PHILIP K. DICK OUR FRIENDS FROM FROLIX 8 , 1970 UNDERSTOOD IT FIRST Bobby said: "I do not want to take the examination." And instead you must take it, thought his father.See you want a future for our family exists and extends indeed in the future. In periods that very open after my dead women... mine and that one of Kleo. "I will try to explain it to you in another way" said with a high voice, while they walked over along the crowded mobile sidewalk towards the Federal Office for Personal Qualifications. "various Persons possess various abilities." He knew this much to well. "my abilities, as an example, are Very limited; they are not characterized for a governmental classification G-1, that he is lower than all." it hurts to have to admit it to Him, but it was the truth; and it was precise that the boy understood how vital it was -. "Therefore I am not characterized absolutely. I have a small non governmental employment use... that is, really nothing. . You want to become like me when you grow up? " "You are a type six to place" Bobby with the majestic security of its twelve years. praised. - Oh, not - Nick denied. - For me yes you are it. Nick felt disturbed. And, like in many occasions lately, on the brink of madness the desperation. - Listening - he exclaimed - and you will know how Earth is governed.Two entities continue to maneuver one around the other, and if before it is one having the control, then it touches the other. These entities... " " I am not none of those two!" I am Old and Regular. I do not want to be examined. I know what I am. I know what you are and I the same want to be.." In his interior, Nick felt its parched and timid stomach, and due to this he experienced an acute necessity.. Watching himself in­torno, past a drogabar on the other side of the road, beyond the traffic of the cars rocket and the greatest vehicles, for the public transit. It guided Bobby towards an incline for passers-by and ten minutes later had arrived at the other sidewalk. "I go to the bar I will only take a few minutes 'said Nick. "I do not feel myself well enough in order to carry you to the Federal Palace, in this special conjunction of time and space well." It lead his son beyond the eye of the door, to the dark interior of the bar Donovan... a place he had not visited previously but that he liked at first sight. -. "That boy cannot enter here - the waiter informed him. It indicated a poster on the wall. he is not eighteen years old.. You want makes to pass me for that it sells roba to the under-age ones " "In my usual bar..." Nick began, but the bartender the inter­ruppe abruptly. "This is not your usual bar" sentenziò, and movements with heavy pas­si in order to go itself to serve a customer to the opposite head of the room dipped in the penumbra. Nick said: "You go to watch the display windows of the store next." It gave to a pat with the elbow to the son, indicandogli the door from which they were as soon as it enters to you. "we look at ourselves here outside between three or four minuteren." "Always the same history" said Bobby, but it exited strascicando the feet, outside on the sidewalk with its legions of humanities that crowded themselves under the sun of the mattino... For a moment it hesitated, guar­dandosi to the shoulders, then continued until disappearing. Being based on a stool, Nick said: "I would want fifty mil­ligrammi of cloridrato of fenmetrazina and thirty of stelladrina, with of the acetilsalicilato one of sodio in order throwing them down." The bartender said: "the stelladrina will make you to dream many lon­tane stars." It arranged a saucer in front of Nick, then taken to the pills and the acetilsalicilato solution of of sodio in a glass of plasti­ca; resting all in front of Nick, it was pulled behind grattando an ear with pensierosa air. "I hope just that the face." Nick swallowed the three lean pil­lole - was nearly the end of the month and it could not be allowed of me­glio - and it hunted to them down with one sorsata of the solution that had a sapore salmastro. "It accompanies your son to a federal examination" Pulling outside the pocketbook, Nick agreed. "You creeds that are make up to you" it asked the bartender. "I do not know it" answered dry Nick. The bartender, resting the elbows on the shelf I polish of the counter, sporse towards of he and was said: "I believe of yes." Taken the moneies of Nick and turned towards the cash register opening it with one blast. "I see people that she goes here within for fourteen, fifteen times. In­capaci to accept the fact that they - or even their sons, as in your case - the examination. They continue to try to us and the result is always the same one. The New Men do not have cer­to intention to leave that qualcun other can soffiargli theirs employs be them. Those only want... " It was watched around and ab­bassò the voice. "Not if they dream not to divide it the co­mando with that it is not of theirs. Devil, in the speeches governed to you nearly succeeds in to confess it openly. Those... " "They have need of young blood" said obstinate Nick... with the same tone with which it had repeated it to if same many times. The bartender said: "They have their sons." "they are not enough." Nick drank an other sorso of the solution. Co­minciava already to feel the first effects of the idrocloruro of fenmetrazina, that it increased to its optimism and the confidence in if same; it perceived a strong sense of heat to irradiate itself in the inside of its cor­po. "If it jumped outside" said, "that the examinations for the Stata­le Service are make up to you, this government would lose the confidence nel.giro.di ventiquattr' hours and the Unusual ones would go endured to the power. Creeds that the New Men are disposed to leave to govern the Inso­liti? Saint God." "I believe that they are working entirety" I said the bartender. And one went away in order to serve an other customer. How many times, thought Nick while it left the bar, this have thought anch' I to it. Before the government of the Unusual ones, then that one of the New Men... if truly they are themselves comes to an agreement to you between of they in order putting in feet this system, thought, so as to to be able to seriously control­lare the operation of the examinations for the staff, then costitui­rebbero, as the bartender has said, a structure of being able able to endure alone; but our entire system politi­co is based on the mutual hostility of the two groups... is a basic truth of our existence... with to the other truth indiscus­sa that thanks to their superiority those deserve to govern and knows to make it with wisdom. A passage between the mass in motion of the pedestrians was opened and caught up the son, than if of it were firm to observe kidnapped the ve­trina of a store. "We go" said Nick, resting a determined hand - the drugs had rendered it such - on the shoulder of the boy. Without to move, Bobby said: "Here they sell those knives ca­paci of procurare pain at a distance. I can have of one? Fareb­be to feel to me surer to have some I lean while I make the examination." "It is a giocattolo" said Nick. "Ago the same one" said Bobby. "I pray to You. It would indeed make to feel me very better." A day, thought Nick, you will not have more makes to respect procu­rando pain you... more you will not be forced to dominate your pars and to serve your masters. You will be same a master, and then I po­trò to accept serenely all which I will look at myself to happen at­torno. "" he did not say, and he guided of new the boy in means to the den­sa fiumana of the traffic on the sidewalk. "not to think next to things con­crete" he said with hard voice. "He concentrates to you on the abstractions; he thinks next to the processes of the neutrologica. He is on that you will have to make the examination." The boy remained behind. "You move!" I scream stridulo Nick, pushing it to force ahead. And perceiving in physical way the reluctance of the boy, it felt the impending presence of a failure. The things by now went ahead therefore from cinquant' years, since 2085, when the first New Man had been elect... eight years after that an Unusual one had assumed for before he turns that high assignment. Then great innovation was appeared one; all were chie­sti like if they would be cavata it, under the practical aspect, those anomalous types that were only develop to you of recent. If they were cavata it well... too much well because an Old Man could follow their example. Where they were in a position to holding in equilibrium a bundle of lights fulgide, an Old one hardly succeeded to balance of one. Sure actions, based on mental processes that no Old one could hope to follow, did not have quite previous of some kind between the human varieties of species come before. "It watches that title it." Bobby had stopped in front of one ra­strelliera newspaper charge. THE CAPTURE OF PROVONI BY NOW IMMINENT DEDUCTION Nick read it without some interest, without to believe to that that di­ceva and in truth without not to find it important. For how much it regarded it, Thors Provoni did not exist more, neither captured, neither to free foot. But Bobby seemed fascinated from the news. Displeased Af­fascinato... and. "they will not never capture Provoni" said Bobby. "It lowers the voice" said Nick, the labbra near the ear of the son. It was felt deeply to uneasiness. "What imports to me if someone feels to me" Bobby with fo­ga said. It indicated the flow of men and women that slid they around. "and then, they would be all of agreement with me." It raised towards the father two incupiti eyes, cargos of repressed temper. "When Provoni has left" said Nick, "and it has left the siste­ma solar, it has betrayed entire mankind, a lot that Superio­re that... the other." To this it believed firmly. They two of it had discussed many times, but they were not never resolutions to inte­grare the respective opinions contrasting on the man whom she had promised to find an other planet, an other habitable world, on which the Old Men could living... and governing itself alone. "Provoni was a codardo" said Nick, "and mentally a subEnne. Not creed not even that the hunting was worth the pain dargli. Co­munque, to how much seems scovato it." "they always say" said It Bobby. "Two months ago have to us det­to that nel.giro.di ventiquattr' hours..." "It was subEnne" interrupted it Nick abruptly. "and therefore it does not count." "Also we are subEnne" we said Bobby. "I it am" I beat again Nick. "But you not." They continued in Hush; nobody of they had more wants than to speak with the other. The Agent of the Service Be them Norbert Weiss extracted a green strisciolina from the computer behind its writing desk and read the information that atten­tamente they were brought back. APPLETON, ROBERT. Me the memory, thought Weiss.Dodici years, a father ambizio­so... which had been turns out you of the child in the test prelimina­re? A rather developed factor and, much advanced one to the me­dia. However... Raising the videotelefono interdipartimentale, it made the nume­ro inner of its advanced one. The long and butterato ace of Jerome Pikeman appeared, with obvious signs of fatigue from excessive job. "Yes" "Between little the Appleton boy it will be here" said Weiss. "you have taken one decision? We make to exceed the examination or not " It held the strisciolina of raised green paper in front of the micro­camera of the apparatus, in order to refresh the memory to its supe­riore. "Those of my department do not appreciate the atteg­giamento very serve them of its father" said Pikeman. "It is so estre­mo - in the comparisons of the authority - makes us to think that it could easy generate reflected denied to you in the emotional development of its son. Bocciatelo." "In definitive way" it asked Weiss. "Or temporary" "Bocciatelo once for all. Without ripensamenti. Fare­mo a favor; probably also it wants to fail the examination." "the boy had a score much high." "But not exceptional. Null that to we make comfortable to have." "But for honesty towards the boy..." Weiss protested. "For honesty towards the boy the bocceremo. It is not an honor or I privilege to obtain one federal qualification, but but a burden. One responsibility. It is not of the same warning, Mr. Weiss " It had not never seen the issue in such terms. Yes, pen­sò;il my job is laborious, the satisfied one striminzita and, as Pikeman says, not is honors, solo one species of duty. But do­vrebbero to kill to me in order to force to me to abandon it. Churches because it tried similar feelings. In september 2120 it had obtained its qualification for the Ser­vizio Be them and from then it had worked for the government, at first under a Prime Minister that had been an Unusual one, then under a New Man... But whichever was the political group that stopped the control, he, like every other employee of the Service Be them, was remained to its place continuing to carry out the funzio­ni for which it had been specialized... and for which it possessed a particular talent. Yes, just he: since infancy had been considered legalmen­te like a New Man. Cerebral its corteccia showed the Rogers Nodules visibly... and in the intellettivi tests it had di­mostrato, at the just moment, the adapted abilities. To nine years of age he had exceeded for thought ability mature an Old Man or­mai; to twenty accidental table of one hundred numbers... between the other things knew interpolar one mentally. As an example, it was in degree, without the use of a computer, to calculate the position of route of a spaceship subordinate to three various gravita­zionali attractions. It knew to deduce a range width of correlated leaving from a given proposizione, is theoretical that real. And to trentadue an­ni... In a study that it had received wide spread it had pre­sentato its objections to the classic theory of the limits, demonstrating in a way all exquisitely only its and possible ritor­no - if a not other theorist - to the concept of Zenone of the motion pro­gressivamente halved, using like fulcrum the theory of the circular time of Dunne. And like result of all this, hour secondary center of the Federal Office for the Appraisal of the Staff occupied a secon­dario place in one. Because all that that it had made, for quan­to originates them, had not been then granché. If not confronted ai pro­gressi rendered possible from other New Men. They had changed the map of the human thought... in single cin­quanta short years. They had transformed in something that the Uo­mini Old, the persons of the past, did not succeed in compren­dere, neither to recognize. Like the Theory of the Acausalità di Bernhad, as an example... in the 2103 Bernhad, working to the Institute of the Polytechnic of Zurigo, was successful to demonstrate that Hume, in its abysmal skepticism, had fundamentalally seen just: the custom, and null' other, connected between they events thought from the Old Men like cause and effect. The theory of the monade had moreover aggior­nato of Leibniz... with devastating effects. For before the time in the human history it had become possible to pre­vedere turns out you of physical sequences on the base of a range of foretells to you variable, everyone of which true, and ognu­no "intrinsically not less accidental" of the other. Unavoidablly, ap­plicate sciences had assumed one new shape, something that the Uomi­ni Old more had not been in a position to managing; in theirs men­ti a acausalità principle meant the chaos; they were not able to preview null. And he had been of the other. In the 2130 Blaise Black, a New Man with a qualification of G-Sedici level, rivoluzionato the principle of the sincronicità of Wolfgang Pauli. It had demonstrated that the so-called "vertical" line of the connettività operated, to the same one stregua of "the horizontal" se­quenza, like an expectable factor, and with stes­sa the facility it could be transferred on a diagram using nuo­vi the methods of accidental selection. In this way, the distinction between the two sequences came practically cancelled - freeing the physics separated from the obligation of a double determination - and every ti­po of calculations, those deriving from astrophysics comprised, came enormously facilitate to you. Sistema Black, as now it was chia­mato, finally had place term to every reliability of the theories and the praxis of the Old Man. The contributions offers from the Unusual ones had been more specific; regarded ave­vano relative operations to concrete entities. Therefore - al­meno as it saw he to it, a New Man - its race had supplied essential the theoretical hinges of the new map of the uni­verso, while the Unusual ones had carried out their work giving for­ma to the application of these structures generate them. The Unusual ones, knew it well, would not have agreed with this judgment. But to he it did not import. I have a qualification of G-Tre level, disse.E I have made my small part; I have added my very small contribution to no­stra the collective acquaintance. Nobody of the Old Men, for quan­to equipped, would have known to make it. Except perhaps Thors Provoni. But Thors Provoni was scomparso from years; the sleep of the Unusual ones or the New Men did not upset more. Provoni impazzava errabon­do to the margins of the galaxy, the search, in its fury, of qual­cosa of vague, something that was perhaps quite metaphysician. One answer, so to speak. A response. Thors Provoni urlava in the empty one, made a din in the hope of one answer. That God aids, thought Weiss to us, if it will never succeed to find it. However it did not have fear of Provoni; its similar ones did not have any. Some Unusual nervous ones had continued to mutter between they while the months were transform to you in years without that Pro­voni died or came captured. Thors Provoni constituted a ana­cronismo: the last one of the Old Men remained incapable to ac­cettare the history, ready to dream orthodox actions and sconsidera­te... it lived in squallido a past, than in good part he was not not even real, a dead past and without dreams that by now were not succeeded more to remember, they do not give part of a man therefore do­tato, picked and active like the same Provoni.È pirata, said Weiss, one nearly romanzesca figure, impregnated of the cult for the action. In a sure sense of it I will feel the lack, when morirà. In bottom, we all are emerged from the Old Men; we are all its relatives. Even if to the far one. Addressing to Pikeman, its advanced one, said: "It is a one­re. It has ragione."Un onerous burden totally, thought, que­sto assignment, the appraisal for the Service Be them. I cannot fly lassù between stars; I cannot chase something that does not exist in the farthest folds of the universe. How I will feel, churches, when we will destroy Thors Provoni? My job, thought, will be pochino a more boring simply. Nevertheless it appeals to to me. Not the lascerei never. To be a New Man means something. Perhaps they are victim of our same propaganda, rifletté. "When Appleton will arrive with its son" said Pikeman, "also make the Robert small the complete examination... then perceives them that the appraisal will be ready single between one week or little more. In this way the blow will be less painful sopportare." It made a sogghigno strict and it added: "and therefore written answer will not have not to give the person news... will receive one." "I would not have R-nessun.problema to communicate it to it of person" said Weiss. But it was not therefore. Because, probably, that one would not have been the truth. The truth, pensò.Noi we are the truth; we create it; us ap­partiene. Entirety we have traced a new diagram of the world. While we grow, this grows with we; because we change. Where we will be the next year? one wondered. Perhaps Nessu­no could know it... except the precog between the Unusual ones, and they saw many futures in contemporary, as many - therefore ave­va felt to say - aligned rows of scato them. The voice of its secretary levò from the intercom. "Mr. Weiss, a sure Mr. Nicholas Appleton and its son are here in order to see it." "make to enter" said Them Weiss, and he leaned himself to the back of massiccia seat in feint skin, preparing itself to accoglier­li. On its writing desk there were the modules of the examination test; it examined the sheets with pensierosa air, seeing to assume them - with the tail del­l' eye - varied shapes. For a moment strizzò the eyes end nearly to close them... and gave to the modules, in its nothing, the shape esat­ta that it wanted had. Kleo Appleton, in their small apartment, launch one ra­pida sbirciata to the wristwatch and tremò.È therefore late, pensò.E therefore terribly useless. Perhaps they will not return more to house; for­se they will say the mistaken thing and they will lock up them in one of those fields of internamento of which he is felt to speak. "It is one stupid" said to the television set. And from the loudspeaker of ap­parecchio risuonò a pelt of applauses while "the public" irreale manifested its approval. "mrs. Kleo Appleton" said the anonymous "announcer", "of North Platte, Idaho, supports that its husband is one stupid. We feel what of it thinks And Garley " A fat and round ace appeared on the screen, while a television personality as And Garley ponderava one spiritosa answer. "it would not say also that it is completely absurd, from part of an adult man, to im­maginare only for a moment also that..." Kleo extinguished the television set with a gesture of the hand. From the economic kitchen, against the opposite wall of the soggior­no, synthetic apple cake reached the scent of one. Perhaps it had spe­so good halves of its wage weeklies magazine in order to obtain it, with to three tagliandi yellow of razioni.E now they are not here to eat it, disse.Ma is not then therefore important. Not in comparison to all the rest. That one, probably, was the more important day in the life of its son. It served someone with which speaking. While it waited for. The te­levisore, in a similar case, was not enough. Leaving the apartment, it crossed the corridor and it went to bus­sare from mrs. Arlen. The door was opened. Of half age and with hats it ruffles to you, signo­ra the Arlen Roses sporse the head like one turtle. "Oh, mrs. Appleton." Kleo Appleton said: "still Has it the Pulitore Master? Of it I would have need. I want to put all in order for when Nick and Bobby return. It knows, today Bobby must give the examination. It is not magnificent " "the examinations are make up" said mrs. to you Arlen. "Those that say therefore" said Kleo, "they are persons who have failed the examination, or that they have some relative who is not successful to pass it. There are tantissime persons who exceed it every gior­no, and many are children like Bobby." "Me I imagine." With icy tone, Kleo said: "has It she the Pulitore Master? I have straight to use it for three hours the week, and this week I have not still had it." With reluctant air mrs. Arlen went away dragging the feet, remained seen outside for some second, then was of return pushing the pomposo and arrogant Master Pulitore, the person in charge of the inner maintenance of the palace. "Buongiorno, mrs. Appleton" uggiolò with metallic voice, seeing it. "me in­serisca but it is a pleasure Well see again it of new. Buongiorno, mrs. Appleton. It inserts to me well but it is... " Kleo pushed it through the corridor until its appartamen­to. Addressing to mrs. Arlen, it said to them: "Because it is therefore osti­le towards of me? That what I have never made them " "they are not hostile" said Arlen Roses. "I only try to make them to ca­pire as the things go truly. If the examination were not trucca­to, our Carol daughter would have passed it. She succeeds to feel the pen­sieri of the others, at least in part; it is an Unusual authentication, at least like that they have some qualification in the Service Be them. To many Unusual ones she happens to lose their powers because... " "Me excuses; I must make the pulizie." Kleo the door richiuse with force, was turned in order to try one taken which connecting the Pulitore Master... Bloccò. And he remained immovable. Dinanzi to she was omits from the dirty air, with the nose to spout and the lineamenti you furnish and thin, that whip wore one burlap jacket and a pair of pants without fold. Apartment had entered nel­l' while it spoke with mrs. Arlen. "It who is" Kleo churches, and the heart felt the fear to make to strike them more fort. In the attitude of the man it perceived something of furtive; it seemed ready to schizzare outside seen... its eyes, dark and socchiusi, sbirciavano nervously from a part and dal­l' other like if, it thought Kleo, it wanted to be made sure to know tut­te the ways of escape from the apartment. I omit said with voice roca: "They are Darby Shire." The guar­dò with fixed eyes, and on its ace the expression from preda insegui­ta was made emphasized more. "They are an old friend of its husband" still said. "When it returns to house? And I can remain here until its arrival " "By now they would have to be here from a moment to the other" said she. Still one had not moved; it preferred to keep itself more to wide the possible one from Darby Shire... always that that one was its true name. "I must make the pulizie in house before that they return" said. But it did not connect the Pulitore Master to one taken. It held the look aimed at I omit, without never to lose sight Darby Shire, im­mobile.Di that what will have much fear? chiese.Sarà chased from the agents of the Public Emergency? And in this case, what will have made? "it would make it appeal to a coffee cup Me very" said Shire. It lowered the head, like in order cancelling the tone of supplica in the own voice. Like if it did not approve of to feel itself to ask them qual­cosa, but of it it had indeed need, and therefore it was forced to make it in any case. "I can see its identicarta" Kleo said. "To its disposition." Shire frugò in the pockets rigonfie of the jacket and pulled some outside one manciata to weave of plastic; it threw on the chair beside Kleo Appleton. "It takes to all those that it wants." "Treidenticarte" it said, incredula. "But she cannot herself be more had some than one She is against the law." Shire said: "Dov' Is Nick" "With Bobby. To the Federal Office for the Appraisal of the Per­sonale." "Oh, you have a son." I omit made a sorrisetto storto. "Hour account of how much time will become is passed from the last time that has been in contact with Nick. The boy is a New one? Or a In­solito " "a New one" said Kleo. Movements through the stay in direction of the videofono. Raised the receiver, it began to com­porre a number. "Who is calling" Shire churches. "The Federal Office. For knowing if Nick and Bobby are already escapes." Approaching itself great steps to the videofono, Shire said: "Not if they will remember some; capiranno of who she is not parlan­do. Account of as does not become they are made, those " It lengthened a hand and it interrupted the circuit of the videofono. "It reads my book." Frugando still in its several pockets, pulled outside a booklet tut­to folded, with spots and spiegazzate pages, the strap­pata cover; the porse to Kleo. "God, not I want" said it she with displeased voice. "it takes It. It reads and it will understand what we must make for liberar­ci from the tyranny of the New ones and the Unusual ones that impesta our existence, that it transforms in a prank all that that the man tries to make." It manoeuvred awkwardly with the greased and torn book, cer­cando one particular page. "I can have one coffee cup, now" churches with the same petitionary tone before. "To quan­to it seems I do not succeed to find the point that I want; it will want to us a little time." It rifletté a moment, then went in the cubicle of the kitchen to ri­scaldare the water for one soluble substitute cup of coffee. "She can remain for five minuteren" said Kleo to Shire. "and if in order Nick will then not be returned, she will have to go itself some." "She has fear of being been strange here within with to me" chie­se Shire. "I... it is only that I am becoming nervous" said now lei.Perché I know who six, pensò.E I have already seen before other books stropiccia­ti and orribili cripples like that one, books capacities here and here in dirty pockets, handle to you and in great secret furtively. "It is a member of the RID" said to high voice. Shire sogghignò. "the RID is too much passive. They want to act through free elections." He had found the page that cerca­va, but hour seemed tired and pulled down too much in order to show it to it; if it remained some simply here, piece of real estate, holding very tightened its book. "I have passed two years in a federal prison" said of blow. "it gives that coffee to Me and me I will go some; I will not wait for Nick. A lot, probably he cannot make something for me." "That what thought that could make? Nick does not work for the government; it does not have nobody... " "it is not of that I have need. They are exited of prison in legal way; I have discounted my pain. I could not remain here? I do not have money and no place in which going. I have thought next to all those that I remembered and that they could give a hand to me, and then has come to me in Nick mind for an elimination process." Ac­cettò the cup of coffee, porgendole in exchange the book. "It knows it" said then, drying up the mouth, "than the entire structure of the pote­re on this planet she is on the point to collapse because is march? Mar­cia from the inside... and we will be able, a day, to turn upside down it with a rod. Little key men - Old Men - scattered are here and here to the inside that to the outside of the apparatus of the Stata­le Service, and... " It made a violent gesture with one hand, like in order sweeping via something. "It is all writing in my book. He holds and he reads it; he reads as the New Men and Unusual manipulate we attra­verso their control of all means of information and of... " "It is crazy" said Kleo. "Hour not more." Shire scrollò the head, the topeschi lineamenti that were contracted with intensity, in a refusal gotten passionate express and of the words of Kleo. "When they arrested to me, three years ago, I was clinical and legal crazy - paranoia, said - but before deciding itself to replace to me in freedom they have subordinate to me to other psychiatric examinations, and now they are in a position to demonstrating that so­no healthy of mind." Frugò once again in its numerous pockets. "I even have here official documents, them port always with me." Kleo said: "They would have to make them some other esame."Dio mine, pensò.Ma Nick does not return more to house? "the government" said Shire, "is preparing a program of sterilization for all the males of the Old Men. This knew it " "Not us creed." It had often felt similar absurd voices, but nobody never had been demonstrated true... or at least, nearly nobody. "This only says it" said, "in order to justify the use of the for­za and the violence, and in order to excuse its illegal activities." "We have one photocopy of the bill; already it has been fir­mato from seventeen Councilmen on... " The ignited television set alone and was said: "News of the last hour. Armed advance unit of Third signals that ilGray Dinosaur, the spaceship with which the Citizen Thors Provoni left Sistema Solar, has been localized in orbit around Proxima and that to edge signs of life are not recorded. In this moment, the tugs of Third Armed are engage to you in the coupling work of that an abandoned spaceship appears, and ri­tiene that the body of Provoni can be recovered next hour. Remained near your television set for the next notiziari." The television set, official notice its message, was extinguished. A brivido strange, nearly a convulsion, covered Darby Shire; it made a smorfia, tightened to the flank the skillful arm wildly... vices the empty air, then, with sparkling eyes, was turned of new towards Kleo. "they will not never take it" said to teeth stret­ti. "and I will say to them because. Thors Provoni is an Old Man, the best one than we, and advanced to every Man Nuovo or Insolito.Lui it will return in this system with the aid that us servants. As he has pro­messo. From some part outside there is the aid here of which we have biso­gno, and it will find even if had to want it to us ottant' years. A world to colonize is not trying; it is cercandoloro." Scru­tò Kleo with pungenti eyes. "This did not know it, true? Nessu­no knows... our masters to it has the control on all the informa­zioni, also when they regard Provoni. But the truth is just this; Provoni will not make more to feel us single and enslaved of the control­lo of so-called mutant opportunists who take advantage of their "capa­cità" as pretest in order to get hold of the power on the Earth and to conserve it in eternal here." Ansimò noisily, the ace contracted from the tension of that passionate vent; the eyes had been made vitrei for the sudden start of its fanatismo. "I understand" said she. And it was turned, nauseata. "it believes to Me" it asked Shire. Kleo said: "Creed that it is a devout person supporter of Provoni; yes, this credo."E the creed also, thought, that you are of new clinical and legal crazy, at least how much it was a pair of years ago. "Blank." Nick, pulling itself behind a Bobby somewhat disappointed, en­trò in the apartment. It noticed endured Darby Shire. "This who is" it asked. "Bobby has passed the examination" Kleo churches. "Task of yes" said Nick. "they will perceive to Us for mail within the next week. If it had gone us badly ce det­to they would have endured." Bobby said with far voice: "I have not passed it." "You memories still of me" churches Darby Shire to Nick. "Do­po all this time" The two men took an examination themselves to vicissitude. "I recognize" I said Darby to you with hopeful tone, nearly for in­vitare Nick to make the same one. "Fifteen years ago. To Los Angeles. In the offices of it arches you of county; we were assistants of Face of Brunnell Horse." "Darby Shire" said Nick. It lengthened the hand, and I omit it glie­la tightened. This man, thought Nicholas Appleton, is aged malis­simo. That frightful change... but in bottom, fifteen an­ni is quite a lot of time. "Six remained equal then" said Darby Shire. It lengthened its booklet in a sorry state towards Nick. "I am recruiting proseliti. As an example, I have as soon as tried to convince your moglie." Seeing the book, Bobby said: "He is a Hidden Man." Its voice vibrated of excitation. "I can see it" churches, allun­gando one hand towards the book. "You exit endured" said Nick to Darby Shire here. "tasks that you could..." did not begin Darby, but Nick the inter­ruppe with violence. "I know that what six." Nick seized omits it for a shoulder del­la worn out jacket and it pushed it with force towards the door. "I know that you are hiding the agents of the Public Emergency. Vattene." Kleo said: "the servants a place where to be. She wanted to stop itself here with we for a little time." "" Nick did not say. "Never." "You have fear" churches Darby Shire. "Yes." Nick agreed. Anyone had been been strange to make circola­re material of propaganda of the Hidden Men - and anyone it had to that making in any way with they - automa­ticamente came private of the right to support in every future kind of examinations for the Service Be them. If the agents of the SP had uncovered Darby Shire in house its, the life of Bobby would have been destroyed. Moreover, how many could have fined them all. And perhaps to send them in some field of rieducazione in order goodness knows how much tem­po. Without not even the need of an authentic legal process. Darby Shire said with soothed voice: "you must not have fear. It feeds the hope, rather." Perdiana how much was straightened... is low, thought Nick.E ugly. "It remembers the promise of Thors Provoni" said Shire. "and it remembers also this: your boy will not receive however one qualification for the Service Be them. Quin­di you do not have null to lose." "Except our freedom" Nick said. But it hesitated. It did not push of weight Darby Shire outside from its apartment and in the corridor pubblico.Supponiamo that Thors Provoni lathes behind, said to if same, as it had already made many other times prima.No, not us creed; they are in order to capture Provoni just in these hours. "" it did not say, "I do not want to have null to that making with you. It also ruins the life to you; it is one chosen that it regards single you. And hour... vattene." It pushed I omit it in the corridor; various doors were open and several the renters, some of which it knew and others not, sbirciaro­no with interest which was happening. Darby Shire fixed it, then, with calm, threaded one hand in one inner pocket of its sgualcita jacket. It seemed higher, hour, and more landladies than himself... beyond that of the situation. "They are lieto, Cit­tadino Appleton" said, pulling outside a thin black and flat sheath, and opening it with a release of the wrist, "than she it has scel­to this attitude. I am carrying out controls accidental champion in this palace, verifications, so to speak." It showed to Nick official its identicarta: luccicava weakly, put in risal­to from a firework. "Agent SP Darby Shire." Nick felt within of himself a ices big wave that the intorpidì. And the yields silent. It did not know that what to say. "Oh, God" said taken care Kleo; it was put beside Nick and the same thing, after a short pause, made Bobby. "But we have said the just things, is not true" churches to Darby Shire. "Exact" Shire said. "your reactions have turned out sod­disfacenti. Buongiorno." It replaced the sheath with the document of i­dentificazione in the inner pocket, made a short smile and, sem­pre sorridendo, a passage in the circle of curious spectators was opened. A pair of second disappeared nel.giro.di. Only the circle of spettato­ri remained to its place. Beyond to Nick, its moglie and its son. Nick sluices the door on the corridor and was turned towards Kleo. "the guard cannot itself be never lowered" said with pasted voice. There was lacked poco.Ancora a moment perhaps and... I would have said to it of re­stare, yields account its malgrado.In memory of the old times. After all, I knew it. Once. Probably, it thought, it is for that they have it chosen in order to make a control of fidelity on me and on my family. Good God the experience had left it terrorizzato and shaking; to uncertain pas­si one headed towards the bath and it opened the cabinet of the medici­nali where it held its pill supply. "A little cloridrato of fluofenazina" mormorò, lengthening the hand towards the flacone reassuring. "Today you have already taken three of those" said Kleo, from prudent moglie. "Too many. You stop it." Nick said: "it will do good Me." Filled up of water the glass of the bath, quickly and silently it swallowed the tablet roton­da. And within of himself, it felt a ira sorda. It experienced a transitory lightning bolt of anger, against the system, the New Men and the Insoli­ti, without to forget the Service Be them... then the cloridrato one about fluofenazina made effect. The ira affievolì until vanishing. But not completely. Tasks that are of cimici the spy in ours appartamen­to" churches to Kleo. "" Cimici "" It raised the shoulders. "They said just not. Altri­menti would have arrests much time to us makes for all those orribili things to you that Bobby says." Nick said: "Not creed of being able it sopportare more to along." "Sopportare what" Kleo said. It did not say it. But it knew well, down in the deep one of its being, who and what could not more sopportare. And it knew also its son to it. Now they found flank to flank... but for how much time, wondered Nick, will think it therefore? I will wait for to see if Bobby has exceeded its examination for the Service Be them, disse.Poi I will decide what to make. That God me aids. What I am thinking? What is happening to me? "the book is" said Bobby still here; folding itself, it collected the dirty and stropicciato booklet that Darby Shire had let the shoulders. "I can read it" churches to its father. Leaf through of the pa­gine it added: "It has the authentic air. The police must have taken it to a Hidden Man whom she has captured." "You read it" said Nick feraciously. Two days after, a governmental letter made its appearance in the cassette mails them of the Appleton. Nick opened it endured, the heart push-button for the anxiety. They were turns out you of the examination, for the note; it examined the several pages quickly - in attached there was also a photocopy of the test supported from Bobby - and finally arrived to the appraisal. "it is not passed" said Nick. "I knew the beginning since to it" I said Bobby. "For this I did not want not to make it." Kleo began to pull on with the nose. Nick did not say null, did not think null; it was emptied and intor­pidito. A hand, much more icy than that one of the dead women same, locked it the heart killing every its emotion. Raising the receiver of its line number one, Willis Gram, let alone Prime Minister Straordina­rio Committee for the Public Emergency, it said in ironico tone: "Like pro­cede the capture of Provoni, Director? No news of ulti­ma the hour " It sniggered. Only God knew where Thors Pro­voni was found. Probably it was died already from much time, on qual­che dispersed planetoid lacking in atmosphere. Lloyd Barnes, the Director of the Police, said with impas­sibile voice: "one refers to communicates you for the press, getlteman" Laughed Gram. "it says Me of what are blaterando now the TV and the newspapers." It could very well, naturally, accende­re its television set without not to have itself to raise from the bed. But it amused it to rosolare on ignited carbons that impettito gon­fiato football of its Director of the Police for the matter of Thors Pro­voni. The colors of the ace of Barnes usually revealed inte­ressanti, are pure for the palates a po' morbosi. And being a In­solito of the higher level, Gram could directly enjoy the chaos that was get loosed in the mind of its subordinate when the argument of the fuggiasco was touched traitor. In bottom, federal prison had been the Barnes Director to authorize the scar­cerazione of Thors Provoni from one before ten years. In riabilitato how much. "Provoni will still succeed to escape to us between the fingers, is pure in order little" said Barnes darkness. "Because you do not say that it is died" A similar news would have had enormous psychological consequences on the population... and just along the lines that it mainly wished. "If it had to appear here of new, the same bases of no­stra the position would be put to risk. The simple fact to rifare itself alive... " "Dov' is my breakfast" Gram churches. "Me the face to por­tare endured." "Yes, getlteman" said Barnes, point on the alive one. "That what gradi­sce? Eggs and toasted bread? Rosolato Prosciutto " "there is still of the true one prosciutto in circulation" Gram churches. "Then we make prosciutto, with three eggs of hen. But assi­curi that features of are not replaced to you." Appreciating much little its role of domestic servant, Barnes mormorò: "Yes, getlteman," and interrupted the communication. Willis Gram rilassò against the pillows; one of the members of its private staff appeared immediately and arranged with expert movements the pillows in the exact way in which they had essere.Dove devil is those damned newspaper? Gram churches, and stiff one hand in order to receive it; an other member of its private staff noticed the gesture and ready the three editions in sale carried it currently delTimes. For various Gram minuteren it leaf through the first sections of the great and ancient daily paper... hour controlled from the government. "Eric Cordon" finally said, making a signal with the right hand in order to indicate that she wanted to dictate something. Endured a secretary appeared, with a portable trascrittore small between the hands. "To all the members of the Council" Gram said. "we cannot proclamare the dead women of Provoni, for reasons that the Barnes Director has exposed to me, but can be unravelled of Eric Cordon. I want to say that we can giu­stiziarlo. And this will be a great sollievo."Quasi, thought, like putting the hands on the same Provoni. Eric Cordon was the oratore and the organizer more estimated in all Hidden the clandestine net of the Uo­mini. And then there were, naturally, its numerous books. Cordon was an Old Man and an authentic intellectual, an able theoretical physicist to provoke great reactions of group between other disillusi Old Men that they dreammed the return of the gone times. Ready persons, if of it they had had means, to bring back behind the clocks of cinquant' years. Cordon, however, in spite of its indeed only ability forense, was a thinker, not a uo­mo of action... like instead Provoni: it had been the adventurous Thors Provoni to go itself some with large I make a din in order "to try aiu­to", as its friend of a Cordon time had reported in in­finiti speeches, books and squallidi pamphlets. Cordon was popular, but - with the exception of Provoni - it did not constitute a pub­blica threat. Its execution would have left an empty one that in truth it had not never completely filled up. It was, although its ascending public, a small fish. But great part of the population of the Old Men this did not understand it. Eric Cordon was surrounded from the adoration that reservoir to the heroes. Provoni was one abstract hope; Cordon esi­steva in meat and boneses. And it worked, it wrote here and it spoke on the Earth. Raising the receiver of the line number two, Gram said: "Cordon passes to Me on the large screen, Miss. Knight." Riap­pese, was arranged of new on the pillows and recommenced to sbirciare articles of the newspaper. "It has other things to dictate, Mr. Presidente" it asked the se­gretario, after a sure interval. "Oh, yes." Gram pushed from part the newspaper. "Where I was arriva­to" "I want to say that we can execute it. And this will be... " "We continue" said Gram, schiarendosi the voice. "I want that all the heads department - it is writing? - they seize and com­prendano the reasons that justify my desire to make it fi­nita with this as-$$$-CALLS." "Eric Cordon" said the secretary. "Already." Gram agreed. "We must destroy Eric Cordon for how much follows. Cordon is the ring of connection between the Uomi­ni Vecchi and Thors Provoni. Until Cordon it will remain alive, people will feel the presence of Provoni. Without Cordon they will not have more some contact, real or imaginary, with those damned bastard that scorrazza in the space here outside. In a sure sense, Cordon it is the megaphone of Provoni while Provoni is far away. I recognize that this movement could have negative repercussions; the Uomi­ni Old could be rebelled for some time... but of other song that could induce the Hidden Men to exit to the sco­perto and to concur to us to arrive until they. In a sure sense, I am in order deliberately to prime a test of premature force from part of the Hidden Men; the dead women of Cordon will be violence big waves not hardly will come announced, but to the end... " She interrupted herself. On the large screen, that it covered the entire wall of forehead to the bed in the enormous room, a ace was beginning to take shape. A thin and fine ace, grooved around to the line of mascella;una the jaw weak person, rifletté Gram when it saw the jaw to move while the man spoke. It glances at them sen­za montatura, the hats by now radii smooths down with cure on the bald skull qua­si to you. "Audio" it ordered Gram, while the labbra of continua­vano Cordon to move silent. "... it appeal to "tuonò Cordon when the sonorous one came inserted to a too much high volume. "I know how much she is occupied, getlteman. But if it wishes to speak to me... " Cordon made a gesture elegant. "They are ready." To one of its assistants beside the bed, Gram said: "Where devil finds itself now" "In the jail of Brightforth." "the damage to eat to sufficienza" Gram churches to the im­magine on the great screen. "Oh, yes, more than to sufficienza." Sorrise Cordon, showing a set of teeth therefore to regulate to appear - as probably it was - false. "And it is free to write" Cordon said: "I have all the necessary one." "it says, Cordon" said Gram to Me in energetic tone, "because it says and it writes all those damned idiozie? It knows that they are not true." "the truth is in the eye of who watches." Cordon made one thin risa­tina, deprives of joy. "Remember that process of some months ago" Gram churches, "do­ve she have been condemned to sixteen years of jail for tradimento? Be', eternal damnation, the judges have rethought and have modifica­to the terms to us of its pain. Hour they have decided to condemn it a.morte." No expression appeared on the ace smunto of Cordon. "It can feel to me" Gram churches to an assistant. "Oh, sure, getlteman. I feel very well." Gram said: "We are in order to execute it, Cordon. As it will sa­prà, I can read in its mind; I know how much hour is spaventa­to." It was true; within of himself, Cordon shook like one leaf. Even if their contact was pure electronic, and Cordon tro­vava in truth at least shakes it kilometers from that room. The psioniche faculties of that kind often astounded always the Uo­mini Old... and, also the New ones. Cordon did not say null. But it was obvious that account had become that Gram had begun sondar it telepathic. Perhaps "In the deep one of its mind" Gram said, "she is pensan­do," would have to abandon all. Provoni is died... "" "task at all that Provoni is died" did not interrupt it Cor­don with air offense; its first expression of the sincere ace. "Unconsciously" Gram said. "It of is not not even consa­pevole." "Even if Thors was died..." "Oh, we make it ended" said Gram. "We know both be­nissimo that, if Provoni were dead man, it would abandon endured its role of apostle and agitator in order to run to hide in some lost hole for the rest of damned its and useless vi­ta" A cicalino in the system of communications to the right of Gram squeak launch one. One only. "excuses" said Gram to Me, and pressed a push-button. "the lawyer of its moglie has arrived, Mr. Presidente. It had left order to make to pass it endured, any thing stes­se making. I must make it to enter, or... " "the face to enter" said Gram. And to Cordon it said: "the avverti­remo... more probably we will perceive the director Barnes, an hour before its execution. Goodbye, hour is occupied." It made a gesture and the screen on the wall returned opaque. The door centers them of the bedroom was opened and distinguished a si­gnore high and snello, with a small beard and elegant dressing, entered to step svelto with one ag. Horace Denfeld always dressed co­sì. "it knows It that what I have hardly read in the mind of Eric Cordon" Gram said. "Unconsciously, it would want is not never joined the Hidden Men, and instead eccolo here, R-at the head of all their organization... if he can himself be said that they have a head. I have intention to cancel their existence totally, to begin from Cordon. It approves of my order to execute Cordon " After it are been based, Denfeld opened the hinge of its ag. "On the base of the instructions of Irma and my pro­fessionale advising, we have modified various clauses - mi­nori clauses - in the agreement for the legal separation. Here here." Porse a bundle of sheets, a legal document, to Gram. "Face pure with comfortable, Mr. Presidente." "What will succeed when Cordon not will be more" Gram churches while it opened the sheets fold and began to read to you here and here; it examined in particular way the passages evidences to you in red. Denfeld said with unconcern: "I do not succeed just in imma­ginarlo, getlteman." "" smaller Clauses ", eh" it was the bitter comment of Gram men­tre read. "Saint Christ, has increased the check for the sons from two hundred to four hundred POP to the month." He leaf through the several pages, feeling the tips of the orecchie to flare up of ira... and overwhelmed sgomento. "and its feed from shake it to cinquemila. And... " Rag­giunse the last page; it was studded of red lines and sums added to matita. "Half of my reimbursements for expenses of viag­gio... wants also those. Etutti my gain for the re­tribuiti speeches." It had the neck swollen and wet of a warm and ir­ritante sweat. "But the gain concurs them to hold all deriving from the written mate­riale that she..." "no copy does not exist. Who thinks that I am, Eric Cordon " He abruptly threw the document on the bed; for some moment it remained seated to ribollire silent... in part for that he had hardly read and in part because of the lawyer, Horace Denfeld, that he was a New Man; for how much its level was low second the standards generates them of the New Men, Denfeld considered all simply the Unusual ones - included the Gram President - to stregua of one the false evolution. Riu­sciva Gram to very well pick it in the mind of Denfeld: that sopito, but constant sense of superiority and depreciation. Gram said: "I will have to reflect sopra."Mostrerò these papers to us to my lawyers, disse.Ai better lawyers who the government possesses; those of the fiscal unit. "I want that it reflects on one what, getlteman" said Denfeld. "From a sure point of view, they unjust from par­te of mrs. Gram asking one could seem..." She tried the words. "One co­sì wide quota its property." "the house" agreed Gram. "and the four palaces of apartments to Scranton, in Pennsylvania. All that one roba, and now que­sto." "However" it emphasized Denfeld educatamente, passing itself the language on the labbra with the lightness of one banderuola of paper dancing in the wind, "is essential that its separation from si­gnora the Gram comes at all costs maintained secret... in its inte­resse, Mr. Presidente. For the fact that anyone is found to diri­gere the Extraordinary Committee for the Public Emergency cannot allow itself to be grazed from not even a breath of... here, perhaps could definirlola calugna... " "That what would be" "the scandal. They cannot it are to us scandals on Men Nuo­vi or Insoliti who occupy charges of highest level, as it knows well. This fact, joined to its position... " "Rather than to sign this agreement" gracchiò Gram, "I will give the dimissioni. Cinquemila POP of alimony to the month. It is crazy." Sol­levò the eyes and fixed Denfeld. "What devil succeeds to a don­na when separation must obtain one or a divorce? It wants to always have all, from furnitures to the pieces of real estate. The house, the apparta­menti, the car, all the POP of the world... "Dio, thought, and massaggiò tired the forehead. To one of the domestic servants it said: "Portami other coffee." "Yes, getlteman." The man put to the work with the machine for the coffee and porse one cup of its preferred, strong expressed one and without sugar. Nearly addressing to the domestic servant and all the present ones in the ca­mera, Gram he said, appealing to they: "That what I can make? He has embedded to me." Then he threaded the bundle of sheets in the drawer of the como­dino. "we do not have other to discuss" said to Denfeld. "my lawyers will introduce them my decision." He fixed hostile Denfeld, than it he was not for null likeable. "Hour I have other matters to sbrigare." It made a signal with the head to one of its assistants, that she put down a hand with decision on the shoulder of the lawyer and guided it towards one of the escapes. When the door was sluice to the shoulders of Denfeld, Gram was leaned of new against the pillows, meditating and drinking its coffee. If only its moglie had smashed some law, disse.Anche a simple street infraction, was believed... whichever thing that it can ritorcersi against of she in its relationships with the police. If we pecked it while it crosses the road outside from the strisce pedestrian, it would be enough to us; it could oppose resistance to the arre­sto, to use an obscene and threatening language in public, to rive­larsi a threat for other thanks to the fact to have deliberata­mente smashed the law... If then the men of Barnes picked it quite on the fact while he completes some serious crime, pen­sò ancora;per example, while he buys or he drinks alcoholic. In que­sto case (its lawyers glielo had spiegato), could af­fibbiarle an imputation of dishonourable mother, to remove them the children and to unload on she all the guilt in a true cause of divorce... that, in similar circumstances, we could render public. Instead, as they were the things hour, Irma had too many papers to play against of he. A cause of divorce in court the sareb­be cost much beloved under the aspect of the public image, spe­cie with all the unpleasant things that Irma could have pulled outside on its account. Raised the receiver of the line number one, it said: "Bar­nes, I want that it is put in contact with that minion in gonnella, that Alice Noyes, and I send here. Perhaps it will be better that it comes also." The police officer Noyes guided the square who was ten­tando, from nearly three months, to collect something against Irma. Ventiquattr' hours to the day, its moglie was watched from poli­zia with microphones and the television cameras... its insaputa, naturally. A television camera quite held under control that that succe­deva in the bath of Irma, but still had ill-fatedly not revealed null of profit. All the one which Irma said and made, every person that it met, every place in which entered... all registra­to on tape to Centers them of the SP to Denver. And without that it could serve absolutely to null. Also it has its police, rifletté dark. Ex-piedipiatti of the SP that accompanied it to crowds when it went to make the spe­sa or to some festivity or from its dentist, dottor the Radcliff.Devo to succeed to clear up me of she, said Gram.Non would never have dovu­to to marry one woman of the Old humanity. But it had succeeded tan­to time before, when it still did not occupy its high in­carico. Every Unusual and every private New Man in the derideva­no, and that to he did not appeal to; it read the thoughts, to tens and tens, that they emanated from many persons, and buried from some part in those thoughts there was the depreciation. He was incredibly strong between the New Men. While it attended sdraiato the arrival of the Barnes Director and