowned in the brightening light, looking every bit as fiercelyunapproachable as Sarek himself could ever hope to be. "Afraid?" Her tone was neutral; McCoy was unsure whether the questionwas a reproach or a show of sympathy. He nodded reluctantly. "So amI," she said matter-of-factly. "But you're forgetting somethingimportant Spock is in there." "Uh-huh," McCoy said unenthusiastically. "If you stay with me, you'll be all right. I'm lowering all myshields. I'll know exactly where everyone in this house is." "Sounds fair enough to me," McCoy said, and without further argument,he let her lead the way through the gate. The rooms were now all brightly illuminated, but to McCoy, the houseseemed as eerie as if it had been cloaked in shadows. They walkedthrough the entry hall into the central room, Anitra slightly in front,and stopped at the sight of the blood spattered on the couch. "Spock?" McCoy whispered.Anitra's expression was grim; she saidnothing for a moment, but closed her eyes. When she opened them, shepointed in the direction of the guest rooms and said, "Spock is thatway. Sarek is in the study." McCoy stared, wide-eyed, in the direction of Sarek's study andswallowed. He felt no small sense of relief when Anitra headed in theopposite direction for Spock. His relief was short-lived. Theyentered the hallway toward the bedrooms and had taken only a few stepswhen Anitra froze. She turned back toward McCoy and grabbed his armtightly, but she did not make a sound. One of the rooms was open, and in its doorway lay a corpse--male,Vulcan, covered with dried blood. "It's all right," Anitra said very,very softly. She was shaken and pale, but her features were composed."It's not him." She held onto McCoy's arm and led him past the deadVulcan. When they had made it as far as Spock's room, she stopped in front ofthe door. "In here, I think. It's hard to tell--I get a very weaksignal, like he's not really conscious." They entered. Spock sat inside, propped up in a corner, facing thesunlight streaming in through a window. His head hung forward onto hischest, and his hands were restrained behind him. McCoy made it to himfirst and groped for his scanner. He read the results and looked overhis shoulder at Anitra, who was leaning forward and no longer able tosuppress an expression of concern--and perhaps something more. McCoy paused for a moment when he saw the look in her eyes and clearedhis throat. "We've got to get him to--" he almost said "the ship," butcorrected himself in time, "--the medical lab. He's got a hairline skullfracture. He needs more help than I can give him here." "Will he die?" Anitra seemed to be steeling herself for the worst. "Not if we can get him back to the academy in time." "How much time do we have?" "Not long," McCoy admitted. Anitra nodded and stood up; she checked the setting on her phaser. "I'msorry we only have one weapon," she said, her expression becomingcarefully neutral once again. "But I think you'll be all right herewith Spock." McCoy stood up. "Where the devil do you think you're going?" "To get Sarek." Her eyes dared him to stop her. "That's what we camehere for, isn't it?" "Yes, but we sure as hell didn't agree that you would face himalone--" "You're forgetting something, Doctor. I've got the element ofsurprise. I know where he is, and I can figure out most of what he'sthinking. But he won't know I'm coming. I'll walk right in the doorand stun him before he knows what's happened." "I'm not going to let you go alone," McCoy repeated adamantly. "We've got one weapon. What good will it do two people? Besides, areyou going to leave Spock here like this?" "I don't like it." He realized he was beaten and cast about for abetter argument, but there was none. She was right. She smiled in an unconvincing attempt to encourage him. "I'll be backin a minute." He did not smile back. He simply watched as she walked out the doorand it slid shut behind her. "Good luck," he said. Spock's head began to sway from side to side; he moaned with the effortrequired to lift it and let it fall back against the wall. His eyelidsfluttered. "Spock?" McCoy asked gently. Spock mumbled something so softly that at first McCoy did notunderstand. "Anitra," he said. "She's here, Spock," said McCoy. "You're going to be all right." Spock's eyes opened wide for a moment and looked lucidly at McCoy."Sarek," he said suddenly. "She must not go--" He closed his eyes asthough speaking caused his headache to intensify. "She'll be all right," McCoy comforted, but Spock had already fallenasleep again. If they did not get him to the lab soon, he would slipinto a coma. McCoy heard the sound of a phaser somewhere, far away, and fancied healso heard a body fall on the soft carpet. He sighed, taking comfortin the sound. He was already trying to figure out how to arrrange thetwo unconscious Vulcans in the skimmer when he noticed something.Spock's phaser was missing from his belt. McCoy knew, without a doubt,that he had taken one with him when he first left to retrieve hisfather; and for what McCoy told himself was no good reason, his handsbegan to shake. He folded them tightly under his arms and scoldedhimself for being so overimaginative. Still, he could not seem to stop shaking. Time seemed to slow after the sound of the phaser fire; to pass it, McCoytried to picture what Anitra was doing. First, she stood over Sarek'sbody for a moment to be sure he was unconscious; perhaps she evenexamined him. Then she grabbed him by his heels and began to drag himtoward the central room. She would take him almost to the front doorbefore she would stop to go back and tell McCoy to come. He imaginedall this, counting the seconds for each action, allowing more thanample time. And yet, she was taking too long--far too long. Hisnerves, of course, had altered his perception of time--a perfectlynatural phenomenon. But it really was taking her too long. He looked over at Spock theVulcan was resting quietly. There was nothing McCoy could do to helphim right now, even if anything happened. The doctor scraped up thelast ounce of his courage and headed for the door. He would go lookfor her. If Sarek had her, there would be nothing he could do--but atleast he would know. At least he wouldn't sit waiting in the room forsomething to happen. But before he reached the door, there were soft footsteps outside."Anitra?" he asked as the door slid open. He took a step backward before his legs buckled under him. Sareklooked as hellish as McCoy had pictured him in his worstnightmares--his eyes burned black in a sunken, yellowed face, and heheld McCoy with a gaze that stopped the doctor's heart. McCoy waitedfor the change, waited to become as Sarek was, but nothing happened tohim. In a pitiful gesture, hoping to appeal to whatever was left ofSpock's father, he nodded at Spock and said in a voice so weak he could scarcely hear it himself, "He'll die soon unless we get himsome help." "A pity," the Vulcan said in a voice that was Sarek's and yet notSarek's. He stepped forward through the doorway so that McCoy could see what wasbehind him. McCoy was too stunned, too shocked to react. He merelystared. Anitra stepped forward into the doorway. She looked just the same, butwhen she smiled it was subtly changed. "Hello, Doctor," she said. "Well," said McCoy, "get it over with." Anitra looked confused for a moment. "Get it over . ah, take you, youmean." The insincere smile returned. "But we don't need you,Doctor--not that way. We need you for other things." She looked so much like herself, McCoy felt an odd tug of love--andhatred--for her. He made his best attempt