Epilog Clifford D. Simak When Harry Harrison suggested I write a final City story for this memorial volume, I found myself instinc­tively shying away from it. Over the years a writer's per­spectives and viewpoints shift and his techniques change. I was fairly certain that in the thirty years since the tales were written I had probably traded for other writing tools the tools that I had used to give them the texture that served to distinguish them from my other work. Yet I realized that if I were to write a story for this book it should be a City story, for those stories were more deeply rooted in the old Astounding era than anything I had ever done. The eight previous stories, with one exception, were published in John Campbell's Astounding and told the story of the Webster family, the Webster robots and dogs. The tales recounted the breakdown of the city, the development of the Dog civilization by the Websters, the launching of the Ant society by the mad mutant, Joe. Finally, in order not to interfere with the culture being developed by the Dogs, the Websters left their old an­cestral home. Staying behind, however, was the ancient robot, Jenkins, who served as mentor for the Dogs until they too went to one of the alternate Earths when the Ants began taking over. The other stories recorded the saga of the Websters and the Dogs. This final tale is Jenkins' story. It also is the last story I shall ever write for John. It is my hope it can stand as a small tribute to a man who deserves a much larger one and who was a greater friend to all of us than we may have known. Things happened all at once on that single day, although what day it might have been is not known, for Jenkins… As Jenkins walked across the meadow, the Wall came tumbling down… Jenkins sat on the patio of Webster House and re­membered that long-gone day when the man from Geneva had come back to Webster House and had told a little Dog that Jenkins was a Webster, too. And that, Jenkins told himself, had been a day of pride for him… Jenkins walked across the meadow to commune with the little meadow mice, to become one with them and run for a time with them in the tunnels they had con­structed in the grass. Although there was not much satis­faction in it. The mice were stupid things, unknowing and uncaring, but there was a certain warmth to them, a quiet sort of security and well-being, since they lived quite alone in the meadow world and there was no danger and no threat. There was nothing left to threaten them. They were all there were, aside from certain insects and worms that were fodder for the mice. In time past, Jenkins recalled, he had often wondered why the mice had stayed behind when all the other an­imals had gone to join the Dogs in one of the cobbly worlds. They could have gone, of course. The Dogs could have taken them, but there had been no wish in them to go. Perhaps they had been satisfied with where they were; perhaps they had a sense of home too strong to let them go. The mice and I, thought Jenkins. For he could have gone as well. He could go even now if he wished to go. He could have gone at any time at all. But like the mice, he had not gone, but stayed. He could not leave Webster House. Without it, he was only half a being. So he had stayed and Webster House still stood. Al­though it would not have stood, he told himself, if it had not been for him. He had kept it clean and neat; he had patched it up. When a stone began to crumble, he had quarried and shaped another and had carefully replaced it, and while it may for a while have seemed new and alien to the house, time took care of that—the wind and sun and weather and the creeping moss and lichens. He had cut the lawn and tended the shrubs and flower beds. The hedges he'd kept trimmed. The wood­work and the furniture well-dusted, the floors and panel­ing well-scrubbed—the house still stood. Good enough, he told himself with some satisfaction, to house a Webster if one ever should show up. Although there was no hope of that. The Websters who had gone to Jupiter were no longer Websters, and those at Geneva still were sleeping if, in fact, Geneva and the Websters in it existed any longer. For the Ants now held the world. They had made of the world one building, or so he had presumed, although he could not really know. But so far as he did know, so far as his robotic senses reached (and they reached far), there was nothing but the great senseless building that the Ants had built. Although to call it senseless, he re­minded himself, was not entirely fair. There was no way of knowing what purpose it might serve. There was no way one might guess what purpose the Ants might have in mind. The Ants had enclosed the world, but had stopped short of Webster House, and why they had done that there was no hint at all. They had built around it, mak­ing Webster House and its adjoining acres a sort of open courtyard within the confines of the building—a five-mile circle centered on the hill where Webster House still stood. Jenkins walked across the meadow in the autumn sunshine, being very careful where he placed his feet for fear of harming mice. Except for the mice, he thought, he was alone, and he might almost as well have been alone, for the mice were little help. The Websters were gone and the Dogs and other animals. The robots gone as well, some of them long since having disap­peared into the Ants' building to help the Ants carry out their project, the others blasting for the stars. By this time, Jenkins thought, they should have gotten where they were headed for. They all had been long gone, and now he wondered, for the first time in many ages, how long it might have been. He found he did not know and now would never know, for there had been that far-past moment when he had wiped utterly from his mind any sense of time. Deliberately he had