del­l' Noyes agent, it examined of new ilTimes, opening it to case to one of its three hundred pages. And an article was found of forehead on the plan Great Ear... an article signed from Amos Ild, a New Man a lot very piaz­zato: someone that Gram could not touch. Well, to how much Great Ear seems the experiment proceeds to wonder, thought with sarcasmo while it read. "Thought initially by far advanced to the most optimistic probabilities than succeeded, the jobs for the construction of pri­mo the device of I listen telepathic entire electronic pro­cedono in reassuring rhythm," civil employees of the McMally Corporation - the society that has planned and is constructing the Great Ear, therefore like has been called - in a press conference have declared today to which they have assisted many skeptical osserva­tori. "When the Great Ear will enter in function" has declared Munro Capp, "he will be in a position to telepati­camente perceiving the waves of the thought of tens of migliaia of persons, and with the possibility - not found between the Unusual ones - of deco­dificare and scindere these enormous tides of thought..." He threw via the newspaper, that he fell with a tonfo sonorous on the fol­ta moquette that covered the bastard pavimento.Quei of New Men, said itself inferocito, digrignando the impotente.River­seranno teeth billions of POP in the plan, and after the Great Ear costruiranno one machine in a position to replacing Unusual the precogniti ones to you, then all the others, one to the time. There will be mac­chine that if they will go some in turn for the roads or inging nel­l' air like many poltergeist. We will not serve more. And... in place of the bipartitico and strongly stable government who aveva­no hour, would have been a system with an only party, a mo­stro monolitico with New Men arranges to you in every place chia­ve, to all the livelli.Addio to the Service Be them... except for the esa­mi of appraisal of the cortical activity of the New Men, quel­la species of neutrologica from bilobate with postulates you of the type, "One what is equal to its opposite one, and greater it is the discrepancy, mag­giore the conformity." Christ! Perhaps, he thought, the entire structure of the thought of the Nuo­vo Man is one gigantic montatura. Noinon we succeed to understand it; the Old Men not even; we trust all how many their word when they say that it is a completely new step in the svi­luppo evolutionary of the operation of the human brain. Ammet­tiamolo pure, is those Rogers nodules, or those that devil so­no. Theirs corteccia cerebral physical structure possesses one di­versa. But... One of the ignited intercom. "They are as soon as the Diret­tore Barnes arrives to you and one woman policeman..." "It makes them you to enter" said Gram. Spread to putting itself the behind comfortable one, it intercrossed the arms and it attended. It attended the moment in which it would have informs them you of its new idea. To eight and thirty of the mattino, Nicholas Appleton was introduced to the job and it was prepared to begin the day. The sun struck on the store, on the small building that the ospita­va. To the inside, it rolled up the sleeves, he threaded glances at them to it from blowup and ignited the iron. Its head, Earl Zeta, went to it near with heavy steps, the hands in the pockets of the pants cachi and sigaro an Italian penzo­lante from the labbra sporgenti. "As it goes, Nick" "we will know It between a pair of days" said Nick. "spediran­no for mail it turns out to Us to you." "Ah, already, your son." Zeta put down a leg massiccia and dark on the shoulder of Nick. "you are recording furrows too much light" dis­se. "I want Them that they arrive well in bottom to the copertone. Down until the damned carcass." Nick, in protest tone, said: "But if I come down more in bottom..."La rubber will burst not as soon as it passes over a warm match an­cora, it said to if stesso.Sarà like bucarli with a gun la­ser. "Of agreement" it said, leaving to flow down every instinct battaglie­ro; in bottom, Earl Zeta was the master. "I will come down more to bottom" said, "until making to dull the iron from the other part." "It makes it and six fired" said Zeta. "your philosophy is that not as soon as they have bought theirs ri­cambi..." "Not hardly theirs three wheels touch the ground public" dis­se Zeta, "our responsibility end. From that moment, that that can succeed the customers is alone transaction they." Nick did not have never intentional to become a risolcatore of gom­me... a man who took a rubber smooth and, with a made red-hot iron, recorded new furrows always deeper nel coper­tone, making it to seem to regulate. Making it to seem endowed of all the necessary outrider. It had inherited the trade from the pa­dre, than in its turn it had learned it from its father. In the course de­gli years, from father in son; also hating that trade with all the heart, Nick knew one what: it was a magnificent risolcatore of rubbers and it always it would have been. Zeta had twisted; it recorded to bottom copertone.L' the artist already enough is I, pensò;do­vrei to be I to decìdere until which depths must scende­re furrow. Lazy, Zeta its ignited radio from neck. A music to vol­gare and noisy - if music were wanted to be called - strombazzò from the seven or eight loudspeakers arranges over the body panciuto del­l' massive man to you. Music was interrupted. A pause, then the voice of a annun­ciatore, that it spoke professionally in distaccato tone. "Por­tavoce of the SP, speaking to name of the Director Lloyd Barnes, has announced little ago that the prisoner Eric Cordon, from tem­po emprisoned for actions against the people, has been transferred from the pri­gione of Brightforth to the center of ending of Long Beach, California. To the question if this meant that Cordon sa­rebbe be executed, the megaphone of the SP has declared that at the present moment still it had not been taken one decision. Fon­ti informed well external to the SP supports openly that this transfer preannounces the execution of Cordon, sotto­lineando that of last the nine hundred prisoners of the SP trasfe­riti in various ages near the restrictive center of Long Beach, nearly ight hundred have been then executed. This is a bulletin transmitted from... " Convulsamente, Earl Zeta tried to catch up interrutto­re of its the radio from body; it lacked, it tightened the fist with a ge­sto spasmodic, sluices the eyes and began to oscillate ahead and behind. "Those bastards" said between the teeth. "They want assassinar­lo." He reopened the eyes; it made a smorfia, and its ace showed an acute pain and violent... then, for degrees, it bought back the control of himself; its anguish seemed to be become relaxed. But not scomparve; its bluff body remained stiff while it fixed Nick. Nick said: "a Six Hidden Man." "They are ten years that we know" gracchiò Zeta. It pulled fuo­ri a red handkerchief and the forehead was dried up slowly. It had the hands that shook. "It listens, Appleton" said to me, succeeding to speak with more natural voice, hour. More it knits. However the tremito one continued to the inside of its large body, outside seen. Nick felt it, knew that it was here. Hidden and buried, for fear. "Ver­ranno to take also me. If they execute Cordon, wants to say that motion and will be put in will sweep we via all how many, down until the smaller fish like me. And we will end in those fields, those dan­nati, fetenti, schifosi fields of detainment on the Moon. You knew that they exist indeed? It is here that we will end. We... my people. Not you." "I knew of the fields" said Nick. "You want to denounce to me" Nick said: "Not." "they will peck the same one" said bitter Zeta to Me. "They are years that compile their lists. Long lists a kilometer, also on mi­cronastri. They have the computers; they have the spies. Anyone could be a spy. Every person that you know or with which you have spoken. Stammi to feel, Appleton... the dead women of Cordon means that hour we are not more only fighting for the political equality, but for our screw. This you understand it, Appleton? Perhaps you they are not much likeable one - God knows that not there are never understandings granché - but you want to see assassinated me " "What I can make" Nick said. "I cannot stop the SP." Zeta was straightened, the massive body hardened from the agony del­la desperation. "You could die with we" said. "Of agreement" Nick said. "" Of agreement "" Zeta fixed it, trying to understand. "What you want to say" "I will make what I can" said Nick. One felt stordito from that that it was saying. It was ended all, by now: the only possibility for Bobby had revealed an illusion, and the race of the risolcatori of rubbers would be continued in eternal. I would have had to attend, pensò.Tutto this me only is pre­cipitato I lean; I me did not wait for... I do not succeed not to understand it. Dev' to be because Bobby has failed the examination. Nevertheless now they are here and I am saying to Zeta these things. It is made. "We go in my office" said Zeta roco, "and we drink one pinta of beer." "You have of the liqueurs" It did not succeed not to conceive it, the pe­na was so frightful. "We will drink to the health of Eric Cordon" said Zeta, and it made road it. "I did not have never drunk alcohol before" said Nick while if of were seated one of forehead to the other around to the table. It had begun to feel itself tremendously strange. "On newspapers law always that ago to become furious crazy people, it provokes to changes totals of the personality and damages to the brain. Instead... " "All history in order to scare people" said Zeta. "But, it is true that to the beginning it would have to be gone to us flat. You drink slowly; it leaves that you slides down." "Which is the pain for who drinks alcohol" Nick churches. It discovered that it had some difficulty to form the words. "a year. To discount for entire, without freedom possibility on one's word." "Of it it is worth the pain" The room, around to he, seemed irreale; it had lost its solidity, its concretezza. "and it does not give assue­fazione? The newspapers say that when begins, you do not succeed more... " "It only thinks next to drink your beer" said Zeta; it sorseggiava its, ingollandola without allies by marriage difficulty. "you know" said It Nick, "that what would say Kleo if knew that I drink alcool" "the mogli they are made therefore." "Not creed. It is made therefore, but some not." "Not, they are all therefore." "Because" "Because" Zeta said, "the husband is the source of all theirs de­naro." It made a rutto, he sketched a smorfia and he leaned himself to the in­dietro on its revolving seggiolina, the bottle of beer tightened in one large hand. "For they... be', he tries to see it in this mo­do. He imagines to have had a machine, a complex machine mol­to and delicate, than when he worked to it must you stam­pava, sfornava to you outside, a POP row. Hour, we suppose that que­sta machine... " "It is indeed this that the mogli thinks about their husbands" "Sure." Zeta made an other rutto, agreed with the head and lengthened to Nick the bottle of beer. "He is disumanizzante" said Nick. "Sure that it is. You can bet red and green yours to us culo." "I believe that Kleo is taken care for me because its father is died when it was still much young person. He has fear that all the men are... " He tried the word but he did not succeed to find it; or­mai its mental processes lost blows, they were clouds to you and straniti. It had not never tried before something of the sort, and it was scared. "It tries to remain calm" said Zeta. Nick said: "I believe that Kleo is vapida." "" Vapida "? What wants to say " "Empty." It made a gesture. "Perhaps I want to say passive." "All the usual women are passive." "But this interferes..." Incespicò in the word and was felt to blush for the embarrassment. "It interferes in their maturation." Zeta sporse towards of he. "you are saying this because you have fear of its dissaproval. You say that it is "passive", nevertheless is exactly that that you would want from she, in this moment. You want that it continues therefore; I want to say, that it approves of what you are fa­cendo. But because to say it to it, then? That need is to make it it to sa­pere " "I say to Them always all." "Because" sbottò with Zeta force. "Because it is therefore that it is made, of usual" Nick said. "When we will have ended this beer" said Zeta, "you and I an­dremo in a place. I will not say to you where... it is only a place. Here, if we have fortune, we will be able to take a little material." "You want to say material of the Hidden Men" Nick churches, and felt ices to give one strattone to its heart; it was felt piloted towards dangerous waters. "I have already a booklet of an old friend who has made itself to pass for..." It was interrupted, incapable of completa­re the phrase. "I do not want to run risks." "It you are already making." "But this enough" said Nick to me. "He is more than sufficient. Star­sene seated here to drink beer and to speak about these things." Zeta said: "there is a single" word "that it counts. The word of Eric Cordon. The roba true; not the fables that make circular for the roads, but what it says, the truth. I do not want dirti nothing; I want that sialui to dirti as they are the things. In one of its opu­scoli. I know where we can find of one." It was raised in feet. "I am not speaking about the" words of Eric Cordon ". I speak about the true words of Eric Cordon, its admonitions, the parabolas, the plans, you only notice to that are authentic members of the world of the men libe­ri. Of the Men Hidden in theirs meant more authentic; the truer si­gnificato one." "I do not want to make null that Kleo would not approve of" said Nick. "a husband and a moglie must be honest one with the other; if continuous with this history... " "If it does not approve of to you, he finds an other moglie to you that can make it." "He speaks seriously" Nick churches; by now its brain tal­mente was become blurred from impedirgli understanding if Zeta were speaking seriously. And to understand, in the case that it spoke seriously, if it had reason or not. "You mean to say that this could separate to us" it said. "it has already broken several weddings before hour. However, you six happy one with she? Two minuteren ago you have said, "Is vapida." They have been your exact words. And you have to them dettetu, not I." "It is the alcohol" said Nick. "Sure that is the alcol."In wine veritas "" Zeta said, and sogghi­gnò showing the teeth brunastri. "It is Latin; it means... " "I know what means" said Nick to It; it was felt irritateed, now, but it did not know against that what. Against Zeta, forse?No, it thought, draft of Kleo. I know as it would react dinanzi to this situation. We do not have to try other troubles to us. We will end under a cupola to lu­nare, in one of those orribili fields of job. "Cos' is impor­tante" churches to Zeta. "Also married you six; you have one moglie and two sons. Yours respons... " Of new its language one refused to work correctly. "Towards who you feel yourself more loyal? Towards of they? Or towards the political action " "Towards the men in general sense" Zeta said. It bent the te­sta to behind, raised the bottle to the labbra and the last one sorso of beer was drained. Then it blinked it with violence on the table. "Muoviamoci" said to Nick. "It is like says the Bible: "You will know the veri­tà, and the truth you will render free." " "" Free "" Nick churches, raising itself in its turn... and incontran­do some difficulty in the operation. "This is the last thing that the works of Cordon can guarantee to us. Some infiltrated will find our names, will discover then that we are buying written Cordoniti, and... " "to always watch you to the shoulders in it tries of spies" sbottò causti­co Zeta. "But as you make to being still alive if alive therefore? I have vi­sto hundred of persons to buy and to sell pamphlets, in times for an at least thousands value POP, and... - it made a pause -... sure vol­te the spies succeed to infiltrate themselves. Or an car civetta notices to you while the POP passes to a vendor. And then, as you say, it is ended in ga­lera on the Moon. But the risk must be run. The same life is a risk. You ask yourself: "Of it it is worth the pain" and you answer yourself: "Yes, perdio, of it it is worth the pain." " It threaded the jacket; it opened the door of the office and exited under the sun. Nick, after a extended pause - and seeing that Zeta was not watched to the shoulders in order to wait for it - followed lenta­mente. It caught up Zeta beside parked its razzauto da­vanti to the store. "Creed that you would have to begin to try one to you new moglie" said Zeta; it opened the door of the vehicle and strizzò its size behind the control stick. Also Nick salted, sbattendo­si behind the door. Zeta sogghignò while the razzauto schizzava on in the sky of the mattino. "These are not transactions yours" said Nick. Zeta did not answer; it was concentrated on the guide. Then, turning the head, it said to Nick: "Now we are cleaned up, therefore I can also gui­dare without to attend too much to the code. But to the return we will have the roba, and therefore we will not find to the ribs an agent of the SP that makes sign us to come down for speed excess or dangerous guide. Giu­sto " "Yes" Nick said, and felt to grow within of himself one ragge­lante fear. It had become unavoidable, with the road that had imboc­cato; hour could not more uscirne.Perché not? domandò.So of having to continue with this history, but because? In order to demonstrate not to have fear that a spy can deliver us to the police? In order to demonstrate that they are not dominated from my moglie? For all the reasons mistaken, thought above all... and because I have drunk alcohol, the more dangerous substance in absolute - after prussico acid - than a person can drink. Be', thought, goes as it wants. "Beautiful day" said Zeta. "limpid Ices, nothing clouds behind which hiding." It salted more and more up with soddi­sfatta air; Intorpidito Nick rannicchiò on its seat and was remained im­mobile, impotent, while the razzauto it proceeded for its route. To a vìdeofono public, Zeta made one called; they were so­lo little hardly articulated words. "it still has Them" Zeta churches. "It is here? Well. Yes, sure. Thanks. Hello." Riappese. "This is the par­te that it does not appeal to to me" said. "When it must be called. The only thing is to think that every day they come made calls to milio­ni and that they cannot watch them all." "But there is the Law of Parkinson" said Nick, trying to ma­scherare the own fear with one false joy. "" If one what can happen... "" Zeta, returning on the razzauto, said: "still it has not happened." "But to the end..." "To the end" Zeta emphasized, "the dead women will take all to us." Ri­mise in motion the means and schizzarono of new towards the high. At the moment, they were flying over a wide quarter residenzia­le of the city; Zeta sbirciò of under with dark air. "All those damned houses are identical" mormorò. "beautiful hard work di­stinguerle from the high Is one. But it is also an advantage; our friend is hidden in means to ten million faithful supporters of Willis Gram and Unusual and the New Men and of all the their stron­zate ones." The razzauto come down abruptly in dive. "there are" said Zeta. "You know, the beer has made effect also to me... you I swear." Sogghignò to Nick. "and you have the impagliato air of a gufo; you have the a­ria of that it would succeed to make to complete a complete turn to its head." It burst to laugh. They came down on an endowed roof of landing track. Zeta exited from means grugnendo; Nick followed it, and they headed with towards the sliding scale. To low voice, Zeta said to it: "If the firm police us in order to ask what we make ourselves here, we say that we are bringing back to tizio keys of its razzauto that ab­biamo forgotten about ridargli when we have fixed the machine to it." "This does not have sense" said Nick. "Because it does not have sense" "Because if we had them keys of its razzauto, it could not return here in flight." "Of agreement, then we say that it is a second series of keys that has ordered to us for its moglie." To the fiftieth plan, Zeta come down from the sliding scale; per­corsero a corridor covered of moquette, without to see spirit alive. Zeta was stopped of blow, launch a fast glance tutt' at­torno, then beat to one door. The door was opened. A girl appeared dinanzi to they, a ra­gazza small and from black hats, graceful it is pure in strange way and a sure hard sense; it had the crushed nose, two labbra sensuali and zigomi it models to you with elegance. Around to she a aura of feminine magic fluttered; Nick perceived it subito.Ilsuo sorri­so, thought, is like a beacon; it illuminates its entire ace, renders it vi­vo. Zeta did not seem content to see it. "Dov' Is Denny" churches in a low voice but clearly scandita. "Entered." It opened wide the door. "she is arriving." To uneasiness, Zeta entered making sign to Nick to follow it. It did not make no presentation; it crossed instead the stay, en­trando before in the small bedroom and then in the zone cuci­na of the stay, guardingo like an animal. "Six cleaned up, here" it asked abruptly. "Yes" the girl said. She raised the eyes towards the ace of Nick, one scaled at least thirty centimeters. "I have not never seen to you pri­ma." "you are not cleaned up" said Zeta; it had been stopped in front of the im­boccatura of the drainage of the refusals; it lengthened a hand and the ritrasse of blow with a package that had been fixed with tape adesi­vo to the inside of the culvert. "You boys are of the idiots." "I did not know that there was something within" said the girl in hard and cutting tone here. "However, it was fixed in such way that if someone it had made irruption from the door, we could down have pushed it for the tube with one minimal pressure, and therefore us they would not have been tests." "and they block the tube" said Zeta. "Therefore they recover it al­l' height of the Association of Bologna, before that he ends in the furnaces." "I call Charley" said the girl to Nick. "a girl who calls Charley" churches he. "Charlotte." He lengthened the hand, and it tightened it. "You know, task of knowing who six. The six risolcatore of rubbers of Zeta." "Yes" it said. "and you want an authentic pamphlet? Satisfied you or the satisfied Zeta? Because Denny does not have more intention than to make credit nobody; it wants POP cash." "satisfied I" Zeta said. "For this time, at least." "They always make therefore" said Charley. "the first pamphlet is gratis; that successive coast five POP; that one following ten; ... " The door of the apartment was opened. All stopped to move, to breathe. A beautiful boy if of it were firm on the threshold, muscoloso and very dressed, with blond hats ruffles to you, large eyes, an intense espres­sione on the ace that deformed its beauty until tra­sformarla in one hard and cruel mask. Zeta for qual­che moment examined, then Nick, and the silent moments increased. After that the door - and the bar in Ferok richiuse it thought to block it - crossed the room until the window, sbirciò outside, remained firm to chew the nail of the inch being irradiated, tutt', vibrazio­ni round threatening, like if something of frightful, something able one to destroy all how much, were on the point to manifest... co­me if, Nick thought, he were on the point of farlo.Ci will massacre tut­ti how many with its hands. The boy emanated a aura of force, but it was a sick force; it was excessive, too much full of himself, as it they were the dark eyes and the hats spettinati.Un Dioniso risen from the city drains, thought Nick. Therefore this was the pusher. The person from which they would have acquired the authentic works. "I have seen yours razzauto on the roof" said the boy to Zeta, nearly same announcing the discovery of some malignant action. "This who is" churches, making a signal with the head towards Nick. "One that I know, one that it wants to buy" said Zeta. "Oh, indeed" The boy, Denny, came near to Nick and the stu­diò they give near. It studied its dresses, its viso;mi is judging, rendered Nick account. Like if it were in course bizzarro a type of com­battimento, whose nature it succeeded stranger completely. To a feature, the large and sporgenti eyes of Denny spostaro­no quickly; the boy fixed the divanetto, the incartato pamphlet that was found here over. "I from the tail pipe have outside pulled It" I said Zeta. "Small whore" said Denny to the girl. "I had said to You to hold clean this place. Understood " It watched low threatening dal­l' high; it raised the eyes, the labbra socchiuse for the fixed an­sia, eyes and alarms to you. Turning itself suddenly, Denny collected the pamphlet, tore the paper that wrapped it and it examined it. "Que­sto you have had it from Fred" said. "How much you have paid it? Ten POP? Twelve " "Twelve" said Charley. "Six paranoico. You stop it of compor­tarti like if you thought that one of we is infiltrating. Tasks always that anyone is a spy if not six you personally to... " "As it calls to you" Denny churches to Nick. "not to say it to it" Charley said. Turning itself towards of she, Denny raised an arm and made means step behind; it faced it calm, the impassible ace and the hard look. "Ahead" she said. "You hit to me and I will let go you a soccer where it will make you badly for the rest of your life." Zeta said: "It is employee mine." "Oh, sure" said caustic Denny. "and you know it from all one life. Because you do not say simply that it is your brother " "She is the truth" said Zeta. "That what you make" Denny churches to Nick. "Risolco rubbers" said Nick. Sorrise Denny; its entire attitude changed, like if the problems had been resolved. "Oh, indeed" churches, and burst in one risata. "That job race. That vocation. Handed on from your father " "Yes" Nick said, and felt one vampata of hatred. It made of its best in order not to betray itself, because it did not want that the other if of it accor­gesse; he had fear of Denny, perhaps because also the others in the room had some, and it perceived it. Denny stiff the hand to Nick. "Of agreement, risolcatore of gom­me, you want to buy a pamphlet from five or ten POP? I have some of both prices." It threaded a hand under the skin jacket and pulled outside a pamphlet bunch. "He is roba good" said. "Auten­tica; I know the type that prints them. I have seen the origi­nale manuscript of Cordon in the printing office." "Inasmuch as satisfied I" it said Zeta "will be a pamphlet from cin­que." "I suggest" the moral to You of a man in order "" said Charley well. "Seriously" Denny said beffardo, fixing it. It supported its look, like before, without to strike ciglio.È hard at least how much he, thought Nick.Riesce to tenergli head. But because? they chiese.Per she are indeed important to remain near one violent person therefore? Yes, pensò;posso to feel anch' I it violence, and the in­stabilità.Ècapace, anytime, to make whichever thing, without some warning. Personality from amphetamines has one. Pro­babilmente takes doses massive of some amphetamine, for oral way or injection. Or, in order to even make the job that ago, it must be behaved by force therefore. "I take that one" said Nick. "What Charley has suggested." "it has already caught" said Denny to You. "As he catches tut­ti how many, all the men, always." Turned to Nick, he said: "It is one stupid. One stupid whore dwarf." "Finocchio" said Charley. "the lesbian one has spoken" said Denny. Zeta pulled outside a banknote from five POP and it lengthened it to Denny; it was clearly that it wanted to conclude the transaction and andar­sene. "I annoy to You" Denny churches to Nick, abruptly. Nick said, cautious: "Not." "Sure persons find annoying" said Denny to me. "the creed" said Charley well. It lengthened a hand, taken the pamphlet bunch that it tightened, chose that just one and the por­se next to Nick, scoccandogli while those its smile luminoso.Sedi­ci years, thought lui;non can more have some. Children who diverto­no to the game of the life and the dead women, hating themselves and fighting, but... pro­babilmente ready to make forehead common when there are troubles. The animosity between Denny and the girl masked, decided, one more pro­fonda attraction. In some way, those two worked abbi­nati. A simbiotico relationship, assumed; much pleasant one not to observe less but not for this reale.Un Dioniso of the drains, thought, and one small girl, graceful and incallita, able of te­nergli head... or at least to try to us. Hating it, with every proba­bilità, nevertheless incapable to detach itself from he. Perhaps because it was, to its eyes, therefore attractive under the profile physical, and he represented the true man. Because it was harder than she, and was that that she ri­spettava. Because also it was enough hard to comprise that what meant. But that race of individual to which attacking itself. As a succoso fruit in a too much warm climate, he had been melted; its ace was motivatings force and fused, and only truce the flare of the eyes maintained insie­me its lineamenti. I would have expected, thought, that those who distributed and ven­devano the written ones of Cordon were persons noble idealists and. But to how much it seems I mistook myself. Its works are illegal; atti­rano those that by nature are taken care of illegal things, and these in­dividui are one species to part. The objects that deal, infon­do, of for if same do not count a lot; it counts alone the fact that sia­no illegal, and that people are ready to pay them well, much good. "Six sure one that now this place is cleaned up" Den­ny churches to the girl. "you know It, I dress here; they are here within ten hours to the day. If they discovered something to us... " It was gone around for the room, so­spettoso in animal way: its was a suspicion acid, hatred full load. Of blow, lamp to stelo raised one. It examined, then removed of pocket one currency; it unscrewed three lives and the base was detached between its hands. And from the tubular cable of the lamp three pamphlets sbucarono roll up to you. Denny was turned towards the girl, that he remained immovable, the calm... or nearly calm ace, at least; Nick saw to lock the labbra co­me if it were prepared for something. Raising the skillful arm, Denny it hit it, trying to rag­giungere the eye but making cilecca. It had chinata itself, but not enough in a hurry; the blow caught up it on a side of the head so­pra the ear. And with amazing rapidity, it seized the brac­cio stiff of Denny, it raised the wrist and she bit it, conficcando to bottom the teeth in the meat. Denny launch urlo and mulinò the other arm, trying to free the wrist from its teeth. "You help me!" Denny to Nick and Zeta screamed. Nick, sapen­do what not to make, movements towards the girl and felt the own voice dir­le that it had to leave it to go, that could damage a nerve and procurargli one paralysis to the hand. Zeta, instead, seized the jaw of the girl, threaded its large spotted oil fingers between the teeth and made force in order to open them the mouth; Denny withdrew the arm suddenly, examinee the bite; it seemed stupefied, but then, nearly endured, the violence made return on its ace. And now violence was one omicida; the eyes were sporgenti as if volesse­ro schizzargli literally from the head. Chinò, it collected the lam­pada and it raised it high over of himself. Zeta the bloccò, ansimante; it held tightened the boy in its poderosa grip, gorgogliando in the meantime to Nick: "It makes it here usci­re. Portala from some part where it cannot find it. Capisci?Lui it is not alcolomane! They are able of all. You go!" Like in trance, Nick taken the girl for hand and guided it outside from the apartment. "You can take mine razzauto" I scream to it behind, always ansi­mante, Zeta. "It goes well" said Nick; it was pulled behind the girl - it followed it docile, small and light - and caught up the sliding scale, pigiando the push-button. "It will be better to go up to the svelta until the roof" said Charley. It seemed calm; quite, those launch it from sor­riso the up radioso bottom that rendered adorabile its ace. "You have fear of he" Nick churches while they salted on the sliding scale and they began to divorare scalini the two to the time. It still tightened it for a wrist, and it succeeded the same one in restar­gli behind. Agile like a folletto, cerbiatta knew to arrange a feline svel­tezza with an ability sgusciare nearly soprannaturale.Come one, thought he, while they continued to go up. Far away under of they, to the entrance of the sliding scale, com­parve Denny. "It returns behind!" urlò, the voice shaking for the agi­tazione. "I must go to the hospital makes me to visit this bite. Portami here!" "It always says therefore" said placid Charley, insensitive to the pie­tose lamentele of the boy. "you do not have to make other that to ignore it, and to hope that does not succeed to run faster than we." "a lot often deals You therefore" ansimò Nick while raggiunge­vano the roof and was launch of parcheg­giata race towards the razzauto of Zeta. "It knows what they are able to make" said Charley. "you have seen what I have made... I have bitten it, and it sopporta of being bitten. Six never be bitten from an adult? You have never thought what must be tried? And I know to make an other thing... me support against a wall and increase the arms in order to make taken then, so as to to be it knits against something, and scalcio with both feet. Once or the other I must make you to see it. Therefore it remembers to you: to never try to touch to me when I do not want to be touched. No man can succeed to us and make it frank." Nick threaded it within the razzauto, went around until the door of the guide and salted behind the bar. It started the motor, and in that i­stante Denny it appeared, ansimante, to the escape of the sliding scale. Seeing it, laughed Charley gladly, one risata from child; it carried the hands to the mouth and oscillated ahead and behind, the scin­tillanti eyes. "Oh, God" said. "Com' is angry. And it cannot make nul­la. We leave." Pigiando the grip handle of the gas, Nick took off; the razzauto, for old and sgangherata that it could seem, it had a motor very carburizeed that Zeta had constructed of person; every mobile part had modifi­cato some. Therefore, to edge of its razzauto, Denny would not have never caught up them. Less than, naturally, an­che Denny had not made up its motor. "What you know of its razzauto" churches to Charley, that it seated calm smoothing down hats. "You know if for case he..." "Denny does not know to make null that it involves a unskilled labor. It hates to soil the fat person hands. But Shellinberg 8 has one, with the B-3 motor. Therefore it can spin much fast one. To times, if not there is other traffic, like of night on the late ones, it pushes to the maximum and it arrives until the fifty." "it is not a problem" said Nick. "This old cart even catches up the seventy or settantacinque. Always that pos­siamo to trust us the word of Zeta." _ the razzauto muoveva ve­loce, the hour, sgusciando in mean to the traffic of average morning. "I will seed" said It Nick. Behind of himself Shellinberg vernicia­ta of red saw one porpora. "He is he" the churches. Turning itself to watch, Charley said: "Yes, he is he. Denny possie­de the single red Shellinberg porpora of all the United States." "I will slip myself into the large one of the traffic" it said Nick, and it began to come down towards the quota attended from the razzauto for the short distances. Nearly endured, two means from the innocuous aspect were threaded behind of he while it became part in the corsia main. "and now svolterò" it said here, when the football with written HASTINGS AVENUE appeared sussultante to its right. It faced the cur­va, dipping completely - as it had hoped - between the disc of a valve rows of razzauto that they tried a place in order to park... in maximum part guided from exited women to make purchases. No sign of Shellinberg 8 color porpora. Sbirciò in all the directions, trying to characterize it. "you have seeded" said It Charley in practical tone. "It makes af­fidamento on the speed... knows, to up give it to all lassù gas so­pra the normal routes, to outside from the traffic, but down here..." Laughed of new, the sparkling eyes of that to Nick it seemed auten­tica joy. "He is too much impaziente; not guide never to these quo­te." Nick churches: "Then what tasks that it will make" "Rinuncerà. In a pair of days the anger will end with the passargli, however. But in order at least quarantotto hours it will be of humor omici­da. Part has been indeed stupid mine to hide those opu­scoli in the lamp; Denny has reason. But it does not appeal to the stes­so to me to be dive." With pensierosa air, massaggiò the side of the head where it had hit it. "It beats hard" said. "But sopporta that someone hits it in answer; I do not succeed to hit it as he must, I am too much small... but you have seen like I know to bite." "Yes" it said. "the most spectacular bite of the century." Not if it felt it to put in argument this point. "She is much kind from part yours" said Charley. "a Six perfect one disowned nevertheless me aids in this way, when not me co­nosci not even. You do not know not even as I call myself." "I will please myself of Charley" said he. That name seemed to wear them rather well. "I have not felt your name" said the girl. "Nick Appleton." It emitted its scoppiettante risata usual between the fingers of the ma­ni. "It is the name that would have the personage of a book. "Nick Ap­pleton." A private policeman, even. Or in one of those television spetta­coli." "It is the name kind that denotes competence" said Nick. "competent Tusei" admitted she. "I want to say that six riusci­to to cavarci - to cavare me - from that pie. Thanks." "Where you count to pass the next quarantotto hours" Nick churches. "Until Denny it will not have been calmed" "I have an other apartment; we use also that one for the job. We transfer the material from one to the other, in the case that the SP us scodelli one of its sends to you p-più-s. Perquisisci and seizes, knows it, not? But they do not suspect of we. The family of Denny has a bag of moneies and infuence, and when a ficcanaso of the police he has begun to smell around, a high civil employee of the SP, friend of the father of Denny, has called in order to perceive to us in time. It has been the only time that we have had some annoyance." Nick said: "Not creed that you would have to go in the other apparta­mento." "and because? My things are all; I must go to us by force." "You go where it cannot find to you. He would be able of uccider­ti." It had read articles on the changes of personality that subi­vano the persons accustomed to the alcohol. Often of it beastly cru­deltà derived one, one personality from the practically psico­patica structure that miscelava the expresses changes of humor of the maniaci to the suspicious anger of the paranoia. Be', hour of it had seen one, had seen authentic alcolomane. And it it was not at all piaciu­to. Not there was from being astonished if the authorities had rendered the alcohol illega­le... eillegale seriously: of usual alcolomane ended with the locked up trovar­si, if uncovered, in a field of psicodidattico job for the rest of its days. Less than not to be able itself to pay av­vocato important that in its turn it could pay expensive personality tests of its customer, in the attempt to demonstrate that the period of habit was finished. But never it was naturally not finished. Alcolomane remained that that was for sem­pre, also after a surgical participation of Platt on the diencefalo, the area of the brain that controlled the oral appetites. "If he kills" said Charley to me, "I will kill he. In practical Denny he is more fifone than me. He has a bag of fears; nearly all the one which ago, ago for pushed fear... from the panic, said. He lives in one be of continuous panic." "and if he does not have drunk" "the same one Has always fear, and it is for that drinks... but it does not become violent if it does not drink; it wants to only scappare via and na­scondersi. But if she cannot make it - because she thinks that people intor­no to he hold of eye and know that he is a pusher - then put themselves to drink; she is therefore that she works." "But drinking" Nick said, "it attracts the attention of the others, and this is just the thing that tries to avoid; it is not therefore " "It can are given that it is not therefore. Perhaps it wants uncovered and to be ar­restato. It has not never made jobs of no kind in its life before putting itself to trade pamphlets, books and minitapes; its family has always maintained it. And now she is useful also for the cred... com' is that word " "Credulità" Nick said. "It is when you want to believe at all costs in something" "Yes." Enough next definition to the true one was one. "Therefore it is useful for their credulità, because people, much people, has a nearly superstiziosa faith in Provoni, knew it? And he believes in all that that he regards its return and all those other idiozie that are found in the written ones of Cordon." Nick, incredulo, churches: "You would want to say that just you, stes­se the persons who make circular the written ones of Cordon, the persons who sell its..." "at all we are not forced to believe to us. The man who sells to someone a bottle of liqueur must by force be alcolomane same he " That logic, for how much unexceptionable one, left it of pebble. "the fairies for the moneies" said. "Probably you do not read co­sa is not written in those pamphlets; you only know them for name. Co­me an employee who works in a warehouse." "I of it have read someone." It turned itself to fix it, always mas­saggiandosi the forehead. "God, than badly of head has come to me. You do not have a little darvon or of codeina to house yours " "" it did not say, invaded from repentino and guardingo a sense of disagio.Vuole to come to be from me, thought, for next the two days. "He listens" said to them, "I accompany to you in a motel, one scel­to to case; it will not never find to you. I for next the two nights will pay." "Devil" said Charley, "therefore I will have sorbirmi to the schedatura electronic and the center of control that verification the names of all the hosts of every hotel and motel of the America North; for two POP Denny it will have the information that the servants only raising the cornetta of the videofono." Nick said: "We will use a false name." "Already, because not" Nick felt to grow just the uneasiness; ave­va the impression that she same it attacking itself like paper mo­schicida; it did not succeed to remove it of back. "I do not want to remain single" said Charley, "because if it me tro­va in some room of motel, alone, will fill up me of botte; and stavolta seriously, not as you have seen little ago. I want to be with someone; I must have one person who... " "I would not succeed to stop it" I said Nick, in all sincerity. Per­fino Zeta, although its force, was successful to only withhold Denny for little minuteren. "With you it will not make botte. To he it around does not appeal to to have qual­cuno, a third person, that it sees what it makes me. But... " It made one pause. "I would not have to try to be involved to you. It is not right in yours confronts. You suppose that you burst zuffa to house yours, than the SP made irruption and that they discovered to you I lean that pamphlet that you have taken from we... you know the previewed pain." "I will throw via" said It he. "Endured." It lowered the window del­la razzauto and it threaded one hand in its portatutto in order to take the issue. "Therefore Eric Cordon comes second" said Charley with neutral voice, without some shading of reproach. "Before the proteggermi comes from Denny. It is not funny? It is indeed funny!" "an individual is more important than any theoretical work that..." "This because you have not still bitten to I love, treasure. You have not read Cordon; when you will have made it, you will think it in way diver­so. However, I have others two pamphlets in my ag, therefore it would not make no difference." "It throws them via." "" Charley did not say. Be', thought he, is in the troubles until the neck. It does not want to li­berarsi of pamphlets and she does not want that lasci in a motel. Hour that I make? Continuous to turn in round in this cursed traffic until I do not end the fuel? And there is always the possibility that Shellinberg 8 is rifared lives, therefore we will end tans you for the fe­ste; probably those matto speronerà us and we will kill we all how many. Less than the alcohol its effect has not stopped. "I have a moglie" said simply. "and a son. Pos­so not to make null that... " "you have already made It. When you have left to understand to Zeta that you wanted a pamphlet; you six compromise in the moment in which you and Zeta have knocked to the door of our apartment." "Also before then, if it is for this" said Nick, annuen­do; it was true. All therefore in a hurry, it thought. A engagement of that taken gravity in.batter.d'.occhio. But it was already within of he from much tem­po, always increasing. The news of the imminent murder of Cordon - because it was of that was dealt - it had lead to a decision, and in that moment Kleo and Bobby they already were finds to you in danger. Of other part, the SP had it hardly subordinate to an accidental control, using of Darby Shire like decoy. And it - with to Kleo - had exceeded. Therefore, from the point of view of the proba­bilità statistics, it was rather improbable that they would have indaga­to of new on its account in short times. But sor­vegliano Zeta could not be deceived facilità.Probabilmente with a lot, pensò.E knows of the two apartments. They know all what there is from knowledge; they must only decide when to make their movement. In that case, it was indeed too much late. It could also arrive until in bottom; to leave that Charley remained with he and Kleo for a pair of days. The divano in stay could transform in one brandina; they had already had friends to sleep from they for some night. However this situation differed, and in radical way, from previous si­mili. "You can be stopped from me and my moglie" said, "if you free of the pamphlets that you have with you. It is not necessary that you destroy them... you cannot simply leave them in some place that you know well " Charley, without to answer, taken one of pamphlets, of it leaf through the pages and then it read to high voice: "" the measure of a man is not its intelligence. It is not the level that can catch up in the siste­ma of the nature phenomena. The measure of a man is this: with which rapidity it knows to react to the needs of an other person? And how much of if same can give? When the debit is authentic to give, not ri­ceve null in exchange, or at least... "" "Sure; when it is given, always something of return is received "said Nick. "If from the something to someone, sooner or later it you will resti­tuirà the favor giving to you something in exchange. It is obvious." "This is not debit; it is to barter. It listens to this. "God us di­ce..." " "God is died" said Nick. "they have found its carcass in 2019. It floated close in the space to Alpha." "they have found the rests of an organism that was several mi­gliaia of times more progressed evolutionarily than we" said Charley. "and that evidently it was in a position to creating habitable worlds and of popolarli with living beings derive to you from if same. But this not test that was God." "I task that was God." Charley said: "I can even stop to house yours for this night and, if perhaps necessary - esolo if necessary - also for do­mani night. Of agreement " It watched from under in on, its lumino­so smile overflowed from one innocence light. Like if, to the stre­gua of one gattinà, same only asking a saucer for latte, nien­te more. "you must not have fear of Denny, will not make you of the evil. If he will take botte to someone, those someone I will be. But not riu­scirà to go back to your apartment; how it could? It does not know co­me calls to you; it does not know... " "It knows that job for Zeta." "Zeta does not have fear of he. Zeta could ridurlo to one polpet­ta... " "You contraddici" Nick said, or at least therefore it seemed it; for­se the alcohol had not still stopped its effect on he. Chie­se when it would be scomparso. After an hour? Two? However, it it seemed to guide the razzauto decorous; or at least, no agent of the SP had to it still marked to come down or it drawer had uncinato with a beam. "You have fear of that it will say your moglie" said Charley. "If you carry to me to house. It will think a bag of things." "Be', this is sure" said he. "and there is also what the law defines" minor abuse ". You do not have ventun years, true " "I have sixteen." "Here, you see..." "It goes well" said she gladly. "It lands and it makes me to come down." "You have moneies" churches he. "Not." "But you the caverai" "Yes. I always succeed in cavarmela." It spoke without ran­core shadow; it did not seem to.blame it for its esitazione.Forse que­ste things already have before succeeded between they two, rifletté Nick.E al­tri, like me, have been been involved. With the best intentions of the world. "I will say what could succeed to you if you carried to me to house yours to You" said Charley. "You could be arrested because uncovered in a room where it is found of the Cordonita material. You could be ac­cusato of abuse of under-age. Your moglie, that she will come in its turn arrested because also it finds itself in the same room that contie­ne of the Cordonita propaganda, will lascerà to you, and it will not never be able capir­ti or to pardon to you. And in spite of everything this you do not succeed in decider­ti unloading to me, even if you do not only know to me at all, and because so­no a girl and I do not have a place where to go... " "the friends" said he. "You must have some friend to which you can rivolgerti."Oppure have all too much fear of Denny? doman­dò. "You have reason" said then. "ce I do not make it to unload to you therefore." Seizure of person, pensò;potrei to be accused also of this, if to Denny came in mind to address to the SP. But... Denny could not make it, would not have never made it, because in que­sto case it would be remained embedded in its turn like pusher of Cordonita.Non propaganda can run a similar risk, was said. "a Six strange small girl" said to Charley. "Under sure aspects the six naivete in person, and under others six hard one like a incallito criminal." It was the fact to sell material forbidden to render it therefore? one wondered. Or was true the contrary... she had grown in means to many difficulties, it had been hardened, and for this it had ended with approaching itself that kind of activity? Guar­dò, the hour, estimating that that indossava.