at bravado. "What kind ofthings?" he demanded. "Are you really sure you want us to go into detail? I suppose itdoesn't really matter." She looked at Sarek. "We needed the female," Sarek said, "for ourselves. She makes us very.powerful We need you .. . to feed." "Oh," McCoy said weakly. He was reminded all at once of some very badold science-fiction books he had read as a kid. "That's all right.Maybe I really don't need that much detail.. .." Anitra laughed, a hard, metallic sound. "Such a literal mind you have,Doctor. Just think of what happened on the Enterprise. I'm sureyou'll figure it out." "So you've come to kill us," McCoy said. "Why don't you take me andleave Spock alone? He can't harm you." "Oh, we'll leave you both alone ... for the moment," she answered."Spock is certainly no use to us in his present condition. We need himto get better and we need you to be in charge of that. We can bringyou whatever you need." McCoy felt a sudden disgust. "What are you going to do? Make himbetter so that you can kill him? I won't do it." She leaned forward, hissing. McCoy could not refrain from drawingback. "You'll do what I tell you to." Spock stirred slightly and McCoy looked down at him. His eyes wereopen, clear and lucid, and they looked directly at Anitra. He did notspeak, but clearly knew exactly what had happened. He closed his eyesagain with utter resignation. McCoy's tone changed. "Why don't we make a deal?" Anitra looked at him, amused. "I'll take care of Spock if you promise to let him go. You can keepme." The grating laughter came again. "You forget, Doctor, I know yourthoughts. You have no intention of letting Spock die." "Have you forgotten your Hippocratic oath, Doctor? And you are in noposition to bargain. Although we prefer Spock alive for the moment, itmakes only a small difference to us." McCoy stared up at Sarek, aghast at the words coming from his lips. He continued, "Ultimately, the outcome for you and Spock will be thesame." "Think about it while we're gone," Anitra said. "I'll be back soon." And they were gone. McCoy knelt by Spock's side and put a hand on his friend's arm. "I'msorry," he said inaudibly and bowed his head. Anitra knew what was inhis heart, but he could not weaken and follow it this time. He would have to let Spock die. Anitra had managed to bring McCoy what he had asked for, and other thana few veiled hints at their ultimate fate, seemed content to leave himand Spock in peace. It was as though she wished to prolong the agonyof anticipation for as long as she could. And it had been nothing less than agony for McCoy. He sat for hoursstaring at the hypospray that would sustain Spock long enough to gethim to surgery--but as yet had not yielded to the temptation to use it.And that temptation was becoming very great. He pulled out the scannerfor the hundredth time in the past hour and ran it over the Vulcan. Spock's heartbeat had slowed .. . the Vulcan had finally slipped into acoma. There was little time left; if McCoy wanted to change his mind,he would have to do it now. The doctor rose, his arms folded tightly, his hands gripping his sides,and paced around the room. The light was dimming rapidly; on the otherside of the house, windows were streaming with the rays of the settingsun. On the other side of the house, Anitra knew everything McCoy wasfeeling, and sat, waiting. He closed his eyes and tried to blank hismind, but he could not erase the image of the dying Vulcan. He owed it to Spock tosave his life .. . but his mind filled with the gruesome image ofal-Baslama on the autopsy table. No, he argued with Anitra silently,he could not let the same thing happen to Spock. He looked over at theVulcan. Spock was still restrained in the corner, his head saggingonce again onto his chest, and McCoy realized just as certainly that hewould not permit the Vulcan to die now, either. "I won't let it happen," he said. "Dammit, Spock, I refuse to let ithappen." He went to the Vulcan's side and administered the hypospray.Somewhere, he knew, Anitra would be smiling at her victory. And then something very strange happened. Spock's heartbeat sped up,almost to its normal rhythm, and then ... it stopped. McCoy closed hiseyes. He no longer had a choice to make. Spock was dead. He let theanger and grief fill his mind; he wanted Anitra to feel the depth ofit. When she came into the room, he was ready for her--pressed against thewall next to the doorway. But his mind was over by Spock, grieving. Hewas by no means good at hand-to-hand combat--such skills were notrequired of medical personnel in the service--but desperation made himvery accurate. Mindlessly, he struck out so that the phaser droppedfrom her wrist, and he made sure that he was the first to reach it.Sarek was on her heels, and McCoy decided to save explanations untilafter everyone was unconscious on the floor. "I'm sorry, my dear," he said. "You shouldn't believe everythingpeople think." "Dammit!" Kirk struck the top of the console with his fist, makingTomson jump. "What are we doing just sitting here? Waiting for Spockto come back and rescue us?" "Do you think he'll make it, sir?" Tomson asked miserably. Until amoment ago, the two of them had sat in unconscious imitation of eachother, slumped over, their cheeks resting on their fists in a gestureof despair. It hadn't worked with Sulu and Uhura. Thirty hours after theirincarceration, they were still fighting each other to the point thatKirk risked opening the door to stun them both, just to keep them fromtearing each other apart. For the moment, the two were quiet, but theeffects of the phaser blast would no doubt wear off soon. It had notbeen easy for Kirk to accept the fact that he would not have his bridgecrew back. He was alone, except for Tomson--and at the moment, hecould not see the advantage of her presence. "He'll make it," Kirk said with so much conviction that he almostconvinced himself. "But do you want to sit here in auxiliary controlhoping Scotty doesn't find a way in here before Spock gets back? Godknows how long that might be." "Not particularly, sir." Tomson seemed unenthusiastic at the prospect."Did you have a suggestion?" "I know where Spock put the device that's causing the engines tostall," said Kirk. "I can disengage it so we can have some power." "But what's the point, sir? I thought Spock put it there so we can'tcontaminate anyone else. Isn't it a little risky, running around thegalaxy with a shipful of-- " "With the transporters and communications out, what kind of threat arewe? Besides, there are ways to seal off certain decks." She glumly leaned her chin on her fist again. "And how do we convincea shipload of berserk crewmen to go to certain decks? Anyway, we'veseen how they treat each other in close quarters. They'd kill eachother." "They're killing each other now," Kirk reminded her grimly. "Dammit,Lieutenant, are you going to contradict me at each turn or are yougoing to help me find a way to do something? If you want to spend yourfinal days moping around auxiliary control, that's up to you. With orwithout you, I am going to find a way to help Spock." Her pale, horsey face turned pink for a moment, and then, surprisingly,broke into an infectious smile. "Say the word, Captain." Kirk grinned back. For a moment, he almost liked her. "Welcome back, Spock." The Vulcan's eyes slowly focused on McCoy as he sat up. "Where am I?" "The academy," McCoy said. "Not too fast. I daresay you might findyou still have a bit of a headache." Spock reached a hand to his forehead in verification of McCoy'sstatement and blinked. "I was .. . home.. .." "Not