decided that he no longer would take account of time, for as the world then stood, time was meaningless. Only later had he understood that what he'd really sought had been forgetfulness. But he had been wrong. It had not brought forgetfulness; he still remembered, but in scrambled and haphazard sequences. He and the mice, he thought. And the Ants, of course. But the Ants did not really count, for he had no contact with them. Despite the sharpened senses and the new sensory abilities built into his birthday body (now no longer new) that had been given by the Dogs so long ago, he had never been able to penetrate the wall of the Ants' great building to find out what might be going on in there. Not that he hadn't tried. Walking across the meadow, he remembered the day when the last of the Dogs had left. They had stayed much longer than loyalty and common decency had de­manded, and although he had scolded them mildly for it, it still kindled a warm, glow within him when he re­membered it. He had been sitting in the sun, on the patio, when they had come trailing up the hill and ranged themselves before him like a gang of naughty boys. "We are leaving, Jenkins," the foremost one of them had said. "Our world is growing smaller. There is no longer room to run." He had nodded at them, for he'd long expected it. He had wondered why it had not happened sooner. "And you, Jenkins?" asked the foremost Dog. Jenkins shook his head. "I must stay," he'd said. "This is my place. I must stay here with the Websters." "But there are no Websters here." "Yes, there are," said Jenkins. "Not to you, perhaps. But to me. For me they still live in the very stone of Webster House. They live in the trees and the sweep of hill. This is the roof that sheltered them; this is the land they walked upon. They can never go away." He knew how foolish it must sound, but the Dogs did not seem to think that it was foolish. They seemed to understand. It had been many centuries, but they still seemed to understand. He had said the Websters still were there, and at the time they had been. But he wondered as he walked the meadow if now they still were there. How long had it been since he had heard footsteps going down a stairs? How long since there had been voices in the great, fire-placed living room and, when he'd looked, there'd been no one there? And now, as Jenkins walked in the autumn sunshine, a great crack suddenly appeared in the outer wall of the Ants' building, a mile or two away. The crack grew, snaking downward from the top in a jagged line, spread-ing as it grew, and with smaller cracks moving out from it Pieces of the material of which the wall was fashioned broke out along the crack and came crashing to the ground, rolling and bouncing in the meadow. Then, all at once, the wall on both sides of the crack seemed to eome unstuck and came tumbling down. A cloud of dust rose into the air, and Jenkins stood there looking at the great hole in the wall. Beyond the hole in the wall, the massive building rose like a circular mountain range, with peaks piercing upward here and there above the plateau of the structure. The hole stood gaping in the wall and nothing further happened. No ants came pouring out, no robots running frantically. It was as though, Jenkins thought, the Ants did not know, or knowing, care, as if the fact that at last their building had been breached held no significance. Something had happened, Jenkins told himself with some astonishment. Finally, in this Webster world, an event had come to pass. He moved forward, heading for the hole in the wall, not moving fast, for there seemed no need to hurry. The dust settled slowly, and now and then additional chunks of the wall broke loose and fell. He came up to the broken place, and, climbing the rubble, walked into the building. The interior was not as bright as it was outdoors, but considerable light still filtered through what might be thought of as the ceiling of the building. For the build­ing, at least in this portion of it, was not partitioned into floors, but was open to the upper reaches of the structure, a great gulf of space soaring to the topmost towers. Once inside, Jenkins stopped in amazement, for it seemed at first glance that the building was empty. Then he saw that was not the case, for while the greater part of the building might be empty, the floor of it was most uneven, and the unevenness, he saw, was made up of monstrous ant hills, and on top of each of them stood a strange ornament made of metal that shone in the dim light coming through the ceiling. The hills were criss­crossed here and there by what appeared to be tiny roads, but all of them were out of repair and broken, parts of them wiped out by the miniature landslides that scarred the hills. Here and there, as well, were chimneys, but no smoke poured out of them; some had fallen and others were plainly out of plumb and sagging. There was no sign of ants. Small aisles lay between the anthills, and, walking carefully, Jenkins made his way between them, working deeper into the building. All the hills were like the first one—all of them lay dead, with their chimneys sagging and their roads wiped out and no sign of any life. Now, finally, he made out the ornaments that stood atop each hill, and for perhaps the first time in his life, Jenkins felt laughter shaking him. If he had ever laughed before, he could not remember it, for he had been a serious and a dedicated robot. But now he stood between the dead hills and held his sides, as a laughing man might hold his sides, and let the laughter rumble through him. For the ornament was a human foot and leg, extend­ing midway from the thigh down through the foot, with the knee bent and the foot extended, as if it were in the process of kicking something violently. Joe's foot! The kicking foot of the crazy mutant, Joe! It