È too much very dressed, pensò;questi is expensive dresses. Perhaps it is only eager... and this is a way in order to earn POP to sufficienza in order to satisfy its greed. In its case, the dressed ones. For Denny, Shellinberg 8. Without that criminal activity two adolescents would have been alone, than if they went some to school in jeans and sweaters she deforms to you. Ilmale, thought, to the service of the good. But the written ones of Cordon were indeed the good? It had not never seen before an authentic pamphlet of Cordon; now, presumablly, of it possessed and it was free to read it and to take decisione.E permet­terò to remain with me if it is the good? chiese.Mentre if it it is not, I will throw it in meal to the lupi, mouth to Denny and to the razzauto of patrol with their Unusual ones telepati to us always in I listen? "I am the life" I said the girl. "Like" it made he, been strange. "For you, they are the life. How many years you have, trentotto? Forty? Cos' you have learned up to now? You have made something? It watches to me, ahead. I am the life, and when six with to me a part of this vi­ta are transmitted you. Not you feel yourself therefore old, now, true? With me here within, neighbor to you " Nick said: "I have trentaquattro years and I do not feel myself for null old. Indeed, to starmene it is seated here within with you that older me sen­to, not more young person. You do not transmit to me absolutely nothing." "With the time you will see." "it is looked at that you have learned it with the experience" said he. "and with older men. Before me." Opening the ag, it outside pulled small mirror and stick for the guan­ce; she began to trace complicated lines that give the eyes, supe­rando the zigomi, grew tall until the hem of the jaw. "Uses too much trick" said he. "It goes well, dì also that they are one whore from two POP." "What" it made he, fixing it, its attention distolta momen­taneamente from the half traffic mattino. "Null" it said. Sluices the sheath of the stick from cheeks and replaced it with to the small mirror in the ag. "You want a little alcohol? Denny and I have various contacts for the alc. I could even find to you a little - as it is called? - or yes, Scotch." "Made in some distillery sbucata from clouds and with single God it knows what" said Nick. It began to laugh without containment; she continued to laugh, the chinata head and the right hand on the eyes. "Me she seems nearly of veder­la, a distillery that of night exits svolazzando from clouds di­retta towards one new destination. Where the SP will not succeed to characterize it." "the alcohol can render blind people" said Nick. "Balls. That one is the metilico alcohol, than it is extracted from the wood." "As you can be sure that it is not that one" "As you can be sure of whichever thing? Denny can bec­carci from a moment to the other and kill both to us, or it will even make it the SP... but it is improbable, and confidence in that that is probable, in that must be had is not only possibile.Qualsiasi co­sa is possible." It sorrise to it from under in on. "But this is an­che reassuring, does not understand? It means that you always can hope; Cordon says this exactly... me the memory. Cordon often repeats it. In truth its message is not never granché, but this the memory. You and I could innamorarci; you could leave your lascerei moglie and I Denny, therefore it would drive crazy of all - he would put himself to drink as matto - then us would kill all how many and to the end he would kill." He burst to laugh, the sparkling luminous eyes. "But it is not huge? You do not see how much is grandio­so " It did not see it. "you will see" said It Charley. "In the meantime, not to speak to me for next the ten minuteren. I must escogitare what to tell to your moglie." "Glielo I will say" I said Nick. "You would arrange a beautiful one casino. Glielo diròio." Sluices the palpe­bre with force, concentrating itself. Therefore it continued to guide, diri­gendosi towards its apartment. Fred Huff, personal assistant of Lloyd Barnes, Director of the SP, placed a directory on the writing desk of its advanced one and said: "Me excuses, but it had asked a every day relationship on apartment 3XX24J and eccolo here. We have used the recordings standard of voices on tape in order to identify the visitors. Only a person - a new person, I want to say - has made itself vi­va. A sure Nicholas Appleton." "it does not seem granché" said Barnes to me. "We have subordinate the data to the computer, what us noleg­gia the University of the Wyoming. And we have obtained an interesting extrapolation not hardly it has reached all the pre­cedente material on this Nicholas Appleton... the age, the occupation, the social and familiar pre­cedenti, the marital status, the sons, if it never had... " "If it had never smashed the law previously." "It is worth to say, if never it had been picked in makes it. We have asked also this the computer. Beyond to which they were the probabilities that a similar individual could smash the law, and in serious way. The computer has answered not, than it never it would probably not have made." "But it has made it, when it has gone to apartment 3XX24J" said caustic Barnes. "we have annotated and inserted this data; after that, logi­camente, we have asked one prognosis the computer. Estrapolan­do from this case and other similar ones happened in the last hours, the computer supports that the news of the imminent execution of Cordon has already increased the ranks of the clandestine movement Cordonita of the forty for hundreds." "Ridicule" said the Barnes Director. "Nevertheless the statistical result is this." "You would want to say that already they have gathered in sign of protest? Openly " "Openly, not. But in sign of protest, yes." "You ask the computer which it will be the reaction to the news del­la died of Cordon." "it is not in a position to calculating it. It has not given sufficient. Be', some hypothesis has made it, but all so various from not dirci null of profit. Ten for hundreds: a mass uprising. Quin­dici for hundreds: the refusal to believe that... " "Which is the hypothesis with the greater probabilities" "the conviction that Cordon is dead man, but Provoni not; indeed, than Provoni it is alive and on the point to return. Also without Cordon. We must keep in mind who migliaia of written of Cordon - authentic or he counterfeits to you - circulates everywhere on the Earth in every minute of the day. Its dead women will not place aim to this. Remembers that famous revolutionary of the twentieth century, Than Guevara? Even if dead man, the per diem one who left behind of himself... " "As Christ" said Barnes. He felt himself gotten depressed; he had co­minciato to reflect with dark air. "You kill Christ and you will have the New Testament. You kill That Guevara and you will have a per diem one who is a handbook of instructions in order to get hold all over the world of the power. You kill Cordon... " A cicalino it played on the writing desk of Barnes. "Yes, Mr. Presidente" said Barnes in the intercom. "agen­te the Noyes is here with me." It made a signal with the head and it raised itself from the seat in placed skin forehead to the writing desk. "Arrivia­mo." It made an other signal, trying al same time pro­fonda an aversion in its confronts. In kind they did not appeal to the woman-policeman to it, and still me­no those that they loved to wear the uniform. A woman, had decided between himself much time before, would not have to carry one divi­sa. The informers of feminine sex did not annoy it, per­ché in no case came they demanded to renounce to their femminilità. Noyes agent, instead, was asexual... in the concrete, physiological sense of the term. She was herself subordinate to the participation of Snyder, therefore, he is legal that physically speaking, woman was not more one; he did not have more those sexual organs, and neppu­re the breasts; the flanks were thin as those of a man, and the impenetrable and cruel ace. "Tests to think" said Barnes to them while they came down the corri­doio - beyond the double row of armed guards of all point - until the oak door massiccia and inlaid of the rooms of Willis Gram, "as it would feel satisfied now if it had succeeded to find something on the account of Irma Gram. A true sin." It then gave a pat with the elbow while the door was opened, entra­rono in the office-room from bed of Gram. This last one if of it were extended on its enormous bed, buried under a heap of issues delTimes, an expression scaltra on the face. "Mr. Presidente" said Barnes, "this is Alice Noyes, the special a­gente person in charge to inquire on the moral habits of its moglie." "already we have known ourselves" said Gram to them. "Exact, Mr. Presidente" said Alice Noyes, agreing. Gram said with soothed voice: "I want that my moglie comes assassinated from Eric Cordon, during one directed television mon­diale." Barnes fixed it in Hush. Gram gave back the look tran­quillamente to it, always with that cunning expression in face. After a pause, Alice Noyes said: "Naturally, eliminar­la it would be of for easy himself. A provoked fatal incident from one razzauto, during a turn of shopping in Europe or Asia, like she often makes a lot. But at the hands of Eric Cordon... " "This is the opened point more to the inventiveness" said Gram. After an other pause, Alice Noyes said: "With all the rispet­to, Mr. Presidente, we must put itself to the work in order to elaborate a plan, or it has some idea on as we would have or could proceed? More suggestions will be able to supply to us, better will turn out our position, under the operating aspect, mean to say, until more the directly been involved levels in the operation." Gram observed it. "With all this, it would want to know if I know like making it" "Anch' I am perplexed" I said to that point the Bar­nes director. "I am trying, in the first place, to imagine the effect that that would have on the medium citizen... like would react if Cordon compisse a similar gesture." "all the love and the solidarity and the mutual aid and the empathy and the collaboration between Vec­chi Men would become account that, New Men and Unusual... they are not other that a cumulus of pompose idiozie. And I would get rid of Irma. He does not forget que­sta part, Director; he does not forget it." "I am not forgetting" said it Barnes, "but still not ve­do as it is possible to make it." "To the execution of Cordon" Gram said, "will be present all the highest charges of the government, mogli included... and there will be an­che mine. Cordon will come escorted outside from one dozen approximately of armed guards. The television cameras will resume every thing; not di­mentichi this particular one. Tutt' to a feature, for one of those cases of the destiny that unavoidablly are taken place, Cordon tears the gun to a guard, takes of sight me, but it lacks to me and it kills Irma, than naturally it will be seated to my flank." "Saint God" said the Barnes Director slowly; it felt an enormous weight to accumulate itself over of he, obligating it incurvare the shoulders. "Therefore we will have to modify the brain of Cordon in order to force it to act directly? Or we must sempli­cemente ask it to it, to feel if he does not have null in contrary to... " "Cordon already will have been eliminated" said Gram. "To the latest day before." "and then like..." Gram said: "its brain will come replaced with a turret of sintocontrollo neurale that will guide it to make that that we voglia­mo - or better, that that it wants - that it makes. This step is enough easy. We will make to install from Amos Ild." "the New Man who is constructing the Great Ear" Barnes churches. "It has intention to ask alui to help it in que­sta operation" "the things are in this way" said Gram. "If it does not collaborate, I will cut all the deep ones to it for the development of the Great Orec­chio. And we will find some other New Man in a position to ra­schiare outside the brain of Cordon... " He interrupted himself; Alice Noyes had rabbrividito. "Me excuses. To replace its brain, allo­ra, if it prefers to put it in these terms. In every thing, the risul­tato one will be the same one. That it says some, Barnes? It is not a plan brillan­te " It made one pause. There was Hush. "it answers to Me." "It could serve" said cautious Barnes, "to discredit the movi­mento of the Hidden Men. But the risk is too much large. The risk exceeds the possible benefits by far; respect must considera­re to the issue under this point of view... with all the due." "Which it would be the risk" "In the first place, it would have to exactly inform of its pro­getto a New Man of the highest level, what that would render it employee from they, and this is not absolutely in its interes­se. And then those synthetic brains from laboratory that are svilup­pando in their centers of searches... are not reliable. It could drive crazy and talk nonsense to anyone, comprised she. Personally, I would not hold to us to find to me here uncovered when that one exits with a gun and begins to follow its programming; preferi­rei to find to me a million kilometers distant, for sure being to save the skin." "the idea does not appeal to, then" said Gram to them. "my opinion could be verbalizzata in this for­ma" said Barnes, ribollendo of indignation within of himself. What that Gram, naturally, perceived. "She that it thinks some, Noyes" Gram churches to the woman-poliziot­to. "I task" said Alice Noyes, "that it is the more shining and fantasioso plan in absolute that has never met." "Seen" Gram to Barnes said. Made curious, Barnes the churches: "When it has arrived to this conclusion? A moment it makes, when Mr. Presidente has parla­to of... " "it has been only its choice of words, that I point out to the raschia­re outside" said Alice Noyes. "But hour I see the plan in the just perspective." "It is the more shining idea that me never has come in every year that has passed in the Service Be them and in this office" said fierce Gram. "It can are given" said Barnes tired. "Perhaps the è."Ilche, thought, says it long on the quality of the ideas exited from this uf­ficio. Picking the thoughts of Barnes, Gram was made dark in face. "Only a momentary, fleeting doubt" said Barnes. "a doubt that is sure will disappear very soon." It had momen­taneamente forgotten the telepathic abilities about Gram. But even if it had remembered to them, would have the same one thought the same thing. "It is true" said Gram, agreing while it picked also this thought. "It wants to give the dimissioni, Barnes" churches. "and to disso­ciarsi from this operation" "Not, getlteman" said Barnes rispettosamente. "Well." Gram agreed. "You put yourselves in contact to more soon with Amos Ild and assured to you that it understands that draft of a segre­to well of state; ditegli also to put itself to the job on an analogous artifi­ciale of the brain of Cordon. Fornitegli all the encefalogrammi necessary, or any other thing the servant in order to proceed." "Sure, the encefalogrammi" Barnes said agreing. "a massive and exaustive study of the mind of Cordon... or its brain that to say it wants." Gram said: "You must keep in mind the image that Irma introduces in its contacts directed with the public. We know com' we are in truth, but they judge it a filantropa kind and ge­nerosa that supports beneficial associations and inaugurates generally beautiful public works, like the garden fluctuating in the sky. But we know... " "In this way" it interrupted it Barnes, "the public opinion will think that Cordon has assassinated one innocuous and adora­bile person. A frightful crime, species to the eyes of the Na­scosti Men. All will be content when Cordon will come im­mediatamente "killed" after its foolish orribile and... always that the brain of Ild turns out efficient to the point to trick the Unusual ones, the telepati ones." In its mind, the synthetic brain imagined that it sent Cordon to bounce here and here in the arena of the impicca­gione, mietendo victims to hundred between the public. "" Gram did not say once again, picking its thoughts. "we will make It to pull down immediately. Us they will not have to be errors on this point. Sixteen armed men, all sharpshooters, will make fire on he the moment." "To the moment" dry Barnes said, "after that it will be successful to shoot to one single detailed list person in means to others migliaia. It would have maledettamente to be a sniper in leg." "But they will think that it wanted to hit me" remembered Gram. "and I will be seated in before row... with Irma to my flank." "In any case" it pointed out it Barnes, "could not be ab­battuto" to the moment ". A second or two will have to pass, for dargli way to shoot its blow. And if she mistook also of po­co... it will be seated just beside its moglie." "Hmm" said Gram, mordicchiandosi a labbro. "an error of centimeters" said Barnes "and the target sareb­be she, not Irma. I fear that its attempt to arrange its the Hidden problems with Cordon and Men and those with Irma in a huge end to surprise, dramatic and operistico, too much sins a pochino of... " It was stopped in order to reflect. "Greek word is one in order to indicate it." "Tersicore" said Gram. "Not," Barnes."Hybris said. Trying too much; pushing itself too much in here." "I always remain of agreement with the Gram President" I said Alice Noyes with its voice spiccia, icy to make to redden the skin. "Sure, it is a reckless plan. But he will resolve many problems. A man whom he governs, like ago the President, must be able prende­re a similar decision, to be able to try audacious initiatives for con­servare the working system. With this only single action... " "Rassegno the dimissioni from Director of the Police" said Bar­nes. "Because" Gram churches, surprised; obviously no pensie­ro in the mind of Barnes had preperceived it of this... the de­cisione was sbucata from the null one. "Because probably he will mean its dead women, Mr. Pre­sidente" said Barnes. "Because Amos Ild will program those cer­vello in order to kill she, not Irma." "I have an idea" said Alice Noyes. "While Cordon comes con­dotto towards the center of the arena, Irma Gram will come down in the arena carrying one rose white woman. The porgerà one to Cordon, and in that mo­mento he will tear an arm to a distracted guard and the uccide­rà one." It made a thin smile to fior of labbra, sparkling the usually opaque eyes hour. "This would have to ruin in order always theirs ascending. A similar gesture of foolish cruelty; only crowds woman would kill one who porge one rose white woman." "Because white woman" Barnes churches. "Because white woman who what" churches Alice Noyes. "the rose, that one damned rose." "Because it is an innocence symbol" said she. Willis Gram, always mordicchiandosi a labbro, always acci­gliato, said: "Not, it cannot go. It must seem that it wants to hit me, from the moment that would have a valid reason in order to make it. But which reason would have for wanting to kill Irma " "In order to kill the woman who it loves over every thing." Barnes burst to laugh. "What is much funny one" it asked Gram. "Perhaps it will work" said Barnes. "the funny one is just in que­sto. And then, "In order to kill the woman who it loves over every thing." I can cite it, Noyes? A phrase model that all the children of school would have to learn; syntactically scandisce to me­raviglia." "Pure academy" said caustic Alice Noyes. With voice roca, red in ace, Gram said to Barnes: "its sintassi does not interest me. My sintassi does not interest me. The sintassi of nobody does not interest me. The only thing that interests to me is that this is good a flat one and Noyes agent agrees with me, while she, Barnes, has given to the dimissioni beginning from this mo­mento. Therefore it does not have straight of ballot on this matter... alme­no, always that I decide to accept its dimissioni. I will have to reflect to us over. I will make to know something; for the moment it can wait for." To that point its voice sinked in a borbottio au­tistico while rimuginava on the argument in argument. To the im­provviso, it raised the eyes on Barnes and it said: "I find It of strange humor. Of usual it does not raise many objections to my suggestions. What has happened to them " "3XX24J" said Barnes. "and that it would be" "an apartment champion of the Hidden Men who stia­mo watching. Serving us of the computer in the Wyoming, we have in course an analysis statistics of the characteristics of those who they go and they come." "and it has as soon as received some news that has not appreciate." "I have received one very small news" said Barnes. "a citta­dino medium, than apparently it had felt the news of the im­minente execution of Cordon, to the unexpected one has decided to make the great jump. Someone that we had as soon as controlled, between the al­tro. To the computer the thing is not piaciuta at all. A similar jolt, one such reversal of loyalty, and in therefore short time... To announce the dead women of Cordon can have been an error... an error which pos­siamo still to make up for. The "judges" could change of nuo­vo idea." And with sarcasmo, but serious in ace, he added: "I have one idea for one very small modification to bring to its plan, si­gnor President. Inasmuch as Cordon is a false one, we make so that also its arm is false. When it aims the gun and talks nonsense, a sharpshooter hidden in the vicinities of provvederà Irma to shoot them seriously. In this way the probabilities that it can be hit will come reduced practically to zero." "a good idea" said Gram, agreing. "It would take a similar suggestion seriously" Barnes churches. "It is a good suggestion. It cancels the element of per­sonale risk that it has raised before, with respect to... " Barnes disse:"Lei must separate its public life from the viia private. At the moment they are too much confused between they." "and I will say an other thing to them" said Gram, always red in ace and with voice roca. "That lawyer, Denfeld... I want that in its apartment they come hidden pamphlets and Cordoniti tests, and then I want to see a irruption in which it comes picked with the ma­ni in the bag. After that the ficcheremo in the jail of Brightforth, with to Cordon. They will be able to speak they it appeal to." "Denfeld will be able to speak" said Alice Noyes. "and Cordon will be able to write all how much. And the rest of the prisoners will be able to read it." "I think" said Gram, "that it is a main blow of my innata genius to succeed to resolve my problems private publics and with a single gesture; it obeys to requirement of the shaver of Occam, if understood what I mean. Understood what I want to say " Neither Barnes neither Alice Noyes answered. Barnes was chieden­do like in a hurry withdrawing the own dimissioni... introduced and fu­ria, and without to hold account of the future possibilities. And while it thought this, rendered account that, like always, Gram was listening. "it is not taken care" said Gram. "it is not necessary that di­metta. However, it knows it that me it is indeed piaciuto that touch of the chosen ti­ratore arranged close to Irma and me, ready to take part when Cordon talks nonsense with its bogus gun? Yes, he is excellent; thanks for the contribution." "Not there is of that" Barnes said, trying to suffocate the pro­pria aversion and the thoughts that the ribollivano in the mind. "What it thinks" said Gram, "it does not interest to me. Me inte­ressa only that that ago. All is also enjoyed the hostility that it wants, does not have importance, provided that it dedicates to this plan its total and immediate attention. I want that it is made the svelta... Cordon could die to us in jail goodness knows or that other. A name for the plan serves us. A coded name. As we will call it " "Scoundrel" said Barnes. "I do not seize the meant one, but for me it is well" said Gram. "Of agreement; of hour in then it is the Operation Scoundrel. As well as in the oral co­municazioni how much those written we will name it only in this way." "Scoundrel" Repeated Alice Noyes. "That one has been a situation in which, of the two, it has been assassinated the mistaken person." "Oh" made Gram. "Be', to me still seems an optimal name." Stiracchiò thoughtful the labbro inferior. "As the innocent person called itself who has been liquidated" "Jesus di Nazareth" said Barnes. "an analogy Is for case tracing" it asked Gram. "Cor­don would be like Christ" "they have already traced It others" said Barnes. "However, me la­sci to emphasize an other point to sfavore. All the written ones of Cor­don are opposed to the use of the force, the coercion and the violence. It is inconceivable that it can try to assassinate qual­cuno." "the point is just this" said Gram patient. "the fo­cale point. It will discredit every thing that has written. It will show like a hypocritical; it will remove every value to its pamphlets and to its it deals to you. Ca­pisce " "ritorcerà against of we" said Barnes. "it indeed does not succeed to appreciate my solution" said Gram, fixing it with indagatori eyes. "I task" said Barnes, "that in this case... it is itself com­portando in way extremely sconsiderato." "and this thing would want to say" "Adviced against." "Nobody has given councils to me, the idea is mine." To this point the Barnes director surrendered; it left that its dark thoughts had the windward and its language remained silen­ziosa. Nobody seemed to notice some. "Then, ahead with the Plan Scoundrel" Gram said gladly, and made a wide smile happy. To the sound of their way to knock agreed, Kleo Appleton opened the door of the appartamento.Già of return to half giorna­ta? chiese.Deve to have succeeded something. And then it saw, with to he, a child, probably on the eighteen years, very dressed and a lot made up, with a great smile like if it recognized it. "You must be Kleo" you said the sorridente child. "They are a lot lieta to know to you, after what Nick has said to me of you." It and Nick entered in the apartment; the girl guar­dò around examinee the furnitures and the colors to the walls: she estimated with expert air the furnishing, noticing every thing. She had the effect to render Kleo nervous and impacciata, while instead, it if of ren­deva account, would have had to be the contrario.Chi is this ra­gazza? one wondered. "Yes" she said. "They are mrs. Appleton." Nick sluices the door. "It must hide from its boy" dis­se to the moglie. "It has tried to stick it and it is scappata. Here she cannot trace it because she does not know who are or where alive, therefore with we is to the sure one." "Coffee" Kleo churches. "Coffee" it repeated Nick. "I will prepare a little coffee" said Kleo. It observed the girl and it noticed how much was graceful, although the heavy trick. And quan­to it was small. Probably it met difficulty to find ve­stiti enough small for its ransom... a problem that I would want to have anch', rifletté Kleo. "I call Charlotte" said the girl. One had been based on the di­vano of the stay and one was untying the gambali. Wide sor­riso the reassuring one had not never left its ace; it raised the eyes towards Kleo with an expression that seemed nearly of affet­to. Affection! For a person whom it had not never seen before in vi­ta its. "I have said to Them that it could be stopped here for stanotte" said Nick. "Sure" Kleo said. "the divano can become a bed." It went in the area of the kitchen and poured three cups of coffee. "Like preferi­sci the coffee" churches to the girl. "You feel" said Charlotte elastically, jumping in feet and an­dando towards of she. "it is not the case to take many annoyances to you for me, you I assure. I do not have need of nothing, to the infuori of a po­sto where to remain for a pair of days, and provided that it is a place that Denny does not know. And ce it already we are scrollato of back, the ab­biamo seeded in all that traffic. Therefore not there is no pe­ricolo of... "made a gesture vague"... of one scenata. You the garanti­sco." "you have not still said me as you want your coffee." "Black." Kleo porse one cup. "It is an optimal coffee" said Charlotte. Carrying with himself two cups, Kleo returned in the stay, gave to Nick its cup and black plastic chair was based on one. Nick and the girl, like two persons directed towards two adjacent seats in a cinema, seated flank to flank on the divano. "you have called the police" Kleo said. "the police" Charlotte churches with surprised expression. "Not, sure that not. It is always behaved therefore; it is sufficient that I am far from he for a po' and that aspects... I know how much the hard one. And then I return behind. To call the police? And to make to arrest it? In prigio­ne morirebbe. It has need to feel itself free; it must be able veleggia­re over great spaces, to high velocity, in that one strange its razzauto therefore, we we call it the Tricheco Purpureo." After that it began to sorbire its coffee, hastily. Kleo began to reflect. It tried confused feelings, caotiche.È a stranger, pensò.Non we know it; we do not know not even if the truth says to us on its boy. And if it were qualco­sa of various? If she were the police to chase it? But to Nick it seems pleasure; it seems that it trusts itself she. And if the truth says, natural­mente we must allow them to remain here from we. Then Kleo pen­sò:È much graceful one. Perhaps it is for that Nick wants here that ri­manga; perhaps it has... tried invano parola.Un the particular interest for she. If it were not therefore graceful, it would be ugual­mente disposed to make it to remain with we? But Nick was not the type of able man to behave itself in this way. Less than same he it was not unaware of of its true feelings; perhaps it knew of wanting to help the girl, but without to know of the true reason. Task that we would have to run this risk, determined Kleo. "We will be lieti to have with we" said to you to high voice, "the entire time that you will want to be stopped." Feeling this, the ace of Charlotte made radioso. "They give the soprabito one" said Kleo to me, while the girl of it sgu­sciava outside agile... and with the gallant aid of Nick. "Not, it is not necessary" said Charlotte. Kleo said: "If you want to be stopped here"... and taken the soprabito one from the hands of Charlotte... "you will have to also hang your soprabito one." It carried towards the only wall closet of the apartment, opened the anta, it tried appendiabito... and it saw, in one pocket of the soprabito one, a rolled up pamphlet in a rush. "Cordonita Propaganda" said to high voice, while it extracted it from the pocket. "a Six mem­bro of the Hidden Men." Charlotte stopped sorridere; it assumed a nervous expression, and was endured obvious that its thoughts overlapped the uni to the others while answer tried one. "Then all the history of your boy" said Kleo, "is inventa­ta. She is the police to chase it; here because you want to hide it from we." It brought back soprabito and the pamphlet to Charlotte. "you cannot remain here" said. Nick said: "You I would have explained, but..." It made a gesture with the hand. "I knew that you would have reacted in this way. And I had ra­gione." "the history of Denny is true" said Charlotte with soothed but firm voice. "It is dalui that I want to hide. The police is not trying to me. And then you have as soon as had an accidental control, Nick me has said. This apartment will not come more watched for... devil, for months. Perhaps for years." Kleo stopped beside Charlotte porgendole its soprabi­to. "If it if she goes some" said Nick, "me of it I go anch' I." "I would want that you made it indeed" said Kleo. "You say seriously" Nick churches. "Yes, I say seriously." Charlotte was raised. "I do not have intention to ruin your union. It would not be right... Me I go some." It was turned towards Nick. "Thanks the same one" said. Taken the soprabito one, wore it and movements towards the door. "I understand what tests, Kleo" said while it opened the door. Its luminous smile launch... even if hour was a po' raggelato. "Goodbye." Nick movements express... exceeded it with three steps svelti and fer­mò on the door tightening them one shoulder. "" Charlotte did not say, and with an unusual force for a woman, it got rid from its grip. "Goodbye, Nick. In any case we have scrollati of back the Tricheco Purpureo. It has been amusing. Six Bravo pilot; in many they have tried to seed Denny when it was on its razzauto, but you the six solo that is successful on the se­rio." It struck friendly on the arm and it exited to step sent in the corridor. Perhaps the history of its boy is true, thought Kleo.Forse has tried indeed to stick it; perhaps we would have to leave that ri­manga here. In any case. Although the said fact... but not me the han­no, pensò;né she, neither Nick. That it constitutes a menzogna, it is pure for omission. Nick had not never made null of similar, than I know, pensò.Adesso, tutt' to a feature, it makes us to run this danger and he does not say a word... for case I have only seen that o­puscolo in its pocket. Perhaps yes, it thought, it could be gone some with to she, as it has said. In this case it would have to be truly in love of she. They cannot it are known only now; it would be as­surdo for anyone to push a lot for giving aid less one estra­nea... than the stranger it is not beautiful, small and defenseless. Per­ché the men are made therefore. There is a point weak person in their structure when draft to face situations of this gene­re. They do not think more, and they do not act more in reasonable way; they want to follow that that they define "cavalieresco spirit". At all costs for same they and, in this case, for their moglie and their son. "You can remain" said to Charlotte, following it in the corridor while the girl still was intrigued to thread the soprabito one; Nick remained immovable and silent, like if it more did not succeed in segui­re the situation... and therefore to carry out an active part to you. "" Charlotte did not say. "Goodbye." And race like a freed bird ap­pena down for the corridor. "God curses" said Nick to you to Kleo. "and you curses also" said Kleo. "He tries you to carry it to us in house in order makes us to arrive a police raid. God curses to you in order not to have to me said it." "I would have made It opportunity the first" said he. "you do not go to them behind" Kleo said. "you have said that you would have it fat­to." It fixed it, the ace rendered mobile from the ira, the small and in­crostati eyes of dusk. "you have It as soon as condemned to forty years of jobs it forces to you on the Moon; a place will ramble for the roads without moneies and sen­za in which finding shelter, and to the end a patrol car will be stopped in order to interrogate it." "wide awake girl Is one; she will get rid herself of pamphlets "said Kleo. "they will arrest the same one to It. For some other thing." "Then you follow it and assures to you that it does not succeed nothing to them. Dimen­ticati of we; it forgets Bobby and me, and you go to see if it is be­ne. Ahead, fallo.Muoviti!" The jaw of Nick was contracted... like if, thought she, voles­se to hit to me. Here that cos' it has already learned from this its new amichetta, thought Kleo.La brutality. However, it did not hit it. Instead it was turned and the corridor behind Charlotte was launch of long race. "Bastard!" urlò behind Kleo, infischiandosene of who pote­va to feel it in the palace. Then, returning in the apartment, it blinked the door and the sluices to key; then it pulled the catenaccio nocturnal, therefore also with its key he could not have reopened the door. They walked hand in the hand along the road crowded with its numerous storees, crossing the driven in traffic of the marcia­piedi, without that nobody of the two spoke. "I have ruined your wedding" said to the Charley end. "Not, it is not true" said Nick. And it had reason; the fact to pre­sentarsi to house with that girl had only carried to the su­perficie something that already on the fondo.Abbiamo had lived a e­sistenza of daily fear, thought, one life made of preoccupa­zioni and squallidi terrors. Fear that Bobby did not exceed its examination; fear of the police. And now... the Tricheco Purpureo, pen­sò.Dobbiamo preoccuparci that not us steps only near. And pen­sando this, began to laugh. "Because you laugh" it asked Charley. "I was imagining Denny that it bombed to us in picchia­ta. Like one of that old Stuka that they used in the Second World war. And all that ran around in order to try ripa­ro, thinking that it was burst the war with the Germany western North." They walked hand in the hand, everyone dipping in the own thoughts. Then, to a feature, Charley said: "it is not necessary that you remain with me, Nick. We give a cut; it returns from content Kleo... sa­rà see again to you. I know the women; I know with how much rapidi­tà can is made to pass a rage, especially in a ca­so like this, when that that the threat - in other words, I - is removed. Of agreement " Probably it was true, but it did not answer to them; an­cora he had not found one via of escape from the tangle of its thoughts. After all, than what he had succeeded that day to it? He had scoper­to that its employer Earl Zeta was a Hidden Man; alcohol had joined to Zeta in the drink; they had gone in the apartment of Charley... or Denny; it had been a litigio, and he if n' it were anda­to with to Charley - carrying it in but, one perfect scono­sciuta - with the aid of its corpulento and sturdy main. And then it had been the matter of Kleo. "Six sure one that the SP does not know null of yours appartamen­to" churches to Charley.In other words, thought, me will have already in­dividuato like a new suspicion? "We are much prudent" said Charley. "Indeed? You have left that pamphlet in your soprabito one so that Kleo found it. Me it has not seemed one moved much prudent one." "I was all sbalestrata and on turns. We were as soon as you escape yourself to the Tricheco Purpureo. Of usual I do not make things similar." "you have some of the others with you? In the ag " "Not." It removed the ag from the hands and you frugò within. It was true. Then frugò in the pockets of its soprabito one, while they continued to cam­minare. Also the soprabito one was cleaned up. But the written ones of Cordon circulated also under shape of micropoints; it could have of several leans, and if they had stopped them, the agents of the SP would have them discoveries senz' other. This means that I do not trust myself she, decise.Dopo that it has provoked that pie with Kleo is logical. Naturally, if it has been able to make it once... And then it thought: Probably there were spies who watched the apartment, than held it of eye in some way; who entered and who exited. Entered Iosono, and iosono exited. Therefore, if the things are therefore, by now they are on their list. Therefore it is too much late in order to return from Bobby and Kleo. "You have a dark air" said Charley, in tone nearly allegro and from al-devil-all-how much. "Christ" said he, "has jumped the pit." "Yes, now a six Hidden Man." "and this would not give a dark air to anyone" Charley said: "It would have to fill up you of joy." "I do not want to end in a forced labor camp to you on..." "But it will not end in this way, Nick. Provoni is returning and all it will end well." Holding it for hand, it turned the head, in­clinò and the sbirciò of side like a uccellino. "You are allegro, and rad­drizza the back! It tries to have a happy air! You must be felt fe­lice!" My family, thought he, has gone in fragments for cause its. We do not have a place in which going - in a trove­rebbero motel us easy - and... Zeta, pensò.Lui can help me. In great part the responsibility is its; it has been Zeta to prime all quel­lo that it has succeeded today. "Oh" made Charley, striking the eyelids while he it stirac­chiava towards a cavalcavia pedestrian. "Where we are going" "To the United Forehead Razzauto Leggermente Usate" Nick said. "Oh, you want to say from Earl Zeta. Perhaps it is still in the apartment, attempt to come to blows with Denny. Not, I imagine that by now Denny is successful to go itself some; at least, he is that that we have thought while you were guiding, after that we had seen it to sbucare on the tet­to. Oh, well; therefore now I will be able to still enjoy your bravura pilot. You know that, for how much Denny he is Bravo, and it is indeed, you the six best one? You I had already said? Yes, creed of yes." It seemed in preda to one logorrea crisis. And in more, all to a feature, a lot to uneasiness. "What is" Nick churches, while they salted on the sliding scale that would have them capacities to the parking of the fiftieth plan do­ve he had left the razzauto. "Be'" said she, "has fear that Denny is trying just here. It is even gone around here around, in ambush, watching. Sologuar­dando." It repeated that word ringhiando, with violence, coglien­do of Nick surprise... he had not still seen this side del­la its personality. "" it did not say, "cannot go here. She goes to us alone. It leaves me from some part, or I will even take the scale in reduction and... " It made a gesture of cut with the palm of the hand. "I will always exit from your life in order." Of new it burst to laugh, in that unexpected way that them was characteristic. "But we can remain friends. We can communicate with postcards." Still laughed. "We will continue to know itself, even if we will not meet more. Our spirits have been melted, and when the spirits are melted between of they, it cannot be destroyed without that also the other muo­ia." By now it laughed in way inconsulto, isterico; si it covered the eyes, sniggering between the fingers socchiuse. "Cordon Is this that inse­gna, and is amusing; it is therefore maledettamente amusing." It taken the hands to them and gliele removed from the face. The eyes of Charley shone, fixed eyes like stars in its, attempts to fru­gare in its intimate one, like if she same trying answers they do not give that that it said but from that that its eyes showed. "Tasks that I siapazza" it said. "On this not there are doubts." "We two find ourselves in this frightful situation, Cordon is in order to be executed and I do not know to make other that to laugh." Stopped Ave­va, hour, but with one visible effort; the mouth shook to them while it withheld the rice with difficulty. "I know a place where pos­siamo to find a little alcohol" it said. "We go ourselves; here we will be able sbronzarci to duty." "" it did not say. "They are already enough sbronzo." "Here because you have made what you have made, choosing of ve­nire with me and leaving Kleo. For the alcohol that Zeta has made you be­re." "Of six sure one" churches he. Perhaps it had reason. It was risaputo that the alcohol provoked changes to the personality, and of sure he had not been behaved of recent in its usual way. But trat­tava of one unusual situation; which would have been its reazio­ni "usual" dinanzi to that it had succeeded that day to it? I must take the control of the situation, pensò.Devo to te­nere under control this girl... or to abandon it. "it does not appeal to to be dominated" said Charley to me. "Intuisco that you have intention of gives orders to me, of dirmi what to make and what not to make. Like ago Denny. As it made my father. A day or the other, do­vrò to tell some to you of the things that has made me my father... for­se then you will understand I better. Some of the things, the orribili things, than have forced to make to me. Sexual things." "Oh" said Nick. This could explain its le­sbiche tendencies, if Denny had described it in correct way. Charley said: "Creed that with you I will have to make one what. You por­terò in one of the centers of press of the Cordoniti." "You know where one of these centers is found" churches he incredulo. "Then whichever informer would give an eye of the head for..." "I know It. They would be much happy for capturing to me. I have uncovered at­traverso Denny. Pusher is one much more important than what creeds." "It would expect that you went here" "he does not know that I know it. I have followed once... I thought that other girl went to bed with some, but she did not be a matter herself of this: it was a press center. They are returned behind and I have pretended not to be never exited from the apartment; it was much late, and I have pretended of being addormentata." Taken the hand and tightened it with force. "This center is particularly important because stam­pa Cordonita propaganda for the children. Of the type: "Exact! It is a horse! And when the free men were galoppavano on the caval­li!" Roba of the sort." "It lowers the voice" said Nick. There were other persons who sa­livano on the sliding scale, and the voice of Charley, vibrating and adole­scenziale, arrived far on the wave of its enthusiasm. "It goes well" said she, obedient. "a center of Cordonita press does not represent one of the ver­tici of the organization" the churches. "an organization does not exist, is alone mutual ties of fratellanza. Not, a center prints is not found to the apex; lassù is only the receiving station." "the receiving station? And what receives " "the messages of Cordon." "From the jail of Brightforth" Charley said: "It has a transmitter inserted in the body that the SP does not have still uncovered, although all i beams X that they have made it. They have discovered two, but not this, and it uses it in order makes us to arrive its daily reflections, the thoughts and the ideas in development course, than then the press centers they begin to sfor­nare more soon possible. From the centers, the material comes passed to the distribution points, where the pushers capture it and they carry it in turn, trying to convince people to acquire it." Then it added: "As you can imagine, there is a high rate mor­talità between the pushers." "How many centers of press you have" churches he. "I do not know it. Not many." "and the authorities..." "the sporcaccioni... scusami, the SP... of it characterizes one every a lot. But then of it we form an other, therefore the number remains the same one ge­neralmente." It made one pause, reflecting. "Task that will be better to go to us with rates that with yours instead razzauto. If you do not have null in contrary." "there is some special reason" "of they are not sure. They can have recorded your number of plate; of usual we try to arrive to the centers of press with blots some rented. The rates are the better means." "It is far away from here" churches he. "You want to say if it is found lost in the campaign? Not, it is just in center, the crowded zone more of the city. You come." It jumped on the rampa that it came down and it followed it. Little moments after raggiunge­vano the street level; laragazza taken endured scrutare in the traf­fico to the search of rates. Public means were lowered sweetly from the flow of the traf­fico and it was put down on the sidewalk to their flank. The door was opened and they salted. "Emporio Feller Baggages" said Charley to the driver. "In The Sixteenth Road." "Um" made the driver, and raised of new the vehicle in means to the traffic, stavolta heading in the opposite direction. "But the Emporio Feller..." began Nick, and without to give it ve­dere Charley conficcò an elbow in the ribs; it seized the message and remained in Hush. Ten later minuteren, came down from the rates. Nick paid the race, and the vehicle was raised in the painted air like a giocattolo. "the Emporio Feller" said Charley, observing the palace dal­l' aristocratic aspect. "One of antichi and by piece estimates warehouses to you of sale of all the city. It even thinks to you that shed was one squallido behind one station of service in peri­feria. Infested from rats." The taken ones for hand, guiding it beyond the doors to automatic opening and in the covered entrance hall of moquette of the famous store all over the world. A store clerk dressed with impeccable elegance approached itself. "Buongiorno" said affable. Charley said: "I have reserved one series of suitcases. Synthetic ostrich skin, four pieces. I call Barrows. Julie Barrows." "It wants to follow to me, I pray" the store clerk said, turning itself and set offing dignitoso towards the back of the store. "Thanks" said Charley. It gave an elbowed other in the ribs to Nick, this time without some reason. And the sorrise ones. A heavy metal door slipped of side, revealing a small room where it varies baggages to you rested on simple shelves of wood. The door from which they were enters to you richiuse silent. The store clerk attended a moment, consulting just the clock, then began to load it with endured cure... and, the opposite wall of the stan­za opened in means, showing a premises the much largest one. A heavy heartbeat reached the orecchie of Nick, like if a large stampatrice it were in function, and hour could see it. In order little that if it meant some of press, one noticed endured that it was the modern and newest model, the best one on the market, and much co­stoso. The printing offices of the Hidden Men were not entrusted to ciclostili, this were sure. Four soldiers in uniform grey and with gas masks encircled them, all armed of lethal Hopp tubes. "Who you are" chie­se one of they a petty officer first class... and its was not a question, but an order. "They are laragazza of Denny" said Charley. "Who Is Denny" "the sapete." With a gesture of the hand, Charley said: "Den­ny Strong. Work in this zone to level of distribution." A television camera was moved ahead and behind, examinee them. The soldiers conferred with someone, speaking in the microphones that carried to the height of the labbra and listening through large au­ricolari like tablets that carried in the ear de­stro. "He goes well" said finally the petty officer first class to the commando. He brought back its attention on Nick and Charley. "That what you want here" doman­dò. "a place where to remain for a po'" Nick said. With a signal of the head towards Nick, the man said: "It who is" "converting. He is passed with we today." Nick said: "Because of the announcement of the execution of Cordon." The soldier emitted grugnito and rifletté. "By now we are ospitan­do lots of people. I do not know if... " The labbro was chewed inferior, frowned. "Also you want to remain here" churches to Nick. "For a day or two. Not more." Hastily, Charley said: "the sapete that Denny has que­ste crisis of psicopatico fury, but in kind they only last to it..." "I do not know Denny" said the soldier. "You two can occu­pare the same room" "I... task of yes" said Charley. "Yes" Nick said. "We can offer asylum to you for settantadue hours" said the petty officer first class. "Then you will have to go elsewhere." "How much is large this place" the Nick churches. "Four entire ones isolate to you." It believed on one's word. "it is not of sure an operation from four moneies" said the soldiers. "If it were" said one to it of they, "we would not have not even one possibility. We print pamphlets to million, here within. For mag­gior the part they end seizes to you from the authorities, but not all. Usia­mo the principle of the publicity sent for mail; even if on fifty it only comes read, and all the others throw to you via, of it are worth the pain; it is the better way." Charley said: "That what is arriving from Cordon, hour that it knows of having to be executed? Or it does not know it? Glielo has det­to " "To the receiving station they would have to know it" said the soldier. "But we will not have they news for some other hour; in kind there is a pause while the material comes see again and corrected." "Then not printed publication you the words of Cordon exactly co­me it transmits" said Nick to them. The soldiers made one risata. And they did not answer. "It is a po' outside of head" explained Charley. Nick said: "there will be some attempt to organize agitazio­ni in order to obtain a dismissal of the execution" "I doubt that they have decided something of the sort" said one of the soldiers. "it would not have no effect" said an other. "We would fail; they would execute he and we would end all in fields of internamen­to." "Therefore you have intention to leave it to die" Nick churches. "we cannot makes null" said us with various soldiers. Nick said: "Once that he will be dead man, you will not have nuller to print; you will have to interrupt this activity." The soldiers laughed. "you have received news from Provoni"disse Nick. There was a short one Hush, then one of the soldiers, the petty officer first class, said: "a confused message. But authentic." The soldier behind of he said with calm voice: "Thors Provoni is returning on the Earth." UNDERSTOOD IT SECOND "This throws a new light on the things" said darkness Willis Gram. "the intercepted message rilegga Me." The Barnes Director read from the copy that he had in front of himself. "" I have found... that can... their aid will be... and I am... " This is how much is resolutions to comprise and to transcribe. The rest was som­merso from disturbs." "But the answers are already all" said Gram. "It is alive; it is tor­nando behind; not something has found someone..., but qualcu­no, because it uses the word "they". In fact it says: "their aid will be..." and that that lacks is probably the rest of a phrase on the type "their aid will be sufficient." Or something of similar." "Creed that it is too much pessimist" said Barnes. "I must it are it. And however, eternal damnation, I have reason of being pessimist. They are years that wait for news from Provoni, and now they have received to them. Their printing offices will scatter the news in tut­to the planet nel.giro.di six hours, and we do not have the possibility to prevent it to it." "We can bomb their center prints more important, that one in the Sixteenth Road" said the Barnes Director; it of would have been happiest. They were months that the permission waited for to destroy that enormous system of the Hidden Men. "inseriranno on the television circuits" said Gram. "Two mi­nuti... then we will find their transmitter and we will make it tacere, but while they will have transmitted theirs cursed message." "Then lasci to lose" Barnes said. "I do not have intention to leave to lose. I never do not surrender. I will make to kill Provoni within an hour from the moment in which sbarche­rà on the Earth. And anyone has carried with himself in order is made to help... will liquidate also they. It damns not human organisms to you, probabil­mente they have six legs and one tail that punge. Like the scorpio­ni." "and pungeranno a.morte" said Barnes to us. "Something of the sort." In bathrobe and ciabatte, dark Gram cam­minava ahead and behind for its office-room from bed, the arms connected behind the back and the sporgente stomach. "it does not seem also to she a of the sort human tradimento... Hidden Uo­mini Old, Men, New, Unusual Men... all how many, insomma? To lead here a shape of not umanoide life that probably, after to have destroyed to us, it wants to colonize no­stro the planet " "With the single difference" it pointed out it Barnes, "than not sa­ranno they to destroy we, but we to destroy they." "With these things it cannot be never known" said Gram. "Po­trebbero to conquer one bridgehead. It is this that we must prevent." Barnes said: "From the calculations on the distance from which it is perve­nuto the message, we have established that it - and they - not arri­veranno here before others two months." "It can are given that they arrange of one propulsion iperluce" dis­se mistrustful Gram. "Perhaps Provoni is not more to edge delGray Dinosaur, could be to edge of one of their ships. And then, eternal damnation, ilGray Dinosaur was already also too much fast; it holds to mind that was the prototype of an entire new class of interstellar transport ships; it has gotten hold of the first model and is disappeared." "This is true" said Barnes. "Provoni can have modified the propulsion of its ship; it can have improved it. Always it has been in leg to pasticciare with those things. I would not exclude it in absolute motion." "Cordon will come immediately executed" said Gram "endured Prov­veda. It perceives means of information, therefore will be able to assi­stere. You assemble the simpatizzanti." "ours? Or theirs " "ours" sibilò Gram. "Moreover" Barnes churches, taking notes on a note-book, "I can have the permission to bomb the center of press in the Sixteenth Road" "It is to test of bombs." "Not exactly. It is subdivided, like a stream bed, in... " "I know all in purpose... are months that me sorbisco its ma­ledetti memorandum. It ce just has it a.morte with that center of press, is not true " "Perhaps I would not have? It would not have had to be destroyed mol­to time makes " "there is something that prevents me to make it." "Because" it asked Barnes. Dryly, Gram said: "In the first place, because I have lavo­rato here. Before going up the steps of the Service Be them. I was a spy. I know nearly all those that work laggiù; a time was my friends. They do not have never uncovered the truth on my account... al­lora I did not have this aspect. I had one artificial head." "Saint Christ" said Barnes. "What is of strange" "It is alone therefore... absurd. These things do not make more from years; from when they are Director we have not never made them." "Be', made before that it became Director." "Therefore they still do not know it." "I will give the permission to make irruption to Them in the center and of arresta­re all how many" said Gram. "But I will not concur them of bombardar­li. However, it will see that I have reason; it will not make some difference. They will transmit the news of Provoni in television; nel.giro.di two minuteren will know in all the Earth to it... two minuteren!" "Not hardly the transmission will have beginning..." "Two minuteren will be enough. In any case." Barnes agreed, malvolentieri. "Therefore it understands that I have reason. However, she proceeds with the execution of Cordon; I want that it is carried out within the six this evening, local hour." "and the relative plan to the sharpshooter and Irma..." "Lasciamo to lose. For hour we think next to Cordon. She it liqui­deremo later on. Perhaps one of those shapes of life not umanoi­di could soffocarla with its body of protoplasma, to bag shape." Barnes was put to laugh. "I speak seriously" said Gram. "It has a rather left idea approximately the aspect that these not umanoidi creatures will turn out possession." "afflosciate Blisters" said Gram. "They will have this aspect. But with the tail. And it is to the tail that we will have to be attention, per­ché the poison is found lì." Barnes was raised. "I can be dismissed and begin the procedures for the execution of Cordon? Let alone the attack to the press center de­gli Men Hidden in the Sixteenth Road " "Yes" Gram said. Indugiando on the door, Barnes churches: "It would want to assist al­l' execution" "Not." "I could make to prepare them an area shielded from which potreb­be seeing all without that nobody..." "I will watch It on the television set closed circuit." Barnes struck the eyelids. "Then it does not want that the execution comes transmitted with the usual system in mondovisione? Because all how many see it " "Oh, yes" said Gram, agreing with air tetra. "Sure. In fon­do we make it for this, not? Of agreement, I will watch it like every other normal spectator. For me he is more than sufficient." "As far as the center of press of the Sixteenth Road... I will make to prepare a directory of all those that we will arrest to you, therefore it will po­trà to examine it..." "and to see how many old friends they are enclosed" finished Gram. "Perhaps it will want to go to find them in prison." "Prison! But all must be always concluded in one prison or with one execution? It is right " "If it means to say: "It is therefore that it works" then the answer is yes. But if instead... " "It knows what means to say." Barnes, reflecting, said: "That one that we are fighting is one civil war. To its times, Abramo Lincoln made to imprigio­nare hundred and hundred of men, without regulating process, nevertheless still today is remembered like the greatest President de­gli United States." "But it granted always the grace to lots of people." "He can make it also she." "He goes well" said Gram subdolamente. "I will free all the arre­stati ones of the Sixteenth Road that I knew. And they not sapran­no never because." "It is a good man, Mr. Presidente" said Barnes. "She knows to extend its loyalty also to those who today act against of she." "They are a viscido bastard" said Gram. "This she knows it be­ne, and I to it know anch'. He is only that... ah, eternal damnation. Entirety us diver­tivamo a world; we always laughed like matti for what we printed. We laughed, because we became part amusing things. Now, instead, this propaganda is all therefore solemn and virtuo­sa. But when I was, we succeeded... oh, to the devil all quan­to." Piombò in silenzio.Che what I make us here? domandò.Come I have made myself to end in one similar position, with all this authority? I was not made for this kind of things. Perhaps of other song, it thought, it I was. Thors Provoni was waked up. And it did not see null, abysses of tene­bra single that the attorniavano.Io there are within, rendered account. "He is exact" said the Frolixiano. "They are remained somewhat turba­to when you have yielded to the sleep... like calls it." "Morgo Rahn Wilc" said Provoni, turned to the darknesses. "carried You six to preoccuparti too much. We sleep every ventiquat­tro hours; we sleep from eight to... " "This I know" said it Morgo. "But you reflect on the circumstances in which that verification: gradually you smarrisci your personality, your cardiac heartbeat you slow down, the rhythm of the breath you lower... all that you are similar very many the dead women." "But you know that she is not therefore" you emphasized Provoni. "It is the mental operation that he changes more than every other, and that he puts to us to uneasiness. You of it do not have conscience, but while dor­mi she carries out an unusual mental activity much and violent one. First of all, he enters in a world that in a sure sense you is familiar... in your mind finds to you with to personal friends, enemies, to knowing of the social within, that they can speak and interact with you." "In other words" Provoni said, "beginning to dream." "This kind of dreams constitutes a species of riepilogo of the day, of that you have made, of the persons to which you have pensa­to, of those with which you have spoken. It is not this to alarm to us. It is the successive phase. It sinks towards an inferior level, the much inner one; encounter personages who you have not never known, situazio­ni that you have not never lived. Disintegration of your person begins one, in how much single entity; you fuse to you with primordiali entities from the divine attributes, that they possess an enormous one to be able; while he finds to you in this state you run the serious danger of... " "the unconscious collective" said Provoni. "That largest of the human thinkers, Carl Jung, it has uncovered. A abreazione that risa­le beyond the moment of the birth, pushing itself until screw anterio­ri, to previous places... and popolata of archetypes, like Jung... " "Jung has made present that one of these archetypes could, anytime, to absorb to you? And that a riformazione of your person would not have more way than to take place itself? That you would be sol­tanto a wandering extension and speaking about that archetype " "Sure that has made it present. But it is not of night, during the sleep, than the archetype it assumes the windward, but during the day. And when they appear during the day that is pericolo­si... because it is then that the person comes destroyed." "In other words, when you sleep while six wide awake one." Reluctant, it said: "Exact." "Therefore, when six addormentato we must proteggerti. Why you do not want that it wraps to you during this period? They are taken care for your life; to judge from the strut­turato way in which six, you could lose it with a single hazardous gesture. Like your travel until our world... a terrible risked gesture, than you would not have never had to complete, statistically speaking." "But I have completed" said it Provoni. The darknesses had begun to diradarsi while the Frolixiano was withdrawn from he. It distinguished the metallic bulkhead of the ship, the great basket used like hammock, the half-closed hatch that it gave in knows it commando. Its ship, ilGray Dinosaur: its mon­do from much time. Its cocoon, to whose inside had passed sleeping good part of its time. Now they would remain been astounded in front of the fanatic, thought, if they had been able to see spread it in its hammock, the beard of one set­timana on the ace, the long hats until the shoulders, the sudicio body, the dresses impregnate you of sweat rancido and still more sudi us. Eccolo here, the of the sort human salvatore. Or at least, of a part of human ge­nere. That part that had been overwhelmed until... do­mandò like went the things on the Earth, hour. The Na­scosti Men had found some support? Or the greater part de­gli Old Men had rassegnata to its squallide living conditions? And Cordon, Thought. Goodness knows if the great writer and oratore were died? In this case, probably all the rest was died with to he. But now they know it - my friends, at least, know it - that I have found the aid necessary and that I am returning. Provided that they have ri­cevuto my message. And provided that they have known to decipher it. I, the traitor, pensò.Colui that it has gone to try aid pres­so the cruel ones. That it has opened the way of the Earth to an invasion