anymore. I brought you back." The Vulcan started. "Sarek--" "He's here. I've got him set up in an isolation chamber. I've alreadyrun a few tests." Spock sighed and swung his legs off the examination table. He beganto stand. "Take it easy." McCoy reached for the Vulcan's arm to support it, butSpock pulled it away. He straightened his tunic. "I am quite all right, Doctor." "Considering you damn near died of a skull fracture." "As a result of my own clumsiness," Spock said ruefully. "I appreciatethe fact that you and Dr. Lanter intervened on my behalf." He lookedaround the lab. "She's in the isolation chamber," McCoy said quietly. Spock turned his head sharply, but he did not ask McCoy to repeat whathe had just said. For a moment, McCoy thought that Spock's legs wouldbuckle, but the Vulcan did not sit, although he permitted himself tograsp the edge of the exam table with one hand. "She wanted to confront Sarek herself," McCoy said. "I should neverhave let her go." There was a long silence. "I am sure that there was nothing you couldhave done, Doctor. If you had gone with her, you would no doubt beaffected as well. It is far better for both of us that you did not." "I would like to believe that," McCoy said bitterly. Spock stood straight once again, without the support of the table."Then you brought the three of us here," he said, looking at McCoy witha curious expression. "In a stolen skimmer. Believe me, it was no easy task, what with youcoming to from time to time and commenting on my driving skills--" Spock frowned. "I have no memory of doing so." "People block out what they want to forget," Me Coy said, trying tolighten things. "Let me tell you, it took me three trips to get all ofyou down here. It's a good thing this place is deserted these days."He rubbed his back. "I think I pulled a muscle." "I am impressed, Dr. McCoy," Spock said quite sincerely. "You ought to be, I think I've more than made up for the trouble I'vecaused." "Most assuredly." Spock could not keep his eyes off the isolationchambers; finally, he walked stiffly to the other end of the lab. Inone chamber, Anitra sat strapped in a chair, her head against the rest,her hair tangled and streaming down her shoulders. She was breathingdeeply, her lips slightly parted. Sarek sat in the other chamber,regal even in repose. They looked very much as if they had neverchanged. McCoy walked up and stood behind Spock. "I've got them both sedated. Ihad to keep them from coming to on the ride back." "Of course," the Vulcan said distractedly. "It would be most.. .disconcerting if they were conscious." His eyes were fastened onAnitra's features, and for an instant his expression became somelancholic that McCoy decided he must have imagined it. Spockstraightened his shoulders. "You said you had conducted some tests,Doctor?" "Just a routine physical exam." McCoy glanced at the monitor aboveAnitra's head admiringly. "You were right about this place,Spock--what I wouldn't give for one like this back on the Enterprise."His tone became more sober. "General functions of all organs --normal--withone exception." "Which is?" "The neurotransmitters in the brain seem to have been altered slightly.I'll have to do some more testing before I can say exactly how." Spock nodded. "It makes sense." He had been looking at Anitra theentire time, but now he turned to face McCoy. "You needed to bringonly one subject back, Doctor. Anitra would have been the logicalchoice, since she is the most use to us. Yet you brought Sarek as wellat great personal risk." McCoy squirmed, uncomfortable himself with the real reason he could notleave Sarek behind. Not that he hadn't considered it, but afterremembering what Anitra had told him, he had found it impossible. Hecleared his throat. "It's a moot point, isn't it, Spock? I mean,Sarek is already here and there's no time to waste. The logical thingto do is to start testing." "Why, Dr. McCoy," Spock said approvingly. "How eminently practical ofyou. Perhaps your stay on Vulcan has sharpened your capacity forlogic." "I sure as hell hope not," McCoy said under his breath. McCoy had been napping, in spite of himself, on the exam table where hehad performed surgery on Spock a few hours before. Something rousedhim from a heavy sleep--noise or light or a dream ending--and he pulledhimself up, feeling every bit as drugged as the two in isolation. Spock sat at the console facing the chambers. He was frowning at the readout on the terminal in front of him. McCoystumbled over, rubbing his eyes. "Anything new?" The Vulcan swiveled the screen so that McCoy could read it. "Ananalysis of their blood chemistry. You were correct in noting it hadchanged. Certain elements that make up the neurotransmitters haveindeed changed--their atomic weight is heavier, as though otherparticles had bonded with them to form isotopes." McCoy sat down next to him. "And the neurotransmitters control thebrain." "Apparently, Dr. Lanter was correct in postulating that our demonsexist on the subatomic level." Spock pulled the screen toward himagain. "They chemically bond with the neurotransmitters of the hostand thus control the host's actions." "But neurotransmitters are stable compounds--you can't bond anythingwith them. And how in the hell can a subatomic particle think, letalone control someone's actions?" Spock was unmoved by McCoy's vehemence. "You mentioned moot questionsearlier, Doctor. The fact already exists--they have done so. And notonly can these particles bond with the chemicals that control consciousactions, they also control the autonomic processes as well--pulse,breathing, digestion.. .." "That explains your mother seeming to be dead," McCoy said. "So how dowe reverse this bonding process?" Spock sighed. "There is no guarantee that it can be reversed. One waymight be to find a compound which the particles prefer to bond with over neurotransmitters. In thatcase, our next step would be to test potential compounds." "That could take forever. Isn't there any other way that the chemicalbond could be broken?" Spock hesitated. "Yes .. . there are ways, as you know, to splitatoms. Such methods would, indeed, destroy the bond, and quitepossibly the particles themselves." He looked directly into McCoy'sbleary eyes. "They would also destroy the host. I would prefer toavoid that, but it might not be possible. If Dr. Lanter were able tohelp us ..." "The two of us can do it, Spock. With your brains--" "Time is of the essence in our situation," Spock interrupted him. "AndDr. Lanter is a specialist in the area of particle physics. That iswhy Star Fleet assigned her to this. I have no doubt that she wouldhave been able to help us find the solution far more rapidly." "Another moot point," said McCoy. "Let's do the best we can withouther. I'll get started testing compounds right away." But before he could do anything, the monitor above Sarek's head beeped.McCoy hunched over the matching monitor on the console. "What is it, Doctor?" "I don't understand. I didn't give him that strong of a dose." "Doctor," Spock said with a sharp note of exasperation. "His life functions. They're growing weaker. Pulse and breathing, brain activity--all are slowing, as if he were slippinginto a coma." Spock leaned over and read the monitor for himself. "Check Anitra'sreadings." "She's all right," McCoy said. "Normal. But you'd better look atthis, Spock. Sarek's brain chemistry is going haywire--theneurotransmitters are taking on a positive charge." He looked up atthe Vulcan. "We've got to find a way to stop this soon." "Or Sarek will die," Spock said softly. Chapter Thirteen McCoy rose from