1) If htm/rtf version is UC: htm & rtf are the raw output from finereader, any images included with the htm & uncertain characters highlighted in the rtf. Before you proof the attached htm or rtf, I'd suggest you load the B&W tiff in Finereader 10. You may even get less errors than me. I loaded the Grey tiff for OCR and then saved to B&W CCITT Group 4, some of these tiffs were later run through Scantaylor. After I learnt of it. Besides how anyone can proof a scan without the tif and text side by side is beyond me. http://scantailor.sourceforge.net/ Tips: when using Scan taylor v0.9.8 ALWAYS: - split page - check every page split, ST almost always gets a few wrong. - select content - check each page, frequently misses page numbers at end of chapter among other things. - print layout - make use of widest/tallest page, a oversized area will effect all page sizes. - print layout - found it quickest to first align all with page numbers, either center top or bottom. and then individually position the Intro pages, appendix and first/last chaper page where necessary. Allthough it takes longer to process the tifs than to do the scan, the improved ocr results, neater and smaller tif size make it worth the little extra effort, at least I think so. For a 20 min scan, takes me about 30 min to produce the htm and tif/rtf proofpacks. All blank pages in original scan retained, only 4kb each, which lets displaying the thumbnails in 10 columns an easy way to check for missed pages. 2) If ebook version is v0.9: some text is obscured by page flakes (an old book), two pages squezed at spine or a missed page flap (old bookmark). When noticed I added the missing text from the DT rather than rescan page. I'm lazy, so sue me. More recent scans will have a txt file named 'chk pg x,y,z' which was a file I put in the tiff folder to remind myself which pages needed a DT check, for whenever I got around to the OCR. foi