V4 changelog: (Turn on your wordwrap) - Proofed against the DT. (The original was quite poor uncorrected raw text). Corrected a few typos from the DT. - The USER.CSS file This ebook has a provision for simple user-defined formatting, using an external file called user.css. Some format questions (font, margins, paragraph spacing, text justification) are matters of personal taste, so an effort has been made to make it simple for each reader to have the display of the book reflect his or her wishes without having to modify the underlying HTML code (or even know anything about HTML or CSS markup). You will, however, need a reader or browser that is standards-compliant (pretty much anything written this millenium). To modify the appearance of the book, create a file named user.css in a text editor (don't use a word processor, or use "save as text" if you do) and follow the subsequent instructions: - Margins: By default, the book displays with left and right margins of 5% of the available screen size. To eliminate the margins, your user.css file should contain a line as follows: body { margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 0%; } The percentage values can also be increased or decreased to suit personal taste. (For a more "book-like" display, similar to that in MS Reader, try setting both margin values to about 25% and enlarging your reader or browser to full-screen display). - Font To change the default display font, your user.css should include a line as follows: body { font-family: font; } where font is the name of your desired font. For example: body { font-family: Courier; } would set the font to Courier. NB: If the name of the font contains spaces, you *must* include quotation marks around the name of the font, as in: body { font-family: "Times New Roman"; } Similarly, to change font size, use: body { font-size: ##pt; } where ## is the desired size in points, so that: body { font-size: 18pt; } would set the size to 18 point type. To change both the font and the font-size, combine the two instructions, as in: body { font-size: 18pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; } which would set the display to 18 point Times New Roman. Something similar applies if setting two or more of font size, font, and margin size: body { font-size: 18pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; margin-left: 0%; margin-right: 0%; } will set the display font to Times New Roman in 18 point type and eliminate the left and right margins. - Text alignment By default, this book uses "ragged" (non-justified) text display. If you prefer "justified" display (where all lines end evenly at the right margin), put: p { text-align: justify; } into your user.css. - Paragraph spacing Most browsers and readers include some blank space (roughly one line) between each paragraph. If you prefer to eliminate these empty lines, insert p { margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em; } into your user.css file. (Or increase the numbers if you prefer more whitespace between paragraphs). If also using fully-justified text, the user.css entry should look like this: p { margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 0em; text-align: justify; } Once you have chosen your changes, save the file user.css in one of: - the same directory as this readme and the book; - the directory above it; - the directory above that. In other words, if you have saved this book to: C:\BOOKS\AUTHOR\TITLE (or ~/books/author/title for the *nix-heads, but you knew that, right?) then the user.css file can go in C:\BOOKS\AUTHOR\TITLE, C:\BOOKS\AUTHOR, or C:\BOOKS NB: If you have files named user.css in multiple locations, the last found will be used (in other words if you have one in the same directory as this readme and another in the directory above, the latter will be used). If you already have the book open, you will have to reload it in your browser or reader before seeing any changes. If you decide you don't like the result, either edit the user.css file again (reloading to check the changes) or just delete it - the book will then revert to its default formatting after a reload. Note to editors/proofers/scanners: if you want to add user.css functionality to your own HTML ebooks, you need only add the lines: after any existing internal stylesheets or links to external stylesheets. This will look for user.css first in the same directory as the book, then one directory above, then two directories above.