the console, stretched, and checked Sarek's monitor.The Vulcan was steadily growing weaker--it was a matter of a few hoursnow, if that. He turned to Spock, who was absorbed by the spectralanalysis of 1-methodiobromidase. "Any closer?" Spock grunted assent. "This particular compound looks promising. Itmight quite possibly work." "Great! Let's try it on a tissue sample." Spock looked up from his terminal. "There is, however, onedrawback." McCoy looked at him questioningly. "It is quite lethal to both humans and Vulcans." "For God's sake, Spock, why didn't you say so? Then it's of no use tous." He bent over and routinely checked Anitra's monitor .. . andlooked a second time. "A metabolic slowdown," Spock said. It was not a question. McCoy nodded, crushed. "She's a few hours behind Sarek." He turned toSpock. "We'd better start working on finding a non deadlyderivative." "There is an alternative," Spock said slowly, steepling his hands. Hebegan to intently study a distant point on the wall. "It will take anindefinite amount of time to find a safe derivative--days .. . perhapsweeks. Sarek and Anitra do not have that long." He took a breath andsquared his shoulders. "I suggest we try the compound in its presentform on Sarek." "You'd poison your own father?!" McCoy was outraged. "What if we findthe derivative an hour from now? Why are you in such a hurry?" "Sarek doesn't have an hour." Spock's tone was even. "Or did youthink that I didn't notice when you were checking the monitor?" "You'd just as soon get it over with? Poison him now, is that it?" Spock's voice deepened as he spoke through not quite-clenched teeth."He is going to die, Doctor. At least permit me to give his death somemeaning." McCoy closed his eyes. "Look .. . I'm sorry, Spock. I know this mustbe hard for you. But this can't be the solution. What will we do,spray Vulcan with poisonous gas? AH of Vulcan? And what about yourmother, and Jim, and everyone else on board the Enterprise? Are wegoing to let these damn particles win?" "And if we cannot find a nonpoisonous derivative," Spock said, "areyou, Doctor, willing to let them spread?" "Glad you made it, sir," Tomson said most sincerely. The small filtershe wore over her nose and mouth muffled her voice so that Kirk couldscarcely recognize it. He touched a hand to his face to make sure his own filter was inplace; through the thick streams of gas, he could barely make outTomson's form on the bridge. She'd already dragged the personnel fromtheir posts, and they lay in an unceremonious heap by the turbolift."No more than I am," Kirk said. He held up the drifting device so thatshe could see it. "This is what caused all the trouble." She leaned forward and squinted, trying to see. "It's hard to believesomething that small... How soon will the engines be warmed up,Captain?" "Thirty minutes. That ought to give us enough time, if we hustle." Heturned toward the pile of sedated bodies and started pulling one intothe still-open lift. "What about the other levels?" Tomson made it over to Spock's station in two strides and snapped onthe viewer. "Verified that all of C deck has been flooded. Youshouldn't have any trouble, sir." "Ready to flood D deck, corridors eight through eleven, F deck nearauxiliary control. I'll give you the signal from the lift when I'mfinished on C deck." He stopped what he was doing for an instant, andalthough she could not see his mouth behind the filter, she knew fromhis eyes that he beamed at her; she smiled back beneath her mask. "Goodwork, Lieutenant. It's not every security chief who can learn to dothe work of an engineer so quickly." Tomson blushed. "Engineering was my second choice, sir." Shehesitated. "Are you sure I can't go with you?" "Someone has to be on the bridge, Lieutenant. I want the turboliftsealed off the second I'm finished. We can't risk someone figuring outwhat we're doing and beating me back here." She nodded reluctantly, unable to let go of the feeling that she wassomehow failing in her responsibilities by staying behind. She foundit infinitely harder to handle the technical details and wait--but Kirkhad insisted that she not risk herself, and she could not disobey adirect order. "Yes, sir," she said with a sigh. "I'll be standing byfor your signal." They crammed the last of the bodies onto the lift. Before it closed,Kirk gave her the thumbs-up signal. She smiled and returned it. McCoy had, for the time being at least, won the argument. Spock hadcontinued rather grudgingly to search for a nonpoisonous derivative totest on Sarek, as had McCoy, but both of them knew Sarek was slippingaway. McCoy slowly realized that, as much as he hated the thought,Spock was probably right. Even so, he could not knowingly permit theuse of a poison on any patient--even one that would jump at the chanceto brain him--especially when it was Spock's father or, God forbid,Anitra. And he was hoping that Spock would ultimately be unable to gothrough with it. Within the chambers, Sarek and Anitra, pale and scarcely breathing,seemed something less than alive. Not dead, exactly; but they remindedMcCoy of some pictures he had seen of museums where life-size images ofreal people were cast in wax. He felt the same eerie effect looking atSarek and Anitra now--waxen effigies of what had once been real, livingpeople.. .. Up to now, Spock had scrupulously kept his eyes off the chambers anddid not look when McCoy checked the monitors. It was extremeconcentration on a task, McCoy decided, or an exercise in denial. Helooked down at Anitra's monitor and wished he hadn't--her conditionparalleled Sarek's. Soon she, too, would be in a coma, that graynether world between life and death. It took him a while to get up thenerve to check Sarek's monitor; behind the glass, Sarek's lungs nolonger seemed to expand with air. McCoy closed his eyes at the thoughtthat Sarek had been dead these past few minutes, and he, McCoy, wouldhave to tell Spock that he had not known.. .. McCoy opened his eyesand forced himself to look down. He gasped audibly. Spock's perfect concentration was broken; heglanced over at McCoy, his expression unconvincingly calm, clearlyexpecting the worst. "I don't understand it," McCoy said. His eyes were still glued to themonitor on the console. "By all rights, this man should be dead--" Spock stood up. "Come take a look, Spock." Without taking his eyes from the monitor,McCoy motioned him over and cracked a wide grin. "His lifeprocesses--they're getting stronger." Spock walked over behind the doctor and read the monitor. Sarek wasindeed stronger and no longer in a coma. Spock looked up; behind theglass, Sarek opened his eyes and frowned. "Father," Spock whispered and walked to the edge of the chamber. Herested a hand lightly upon the glass. All sound within the chamber was absorbed, but Sarek's lips movedclearly. "Spock?" they said. Kirk had dumped the sedated officers off on C deck, and Tomson hadflooded decks D and F. Then, once Kirk had removed the few unconsciouspersonnel, she sealed off the corridors between the lift and thetransporter on D and the lift and auxiliary control on F. With the shipin chaos, there were relatively few personnel on those levels, sincethese areas were generally frequented by those on duty. Kirk called her from the lift. "That's it, Tomson. Go ahead andprogram the lift." "And seal off the emergency shafts," she reminded him. "There must be a commendation in there for you somewhere,Lieutenant." Tomson bent over Spock's station (even in Spock's chair, she was tootall to read the viewer and had to hunch her shoulders) and programmedthe lift. It would