from part of creatures who would otherwise not have no­tata it. The history will consider me a most despicable of the men... or salvatore? Even something than little end, one spe­cie of via of means. Sufficient to to fill up a quarter of page on the British Encyclopedia. "As you can define same you a traitor, Mr. Provoni" Morgo churches. "Already, me I ask anch'." "Six defined state daaltri a traitor. Six unsalvatore defi­nito state also. I have examined every particle of conscious yours perso­na, and v' it is not trace of some covets of the vanagloria of largeness; you have completed a difficult travel, practically without some succeeding hope of, and you have made it because pushed from an only reason; to help your friends. It is not written in one of your books of the wisdom: "If a man donates the life for its friend..." " "you do not succeed to complete the citation" said Provoni, diverti­to. "Not, because you do not know it for entire, and the only thing that we have in order to know is your mind... its content, until the level that you define collective, and that of night a lot takes care us co­sì." "Pavores nocturni"disse Provoni. "the fear of the night; you have one fobia." It was raised malfermo from the hammock, was straightened with the head that turned, then limped towards the bucket of the alimentary supplies. It pressed a push-button, but not emerged null. It pressed according to push-button. Of new from the container it did not appear nul­la. Only then it tried one driven in of panic; it pressed push-buttons to ca­so... and finally a cube of portions-R fell in the ricettacolo. "it remains some to sufficienza in order to bring back to you on the Earth, Mr. Pro­voni" reassured it the Frolixiano. "Already" it with feracious air said, digrignando the teeth, "razionan­do all. I know the calculations; it is possible that the last days I will have to pass them without food. And you taken care for my sleep; Christ, if you want preoccuparvi for something, you take care yourselves for mine sto­maco." "But we know that ce you will make it." "He goes well" said Provoni. He opened the food cube, ate it, bev­ve a ridistillata water glass, rabbrividì and thought next to as he could have washed the denti.Puzzo, pensò.Dalla head to the feet. They will remain sbigottiti. I will have the air of one remained caught in a submarine for four weeks. "Of it they will comprise the reason" said Morgo. "I want to make a shower" said Provoni. "Not there is water to sufficienza." "you could not... procurarmene a po'? In some way " In various previous occasions, the Frolixiano had supplied it chemical ele­menti, constructing the blocks of syntheses that to he served for composed more elaborate to you. Of sure, if it could make this were also in a position to synthetizing here of the water..., around alGray Dinosaur, where it had been arranged. "Also my somatico system is short of water" said Mor­go. "I thought to ask of a po' to you." It burst to laugh. "What is of funny" churches the Frolixiano. "Eccoci here, in the space between Proxima and my solar system, directed to save the Earth from the tyranny of a narrow oligarchy of oppressori, and ce we are some to discuss on who would have to carry via to the other little liters of water. As we will make to save the Earth if we cannot not synthetize the water " "It leaves that you storys a legend on God" said Morgo. "In principle it created an egg, an enormous egg, with one creature to its inside. God tried to open the shell in order to let out creatu­ra... the first living creature. But it did not succeed to us. However the crea­tura that it had created possessed a spiky spout, fact exactly for that scope and therefore a passage was opened through the gu­scio. And consequently... hour all the living creatures decide of the free will." "Because" "Because we have been to break off the egg, not God." "and because this would give the free will to us" "Because, eternal damnation, we can make what God cannot make." "Oh." Provoni agreed, then sogghignò, amused from idiomatico English of the Frolixiano insegnatogli, obviously, from same he. The creature knew the land languages in the measure in which them it knew: good acquaintance of English - even if not to the height of Cordon - beyond to a infarinatura of Latin, tede­sco and Italian had one. She knew to greet in Italian, and she seemed to amuse a lot to make it; she concluded always its contacts with a solenneciao. Personally, it preferred "you spino after", but evidente­mente the Frolixiani considered that unsatisfactory phrase... and according to its same meter of measure. It was in fact a phrase in jargon of the Service Be them of which it was not successful to get rid. Co­me for many other things in its mind, made part of a pulsi cloud: hopping fragments of thoughts and ideas, memories and timo­ri, than were install to you in its brain with the obvious one intenzio­ne to remain to us. It was touched to the Frolixiani to put in order all that pie, and therefore had made, to how much seemed. "You know" said Provoni, "when we will arrive on the Earth, I want to find from some part one brandy bottle. And then to seat to me on the steps... " "Which steps" "I see only a great palace gray, without windows, a edifi­cio public on the type of the Office of the Taxes, something vera­mente orribile, and see seated same me on the steps, with I lean an old dark blue raincoat, that I drink brandy. Here to the aper­to, under the eyes of all. And people will pass to me near and mormo­rerà: "She watches, that man drinks in public." And I will say: "They are Thors Provoni." And then those will say: "If it deserves it. We will not make it to arrest." And they will not make it." "Not there will be no arrest for you, Mr. Provoni" said Morgo. "Neither then, neither in no other moment. We will be with you since the moment in which you will land. Not only I, like now here, but also my siblings. The fratellanza. And they... " "impadroniranno of the Earth. And then sputeranno to me from a part to die." "Not, not. We are tightened the hand on this. Not memories " "Perhaps you have mentito." "We cannot mentire, Mr. Provoni. You I have explained, and also my supervisor, Great Ce Wanh. If not creeds to me, and if noncreeds not even to he, an entity that it has more than six million than years... " The tone of the Frolixiano seemed exasperated. "When I will see" said it Provoni, "I will believe to us." With acci­gliata air it drank according to water glass recycle, even if the red light over the machine of the water was ignited... and lampeg­giava already from one week. The special courier greeted Gram Willis and said: "This is arri­vato with the qualification Code One Must read it immediatamen­te, if not the spiace, with all the respect, Mr. Presidente." Willis Gram opened the envelope with grugnito. Dattiloscritta on a simple sheet of common paper from sixteen ounces was one single fra­se. "ours agent to the center of press of the Sixteenth Road reports that it is reached a second message from Provoni, and that she has had happened." That the devil if the ports, said Gram to if stesso.Successo. It raised the eyes towards the courier and said: "you carry to Me a little cloridrato of pure metanfetamina. I will take orally, in one cap; one makes sure that cap is one." A po' been strange, the courier greeted of new and said: "Yes, si­gnor President." It left the office-room from bed, and Gram ri­trovò solo.Mi I will kill myself, was said. The depression the invaded ones, divo­randolo until was not felt before floscio like a balloon sgonfio.Magari still that Cordon is dead man, pensò.Be', before liquidates Cordon. It pressed a push-button on the intercom. "an official sends Me; one any... does not have importance." "Yes, getlteman." "he says It to introduce itself armed." Five later minuteren, a greater one dressed in impec­cabile way entered in the room and it exhibited itself in a fluid and professio­nale salute. "Yes, Mr. Presidente." "I want that it goes in the cell of Eric Cordon near the cen­tro of ending of Long Beach" said Gram, "and I want that it personally, with its gun, the gun who I see to its belt, talks nonsense to Cordon until will not be sure of its dead women." Porse a sheet of paper. "This supplies them my autorizza­zione." "It is sure..." began the official. "They are sure" said Gram. "I want to say, getlteman, she is sure that..." "If it does not make it, I will go same I here" said Gram. "It goes." Fe­ce an abrupt and unexpected gesture towards the main door of its office. The greater one if it went some. Nothing television resumptions, said public Gram.Niente. So­lo two men in one cell. Be', Provoni has forced to make it to me; I cannot have them both in circulation at the same time. In a sure sense, it is truly Provoni that is killing Cor­don. Goodness knows that life shapes saranno?si chiese.Quelle that Pro­voni has found? That bastard, said itself. He maneuvered some switches, imprecò, and finally he succeeded to find what he ignited the television camera in the cell of Cordon. The lean, ascetic ace, glance at they them grays, the hats still more grays and ra­di... the classic university university professor who writes books, said Gram.Ebbene, will assist of person while that greater - chi­unque it is - it talks nonsense. On the screen, Cordon seated like if it were addormentato... but obviously it were dictating something, nearly of sure to the center of the Sixteenth Strada.Trasmetti pure your pontificazioni, it thought Gram darkness, and it attended. A quarter of hour passed. Not happened null; Cordon continua­va to transmit. Then, tutt' to a feature, picking of surprise as well as Cordon how much Willis Gram, the door of the cell was opened. The mag­giore from the impeccable air entered to step svelto. "Eric Cordon Is she" churches the greater one. "Yes" Cordon said, raising itself. The greater one - a young man, in practical, with lean lineamenti and sharpens to you - raised one hand towards its arm. It raised the gun and it said: "Behind authorization of the Prime Minister, I have ri­cevuto instructions to bring to me in this place and to kill it. Vuo­le to read the authorization " Frugò in one pocket. "" Cordon did not say. The greater one talked nonsense. Cordon fell to behind, pushed from the bundle of destructive energy to retreat with a sliding movement that carried it against the opposite wall of the cell. Then, for degrees, it slipped towards the bottom until finding again itself seated as an abandoned doll... the spread legs, the head china, the arms iner­ti. Speaking in the microphone in front of himself, Gram said: "the ringra­zio, greater. Hour can be gone some. Its assignment is finished. On purpose... as it is called " "Wade Ellis" said the greater one. "It will receive a citation to the merit" it said Gram, and it interrupted contatto.Wade the Ellis, pensò.È made. It tried... that what? Sol­lievo?Ovvio. God, pensò;quanto has been simple. Orders to a soldier, than you have not never seen before, of which you do not know not even the name, to go to kill one of the more influential men on the Earth. And it makes it! That ascertainment created, in its brain, agghiaccian­te an imaginary conversation. The dialogue was carried out in this way: Person To: Blank, I call Willis Gram. B Person: I am Jack Kvetck. Person To: I see that it is greater in the army. B Person: The bird can bet to us. Person To: She feels, greater Kvetck, she would kill qual­cuno for me? I have forgotten as one calls... aspects that guar­do between these sheets. And ahead at this rate. The door of the room was opened wide; the Director of the Police Lloyd Barnes entered of race, the red ace of ira and incredulità. "It has hardly..." "I know" said It Gram. "It believes of having to me to say it she? It thinks that it does not know it " "Then it has been indeed a its order, like supports the co­mandante of the garrison to the jail." "Already" it said, stoically. "and hour that what tries" "Listenings" said Gram. "a second message from Provoni has arrived. Specific clearly that it is carrying with himself one for­ma of not land life. These are not hypothesis, are made." "because it was not felt able to hold head contempo­raneamente to Cordon and Provoni" Only said infuriated Barnes. "It can bet the culo to us! Just therefore!" Gram said feraciously; it waved a finger towards Barnes. "Said in two words, the ve­rità is just this. Therefore it stops it to kick up a row much in purpose; it was necessary. Forsevoi... and I mean all you New, super evoluti and bilobate Men, you would have known to make forehead to those two re-united here on the Earth, to work together? The answer is not." "the answer" said Barnes, "would have been one dignitosa ese­cuzione, with the respect of all the formalities." "and even, while we serve it the last meal and all the re­sto, some gigantic radiating entity, to fish shape, lands to Cleveland, rapisce every Unusual and New Man, and then them am­mazza from the first one to the last one. Just " After a pause, Barnes said: "It means to declare the state of planetary emergency" "Like if we were with the water to the throat" "Yes. In the more extreme sense of the definition." Gram rifletté. "Not. We will put in state of erta the soldiers, the police, then the New ones and Unusual who occupy the positions key... have the right of knowing which are the exact situation. But not dire­mo null next to that one fottuta feccia, the Old ones and the Nascosti."Tutta­via, it thought, the center of press of the Sixteenth Road infor­merà them however. Independently from the rapidity of ours at­tacco. They must only forward the messages of Provoni to the secondary tra­smittenti and the smaller centers of press... what that, dan­nazione, they will have already made without doubt. "the square command of participation, Green To, supported from the B and the C, is heading towards the center of press of the Sixteenth Road" said Barnes. "I have thought that it would have to them fat­to it appeal to to know it." It gave a glance to the wristwatch. "Between approximately half hour they will give to the onslaught to defensive front line del­l' system. We have prepared a closed cir­cuito television connection to, therefore will be able to assist to the operation." "Thanks." "it says It with irony" "Not," Gram did not say. "I meant to say that that I have said; I have said thanks and I meant thanks." It raised the tone of the voice. "Every thing must always have hidden meaning? We are perhaps a branco of dinamitardi that they crawl in the buio, using coded words? It is indeed therefore? Or we are a government " Barnes said: "We are a legitimate government and in the full load eserci­zio of its functions. Faced from one sedizione to the inside and an invasion to the outside. We are taking to protet­tive measures in both the directions. As an example, we can lie in wait for spaceships of the fleet in the deep space, where they will be in gra­do catching up with their missiles the ship of Provoni appe­na does not re-enter in the solar system. We can... " "This is a decision that is up to the soldiers, not to she. I will make to re-unite the Supreme Council of Peace of the Chiefs of general staff in Knows it Red... "sbirciò just the clock, a Omega"... to the three of this afternoon." It pressed a push-button on the writing desk. "Yes, getlteman." "I want the re-united Chiefs of general staff in Knows it Red for the three of this afternoon" said Gram. "Priority of Level To." It brought back its attention on Barnes. "We will arrest the greater possible number of Nasco­sti Men" said Barnes. "Sure" Gram said. "I have its permission to bomb theirs other centers of stam­pa? At least those of which we are to acquaintance " "Sure" Gram said. "It seems still ironico" said uncertain Barnes to me. "They are only a lot, much incazzato" said Gram. "As a human being can tempt one situation in which of the for­me of life not human... oh, to the devil all how much." Piombò in Hush. Barnes attended some moment, then chinò in ahead in order igniting one of the screen television of forehead to Gram. The screen showed armed agents who shot to missiles mi­niaturizzati against one door of rexeroid. There were smoke and poliziot­ti armed until to the teeth everywhere. "they are not still enters" said Gram to you. "That one is rexeroid... one substance much resistant one." "They have as soon as begun." The door of rexeroid was disintegrated in rivoli of fused metal that schizzarono in the air under flaming, si­mili fragment shape to Martian birds of high quota. With a sordotac-tac-tac-tac the sound reached of talks nonsense, from part of the police and of whom hour they seemed to be guards in uniform to the inside. The poli­zia, picked of surprise, race to the shelter, then it launch grenades to pa­ralizzante gas and other roba of the sort. The smoke stretched to darken every thing, but slowly it could be noticed that the police was being left over. "Liquidated those bastards" said Gram, while a square of two men with a rocket launcher shot a blow directed against the row of guards to the inside. The rocket exceeded the guards and exploded in means to the large ones blots some from press within knows it it. "Here si­stemata the printing office" Gram with one said heads of joy. "Well, it has gone." The police by now was penetrated in knows centers it them of the press center. The television camera followed them, putting to fire a battle in miniatura between two agents from the uniforms greens and three guards dressed of gray. The din affievolì. The crews that talked nonsense were by now po­che, and little people looked at themselves that muoveva. The police was co­minciando rastrellare the staff of the rotating ones, continuing to exchange gun blows with the little guards of the still alive and armed Na­scosti Men. In the small private room that the staff of the rotating ones ave­va granted they, Nick Appleton and Charley seated rigid, without to speak; ammutoliti, listened to the sounds of the battle, and den­tro of himself pensò:Niente Nick asylum for settantadue hours, to how much seem. Not for we, this is sure. Now it is ended seriously. Charley scoured the labbra sensuali, then, of blow, bit the back of the hand. "Jesus" said. "Jesus!" I scream, raising itself in order to assume one rests from frightened animal. "us possibility does not remain one so­la!" Nick did not say null. "It speaks!" ringhiò Charley, the ace deformed from one im­potente anger. "Di' something! You take it with me because I have carried to you here, di' whichever thing... but startene lì not seated to fix those fottuto pavement." "it is not guilt yours" said he, mentendo. But would have been as­surdo to take itself it with she; Charley could not know that to im­provviso the police it would have attacked the press center. In fon­do, never it had not happened before. It had simply made its calculates on the base of that she knew. The press center was a sure shelter; many persons had entered and then they were usci­te. The authorities have always known, thought Nick.Adesso to it are muovendo because Provoni has marked its return. Cordon. God, thought, God of the sky, probably has am­mazzato it endured. It marks them of the return of Provoni has primed a complex attack, accurately planned, on all the planet, from part of the system. Probably the Hidden Men rastrellando all who turn out filed in some way. And all he will have before to be made - the bombed centers of press, the ar­restati Hidden ones, Eric murdered Cordon - that Provoni arrives here. Its return has forced it the hand; it has carried uncovered their heavy artillery, in the true sense of the word. "It listens" said, raising themselves and going beside Charley; it put an arm around to the shoulders and tightened to himself its solid body pic­colo and. "For some time we will end in a field of riedu­cazione, but to the end, when this matter is resolved in a way or the other..." The door of the room was opened wide. The figure of a policeman, the covered grey particle uniform that seemed powder - and in truth was human boneses incenerite - appeared on the threshold, heading they leans a gun Hopp B-14. Nick raised subi­to the hands, then seized the hands of Charley and raised also those, opening its fingers in order to show that it did not have crews. The policeman talked nonsense with its B-14 to Charley; she afflosciò, inert, against Nick. "It is alone svenuta" said the policeman. "a discharge to level tranquilizer." And it talked nonsense with its B-14 also to Nick. Observing the television screen, the Director of the Barnes Police said: "Therefore we have also 3XX24J." "Like" churches irritateed Gram. "In that room: the man with the girl. The two that the agent has as soon as put to sleep. She was the person champion whom according to the computer he would have indicated... " "I am trying see again some old friend" said Gram short cutting. "It is zitto and it watches; it watches and enough. Or it is to ask them too much " Barnes said dryly: "the computer in the Wyoming has scel­to that individual like prototype of the Old Man who, to cau­sa of the announcement of the imminent execution of Cordon, would be passed - like has made - from the part of the Hidden Men. Hour we have captured it, even if... strangely, not creed that quel­la is its moglie. Goodness knows what would say the computer in the Wyoming if... " It began to walk ahead and behind. "Which it would be its reaction to the fact that we have arrested it? That we have impossessati of the champion of Old Man whom... " "Because it says that it is not its moglie" Gram churches. "It thinks that if it is spassando with that girl? That a Hidden Man is not only diven­tato, but that he has quite planted the mo­glie and already found a replacement? He asks this the computer; con­trolli what of pensa."La girl, thought, it is graceful, even if it has po' a air of a maschiaccio. Hmm, thought. "It can make in mo­do that it does not come made of the evil the girl" churches to Barnes. "It is in a position to communicating with the squares of command in that printing office" Frugando in its belt, taken the Barnes Director a mi­crofono, approached it the labbra and said: "Malliard captain, I pray." "Yes, it is Malliard, Director here." One ansimante voice, than la­sciava to traspirare tension and one great agitation. "the Prime Minister has person in charge to me to ask them to make so that to the man and the girl..." "allaragazza" he only interrupted it Gram. "... that a girl in one of the lateral rooms, as soon as tran­quillizzata from ours agent with a gun Hopp B-14, comes protect in particular way. We see, I will try to communicate them the coordinates." Barnes sbirciò of side, like a gufo, the screen. "Coordinated 34 and 21, then 9 or 10." "It would have to be found to my right and leggermente more ahead regarding my position" it said Malliard. "Well, I supply su­bito. We have made a good job, Director... in twenty minuteren practically we have gotten hold of the center, with minimal losses from both the parts." "Tasks to hold of eye that girl" said Barnes, and replaced the microphone in the belt. "It is full of threads and connections as a laborer of the te­lefoni" said Gram. Barnes said, icy: "it is making It of new." "I am making that what" "It still confuses its private life with the public life. Quel­la girl." "It has a strange ace. Crushed, like a boccale of ir­landese beer." "Mr. Presidente, we must face an invasion of averse shapes of life; we must face a mass uprising that can... " "a girl as that one looks at every vent' years once alone" said Gram. "I can ask them a favor" Barnes churches. "Sure." Willis Gram was felt well, hour; the efficiency of the police in capturing the center of press in the Sixteenth Road had put it of buonumore, and its libido had been relit from the sight of that strange girl. "Which favor" "I want that it - in my presence - speaks with the man, that uo­mo of the 3XX24J... I want to know if its dominant feelings are positive, from the moment that have had news from Provoni and that Provoni is carrying with himself an aid, or if its mo­rale has gone to pieces because it has been arrested in the course of a ope­razione of the police. In other words... " "a survey champion" said Gram. "Yes." "Of agreement. I will give a glance. But better to make it in a hurry; better to sbrigarsi before that Provoni arrives qui.Tutto must be made before that Provoni arrives with its monster. Monster." Scrollò the head. "That rinnegato. That despicable, very small race of, egoi­sta, rinnegato ambitious lacking in scrupoli. They would have to write its name on the history books with this definition." In effects, it appealed to that description to it of Provoni. "If it annotates it, for favo­re" it said to Barnes. "I will make It to insert in the next British edition del­laEncyclopedia, therefore as I have said it. Word for pa­rola." Sighing, the Barnes Director diligently pulled outside its note-book and an­notò the phrase. "he adds also" said Barnes to Us, "mentally unstable, fanatical radical, a creature - he attends well to this: a creatu­ra, not a man - that it thinks the use of whichever means giustifica­to from the aim. And which it would be the aim in this case? The destruction of a system thanks to which the authority comes entrusted emantenuta in the hands of those who physically is structured for having the ability to govern. He is the government of who more is characterized, not than who he is more popular. Millard Fillmore was popular. Also Rutherford B. Hayes. Also Churchill. And the same one is worth for Lyons. But they were incompetenti, and this is the point understood them. It understands my point? "In that way Churchill would have been incompetente" "It supported the necessity of massive nocturnal strafings of residential areas, of the civil population, instead hitting ber­sagli the key. A year extended the Second World war at least." The Barnes director said: "Yes, I comprise its punto."E in­tanto, thought, does not serve me one history lesson... A thought that Gram picked immediately, with to many others. "I will see this man of the 3XX24J to the six in point this evening" said Gram. "it leads It here. Them ports here entirety... also the ra­gazza." It picked other unpleasant, dissenzienti thoughts, from Barnes, but it preferred to ignore them. Like the greater part of the telepati ones, people had learned to ignore the great mass of the rudimentali thoughts del­la: hostility, trouble, misfortune, envies. All thoughts of which, nel­la greater part of the cases, the same person was unconscious. Telepate had to learn to having the sturdy skin. In practical, do­veva to learn to syntonize itself on the conscious thoughts, positi to you, of an individual, omitting the assorted mixture of its unconscious men­tali processes. Sbirciando in that region, could be found prati­camente of all... and nearly in anyone. Every typist who tran­sitava for its office had fuggevoli thoughts to destroy the just advanced one in order to take its place... and some aimed more up also; rich mental structures of fantastic personal illusions existed also in the men and in the women more myths... and these were, in good part, New Men. Personally, same it had made to ricoverare in secret some collaborators who accommodated thoughts truly unbalance to you. For the good of all those been involved... and above all same he. Infat­ti, in varied occasions, had picked thoughts homicides from the more amazing, large and small sources that were. Once, a New tec­nico come to install a series of connections video in its office had soppesato to along the idea of sparargli... and had with himself the gun in order to even make it. Always the same history, today like yesterday: a ritornello without aim that had begun to before manifest when the two new classes of the sort human era­no revealed to the world cinquantotto years. By now it was accustomed to us... or not? Perhaps not. But by now he lived in that way from a life, and to this point of the game he did not preview to per­dere its ability to adaptation... not hour that Provoni and its not human friends were on the point to intersect the line of its life. "As the man of apartment 3XX24J calls itself" do­mandò to Barnes. "I would have to make some search" said Barnes. "And it is sure that the girl is not the moglie" "I have quickly seen some photo of the moglie. Fat person, bi­sbetica... one witch, to judge from the video transmitted from the impian­to installed in their apartment. Usual system 243 that it is installed in all those nearly-modern apartments." "That what makes in order living" Barnes raised the eyes to the ceiling, leccò the labbro inferior and was said: "the risolcatore of rubbers. Near a retailer of razzauto used." "and what devil would be" "Be', we say that they carry in workshop a razzauto, and a con­trollo reveals that the copertoni of rubbers they are practically smooth. Then it takes a iron rovente and records furrows new, bogus, in that he remains of the rubber." "But he is not illegal" "Not." "Be', now is" said Gram to it. "I have as soon as approved of one leg­ge; to risolcare rubbers is a crime. It is dangerous." "Yes, Mr. Presidente." Barnes annotated a note on its tac­cuino, pensando:Stiamo for being overwhelmed from averse creatures and here in what it succeeds to think Gram: to put outlaw the ri­solcatori of rubbers. "the smaller things under the pe­so cannot be neglected of the greater problems" did not say Gram, in answer to the thought of Barnes. "But in a similar moment..." "It supplies endured to notify it as infraction with immediate validity" said Gram. "and make so that all the retailers of razzauto used some have a copy printed publication - it attends well: I have said "printed publication" - within friday." "Because we do not induce the averse ones to land" Barnes churches with sarcasmo, "and then we say this man to record their rubbers, therefore when the gom­me try to move themselves on the land will burst and they will remain killed in the se­guirà incident that" "This remembers me a storiella on English" said Gram. "During the Second World war, the Italian government rather was taken care - and a.ragione - to the idea of one disembarkation ingle­se in Italy. Therefore, he came suggested that in all he lodges to it where al­loggiavano English their accounts came increased in frightful way. English, understand, would have been too much educate to you in order to complain themselves; they would have instead preferred going of... and andar­sene from all Italy. He had never felt this storiella " "" Barnes did not say. "We are truly in a great ugly pie" said Gram. "Even if we have killed Cordon and removed of means that center of press in the Sixteenth Road." "They are of agreement, Mr. Presidente." "we will not succeed rastrellare all the Hidden Men, and ma­gari these averse ones will turn out similar to the Martians nellaGuerra of the worlds of H.G. Wells; papperanno Switzerland with a solo boc­cone." "We hold from part our speculations until avre­mo does not meet them" said Barnes to you. From its mind, Gram captured thoughts of fatigue, thoughts of along period of rest... and, al same time, the knowledge that not would have been no rest, short or long, for nobody of they. "dispiace" Gram said to Me, in answer to the thoughts of Barnes. "its is not guilt." Between the darkness and the imbronciato one, Gram said: "I would have to be discharged." "In favour of who" "Lascerò that you are bilobate to find someone. Delvostro type." "It is one proposed that it could be discussed in council." "Nothing to make" said Gram. "I do not have no intention to discharge to me. Not there will be no board meeting for discu­terne." From Barnes it picked a thought fuggevole, quickly soppres­so.Forse will be. If you will not succeed to hold head to the averse ones, and al­la sollevazione from the inside. Gram pensò:Dovranno to kill to me in order to remove to me from this room. That they also try some means in order to liquidate to me. He is diffi­cile to make outside telepate. But probably it they are already trying, decided. It was not an pleasant thought. Nick Appleton resumed acquaintance and was found extended on a green pa­vimento. Green: the color of the sporcaccioni, the police of state. It was in a field of detainment of the SP, probably one of transit. Raising the head, it was watched around. Thirty, perhaps forty men, many wrap to you, many wounded and sanguinanti.Immagino of es­sere be one of the lucky people, decided. And Charley... had to be found with to the women, engaged to scream with all the its breath against its carcerieri.Riuscirà to organize a beautiful one zuffa, pensò;li will take to soccer in the testicoli when they come to pren­derla in order carrying it in one of the stable fields of rieducazione. Na­turalmente, thought, will not see again it never more. It sparked like stars; I loved. Even if it is duration therefore little. Like if you had avu­to a dim light, like if you had been able to exceed the curtain of the banal life, in order to see what it served to me for being happy. "you will not have for case some pain-relieving tablet with you" churches a young person beside he. "I have one broken off leg and it makes an evil me fottuto." "Not, spiacente" said Nick. It returned to its thoughts. "to be therefore pessimist" it did not say the young person. "not to leave that the sporcaccioni you freghino, here within." It was struck on the head. "To know that I could pass the rest of my life in a cam­po of rieducazione on the Moon or in the south-western Utah it prevents sorridere" said me caustic Nick. "But" it said the young person, with a radioso smile and nearly blessed soul, "you will have known that Provoni is returning, and with reinforces." Its eyes luccicavano, in spite of the pain to the leg. "Not us saran­no more fields than rieducazione. "the curtain of stretches has been squar­ciata, and the skies will be rolled up like a coil." " "we have waited for more than two thousand years from when they have written it" said Nick. "and still it is not successo."Non still is pas­sato an entire day from when they have become a Nasco­sto Man, it thought, and now eccomi here! Beautiful end that I have made. A high and lean man, accoccolato in the vicinities, with a deep laceration still opened over the skillful eye, said: "One of you knows if they have transmitted the message of Provoni to one of the other centers of press" "Oh, sure." The eyes of the young person from hats of emergency and confidence gold infiam­marono. "they have understood It endured; the no­stro assigned to the communications it did not have to make other that preme­re a switch." It observed radioso Nick and the high and lean man. "it is not wonderful" churches. "All this; even this." It still worse indicated the other prisoners in the cell malamente illuminated and ven­tilata. "It is magnificent. It is beautiful!" "it gives to You loads" Nick churches. "I do not have familiarità with the literature of the past century" said the young person, liquidating with scornful tone the anachronism of Nick. "I know to accept it! All this... is mine. Until Thors Provoni it does not land. It will land soon, and the skies... " A policeman in uniform stopped itself beside they, consultan­do a sheet. "Six you the visitor of the 3XX24J" churches to Nick. "They are Nick Appleton" said Nick. "For we a six man who has made visit to a sure apparta­mento to one sure hour of a sure day. Therefore the six 3XX24J, or not " Nick agreed. "It raises to you and you come with me" said those ser­vo of the system, and incamminò express. Nick, with a sure diffi­coltà, succeeded to raise in position erected - although deformed - and slowly it followed the policeman, asking itself - with fear - what same being happened. While the policeman opened the door of the cell - using a complex electronic system to wheel, with the many fastest numbers that gira­vano - one of the men seated on the pavement, with the shoulders against the wall, said to Nick: "Good fortune, brother." The man beside he raised an earpiece transistorized from the ear and said: "the notiziario has it as soon as announced. Murdered Han­no Cordon. They have mean it. "it is died of a ma­lattia chronic of the liver", say, but it is not true... Cordon did not have no disease to the liver. They have talked nonsense." "We go" said the policeman, and with amazing force spin­se of Nick weight through the opening and outside from the cell, whose por­ta richiuse endured automatically. "It is true of Cordon" Nick churches to the policeman, the sporcaccio­ne green. "I do not know it." And the policeman added: "But if they have made it, it has been one good idea. I do not understand because they have held it to Brightforth for all this time; why they did not succeed in pren­dere one decision? Be', this is what it succeeds when an Unusual one like Prime Minister is had." It continued along the corridor, and Nick followed it. "it knows It that Thors Provoni is returned" Nick churches. "and with the a­iuto that it had promised" "We can arrange also they" said the policeman. "Because it is convinced some" "You close the spout and continues to walk" said the poliziot­to, the large head with the expanded skull of the New Men that oscillated rabidly. It seemed irritateed and aggressive, to the ri­cerca of an opportunity in order to use metallic its manganello on someone, and Nick pensò:mi would kill here and endured, if po­tesse. But it has orders to which obeying. Nevertheless, the policeman scared it: the concentration of hatred on the ace of that man when it had name Provoni... If this is an indicative champion of their col­lettivi feelings, is decided, will know to oppose one remarkable resistance. The policeman crossed one threshold; Nick followed it... and saw, with one single glance, the nevralgico center of the apparatus of the police. Pic­coli screen television, to hundred and hundred, with a poliziot­to that it watched every group of four. A cacophony of suo­ni inging, ticchettanti and grinding filled up the enormous one knows it; uomi­ni and women hurried from a part to the other... sbrigando pic­coli assignments like that one entrusted the New policeman of the full Uomi­ni therefore of hatred that had escorted it end lì. They were all ma­ledettamente busy. But the SP was engaged in the attempt to arrest every Hidden Man of which they were to acquaintance; only this operation had to constitute a remarkable cargo for lo­ro the equipment neuro-electronic, and for that they made it to fun­zionare. In that short moment, it saw their hard work. They did not have a air prevails them or felice.Ebbene, it thought, the murder of Eric Cordon does not raise you the moral? But they watched already to the future that waited for them, as they made also the Men Hidden. The part that regarded the inside, the strafing and the incursions in the press centers, the arrest of the Hidden ones... had to be capacity to termi­ne in the turn, probably, of three days. Because three giorni?si churches. The two messages did not have per­messo to establish the position of the spaceship evidently - - nevertheless that one seemed to be the hypothesis of anyone: they had to disposition only little days, all qua.Ma we suppose that the servant a year in order to arrive, thought Nick.O five years. "3XX24J" said its policeman of supply, "is for consegnar­ti to a representative of the Prime Minister. It will be armed, therefore not to try to make the hero." "Of agreement, friend" said Nick, intimidated from the expresses developments that succeeded around he. A man in a normal school com­pleto from office - sleeves viola, rings, shoes appuntite to the insù - approached itself. Nick examined it. Air scaltra, of who was given over to its job... and was a New Man. Over the body, the great head oscillated; it did not use accustoms it them support from neck in voga between many New Men. "It is 3XX24J" churches the man; it examined the photocopy of qual­che document kind. "They are Nick Appleton" said stubborn Nick. "Yes, these systems of numerical identifications funziona­no much good" did not say the representative of the President of the Consi­glio. "It works - or she worked - like..." Aggrottò the forehead, then raised the head massiccia. "that what? A "risolcatore of gom­me"? He is exact " "Yes." "and today it has joined to the Hidden Men for through of its employer, Earl Zeta, than the police she watched, seems to me, from several months. We are speaking about she, is not true? I want to be sure to carry with me the just person. I have its here impron­te; we will transmit to the general archives. For the hour in which the Pre­sidente of the Council it will receive it, the prints will have been con­fermate... or not." It folded the document and it threaded it with cure in the ag. "It comes with me." Nick once again watched within the enormous room with television its diecimila screen. It seemed a grotta.Le perso­ne, it thought, slip around like fish; purpurei fish, are ma­schi that females, and every as well as they meet, like molecules of some liquid. It had, then, one vision of hell. It saw them like ectoplasmici spirits, you deprive of a true body. Those policemen who went and came with their commission; they had rinunciato to the life much time before, and hour, instead of living, they absorbed vitalità from the screen that watched... or, for being preciser, from the persons on the schermi.Gli aboriginal primiti you of the South America can have reason, thought, in believing that when someone takes a photo to a person it steals the spirit to this person. This cos' is, if not a million, a billion, one infinite processione of similar photos? That strange, pensò.Mi I feel demoralizza­to; I am thinking in superstiziosi terms, pushed from the fear. "This knows it" said the representative of the President of the Con­siglio, "is the source of the data that the SP collects on all the planet. Fascinating, it is not true? All that screen of surveillance... and she of it is seeing only one fraction; to rigor of terms, this that it sees is the Appendix, constructed two years ago. The ne­vralgico complex centers them is not visible from here, but it believes to me on one's word, is tremendously large." "" Tremendously "" Nick churches, surprised from that choice of words. It also felt, it is weakly, a sure sympathy in its confronts from part of the representative of the President of the Con­siglio. "Nearly a million dependent of the police come held in front of that screen. One enormous bureaucracy." "But it is served to it" Nick churches. "Today? When the first mopping-ups have ini­ziato " "Oh, yes; the system works. But it is funny, in way nearly ironi­co, that it holds engages therefore many men to you and working hours if is believed that the entire idea originates them it was that one of... " An official of police in uniform close appeared to they two. "Decoy and accompanies this man from the President of the Consi­glio here." Its tone was stizzoso. "Yes, getlteman" said the representative, and guided long Nick a corridor until a wide door of escape in transparent plastic. "Barnes" said the representative, nearly to if same; aggrottò the forehead with dignity air offense. "Barnes is the man more close to the Prime Minister" said. "Willis Gram has a council of ten persons between men and women, and with who it is consulted? Always with Barnes. According to she that indicates of the cerebral processes adegua­ti " An other case of a New Man who if the piglia with a Inso­lito, rendered Nick account; it did not make comments while they salted on one luccicante razzauto red, that it had been decorated with the stem­ma official of the government. To the inside of a small office furnished in modern style, with one of those new artistic compositions to shape of penzolante spider over the head, Nick Appleton listened irrequieto mu­sica transmitted from goodness knows where. At the moment those damned appa­recchio was playing a selection of brani of Victor Herbert.Oh, Christ, thought Nick tired; if of it were seated folded in ahead, the alive head between the mani.Charley, pensò.Sei? Six feri­ta, or you are well? It is decided that it was well. Charley would not have let to liqui­dare from nobody. Its life for entire would have lived; more than centododici years, the average of the ordinary population. Goodness knows if I succeed to exit from here, thought. Dinanzi to himself had two doors; one was that from which it had entered, the other obviously was destined to lead towards inner and more esoteric offices. Cau­tamente, tried to turn the pomolo of the first door. Sluice to key. Then, with greater stealth, it was approached the door that lead in the inner offices; it turned the pomolo, it withheld the respi­ro, and it discovered that also that one was sluice to key. And in more it made to release an alarm. It felt squillare.Danna­zione, was said furious. The inner door was opened; the Director of the Barnes Police appeared, imposing with all the decorations that studded its green uniform, that tonality of green more clearly worn only from the advanced officials of the police. They remained immovable to fix an other. "3XX24J" it asked the Barnes Director. "Nick Appleton. "3XX24J" is the address of an apartment, than between the other it is not not even mine. Or at least it it was. Probabil­mente its men have already plundered, trying materia­le Cordonita to it." Only then, for before the time, he thought next to Kleo. "Do­v' is my moglie" it asked. "It is remained hurt or killed? I can vederla?"E my son, pensò.Specialmente he. Barnes turned the head and spoke gives over the shoulder. "the verified 7Y3ZRR Controlled and if the woman is in good conditions of health. Also the boy. You inform to me endured." It was turned of new for fis­sare Nick. "one does not refer to the girl that it was with she in that room in the press center, true? It is speaking about its legitimate mo­glie." "I want to know as they are both" said Nick. "the girl who was with she to the center is in optimal conditions." Not dilungò in particular, but for Nick he was sufficient. Charley was survivor. Ringraziò God for that one. "It wants makes qual­che other question me before our encounter with the Prime Minister" Nick said: "I want a lawyer." "it cannot have it, since being it puts into effect it them legislation approva­ta the slid year, comes forbidden the legal attendance to any person already arrested. And however a lawyer would not have po­tuto to help it, even if he had seen it before its arrest, in how much its crime is of political nature." "Which is my crime" Nick said. "Detainment of Cordonita material. This is equivalent to ten years in a rieducazione field. It are found to the presence of others - and very you notice - Cordoniti. Five years. To have been uncovered in an illegal material building where... " "I have felt" said Nick enough. "Approximately forty years, tut­to comprised." "According to the code. But if it will collaborate with me and the Pre­sidente of the Council, perhaps we will be able to obtain simul­taneo passing of its sentences. We enter." It indicated the open door and Nick, without a word, crossed the threshold, entering in an office decorated in splendid way... but it was indeed an office? A let­to enormous it filled up half of the room, and on that bed, appoggia­to to a heap of pillows, it was extended Willis Gram, the supreme getlteman of the planet, with a tray on the ginocchia that its supper still resisted. Scattered on the bed were all the types of documen­ti prints to you possible; from the first moment Nick distinguished the codes to colors of one dozen of ministries. They did not have the air of to have been let­ti... were in too much perfect conditions; new of press. "Miss. Knight" said Willis Gram in the microphone makes them that she joined to a flabby cheek, "comes to carry via this" real one of pollo "or as devil calls itself, I do not have appetite." A woman snella, nearly without breast, entered and raised the vasso­io. "It would appreciate a little..." began, but Gram interrupted it with a cutting signal of the hand. It keeped silent itself to the moment and exited from the room with the tray. "She knows from where my food comes" churches Willis Gram to Nick. "From the catering of the palace, here from where it comes. Because devil... " Hour was addressing to Barnes. "Because devil I have not never made to install one my personal kitchen? I must be rimbecil­lito. Task that I will discharge myself. You New Men have reason... Unusual we you are only of the nature jokes. We are not forgia­ti with the material that serves in order to govern." Nick said: "I could take rates until a good restaurant like Flores' and carrying them..." "Not," abrupt Barnes did not say. Gram was turned to fix made curious Nick. "This man is here for an important reason" said accalora­to Barnes. "he is not a domestic servant. If he wishes a better meal, sends outside one of its collaborators. This is the man about which I have spoken to them." "Oh, already" said Gram, agreing. "It also proceeds; the interro­ghi." Barnes was based on one chair from the rigid back that dove­va to go back to first ight hundred, the probably French one. It pulled outside a small recorder to tape and pressed a push-button. "its identity" said Barnes. Nick, sitting down in its turn on a imbottita seat also trop­po of forehead to Barnes, said: "I thought that they had carried in order to see the Prime Minister to me here." "In fact" Barnes said. "the Gram President will take part of quan­do in when in order to examine in depth more to bottom the issue that inte­ressa... I say to us well, Mr. Presidente" "Yes" Gram said, but with tone svogliato.Sono all exausting, thought Nick.Anche Gram. Especially lui.