had been so long ago that he had forgotten it, and he was a little pleased to find there had been something that he had forgotten, that he was capable of forgetting, for he had thought that he was not. But he remembered now the almost legendary story from the far beginning, although he knew it was not legendary but had really happened, for there had been a mutant human by the name of Joe. He wondered what had happened to such mutants. Apparently not too much. At one time there had been a few of them, per­haps too few of them, and then there had been none of them, and the world had gone on as if they'd never been. Well, not exactly as if they'd never been, for there was the Ant world and there was Joe. Joe, so the story ran, had experimented with an ant hill. He had covered it with a dome and had heated it and perhaps done other things to it as well—certain things that no one knew but Joe. He had changed the ants' environment and in some strange way had implanted in them some obscure spark of greatness, and in time they had de­veloped an intellectual culture, if ants could be said to be capable of intelligence. Then Joe had come along and kicked the hill, shattering the dome, devastating the hill, and had walked away with that strange, high, almost insane laughter that was characteristic of him. He had destroyed the hill and turned his back upon it, not caring any longer. But he had kicked the ants to greatness. Facing adversity, they had not gone back to their old, stupid, antlike ways, but had fought to save what they had gained. As the Ice Age of the Pleistocene had booted the human race to greatness, so had the swinging foot of the human mutant, Joe, set the ants upon their way. Thinking this, a suddenly sobering thought came to Jenkins. How could the Ants have known? What ant or ants had sensed or seen, so long ago, the kick that had come out of nothingness? Could some ant astron­omer, peering through his glass, have seen it all? And that was ridiculous, for there could have been no ant astronomers. But otherwise how could they have tied up the connection between the blurred shape that had loomed, momentarily, so far above them, and the true beginning of the culture they had built? Jenkins shook his head. Perhaps this was a thing that never would be known. But the ants, somehow, had known, and had built atop each hill the symbol of that mystic shape. A memorial, he wondered, or a religious symbol? Or perhaps something else entirely, carrying some obscure purpose or meaning that could be con­ceived by nothing but an ant. He wondered rather idly if the recognition by the ants of the true beginning of their greatness might have any thing to with their not overrunning Webster House, but he did not follow up the thought because he realized it was too nebulous to be worth the time. He went deeper into the building, making his way along the narrow paths that lay between the hills, and with his mind he searched for any sign of life, but there was none—there was no life at all, not even the feeblest, smallest flicker denoting the existence of those tiny or­ganisms that should be swarming in the soil. There was a silence and a nothingness that com­pounded into horror, but he forced himself to continue on his way, thinking that surely he would find, just a little farther on, some evidence of life. He wondered if he should shout in an attempt to attract attention, but reason told him that the ants, even were they there, would not hear a shout, and aside from that, he felt a strange reluctance to make any kind of noise. As if this were a place where one should stay small and furtive. Everything was dead. Even the robot that he found. It was lying in one of the paths, propped up against a hill, and he came upon it as he came around the hill. It dangled and was limp, if it could be said that a robot could be limp, and Jenkins, at the sight of it, stood stricken in the path. There was no doubt that it was dead; he could sense no stir of life within the skull, and in that moment of realization it seemed to him the world stumbled to a halt. For robots do not die. Wear out, perhaps, or be damaged beyond possible repair, but even then the life would keep ticking in the brain. In all his life he had never heard of a robot dead, and if there had been one, he surely would have heard of it. Robots did not die, but here one lay dead, and it was not only this one, something seemed to tell him, but all the robots who had served the ants. All the robots and all the ants and still the building stood, an empty symbol of some misplaced ambition, of some cultural miscalcu­lation. Somewhere the ants had gone wrong, and had they gone wrong, he wondered, because Joe had built a dome? Had the dome become a be-all and an end-all? Had it seemed to the ants that their greatness lay in the construction of a dome, that a dome was necessary for them to continue in their greatness? Jenkins fled. And as he fled, a crack appeared in the ceiling far overhead, and there was a crunching, grating sound as the crack snaked its way along. He plunged out of the hole in the wall and raced out into the meadow. Behind him he heard the thunder of a part of the roof collapsing. He turned around and watched as that small portion of the building tore itself apart, great shards falling down into all those dead ant hills, toppling the emblems of the kicking human foot that had been planted on their tops. Jenkins turned away and went slowly across the meadow and up the hill to Webster House. On the patio, he saw that for the moment the collapse of the building had been halted. More of the wall had fallen, and a great hole gaped in the structure held up by the wall. In this matchless autumn day, he thought, was the beginning of the end. He had been here at the start of it, and he still was here to see the end