go now only to the transporter room, auxiliarycontrol and the bridge. No matter how often others might try to signalit, it woul d ignore their requests, unless they somehow managed to getonto one of the three key floors. And there was no way they could. Tomson settled back in Spock's chair,feeling quite pleased with herself. Kirk came off the lift, his filter dangling from a strap around hisneck; Tomson had already ventilated the bridge and removed her ownmask. He went directly to the navigational console, sat down and manipulated a few controls. When he finally turned to speakto her, he was beaming. "On route to Vulcan. Congratulations,Lieutenant." She walked over to him. "You mean we did it, sir?" She broke into asilly grin--so utterly silly that Kirk grabbed her arms and shook herenthusiastically, quite unaware of what he was doing. She grabbed hisarms firmly and shook back. "We did it!" "We did it!" It took them both a moment to realize that they were hugging; Tomson'sridiculous smile faded and she stiffened. Kirk, embarrassed, loosenedhis grip and took a step backward. But neither one of them could quitecompletely stop smiling. Spock moved toward the isolation chamber, but McCoy put a hand on hisarm. "Sorry, Spock, but I think we'd better test him out first." Spock stopped. "I suppose you're right, Doctor." He stepped backwhile McCoy studied the monitor. "His brain chemistry is back to normal," the doctor announcedcheerfully. "He's all right." Spock opened the door to the chamber and loosened Sarek's restraints.Sarek sat forward, still weak but growing in strength, and rubbed hiswrists. "What place is this?" "One of the medical laboratories at the academy," Spock said. "Webrought you here." "Have I been ill?" Spock carefully avoided his father's gaze. "You .. . have not beenyourself." He led Sarek out of the chamber and sat him at one of the chairs at the console; McCoy used the handheld scanner and dida full physical on him, just to be sure. "My wife and my brother," Sarek said. His face was still austere andstern, but now inspired respect rather than fear in McCoy. "Are theyalso here? Or are they in ShiKahr?" Spock met McCoy's eyes for a moment before he made himself lookdirectly into his father's. His voice was controlled, completelyVulcan, yet there was a strange softness in it that McCoy had not heardbefore. "Mother is on the Enterprise. I do not know her status. Silek--" andhe paused here, his voice becoming even softer, "--is dead." Sarek sighed and directed his gaze toward Anitra; he seemed to beconcentrating on her features. "How?" he asked. McCoy watched Spock closely, unsure of what the Vulcan might say."Murdered," Spock said, "by alien entities. He and Starnn both." "Amanda," Sarek whispered. "Does she know?" "She knows." Spock paused for a moment. "She is afflicted by themherself. The evil that destroyed Hydrilla has overtaken Vulcan. Itspread from Starnn to you, and then Amanda; it has even taken over thecrew of the Enterprise. They are entities that bond with the chemicalsof the brain and thus control their host, causing him to commitviolent, sadistic actions. The fact that you are now free of themmeans that there is hope that Amanda, and many on Vulcan, can also befree." "How can they be freed?" Sarek asked. He was still watching Anitraand seemed to understand. "I am not positive of the circumstances that brought about yourfreedom." "Do you think it was the sedative I used?" McCoy asked. Spock shook his head. "Negative--it was one of the first compounds wetested." He glanced at the chronometer on the console. "Do you haveany idea, Doctor, when you first sedated them?" "Not really," McCoy admitted. "I know it's been at least one standardsolar day. Why would you ask?" "You told me earlier that Anitra and Sarek spoke to you of 'feeding," "Spock said slowly. "Apparently, they indicated that they regularlyneeded to feed off another's terror, or find a new host. They used theplural pronoun 'we." It might be that the entities kept multiplyingand either had to be fed or transferred to another host. If the energysupply were cut off--" "That would explain the odd change in Sarek's brain chemicals," McCoysaid excitedly. "Don't you realize what this means? We've beaten thedamn things!" Spock seemed unmoved. "Not necessarily, Doctor. Unless you have asimple suggestion for isolating all those on Vulcan." Sarek emerged suddenly from his reverie. "Sedation was obviously quiteeffective. If the host was incapacitated, it would keep them fromspreading or feeding, would it not?" "Yes," said Spock. "But logistically, how do we sedate an entireplanet for more than a solar day?" "I'm afraid you have a point there," said McCoy. "Once an appropriately long-lasting sedative is found," Sarekresponded, "it might conceivably be introduced into the watersupply--" "But exposure to the sedative would then vary, depending on the amountof water drunk. And there might be those who would not drink from themain reserves at all. Then there exists the problem of getting asufficient quantity of the sedative into all of the main reserves." "Perhaps a gaseous form," Sarek mused. "Those locked inside would not be affected," said Spock. "Only humans, most likely," Sarek pointed out. "Vulcans usuallyventilate their buildings using air from outside. And as for those whomight be sealed inside, you indicated yourself that they must go insearch of new victims on a regular basis." "It might be possible. We would need a gas which has a long-lasting,sedative effect, works on- humans and Vulcans and stays in theatmosphere for at least several hours." Spock ticked them off on hisfingers. "Now the only problems that exist are to isolate such a gas,manufacture sufficient quantities of it and find a way to disperse itinto Vulcan's atmosphere." "Simple," McCoy said ironically. "The box." There was an urgent note in Sarek's voice. "There areseveral of them at the academy and one at the house. My last memory isthat of looking into the open box.. .." "It would be interesting to study one," Spock suggested. "No. That is how the Hydrillan expedition was first affected. Thenthey brought the boxes with them in order to spread it further." "Interesting," Spock mused. "Then the box serves to house theparticles. But why would such constructs be required if they spread so easily from host to host?" "Hydrilla has been dead some twenty thousand years, and yet theparticles survived. Perhaps they had hosts design the container forjust such an occurrence." "It is an effective means of storage," Spock replied, "but theHydrillans were not even capable of space flight beyond their own solarsystem. How could they have designed such a sophisticated device?" Sarek paused for a moment. "They could not. But it might have beendesigned earlier by a more technologically advanced culture, the onethat originally spread the particles to Hydrilla--" McCoy interrupted. "It hardly matters. What we need to do is get ridof the things." Spock frowned at him. "If their contents have not already beenexhausted." "A very likely possibility," Sarek said. "I'm not so sure it can be repaired," Tomson said. She satcross-legged on the deck. The panel beneath the communications boardhad been pulled away, and she gazed up uncertainly into a maze ofmicrocircuitry. She leaned back and, without having to stand up, couldjust see over the edge enough to access the computer. Even with thecomputer's help, the condition in which Anitra had left communicationswas intimidating. "It can be repaired," Kirk said firmly from the navigational console."We don't have a choice. We're