Èstata the wait; hour that the "enemy" is here, too much they are snervati in order to react. Even if, it thought, have made an optimal job in the printing office of the Se­dicesima Road. Perhaps perhaps this fatigue does not extend to the lower levels of the police hierarchy, hits only those to the apex, that they know the true situation... interrupted its thoughts brusca­mente. "In its mind material interesting circulates" said Gram, the telepate ones. "It is true" said Nick. "I had scordato It." "It has perfectly reason" said Gram. "they are exausted. But I can allow me it are it in nearly stable plant; the carried job vie­ne ahead from the heads of the single ministries in which I have asso­luta confidence." "its identity" said Barnes. "7Y3ZRR, but more recently 3XX24J" said Nick, finally capitolando. "Today, it has been arrested in a center of Cordonita press. It is a Hidden Man " "Yes" Nicholas Appleton said. "In which moment" Barnes said, "it has become a Hidden Man, a follower of the demagogue Eric Cordon and its per­verse banns that..." "they have become a Hidden Man" said Nick, "when ab­biamo received it turns out to you of the examination of our son for the Servi­zio Statale."Quando I have seen as they were resolutions to examine it on the base of questions that it could not never have known or have comprised; when me they are rendered account that all my years of confidence in the government had been it wastes to you. When I have remembered all the persons who had tried to open the eyes to me, and sem­pre uselessly. Until they are not arrives turns out you to you of the examination, and reading the photocopy of the tests, account is rendered me that Bobby had not never had one single possibility. "Which are the members, previewed from the formula of Black, that they will produce the fastening in re­te on a surface of the thickness of a single molecule, if the entities originate them are still in function, or if the entities originate them are in function, it is alive or as alive, in the Eigenwelts that sovrap­pone to a solo..." The Formula of Black. Comprehensible only to the New Men. And they expected that a child formulated risultan­tepari passu, being based on postulates you of that impenetra­bile system. "its thoughts are still interesting" said Gram. "It knows dir­mi who has made the examination its son" "Norbert Weiss" said Nick. Much time would be passed before that it succeeded to forget that name. "and on the document there was an other name. Jerome something. Pike. Not, Pikeman." "Therefore" Barnes said, "the infuence of Zeta on she has had effect solodopo this episode with its son. Until that mo­mento, that that Zeta preached has had... " "Zeta has not never said nothing to me" said Nick. "it has been the no­tizia of the imminent execution of Cordon; I have seen the effect that it has had on Zeta, and then account is rendered me that... " Piombò in Hush. "I had to protest" said, "in some way. Earl Ze­ta has opened me the door in that direction. We have drunk... " The head was interrupted and scrollò, having tried to schiarirsi the ideas; the ef­fetto of the tranquilizer it was still active in its nervous system. "Alcohol" Barnes churches. Taken to a note olografo of the fact, using a small plastic note-book and a pen to sphere that it close held raised to the ace like a short-sighted one. "Be'" said Gram, "as they supported the Roman," In wine veritas ". It knows that what means, Mr. Appleton " "there is of the truth in the wine." Barnes said caustic: "the saying Exists also: "This is the bot­tiglia that it speaks"." "I believe more a"In wine veritas "" I said Gram, and ruttò. "De­vo to eat something" said complaining. "Miss. Knight" dis­se in its microphone makes them, "sends someone to... as she has det­to that she calls herself, Appleton? That restaurant " "Flores'," said Nick. "theirs salmone filled with smoke of Alaska delight of the sky is one." "Where found the POP necessary" churches suspicious Barnes, "in order to eat from Flores'? Its salary of risolcatore of rubbers was enough " Nick said: "Kleo and I have gone myself once single. For our first anniversary. A week of satisfied has cost me, included the mance, but the pain is been worth some." It had not never di­menticato it; neither it would have forgotten it in future. With an abrupt gesture, Barnes continued its interrogation. "Therefore these underground resentments, than in theory could not have never caught up the phase of the action... these risenti­menti are realize you when Earl Zeta has offered a mo­do to them in order to realize its feelings joining to the movement. If it had not been a Hidden Man, perhaps its resentments would not be never are gone up in surface." "That what is trying to demonstrate" Gram churches, infasti­dito. "That once destroyed the carrying axis of the Nasco­sti Men, once removed of average men like Cordon..." "we have already made It" pointed out it Gram. And to Nick, it said: "This knew it? Which Cordon is died of an incurable evil to the liver, and that no transplant was available? It has felt to the radio? To the TV " "I have felt" said Nick, "that they have sent an assassin to sparargli in its cell." "This is not true" said Gram. "it is not died in its cel­la, but on the operating table of the hospital of the prison during an attempt of innestargli an artificial organ. We have made all the possible one in order to save it." Not, Nick.No thought, has not gone therefore. "it does not believe to me" Gram churches, leggendogli in the mind. One addressed to Barnes. "Here its statistical data: the incarnation del­l' natural man, of the Old Man, does not believe that Cordon is died for natural causes. From this element it can extrapolate that the same incredulità will be repeated on all the planet " "Sure" Gram said. "Be', eternal damnation" said Gram, "to me does not import an accident of what they believe; for they it is ended. It remains alone qual­che lost rat here and here for the drains, in attended that we them zippiamo one to the time. It is not of agreement with me, Appleton? The so­stenitori like she, by now, do not have more a place where to go and no head to listen." To Barnes it said: "Therefore, when Provoni lands, not there will be nobody to receive it. Nothing oceanic crowds of faithfuls, will be all melted like snow to the sun, therefore co­me would make our Appleton here present. Only that it has been arrested and therefore now the Moon touches it the south-western Utah oppu­re, as prefers. It prefers the Moon, Mr. Appleton? Mr. 3XX24J " Nick said, choosing the words with cure: "I have felt to say that entire families have been transferred intact in the rieduca­zione fields. It is true " "It wants to remain with its moglie and its son? But they are not in state of accusation." Barnes snudò one zanna dulled, pushing the idea until its logical conclusion. "We could accuse them of..." "You will find a test of Cordon in our apartment" dis­se Nick. And endured after to have said it, it wished with all the spirit not to have it fatto.Dio, because I have made it? chiese.Ma at least co­sì we will be ourselves together. And then it thought next to Charley, therefore small and therefore hard, with its great dark eyes and the crushed nose. Its body snello, hard, lacking in breast... and always those its smile al­legro, like a personage of Dickens, thought. One spazzacami­no. A criminal of Soho. Always to the search of sotterfugi in order removing itself from the troubles, to persuade someone to make something. And co­munque always intenta to speak. To speak. And always with its luminous, special smile, like if the world it were large ca­ne a hairy one that it wanted to tighten himself. I could go with lei?si chiese.Rinunciando to Kleo and Bobby. Dovreiandare with she? If it is legal possible? "it is not" said Gram to it from its spropositato bed. "That what it is not" it asked Barnes. Gram said lazy: "who ab­biamo with to he in the center of press of the Sedicesi­ma Road Wants to go with the found girl. If it remembers it " "That one that interests to them" said Barnes. A rovente fear come down like one serpe along the thorn dorsa­le of Nick; its heart had deep sussulto and podero­sa a contraction, and in its arms and the legs the blood circulation accelerated rapidamente.Allora is true what they say of Gram, pensò.Che appeals to is given to make to it with the women. Its wedding... "It is like its" completed Gram for he. Without to reflect, Nick said to us too much: "It has reason." "Com' is this girl" "Wild and tremendous." But necessary that it said it to high voice, it was not rendered account. It was enough that it thought she, that the im­maginasse, that together lived again in its mind the particular of their short permanence. And Gram would have perceived it with the same rapidity with which it would have thought it. "It could be revealed dangerous" said Gram. "and that Denny, its amichetto, would seem one psicopatico or something of ge­nere. With of relationships between they two, if it remembers in corrected way, it is unhealthy. That girl is sick." "In a healthy atmosphere..." she began Nick, but Barnes the inter­ruppe. "I can continue with my questions" "Sure" Gram said, withdrawing itself with imbronciata air; Nick vi­de the old one from the aspect corpulento to turn the own one attenzio­ne to the inside, the own thoughts. "If it came rilasciato" Barnes churches, "which it would be its reaction? Which thing would make if - and dicose - Thors Provoni returned? Accompanied from it allies to you monstrous? It allies to you decided to reduce in slavery the Earth for entire... " "Oh, God" gemette Gram. "Yes, Mr. Presidente" Barnes churches. "Null" gemette Gram. It rolled on a flank, the hats grays scattered on the immaculate whiteness of the pillows. Opaque and they were sco­loriti, as if some substance that hated the light was made wide in means they, only showing the corteccia fibrous. "It would react in one of the following ways" it continued Barnes. "One. Would try one isterica joy, without reservoirs? Two. Sareb­be leggermente compiaciuto? Three. Would not import them a lot? Four. It would be felt to uneasiness? Five. It would push to unir­si to a military organization or of the predisposed SP in order to fight against these unnatural invaders? Which it would be its choice between these reactions, always that ce it is one that satisfies it " Nick said: "Not there is something that is between" would try a isterica joy without reservoirs "and" it would be leggermente compia­ciuto "" "" Barnes did not say. "Because not" "We want to know who are our enemies. If it tried "a isterica joy", would act. In order to help them. But if it were only "leg­germente compiaciuto", probably it would not make null. It is que­sto that such chosen they help to understand... she us would be behaved like a declared enemy of the society? And in this case, in which di­rezione and until that point " Gram, the voice suffocated from blankets, mormorò: "It does not know it. Saint God, has become a Hidden Man only this matti­na! As devil can know in that way would be behaved " "However" it pointed out Barnes, "has had years in order to think next to the return of Provoni. It does not forget it. Its reaction, which that it is, deeply is radicata." To Nick it said: "It chooses one rispo­sta." After a pause, Nick said: "It depends from what you will make Charley." "Tests to extrapolate this" said Gram to Barnes, and sniggered. "I to Them can say what he will happen to Charlotte. He will come here porta­ta, to the sure one from that lunatic psicopatico, Denny or Benny that are. Therefore it is successful to seed the Tricheco Purpureo, bra­vissimo. But laragazza she can have them mentito saying that no other was never successful... to this has before not thought. She is riu­scita to rigirarselo in order well around to its small pseudopodo, is not true? Of blow it has found itself to say to its moglie: "If she if she goes some, me of it I go anch' I". And its moglie has said to them: "You go". What that it has made. And all this without no skirmish. It has carried Charlotte in its apartment, she has invented one frut­tola on the way in which you had known yourselves, then Kleo has uncovered the Cordonita pamphlet, and blam!, the game was made. Because this supplied them that that to a moglie appeals to than every other thing more: a situation in which the husband must choose between two evils, between two chosen nobody di.le which succeeds to it appreciate. Mogli the ado­rano. When it is ended in court, for a divorce, has the scel­ta between returning she or losing all the own assets, all the things to which one are even attacked since the times of the grammar school. Yes, to mo­gli the this it appeals to very many." More to bottom between the cusci­ni was buried. "the talk is ended" mutter sonnacchioso. "my conclusions" said Barnes. "It goes well" said Gram with pasted voice. "This man, 3XX24J" said Barnes, indicating Nick, "pen­sa in a way parallel to its, Mr. Presidente. Its primary interest is turned to the own private life, not to one cause. If he came it assured the possession of the woman who wishes, to the mo­mento of the final decision - that is to the eventual return of Provoni - it would remain of all the inert one." "and from this thing he thinks about being able to deduce" Gram mutter. Barnes said with vivacità: "That we must announce og­gi, hour, than all the fields of rieducazione, as well as in the Utah how much on the Moon, will be abolished, and that the prisoners will come given back al­le they houses and to their families, or anyone other they desideri­no." The voice of Barnes was venata from one rough shading. "We daremoloro, before the arrival of Provoni, that that here the present 3XX24J wants... or that it would be pleased of possession. The Old Men live to a level of extreme personalismo; it is not the cau­sa, the ideology, to motivate them. If they accept a cause, they make it in order to bring back something in their screw private, like the dignity or si­gnificato. Like a better house, or a interrazziale wedding... she understands to me, is not true " Scrollandosi like a bathed dog, Gram was put seated on the bed and it fixed it, to opened wide mouth and with the eyes it blocks to you... like if, it thought Nick, same for venirgli a blow. "Liberarli?"chiese Gram."Tutti how many? Also those on the type of the hard bones that we have arrested today, those that indossa­no uniforms like if they belonged to some body paramilita­re " "Yes" Barnes said. "It is a gambling but, on the base of how much citizen 3XX24J has said and thought, for me it is obvious that it is not thinking: "Thors Provoni will save the Earth"? but but: "But it would appeal to to me see again that one puttanella"." "The Old Men..." mormorò Gram. Its ace rilassò; hour its skin hung flabby. "If we offered to Appleton the al­ternativa between having Charlotte or seeing Provoni winning, in prati­ca he it would opt indeed for first chosen..." But then, of blow, its expression changed; divenne furtive, nearly gattesca. "But it cannot have Charlotte, because it interests me." To Nick he said: "It cannot have it, therefore returns from Kleo and Bobby." Sog­ghignò. "Here made, I have decided to I mail its." Clearly annoyed from that argument, Barnes said to Nick: "Which it would be its reaction of Hidden Man if all the fields of rieducazione... go well, we use their true name... if all the concentration camps were abolished and it interns to you ve­nissero sends back to you to house, presumablly from their friends and dal­le they families. What would try if that came made also for she " Nick said: "Task that would be the sensata decision more, uma­na and rations them that a government could take. There would be a joy and relief big wave that would submerge all the globe." It had the impression it are expressed malamente, using of the common places, but it was the best that it had known to make. "the fa­reste truly" churches to Barnes, incredulo. "I cannot cre­derci. In those fields they must it are to us million persons. It would be one of the more human decisions never taken from a government in all the history; it would not never come forgotten." "It sees" Barnes to Gram said. "It goes well, 3XX24J; supponen­do that this happened, as you would receive Provoni " Logic of the question comprised Nick. "I..." It hesitated. "Provo­ni has gone in tries of aid in order to destroy one tyranny. But if you free all, presumablly you would abolish the category of the "Hidden Men"; not there would be more arrests... " "Nothing more arrests" said Barnes. "written the Cordoniti potran­no circular liberations." Scuotendosi from its torpore, Gram rolled on the bed, scalciò and dimenò, and finally succeeded to put itself seduto."Lo prendereb­bero like a sign of weakness." It waved a finger towards endured Nick and after, with greater force, towards discounted Barnes."Darebbero for that we make it because we have the knowledge of being defeats. All the merit would go to Provoni!" It fixed Bar­nes with a concoction of emotions; its ace assumed various expressions, extremely changing and churned. "it knows fareb­bero what to It endured after? They would force to us to... "launch a glance of sbieco to Nick, a po' nervously"... to carry out the examinations for the Service Be them in honest way. In other words, we would have to ri­nunciare to our absolute control on who can enter in the governmental ap­parato one." "other brain serves Us the aid of some" said Barnes, ma­sticando the flat extremity of its pen to sphere. "It means to say an other bilobate superman like she" Gram sputò those words. "In order to put to me in minority? Why not con­vochiamo one plenipotentiary reunion of the Straordi­nario Committee for the Public Emergency? At least in this way its people and mine will be represented in equal parts." Barnes said pensieroso: "it would appeal to to make to Me to take part Amos Ild. In order to feel its opinion. They would want ventiquattr' hours to us in order to assemble the Committee, while we could have Ild within mez­z' hour... is working here in the New Jersey to the Great Ear, like she knows." "That one strafottuto enemy of the Unusual ones! It can ficcarsi in culo its idea, Barnes. Until in bottom! I will not never fold myself to the opi­nioni of a head to pear with, single God knows, how many small wheels and lives fuo­ri place." Barnes said: "Ild is the intellectual of greater enunciates that og­gi it exists on the planet. We recognize it like such; ovviamen­te, also Unusual you the thoughts therefore." Shaking for the agitation, Gram said: "it is trying to render me obsolete. Two entity is trying to destroy to the based system sul­le ours that has rendered this world a paradise for... " "Then I will proceed simply for my road and will make apri­re the fields" said Barnes. "Without no Concorde opinion - or discorde - from part of chicchessia." It was raised in feet, it put via the pen and the note-book, and raised its ag. "it is not true" Gram churches. "it is not trying scalzare the Unusual ones? The true scope of the Great Ear is not this " "Amos Ild" said Barnes, "is one of the little New Men who take care themselves truly for the Old ones. The Great Ear equal powers for­nirebbe they, equal abilities to yours; it would insert them in the woven one of the government. Citizen 3XX24J, as an example... its son could exceed the ability test, in the section Special Abilities, the same one that have concurred with she to enter in the government many years ago. And hour watches end where it has arrived. You listen to me, Willis... the Old Men must come to their civil and political rights, but this would not serve to null if they continued to remain pri­vi, simply unprovided, of the abilities, the acquaintances and the attitudes that we possess. In truth we falsifichia­mo it does not turn out you of the examinations: of agreement, every as well as it happens... ope­riamo of the choices, as they have made Pikeman and Weiss in the case of citizen 3XX24J. It is an evil, but it is not questoil badly mag­giore. The greater evil is in constructing a examination that she and I could exceed, but he not. We are not verifying that what knows to make he, but that chenoi we know to make. Therefore it finds itself questions based on the Theory of the Acausalità di Bernhad, than no Old Man he is in a position to comprising. Pos­siamo not to equip it of a corteccia cerebral larger, not possia­mo dargli a brain from New Man... but we can fornirgli extra abilities that can compensate the disparity. Like in its case. Like in the case of all the Unusual ones." "It is watching to me from the high low" said Gram. Barnes, still in feet, sighed. And incurvò the shoulders. ", I have said all that Well that I could say in a moment like this. Difficult day has been one. I will not contact Amos Ild; accon­tenterò to order the opening to me of the fields. Under my responsibility; the decision will be only mine." "It finds Amos Hd; the face to come here "said Gram digrignan­do the teeth, and made a such one sussulto on the bed that the pavement vibrated under their feet. Watching just the clock, Barnes said: "It is well. Senz' other nel.giro.di a pair of days. But us it will want of the time in order to make it... " "It had spoken about half hour" said Gram. Barnes lengthened one hand towards one of the receivers on the scriva­nia of Gram. "I can" "Sure" rassegnato Gram said. While Barnes made its call, Nick remained sprofon­dato in its thoughts, fixing from the immense window of the office-room from bed the city around to he, those metropoli that spread for kilometers... hundred of kilometers. "it is thinking" said Gram, "to the better ways for convincer­mi that it has a precedence right on that girl, Charlot­te." It agreed. "He has reason" said Gram. "But this does not have great impor­tanza, because I am what I am and she am what he is. A ri­solcatore of rubbers. Between the other, I have as soon as launched a law that prohibits this profession. Within monday next it will find itself di­soccupato." "Thanks" said Nick. "it has always tried senses of guilt in purpose" made nota­re Gram it. "I perceive one deep guilt in its mind. Preoc­cupava for the people that guided those razzauto with the false one bat­tistrada. For the landing. Above all the landing. That first jolt." "It is true" said Nick. Gram said: "Now it is rethinking to Charlotte, and it tries to escogitare some system in order to carry it via. And al time same question for the millionth turns what would be ethically right for she... can always leave to lose this history and to return itself some from Kleo and Bobby. And to make so that Bobby supports an other... " "I will still see again" said It Nick. The fathers, thought Thors Provoni.Sì, that what is here, our friends of Frolix 8. Like if pits successful to enter in contact with the Urvater, the primordiale Father whom the eidos constructed kosmos.Sono expectant and taken care because on our planet something does not go in the just way; they are participates; they are comprehensive; they know quan­to is deprived of hope our need of aid and what we try; they know of cosaabbiamo need. One wondered if all and the three its messages had caught up the printing office in the Sixteenth Road, where found the im­pianti television radios and of the Hidden Men. And if the government had them it intercepts to you. And in the case they had intercepts them to you, than what they would have made? A epurazione. A lot probably. But it was not one certez­za. The old Willis Gram - always that he was still he to the pote­re - was a sly man and knew who to address and like making it, in order mungere precious information. One large did not cost it fati­ca, being telepate; Gram could sound the minds of anyone was carried in its vicinities. But it remained from vede­re who would have been found to stargli close. Militant radicals, like the leaders of the McMally Corporation? The members of the Extraordinary Committee for the Public Emergency? The Director of the Poli­zia Lloyd Barnes? Probably Barnes, the balanced intelli­gente brain and more than all... at least between those who occupava­no high charges to governmental level. Between the New Men there era­no also independent investigators and scientists, like bizzarro the Amos Ild. Ild! And if Gram had consulted it? Ild would pro­babilmente have invented on two feet one able shield of protegge­re the Earth daqualsiasi what. God does not want, thought Provoni, that to this purpose they are revolts to Ild... or Tom Rovere, or ma­gari to Stanton Finch. Fortunately, the truly bril­lante and brilliant New Man gravitava more towards the academic studies, separated: they became nearly all theoretical, expert physicists in si­mili statistics and things. Finch, as an example, to the age in which Provoni it had left sta­va working to a system in order to duplicate microaccording to joined third party in the succession of the creation of the universe; to de­bito time, in conditions controlled, counted to go back until the first one second, and then, God did not want, to second push - from a point of vi­sta theoretical, in terms matemati to us - the entropico flow to the indie­tro until that interval, defined a passage of valence, im­mediatamente front to the first one. But all this on the paper. Once completed its job, Finch could have mo­strare mathematically which situation had been necessary per­ché the universe of the big bang had succeeded in to exist. Finch was able to work with concepts as the time negative, or addi­rittura the time to null development... probably hour this ricer­ca already was finished, and Finch trastullava with its preferred pastime: to collezionare to tabacchiere rare of the eighteenth century. Then there was Tom Rovere. It had taken care itself of the entropy, ba­sando its plan on the arbitrary presupposed one that to along anda­re the decay and the accidental distribution of the erg in the univer­so, caught up a sure level, would automatically have inne­stato a antientropico flow backwards, because of the collisions of simple and indivisible units of energy or matter between of they, with the consequent creation of more complex entities. The frequency of the possibility of these entities gradually more and more com­plesse would have been inversely proporziona them to their com­plessità. Once that it was begun, however, the process po­teva to be invert until entities comples­se in definitive way had not been formed, with the final formation of an only enti­tà - only also as far as complexity - that would have comprised all the molecules of the universe. This entity would have been God, but It would be itself scisso, and with Its division the force of the en­tropia would have been asserted... like in the various laws of the ter­modinamica. In this way, Rovere had demonstrated that it was puts into effect it them turned out little successive to the division of that entity only and onnicomprensiva God call, and that it was already realiz­zando an crescent and progressive removal from the individua­lità and the complexity. It would be continued until the raggiungimen­to of the distribution originates them - and balanced - of the dispersion heat, after that, passed much other time, the antientropica force would have been manifested newly, for event or accidental movement. Instead, Amos Ild... he was various from they: qual­cosa luicostruiva, did not only describe it in theoretical terms, matemati to us. The government could have found it much useful, if that thought had crossed the mind of Gram. Yes, he would have thought to us, de­cise Provoni. Because introducing Ild in the highest governa­tivi levels, the job to the Great Ear would have been slowed down, perhaps ces­sato of all. Gram would have employed of the time in order to notice some, but to the end it would have understood it. Therefore I must give for discounted, thought Provoni, that us trovere­mo against Amos Ild. The more sparkling that posseggano the New Men... and consequently most dangerous mind for we. "Morgo" said. "Yes, Mr. Provoni." "You can construct receiving with your body or parts of this ship, something that can pick up the band of the thirty meters used from the land transmitters? I mean the common transmitters, those used to scopes trades them." "Because, if I can ask it" "They regularly transmit two notiziari on two lengths of this band. Every hour." "You want to know what is happening politicamente on the Earth" "" it with sarcasmo did not say. "I want to know the price of eggs in the Maine." I am losing the control of the mìei nerves, thought. "Excuse" said. "not to lose us the sleep" the Frolixiano answered. Thors Provoni folded behind the head and burst in one risata. "" not to lose us the sleep!" There is a gelatinous mass of poltiglia protoplasmica of the weight of ninety tons that wraps this ship, than encircles to me from every part like a barrel. And it says to me: "not to lose us the sleep." " That kind of dictionary would have surprised not little the New Men, once it arrives to you on the Earth. In bottom, the Frolixiano had absorbed dalui its col­loquiali dictionary and its ways... that sure of they were not forbiti. "I can insert to you on the band of the sixteen meters" said to a Morgo feature. "You enough? It seems that there is a considerable traffic." "Not of the sort that I want I" it said. "the band of the forty meters, then" "It goes well" said with one sure Provoni irritation. It threaded the cap and it regulated the variable condenser of its rice­vente system. Intercrossed voices went and came, and finally, for some moment, it picked a notiziario. "... the end of the fields of rieducazione in... and on the Moon has provoked one comprehensible... some of which from years... with to the news of the destruction of the subversive printing office in the Se­dicesima Road... " The transmission vanished in distance. I have felt bene?si finedei Provoni.La churches riedu­cazione fields on the Moon and in the south-western Utah? All remittances in freedom? Only Barnes could think next to one moved similar. But Barnes... was even one difficult what from digerire.Forse a ca­priccio of Gram, pensò.Una momentary reaction of panic cau­sata from ours three messages radio to the center in the Sixteenth Stra­da. But if it has been destroyed, perhaps they have not received the messages; perhaps they have received only the first one, or even the first two. It hoped that a lot governoquanto the Cordoniti had rice­vuto the third message. It said: "we will catch up to You between six days and we will assume the task to govern." To the Frolixiano, it said: "You would have to increase my power of transmission and to continue to repeat the third message, without so­ste. Here, I can prepare a tape to you for closed circle." Ignited the recorder and read the words with hard tone, articulating the sillabe with extreme clarity... and trying an intense satisfaction. "On varied frequencies" Morgo churches. "On all the frequencies that you can catch up. If ce you make it to in­serirti on the channels to frequency modulation, we could join also to an image video. To send on their televisori." "Well. Pleasant what will be one. It is a message sibillino; it does not say, as an example, that I am alone, and that my siblings still half find light year behind of we." "Lasciamo that Willis Gram if it notices some after that we will be Provoni arrives to you" grugnì. Morgo said: "I have meditated to along on the possible effect that my presence will have on your Mr. Gram and its tirapiedi. In the first place, they will discover that I cannot die, and this spa­venterà them. Then they will see that I can grow, if nourished in ade­guato way, and that moreover I can use like food practically every kind of substances. In third place... " "One what" said Provoni. "You six one what." "One what" "the fulcrum of all is just this." "the psychological effect, you mean to say" "Exact." Provoni agreed with serious expression. "I believe" I said Morgo, "that over every other thing them spaven­terà my ability to replace sections of organisms living with my ontologica substance. When I will manifest myself on reduced scale, we say large like a chair, consuming the object in issue like energy source... this event, exhibited in mi­niatura so that they can comprise it, will throw them in the panic. As you have already seen, I can replace whichever object with same me; specific limits to my increase do not exist, Mr. Pro­voni, until come nourished. I can become the entire building in which Mr. Gram works; I can become a condominio with cinquemila renters. And... " Morgo hesitated. "there is of the other. But for hour I do not want to speak of." Provoni rifletté. The Frolixiani did not possess a defi­nita shape; their historical method in order to survive had been that one to imitate living objects or other creatures. Their force was in the fat­to that they could absorb creatures, to become those creatures, usar­le like fuel, and finally to abandon their empty shells. Que­sto process, similar to that one of the cancer, would not have been sco­perto a lot easy from the scientific squares of the police of Gram; also when the transformation process caught up the vital organs, the imitated creature was in a position to carrying out its functions and surviving. The dead women reached when the Frolixiano was withdrawn... stopping to supply lungs, heart, kidneys to the creatu­ra. A frolixiano liver, for example, equally worked be­ne del authentic liver that had replaced... but it refused to remain such not as soon as every useful substance had divorato. The more frightful aspect was the invasion of the brain from part of a Frolixiano. The human - or the other invaded organism - dove­va to make forehead to pseudo-psychotic mental processes that riusci­va not to recognize like own... and a.ragione, because them they were not. Gradually, while the brain came absorbed and replaced, all its mental processes became frolixiani. To that point the Frolixiano abandoned it, and it stopped to exist, comple­tamente emptied of every psychical content. "Fortunately" rifletté to high Provoni voice, "you will be se­lettivi in your choice of the hosts, from the moment who you do not have interest or popular intention of the Earth and to provoke the estin­zione of the umanoidi organisms. You will have to only take care itself of the structures governative."E once thought to those, thought, viri­tirerete. Not he is therefore? "Yes" Morgo said, listening its thoughts. "you will not be mentendo" Provoni churches. The Frolixiano launch a pain outcry. "It goes well" hurried to say Provoni. "Me dispiace. But suppo­ni... " It did not complete the phrase, at least not to high voice. But its thoughts jumped to the inevitable conclusione:ho addressed towards the Earth a race of murders that will destroy all in equal measure. "Mr. Provoni" said Morgo, "he is for that I, and only I, find here with you: we want to try to resolve the que­stione without a physical conflict... as it would happen to the arrival of my siblings; also in that case, we will call them in our single aid if they will serve us for one declared war. I negozie­rò a radical change in the management of the power on your planet; this management will accept. In the notiziario that as soon as you have listened, one said that the concentration camps have been aper­ti. They make for placarci, not creeds? Not for weakness from part they, but for desire to avoid one opened fight, for presenta­re a united forehead. Your race is xenofoba. And I am the stranie­ro absolute. I love to you, Mr. Provoni; I love your people... for quan­to is given to me to know it through your mind. I will not make what they are in a position to making, but will make so that they understand that that they are in a position to making. In the field memory of your mind there is a Zen history that regards the greatest skilled swordsman of the Giappo­ne. Two men defy it. They establish to go with one rowing boat on one small island and to face themselves here. Largest spa­daccino of Japan, being one studious of Zen, ago in way to be the last one to leave the boat. Not hardly the others two have put foot on the beach of the island, he begin to rema­re and it goes away, leaving the challengers and their swords on the island. In this way he demonstrates of being truly that that says of es­sere: the greatest skilled swordsman of Japan. You understand as that adapted to my situation? I can defeat the system who you am enemy, but I will make it without to fight... if you understand what I mean to say. In fact it will be my refusal to fight - showing however my force - than will scare them than every other thing more, because lo­ro they cannot imagine that someone possegga a similar one to po­tere without to use it. If they had it they, the men of your government, would use it. Your New Men, than for me are like the ron­zio of some Moscow. Provided that the image that I obtain from your mind is faithful, and provided that you really know them." "If I do not know them I..." Provoni said. "They are one of they. They are anch' I a New Man." Morgo said of blow: "I imagined It. Some indication was filtered in your conscious mind. Especially during the sleep." "Therefore they are a rinnegato double quantity" said Provoni darkness. "Because you have broken with your companions" Provoni said: "there are seimila New Men on the Earth, that they govern with the aid, so to speak, of four thousand Unusual. Diecimila persons in the hierarchy of a Service Be them that esclu­de anyone other... cinquemiliardi of Old Men who do not have no way of... " Piombò in Hush, and then it made one co­sa amazing: hand raised one, and a plastic glass flut­tuò directly towards of he, putting down itself between its fingers. "a Six also Unusual one" said Morgo. "a t-c." Then it added: "This I had not imagined it." Provoni said: "For how much of it I know, I constitute the only fusion of a New Man and an Unusual one. They are a nature joke, than it has been detached from other monster." "Goodness knows which career you would have made in the Service Be them; con­sidera, as you will have senz' other fact, which score you could rag­giungere." "Oh, devil; I was a doubleone. Official what was not one, because I made the examinations in secret. I could have defied Gram. I could have defied anyone of they." "Mr. Provoni" said the Frolixiano, "does not understand because you have rinunciato to the idea to act from the inside." "I could not sloggiare diecimila employee be them, from G-Uno to the double-03, on until the Extraordinary Committee for the Public Emergency and to the Prime Minister Gram." But the reason was not this, and it knew it. "I had fear" said, "that if avesse­ro uncovered com' I were, they would have killed to me. My parents aveva­no fear when I was a child. I feared all, the Old Nuo­vi Men and Unusual... and also Men and the Hidden ones. I could be first of one the race of super supermen; if the thing were risaputa, their reaction would have been cruel and I... "it made a gesture"... I would be disappeared. After that they would have begun to try others like me." "Nobody had never thought that a perso­na could appear that it comprised both the new types of to be human" dis­se the Frolixiano. "I want to say, in theory. Before that sottopones­sero you to the examinations." "As I have said to you, my examinations were private. My father ave­va a G-Quattro qualification, from New Man, and succeeded makes me to so­stenere the examinations in secret, after to have noticed my telecinetiche dowries and having known, moreover, that I possessed Nodules of Rogers that sporgevano from the matite brain like mozziconi of. He was he to put to me in guard, than its spirit rests in peace. You see, quan­do burst interplanetary the planetary wars or also, expects to us that all think next to the ideologies in game... while in truth the greater part of people wishes only one good, beautiful slept." It added: "there is a phrase that I have read, that it reassumes many printed publication pages. It said, for the exactitude, than many perso­ne dor­mita tilts to the suicide wished a good one simply, and that they thought to find it in morte."Dove me are carrying my thoughts? chiese.Non I was believed next to the suicide from many years. From when I have left the Earth. "You have need to sleep" said Morgo. "I have need of knowing if my third message is circolan­do on the Earth" said roco Provoni. "We can indeed raggiun­gere the Earth in single six days" Images ghost had ini­ziato to torment it: you live and pastures, the great floating cities on the blue oceans of the Earth, the cupolas on Luna and Mars, New York, the reame of Los Angeles. And above all Saint Francisco, with its bizzarro, fabulous, antiquated system of "transit express" BART, constructed in far away 1972 and for senti­mentali reasons used still today. Ilcibo, pensò.Costata with fungi, snails, legs of frog... that in order to turn out to hold had to be dept freeze previously, what that very little persons knew, also in many restaurants for other worthy of famous. "you know It that what I want" churches to the Frolixiano. "a ghiacciato glass of latte. Latte with of the ice within. Means gal­lone of latte. I want starmene simply seated here to drink latte." "As as soon as you have emphasized, Mr. Provoni" said Morgo, "the true interests of a man regard the tiny and imme­diate things. We are completing a travel that will influence the existence and the hopes of six billions of persons, nevertheless when laggiù you immagi­ni, finally to house, you look at yourself seated to a table on which finds a cardboard of latte." "But you see" said Provoni, "they are like me, made in stes­so the way. There is an invasion of the Earth from part of extraearthlings, and all - all how many! - they want to only continue living. The myth of the mass in ferment and incapable to express itself that it is cer­cando a megaphone, a head... here, that one would have to be Cordon. But to how many persons it imports seriously? Perhaps also to Cordon it does not import... not in exceptional way. You know of that what ave­vano fear the wealthy families during the French Revolution? They had fear that someone entered in house they and cracked the pianoforte. The their limited vision therefore... " It was interrupted. "That I even share" I said, "until a sure point." "You suffer from nostalgia. It reveals in your dreams; of night, you per­corri the paths of the forests on the Earth, and raise to you with majestic ascensori towards restaurants and drogabar on the roofs of enormous palaces." "Already, the drogabar" Provoni said. It had exausted its supply of medicinal much time before, is those light ones that all the re­sto... included, naturally, all the pills allucinogene.Mi I will seat in a drogabar, was said, and I will down hunt one pill, one cap­sula, one compressed, one tablet, one after the other. Me raggele­rò until becoming invisibile. I will fly like a crow, one cornacchia; gracchierò and I will prattle over the prati greens, tuffan­domi in the sun and the shadow. Between six days only. "there is a point that we have not still established, Mr. Pro­voni" said the Frolixiano. "We must complete endured a public appa­rizione, with great pump and solennità, or dobbia­mo to land in some area hand outside where we will not be notices to you? And to slowly begin the operations from this base? In according to case you could move liberations. You could see again and enjoy your fields grain, your filari of granturco of the Kansas; potre­sti to rest, to take your pills to you and, if I can allow me of dir­lo, shave, to take a bath to you, to find dresses clean; to refresh a po' to you. While if we will come down right in the middle Times Square... " "it does not have importance if we land in means to Times Square or a pasture of the Kansas" said Provoni. "their radars in state of to the erta Will have all, in order to characterize to us. They even can attac­carci, or to try to make it, with ships of the fleet, before that we come down on the Earth. We cannot pass unnoticed, especially you with yours ninety abundant tons. Our il­lumineranno etrorockets the sky as artifice fires." "they cannot destroy your ship. By now I have wrapped it completely." "I understand, but they do not know it; they could try ugual­mente."Che air to us I will have when I exit here? chiese.Sporco, malridotto, by now incline to pessime habits... But the crowd would not have to understand? Perhaps it is just therefore that I would have to be introduced to they. "Times Square" said to high voice. "In means of the night." "Not; also therefore too much it would be crowded." "We will launch scariche of warning with the etrorockets. Quan­do will see that we are landing, will be withdrawn." "and endured after a grenade with head to hydrogen shot from a T-40 gun it will reduce to us in thousand pieces." It was felt causti­co and feracious. "Mr. Provoni, remembers that I am made of seed-matter, and that I can absorb whichever thing. I will be here, wrapped around to you and your small ship, the entire time that it will be necessary." "Perhaps impazziranno in seeing to me." "For the enthusiasm" "I do not know it. For what ago to drive crazy people. The fear del­l' ignoto; it can be also this. They will even go away from me for how much are physically possible. Ritirar­si can also until Denver, in the Colorado, and to pile up all here as a branco of cats it scares to you. You have not never seen a cat spaven­tato, true? I have always had of the cats with me, of the males, it does not sterilize to you, and my cat always has revealed losing. You know like is made to understand if just the cat is losing? When he and an other cat is on the point to come to blows, it tries to go to take your cat; if he is a winner, it will jump endured I lean al­l' other cat, while if he is losing, calmly lascerà to collect and to carry within house." "Soon you will see cats of new" said Morgo. "Also you will see" you said them Provoni. "You describe a cat" said Morgo to me. "It leaves that it takes for­ma in your mind. With to all your memories and contacts with the cats." Thors Provoni thought the cats. What seemed one innocen­te to make while they waited for passing of the six days that still separated them from the Earth. "Stubborn" finally Morgo said. "Who, I? You mean to say on the argument " "Not, I mean the cat. And egocentrico." Irritateed, Provoni said: "a cat is faithful to its landladies. But it demonstrates it in thin way. The point is always this: a cat never does not grant itself to nobody, is million years that com­porta in this way, then even here that it is succeeded to make one mi­nuscola rubble in its armor, and it scours itself to you against, you sal­ta in arm and ago the fused one. Therefore, because of its affection for you, in­frange a code of behavior inherited genetically... and old of two million years. It is one splendid Victoria." "Supposing that the cat is sincere" said Morgo, "instead that motivated from the attempt to obtain more food." "You tasks that a cat can be hypocritical" Provo­ni churches. "I had not never felt to insinuate that the cats were insince­ri. To say the true one, many of the critics are provoked from their brutal honesty; if a person does not appeal to to it not is null from fa­re, if they go some from qualcun other." "Task" said Morgo, "that when we will be on the Earth me they would pia­cerebbe to have a dog." "a dog! After all my meditations on the nature of gat­ti... after all the news wealth on adore to you feline of my past; task still to an old male of Asherbano­pol name, but we called it Ralf. "Asherbanopol" is a name egi­zio." "Yes" the Frolixiano said. "You still today mourn the loss of Asherbanopol. But when morirai, like in the history of Mark Twain... " "Already" it said scontroso. "They will be all to wait for to me here, threads on two sides of the road. An animal refuses to enter in Pa­radiso without its landladies. And therefore they wait for, year after year." "and this you it creeds with fervor." "" the creed " I know that it is true; God is alive; that carcass that they have found in the external space some years ago, that one was not God. God in similar circumstances does not find itself, is a way of pensa­re from Middle Ages. You know where can be found the Spirit Saint? It is not outside in the space... devil, has created it he, the space. It is here." The chest was indicated. "I - that is, we - we have a part of Saint Spirit here within. It considers your decision to come to carry aid to us... not of revenues null, perhaps only a damage, or some type of destruction that the soldiers are in a position to procurarti and of which we ignore all." "I obtain something coming on your planet" I said Morgo. "I will be able to choose and to conserve small life shapes: cats, a ca­ne, one leaf, one snail, one tamia. You know - you have understood - that on Frolix 8 all the shapes of life to the infuori of ours were sterilized, for which scomparvero much time makes... even if I have seen their recordings, three-dimensional reworks that sem­brano absolutely real. Connected directly to the domi­nanti ganglia of our central nervous systems them." The invaded fear Thors Provoni. "This scares" said Morgo to you. "the fact that we are arriva­ti to this. Just we, not our ancestors; we were growing, us scindevamo and we continued to grow. We have had to ur­banizzare every angle of our planet; the animals would be died of hunger, therefore have preferred to use a sterilizing gas, of all the painless one. They could not living with we on no­stro the world." "Now your population has been reduced, is not true" chie­se Provoni. The fear was always acquattata within of he, like a snake rolled up on if same. In wait to unroll itself, of mo­strare the zanne poisoned. Morgo said: "a po' more than space not dispiacerebbe to us." Like the Earth, Provoni thought. "Not, laggiù exists already one dominant senziente species. The civil field of governmental ours cerchia forbids us of... " Morgo hesitated. "a soldier" said Provoni, been astounded. "I am a command. For this they have chosen me for ac­compagnarti in the travel of return to Sol 3. I have the reputation to know to resolve the disputes using as well as the reason how much the for­za. The threat of the force obligates them to listen; the conoscen­za, all the my knowledge, it indicates the way in which can be constructed the best possible society." "you have already made It other times" It was obvious that it had to be therefore. "I have more than a million than years" Morgo said. "I, with the appog­gio of the eventuality to make resorted to the force, have resolved immense wars therefore, with numerous participants therefore, than you would not succeed not to imagine. I have dipanato problems political-economi­ci, to times introducing new technologies or the theoretical witnesses thanks to which these turn out to you could be caught up. After that me they have gone some elsewhere, and they have had to take care themselves of the rest." "You take part alone if they call to you" Provoni said. "Yes." "Therefore, in practical, you help only the civilizations that have succeeded to develop the interstellar propulsion. To make to arrive their messenger in your vicinities... where to fine you it notere­te. But a medieval civilization, with arches and elmi... " "our theory in purpose" said Morgo, "is interesting. To the level of the arc, indeed, until the level of the gun, the airplane, the aquatic ships, the bombs... they are not transactions that regard to us. We do not want to be taken care some, because our theory says to us that they are not in a position to destroying to their race or their planet. But when bombs are constructed to hydrogen, and a tec­nocrazia it concurs to develop the interstellar travels... " "I do not believe" said Provoni to you with determined tone. "Because" The Frolixiano explored its mind, with skill but also with the customary respect. "Oh, I understand" said. "You know that they can create bombs to hydrogen much time before developing the interstellar propulsion. You have reason." It made one pau­sa. "Very well, then. We feel induced to only take part when we are approaches to you from an able spaceship to complete vo­li interstellar. Because to that point the civilization that has constructed it is potentially dangerous for we. They have finds to us to you. One some reaction from part ours is necessary... as, as an example, in the history of your world, when Perry admiral smashed the i­solamento of Japan... and the entire country had to modernize nel.giro.di little years. It remembers always this to you: we would have po­tuto to simply choose to kill every visitor to interstel­lare, instead asking what we could make to us in order to help them to sta­bilizzare their civilization. You would remain incredulo if you knew how much ci­viltà are in nanny of wars, fights for the power and tyrannies... some also much more advanced of yours. But you have answered to our requirement: you have finds to us to you. Therefore, Mr. Provoni, eccomi here." Provoni said: "it does not appeal to that matter to me of the extermination of the animals." It was thinking next to the six billions of Old Men on the Earth. They would have been deals to you in this way? chiese.Ci will be dealt all how many therefore, New, Unusual, Old Men, Na­scosti... will liquidate us all and inherit our planet with all that that contains? Morgo said: "Mr. Provoni, you allow me to clear two pun­ti that they would have to serve to placare your fears. First: conoscia­mo from centuries the existence of your civilization. Our ships are pe­netrate in your atmosphere to the times of your whale-man. We could have gotten hold us of your world in whichever mo­mento, if we had wished it; not creeds that would have been easier to defeat the "thin red line", the Giubbe Red ingle­si, instead facing tactical missiles to hydrogen and cobalt co­me we will have to make hour? They are remained in I listen. You have various located spaceships of lookout in the next area to the point in which the gravitational field of your sun it begins to make to feel its effects on we." "and according to point" "We will steal." "To steal" Provoni remained been astounded. "What you will steal" "Innumerevoli pastimes of your invention: aspirapolve­re, it blots some to write, it arranges video 3D, batteries that last vent' years, computer... in exchange of our aid in order to place aim to the tyranny, we will withhold for po' in means you, assimilan­do working models, if possible, or detailed descriptions, of every imaginable plant, tree, boat, tool; any thing." "But as technology you much more are progressed than we." Morgo said with voice compiaciuta: "it does not have importance. Every civilization, on every planet, develops produced only and irripetibili altro­ve: instruments, use, resistant theories, giocattoli, reserviors to acid, giostre. It leaves that make a question you: it imagines of being able to tor­nare behind in the time, to England of the eighteenth century. And of being able to behind bring back with you whichever thing you desires. You would not choose one amount of objects? For the paintings... but I only see that you have understood." "For you we are colorful!" infuriated Provoni said. "Yes, it is the adapted term more. And the being colorful is del­le great members of use in the universe, Mr. Provoni. It is a subdivision of the oneness principle, than just your Mr. Bernhad it has exposed in its "Theory of the Acausalità measured on two aces". The oneness is only, but those exist that Bernhad calls "nearly-oneness", many di.le which... " "they have been I to formulate that theory for Bernhad" said Provoni. "To that age I was one student university convinced to know it much long one, one of the assistants of Bernhad. Prepared Abbia­mo we all the data, the citations, every thing, for pubbli­carli then suNature... and Bernhad has put us only its company. In the 2103 I had only eighteen years. Now I have some centocinque." It made one smorfia. "an old one, even if in an other sense. But they are always alive and full of energy; I can pisciare, smell, eat, sleep and still sweep. However, you of the persons have read also who live until two hundred years, been born around to 1985, when the virus of the aging she was isolated and the compo­sti anti-geriotopi they came iniettati to the forty for hundreds of the population." He thought, then, to the animals, and then to the six billions of inhabitants del­la Earth that did not have no perspective except that one, for­se, of the giganteschi fields of rieducazione on the Moon, with the pa­reti opaque of their cupolas; to the prisoners he was not per­messo not to see the panorama that them circondava.Devono it are to us from the twelve to twenty million Old Men in those fields, rifletté.Un exterminated army. Where they will go to arrange itself on the Earth? Twenty milioni?Dieci million diappartamenti?Venti million new workplaces, and all non-G. Nothing Service Be Them. It can are given that Gram is delivering a hot potato, disse.Se we will assume the control of the government also for short time, to have this problem. With the perspective - incredible but true - to find to us forced to replace them all in the fields in "temporary" way. Jesus, thought, until that point can push your irony? Morgo Rahn Wilc said abruptly: "Frigate to port." "One what where" "your radar screen Controls. You will see a dot... a na­ve, rather large, than a lot is approached fastly, too much for being a boat vessel it trades them, and straight tip towards of we." One pause. "It is in.rotta.di.collisiione; they mean to sacrifice itself in order to stop to us." "They can succeed to us" Patiently, Morgo said: "Not, Mr. Provoni. Neanche if they were armed with missiles to hydrogen from 88 or with four torpedos with heads to hydrogen." I will wait for, thought Provoni, while chinava on the screen ra­dar, until I will not see it. Because that one was obviously one of those new fast models, the LR-82... massaggiò tired the forehead. "Not, this was ten years ago; I am living in the past. However "it said," is one fast ship." "Not fast like ours, Mr. Provoni" said Morgo. IlGray Dinosaur tuonò and rabbrividì, while the motors ignited rocket veniva­no; then there was the uggiolio characteristic of the income in the iperspazio. The other ship followed them. Ricomparve on the radar screen, like a suspended point, and to every second that it passed made sem­pre more neighbor, while its main motors fiammeggiavano in a shining aureole of yellow light and dancing. "Task that all ends here" said Provoni. The news caught up endured Willis Gram. Addressing to the members of the Extraordinary Committee for the Public Emergency, it assembles you around to its bed in the office-room from bed, said, after it are straightened of blow between its pillows: "Felt que­sta." "IlBadger has sighted ilGray Dinosaur. IlDinosaur has ini­ziato evasive maneuvers. We approach ourselves quickly." "I do not succeed to believe" said giulivo Gram to us. And to the members of the Committee it said: "I have convenes to You here to you because of the third trasmis­sione that we have received from Provoni. They will be on the Earth between six days." Stiracchiò, it made a sbadiglio and it watched the present ones sogghignando. "I was for dirvi that we would have had to act in fret­ta... is worth to say, to open the rieducazione fields, to still interrupt the mopping-up of the Hidden Men in freedom, to stop the destruction of their transmitters and tipografie.Ma... if ilBad­ger polverizza ilDinosaur, then all is resolved! We can conti­nuare like if null had happened, like if Provoni same not returning behind." "But the first two messages have been televised" said cau­stico Fred Rayner, the Minister of the Insides. "Be', we will not say null of the third message. Of their arrival here between six days and of as they wanted "to assume the task to govern"." "Mr. Presidente of the Council" said Duke Bostrich, the Mi­nistro of the Foreign countries, "the third message is arriving - than God us aids - on the band of the forty meters, therefore he comes received here and here all over the world. Tomorrow to this hour, all will be some to co­noscenza." "But if ilBadger it catches up ilDinosaur it will not have importan­za." Gram inspirò deeply, then lengthened one hand towards one amphetamine cap in order to fly in quel­l' still more up unexpected and unexpected moment of largeness. "You sapete" dis­se to all, and especially to Patty Platt, Minister of the Defense, than it had not never nourished sympathy or respect for he, "you sapete that the idea to lie in wait for here outside ships like ilBadger cin­que years has been mine ago... ships lookout, without too much heavy armament. We know that ilGray Dinosaur is not armed. Therefore also a ship lookout can destroy it." "Getlteman" said general Rayburn from the black and thin moustaches, "I knows the T-144 class of the ships well lookout, the class which he belongs ilBadger. Because of the long periods of permanen­za in the space and the enormous distances that must cover, these units are too much awkward in order to maneuver until catching up a position that would concur they to place, in order to make an example, a directed blow to prow that would be... " "It wants makes to understand" said Gram me, "that my ships lookout are obsolete? Because me you have not never said " "Because" general Rayburn from the black and thin moustaches said, "to nobody of we never that is passed for the mind, (first) Provoni could return second, and () that a ship lookout apposta­ta in an enormous area of empty space could sight Provoni if, or I imagine that I would have to say when, it was returned." It made a gesture. "the number of parsec..." "It generates them Rayburn and Hefele" said Gram, "begun to pre­parare your letters of dimissioni. Fatemele to have nel.giro.di an hour." It was leaned to the pillows, then was raised still, suddenly; it pressed the push-button that ignited its general screen of colle­gamento. It showed the computer in the Wyoming, or at least a part of it. "Technical" it ordered. A programmatore dressed with shirts appeared white man. "Yes, Mr. Presidente." Gram said: "I want one prognosis of this situation: a ship T-144 lookout has met ilGray Dinosaur to... "grew tall towards the writing desk, reeling and contorcendosi and grugnen­do"... to coordinated following." It read to the technician, than natural­mente it was recording its instructions. "I want to know" said, "held account of all the factors, which are the probabilities that a ship of the T-144 class can destroy ilGray Dinosaur." The technician riavvolse the tape, then he connected the apparatus to in­gresso of the computer and the ignited ones. Behind plastic panels, gran­di coils took to turn, magnetic tapes were bundled up and svol­sero. Mary Scourby, Minister of Agriculture, said: "Because we simply do not wait for to see which it will be the outcome of the bat­taglia" "Because" Willis Gram said, "those dannatoDinosaur and quel­l' idiot of Provoni that the pilot - with the added one of its extraland friend - can be all how many imbottiti of crews. And a fleet even follows them gives near." To general Hefele, than sta­va already meticulously writing its letter of dimissioni, Gram said: "our radars signal some other object in that area? It asks alBadger." General Hefele extracted one ricetrasmittente from the pocket del­la jacket. "No other marks them sighted radar dalBadger" Pause was one. "Not." It returned to write its dimissioni. The technician in the Wyoming said: "Mr. Presidente of the Consi­glio, we have the answer of the computer 996-D to its question. It thinks that the third message of Thors Provoni, what stia­mo receiving on all the frequencies of the band of the forty me­tri, is the critical data. The computer supports that the beginning of the mes­saggio, "we will catch up to You between six days", implies the presence of one of the averse ones with Provoni. Not knowing the powers of the alie­no, it is not in a position to calculating beyond, but ship continues answering to correlative... ilGray a Dinosaur is not in a position to escaping in order much time to one T-144 lookout. Therefore the variable one disowned - the presence of the alien - is too much large. The com­puter it cannot calculate the situation." "I am receiving a message from the square radar that follows the Badger" said general Rayburn without warning. "Fairies Hush." It tilted the head on one side, in the direction of its auricular telephone. There was Hush. "IlBadger has gone" said general Rayburn. "average Andato?"Una dozen of voices spoke to the unisono. "An­dato" it asked Gram. "and where" "In the iperspazio. We will know a lot in how much soon, as it has been abundantly demonstrated, a ship can remain nel­l' iperspazio for ten, twelve, fifteen minuteren to the maximum. We will not have to wait for so much." "IlDinosaur is dived in the iperspazio" churches general Hefele, with air incredula. "This is one moved deprived of hope... ul­tima possible the evasive maneuver. And they are pulls to you behind ilBadger. Perhaps ilDinosaur it has been restructured; perhaps now its superficial external are composed of an alloy that is not decomposed ra­pidamente in the iperspazio. Perhaps they must only attend that ilBadger it explodes or makes return the mutual space or paraspazio. Sapete, ilGray Dinosaur that has left this system die­ci years ago can not be stessoGray the Dinosaur that is tornan­do behind." "IlBadger has recognized" said it general Hefele. "It is the same ship, and if it has endured modifications they do not regard sure the aspet­to external. The Greek captain of the Badger, before slipping itself into the i­perspazio, has reported that combaciava perfectly with the photo of identification released fifteen years ago until the last one bullo­ne and to the name, except... " "" Except "" Gram churches, digrignando the molari.Devo smet­terla of digrignare the teeth, disse;l' last time I have cracked clearly the cap of the advanced skillful molar. As lesson do­vrebbe is enough to me. It was lowered to behind, pasticciando with the pillows. "Except for the fact" general Hefele said, "than some of the external sensors they had been removed perhaps or modified in radical way, he damages to you. And the hull, naturally, was much butte­rato." "IlBadger has been able to see all this" astonished Gram churches. "the new visori radar Knewdsen, the so-called the ocular models, can..." "It is zitto." Gram was consulting its clock. "I want cronometrar them" said with force. "They are already passed approximately three mi­nuti, seems to me. We make five, in order to be on the sure one." It remained se­duto in Hush, fixing just the Omega; all the others were watching theirs. Five