of it. Once again he wondered how long it might have been and regretted, but only a small regret, that he had not kept track of time. Men were gone and Dogs were gone, and except for himself, all the robots, too. Now the ants were gone, and the Earth stood lonely except for one hulking robot and some little meadow mice. There might still be fish, he thought, and other creatures of the sea, and he won­dered about those creatures of the sea. Intelligence, he thought. But intelligence came hard and it did not last. In another day, he thought, another intelligence might come from the sea, although deep inside himself he knew it was most unlikely. The ants shut themselves in, he thought. Their world had been a closed world. Was it because there was no place for them to go that they had failed? Or was it because their world had been a closed one from the start? There had been ants in the world as early as the Jurassic, 180 million years, and probably before that. Millions of years before the forerunners of man had existed, the ants had established a social order. They had advanced only so far; they had established their social order and been content with it—content because it was what they wanted, or because they could go no further? They had achieved security, and in the Jurassic and for many millions of years later, security had been enough. Joe's dome had served to reenforce that security, and it had then been safe for them to develop further if they held the capacity to develop. It was quite evident, of course, that they had the capability, but, Jenkins told himself, the old idea of security had continued to prevail. They had been unable to rid themselves of it. Perhaps they never even tried to rid themselves of it, had never recognized it as something that should be gotten off their backs. Was it, Jenkins wondered, that old, snug security that had killed them? With a booming crash that went echoing around the horizon, another section of the roof fell. What would an ant strive for, Jenkins wondered. A maintenance of security, and what else? Hoarding, per­haps. Grubbing from the earth everything of value and storing it away against another day. That in itself, he realized, would be no more than another facet to the fetish of security. A religion of some sort, perhaps—the symbols of the kicking foot that stood atop the hills could have been religious. And again security. Security for the souls of ants. The conquest of space? And per­haps the ants had conquered space, Jenkins told himself. For a creature the size of an ant the world itself must have appeared to be a quite sufficient galaxy. Conquering one galaxy with no idea that an even greater galaxy lay beyond. And even the conquering of a galaxy might be another sort of security. It was all wrong, Jenkins realized. He was attributing to ants the human mental process, and there might be more to it than that There might lie in the minds of ants a certain ferment, a strange direction, an unknown ethical equation which had never been a part, or could never be a part, of the minds of men. Thinking this, he realized with horror that in building a picture of an ant he'd built the picture of a human. He found a chair and sat down quietly to gaze across the meadow to the place where the building of the ants still was falling in upon itself. But Man, Jenkins remembered, had left something behind him. He had left the Dogs and robots. What, if anything, had the ants left? Nothing, certainly, that was apparent, but how was he to know? A man could not know, Jenkins told himself, and neither could a robot, for a robot was a man, not blood and flesh as was a man, but in every other way. The ants had built their society in the Jurassic or before and had existed within its structure for millions of years, and perhaps that was the reason they had failed—the society of the hill was so firmly embedded in them they could not break away from it. And I? he asked himself. How about me? I am em­bedded as deeply in man's social structure as any ant in hers. For less than a million years, but for a long, long time, he had lived in, not the structure of man's society, but in the memory of that structure. He had lived in it, he realized, because it had offered him the security of an ancient memory. He sat quietly, but stricken at the thought—or at least at the fact that he could allow the thought "We never know," he said aloud. "We never know ourselves." He leaned far back in the chair and thought how un-robotlike it was to be sitting in a chair. He never used to sit. It was the man in him, he thought. He allowed his head to settle back against the rest and let his optic filters down, shutting out the light. To sleep, he won­dered—what would sleep be like? Perhaps the robot he had found beside the hill—but no, the robot had been dead, not sleeping. Everything was wrong, he told him­self. Robots neither sleep nor die. Sounds came to him. The building still was breaking up, and out in the meadow the autumn breeze was rustling the grasses. He strained a little to hear the mice running in their tunnels, but for once the mice were quiet. They were crouching, waiting. He could sense their waiting. They knew somehow, he thought, that there was something wrong. And another sound, a whisper, a sound he'd never heard before, an entirely alien sound. He snapped his filters open and sat erect abruptly, and out in front of him he saw the ship landing in the meadow. The mice were running now, frightened, running for their lives, and the ship came to rest like floating thistle­down, settling in the grass. Jenkins leaped to his feet and stabbed his senses out, but his probing stopped at the surface of the ship. He could no more probe beyond it than he could the build­ing of the ants before it came tumbling down. He stood on the patio, utterly confused by