entering orbit now." "Already?" Tomson asked in dismay. She turned around to see the redgiant spinning leisurely in its orbit, then hastened back to her workon the board; she was nowhere near patching external communicationstogether. Kirk's answer was interrupted by a thunderous roar. The ship pitchedto the left and sent Tomson rolling along the deck with a yelp. Shestopped directly in front of the turbolift; the doors opened inresponse, waiting. Kirk held onto the navigational console and waitedfor the ship to slowly right itself. "What the--" Tomson said. Kirk already had the deflectors up. "We've been fired on. Activatestarboard view screen, Lieutenant." Tomson raised herself and studied Uhura's console helplessly. "On thispanel, sir?" "To your left, Lieutenant," he barked. Tomson found it; the screen filled with the image of a sleekly designedstarship. Kirk swore under his breath. "That looks like one of ours. See if youcan raise--" he began, then corrected himself. "Magnify that image." Tomson forced herself to react faster than the last time. She chose abutton on the panel; the image shimmered and enlarged. "The Surak," Kirk said. "What the hell is a Federation starship fullof Vulcans doing firing on us?" Tomson was miserable. "I'm sorry, sir--it's my fault we can't contactthem." "I don't need apologies, Lieutenant. I need a damage report--you canget that from the main terminal." He was readying the photon torpedoesas another blast shook the bridge. "No casualties reported--" Tomson began."I wouldn't have expected themto," he said tautly. "What about the ship?" "Minor structural damage to the jettison pods. Nothing significant,sir." "I never thought I'd be doing this." Kirk fired the photon torpedoesin a barrage of three. The Surak backed off. "Looks like you hit them, sir," Tomson said excitedly. "Looks like it." Kirk sighed. "Even after that board is fixed,Tomson, I want to maintain radio silence. Don't respond to anyone--not even Vulcan Space Central. I'm not so sure we're going to get a warmreception." Anitra smiled faintly in response to the broad grin on McCoy's face;slowly, her expression faded to one of uncertainty. "Sarek," she said,frowning. She leaned forward in her chair and looked out of thechamber; when she saw him on the other side of the glass, she nearlybolted. "Oh, my God .. ." McCoy held her back with a reassuring arm on her shoulder. "It's allright. He's all right now." "Spock--is he--" "He's fine. You can't hurt someone with a head as thick as his." She smiled again weakly. "Don't let him hear you say that. We're inthe lab again, aren't we? How'd we get here?" "I brought you." She closed her eyes. "I'm so sorry. I was so certain I could handleSarek without any problem.... It must have been horrible for you." "The worst part was bringing Spock back to consciousness." She laughed. "If Sarek is all right, you must have found the answer.That's wonderful! Tell me everything." "It seems," said McCoy, "that these .. . critters multiply so rapidlythat they have to feed, or find a new host--or die. That's whathappened to them when we kept you and Sarek isolated for a day." Henodded at Spock and Sarek. The two sat at the console, calmly arguingabout something--hopefully, the best means of implementing the plan.McCoy cleared his throat. "Maybe you two gentlemen should consult Dr.Lanter before you make any definite decisions." Sarek nodded politely, as if to a somewhat unfamiliar acquaintance.There was uncertain recognition on his face, as if he remembered andyet could not remember their most recent encounter. "Dr. Lanter," Spock said with a formality that was belied by thebrightness in his eyes, "I am glad to see you are feeling like yourselfonce again." "I'm glad, too," she said. "What exactly are you two discussing?" Spock explained it to her. "We've already located the sedative we needin the computer's medical index. It ought to be possible tomanufacture a sufficient quantity here. However, we were discussingthe problem of administering the drug to the general population." "Gaseous form would be the most logical," Anitra said. "We are agreed on that." "Good," she said. "Then we'd need some stationery antigravity buoysset up in the lower atmosphere-something time delayed or remotecontrolled. A transporter would be the best thing for setting them inplace, but since we haven't got one, we could probably use a skimmer toposition them. We wouldn't need to go that high up." "And God knows you're already an expert at stealing skimmers," McCoyretorted, but he was ignored. Spock grunted. "The physics lab might contain some of what you'd needfor the buoys." "Great," she said. "Let's get working." There was a sudden loud noise that made McCoy jump--a sound at oncefamiliar and frightening. It was coming from Spock's communicator onthe console. Spock froze. "Don't answer it," McCoy told him. "It's some kind of trick." "If they've found the communicators," Spock said, "they've found us. Ithardly makes any difference whether I answer or not. Besides, it couldbe Lieutenant Uhura." McCoy looked searchingly at Anitra. "Don't look at me," she said,waving him away. "I told you, I'm no good at long distance. I have noidea who it is." "Maybe if we don't answer it," said McCoy, "they'll think we're nothere." Spock spoke as patiently as if he were explaining something to adim-witted child. "Doctor, they can easily scan the area and ascertainexactly who is here. They have probably already done so. If they weregoing to attack us, they would gain no advantage by contacting usfirst." He picked up the communicator and snapped it open. "Spockhere." "Spock! You're all right!" "Is this the captain?" Spock asked. There was more than a littlechill in his voice. "I know what you're thinking, Spock, but Uhura knocked me over the headand stuffed me into a closet. I know it sounds crazy, but when I cameto--" "Actually, Captain, it makes an enormous amount of sense," Spock saidgratefully. "It's Jim, isn't it?" McCoy exulted. "Well, I'll be damned. I shouldhave known he'd get that ship up and running." "Bones, is that you?" Kirk asked. Spock handed the communicator to McCoy. "Guess what, Jim? We've got alittle sedative down here that's guaranteed to drive the devil rightout of a body--" Spock took the communicator back. "What the doctor is trying to say,Captain, is that sedation works as well as isolation." "Are you sure about that, Spock? We've already gassed most of the crewand it hasn't seemed to have any effect--" "It would not, unless they were sedated for the proper amount of time.An extended period of isolation is required. This sedative has anespecially long lasting effect, with, hopefully, the same outcome. Itought to work." "You're going to single-handedly gas all of Vulcan?" Spock paused. "I have the help of three others, sir." "You know what I mean." "Basically, yes." "Then I'm volunteering the Enterprise as a test site. I've got fourhundred very unpleasant crew members sealed off on this ship. Why not try it on a small scale first?"Spock looked at McCoy and Anitra, who both nodded. "Captain, is yourtransporter functioning and can you get to it safely?" "Yes." "We'll be setting aside some canisters of gas for you to beam up, sir.It'll take some time, but we'll notify you when they're ready." Hepaused. "I would be most interested in hearing the results." Chapter Fourteen tom son sat at Uhura's station, grinning her huge, lopsided smile. "The calls, Captain. They're coming in from all over the ship. Theywant to know what's going on." Kirk grinned back. "What do you think we ought to tell