minuteren passed. Ten. Fifteen. In an angle of the room, Grimes Camelia, Minister of the I­struzione and the Possible Workplaces, began to cry pacatamente in its fazzolettino of lace. "it has attracts Them to you ver­so the dead women" whispered roca. "Oh, poveretti, than sad what. All those dead men." Gram said: "Already, it is sad. But the fact that is sad also to bec­carlo ship has been one lookout. One probability on... how many? A billion? That a ship lookout intercepted it endured, and in order before. For a moment it has been like if we already had it between the ma­ni. Nailed; liquidated, like show in order to make to reflect its averse friends." Addressing to general Hefele, general Rayburn said: "there are other ships in a position to intercepting ilGray Dinosaur if and when it had to emerge from the iperspazio" General Hefele said: "Not." "Therefore we will not know if it is riemerso" said Gram. "Perhaps anda­to Provoni is destroyed also, entirety alBadger." "we will notice if and when riemerge from the iperspazio" general Hefele said, "because in that same moment ricomince­rà to transmit its marks them on the band of the forty meters." To an aide-de-camp it said: "Orders to mine com-net of controlla­re if the transmission had to resume." To Gram it said: "Imma­gino..." "It imagines well" said general Rayburn. "No marks them radio can journey from the iperspazio to the paraspazio." General Hefele said the assistant: "shapeless if he marks them of Provoni one has interrupted some minuteren ago." Some moment after, through the equipment for the comuni­cazioni that carried attacked to various straps around to the neck, the high and adjuvant young person received its message. "it marks them has been interrupted ventidue tiny ago and more it is not resumed." "They are still in the iperspazio" said general Hefele. "and it can are given that it marks does not resume never more them; perhaps it is all how much fi­nito." "I want always its dimissioni" said Gram. A red light ignited on the picture of its writing desk. Sol­levò the just receiver and said: "Yes? It has arrived " "Miss. Charlotte Boyer" said its secretary of the ter­zo slowly with code of access To, "as soon as has been lead here from two men of the SP that has had to drag it to force for all the distance. Saint sky, tomorrow their ankles will be ne­re and blue, and it has even bitten one hand to one of they; she has detached a beautiful piece of meat, and will have to go endured to the infirmary." Gram said: "You make to come four MP for relieving to the men of the SP. When they are arrives to you and they completa­mente have it under control, fammelo to know and I will come to see it." "Yes, getlteman." "If an individual of name Denny Strong arrived to loads trying with she" said Gram, "I want that it is arrested for ingres­so illicit in a governmental building and that it comes imme­diatamente blinked in one cell. If it tried to physically make irruption in my office, here, I want that the guards liquidate it. On the place. Not hardly its hand touches the handle of the door that con­duce in this stanza."Un time I would have known sbrigarmela alone, thought Gram.Ma now is too much old and my rifles­si too much discs of a valve. However, it raised the cover that richiudeva an angle of its bureau... obtaining therefore to capacity of hand cal­cio of a gun 38 Magnum.Se the mental image - and its impressions - than Nicholas Appleton has transmitted to me of he is exact, thought, then will be better than it holds to me ready. And good God, still thought, must be ready to only face also Nick Appleton... because if n' it has gone from this building of own will and without no index of violence, this does not mean that it will continue to behave itself therefore. It is the problem of that they have its age, rifletté.Si idea­lizza an entire woman, its character, its personality... men­tre to my age is asked to us alone if a good one would be swept and the thing ends lì. Me I will enjoy, I will use it as it seems to me, inse­gnerò the some cosette that probably it ignores on the ses­suali relationships - even if is "one that it knows to us to make" - and that it never does not have nep­pure dreammed. It can become mine pesciolino, as an example. And once that she will have learned to them, that will know to put them in practical, will remember them for the rest of its life. Their memory the perseguite­rà one... but to a sure level of it will feel the lack; they were therefore gra­ziose. We will see that that Nick Appleton, or Denny Strong, or chiun­que other if it will take it after me, they will be able to make in order to satisfy it. And it will not succeed to find the force to explain its new man cos' is that she does not work. She sniggered. "Mr. Presidente of the Council" said general Hefele, "has news from adjuvant mine." The assistant chinò towards of he, parlandogli to the ear. "They are spiacente of having to report... that it marks them on the band of the forty meters is resumed." "Here" Gram said here stoically. "I knew It that sarebbe­ro to riemersi; they would not be threads to you in the iperspazio if not aves­sero known of being able it to cavare... and that ilBadger ce the avreb­be not made." Laboriously, it was raised to seat, then it rolled of side, it lengthened a leg massiccia and erse in erected position. "my bathrobe" said, watching itself around. "Eccolo, getlteman" said Grimes Camelia; glielo it held solleva­to while it withdrew in order to thread it. "Now its slippers." General Hefele said icy: "They are lì beside its pie­di." And it thought, You have need of someone that threads you also those, Mr. Presidente of the Council? Species of gigantic fungus that you must be attended to day and night, than you you remain some to bed like a sick child that is absented from school, escaping the truths of the adult life. And this is our head. The person who more than all has the main responsibility to stop the invaders. "It always forgets" said Gram, turning itself towards of he, "than I am telepate. If it had said the things that it has thought, hour would be found in front of the guns to gas of a platoon of esecuzio­ne. And this she knows it well." It tried an authentic temper, and it was rare that of the simple thoughts the scombussolassero ones to such point. But in that case every limit had been exceeded. "You want one votazio­ne" churches, churning an arm towards all how many, addressing to the shareholders' meeting of the Extraordinary Committee for the Public Sicurez­za, with the added one of the two maximum military councilmen of the planet. "One voting" churches Duke Bostrich, smoothing down itself with pensierosa air the silver hats that gave a air to it therefore distin­ta. "On that what" Fred Rayner, of the Insides, said acid: "On the removal of Mr. Gram from it loads with Prime Minister, and its substitution with one of the present ones in this room." It made a sor­riso dark, thinking, Is just necessary to explain it for thread and se­gno, like with the children? It is our opportunity to clear up us of this old ciccione crowds; lasciamo that the rest of its life passes to disentangle its intricate private matters... of which we have hardly picked an example, that girl, Boyer. "I would want a voting" said Gram, after one pause. During this pause it had listened to several the thoughts and it knew that it would have obtained a confidence ballot; consequently at all it was not preoc­cupato. "Ahead" it said, "voted!" Rayner said: "it has read our thoughts; it knows as it will go to fi­nire." "Or it is bluffando" said Mary Scourby, of the Agricoltu­ra. "it has read our thoughts and it knows that we can put it in mino­ranza, and that we will make it." "Then" it said Grimes Camelia, "we will have just to vote by force." For raised of hand, six favorable ballots to the permanence were obtained in load with Gram, and four contrarys. "hole has gone You, old mine" said Gram with sarcasmo fe­roce to Fred Rayner. "It catches a woman if ce you make it; if you do not succeed in pigliarti a woman, catches an old one cleaned up." "and the" old one cleaned up "" said Rayner, "is she." Turning upside down to behind the head, Willis Gram burst in risata one howling. Then, enfilades the slippers, set offed swinging ver­so the main door of the room. "Mr. Presidente of the Council" said the ge­nerale Hefele hastily, "we could succeed to put itself in contact with ilDinosaur and it makes an idea us of the demands that Provoni will be left over, and until that point its averse legions will be able and want..." "Of it we will discuss more late" said Gram, opening the door. Fe­ce a pause and then said, nearly between himself: "Torn also your dimissioni, generates them. I had lost the calm momentarily; it has not been nulla."Ma with you, Fred Rayner, thought, it is not ended. You I will make to pay, species of bilobate monster. To you I will see died for what you have thought about me. To the third plan, Willis Gram caracollò in bathrobe, pigia­ma and slippers until the writing desk of its secretary with code of access To... a qualification that allowed them to know and to trat­tare good part of its more classified activities and of the more personal issues. A time Margaret Plow had been one its aman­te... when it had had eighteen anni.E watches it now, dis­se.Sulla group of forty. The energy, the fire, all scomparso; rima­neva only one works them efficiency mask. The walls of its cubicle had been opacified. Nobody po­teva to observe theirs conversazione.Soltanto telepate of pas­saggio, thought he, could pick something. But they had im­parato to cohabit with that possibility. "you have called the four MP" churches to Miss. Plow. "They are with she in the room next. It of it has bitten one." "and he as she has reacted" "it has made It to fly for half of the room with a slap, and que­sto she has seemed to calm it. It was... like a wild animal, but seriously, not metaforicamente. Like if she thought that they were in order to liquidate it." "I go to speak them" it said he, and it crossed the cubicle entering in the other room. She if of it were here erected, the eyes that urlavano hatred and fear, like those of a rapace caught... the eyes of a hawk, pen­sò he, that it would be well not to never fix. I have learned it soon, rifletté;mai to watch in the eyes a hawk or a Aquila. Because you will not be able to never forget hatred that they transmit... and the biso­gno to you insatiable, fan, of being free, the need of vola­re. And then, oh, those great heights. Those dives to lead on the preda; a rabbit in preda to the panic; here that cos' it is re­sto of we the others. Funny image: a Aquila held captive from four rabbits. However, the MP were not rabbits. It noticed the way in which the tight te­nevano... the points in which tightened it and with how much for­za. It could not move. And they would have resistito more to lun­go than she. "I could makes you to tranquilize of new" said to them, in conciliating tone. "But I know how much hatreds." "Ugly bastard white man" said she. "" White man "" It did not understand. "But not there are more white men, gial­li or black. Because you say white man " "Because the six king of the minions." One of the MP said abruptly: "' Bianco' is still a in­sulto in sure social layers to low income." "Oh" made he, agreing. Now its mind was picking thoughts dal­la, and what it found it astounded it. In surface it was hardened, stiff like a cable of steel, piece of real estate only because four MP held it firm. But within... A scared child, that it fought like a terro­rizzato child, we suppose, from the idea to go from the dentist. A irrazionale return, to level of abreazione, the front mental processes to the razionalità.Lei does not see us like human beings, rendered Gram.Ci account is distinguished like vague shadows, than they before drag it from a part, then, nearly to the unexpected one, from an other, and finally that they make this them: they force with the force - four large pro­fessionisti of the force force it - to remain in feet im­mobile in a place, single God knows for how much time and in order which reason. Its mental processes were, estimated, to the same level of those of a child of three years. Perhaps but it would have potu­to to obtain something speaking them. Perhaps he could attenuate its fear, to allow its thoughts to buy back one greater maturity. "I call Willis Gram" said to them. "and you know that what I have hardly made" Sorrise, it raised a hand and it indicated she, increasing its smile. "I bet that you do not succeed indovinar it." She scrollò the head. Shortly. One single time. "I have opened all the fields of rieducazione on the Moon and in the Utah, and all the persons who found themselves here will return free to house." With immense and luminous eyes, it continued to fix it. But in its thoughts the news came recorded; it sended flows increduli of psychical energy along cerebral its corteccia while she cer­cava to understand. "and we will not arrest more nobody" said he. "Therefore also you six free one." To these words, a big wave of oceanic relief spreaded in its mind; its eyes clouded and one then single tear rigò the cheek. "I can..." It swallowed with difficulty and its voice shook. "I can see Mr. Appleton" "You can see anyone seems to you. Also Nick Appleton is free; we have thrown outside here two hours ago. Probably it is tor­nato to house. It has a moglie and a son to which it is much becoming attached. Senz' other is returned from they." "Yes" it with far voice said. "I have known Them. The woman is one bitch." "But its thoughts towards of she... I have passed various time with to he, today. Fundamentalally, it loves it; some wants to only con­cedersi scappatella every so often... You must know that they are telepate; I know things on the other persons who not... " "But you can mentire" said Charlotte to tight teeth. "I am not mentendo" said he, even if - as very it knew - he was just that that it was making. Charlotte said, without warning calm: "They are indeed libe­ra to go some to me" "issue is only one." Gram cautiously touched the way, the mind syntonized on the thoughts of she, trying to pick them before that tramutassero in words or is set in action. "You must know that you abbia­mo subordinate to a medical examination after that the agents of the SP have extracted from the ruins of the center of press in the Sedicesi­ma Road to you... this you the memories" "... a medical examination" It watched it with uncertain air. "Not, not memory. Memory of to have only been dragged outside for the arms, with the head that beat on the pavement, until the open, and then... " "Here because of the medical visit" Gram said. "we have made It all those that they had been arrests to you in the Sixteenth Stra­da. It has been also an express psychological examination. Your condi­zioni have turned out rather serious; you were remained completely traumatizzata and in one be of nearly catatonico torpore." "Therefore" It fixed it pitiless. The fixed look of the hawk, than had not never left its eyes. "You have need of rest to bed." "and I will find it here within" "This building" said Gram, "probably accommodates the mi­gliori psychiatric equipments that exist to the world. After al­cuni therapy and rest days... " The fiammeggiarono eyes of hawk; thoughts schizzarono nel­la its coming from mind, emanations from the thalamus and that it could not follow, and to a feature, in a heartbeat of eyelash, to the sound del­l' last bugle, she contorse, afflosciandosi, and endured after became stiff, and then it was put to ruotare. To ruotare on if same! To those pun­to the four MP had lost theirs taken on she; allungaro­no for riafferrarla, and one of they pulled outside short manganello of plastic weighted down with lead bullets. It withdrew fast like the lightning bolt, accucciò, contorcen­dosi, opened the door behind of himself and the corridor was launch of long race. An agent of the SP that came in its direction saw Willis Gram and the four MP; picking to the flight the situation, he tried to seize it while the sfrecciava next. She succeeded to tighten them the skillful wrist... and while she pulled it towards of himself it let go it a cal­cio in the testicoli. It left it to go. It continued its race, towards the wide door of income of the building. No other tried to stop it... not after to have seen the agent of the SP to collapse on the pa­vimento in preda to an acute pain. One of the four MP sfoderò a gun laser Richardson ca­libro 2,56 and it raised it, the cane aimed for the ceiling. "I must liquidate it, getlteman" it asked to Willis Gram. "I can hit it fa­cilmente if it me says endured." "I do not succeed to decide" said Gram to me. "Then I will not talk nonsense, getlteman." "It goes well. Do not make it." Willis Gram returned in office and len­tamente it went to be based on the edge of the bed; it was folded in ahead, fis­sando without to see them the designs of the moquette. "it is flippata, getlteman" said one to it of the MP. "I want to say, is matta. Completely unscrewed." Gram said with voice roca: "I to You will say that cos' he is... I am one sgual­drina from slums." He had picked this definition in the mind of Nick Appleton. "and of those pericolose."Certo I know to choose them well, pensò.E also he does not joke. It has said, thought Gram to me, that it wanted to still see it. And suc­cederà senz' other; in some way it will succeed to find again it. Nick will not never return from its moglie. Raising itself, one headed heavy until the writing desk of Margaret Plow in the inner cubicle. "I can use yours videofono" the churches. "But sure; indeed, it can use mine... " "the videofono" it Only said. He composed the number of absolute priority of the Barnes Director; he would have put in comunicazio­ne with he wherever he found himself: in bath to make they must, in flight on the razzauto of service, even to its writing desk. "Yes, Mr. Presidente." "I want one of its... special elements. Even two." "Who" imperturbabile Barnes said. "I want to say, who wants to make to liquidate" "citizen 3XX24J." "He says seriously? It is not a whim, a estro momentary? He truly means to make to liquidate it? The memory, Mr. Presidente, than same she it has it as soon as replaced in freedom in how much beneficia­rio of the general amnesty with to all the others." Gram said: "it has carried to Me via Charlotte." "Oh, I understand" said Barnes. "She if n' it has gone." "Four MP are not resolutions to withhold it; when it is intrap­polata becomes one crazy furious. In its mind I have picked qual­cosa on purpose of an elevator that once, during its in­fanzia, did not want to be opened; it was all single one here within. Creed that she had approximately eight years. Therefore she must be a matter itself of some varying of the claustrofobia. In any case, cannot itself be held locked up it." "that it is not the sure guilt of 3XX24J" said Barnes. "But" Gram said, "is from he that it is going." "It wants that it is made with discretion? And fact to seem a in­cidente? Or it wants that the special agents find it, only make it outside and then if they go some, without to attend to who it can ve­derli " "the second option" said Gram. "It must seem a rituale esecu­zione. And the freedom that is enjoyed now... "insieme, thought, to the moment of joy when it finds again Charlotte"... it will have to be for he like the last meal that serves the condemned a.morte." "By now this custom is not more in vigor, Mr. Presidente." "Task that I will add an other condition for its agents" said Gram. "I want that she is liquidatomentre she is present. Vo­glio that it sees it to die." "It goes well, goes well" said Barnes, exasperated. "Not there is other? Which are the innovationes on Provoni? A television station has an­nunciato that a ship lookout would have sighted ilGray Dinosaur. It is true " "Of this we will take care ourselves when there are." "Mr. Presidente, this phrase does not have sense." "Of agreement, then ce we will occupy some when we arrive ourselves." Barnes said: "I will inform It my men not hardly avran­no completed their task. With its permission, I would send three men, one of the which armed of a reassuring gun to use on the girl, if, as it says, to times it becomes crazy fu­riosa." "If it became aggressive and violent" Gram said, "not fate­le of the evil. To liquidate he will be more than sufficient. Good bye." And riappese. Margaret Plow said: "I thought that it killed to them, after." "the girls yes. Theirs amichetti, before." "Today I find it particularly frank, Mr. Presidente. The matter of Provoni must sottoporla one frightful tension. That third message; it said six days. Only six days! And now it opens the fields and grants an amnesty general. Sin that Cordon is not alive in order to see this day; sin that its disease to the liver or kidneys or what was has forced it soccombere only little hours before that... " It was interrupted brusca­mente. "" Only little hours before that the Victoria was to capacity of hand "" concluded Gram for she, reading the rest without some hard work - like from an audio tape to iron oxide - in its practically empty mind. "Be', Cordon was one species of mystic. Perhaps For­se knew it già."Sì, knew in advance payment, thought it Gram.Era one person bizzarra. Perhaps it will revive from the reign of the dead men. Oh, devil, then... we will say simply that it was not never mor­to; that cover history was one. We wanted to make to believe to Pro­voni... Good God, pensò.Cosa I am thinking? Nobody is never revived in 2100 years; and they will not begin to make it just now. After the dead women of Appleton, churches, will convene to make ul­timo an attempt with Charlotte Boyer to me? If you could put al job mine psichiatri governed to you on of she, they would know to eliminate that one its vein ferina, to render it passive... as she would have to be every woman. Nevertheless... to he he appealed to those its fuoco.Forse is que­sto that he pushes to me to find it therefore attractive, thought, that one its ve­na from sgualdrina of the slums, as he defined it Appleton. And perhaps it has been this to make taken also on he. To many men piacciono the violent women; goodness knows because? Not only the women strong, or stubborn or egotiche, but truly unbridled. I must concentrate itself on Provoni, disse.Invece to be believed next to this roba. Ventiquattr' later hours, dalGray Dinosaur reached quar­to a message, ritrasmesso from the enormous radio telescope on Mars. "We know that you have opened the fields and granted an amnesty general. Not us enough." Undoubtedly synthetic, it thought Willis Gram, examinee the message in its printed publication shape. "and we are not still resolutions to put in contact radio to us with they" churches to general Hefele, than it had carried the news. "I believe that our messages arrive to it, but that it is not in listens, perhaps for some breakdown to its receiving system or because it is not intenzionato to negotiate with we." "When it arrives to incirca to a hundred of astronomical units from we" the Gram churches, "you could not peck it with a mis­sile to multiple head? One of that they are attracts to you from... " It made a gesture. "From the life shapes" general Hefele said. "We have ses­santaquattro various types of missiles that we can put to the pro­va; I have already ordered to the portamissili ships of posizionarli in the general area where we preview to meet ilGray Dinosaur." "you do not have the more pale idea than which it is" the general area do­ve we preview to meet ilGray Dinosaur." It could be sbucato from the iperspazio in any angle of the system." "Then we say that all our armaments are ready to the u­so, not hardly its ship will be sighted. Perhaps it is bluffando. It is even returned behind alone. Exactly as it is party, ten years ago." "" Gram did not say slyly. "there is its ability to remain therefore to along in the iperspazio with that antiquated lousy car of the 2198. Not, its ship has been modified. And using a tecnolo­gia that we do not know." An other idea struck with lightning it. "God san­to... it, it and ilDinosaur, could trovarsidentro the creature; the alien can is bundled up itself around to the ship. Therefore, naturalmen­te, the hull has not been disintegrated. Provoni can be like pic­colo a parasite to the inside of a not umanoide entity, but paras­sita that it is in optimal relationships with its host. Simbiosi." Quel­l' idea seemed to it reasonable. No creature, umanoide or less, it never made something in exchange for nothing; it knew that this was one of the truth imperiture of the life, with the same certainty with which he knew just the name. "Probably vorran­no that all our race, six billions of Old Men and in se­guito we, I found myself with this creature in some species of poliencefalica gela­tina. Tests to think to us; that gliene it seems " "All we, included the Old Men, would fight until the ul­timo in order avoiding a similar perspective" we said soothed general Hefele. "To me it does not seem an idea then therefore malvagia" said Gram. "and I know, much best of you all, than what he means fusio­ne mentale."Perché you you know what telepati we make two or three times the year, pensò.Ci we re-unite all how many and we join our minds to form a single enormous composita mind, sin­golo an organism of pure intelletto that he thinks with the power of five hundred, six hundred between men and women. And it is ours momen­to of supreme joy, for all we. Also for me. Only that in this way, in the way of Provoni, tuttisarebbe­ro be inglobati in the mental fusion. Perhaps but this was not the idea of Provoni. Nevertheless... it had col­to something in the four messages, the use of pronome "we". That it seemed to indicate an agreement between he and "creatura".Non­ché a sure harmony, thought Gram.Imessaggi, although sinteti­ci, they are icy as ghiaccioli... as the children say. And the alien that door behind is only the vanguard of others mil­le, said itself morbosamente. The crew delBadger had forni­to the first victims. They would have had to arrange one plate from some part, in order to honor their memory. They had not had fear to face Provoni directly; they had tallonato ilDinosaur and they were died in the tentativo.Forse, thought Gram, with men it equips you of this courage we could also fight and win. Because an interstellar war cannot last very to along... had read it from some part. Thinking this, sen­tì leggermente better. Nicholas Appleton, after hours of fight in order to open a passage between incredible crowds, succeeded to characterize the apartment of Denny Strong. It entered in the elevator and it salted to the fiftieth plan. It knocked to the door. Hush. Then its voice, the voice of Charley, levò: "Who I haul is" "They are I" said he. "I knew that you would have come qui."Se Willis Gram did not want that we see again ourselves, it thought, it would not have do­vuto to leave us free all and two. The door was opened. Charley was here, with a swollen shirt to strisce ros­so-black, slacks, a pair of living sandals... and had on the ace layer of trick, a often comprised of the eyelash enormous. Also knowing that the eyelash was feints, it found to them fascinating. "Yes" churches she. UNDERSTOOD IT THIRD PARTY Denny Strong appeared to the flank of Charlotte Boyer. "Blank, Appleton" said with inespressiva voice. "Blank" Nick said guardingo; it remembered clearly as Denny - and Charlotte - were become you of blow crazy furious. And this time not was Earl Zeta that could help it to exit here, when people would have begun to bounce against the pa­reti. But Denny seemed calm. Therefore he was not true that that was said of the alcoholism crises? A sinusoidale oscillation between the drunkeness omicida and the ordinary good education quotidia­na... and Denny was found in bottom to one of those curves, at least for the moment. "As you knew that I would be returned here" Charley churches. "As you knew that I would be returned from Denny and we would have made peace" "I did not have an other place in which trying" it said, in logical cupo.Era tone that would be returned from Denny, pensò.Tutte my worries, my tried ones you to help it... wasted time. And probably it knew already since the beginning to it. I was only a pe­done of chess, used in order to punish Denny.Be', thought, if the argument is ended, if it is returned to house... does not remain other to make me. And it said: "They are lieto that now the things go to you therefore well." "Ehi" said Denny, "has felt of the amnesty? And of the apertu­ra of the fields? Uuuaauu!" Its leggermente swollen ace, swelled ulteriorly for the excitation; the sporgenti eyes danced around while it let go one slap on the posterior one of Charley. "and Provoni is nearly..." "you do not want to enter" Charley to Nick said, passing a brac­cio around to the life of Denny. "Not, it is not the case" said Nick. "It listens, friend" said Denny, accoccolandosi on the heels co­me if - and the air it was just that one - same making some eser­cizio of body-building. "it often does not succeed me to lose the staf­fe in that way. It wants before to us much that it becomes furious. And to discover that this place was not cleaned up... be', has been the final drop." It was moved to the inside of the room, seating on the divano. "It repairs to you." To lower voice it added: "I have one can of Hamm beer; we can drink it in three." Alcohol, thought Nick.Berrò with they, therefore then the madness will decrease on all and three. Of other song, single can was one. How much could ubria­carsi with a third party of head can? "Within solo for a moment" it said, but to push it to accetta­re I invite it was not the can of beer how much instead the presence of Charley. It until it wanted to watch had been possible. It had left a bitter sapore in mouth, to see it rappacificata with Denny; making this, in practical she it had rejected he, Nicholas Appleton. The emotion that tormented Nick was something that it had tried very rarely: the jealousy. Jealousy... and anger towards of she because it had betrayed it in that way therefore meschino; in fon­do, it had rinunciato to its moglie and to its son, he had ripu­diati them when it was removed from its apartment with to Charley. They would have had to be entirety... to the center of press of the Sixteenth Road, like he had later on uncovered. And hour, from the moment that the center had been bombed and saccheg­giato, it was returned, like a sickened cat, to that conosce­va and she understood, for how much orribile could be. Examinee its ace, however, now noticed one difference. Its ace was hard and rigid, as if the trick had been appli­cato over one metal or glass surface, however something of inorganic. Here, it was just this: although in apparen­za Charlotte he seemed friendly and sorridente, in truth it had a hard and levigata air like glass, and for this it used a lot truc­co... in order to hide this aspect, this lack of humanity. Denny, striking itself gladly on the inguine, gorgogliò: "Ehi, now we have at least six hundred pamphlets in the apartment, and without R-nessun.problema; I want to say, we do not have aspettar­ci a irruption more. And you have seen you painted the background " It had seen them, sure, that they crowded the pedestrian corsie. Indi­vidui lean, cadaverici, all orribilmente identical in their governmental uni­formi green olive... and had seen sews some to them from field that the Red Cross had prepared in order to feed them. They were dappertut­to, erranti like phantoms, with the air not to succeed to establish nes­sun contact with their new atmosphere. Devil, did not have money, a job, no place in which living; they were cuts to you outside in all the senses. The general amnesty, as Denny had remembered, had replaced in freedom all how many. "But they are not never resolutions to peck me" said Denny, the ace that made pale for a big wave of aggressive pride. "An­che if two have pecked you. That ve the spassavate ones to the center of press of the Sixteenth Road." It connected the hands in front of himself and it began to bend itself ahead and behind. To Charley it said: "and without to count that you have made of yours damned better in order it makes us to arrive a irruption between head and neck." Growing tall towards the small table pre­se the can of beer, the palpò and it agreed. "It is still enough fre­sca. Okay, here that we leave for the country of the dreams." It tore the linguetta metallic from the high part of the can. "You for first, Appleton, like our host." "Of it I will drink a goccio" said Nick; and ingollò only one small sorsata. "Fortune teller what has happened to Charley" said Denny after to have pulled one sorsata the much longest one. "Probably creeds that are here from a day or two, from when it is exited from the printing office of the Sixteenth Road. And instead it is not therefore. An hour has arrived here single makes; it has continued to scappare and to hide." "Willis Gram" said Nick with voice roca. Once again it was felt pervaso from a fear that provoked nausea, rendered it te­so and the raggelava in terrible way. "All because" Denny in lazy tone said, scherzoso, "it has these beds all in row in that he calls" the infirmary of the pa­lazzo ". But in truth... " "Enough therefore" Charley with a ringhio said, between the ser­rate jaws. "Gram has offered to them a little" rest to bed ". You knew that Gram was a type of the sort, Appleton " "Yes" stiff Nick said. "But they are scappata" said Charley; it sniggered maliciously. "It had four MP that they held to me firm, and they are scappata the same one." To Denny, it said: "You know it as I become when me ar­rabbio a lot, indeed seriously. Also you have seen to me, Nick, quan­do you have known yourself; you have seen Denny and I that we stuck ourselves, it is not true? They are not frightful " "Therefore Gram has not had" said Nick.E to you I see again to you anco­ra, rifletté.Ma... is not the same thing. I see again made up to you on mi­sura for Denny, returned to your disguises and to the shapes fasul­le. The legality is slide in your job, but the old habits remain. You want to be elegant -, at least elegant second your criteria - and want to scorrazzare of new on the Tricheco Purpureo, to speed crowds... such speeds to disintegrate the entire chassis del­la yours razzauto, if you had to meet to you with whichever thing. But pri­ma that this happens, you will amuse a world. And you two will be able to enter in one you know it of aesthetic prostetica or in one fumeria of scenera or drogabar and a reaction of anyone he will be: "That bel­la girl." And to your flank, Denny will be able to sogghignare a sogghi­gno that it says to all: "Ehi, people, watched that ganza me scope." And theirs envy will be enormous. So to speak. Raising itself in feet, Nick said: "Creed that hour me I will go some." To Charley, it said: "They are content that you are scappata to Gram. Sa­pevo that it wanted to you and I have imagined that it would have had to you. This makes to feel me very better." "It can try still" said Denny to us, sogghignando and drinking beer. "Then left this apartment" said Nicholas. "If so­no successful to find it I, they can succeed to us also." "But they do not know its address" said Denny, resting the feet on the small table; it carried two shoes of true leather... that proba­bilmente one had cost it fortune. But that it they would have con­sentito the income in all the most famous fumerie than scenera of the planet, included those of Vienna. He was therefore, and it could not makes us null. Both seemed agghindati and leccati for a turn of drogabar and fumerie. The alc several illegal activities were not their single passion... were simply one of theirs. To smoke opiate was legal, therefore, dressing themselves in a sure way and using a sure trick, they could be stirred with the particular élite ones of a world in which the New Men or the Insoliti.Tutti did not lack sure, employee governed to you included, loved the new one deriving of the opium, called scenera from the no­me of its discoverer, Wade Scenera, a New Man. It was di­ventato, like the statuette in plastic of God, a product for which all they went crazy on the entire planet. "You see Appleton," said Denny passing the can of pra­ticamente empty beer to Charley, "she door always with himself identity documents completely is made, included all the cartacce obbliga­torie..." made a gesture vague "... you understand to me, those that you must by force have with you, not like, we put, one credit card of the Union Oil. And they are all documents counterfeits to you so well that they become part to wonder in the fissures of those scatolette elet­troniche that the sporcaccioni are carried behind. It is not true, pic­cola bitch " It affectionately lengthened an arm for posarglie­lo around to the shoulders. "On the fact that is a bitch piove" said Charley to us. "And it is for that they have succeeded to spin it to me from the Fede­rale Palace." "Here riusciranno to find it" said Nick patient. In arrogant tone, and al exasperated same time, Denny said: "You feel, you I have already explained. When two to the press center have captured you... " "To who this apartment is intestate" the Nick churches. Aggrottando the forehead, Denny said: "To me." Then it was illuminated. "They do not know... for what she regards them, I do not exist. Ascol­ta, Appleton, you must more have a po' than liver; a six piagnone, a cacasotto. Boys, if lassù pits in sky, just me andreb­be not to have to you near." Laughed, but this time was one risata insultan­te, of denigration. "Six sure one that its name is not never appeared ufficialmen­te in relation to this apartment" Nick churches. "Be', has paid the rent a pair of times with a check. But I do not see just like... " "If it has signed a check" said Nick, "for this apparta­mento, its name has been inserted automatically in the compu­ter of the New Jersey. And not only its name... but also its origin. Moreover it is filed to the SP, like the rest of we. They will ask the computer of the New Jersey sputare all that that it has on you... will as an example make a control intercrossed with the information in hand the police..., there are never finds to you with on the Tricheco Purpureo in occasion of some fine " "Yes" grugnì Denny. "For speed excess." "Therefore they will have taken also its name, like witness." Denny, with the arms intercrossed, afflosciò more and more to behind against the divano, end nearly to sink to us within, and dis­se: "Yes." Nick said: "Not the servants other. They have the connection with you, then that one with this apartment, and finally single God knows what can is to us in its incartamento to the SP." A costernata expression crossed the ace of Denny, like a shadow that muovesse from right towards left. Its eyes shone churn to you and suspicious; it had the same aspect, hour, of when Nick had known it. The concoction of hatred and fear in the paternal comparisons of the authorities, symbols. Denny was riflet­tendo quickly; hour the expression on its ace changed of second in second. "But of that what could accusareme" it said roco. "God." Massaggiò the head. "alc the ideas have confused me; I do not succeed to think. How I could cavarmela? Eternal damnation... I must take something." Scomparve in the bath, beginning to frugare in the cabinet of medicinal ones. "Cloridrato of metanfetamina" said, pulling down one boccetta. "This me will schiarirà the brain. I must have the limpid brain if I want to be removed from this impiccio." "Therefore you want to remove the confusion of the alc" said Charley in cutting tone, "ingurgitando that schifezza." "it does not make me prediche!" Denny said, returning in the stay. "sopporto it; it makes me to drive crazy." To Nick, it said: "Portala via here. Charlotte, you remain with to Nick; not to try to make ritor­no the apartment here. Nick, you have of the POP with you? In order to take one room in a motel for a pair of days enough " "Task of yes" said Nick, and it was felt to envelop from a happiness big wave... was successful to put to the Denny ropes until fargli jumping the nerves. "Then it finds a motel. And not to call... probably the line to me is controlled. By now they will be ready to enter in action from a moment to the other." "Paranoico" said icy Charley. Then a glance to Nick launch and... And two neroni - police officers in black uniform, the "black spor­caccioni" as they came call to you - they entered in the apparta­mento without to graze the handle or to use a key... the door was opened wide simply in front of they. The black sporcaccione on the left showed something to Nick. "This is one its photography, getlteman" "Yes" the photo said Nick fixing. How they had had it? Instantaneous Quel­l' - a single copy - was always remained in the last drawer of its closet to house. "you will not have" said Charley to me. "you will not have to me." It was left over ver­so of they and, raising the voice tone, urlò: "Exited here!" The black sporcaccione lengthened the hand towards the gun decree laser. Its colleague made the same one. Denny jumped leans to the sporcaccione of rincalzo; rotolaro­no it clutches to you on the pavement, like cats in a zuffa territorial, in upsets of it of movements convulsi. Charley let go a soccer to the inguine of the first sporcaccione, then, raising the arm and folding it to V, such ve­locità hit it to the trachea with the appuntito bone of the elbow... the all muovendosi to one to appear to Nick like a confused vortex. After that, the sporcaccione was found again on the pavement, fighting for respi­rare, launch gemiti acute and vain to the search of one a­ria puff. "Ce will be still one" said Denny, raising itself victorious dal­la feline its zuffa. "Of under, probably, or on the roof close to the landing field. We try of over; if we succeed to go up on the Tricheco we can give the powder to one of their means. This you knew it, Appleton? I can seed also means of the poli­zia; I succeed to make the centottanta the hour." One approached the door. Nick followed it, inebetito. "they did not try you" said Denny to Charley while they salted with the elevator. "They wanted our Mr. Santità, here presen­te." "Oh" made she, with the expression of one person picked in makes it. "Be', Saint Christ... therefore we have saved he instead of me. Also it is important, not " Denny said to Nick: "I would not have them never attacks to you if you had sa­puto that they tried you. I do not know to you not even. But I have ricono­sciuto what it has tried to take the gun for first... is a command of the special forces. Therefore I have understood that they were here in order to liquidate someone." Sorrise, of a liquid smile and lumino­so that it strained to it from the great sensuali blue eyes. "you know It that co­sa I have here" It threaded a hand in the posterior pocket and of it it pulled outside one small gun. "an arm from personal defense. Manufactured dal­la Colt. It shoots a bore short 22, but with one speed of usci­ta maledettamente high. I have not had the time to use it; I was not prepared. But now it they are." The flank held the long gun until did not catch up the roof. "not to exit" Nicholas to Charley said. "I Exit before" I said Denny. "Because I have the gun." He indicated with the hand. "Eccolo here, the Tricheco. Christ, if they have detached the threads of the ignition... is better than those damned vehicle met­ta in endured motion, otherwise I will return of under and I will kill those two fottuti sporcaccioni." It exited from the elevator. A black sporcaccione sporse is given behind the parcheg­giato vehicle, aimed its tube laser against Denny and said: "Firm where six." "Ehi, agent" said Denny in cordial tone, showing the ma­ni empty. The gun was in its sleeve, hour. "That it happens? Single Vo­glio to make a stroll, all here. Still tried to embed the Cordoniti? Not sapete that... " The black sporcaccione shot with its tube laser to it. Charley pressed pulsanteuno on the commando panel del­l' the elevator; the doors were closed heavy. Premettedi­scesa then fast. The elevator fell like a pebble. Exactly ventiquattr' later hours, Kleo ignited Appleton the television set. It was the diRita hour that svampita, its pre­ferito program of half afternoon. Something that had been escogitato from sly New Men in order to induce with dolcezza the Vec­chi Men to think that their situation was not then therefore tragic... but, when the ignited screen, did not appear null. Only one series of designs to fish thorn and, from the four loudspeakers, solo the fru­scio the electrostatic scariche. It tried on an other channel. The same one. Provòtutti sessantadue the channels. Nobody transmitted. Provoni must nearly have arrived, thought. The door of the apartment was opened and Nick entered to long pas­si, going straight towards the wall closet. "yours it adores dressed" said Kleo to you. "Already, not to forget you to take them. And in bath there are still your personal things; I can put them to you in one scato it, if you want to wait for a moment." Not pro­vava temper, solo a vague anxiety provoked from the breach of their wedding, from the adventure of Nick with that Boyer from the infantile air therefore. "She is much kind from part yours" said solemn Nick. "You can always return here" said Kleo. "You have your key... uses it when you want, of day or night. Until I will live, will be always a bed for you... not mine, but a bed only for you here. Therefore you will be able to be felt more far away from me Is the distance from me that you want truly, is not therefore? That Charlotte Boyer - or chia­ma Boyd? - excuse is only one. Your main relationship is an­cora with me, even if at the moment it is negative. But you will discover that it cannot gives to you all. It is only a covered wall of trick, like a robot or something of the sort, painted so as to to sem­brare human." "an android" said he. "Not, it is not therefore. It is the tail of a vixen and a grain field. And it is the sunlight." "She leaves some pair of shoes here" said she, trying not to seem implorante, but... implorando. "they will not serve ten seems to you of shoes. You take two or three to the maximum. Of agreement " "dispiace truly" Nick said to Me, "makes you one similar what. I have not never tried adventures elsewhere... and perhaps, as you would say, I am making it now." "you become account that Bobby will be able to support a new examination, a examination without makes up? You understand this? You answer to me. The ca­pisci " Nick was immobilized fixing the screen of the television set. Of blow it left to fall its braced of dresses and race towards the televi­sore. "On all the channels it is the same one" said Kleo. "Perhaps the cable has been detached." Then it added: "Or perhaps it is Provoni." "Then it cannot be far away more than seventy million than chi­lometri." Kleo said: "Like six successful one to find an apartment for you and... that girl? With all those profughi of the riedu­cazione fields... have not already affittato all the United apartments of the Sta­ti " "We are from some friends its" said he. "you could not leave the address me" churches she. "Or the number of videofono? In the case you had to catch up you for something of im­portante. As an example, if Bobby remained hurt in some way, or... " "You are zitta" said Nick. The screen was knelt down in front of the television set, fixing. The rustling sordo of the noise bottom white man was stopped of blow. "This means that a transmitter is in function" said Nick. "They were all blocked ones, before, all how many; Provoni darkened theirs marks them. Now it will try to trasmet­tere." He turned himself towards the moglie, the reddened ace, the spalan­cati eyes and fixed like those of a bambino.O leggermente like if she were ammatti­to, he thought she alarmed. "You do not know what you mean this, true" Nick churches. "Be', I imagine that..." "Here because I leave you. Because you do not understand nothing. That co­sa it means for you the return of Provoni? The event more important than all the history! Because with he... " "the War of the Trent' years has been the event more important than all the history" said Kleo, with practical tone. It had been graduated on that period of the western culture and knew that that it said. On the screen a ace appeared: mento sporgente, sturdy arched sopraccigliari and two small and feracious eyes, like holes sca­vati in the weft of the truth, of the shell that more surrounded them trattenen­do behind the dusk buia. "They are Thors Provoni" said, and the reception was good; perhaps its voice arrived better of the imma­gine video. "Alive to the inside of a senziente organism that..." Kleo burst to laugh. "Taci!" ringhiò Nick. "" Blank, world."" scimmiottò Kleo, "" is alive and vegeto within a gigantic worm." Oh, God, but are painful; indeed... " He it schiaffeggiò, making to withdraw it under the force of its blow. Then it returned to concentrate itself on the television screen. "... between approximately trentadue hours "Provoni with voice was saying roca and measured... it had a tired out air that Nick had not never seen before in no human being. They spoke with continuous efforts, like if every single word cost an other ounce of the ener­gia vital that still remained to it "... our shielding has more re­spinto than seventy types than missiles. The body of my friend cir­conda the spaceship, and he... " Provoni pulled a deep one, vibrating re­spiro. "It knows like neutralizing them." To Kleo, than now it seated erected and the cheek with confused air was scoured, Nick said: "Trentadue hours. It will be the time that man­ca to its landing? It is therefore near? You have felt " Its voice caught up isterico level a nearly. The eyes of Kleo were filled up of tears; it was raised, it was turned sen­za to answer and scomparve in the bath in order to close itself within until it had not ended to cry. It them race behind imprecando, and stuck on the door sluice to key. "God curses to you, our screw depends from what it will make Provoni. And you are not to feel!" "you have hit to Me." "Christ" said he, overwhelmed from an uselessness sense. And he returned of race to the television set. But the image was passing and the rustling of the noise bottom white man was returned. And by now, gradually, the normal transmissions of net were riaffacciando on the scher­mo. The screen showed sir Herbert London, the main commen­tatore of the NBC. "We are remained isolates" said London to you, with its way to make calm, for ironico half and half adolescenzia­le, "in order nearly two hours. The same one is happened to all the other te­levisive nets of the world; it is worth to say, for two hours we are remained lacking in whichever shape of visual transmission, also on the private circuits sluices or, like those of the police. You have as soon as listened to Thors Provoni - or someone that it supports of being he - inform the world that between trentadue hours its spaceship, ilGray Dinosaur, will land to the center of Times Square." Turning itself towards its con­sueto it connects for the notiziari, Dave Christian, said: "Sure Thors Provoni, if he were truly he, me is appeared a lot, a lot affatica­to. While I listened to it speak and I watched its ace - segna­le the video was not therefore fort like that audio, but this is natu­rale - I have had the clean impression to watch a man spossa­to, joined to the limit of its forces, a man that has been defeated and if of it it renders account. I do not see just as it will be in a position to svol­gere a political activity of some pregio word.word of tem­po, less than it is not that one to take itself along, along perio­do of rest." "You have reason, Herb" said Dave Christian, "but it could be the alien that is with he to take care itself of the transactions... if this is the just term. Insomma, to sbrigare that one for which they are arrives to you here." "Thors Provoni" said sir Herbert, "in the case that the sap­piate ones or you have not forgotten it, it left the Earth ten years ago to bor­do of a spaceship trades modified them with a super-C motor... was same he to bring the modifications, therefore we exactly do not know of which speeds its ship is today able. Comun­que, eccolo here, of return, and to how much seems with to the alien or to the averse ones that had juror to carry with himself, its "aid" for the billions of Old Men who, to its opinion, are deals to you ingiu­stamente." "Yes, Herb" said Dave, "to that age its feelings was many forts; Provoni supported the idea that the examinations for the Service Be them were make up to you... even if an authority inquiry ester­ne did not succeed in reperire no concrete test. Therefore task that we can say with emergency that the examinations were not at all makes up to you. That that we do not know - and perhaps is just this the pun­to more vital - is if Provoni will accept to open negotiates with the Extraordinary Committee for the Public Emergency and the Prime Minister to you Gram... in other words, if all these seated getlteman met­teranno around to a table - always that this alien (ri­satina) is in a position to being based - ediscuteranno together. Or if we will be simply it attacks you of surprise between trentadue hours. Provoni supports that our government has launch a number co­spicuo of missiles in the space, to the incirca in its direction... " "Herb" interrupted it Dave, "scusami. The declaration of second Pro­voni which it and its allied one averse would have distrut­to a cospicuo and varied number of interplanetary missiles can not turn out true. The government could refute it. "succeeding" of Pro­voni in rejecting these hypothetical attacks missile can be simple propaganda, an attempt of instillare in ours men­te the idea that they possess advanced technological abilities to ours." "the successful being to block the television transmissions on tut­ta the Earth" said Herb, "demonstrates that the abilities exist; it must have been a tremendous effort, and this could explain al­meno in part the evidently tired aspect of Provoni." The commentator leaf through some pages dattiloscritte. "In the frattem­po, on all the Earth, reunions for the momen­to are being planned in which Provoni - and its friends - they will come down on ours piane­ta. The great cities, but hour had been previewed similar reunions in all that Provoni has announced its landing in Times Square, will be in that place that we will be able to wait for the highest concentration to us than crowd... persons pushed in some cases from the ideologies of the Hidden Men and from the faith in Provoni, or from simple cu­riosità. Probably, in the majority of the cases, it will be be a matter of this last one." Nick said: "It watches that small ritocchi they succeed in giving to the news. "Simple curiosity." But the government does not become account that, only returning, Provoni has already launch one revolution? The fields are empty; the examinations are not more make up to you... " Interrup­pe, while a thought struck with lightning it. "Perhaps Gram capitolerà," said slowly. That one was one what to which it - and anyone other he did not know - pensato.Una had not rendered tota­le, immediate. The redini of the government delivered to Provoni and the averse ones. But this was not in the style of Gram. Gram was a combat­tente that had opened the road until the apex, literally over a heap of cadaveri.Willis Gram will be planning its next movement, rifletté. The entire military power of the government will come concentrated in order to take of sight that only spaceship, property left at death an old one of ten years... or perhaps he was not more such. Perhaps ades­so it sparked like a God to noon. A visible God also to the dazzling light of the sun. "I will remain sluice in bath until you you will not have gone any" said piagnucolosa Kleo give behind the door sluice to key. "Well" it said. And dressed collection braced its of, dires­se towards the elevator. "They are Amos Ild" said the high man with the enormous head and cal­va, one head white woman and idrocefalica supported from thin plastic tubes much sturdy one. They tightened mano.La the its leg is humid and cold, as its eyes, thought Gram. And then pensò:Non it strikes never the eyelids. God mine, has made itself to remove the eyelids. Probably ingurgi­ta pills and work also of night, ventiquattr' hours to the day. Not there was from being astonished if the Great Ear proceeded well therefore. "one sits down, Mr. Ild" said the Prime Minister Gram. "he has been much kind one to come here, considering the valo­re immense of its job." "the agents whom they have accompanied to me here" said Ild with acute voice and stridula, "they have informed to me that Thors Provoni is returned and that will land within less than quarantotto hours. Sure que­sta matter is one much more important of the Great Ear. It says to me to voice all what it is known - or me deliveries the documen­ti that they contain all the one which turn out - on the account of the averse ones that Provoni has contacted." Gram said: "Then it believes that it is the true Provoni? And that she indeed has with himself one or more averse " "Statistically" Amos Ild said, "according to the third neutrologica order del­la, the analysis would have alone according to such dedursi risultato.Probabilmente is Provoni;probabilmente has one or more averse with himself. They say that it has darkened all the transmissions video-earthlings and that then it has transmitted is in video that in audio from its ship. Cos' other sapete " "the missiles" said Gram, "that they catch up its ship, they do not explode." "Even if they are not regulated to you in order to explode to contact but in proximity of the target" "Exact." "And it is remained in the iperspazio in order more than fifteen minuteren" "Yes" Gram said. "Then you would have dedurne that it has an alien with himself." "During the television transmission it has said that the alien" cir­condava its ship ", understands... like if it made them from shield." "Like a chioccia that protegge its eggs" said Amos Ild. "Very soon we could find all in this situation. Eggs not still schiuse under one cosmic hen." Gram said: "All have advised to me to listen to its opinion with respect to from are made." "Distruggetelo; concentrated