this unex­pected thing. And well he might be, he thought, for until this day there had been no unexpected happenings. The days had all run together, the days, the years, the cen­turies, so like one another there was no telling them apart. Time had flowed like a mighty river, with no sudden spurts. And now, today, the building had come tumbling down and a ship had landed. A hatch came open in the ship and a ladder was run out. A robot climbed down the ladder and came striding up the meadow toward Webster House. He stopped at the edge of the patio, "Hello, Jenkins," he said. "I thought we'd find you here." "You're Andrew, aren't you?" Andrew chuckled at him. "So you remember me." "I remember everything," said Jenkins. "You were the last to go. You and two others finished up the final ship, and then you left the Earth. I stood and watched you go. What have you found out there?" "You used to call us wild robots," Andrew said. "I guess you thought we were. You thought that we were crazy." "Unconventional," said Jenkins. "What is conventional?" asked Andrew. "Living in a dream? Living for a memory? You must be weary of it." "Not weary…" said Jenkins, his voice trailing off. He began again. "Andrew, the ants have failed. They're dead. Their building's falling down." "So much for Joe," said Andrew. "So much for Earth. There is nothing left." "There are mice," said Jenkins. "And there is Webster House." He thought again of the day the Dogs had given him a brand-new body as a birthday gift. The body had been a lulu. A sledge hammer wouldn't dent it, and it would never rust, and it was loaded with sensory equipment he had never dreamed of. He wore it even now, and it was as good as now, and when he polished the chest a little, the engraving still stood out plain and clear: To Jenkins From the Dogs. He had seen men go out to Jupiter to become some­thing more than men, and the Websters to Geneva for an eternity of dreams, the Dogs and other animals to one of the cobbly worlds, and now, finally, the ants gone to extinction. He was shaken to realize how much the extinction of the ants had marked him. As if someone had come along and put a final period to the written story of the Earth. Mice, he thought. Mice and Webster House. With the ship standing in the meadow, could that be enough? He tried to think: Had the memory worn thin? Had the debt he owed been paid? Had he discharged the last ounce of devotion? "There are worlds out there," Andrew was saying, "and life on some of them. Even some intelligence. There is work to do." He couldn't go to the cobbly world that the Dogs had settled. Long ago, at the far beginning, the Websters had gone away so the Dogs would be free to develop their culture without human interference. And he could do no less than Websters, for he was, after all, a Webster. He could not intrude upon them; he could not interfere. He had tried forgetfulness, ignoring time, and it had not worked, for no robot could forget. . He had thought the ants had never counted. He had resented them, at times even hated them, for if it had not been for them, the Dogs would still be here. But now he knew that all life counted. There were still the mice, but the mice were better left alone. They were the last mammals left on Earth, and there should be no interference with them. They wanted none and needed none, and they'd get along all right. They would work out their own destiny, and if their destiny be no more than remaining mice, there was nothing wrong with that. "We were passing by," said Andrew. "Perhaps we'll not be passing by again." Two other robots had climbed out of the ship and were walking about the meadow. Another section of the wall fell, and some of the roof fell with it. From where Jenkins stood, the sound of falling was muted and seemed much farther than it was. So Webster House was all, and Webster House was only a symbol of the life that it once had sheltered. It was only stone and wood and metal. Its sole significance, Jenkins told himself, existed in his mind, a psychological concept that he had fashioned. Driven into a corner, he admitted the last hard fact. He was not needed here. He was only staying for himself. "We have room for you," said Andrew, "and a need of you." So long as there had been ants, there had been no question. But now the ants were gone. And what dif­ference did that make? He had not liked the ants. Jenkins turned blindly and stumbled off the patio and through the door that led into the house. The walls cried out to him. And voices cried out as well from the shadow of the past. He stood and listened to them, and now a strange thing struck him. The voices were there, but he did not hear the words. Once there had been words, but now the words were gone and, in time, the voices as well? What would happen, he wondered, when the house grew quiet and lonely, when all the voices were gone and the memories faded? They were faded now, he knew. They were no longer sharp and clear; they had faded through the years. Once there had been joy, but now there was only sad­ness, and it was not, he knew, alone the sadness of an empty house; it was the sadness of all else, the sadness of the Earth, the sadness of the failures and the empty triumphs. In time the wood would rot and the metal flake away; in time the stone be dust. There would, in time, be no house at all, but only a loamy mound to mark where a house had stood. It all came from living too long, Jenkins thought— from living too long and not being able to forget. That would be the hardest part of it; he never would forget. He turned about and went back through the door and across the patio. Andrew was waiting for him, at the bottom of the ladder that led into the ship. Jenkins tried to say goodbye, but he could not say goodbye. If he could only weep, he thought, but a robot could not weep.