them,Lieutenant?" "How about--we'll explain everything to them later." "Sounds good to me." Kirk swiveled in his command chair to face her."Make a ship wide announcement, Tomson. Tell all members of the bridgecrew they're now considered late reporting for duty and it's twentydemerits if they don't get up here on the double." Tomson chuckled. "Aye, sir." She made the announcement and watched as the lights on the boardflashed dizzyingly in response. She closed her eyes. "I waswondering, sir--" She hesitated. Kirk raised his eyebrows quizzically. "There's someone I'd like to check on personally--when the bridge crewgets here, that is--if it's all right." Kirk looked around the bridge. "I think I can hold down the fort bymyself until everyone gets here." He smiled. "You go on ahead." Tomson blushed at the unexpected kindness. "Thank you, sir." She left the bridge with what seemed to Kirk like an alarming amount ofhaste. He shook his head in surprise. It was hard for him to imagineanyone on board who would be that important to the cold-hearted Tomson--but then, one never knew. He had already had a glimpse of whatlay under all that ice.... In the turbolift, Tomson fingered the phaseron her belt with trembling hands. She had been waiting for this for along time; when he had called in and given his location, she couldhardly believe her luck. Now, if she could only get him alone, forjust a moment, no one would be the wiser. They would simply assume itwas part of the carnage that had gone on before.. .. The lift deposited her on D deck, junior officers' quarters. Shepassed a couple of crewmen in the corridor and took care to look asdazed and lost as they did. In their present state, they would nevernotice another crew member wandering around the hall. She had not been able to forget exactly where Stryker's quarters were.The door opened at the first buzz. Stryker looked quite honestly surprised--and hardly military--he had atleast a week's growth of beard. His pale eyes were red-rimmed, asthough he hadn't slept in at least as long. "Lieutenant! Maybe you can tell mewhat's going on." "Maybe I can," she said. Her hand shook as she raised the phaser. "Hey, wait a minute!" Stryker's colorless eyes darkened with fear."What in hell is this all about?" "You don't remember." Tomson's voice was as listless as asleepwalker's. "Remember what?" "Moh's dead." Stryker's face twisted. "Al-B? Dead?" "You killed him." "You're crazy! I don't know anything about it. I didn't even know hewas dead!" He took a step closer to a dresser, but Tomson gesturedwith the phaser in such a way as to let him know that if he tookanother step, he would not live long enough for his foot to strike theground. "You don't know because you don't remember," she said in a flat,mechanical voice. "But you killed him." The pain on Stryker's face was so sharp that she felt it, as keenly asshe had felt it when she had first seen al-B dead. She had to lookaway. Surprisingly, he did not take advantage of her inattention. Instead,he leaned against the wall and crumpled to the ground, weeping. "Moh'sdead .. . God, if it's really true, then go ahead and shoot me." She had prepared herself for such a reaction from him .. . but she hadnot prepared herself for her own. Sobbing, she went over and put herarms around him. Uhura awoke slowly, feeling pleasantly rested, and began to stretch.It seemed that she'd been sleeping too long in the same position. Itwas then that she noticed two things one, that she was in a strangeroom with no memory of how she had gotten there, and two, that she wasin Sulu's arms. She gasped so loudly at the latter revelation that thehelmsman, whose nose was at most two inches from her own, opened hisleft eye and gasped back. They extricated themselves from a most curious embrace--a j umble ofarms and legs--murmuring vague apologies all the while. Uhura was gladher complexion was too dark to show the blood rushing to her face, butSulu was not as fortunate. "What--" he began, then became confused about which question shouldmost appropriately be asked first, and started again. "Where arewe?" Uhura frowned. There was a void in her memory, as though someone hadneatly plucked out all recall of the most recent events. Sheconcentrated on the last thing she remembered happening--and, realizingthat Sulu was the enemy, made a quick scramble for the small daggerthat lay only a few feet away on the floor. She grimaced sickly as shepicked it up--it had blood on it--but recovered quickly, and, still onher knees, brandished it at Sulu. He had watched, sitting quietly onthe floor, too amazed to react. He looked at the dagger and then, onsome instinct, down at his chest. He had been sliced diagonally acrosshis torso, not deeply enough to cause any real damage, but enough tocut through the fabric of his tunic and stain it with blood. "Hey," he said, his dark eyes wide with a mixture of anger and confusion, "ease up, Uhura. Just what do you think you'regonna do with that thing?" "Don't come near me," Uhura threatened. "Okay, I won't," Sulu said. He was still too indignant to befrightened. "Why'd you go and cut me like this?" Uhura hesitated and sat back on her haunches. "I honestly don't know.I just remember I had this hidden on me and I think ... we were tryingto kill each other." "Kill each other!" Sulu scoffed, but then he eyed his tunic. "Maybewe were," he said in a voice full of wonder, "but I still don'tunderstand." Tomson's voice came through the intercom, and they sat listening toit. "What's she doing up there?" Uhura demanded haughtily. "I don't see you up on the bridge," Sulu countered. "Be quiet andlisten." When the message finished, Sulu got to his feet. "I still don'tunderstand what's going on." "I understand part of it," Uhura said. "I can explain it to you on ourway up to the bridge." "Last one there's a--" Sulu said and impacted with the door. "Whatthe--" "We're locked in." Uhura was indignant. "Call the bridge and find outwhat's going on." Scott found himself stretched out in the corridor near engineering. Heyawned and rose stiffly, put a hand to his mouth, and noticed there wasa phaser in it, fully charged and set to kill. He clicked his tongueand changed it to the lowest setting. When he looked up, he saw the bulkhead where it came to a corner in front of him; itwas scorched, having very nearly been blown away. "What the devil--" He walked around the corner and saw Chekhov on theother side, struggling to get to his feet. "Mr. Scott," the navigator said. "I seem to have been knockedunconscious--" "Ye're not the only one, laddie." Scott hoisted him to his feet. "Iwas lyin' just on the other side there." Chekhov hissed, pointing. "The bulkhead, sir, look!" On his side, theouter wall had been blown away, exposing the minute circuitry beneath."We had better call security. Who would do such a thing?" Without answering, Scott bent down and retrieved the phaser nearChekhov's feet. It, too, was set to kill. Scott lowered the setting,but not without showing it to Chekhov first. "Apparently, laddie, we did." Amanda was remembering with perfect clarity; she had sat outside thedoor of the study, imagining what she would say to Sarek. She closedher eyes and pictured herself going inside; Sarek would be sitting atthe computer terminal, and when she entered, he would gaze up calmly ather. And then she would do what she had never done before--rage andweep and flail her arms at him, spit venom at him, and make cruel andhurtful remarks about the things he had done to Spock, to her, all thethings not forgotten over the years. She would say that she had raiseda