all yours... " "we do not succeed to destroy it. That that I want from she is the ri­sposta to like we would have to react when Provoni lands and sbu­cherà from its ship... or the alien. We would have to make a last ten­tativo, while external Provoni èall' of the ship? Where the alien cannot help it? Or if we attracted it of over, here in my office, so as to to make it to only remain... where the alien potreb­be not to follow it." "and because it could not" "If it is wrapped around to its spaceship, it must weigh tonnel­late. The elevator would not carry it." "could not be one species of thin sudario? Like a veil " Ild sporse towards of he. "you have calculated the weight, the mas­sa, of its ship" "Sure. Here here." Gram frugò between a bundle of relationships, of it found one and glielo porse. "Centottantatré million tons" read Ild. "Not, it is not a" thin sudario ". Enormous mass possesses one. I understand because it wants to land in Times Square. You will have to send squares anti­sommossa to clear the area in advance payment; obvious and obligatory measure is one." "and even if it did not have sufficient space in order to land, if not on the witness of its supporters" churches irritateed Gram. "They san­no that it is arriving; they know that it will come down to died weight, with the ignited etrorockets. If they are therefore maledettamente idiot from... " Amos Ild said: "If it wants to be consulted with me, it must make that esat­tamente that I say to them. Other councilman will not consult no, will not form no other opinion. In practical, I will become the head of the government and I will behave myself as such until this crisis he will not be finished, but, naturally, every decree will carry its company. In particular I do not want that it consults the Director of the Barnes Police. And in the second place, the Extraordinary Committee for the Public Emergency would not have to consult. I will remain with she ventiquattr' hours to the day until all will not be ended; I see that it has noticed the absence of my eyelids. Yes, I take of the sulfate of zaramide. I never do not sleep... I cannot allow it to me. I have trop­pe things to make. It will moreover avoid to consult itself with the several one indivi­dui that the understood one to meet, like ago usually. I will be the uni­co to give them councils, and if this does not find it satisfactory, torne­rò to the Great Ear." "Jesus" said Gram, to high voice. One syntonized on the brain of Amos Ild, trying ulterior data. Its inner thoughts were identical to those expressing to voice; it was obvious that the mind of Ild did not work like those of the other persons, that they said a co­sa and of it they thought an other. Then it was hit from an idea that it reached dallapropria mind, something that Ild had neglected. Ild would have been to suoconsi­gliere. But Ild had not specified that luidoveva to follow its councils; therefore it was not obliged to make other that to listen to them. "I have recorded that that it has as soon as said" she said to Ild. "That that both we have said. An oral oath is a legal tie, like established in the Cobbs cause against Blaine. I swear to make as it says. And it swears to dedicate its total to me attenzio­ne; during this crisis it will not have other employer to the in­fuori of me. We are of agreement " "Of agreement" Ild said. "Hour supplies me all the relative information to Provoni. Biographical material, the jobs that it has produced during the studies, the witnesses of the notiziari; I want that all the news come transmitted to me in this building in the same moment in which they are collections from means of information. All it will come controlled from me, and I will be I to decide if they will have to be diffuse in pubbli­co or less." "But it cannot prevent that they come diffuse" said Gram. "Because it can get hold when he wants of the television channels; she can... " "I know It. I meant all the additional news to the made speeches in di­retta from Provoni in television." Ild rifletté. "Please, chie­da to its technicians ritrasmettere the last message of Provoni. I want to see it of person, immediately." Endured, on the opposite wall of the room, light appeared one; the rustling was a strong rustling of static charges... then stopped, and after a moment the ace massive and tired with Provoni appeared sul­lo screen. "They are Thors Provoni" Declared. "Alive to the inside of a senziente orga­nismo that has not absorbed to me but me it is proteggendo, like soon it will succeed also you. Between approximately trentadue hours its protection the Earth will be manifested on all and not there will be more actions than aggression. Until this moment, ours schermatu­ra has rejected more than seventy types than missiles. The body of mine ami­co encircles the spaceship, and he... "one tired pause"... it knows like neutralizing them." "This is sure" said Gram to high voice. "you do not have to fear no physical attack" said Provoni. "We will not make of the evil nobody, and nobody can make we of the ma­le. I will still speak to you... "ansimò for the hard work; its eyes were fixed, with a hardened expression "... later on." The im­magine video scomparve. Amos Ild grattò the nose rather along and said: "the travel extended in the space has nearly killed it. Probably it is the a­lieno to maintain it while still alive; without of he morirebbe. Perhaps Provoni expects that Cordon makes some speech. It knows if she is to co­noscenza of the dead women of Cordon " "She can it are syntonized themselves on some notiziario" admitted Gram. "the killing of Cordon has been a good" said Ild. "Also the opening of the fields and the general amnesty; it has pushed the Old Men to estimate in erroneous way ilquid for quo: they think to have to us earned, but the dead women of Cordon have a very mag­giore weight regarding the opening of the fields." "It believes" said Gram, "that the alien is one of those things that are attacked like spiders to the neck of people, they dig a bu­co until the advanced ganglia of the nervous system and then they control the individual like one marionette? There was an old book, much famous one, exited around to 1950, where these creatures got hold of human beings and... " "the thing happened on scale characterizes them" "" It characterizes them "? Oh, I understand, a parasite for every host. Yes, ce n' it was one for every person." "Evidently, in our case agiranno on collective scale." Ild rifletté. "Like when a magnetic tape is cancelled. The in­tera coil in a single blow, without to make to pass the tape on the te­stina of cancellation." One was based, stabilizing the enormous head with the hands during the movement. "I have intention" said lenta­mente, "to consider it a bluff." "It wants to say that not there is no alien? That it does not have finds them to you, and that is not carrying any behind one with himself " "It is carrying behind something" said Ild. "But until que­sto moment all that that we have seen he can be explained in technological key. To reject the missiles, to darken the television transmissions... makes up technicians who can have collected on some mon­do in an other stellar system. They will have reconstructed the hull of its ship in order to make it to travel more to along in the iperspazio... even in order always, if it wanted it. But I have intention to opt for the choice that the neutrologica imposes. We have not seen no alien; ergo, until we will not see it, we must presume that probably it does not exist. Probably, I say. But I must pren­dere a decision hour, for being able to set up ours defense." Gram said: "But Provoni has said that not they would have been aggression actions." "they do not give to part its. Only from part ours. And there will be. Vedia­mo... the most powerful system laser on the Coast Orients them is found to Baltimora. It can make to transfer it to New York, installing it in Ti­mes Square, before that they are passed trentadue the hours " "Task of yes" said Gram. "But we have already used laser beams against its ship in the space, and they are not you use to null." "the systems laser you furnish, as those mount to you on the ships from guer­ra" said Ild, "they emit an insignificant bundle regarding a great fixed system like what they have to Baltimora. It wants kindly to use its videofono and to give endured the ne­cessari orders? Trentadue hours are not many." Good idea seemed one; Willis Gram raised the receiver of its line number four and made to call Baltimora, met­tendosi in contact with the technicians assigned to the system laser. Of forehead to he, while it circulated instructions, Amos Ild remained seated massaggiandosi the large head, the attention concentrated on every word that Gram said. "Well" Ild said, when Gram had riappeso, "I have calculated the probabilities that Provoni had to discover a race whose ca­pacità scientific was so advanced to ours to per­mettere they of imporci their political will. Until today, the interstellar flights have characterized solodue advanced civilizations more of ours... and their superiority then therefore is not detached: perhaps a hundred of years or little more. Hour, keeps in mind who Provoni is returned with ilGray Dinosaur; this is important, because if she had truly met a so advanced race, nearly sure they would have come quia edge of one or more of their ships. Instead, it watches it; it watches its fatigue, its fati­ca. Practically blind and it is died. Not, the neutrologica us door to conclude that Provoni is bluffando; the contrary could dimostra­re with much facility, returning simply here with an averse spaceship. And in this case... " Amos Ild sogghignò "sa­rebbe be an entire fleet, in order to make an impression to us. Instead, that one is the same ship with which it is party, and the aspect that it had in the last message... " Its head oscillated violentemente; on the skull cal­vo the veins swelled, push-buttons. "it is felt well" it asked Gram. "Yes. I am resolving some problematic calculations; I pray of re­stare in Hush for some moment." The eyes without eyelids were made fixed, and Willis Gram was felt to uneasiness. Of a moment one became part in the mind of Ild, but as it often succeeded in the case of the New Men, it found processes mental that it was not in a position to se­guire. But, stavolta... it was not not even a language; sembrava­no arbitrary symbols that trasmutavano, changed shape... to the devil, it thought, and surrendered. To a feature Amos Ild it spoke: "I have reduced the probabilities to zero, using the neutrologica. It does not have no alien with himself, and the only threat that can constitute is given from the technology that some race a lot evoluta has supplied to it." "Of it is sure" "Second the neutrologica is one absolute certainty, not relati­va." "a lot with the neutrologica Can arrive" Gram churches, col­pito. "I want to say, instead indicating probability like thirty to seventy or twenty to eighty, she express to them in terms that a precog would not never succeed to use; the maximum that he you would know to for­nire would be partial probabilities, because several futu­ri alternated to you exist. But it says: "zero absolute". Then we must sem­plicemente eliminate... "in that moment understood because it was neces­sario to move the system laser of Baltimora"... only Provoni. Quel­l' man and enough." "it will be armed" said Amos Ild. "With powerful crews much, it is mounted on its ship that portable, I lean to its person. And it will be found to the inside of a some shield, of a protecting area that will move with he. We will hold it the laser of Baltimo­ra aimed against until we will not succeed to penetrate in its shield; it will morirà; the crowds of Old Men will see it to die; Cordon already is died; we are not far from the end. Between trentadue hours, all it could already be concluded." "and then the appetite will return" said Gram to me. Amos Ild said, with a light smile: "To me it seems that them it is not never lacked." You know, thought Gram addressing to if same, the fact is that I do not trust myself this matter of the "zero absolute"; perhaps I do not trust myself their neutrologica... because I do not succeed to understand it. But as they can support that an event in the future one having for for­za? All the precog with which I have spoken while still alive mine sem­pre have said that in every point of the time hundreds of possi­bilità exist... but also they do not understand the neutrologica, not essen­do New Men. It raised one of its receivers. "Miss. Knight" said, "vo­glio a urgent convocazione of all the precog that it will be possible to catch up within, we say, the next ventiquattro hours. I want that they are connected in net through of the telepati ones and, from the moment that are telepate anch' I, I will put myself in connection with tut­ti the precog; therefore I will see if, working entirety, riusciranno to elabo­rare a good index of probability. It is put endured to the job... de­ve to be made within today." Riattaccò. "it has smashed our agreement" said Amos Ild. "I wanted to only integrate the work of the precog through the telepa­ti" said Gram. "and to have theirs..." it made one pause "... opinion." "Callbacks its secretary and you cancel this demand." "They are obliged to make it" "" Amos Ild did not say. "But if it insists, I will return to the Great Orec­chio and I will continue my job here. It depends on she." Gram risollevò the receiver and said: "Miss. Knight, an­nulli that relative order to the precog, that that I have to them as soon as said." Riappese, imbronciato darkness and. To extract information from the minds of the others was the principalemodus operandi of its life; it did not succeed to it easy rinunciarci. "If it entrusts they" said Ild, "it returns behind to the calculation of the probabilities; it returns to old logic of twentieth seco­lo, a tremendous step behind; more than two hundred years." "But if you had diecimila precog it connects to you in net from telepati­ci..." "the same one to knowing would not arrive" said Amos Ild, "neppu­re the half of how much has already said I to them." "Lasciamo the things as they are" accepted Gram. Its source of information and councils had elect Amos Ild, and probabilmen­te it was the just thing from fare.Ma diecimila precog... oh, to the dia­volo, pensò.E then does not remain enough time. Ventiquattro hours... are not null. All in the same place would have to be assembled, and in spite of the efficiency of sotterra­nei means of transport ventiquattro hours would not be enough. "It has indeed intention of starsene seated here in mine uffi­cio" said to Amos Ild, "in continuation, without pauses, until the conclusion of this matter" Ild said: "I want the biographical material on Provoni; I want all the rest that I have listed to them." He seemed impaziente. With a sigh, Willis Gram pressed a push-button on its writing desk, what it put it in connection with all the prin­cipali computers scattered in the world. It very rarely used - praticamen­te nearly never - that mechanism. "virgola Provoni Thors" said. "All the material available, then a sunto based on the importan­za. With the maximum possible rapidity." It was remembered to add: "This demand has absolute priority." It removed the finger from the push-button and removed the ace from the microphone. "Five minuteren" said. Four later minuteren and means, a bundle of sheets began to gush out from one fissure in the writing desk. It was a press of all the information. Then, outlined in red, the sunto: a pair of pa­gine. It lengthened all the material to Ild without not to watch it. The reading of qualcos' other on the account of Provoni did not entice it; du­rante the last days had read, felt and seen also too many co­se that they regarded that man. Ild read the sunto at first, with one remarkable speed. "Well" churches Willis Gram. "It has formulated its pro­gnosi of the zero absolute without having this material; now that she has it, its neurological one exits some modified " "That man is an actor" said Ild. "Like many Vec­chi Men who are intelligent, but to enter not enough in the Servi­zio Be them. It is a imbroglione." He left to fall the sunto and he began to read the thick battery of sheets of the biographical material; like before, he read to fantastic speed. Then, to a feature, he frowned himself. Of new the great head similar to an egg he oscillated unstable; Amos Ild raised pensieroso one hand in order to arrest the nearly spiraliformi oscillations or­mai. "What is" Gram churches. "a given small. Small " Ild burst to laugh. "Provoni ri­fiutò the examinations publics. It does not turn out from no part that it has never supported a examination for the Service Be them." "and then" Gram churches. "I do not know" said it Ild. "Perhaps it knew that it would have failed. Or perhaps... "giocherellò with the sheets, darkness in ace"... perhaps it knew that it would have exceeds them to you. Perhaps... "it aimed its eyes without eyelids at Gram"... perhaps he is a New Man. But we cannot saper­lo." It raised the size of the material printed with a irritateed gesture. "Here it does not turn out in no way. The data is simply man­cante; no result dinessun supported vocational test from Provoni... like if not never they had been." "But there are the obbligatoli tests" said Gram. "What" "To school. They make test obbligatoti, for the intellettivo quotient and the attitudes characterize them, in order to establish which instruction channel the student would have to follow. It must have some made one every four years to the incirca, to leave from the three years of age." "Here not there are" said Ild. Gram said: "If here not there are, Provoni or someone that la­vorava on behalf its in the system scolasticoliha made to disappear." "I understand" said endured Amos Ild. "Hour its forecast of the" zero as­soluto "is disposed to withdraw that one" churches Gram acid. After a pause, in a low voice and controlled, Amos Ild it said: "Yes." Charlotte Boyer said: "fottano the authorities. I want esse­re to Times Square when he lands." He watched just the clock. "two hours Lack." Nick said: "you cannot go to us. The soldiers and the SP... " "I have felt anch' announcer" I said Charley to it. "Like you. "crowds enormous, compact of Old Men, than probabil­mente two the million graze, it is itself collection in Times Square, and..." We see, com' is that it has said? "and for their same incolumità they have been transports to you to means of football-helicopter in a surer place." Like the Idaho. You know that to Boise, in the Idaho, rie­sce not to find a single restaurant that it supplies a Chinese meal " It was raised, beginning to walk ahead and behind for the room. "Excuse" said to And Woodman, the owner of the apartment in which it and Nick had found hospitality. "You what of pen­si" And Woodman said: "It watches the TV. Those are loading all that are found from the parts of Times Square over those average dan­nati from transport 4D and they carry them in flight city outside." "But other people are arriving" said its moglie Elka. "By now ce they do not make it more to hold the rhythm; more people arrive than that one that succeeds to carry elsewhere." "I want to go" said Charley to us. "it to the TV Watches" said And Was a older man, on the group of forty, massive and of good nature, but always on who it lives. Nick had uncovered that convene to give listens to its councils. To the television, the announcer was saying: "the voices se­condo which the most large gun laser on the Coast Orients them of the United States would have been transported from Baltimora to New York, for being installed near Times Square, seem to have a real foundation. Towards the ten of this morning, hour of New York, a great object, than second some observatories the air of being had all a system complete laser, has been po­sato from aerial means on the roof of the Shafter Building, that it surpasses Times Square. If - and ripetose - the authorities had intention to use a bundle laser the much powerful against Provoni or its spaceship, this would be the point more indicated in order to install one similar arm laser." "they cannot prevent me to go" said Charley here. And Woodman, ruotando on its seat in order to watch it, dis­se: "Yes, sure that can. They are using reassuring gas; them then stivano addormentano all how many and over those large ones tra­sporti 4D like many quarters of manzo." "It is by now clear" said the television announcer, "than the mo­mento of the final comparison it will be had when, after to be landed with its ship, and presuming that that happens, Thors Provoni will exit from the ship in order to exhibit itself of forehead to the adoring public that undoubtedly it expects. Its disappointment will be then, like can say, acute? It will not find nobody here, only police and bar­ricate of the army." The announcer made an amiable smile. "You want the line, Bob" "Yes" Bob Grizwald, an other member of the innumerevo­le said armed - not much various one from a flock of moscerini - with the television commentators, "Provoni is destined to one large delu­sione. Nobody, I repeat: nobody will be able to be approached its ship." "That gun laser mounted in top to the Shafter Building could dargli a warm welcome" said the first one annunciato­re; Nick had not seized its name, but the thing was not im­portante... was all interchanging men, all calm, all to they comfort, incapable to lose their phlegm also of forehead to the worse one of the calamities. The only emotion that was concurred to leave to trapelare was rare sorrisetto a every a lot. Like face­vano hour. Charley said: "I hope that Provoni sweeps via all New York." "With to seventy million Old Men" Nick churches. And Woodman said: "Six too much cruel one, Charlotte. If the averse ones have come to destroy our cities, this wants to say that the Old Men instead of the New Men will destroy, than if they are some here outside in campaign on their aerial rafts. And this would not coincide of sure with desires of Provoni. Not, they are not the cities that they want... is the system. With of the structures that they govern." Nick said to it: "If you pits a New Man, And, sare­sti now nervous" "I would be nervous" said And, "if that gun laser not pro­curasse the some damage. In truth I would be nervous however. But not nervous like a New Man, not, sure who not. If pits a Nuo­vo or an Unusual one, and you saw the bundle laser to bounce I lean to Provoni, I would try a hole in which hiding; I would not succeed to remove to me enough in a hurry. But probably they do not think it therefore; they have governed in order much time, had the power in order much time, than the idea to try a hole in which nasconder­si, literally and physically, he would not never graze theirs men­te." "If they communicated truly all the news" said strict Elka, "they would say also how many New ones and Unusual they have left New York in last the eight or nine hours. He can himself be seen now also, watched." He indicated outside from the window. The sky was blackened from one tide of dots. All razzauto that they went away from the center of the city: their ancient one and accustoms them territory. "Passing to other news" the announcer said, "there is reached the official communication that celebre theoretical and the constructor of the Great Ear, the first telepathic entity electronic, the New Man Amos Ild, has received a special assignment from the Prime Minister Gram. The denomination of this loads is "Con­sigliere of the Prime Minister". News committees from the enormous Federal Palace of Washington... " And Woodman extinguished the apparatus. "Because you have extinguished" Elka churches, high and snella in its panta­loni rigonfi and the net blouse from peach, the hats red bron­zo that end came down them on the neck. Under a sure point of view, it had noticed Nick, it was similar Charley. They were friends, had uncovered, since the times of the school; in practical since the level To, that it corresponded to the years of infancy. "Amos Ild" said Woodman. "Here a truly strange type. They are years that I am interested he; Christ, is considered one of the three perhaps or four more brilliant men of the entire system solare.Nessuno understand its thought, except those two or three that apparten­gono to its same class... or that arrive close to its clas­se, I would have to say. He is... "made a gesture vague"... one unscrewed." "But we cannot know it with certainty" said Elka. "we are not in a position to following its neutrologica." "But if also the other New Men do not succeed to understand it..." "Einstein has been found in the same situation with its Theory of the Unified Field" said Nick. "the theory of Einstein on the Unified Field came theoretically comprised, but they wanted vent' years to us perdimostrarla." "Be', when the Great Ear is ended, we will know what to think about Ild" said Elka. "we will very know It before then" said And. "we will know It being to watch that decisions take the government in this crisis of Provoni." "You six never be a Hidden Man" did not say Nick to And. "I fear just not. Too much fifone." "and this makes you to come it wants to fight" Charley churches, av­vicinandosi in order to instill if same in their conversation. "To fight? Against the government? Against the SP and the army " "We have an aid" said Nick. "the aid of the not-earthlings. Those that Provoni door with himself... or at least therefore supports." "Probably it says the true one" said And Woodman. "It would be absurd to return on the Earth to empty hands." "It threads the jacket" said Charley to you to Nick. "We fly to Times Square. Or you come with me, or between we two are ended." It threaded its, a jacket of crude skin, marched until the door of the appartamen­to, she opened it and it remained firm here. And Woodman said: "Be', you can fly end here, and a helicopter of the SP or the soldiers you bloccherà with a beam drawer and will make you to come down. Then they will thread the name of Nick in their sco­priranno computers and that figure in the list of the liquidabili of the black sporcaccioni. Therefore they will talk nonsense to it, and you will be able to return some to you here." Ruotando on if same, like around to a vertical axis, Char­ley re-entered in the apartment and riappese its jacket. Its lab­bra carnose imbronciata sporgevano in a smorfia, but its cer­vello yielded to logic. After all, he was for that if of sta­vano he hides to you in house of friends, friends who it did not see from two years. "I do not understand," said Charley. "Because they wanted to kill Nick? If the target pits be I - and we have thought all to it, in that moment - would succeed also to comprise it, because that old caprone he has uselessly tried to thread to me in one of its beds of "infirmary" for convalescenti girls... but Nick... he had already left you free. Then it did not feel the necessity to kill to you; six exited calm one from the building, free like the air that we breathe." "I task of knowing because" Elka Woodman said. "the idea to leave you to go could also accept it, in himself; but it knew where you would have gone: you would be returned from he. And it had reason; you have made." "I have seen she with to Denny" said Nick. "If Denny..." De­cise not to finish frase.Se the Denny was still alive, Charley would be with he, not with me, thought. And this was not a pen­siero that it appealed to to it. But however now he had a opportuni­tà, and many men before he, in similar situations, were themselves fat­ti ahead in order to be useful of. It made part of the battle for the pos­sesso sexual, always planned with cure from the experts of the set­tore, was the syndrome of "watched who me scope I" lead al­la its logical conclusion: the opposition had been liquidata.Po­vero Denny, thought. Denny was therefore sure that if they were resolutions to go up on the Tricheco Purpureo he could have made it us, and sal­varli all and three. Perhaps ce it would have made it. They would not never have it sa­puto, because they had decided not to let to flatter from the Tricheco; for how much of it they knew he and Charley, it was found anco­ra on the roof of the palace, here where Denny had left it. It would have been too much dangerous to return behind. They were fug­giti on foot, getting lost between the crowd of freed Old Men and detenu­ti from the fields; New York, in last the two days, was di­ventata a compact mass of humanity that flowed, like one ma­rea, towards Times Square, it broke up against the cliffs that were the barricades of the SP and the army, and then flowed back behind. Or capacity via in flight came, single God knew where. In bottom, Willis Gram had only promised to open the old fields... had not promised not to construct any of new. Charley churches in aggressive tone: "At least we will watch it to the TV, or neanche this" "Sure" it said And Woodman, chinandosi in ahead and allaccian­do the hands in means to the ginocchia. "To get lost the show it is fuo­ri issue; they have planted television cameras on all the roofs of that one zo­na. We hope that in this Provoni occasion it does not decide to darken still all the channels." "I hope that the face" said Elka. "I want to feel to speak it." "it will be made to feel" said Nick. Of it was sure. "We will see all, we will feel all. But not as they have established the television nets." "Not there is a law that prohibits the interferences in trasmissio­ni the TV" Elka churches. "I want to say, it has not smashed the law quan­do it has darkened all the nets and it has transmitted from its ship" "Oh, God" said Charley sniggering, and hand was covered the eyes with one. "Not fateci case, but is too much amusing. Provoni ri­torna after ten years with a monster of an other stellar system in order to save, and comes arrested to us in order to have manomesso the reception of the television programs. Here as they can be gotten rid of he; this renders it a criminal searched!" By now, Nick thought, lacks less than an hour and means. And for all this time, rifletté, while the Gray Dinosaursi approaches the Earth, they continue to shoot at it of missiles. They have stopped to speak of to the public: they know that the missiles do not obtain no result. But a missile exists a probability matemati­cache succeeds to exceed in some way the shield of the ship, of any kind it is, perhaps than the creature "in which the ship is wrapped" it tires or it becomes in some way inef­ficace... only for a moment, but in that moment also a small missile would probably succeed polverizzare the Dino­saur. If not other the government us test, said accigliato.Com' is right that they make, from their point of view. "You relight the television set" said Charley. And Woodman made it. On the screen an old interstellar ship, with the flaming etrorockets, was being lowered towards the desert center of Ti­mes Square. One antiquated ship, corroded and butterata, with smozzicati pieces of sporgevano metal that here and here: the rests of siste­ma of working sensors a time. "it has Them frigates!" Woodman said And. "It is in advance payment of an hour and means! Their gun laser will be already ready to talk nonsense? God, has ruined all their calculations! They completely have drunk the sto­ria of trentadue the hours!" Razzauto and helicopters of the police went away like mo­scerini dancing, trying to avoid flames of the etrorockets. To earth, soldiers and agents of the SP escaped of race, trying ripa­ro. "the bundle laser" said And Woodman with inespressiva voice, the fixed eyes on the screen. "Dov' is" "You want just to see it" it asked Elka. "Sooner or later they will make it to work" said And. "Better than the test it happens endured. Jesus, those poor bastards; they will be cor­rendo on the roof of the Shafter Building like many ants." From the roof of the Shafter Building a red bundle of energy wriggled with millimetrica precision towards the ship by now landed. Also in television they succeeded to feel its furious gemito one while it was loaded, increasing more and more in intensità.Ormai must be nearly to full power, thought Nick.E... the intact ship rima­neva. Something of enormous and orribile was materialized around to the ship, and it understood of what dealt itself. They were seeing the creature aliena.Sembra a snail, thought. Increspò leggermente, al­lungò two pseudopodi, and seemed to flow more directly under fa­scio of the laser beam... and while the beam hit it, he became larger and more tangibile.Si nutre of the laser, comprised Nick.Più to along the colpiranno ones with that beam, more fort will become. The television, abashed announcer for before turns its while still alive, exclaimed: "He seems that the laser the face to grow." Its colleague took part: "a creature of an other system stellar, impossible to believe itself here, but eccola. She must weigh mi­gliaia of tons; the ship has inglobato... " The hatch of the ship slipped of side. Thors Provoni, with I lean a indumento gray that sembra­va a linen head, exited to the open, without helmet and ar­mi. The laser beam, maneuvered from the technicians who controlled it, was moved until centering Provoni. Not happened null. Provoni remained undamaged. Nick, strizzando the eyes, saw a structure to shape of stretches, similar to a ragnatela, that it covered Provoni. Coming from from the a­lieno. The boys of the laser did not have fortune. "it was not a bluff" said Elka in soothed tone. "creature with himself has carried one." "and she has an enormous power" said And with voice roca. "you become account of the power of that laser beam? Calculated in erg... " To Nick, Charley said: "What will make now? Now that the gun laser has not worked " The voice of the announcer was abruptly interrupted to half of one phrase. On the screen, in feet beside its ship, Thors Provoni it raised a microphone to the labbra. "Blank" it said, and its voice exited from the television set; obviously Provoni was not trusted the television nets: once again one had gotten hold of the several one cana­li, but this time only for the audio part. The image pro­veniva video still from the land television cameras. Nick said: "Blank, Provoni. It has been along travel." "its name" said Provoni in the microphone, "is Morgo Rahn Wilc. I want dirvi something preciser on its account. First of all this. It is ancient. It is telepathic. And he is my friend." Nick was detached from the television set, went in the bath and taken some pìllola from the cabinet; it chose a cloridrato pair of compressed of of fenmetrazina, it swallowed, then it added one to them compressed from ven­ticinque milligrammi of cloridrato of clordiazepossido. It discovered that the hands shook it; it made hard work to resist the glass of ac­qua and then it made hard work to swallow the compressed ones. Charley appeared on the door of the bath. "I have need of qual­cosa. What me councils " "Fenmetrazina and clordiazepossido" said he. "Fifty mil­ligrammi of first and venticinque of the second." "But one pulls on and the other throws down" said she. "But good combination is one; the intensi­fica clordiazepossido the cerebral ability to corteccia, while the fenmetrazi­na it stimulates the thalamus, giving a beautiful charge to the gene­rale metabolism of the brain." Agreing, it taken the pills that it advised. Scrollando the head, And Woodman entered in its turn in bath and taken various pills from the rows of flaconi. "Accidents" said. "they just do not succeed to kill it; it does not want to know some to die. And that thing eats energy; they are cramming to every secon­do that it passes, those bastard stupiden. Between an other half hour he will have become large like Brooklyn; it is like pompare air in a pal­lone infinitely large that cannot burst." From the television set, Thors Provoni was saying: "... I have not never seen its world. There are meets to you in the external space; it was of patrol and has collected marks them radios automati to us that my ship transmitted. Here, in the external space, he has reconstructed my ship telepathic, consulting itself with its siblings on Frolix 8, and has received the permission to accompany to me in my travel of return. It is only one between many. Task that it is in a position to making that that it is necessary to make. If it did not succeed to us alone, there are al­tri hundreds and more like he that they wait for to a light year of distance. On able ships to travel in the iperspazio. Therefore, if necessa­rio, they could here be in short time." "Now it is bluffando" said And Woodman. "If they are able to travel in the iperspazio, then also Provoni and this thing would have made it; instead, they are arrives to you in the normal space, also using one super-C propulsion." "But" Nick said, "he has used its ship, ilGray Dinosaur. Their ships could be constructed for the iperspazio; ilDino­saur not." "Then you it creeds" Elka churches. "Yes" Nick said. "the creed anch' I" said And Woodman, "but it is a gigione. This history is made alive with eight hours of advance payment... has picked all of surprise, and without doubt it has been deliberated. And now if of rima­ne to take to billions of volt of scariche laser here. And its "ami­co", Morgo something; it has let out and it holds it in extension, in order to make an impression to us." Then it added, acid: "and personally they are im­pressionato." Charley went to the window of the stay, opened it, sporse in outside and is screaied: "Ehi, you have intention to eat all New to you York? It does not come in mind to make it to you, understood " The window, the ace lacking in whichever expression richiuse. "This would have to make to reflect it" said Nick. "New York is the city where they are been born" said Charley. Of col­po, one pressed the fingers against the forehead. "I have felt something. Co­me... a contact, something that sondava to me. That me attraver­sava the mind and then if went some." Acutely, with I wriggle of intuito instinctive, Nick said: "it is trying the New Men." "Oh, God" gemette Elka. "I to It have felt anch', only for a moment. It is cercandodavvero the New ones. Which thing will make some? Liqui­derà them? If they deserve it? They have not never liquidated we." "Denny has liquidated" said it Charley. "and with me, so­no gone us near; in order they have little not talked nonsense to me in the Fe­derale Palace. And they have sent of the murders to liquidate Nick. If you - as it is said? - it extrapolates these data... " "It is a high percentage" said Nick.E then is Cordon, dis­se.Gli will have been gone off, probably. We will not never know it... except the fact that is died. Provoni will know it already? chiese.Dio us aids, could lose the head. On the audio circuit of the television set, Provoni said: "Sintonizzan­doci on the land transmissions, we have known of the dead women of Eric Cordon." Its massive ace rattrappì, like if it wanted to be withdrawn in if same for the pain. "Within an hour, we will know the circumstances - those real ones, not those transmitted from means of infor­mazione - of its dead women, and then we..." It made a pausa.Si is consulting with the alien, thought Nick. "We..." Of new one pau­sa. "the time will say it" said finally, enigmatic, the great head chi­nata in ahead and the eyes sluices; brivido convulso contorse lineamenti, like if it tried to hard work, with great hard work, of ri­prendere the control of himself. "Willis Gram" said Nick. "Here who has been. Here from who it is reached the order. Provoni this knows it; it knows where to try. The liqui­dazione of Cordon will give a new color to all that that succede­rà from this moment in then, to all that that Provoni will make or say; and to what its friend will make. It is the sentence of our dominant classes; creed that Provoni is the type of man... " "we do not know which effect can have had the alien on he" pointed out And. "It could moderate the bitterness and hatred of Provoni." To Elka, it said: "When sondato your mind, you he has seemed... cruel? Hostile? Destructive " It rifletté, then watched Charley. It made signal not with the head. "she does not seem" said Elka to me. "strange one has been alone... much. And it tried something that it has not found in me. Therefore it is passed beyond. It is lasted only one fraction of second." "Succeeded to imagine that thing" said Nick, "that probe hundred of minds? Perhaps migliaia? All in a single blow " And it said sottovoce: "Perhaps million." "In therefore little time" Nick churches. Charley, with irritateed voice, said: "I feel myself schifosamente. I feel myself like if same in order arriving the period to me. I go to spread to me." Scomparve in the bedroom; the door sluices to its shoulders. "Hurting, Mr. Lincoln" said And Woodman, "but now I do not have just the time to listen to the notes that he has prepared for its speech for Gettysburg." Its voice was hard and sarca­stica, and its ace had been made of a red furente. Nick said: "It has fear; here because it is sluice here within. For she it is too much. It is not too much also for you, in bottom? You are affrontan­do this situation in intellectual way, but emotionally you it does not seem to try little or null? I see the screen; I know what I am seeing, but... "it made a gesture"... only the frontal lobe of my brain comprises that that I see. And I feel." It went until the door of the room and the socchiuse. It was extended on the bed, the body that formed a strange angle, the turned ace on one side, the spa­lancati eyes. Nick entered, richiuse the door behind of himself, it approached themselves len­tamente and it seated on the edge of the bed. "I know that cos' he has intention to make" I said she. "Seriously" "Yes." It agreed, the inespressivo ace. "She wants to replace some you leave of their minds and then to withdraw itself, leaving the null one. The empty one. They will live like empty shells. Like one lobotomia. Memories to scuo­la, when we read of the foolish psychiatric techniques of the twentieth century? It decerebrates to you, here like those doctors riduceva­no their patients. That thing will eliminate the Nodules of Rogers and very other... will not be pleased to render them like we simply. It has not been the thing to influence Provoni; he has been he to convincer­la." "This as you know it" Nick churches. "Be', is not one long history. Two years ago I have counterfeited a series of complete examinations to G-Due level... obtaining turns out to you sod­disfacenti. Therefore, for some time, I have had approached the archi­vi governed to you, and once, for pure divertimento, I have asked in­formazioni on Provoni, the so-called "dossier Provoni", and me they are carried to house, hidden under the jacket... were nearly all microfilms. And they have been raised all the night to read it." Spie­gò better. "I read a lot slowly." "and he that type is? Vendicativo " "it is obsessed. He is that that Cordon was not; Cordon was a uo­mo rations them, a political figure rations them, to which it was capitato of living in a society where the dissent was not allowed. In al­tra a society she would have become a great statesman. But Provoni... " "Ten years can have changed it" pointed out them Nick. "Living alone in order nearly all this time... it must have made much introspection and autoanalisi." "But you have not felt it today? Little ago " "" it, sincere did not say. "they have been fired and fined of 350 POP, and this has com­portato my schedatura. After that I have added to other crimes al­la my penal criminal record." It remained silent for a moment. "It is suc­cesso also to Denny. Also it had made some slide." He raised the head. "He returns to watch the TV. Please. If you do not make it, you obligate to me to come here and this I cannot indeed make it, therefore you go to us, of agreement " "Of agreement" it said. He left the room, bringing back its at­tenzione on the television set. Charley has ragione?si chiese.Circa Provoni, on the type of man who is? It is not what it was felt to say... from the banns de­gli Hidden Men. But if it thought it in this way, as it has been able to become one Cordonita, to distribute and to sell its pamphlets? But those were pamphlets of Cordon, rifletté.Forse Cordon appealed to them to the point to gain its diffidenza towards Provoni. In name of God, it thought, I hope that mistakes on that vorreb­bero to make oneself the New Men... lobotomizzarli, all how many, ten million! Comprised the Unusual ones. Like Willis Gram. Something swept it the inside of the mind, a wind that pare­va exited from hell. Were pressed the hands on the forehead, chinando­si in two for... the pain? It was not pain; more one species than strange feeling, that one of sbirciare down in an enormous black sink and then, a lot slowly, beginning to fall to us within to the rallenta­tore. The blow feeling scomparve. "hardly they have been sondato" said with voice malferma. "Cos' you have felt" Elka churches. Nick said: "the universe completely lacking in stars has shown Me. I do not want never more to see it until field." And Woodman said: "Listened. To tenth slowly of a this palace alive New of low level... apartment BB293 KC. I want to come down from he." One headed towards the door. "Nobody wants to come? Even you, Nick " "I come" said Nick. Seguì And Woodman, catching up it sul­la carpet runner of the silent corridor. "sondando" said And while they caught up the elevator and it pressed the call push-button. He indicated the doors of several the ap­partamenti, the rows and rows of doors that filled up that single edi­ficio. "Behind ognuna of these doors, that thing sondando. God knows like dev' being for some of they; here because I want to ve­dere this New one... Marshall, creed that is called. Once it has said to me of being a G-Cinque. Therefore you understand that much small is a fish; this explains because it lives in a full palace in maximum part of Old Men." The elevator arrived; they entered and they came down. "You feel, Appleton" said Nick. "I have fear. Anch' I have been sondato, but I have not said null. It is trying something and in we four it has not found it, but elsewhere it could succeed to us. And I vo­glio to know that what makes when it finds it." The elevator was stopped; they exited in the corridor. "From this part" Woodman said, avan­zando to steps svelti; Nick hurried in order not to let distanzia­re. "BB293KC. It is here in bottom." One headed towards the door, the rag­giunse, was stopped; Nick caught up it. And Woodman Knocked. No answer. It turned the handle. The door was opened. Cautiously, And Woodman pushed the door, watched within, then was removed from the visual one of Nick. On the pavement, to legs intercrossed, seated a man snello with one black small beard, dressed with expensive dresses inhashair. "Mr. Marshall" Woodman said flat And. The man snello and from the dark skin raised its head swollen, similar to a football; he observed them, sorridente. But he did not speak. "With that what is playing, Mr. Marshall" churches And Wo­odman, chinandosi in ahead. Then it was turned towards Nick. "frullato­re an electrical worker. It is making to turn the shovels with the fingers." He straightened himself. "G-Cinque. To incirca the eight times our mental abilities. Co­munque, is not suffering." Approaching itself, Nick said: "It can speak, Mr. Marshall? Can dirci something? As it is felt " Marshall began to cry. "You see" said And, "still has emotions, feelings, even thoughts. But it is not in a position to expressing them. I have seen persons in hospital after an apopletic stroke, when they do not succeed in par­lare, they cannot communicate in no way, and cry pro­prio therefore. If the lasciamo alone it will be resumed." Entirety, And and Nick left the apartment; the door chiu­se behind of they. "I have need of some other pill" said Nick. "You can suggest something of profit, truly useful, sights to me the circumstances" "Cloridrato of desipramina" said And. "You of it I will give to some del­le mine, I have noticed that of these you do not have any." They caught up the elevator and they will press the gone back push-button of. "It will be better not to say it to the women" said And, while they salted. "they will know It equally very soon" said Nick. "sapran­no the all. If it is succeeding wherever." "Here we are near Times Square" said And. "It can are given that sondando in circles concentrates to us; Marshall has been pecked ades­so, but to the New ones in the Jersey it could touch only tomorrow." The a­scensore was stopped. "Or the next week. They can want me­si to us, and in this meantime Amos Ild - it is the solo that can succeed to us - something could escogitare." "You want that she succeeds to us" Nick churches, while they exited from the a­scensore. The light in the eyes of And Woodman tremolò. "This..." "This is a decision difficult to take... for you" said Nick, completing the uncertain phrase of And. "and you that of tasks" Nick said: "I could not more be satisfied than therefore." Entirety, returned in their apartment. Nobody of the two spoke: a wall was come down between they two. Simply not there was nuller than which to speak. And both the men knew it. "Someone will have to take cure of they" said Elka Wood­man. It had known to extract a report of the conditions of si­gnor Marshall from all and two. "But we are billions; we can make it. They can themselves be created of the centers for they, as of the fields gio­co. With dormitories. And ready meal." Charley seated on the divano, silently intenta to unravel seams of one skirt. It had an annoyed expression, of di­sapprovazione; Nick of it ignored the reason, and at the moment the co­sa it did not interest to it very. "If it is just necessary to make it" said And Woodman, "not po­trebbe to make it slowly? So as to to leave the time us of provve­dere to the attendance? They can die of hunger or is made to invest from a razzauto, are like babies." "the extreme vendetta" mormorò Nick. "Yes" Elka said. "But we cannot leave them to die therefore im­potenti and..." it made a gesture "... it delays to you." "" It delays "" said Nick.Sì to you, here what they were, not like children, but like cerebrolesi children. This explained the frustration of Marshall when they had tried of fargli of the questions. Because it was be a matter unquestionably of cerebral lesions. The lo­rocerebellum had been manomesso from the inside, from the thing that sondati them. The television set, always ignited, now diffused the voice of the so­lito announcer of the net: "... it has been alone twelve hours ago that the famous physicist Amos Ild, name from the Prime Minister Gram its special councilman in this crisis, has foretold to all the re-united television nets that not was no possibility - ripe­to: no possibility - that Thors Provoni had carried with himself in its travel of return on the Earth a shape of averse life." For before the time, Nick felt one authentic temper in the voice of the announcer. "It would seem that the Prime Minister has made excessive confidence on who... com' is that espressio­ne? Who believes to know it longer of its horse, or something of the sort; I do not know it. God of the sky." On the screen, the announcer chinò the head. "Us it seemed - we, at least, have seen it therefore - one good idea, that one of the laser of Baltimora aimed at the por­tello delDinosaur. But now, rethinking to us, I imagine too much that fos­se simple. Provoni sure would not have let to liqui­dare in that way, after ten years passes to you in the space. Morgo Rahn Wilc, we do not know if it is the name or the title it of the alien." Distogliendo the ace from the microphone, the announcer said outside to qual­cuno field: "For before the time while still alive mine, is happy for not being a New Man." She did not seem to become account that its words came all over the world transmitted, and gliene it did not import: it remained seated to scour the eyes, scuoten­do the head, without to say null. Then its image scomparve and an other announcer, than evidently had been called to sosti­tuire the first one, appeared. It had a serious expression. "the damages to the neurological woven ones delibera­tamente seem to have been..." began, but to that point Charley taken Nick for hand and removed it from the television set. "I want to feel" said he. "Ce we go some to go around" said Charley. "Because" "Instead of starsene seated here around to the television set feeling all squinternati. We will go to make one run. With the Tricheco Pur­pureo." "You want to say to return here where they have killed Denny" Fis­sò with total the incredulità. "Probably the black sporcaccioni will have left someone lain in wait for, a alarm system..." "Now the thing does not interest more" said soothed Charley to it. "First of all, they have been recalls all to you in order to hold under con­trollo the crowd, and in the second place, if I do not go to go around on the Tricheco for some minute, a lot up and much fast one, pro­babilmente I will try to kill. I say seriously, Nick." "It goes well" said he. In a sure sense it had reason: he was inu­tile starsene lì, glue you to the television set. "But as we arrive ourselves lag­giù" "With the razzauto of And" Charley said. "And, we can pren­dere yours on loan razzauto? In order to make a stroll " "Sure." And it lengthened they them keys. perhaps "But you will have need of fuel." Entirety, Nick and Charley salted the scales until the roof: two plans were alone, therefore the elevator was not necessary. For qual­che tiny, nobody of the two spoke; they were concentrated on the ricer­ca of the razzauto of And. Salted to edge, arranged behind the bar, Nick it said: "you would have had dirgli where we go. And of the Tricheco." "Because to make to worry it" That one was its only complete answer; it did not add other. Nick carried the razzauto on in the sky; now, the air was pratica­mente lacking in traffic. After a po', they balanced over the old palace of Charley. Here, on the field of landing over the roof, it detached the Tricheco Purpureo. "I must come down here" the Nick churches. "Yes." It watched around. "I do not see nobody in turn. On the se­rio, Nick, by now does not import more to nobody. It is the end of all. The end of the SP, Gram, Amos Ild... you succeed to imagine what will make that thing when it will arrive to he " Nick extinguished the motor and glided down silent until putting down itself accan­to to the Tricheco. Until that moment, all it seemed to spin smooth. Come down Charley in a hurry, the key in hand; it went to the door of the Tricheco, inserted the key. The door was opened; it threaded itself su­bito behind the bar, making sign to Nick to open the other portie­ra. "Sbrigati" said. "I feel to play an alarm, probably to flat earth. But what ce of frega, by now " Sul­l' feraciously accelerating Pigiò, and the Tricheco jumped towards the high, sailing obli­quo like one rondine exited from a granary, like a launch disc sotti­le in the air. "It watches behind" said Charley, "and you see if someone follows to us." It obeyed. "Nobody in sight." "I will make some maneuver evasive" said she, "like chiama­va the Denny. We knew to make a bag of spirals and Immelmann. Roba indeed strongly." The razzauto it beat, going back rombante in a canyon between high condomini. "It listens to music of these jets" it said Charley, and it still pressed more the pedal of the accelera­tore. "If guides therefore" said he, "we will find some policeman al­le ribs." It turned the head towards of he. "But capisci?A they now do not import. The entire system, all that that they had to pro­teggere... is disappeared. Their advanced ones are like the man who you and And you have found of under." "You know" said he, "six changed from when I have known to you." From a pair of days, it was corrected. The amazing vitalità was scom­parsa in she; it had become hard in nearly gross way: it used an­cora its trick, but now mask had become one com­pleta, inanimata. It had already noticed before, but now the thing seemed to go up from deeper levels much. All in she, also when it spoke or muoveva, it seemed inanimato. Like if or­mai it did not try nuller, pensò.Ma you reflect on how much is succes­so, disse:prima the attack of the SP to the center of press of the Se­dicesima Road, then its orribile encounter with that monster in heat of Willis Gram, then the dead women of Denny. And now this. It did not remain to them nuller with which trying feelings. Like if it read to it in the thought, Charley said: "I do not know to gui­dare this coso as it guided it Denny. It was an ace like pilot; he arrived until centottanta... " "In city" Nick churches. "In means to the traffic" "On the great highway lines" Charley said. "I do not know as you have made not to never kill to you." Its guide terribly put it to uneasiness; for degrees, she had conti­nuato to increase the speed. The tachimetro she marked centonovanta. For he speed than more sufficient was one. "You know" said Charley, holding tightened the bar with both the hands and fixing straight in front of himself, "Denny was an intellectual, one true. It had read to all pamphlets and the tests of Cordon, all which he had written. Of it was much fierce one; it made to feel advanced to anyone other. You know what said of usual? That it - Denny - could not never mistake, and that once had a pre­messa, it was in a position to estrarne deductions of one emergency asso­luta." It slowed down, directing razzauto down in one the lateral road between lower buildings. Hour seemed to have in mind a destinazio­ne... before had guided only for the taste to fly, but now it slowed down still and come down of quota. Nick watched of under, saw one public square lacking in constructions. "Central Park" said she, lanciandogli a glance. "never you had been here" "" it did not say. "I did not believe that it still existed." "the greater part has not been reduced to a single acre. But there is still grass; it is always a park." With serious voice, it said: "Denny and I have it uncovered a day for case, while we went around much late, towards the four of morning. He has conquered to us endured, not hardly we have seen it. We will land here." The razzau­to she lowered herself, slowing down until balancing nearly to half air, and infi­ne it allowed rubbers to touch the land. The razzauto, with the wings richiuse, became of blow