child who could not love her, and that it had broken her heart. Shewould say that he had scarred the boy, made him be ashamed to be what he was. She would say that life on Vulcan wasunbearable, that it had been a horrible mistake to bring her here.... And when she could think of nothing more to hurt him with, she wouldstand, trembling, with tears on her face. And Sarek would sit,unmoving and unmoved, his impassive eyes fixed on her, and he would saynothing. And .in her dream she saw what had really happened. She opened hereyes and saw that the door to Sarek's study was still closed. Inside,it was dark, except for the glow emanating from the terminal. Sarekgazed up and waited for her to speak. She rarely interrupted him whilehe was working. She clasped her hands in front of her, and in a carefully measuredvoice said, "I must talk to you about Spock." He knew, of course, that she was angry; he always knew what she wasfeeling, no matter how hard she tried to hide it from him. "Thenspeak," he said. He sounded tired, although his face did not showit. "I have always tried to do as you have asked," she said, struggling tokeep her voice steady, "and I have never asked much of you. But Icannot--" She broke off and lowered her head. Sarek waited quietly."--I cannot choose between the two of you. I can't give one of you up.Please don't ask me to make that kind of choice." Sarek snapped the terminal off and sat quietly in his chair for sometime; Amanda could no longer see his expression. At last he rose andmoved toward her. She still could not see his face, but even in thedarkness she could see that he held out his hand. "Sarek." She woke herself up saying the name aloud. She was sitting up on a bedin a room that she did not recognize. Something had happened to her,something that she could not remember .. . she closed her eyes andtried to remember. Sarek. She felt a sickening wave of terror; he had changed, had becomesomething else .. . something horrible. With grief and revulsion, sheremembered Silek. But where was she now? There was something familiar about the place,as though she had been here before, perhaps with Sarek.. .. The starship. She put her feet on the floor and went to find Spock. "It worked!" Spock raised both eyebrows at the shout that emanated from hiscommunicator. Next to him, Anitra and McCoy grinned. "Are you quite sure, Captain?" "The bridge crew is straggling in, making their apologies. They allseem to be their affable selves again." Kirk exchanged smiles withUhura and Sulu, both at their stations. "What can we do to help you atthis end?" "The buoys will be ready soon, Captain. When you have someone manningthe transporter room, we'll send them up and then feed you thecoordinates for their placement in the atmosphere." "Let me know when you're ready. Oh, and Mr. Spock.. ." "Captain?" "I have someone here who will be beaming down shortly." He smiledover at Amanda. The city began falling asleep. On the streets, a few souls dropped intheir tracks and slept where they fell. In the air above them,passengers in skimmers slumped over their control panels and weregently shepherded by the computer to their preprogrammed destinations.They never disembarked. The thin, white cloud descended and found itsway into homes, buildings, even the caverns of Gol, where T'Sai and herfollowers slept. It filled the halls of the empty academy --except forthe one room which had been sealed with lead walls. People fighting,strangling, killing each other, fell to the ground together, locked ingruesome embraces. The planet Vulcan slept, and the evil faded. EPILOGUE "I think I need to talk to you," Anitra said. She stood hesitantly inthe doorway of McCoy's quarters.. "Come in, my dear." McCoy smiled warmly. "Can I get you something todrink?" "Absolutely," she said before he'd even had a chance to finish thequestion. "I assume it'll be sour mash." "Bourbon. Sour mash is mighty hard to find out here." "It'll do." She stood and looked around, obviously uncomfortable, ashe poured the drinks. Her eyes were large and bright. He turned away from the cabinets and gave her one of the glasses he washolding. "Don't tell me. Let me guess. It has something to do withyour leaving the service." Her jaw dropped. "How'd you know?" "Sit down, Anitra, and relax." She took a seat and he sat across from her behind the desk and held uphis glass in a toast. "To your leaving the service." She raised her drink but did not smile. "You sound almost happy aboutit." "Quite the contrary. I am heartbroken. But I want what's best foryou." He said it softly so that she would understand he was serious,then took a swallow of the whiskey. "Funny, I feel exactly the same way." She drank and leaned forwardwith a conspiratorial air. "You wanted to know about the ulcer. Nowthat I'm leaving, I can say that it had something to do with the factthat I wasn't cut out for intelligence work." "I thought it was just the one 'project'--" She shook her head. "They were always after me to get involved in moreprojects for them. It was beginning to get very political--" She tooka huge gulp of her drink. "I don't feel guilty. I've done myduty--the galaxy is once again safe for the Federation's particularbrand of democracy, so I told them where to put their projects andresigned my commission." "Good for you," McCoy said approvingly. "And I understand that theVulcans are once again their logical selves." "Yes, but the toll on the population was great. Spock told me theyfound two of the boxes with the contents still intact." "My God! What did they do with them?" "You know the Vulcans. They're on display at the academy mus eum." McCoy stiffened. "Are they insane? What if one of those damn thingsdecides to open?" Anitra shrugged and sipped her drink calmly. "Nothing will happen.They've got them shrouded behind a dozen force fields." "Well .. ." McCoy said grudgingly, "I still think they're asking fortrouble." "If they are, you know what to do, Doctor." He smiled at that, but it faded quickly. "Where will you go?" "Back home, I think. I'd like to do private research, maybe with mydad." "We're all really going to miss you." "Promise me something," she said, her violet eyes large with sorrow. "Anything," McCoy said gently, suddenly touched. "Promise me you won't let them take the microphone out of the captain'sshower again. I went to so much trouble this last time." "Why you--" McCoy said. She grinned, an imp once again. Beyond the outskirts of ShiKahr lay the small shrine that housed thecity's dead. There were no bodies there, merely polished blackmarkers, each inscribed with two names the name by which the deceasedwas known to all written in modern Vulcan, and the family name inancient script. Recently, the number of new markers had increasedstartlingly. Spock knelt forward and brushed the sand away from two of the markers.T'Ylle and Silek were not physically here; the sand was too soft andshifting for burial. Their bodies had been cremated, and Sarek, as theclosest living relative, had scattered the ashes on the desert wind.They were a part of the roaming desert tide now, part of the sand thatpolished the markers until they glistened in the sun. Spock touched the markers of the aunt and uncle he had never seen alive. To both of them, the planet owed its thanks,and they would never know. But the family would remember, After a time, he rose and headed slowly toward the city. Behind him,the wind stirred, uncovering a small object left by a mourner onSilek's grave. Encased in heavy crystal, forever safe from the ravages of wind andsand, was a small, perfect yellow rose.