a vehicle from surface. Opening the door from its side, come down Charley; Nick imitated it, and remained astounded from the consistency of the grass under its feet. Its had not never walked on the grass while still alive. "As they are your rubbers" churches. "What" "Is a risolcatore, memories? If they give one torch to me, I will give oc­chiata and I will see if someone is reconstructed. Could cost to you the life, you of it renders account? To have one reconstructed rubber without to know it." Charley extended on the grass, the arms folded behind the head. "my rubbers are to place" said. "We only use the Tricheco of night, when there is space in order to fly free. We do not use it of day like means of surface except in the emergency cases. Like what Denny has killed." Then it remained silent for pa­recchi tiny, simply extended on the cold and humid grass fixing stars. "Here nobody does not come" Nick churches. "Never. They would have already cancelled completely, but Gram has a weak person for this place. It seems that from child it has gio­cato here." It raised the head and it said in astonished tone: "You succeed in im­maginarti Willis Gram from child? Or Provoni, even? You know because I have carried to you here? For being able to make the love." "Oh" said he. "six not been strange" "It is from when we have known itself that this idea us frulla for the head" said he. At least for how much it regarded he, was true; she suspected that also for she it was the same one, but naturally it could always deny it. "I to you Can undress" churches she, frugandogli in the pockets del­la jacket in order to control if it had something of value that could fall outside and go lost in means to the grass. "the keys of the razzauto" the churches. "Identicarte? Oh, to the devil. You put yourself sedu­to." It obeyed, and it removed it the jacket, arranging it with cure on the land beside the head of he. "Now the shirt" said she, and also that one came removed. Until, to the end, she was she to begin to undress itself. "That small breasts you have" said he, seeing it to the fioco chiarore of stars. "You feel" said she abruptly, "is not that it will come to you to cost something." This melted it the heart. "Not, sure, I know it" said. "But I do not want that you make it for..." Hand put down one on the shoulder. "It is only that you have already made it, here, with Denny."Per you, thought, can be like to the old times, but in my case there is a phantom that is incumbent over of me: the ace from Dioniso of that boy... all that vitalità, in order to end liquidated in that way. "a piece of a poetry remembers Me" said to them, "of Yeats." The maglioncino helped to remove itself alloplasmico; they were easy to thread, difficult to to­gliere, once that they were models to you on the curves of the body. "I would have simply to spray me of varnish" said she, quan­do finally the maglioncino came via. "In this way you would not feel the contact of the woven one" said he. It made a pause, then it said, hopeful: "it appeals to Yeats to You" "and come before Bob Dylan" "Yes." "Then I do not want to feel some to speak. For what me riguar­da, the poetry is begun with Dylan and after it is begun the decli­no." Entirety, removed the rest of their indumenti; for some moment they remained knots on the cold grass and humid, then, simultanea­mente, they rolled one towards the other; it rolled over of she, the ten­ne firm and he fixed it in ace. "They are ugly" said she. "it is not true" "pensiquesto You" Nick had been astounded. "But if six one of don­ne the more attractive that have never known." "they are not a woman" said she in practical tone. "I cannot give null in exchange. I can only accept, not debit. Therefore not to wait for to you null from me, if not the fact that hour is here." "It is sexual violence on an under-age one" said he to them, of blow. Charley said: "You feel, the end of the world has arrived; a crea­tura that is impossible to kill is impossessando of we and it destroys to us neurologically. Therefore, in a similar moment, pen­si that some sporcaccione wants to carry to you in court? And then, before he would have it are to us a denunciation, and who would make it? Who po­trebbe to testify " "" To testify "" he repeated he, holding tightened it to himself for a istan­te. The television control systems of the probably ave­vano SP... an installed television camera also to Central Park, for how much was by now a place forgotten from all. It was detached from she, then bal­zò in feet. "You cover yourself in a hurry" said, collecting dressed its. "If you are thinking next to one television camera of the sporcaccioni in the par­co..." "Exact." "Credimi, is all watching Times Square. Except quel­li that is New Men, like the Barnes Director. Those sta­ranno occupying of the New ones already hit." A thought hit it. "This means Willis Gram." It was put seated, threading the ma­ni between hats it ruffles to you and it bathes to you from the grass. "dispiace" it said to Me, "but in a sure sense it appealed to to me." It began to collect dressed its, then of blow it left them to fall back to earth and it said implorante: "It listens, Nick, the SP will not come to arrest to us. Hour I say to you that co­sa we make: you hold to me still tightened a po', even also only for five minuteren. And you will be able to read that one to me - cos' he was? - poetry species." "I do not have the book with me and you know it well." "Not you the memories" "Task of yes." The fear, similar to a tide that was raised in its heart, made it to shake while it replaced the dresses to earth and tor­nava towards the girl supina. While it encircled it with the brac­cia, it said: "sad poetry Is one; I was thinking next to Denny and que­sto place, to the park, where you came with the Tricheco. It is like if its spirit it were buried here." "you are making Me badly" complained Charley. "It makes it more lenta­mente." Nick was raised newly in feet. It began to cover itself meto­dicamente. "I cannot run the risk makes to peck" said me, "with those murders, the black sporcaccioni, than they try to me." It remained sdraiata, immovable. And then she said: "Dimmi that poetry." "you will dress yourself? While I say it " "" it did not say she, the fixed arms behind the head and eyes on stars. "Provoni has arrived from lassù" said. "God, as they are feli­ce in this moment not to be a New Man..." It tightened the hands to fist and it milled the words between the teeth, with hardness: "it is making what it is right, but... as it is made not to try pain for they, for the New ones? Lobotomizzati. Their spa­riti Nodules of Rogers with to single God know cos' other. Surgery from the space." Scop­piò to laugh. "We write a book and we entitle it" the co­smico surgeon reached from one far star ". Of agreement " He accucciò, collecting the things of Charley. Ag, maglioncino, linen. "I will say the poetry to You and then you will understand because I cannot go with you in the places where you and Denny you have gone together; I cannot replace it, I am not a new Denny. The next time you will give me its wallett, than probably it is in ostrich skin, then its clock, a Criterion, and agitite its ge­melli of... " It was interrupted. "" I must go: there is a tomba where the asphodel and the giglio wave, and... "" It made one pause. "Continuous" it said. "I am listening to You." "" and I would want to feel sorry the impotent one fauno, buried under the ter­reno addormentato, with gaie songs before the dawn."" "What means" gaie "" churches she. It ignored it and continued: "" its rowdy days were incoronate from the joy; and dream that you walk on the Prato, still passing between the dew like a fantasma."""Trafitto to bottom, thought, my happy one to sing". But it did not succeed to say it to high voice; it moved too much "To you it appeals to" Charley churches. "This roba old" Nick said: "It is my preferred poetry." "it appeals to Dylan to You" "" it did not say. "Dimmi an other poetry." Covered, Charley seated beside he, the ginocchia folded and the head china. "of it I do not know others to memory. Not memory neanche like con­tinua this, nevertheless I will have read a thousand to it of times." "Beethoven was a poet" churches she. "a composer. Music wrote." "Also Bob Dylan." Nick said: "the world is begun before Dylan." "We go" said Charley. "I am beginning to having cold. You it is piaciuto " "" it did not say sincere. "Because not" "Six too much stiff one." "If you had passed what I have passed..." "Perhaps the point is just this. Six too much expert one. You have seen and made too many things and too much soon. But I love to you." It put a brac­cio around to the shoulders, it tightened himself and it kissed it on one temple. "Seriously" A part of its ancient vitalità returned in she; it made a jump, it opened wide the arms and roteò on if same, the stiff arms. A razzauto of the police, with sirena and the beacon lampeggian­te extinguished, it was lowered behind of they and it landed silently. "the Tricheco" said Charley; entirety was launch towards the Tri­checo and salted to edge, with Charley behind the bar. It put in motion; the Tricheco rolled in ahead while the wings were opened. The red beacon on means of patrol of the ignited SP; the stes­so it made the sirena. And a loudspeaker strombazzò words that not riu­scirono to decipher; the words echoed in continuation fin­ché Charley did not emit one scream of suffering. "I will seed" said It she. "Denny has made it a thousand of vol­te; I have learned from he." Pigiò the accelerator, crushing it to ta­voletta. The roar of the reactors to full regimen tuonò to the shoulders of Nick, and al same time its head was pushed behind while the Tricheco acquired speed without warning. "a day or al­tro I will show you its motor" said she, the eyes that muoveva­no ahead and behind. And the Tricheco continued to accelerate; Nick had not never seen before a razzauto carburizeed in that way, although several cars truc­cate in the workshop of Zeta were capitate it under the eyes. They were not of sure like this. "Denny has spold every POP that it had in the Tricheco" said she. "the hacostruito one for this, giving the powder to the sporcaccioni. You are to watch." It touched a switch and it was leaned to the schie­nale of the seat, the hands detached from the commandos. The razzauto it was lowered abruptly, end nearly to earth; Nick stiff every muscle of the body - an impact it seemed imminent - but then, with inter­vento of a pilotage system the automatic rifle that he not conosce­va, the vehicle began to sfrecciare to enormous long speed stra­dine tightened, between old warehouses with the facades in wood... sgu­sciando to approximately a meter from the ground. "you cannot proceed therefore low" said to them. "We are under the quota in order to lower the wheels and to continue on the surface." "Now it watches this." It turned the head, examined means of the SP behind of she - she had you follow them, lowering itself until lo­ro the quota - and then moved the commando of the movement ascensiona­le on the position of the ninety degrees. Schizzarono towards the high, in the dusk, with stuck insegui­tore means to their tail. And in that moment, from south, a police appeared according to vehicle del­la. "We would have to surrender" said Nick, while two vehicles del­la SP were joined. "By now they can open the fire from a mo­mento to the other, and hit to us. Between an other minute, if not obbedia­mo to that red light that flashes, they make it." "But if they take to us, they will liquidate" said Charley to you. Aumen­tò the flight angle, and however, behind of they, the two means of the police continued to make to ululare theirs sirene and to flash the red beacons. The Tricheco was lowered of new, like a pebble, until con­trollo the automatic rifle not the bloccò little more than a meter from the asfal­to. The police continued to tallonarli. Also they dived themselves towards the bottom. "Oh, God" said Charley. "Also they have the system of con­trollo marginal Reeves-Fairfax. We see a po'... " Its ace contorse phrenetic. "Denny" said. "Denny, what I must make? What I make now " It turned behind an angle... scratching a street lamppost, noticed he. Then a heated cloud exploded diret­tamente in front of they. "They have grenade launcher or thermotropic missiles" said Nick. "a warning blow. You ignite the radio on the frequency of the police." It lengthened a hand towards the picture commandos, but it gliela seized rabidly and she pushed it behind. "I do not want to speak with those" said Charley. "and I do not want not to listen to them." Nick said: "With the next blow they will destroy to us. They have the authority in order to make it, and they will make it." "" Charley did not say. "not riusciranno to pull down the Triche­co. Denny, you I promise." The Tricheco resumed quota, it made a Immelmann, then of it it made an other, then an spin to spiral... and the means of the police the ri­masero glue to you behind. "Now I go... you know it where I want to go" Charley said. "To Times Square." He if it waited for it. "" it did not say. "they do not leave to enter average airplane in that zone; they have isolated. You would go to blink against one falange compact of soldiers and policemen." But it continued decided. It saw the light of many da­vanti reflectors to they, and various military vehicles that flew in circle. Era­no nearly arrives to you. "I want to go from Provoni" said she, "and chiedergli asylum. For all and two." "For me, you want to say" said he. Charley said: "I will ask It without too many compliments of far­ci entering under its protecting shield. It will make; I know that it will make it." "Perhaps" Nick said. Of blow, a shape massiccia appeared of forehead to they. A slow vehicle of the army, that it carried ammunitions for the gun that shot heads to hydrogen; it had all its lights of ignited posi­zione, from an extremity to the other. Charley said: "Oh, God, I cannot..." And then the collision. A light hit it the eyes. It heard - it felt - of the movements in­torno himself. The light procurava the pain and he tried to raise the hand, to shield that light, but the arm did not want muo­versi.Però does not feel null, was said. It was felt completely lu­cido.Siamo to earth, disse.È an agent of the SP that aims me its torch in the eyes, trying to be understood if they are lacking in sen­si or died. "As she is she" it asked Nick. "the girl who was with you" One soothed voice, calm. Calm Trop­po. The voice of someone to which it did not import null of that it saw. It opened the eyes. An agent of the SP in green uniform the incom­beva over with one torch and one gun. Broken off to me, in principle par­te of the military means that transported ammunitions, they were scattered dap­pertutto; it saw an ambulance, with dressed men of white man to the o­pera. "the girl is died" said the agent of the SP. "I can see it? I must see it." It fought, trying to raise itself; the agent helped it, then she pulled outside pen and note-book. "your name" churches. "Me the face to see." "it is tanned badly." Nick said: "Me the face to see." "It goes well, friend." The agent of the SP made it road, using its torch, between the heaps of route to me. "Eccola here." It was the Tricheco Purpureo. Charlotte was still within the abita­colo. Anyone had seen it for first could not have nourished doubts on the fact that was died: its skull had been cracked clearly in two from the control stick, against which sta­ta it was hurled with enormous force when the Tricheco had hit the large hull of the transport ammunitions. Someone, however, had moved the bar, leaving scoper­ta the opening that the bar had provoked. The corteccia was looked at cerebral, dirty about blood, with its slewings, cracked in due.Trafitta, thought he, like in the poetry of Yeats; "trafitta to bottom my happy one to sing." "It had to happen" said Nick to the policeman. "If not therefore, in some other way. A way express. Even killed from qual­che alcolomane." "Being to its documents," the policeman said, "had only sixteen years." "He is exact" said Nick. Risuonò a tremendous roar, that it made to shake the earth under of they. "gun H the head" said the policeman, busy with pen and note-book. "they are still talking nonsense on that Frolixiano." It was tightened in the shoulders. "it will not serve to nothing. Already mind of all has been threaded nel­la the inhabitants of the planet. Your name " "Denny Strong." "It makes to see a identicarta me." Nick was turned and begun to run, as better it could. The policeman I scream to it behind: "It also slows down, friend. Not you spa­rerò. Which thing me imports some, by now? Me dispiace only for the girl." Slowing down until stopping itself, Nick was turned to watch it. "Per­ché" churches. "Because you dispiace for she? You did not know it nem­meno. Why not you dispiace for me? They are on the list of the black spor­caccioni; not even this does not import you " "Not a lot. Not after to have seen my head to the videofono. He was a New Man, you understand? Like a child. It was giocan­do with the objects on its writing desk, piled up them according to the color, creed." "You could give a passage to me" Nick churches. "Where you want to go" "To the Federal Palace" Nick said. "But that one by now is one cage of matti. With all that Uo­mini New in theirs ufficetti... better starne to the wide one." "I want to see the Prime Minister Gram." "Probably it is like all the others, other New Insoliti and Uomi­ni." Pensieroso, the agent said: "But, I do not know if it has made something also the Unusual ones, to sincere being. To the Nuo­vi Men yes, but... " "Portami" said Nick here. "It goes well, friend, but six hurt... you proba­bilmente have a broken arm and, a lot probably, some inner lesion. Pre­ferisci not to go in a hospital " "I want to see the Prime Minister Gram." The agent said: "Of agreement, I will give one tear here to you end. But I unload to you on the roof. I do not want to remain impegolato in what it is happening... and I do not want that begins to make effect also on me." "a Six Old Man" Nick churches. "Yes, sure. Like you. Like nearly all. Like all this city, except in the places like the Federal Palace where the Nuo­vi Men... " "it will not make effect on you" said Nick. It walked with andatu­ra uncertain, but without need of aid, towards more close means than patrol of the police. It walked... trying not to lose sensi.Non the hour, disse.Prima comes Gram; after it will not have more importance. Perhaps it has been saved; as it has said the poliziot­to, the thing seems to hit more the New Men, not the Unusual ones. The policeman salted with calm on the vehicle, waited for it, then salted in the sky. "a true sin for that girl," said the policeman. "But I have noticed that wild animal race guided, made up from matti. It was its " Nick did not say null, keeping itself tightened the skillful arm and la­sciando the mind clears of every thought. Feeling semplice­mente the palaces that the sfrecciavano under while razzauto del­la the police one headed towards the Federal Palace, settantacinque kilometers beyond the borders of the city of New York, in the satrapia of Washington, D.C. "Because it went strongly therefore" churches the policeman. "In order to save" it said to me. "Here because he went strongly therefore. It has been this to kill it." The razzauto he continued its flight, with the usual noise familia­re of a vacuum cleaner. The field of landing on the roof of the Federal Palace brulica­va of the lights of the vehicles that arrived and left. However they were looked at alone razzauto with the official marks; the field obviously was closed the public... Single God knew for how much an­cora. The agent of the SP said: "I have the authorization to the reduction." Green light indicated one push-button on the complicated panel of commando of the razzauto. They came down on one free pit; Nick, with the aid of the agent, succeeded to exit and to stand in feet it is pure in way malfermo. "Good fortune, friend" said the agent, and a moment after was already disappeared; its razzauto became invisibile in the sky soprastan­te, when its red lights winking got confused with stars. To the rampa of access, situated on the opposite side of the landing field, a row of black sporcaccioni blocked it the step. All were armed with carabine from the thin triggers like piume. And all watched it like if it were a heap of letame. "the Prime Minister Gram..." began Nick. "Rises from the feet" black sporcaccione said one. Nick said: "... it has asked to me to come here in order to meet it." "you do not know that an alien of quarantamila tons is..." "They are here for the emergency" said Nick. One of the black sporcaccioni spoke in a microphone from wrist, waited for in Hush continuing to listen from its auricular receiver, then agreed. "It can enter." "noticed to You until the office" it said an other of the black sporcaccioni. "All this I haul of place is going in malora." It made road, and Nick followed it muovendosi as better it could. "What has happened to you" churches the agent. "It seems exited from a flight incident." "I am very well" said Nick. They passed in front of immovable a New Man with of the sheets dattiloscritti between the hands, and clearly absorbed from the attempt to read them. Some surplus of intelligence said to it that it had to read them, but in its eyes not was understanding, solo one scared con­fusione. "From this part." The agent dressed of black it guided attraver­so a row of cubicles; Nick succeeded to notice some Nuo­vi Men scattered here and here, some seated on the pavement, others that cercava­no to make something, to handle objects, other li­mitavano anchor that to be based or to be sdraiati, watching vacuamente in ahead. It noticed also that some demonstrated attacks of violent temper; to how much it seemed, of it employs to you Old, facts to arrive in flight for the emergency, tried to hold them under control. The last door was opened wide; the agent made itself of side, said: "Ecco­ci" and went away, travelling over again the road from which they were joints. Willis Gram was not found on its great sgualcito bed. In­vece, was seated on one chair to the opposite extremity of the room, with air inequivocabilmente rested; its face seemed con­trollato and calm. "Charlotte Boyer" said Nick, "is died." "Who" Gram blinked the eyelids and it was turned in order to concentrate its attention on Nick. "Ah. Yes." The high raised the hands with the palms ver­so. "my telepathic abilities have removed Me. Now so­no only an Old Man." An intercom on the writing desk announced without warning: "Si­gnor President, we have installed the second arranges laser, que­sta time on the roof of the Carriager Building, and between twenty second ones it will have concentrated its beam in the same point of the system laser of Baltimora." Gram said, to high voice: "Provoni is still found lì" "Yes. The beam of Baltimora is addressed entire on he. When we add the beam of Kansas City, practically rad­doppieremo the power to level of emission." "it holds informed" said Gram to Me. "and thanks." It was turned towards Nick. Today, Gram was dressed of all point: pants from businessman, shirt of silk with sleeves to sbuffo, shoes to qua­drata tip. Very it was cured, dressed fashionable, and calm. "Me dispiace for the girl" it said. "they are given pain, but given pain seriously... in the true sense of the word... like it would not have been if you had known it better." Stropicciò the face with a tired gesture, and being be incipriato from little, a layer white man it remained attacked to the hands; it clapped the hands irritateed. "I do not have inten­zione to waste tears for the New Men" said, contorcen­do the labbra. "It is guilt they. Person knows one, a Nuo­vo Man, of name Amos Ild " "Sure" Nick answered. "" it does not exist although minimal possibility "" said Gram, "" that Provoni has carried an alien with himself." All merit of the neutrologica, than all we, Old Men, Hidden and Unusual Men are not in a position to understanding. Be', not is nothing from capi­re, does not work. Amos Ild was only an eccentric, than giocherellava with million members for its plan of the Gran­de Ear. It was crowds." "Where it is found now" Nick said. "From some part to play with of the fermacarte" Gram said. "Attempt to prepare complicates systems to you of balance for the fer­macarte, using righelli like support bars." Sogghignò. "and it will make it for the rest of its life." "How much is expanded the destruction of the neurological woven ones, in geographic sense" Nick churches. "On all the planet? Until Luna and Mars " "I do not know it. Nearly all the circuits of communication are not more control to you from the personal usual; not there is nobody, just nes­suno, to the other head. That it is to say little strange." "has called Beijing? Moscow? Sumatra One " "I will say who to Them I have called" said Gram. "the Straordi­nario Committee for the Public Emergency." Nick said: "and it does not exist more." Agreing, Gram said: "It... it... has killed them. He has svuota­to their skull, has leaves them you empty. Except for the diencefalo, some strange reason. They have only left that one." "the neurovegetative functions" said Nick. "Yes, we could have held them like vegetables while still alive. But of it it was not worth the pain. As soon as I have not known the gravity of the ce­rebrali damages, I have said several the doctors to leave to die them. However, tut­to this regards only the New Men. There are two Unusual ones in the Committee for the Public Emergency, precognitive and telepate. Their abilities are disappeared, like mine. But we are vi­vi. For a po'." "To you it will not make more nothing" said Nick. "Hour that it is an Old Uo­mo, does not run more dangers than me." "Because it wanted to see to me" Gram churches, turning itself for guar­darlo in ace. "For dirmi of Charlotte? In order it makes to feel me colpevo­le? Christ, is a million puttanelle like she that they go around themselves for the world; half hour can be found some an other nel.giro.di." Nick said: "It has sent three black sporcaccioni to uccider­mi. Instead they have killed Denny Strong, and because of its mor­te we are not resolutions to control the Tricheco Purpureo; this has provoked the crash. This has provoked its dead women. She has been she to put in motion succeeding itself of the circumstances; all it is begun from she." "I will recall the special agents" said Gram. "This enough" did not say Nick. The intercom gorgogliò to new life. "Mr. Presidente, en­trambi makes laser us is hour heads to you at the target, Thors Provoni." "With which he turns out to you" Gram churches, hour rigidly in feet, supporting its great mass leaning itself to the writing desk. "Me they are passing" said them now the intercom. Gram attended in Hush. "No visible change. Not, getlteman, no cambia­mento." "Perhaps with three he arranges laser" said Gram with voice roca. "If we took some from Detroit..." "Getlteman, we do not succeed not to make to work to full load regimequelli that we have. The mental disease that is attaccan­do the New Men not allows us of... " "Thanks" said Gram, and extinguished the intercom. "" Disease menta­le "" said, with feracious irony. "it was even dealt only than quel­lo. Something that could be dealt in a sanatorio. Com' is that they call that kind of diseases? Psicogeniche " Nick said: "I would want to see Amos Ild. While it arranges ferma­carte in equilibrium over of the large righelli."Ilpiù intelletto never produced from the human race, pensò.Neanderthal, Homo Sapiens, then New Man... the evolution. And using the neutrologica of the New Men, it had tried the struck one; making cilecca. But for­se Gram has reason, pensò.Forse Amos Ild always has been paz­zo... but we did not have no method in order to measure one only mind like its, no standard with which judging it. It is a good that we have gotten rid of Ild, pensò.È a good that we have gotten rid of all they, pensò.Forse all the New Men, in a way or in the other, they were crazy. Per­centuale issue is only one. And their neutrologica... logic of the crazy ones. "It has a orribile aspect" said Gram. "It would make cer­care medical attendance better; I see that it has a broken arm." "In its infirmary" Nick said. "As it calls it" "Under the medical aspect they are competent" said Gram. "It is stra­no" said, speaking for same, "continuous half with if sforzar­mi feeling its thoughts and they never do not arrive. I have only its words on which basing to me." It tilted the ruffled head, studying Nick. "it has come here for..." "I wanted that it knew of Charlotte" said Nick. "But it is disarmed; she does not have intention to liquidate to me. It has been perquisito; it does not know it, but she has exceeded five zones of control­lo. She is not therefore " With an unusual speed for a man of its corporatura, she turned themselves quickly and she touched one shelf of its writing desk. To the moment five agents dressed of black you appeared in the room; it did not seem were enters to you; appearances were alone. "Controlled if it is armed" said Gram turned to the agents in black. "Tried something of small, like a one or plastic knife, microtablet of germs." Two of they perquisirono Nick. "Not, getlteman" informed the Prime Minister. "Remained where you are" ordered they Gram. "Puntategli I lean your tubes and uccidetelo if ago one moved. This man is pericolo­so." "Indeed" Nick churches. "citizen 3XX24J is dangerous? Then also six billions of Old Men are dangerous, and its black sporcaccioni not riusciranno to hold them to attend. Are tut­ti Hidden Men, now; they have seen Provoni; they know that he is tor­nato, like had promised; they know that your crews posso­no not to hurt it; they know what its friend, the Frolixiano, is able to make - and it has already made - the New Men. My broken arm is paralyzed; I could not press a trigger in no way. Why it does not have intentional to leave us in peace? Why it does not have intentional to allow them to come from me, and to leave living together us? Why it has had sguinzagliarci behind those black sporcaccioni? Because " "Jealousy" said soothed Gram. "It means to discharge itself from Prime Minister" Nick churches. "It does not have no special qualification. Lascerà to govern Provoni? Provoni and its friend of Frolix 8 " After a pause, Gram said: "Not." "Then they will kill it. They will be the Hidden Men to make it. They will come here not as soon as capiranno what has happened. And those car­ri armor and razzauto armed and the squares to you of black guards riu­sciranno scarcely to stop first migliaia of they. Six mi­liardi, Gram. The black soldiers and sporcaccioni can ammazza­re six billions of men? Beyond to Provoni and the Frolixiano? Re­sta indeed the some way of escape? It is not reached the moment to pass the control of the government, the entire apparatus of this siste­ma, to qualcun other? It is old and tired. And she does not have sure svol­to a good job. To liquidate Cordon... only this, if it came judged from an honest court, would be enough to make it impiccare."E can benìssimo gives that that happens, pensò.Per this and for al­tre decisions taken from Gram during its permanence to the power. Gram said: "I want to go to speak with Provoni." It made a signal with the head to the agents dressed of black. "Fairies to come a raz­zauto of the police, and that all it is ready." It pressed a push-button on the writing desk. "Miss. Knight, asks the unit comunica­zioni to establish an audio contact between me and Thors Provoni. He says they to put itself immediately to the job. Maximum priority." It removed the contact, it was raised and it said to Nick: "I want..." It hesitated. "It has never tasted whiskey Scottish" "" Nick did not say. "I have a Scotch of ventiquattro years, a bottle that I never do not have open, one bottle for a special occasion. According to she this is not a special occasion " "I imagine that it it is, Mr. Presidente." Approached the bookcase against the right wall, Gram spo­stò various volumes, frugò behind that they remained and pulled fuo­ri one long full bottle of a liquid ambrato."Okay" it said to Nick. "Okay" said Nick. Gram was based to the writing desk, tore seals metallic from the neck of the bottle, removed the stopper, then was watched around in mez­zo to the disorder until did not find two plastic glasies. It next emptied their content in a basket lì, then poured of the Scotch in both glasies. "To what we drink a toast" churches to Nick. "Ago part of the rituale for drink alcohol" Nick churches. Sorrise Gram: "We will drink a girl whom a meter has succeeded in high liberar­si of four MP and eighty." It remained silent for a moment, without drink. Also Nick tightened its glass without to raise it. "To a better planet" Gram said, and drained its to bic­chiere. "To a planet where we will not have need of our friends of Frolix 8." "To this I do not want drink" said Nick; it put down its glass. "Be', then drinks and enough! It discovers that sapore it has the Scotch! The best one of the whiskey!" Gram fixed it with incredulità and risenti­mento... this last one grew until rendergli the ace of a red darkness. "does not become account of that it comes offered to them? It has lost its sense of the perspective." It stuck a fist with irosa air on the surface in walnut of its majestic writing desk of wood. "All this history has made them to lose its values! We must... " "the special car is ready, Mr. Presidente" said the inter­fono. "in it is attended on the roof, to boarding five." "Thanks" said. "and the audio contact? I cannot move until I will not have a contact to voice in order to put in luminosity that I do not have intention to make they of the evil. You extinguish the laser. All and two." "Getlteman" Gram repeated the order. Hastily. "Yes, getlteman" said the intercom. "We will continue to try to establish an audio contact. In the meantime, we will hold ready its means." Raising the bottle, Gram poured other Scotch. "rie­sco not to understand it, Appleton" said to Nick. "It comes here to... making what, in name of God? He is the wounded, but she refuses... " "Perhaps she is for that they have come here" said Nick. "" In name of God ". As she has said lei."Per starti to watch, she thought, until you will not be ready to die. Because you and those as you you must disappear; you must make space that that it is in order to arri­vare. For what noifaremo. For the nostriprogetti, instead of those seed-psychotic ideas like the Great Ear. The Great Ear... that magnificent device for whichever government, in order to succeed to hold anyone in line. Sin that never will not be completed, pensò.Provvederemo we, even if in truth has already thought Provoni to us and its friend. But we ren­deremo definitive the thing. "we have established a contact video and audio, Mr. Presiden­te" said the intercom. "Line five." Gram raised the red receiver and said: "Blank, Mr. Provo­ni." On the screen the rough ace and ossuto of Provoni appeared, with its shadows, the wrinkles, the roughness, the infossature... and those two oc­chi that they contained the empty absolute that Nick had felt when the probe had crossed it. But the eyes contained of the other: they sparked of an animal light, they were the eyes of a creature alive and determined that it tried and it chased that that it wanted. An animal escaped from its cage. Strong eyes, infos­sati in a ace equally strongly, for how much exausting. "Task that would be well if it came here" said Gram. "it has already completed enormous damages; or better, the irresponsabile organism that finds itself with she has completed enormous damages. Woman and Migliaia uomi­ni, of vital importance for the government, the industry and sciences... " "We would have to be met" interrupted Provoni with voice roca, "but it would be difficult for my friend to move itself far away therefore." "we have extinguished the laser, like gesture of good faith," said Gram, stiff, the fixed look. "Yes, thanks for the laser beams." The granitico ace of Provoni was opened in order to reveal a smile between the long beard. "Without that one fon­te of energy, it could not have completed its work. At least for the moment. Nel.giro.di some month... be', to fine us sareb­be successful; our work would have been completed." "It says seriously" Gram churches, gray in face like ash. "On purpose of the laser beams" "Yes. It has converted the energy of the system laser; he has rivita­lizzato." Gram distolse for a moment the ace from the screen, evidente­mente in order to resume the control of himself. "it is felt well, Mr. Presidente" Provoni churches. Gram said: "Here it could shave itself, take a bath, a mas­saggio, a medical visit, rest for a po'... and then we could speak." "She will be she to come here" said with Provoni calm. After a pause, Gram said: "Of agreement. I will be lì between quaran­ta tiny. It guarantees my emergency and the freedom to go some to me " "its" emergency "" repeated Provoni. Jolt the head. "It still does not comprise the amplitude of that it is happened. Yes, I will be lie­to to guarantee its emergency. If it will be able some to go in the same state in which it has arrived, at least as far as ours azio­ni. If them thrombosis to the coronary ones comes one... " "Of agreement" Gram said. And therefore, nel.giro.di a single minute, Willis Gram had capito­lato completely; he was he that it had to go from Provoni, not the contrary... and it was not be a matter not even of a neutral place, to mez­za road, fixed to equal distance between they two. And it was a necessary deci­sione, rations them; it did not have other choice. "But not there will be thrombosis to the coronary ones" said Gram. "ready So­no to face whichever thing becomes necessary. Whichever condition must be accepted. I close." Riappese the ricevi­tore. "it knows It cos' is that it torments to me, Appleton? The pos­sano fear that to arrive other Frolixiani, than this it is only the first one." "of it they do not serve others" said Nick. "But if they want to get hold of the Earth..." "Not they want it." "they have already made It. In a sure sense." "But now it is ended. Not there will be other damages. Provoni has that that it wants." "We suppose that to they not Provoni interests and that that it wants. We suppose... " One of the agents in black said: "Getlteman, in order to catch up Ti­mes Square in forty minuteren... we would have to leave endured." Ave­va of the gallons I lean: one sporcaccione of high degree. With grugnito, Gram collected a heavy coat of lanex and if it put it on the shoulders. One of the agents helped it. "This uo­mo," said Gram, indicating Nick, "it must be carried in infirmary and be cured." It tilted the head, and two of threatening the agents avvi­cinarono to Nick, always intense the extinguished eyes more of the usual and however. "Mr. Presidente" said Nick, "would want to ask them a favor. I can see Amos Ild for some minute, before going to the infirmary " "Because" Gram churches, while one approached the door in­sieme on the others two agents in black. "I only want parlargli. To see it. To try to understand all que­sto, all that that has succeeded the New Men, seeing it. Ve­dendolo to the level in which hour is found... " "To the level of a deficient one" Gram said hardly. "it does not want to come with me to meet Provoni? It could esprimergli desires of... " It made a gesture. "Barnes said that it was rappre­sentativo." "Provoni knows that that I want... that that all want. What it will succeed between you two is simple: it will discharge itself from its assignment and it will take its place in this office. The system of the Servi­zio Be them will come changed in radical way; many diven­teranno charges elective, instead that obtained for nomination. Fields will be created where the New Men could be happy; we must think also they, to their impotence. Here because I want to ve­dere Amos Ild." "Then the face." Gram made a signal of assent the two agents who flanked Nick. "You sapete where Ild is found... it accompanies it here to you, and when it ends portatelo in infirmary." "Thanks" said Nick. Halting, Gram churches: "It indeed is died" "Yes" Nick said. "Me dispiace." Gram lengthened a hand. Nick declined the offer­ta. "I wanted to see she dead, Appleton" I said Gram. "But ades­so... to the devil, now he does not have more importance. Be', finally is successful to separate my private life from the public life; my private life is ended." "As she has said it" said icy Nick, "" is a million puttanelle like she that they go around themselves for the world."" "It is true" said impassible Gram. "I to It have said." After that if he went some, with to the two guards. The door richiuse with a sibilo behind of they. "You come with we" said one of the two remained black sporcaccioni. "I will come with the speed that goes me to hold" said he; the brac­cio it hurt to it terribly, and it began to try a sense of nausea to the stomach. Gram had reason... a lot soon avreb­be which had to come down to the infirmary. But not before having seen, with its eyes, Amos Ild. Largest intelletto never been born in mankind. "Here within." One of the guards indicated a door watched from an agent of the SP that wore the green uniform to regolamen­tare. "Made from part" it said the black sporcaccione. "they are not authorized to..." The agent in black raised the gun. Like in order hitting it. "As you want" the agent in green said, and it made oneself from part. Nicholas Appleton entered in the room. To the center of the room it seated Amos Ild, the great head supported from the collar of metallic stirrups. It had been surrounded with gran­de a variety of objects: clasps, pens, fermacarte, righelli, gom­me, sheets of paper, cardboards, reviews, reassumed... had torn pa­gine from the reviews, it had rolled into a ball to them and then it had jetties to them via. Hour, in this moment, was designing on a paper piece. Nick was approached in order to see. Filiform men, an enormous one cer­chio in the sky that represented the sun. "To people he appeals to the sun" churches to Amos And. Ild said: "it heats Them." "Then they go in the sun" "Yes." Amos Ild was put to design on an other sheet, stan­co of the previous one. It designed one what that seemed an animal. "a horse" Nick churches. "a dog? It has four legs; it is a bear? A cat " Amos Ild said: "They are I." The pain crushed the heart of Nick Appleton. "I have a lair" said And, designing towards the bottom of the sheet, with a pastel brown, a crushed and irregular circle. "It is here." Brown put the finger on the crushed circle. "I go within when piove. I am to the warmth." Nick said: "we will construct one lair to Them. Exactly like que­sta." _ sorridendo, Amos Ild roll into a ball the design. "That job wants to make" Nick churches, "when it becomes gran­de" "They are already large" said Dd. "Then, than job it makes" Ild hesitated. Then it said: "I construct things. It watches." It was raised from the pa­vimento, with the head that waved... God dangerously, pen­sò Nick, will break the back to it. With pride, it showed to Nick the tangle of fermacarte and righelli that it had constructed. "Much beautiful one" said Nick. "If it is removed a weight" said Ild, "collapses all." A espressio­ne malicious it appeared on its ace. "I am in order to remove a piece." "But it will not want to make to collapse it, true" Amos Ild, torreggiando on Nick, dominating it with its enor­me head and the complicated support, said: "That job you make" "They are a risolcatore of rubbers" answered Nick. "the rubber is that thing that has a razzauto and that it continues to turn and to turn" "Just" Nick said. "the razzauto it lands to us over. On the gom­me." "a day, could make it anch' I? To become... " Ild hesitated. "a risolcatore of rubbers" completed Nick patient. Senti­va calm. "It is a lavoraccio. Creed would not appeal to to them." "Because not" "Because, she sees, there are she furrows on rubbers... and it more must sca­varli in depth so as to make to seem that there is more rubber than that one that is, but the person who buys it, for que­sto reason, could bucare. And then she could have a inciden­te, and also to hurt itself." "hurt You six" said Ild. "the arm is broken." "Then it must makes you badly." "Not just. It is paralyzed. They are still under shock, alme­no for a po'." The door was opened and one of the agents in black watched within, os­servando the scene with the eyes socchiusi. "morphine tablet Could carry one to me from the pharmacy" the Nick churches. "my arm..." Glielo indicated. "Okay, friend" answered the agent, and if it went some. "It must makes much evil" said Ild you. "Not therefore a lot. It is not taken care for this, Mr. Ild." "As it calls to you" "Appleton. Nick Appleton. Nick calls me and I will call it Amos." "" Amos Ild did not say. "us we still do not know therefore well. I will call you Mr. Appleton and you will call me Mr. Ild. You have trentaquattro years, you know? The next month of compirò trentacin­que." "and it will receive many gifts" said Nick. Ild said: "I want only one what. I want... " Divenne silenzio­so. "there is an empty one in my mind; I would want that if went some. Pri­ma not was." "the Great Ear" said Nick. "If it remembers it? To have constructed it " "Oh, yes" said Ild. "I have made It. I will listen to the thoughts of all then people and... "one pause"... we will be able to put people in the cam­pi. Fields of rieducazione." "beautiful thing Is one from is made" Nick churches. "I... do not know it." Ild carried the hands to temples and sluices the oc­chi. "What is the others? Perhaps not there are others; perhaps illusions are alone. Perhaps as you... I have invented you. Perhaps I can makes you fa­re all what I want." "What would want makes to make me" Nick churches. "To raise" Amos Ild said to me. "it appeals to to Me to be raised, and then there is a game... you turns in round, holding me for the hands. And the force centrifuge... " Incespicò on one's word, and surrendered. "you make Me to fly orizz..." Impappinò still. "You could raise to me" chie­se in complaining tone, watching low towards Nick. "I cannot, Mr. Ild" said Nick. "Because of my broken arm." "Thanks the same one" said Amos Ild. Strascicò the feet pensiero­so until the window of the room, watching outside towards the nocturnal sky. "Stars" said. "people go to us. Mr. Provoni is an­dato." "Yes" Nick said. "It has gone." "and Mr. Provoni is a good man" Nick said: "He is a man who has made what it had fa­re. Not, he is not a good man... is a bad man. But it wanted to help." "To help, good what is one" "the greater part of people thinks about yes." "Mr. Appleton" churches Amos Ild, "you have one mother" "Not, by now it is died." "Not even I. You have one moglie " "Not just. Not more, hour." "Mr. Appleton, you have one fiancèe" "" it did not say, abruptly. "he is died" "Yes." "Little time makes" "Yes" it to tight teeth said. "Then you must find of one new" said Amos Ild. "Indeed" Nick churches. "Not task that... not creed that vor­rò never more an other fiancèe." "You have need of someone that is taken care for you." "That one that I had took care for me has been this to kill it." "How nice" Amos Ild said. "Because" Nick fixed it. "It thinks next to how much loved to you. It tries to imagine someone that you it loves therefore a lot. As I would want that someone loved to me therefore tan­to." "It is this that it counts" Nick churches. "the fulcrum of tut­to Is this, not the invasion of averse, the million destruction ten splendid minds, the transfer of the political power - of all the power - from the hands of a group of little elect ones..." "I do not understand these things" said Amos Ild. "I only know that it is wonderful, to have someone that loves you therefore a lot. And if qual­cuno it has loved to you in this way, you must be a person whom deserves of being loved, therefore enough soon qualcun other will love to you in this way, and you will love them in the same way. You understand " "Task of yes" said Nick. "Nothing exceeds this, the fact that a man gives its life for a friend" said Amos Ild. "I would want to be able to make it." It was put to riflet­tere, this time on one revolving poltroncina. "Mr. Appleton" churches, "are other adults like me" "Like she in that sense" churches he, trying to take tem­po. "That they do not succeed to think. That they have an empty space just here." It supported the hand on the forehead. "Yes" Nick said. "One of they will love to me" "Yes" Nick said. The door was opened; on the threshold it appeared the black agent in with water a full plastic glass and one morphine tablet. "Friend, still five minuteren" said the agent, "then will have anda­re in infirmary." "Thanks" said Nick, taking endured the compressed one. "Brother, must make a hell evil you" said the agent. "and you have the air of having to collapse from a moment to the other. It would not be a beautiful thing that the child... "made a pause, was corrected"... that Mr. Ild saw to you: it would be taken care, and Gram does not want that it is taken care." "there will be of the fields for they" said Nick. "Where they will be able to establish relationships to their level. Instead trying of being like we." The soldier grugnì and sluices the door behind of himself. "the black one is not the color of the dead women" Ild churches. "Yes, it is" said Nick to it. "Then those are the dead women" "Yes" Nick said. "But they will not make them of the evil." "I did not have fear that they made of the evil me; I was pensan­do that you have already a broken arm and perhaps have been they." "she has been a girl" said Nick. "One low girl, with the crushed nose, a small authentication sgualdrina from slums. Girl for which, if she served to cancel that that is suc­cesso, you would give my life. But it is too much late." "She is your fiancèe who is died" It agreed. Amos a black pastel taken Ild and designed. Nick watched to emer­gere the customary filiform figures. A man, one woman. And a black ani­male, to four legs, shape of sheep. "a black sun, a black landscape with houses and black vehicles." "All black" Nick churches. "Because" "I do not know" said it Amos Ild. "It is well that they are all black ones" After a short pause Amos Ild it said: "It waits for." Scaraboc­chiò over the design, then tore the sheet in many strisce, the ap­pallottolò and it threw to them via. "I more do not succeed to think" was complained stizzosamente. "But we are not all black, true" Nick churches. "Me rispon­da, and then it will be able to stop to think." "Creed that the girl is all black one. And also you six parzialmen­te black, like your arm and some leave within of you, but task that the rest it is not." "Thanks" said Nick, raising themselves with the head that turned to it. "I believe that now I would better make to go from the doctor" I said. "Ri­tornerò later." "Not, you will not return" said Amos Ild. "Not? It is because " "Because you have uncovered the one which you wanted. You wanted that disegnas­si the Earth and you showed you of that color is, above all if were black." Taking a paper sheet it designed a great circle... in ver­de. "It is alive" said. And sorrise to Nick. Nick said: "" I must go: there is a tomba where the asphodel and the giglio wave, and I would want to feel sorry the impotent one fauno, se­polto under the addormentato land, with gaie songs before del­l' dawn. Its rowdy days were incoronate from the joy; and still dream that you walk on the Prato, passing between the dew co­me a ghost, trafitto to bottom my happy one to sing."" "Thanks" said Amos Ild. "Because" Nick said. "In order to have to me explained." It began an other design. With its black ma­tita one it designed the woman, underground and horizontal. "Here the tom­ba" it said, indicating it. "It is here that you must go. It is where it finds itself." "it will feel to Me" Nick churches. "It will know that there are" "Yes" Amos Ild said. "If you will sing. But you will have to sing." The door was opened and the agent in black said: "Ahead, friend. He goes himself to the infirmary." Nick tried to pull in along. "and I would have to put here gigli and asfo­deli" churches to Amos Ild. "Yes, and you will have to be remembered to call it for name." "Charlotte." Amos Ild Agreed. "Yes." "We go" said the agent, taking it for the shoulder and guidan­dolo outside from the room. "It is useless to speak to the pupi." "" Pupi "" Nick churches. "and therefore that you have intention of chia­marli" "Be', someone has already begun to make it. They are like bambi­ni." "" Nick did not say, "is not like bambini."Sono like san­ti and prophets, pensò.Come fortune tellers, or old tests. But we will have to be taken care of they, because they will not know alone cavarsela. Not riusciranno not to wash itself alone. "it has said something that it was worth the pain to feel" the churches the agent. Nick said: "it has said that a sure person can feel to me." They were arrives you to the infirmary. "It enters here" said the agent with a gesture. "From that door." "Thanks" said Nick. And one joined to the row of men and women in at­tesa. "it does not seem" said the agent to me in black, "that it has said gran­ché." "he has been sufficient." "They are pathetic, is not true" churches the agent. "I had always wished to be a New Man, but now..." It made one smor­fia. "If it goes some" Nick said. "I want to be able to think." The agent dressed of black if he went some. "Me excuses, its name" the churches the nurse. It held the ready pen. "Nick Appleton" said he. "They are the risolcatore of rubbers." Then it added: "and I would want to think. Perhaps, if you could spread a moment to me... " "Not more they are read free, getlteman" said the nurse. "But its arm..." touched it cautiously "... we can ingessarlo." "It goes well" said he. And leaning itself to the wall more close in order to stand in feet, waits. And while it attended, it thought. Lawyer Horace Denfeld entered to step svelto in the antica­mera of the office of the Prime Minister Willis Gram. Ave­va with himself its folder, and the expression on its face, joined to the way to walk, its conviction of being able showed an ulterior potenziamento del­la to negotiate from one force position. "It says Mr. Gram that I have other relative material to the ali­menti and the division of the property..." To its writing desk, Miss. Knight raised the eyes and dis­se: "he has arrived late, lawyer." "Excuses? It wants to say that at the moment it is occupied? That I will have to wait for " Denfeld consulted the wristwatch surrounded from dia­manti. "I can wait for to the maximum fifteen minuteren. I pray to inform it." "If n' she has gone" said Miss. Knight, intercrossing the fingers under mento sharp, a slow and sure gesture of himself that she did not go wasted with Denfeld. "All its personal problems, she and Irma in particular... are ended." "It wants to say because of the invasion." Denfeld grattò one na­rice with irritateed air. "Be', we will make it to arrive a citation of the court" said, aggrottando the forehead and assuming its more frightening espres­sione. "Ovunque has gone." "Willis Gram" said Miss. Knight, "has gone where nes­suna citation will be able to catch up it." "It wants to say that it is dead" "It is outside from our screw, hour. Beyond the Earth on which vivia­mo. It is with an enemy, an old enemy, and with what po­trebbe to become a new friend. At least we can hope it." "we will find" said It Denfeld. "It wants to bet? Fifty POP " Denfeld hesitated. "I..." Recommencing to write to machine, between one struck and the other Miss. Knight said: "Good day, Mr. Denfeld." Beside the writing desk, Denfeld remained immovable... something had attracted its attention, and hour hand for solle­vare the object lengthened one: one statuetta in plastic of a man with one tuni­ca. It held carefully between the hands for various minuteren - Miss. Knight tried to ignore it but it was also always lì - handling the fi­gurina, studying give it near, with solemn air. Sul its ace had appeared a wonder expression, like if, to every second that it passed, it succeeded to always see something of new nella statuetta of plastic. "Who is this" churches to Miss. Knight. "a statue of God" said Miss. Knight, and interrupted its laborious beating in order to observe it. "All have one, are ul­tima the fashion. Of it it had not never seen one before " "This would be the aspect of God" Denfeld churches. "Not, sure that not; it is alone... " "But it is God" said he. "Be', yes." Miss. Knight observed Denfeld; it saw the mera­viglia in its eyes, all its knowledge concentrated on that manufatto small... and capì:Ma sure, Denfeld is a New Man. And I am assisting to the process; it is becoming a pupo. Al­zandosi from the chair, said: "one sits down, Mr. Denfeld." The ac­compagnò to the divano and it made it to seat... becoming account that it had forgotten the folder on the writing desk. Forgotten now; forgotten in order always. "I can carry them something" churches; it did not know what to say. "One Coke? One Zing " Denfeld raised the look and it fixed it with eyes opens wide to you and full of hope. "I could have this statuetta? To hold " "Sure" it said, and tried one heads of compassion for lui.Uno of the little important and the last New Men to andar­sene. Now dov' it is its arrogance? Dov' is the arrogance of all how many? "God can fly" Denfeld churches. "It can open the arms and fly" "Yes" it said. "a day..." It interrupted itself. "Task that every thing viven­te will fly or in some scarpinerà way or will run; some will go fast, like in this life, but many will fly or scarpineranno. On and on. In order always. Also the snails and the scrolls; they will go much disc of a valve, but to the end ce they will make it. All ce will make it sooner or later, do not import how much are discs of a valve. Leaving many things die­tro of himself; this will have to make it. It does not believe " "Yes" it said. "Leaving very many things behind of himself." "Thanks" said Denfeld. "For what" "In order to have given God to me." "Not there is of that" it said. And stoically it recommenced to strike to machine. While Horace Denfeld played uninterruptedly with the statuetta of plastic. With the vastness of God. The End.