Published by Dell Publishing Co., Inc. 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza New York, New York 10017 Copyright © 1979 by Isaac Asimov All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information address Houghton Miffim Com- pany, Boston, Massachusetts. Dell ® TM 681510, Dell Publishing Co., Inc. ISBN: 0-440-16666-7 Reprinted by arrangement with Houghton Miffiin Company Printed in the United States of America First Dell printing—December 1980 The author wishes to thank the following for permission to quote selections from the works listed: Apocalypse: Good Taste. Copyright © 1976 by Isaac Asimov. Atonic Energy Commission: Worlds Within Worlds. Thomas Y. Crowell: Earth: Our Crowded Spaceship. Copy- right © 1974 by Isaac Asimov. A John Day book. Quoted by permission of Thomas Y. Crowell. Doubleday & Company, Inc.: Asimoo's Guide to SJwkespeare. Copyright © 1970 by Isaac Asimov. Asimov's Annotated Don Juan. Copyright © 1972 by Isaac Asimov. The Cods Themselves. Copyright © 1972 by Isaac Asimov. The Tragedy of the Moon. Copyright © 1972 by Mercury Press, Inc. Asimoc's Annotated Paradise Lost. Copyright © 1974 by Isaac Asimov. Before the Golden Age. Copyright © 1974 by Doubleday & Company, Inc. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Tales of the Black Widowers. Copyright © 1974 by Isaac Asimov. By Jupiter and Other Stories. Copyright © 1973 by Saturday Evening Post Company. Of Matters Great and Small. Copyright © 1974 by Mercury Press, Inc. The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories. Copyright © 1976 by Random House, Inc. More Tales of the Black Widowers. Copyright © 1976 by Isaac Asimov. Murder at the ABA. Copyright © 1976 by Isaac Asimov. The Beginning and the End. Copyright © 1974 by Triangle Publications. Inc. Familiar Poems Annotated. Copyright © 1977 by Isaac Asimov. Follett Publishing Company: Comets and Meteors. Text copy- right © 1972 by Isaac Asimov. Light. Test copyright © 1970 by Isaac Asimov. Used by permission of Follett Publishing Co., a division of Follett Corporation. Houghton Mifflin Company: Isaac Asimov's Treasury of Hu- mor. Copyright © 1971 by Isaac Asimov. The Land of Canaan. Copyright © 1971 by Isaac Asimov. More Words of 'Science. Copyright © 1972 by Isaac Asimov. The Shaping of France. Copyright © 1972 by Isaac Asimov. Please Explain. Copyright © 1966, 1969, 1972 by the Hearst Corporation. Eyes on the Uni- verse. Copyright © 1975 by Isaac Asimov. T/ie Golden Door. Copyright © 1977 by Isaac Asimov. Reprinted by permission. David McKay Company, Inc.: The Ends of the Earth. Copy- right © 1975 by Isaac Asimov. Reprinted by permission of the David McKay Company, Inc. William Morrow & Company, Inc.: Alpha Centauri, the Near- est Star. Copyright © 1976 by Isaac Asimov. Reprinted by per- mission of William Morrow & Company, Inc. Mysterious Press: Asimoo's Sherlockian Limericks. Copyright © 1978 by Isaac Asimov. The Saturday Evening Post Company; "The Dream"; "Ben- jamin's Dream"; and "Benjamin's Bicentennial Blast." Copyright © 1973 by the Saturday Evening Post Company. Reprinted by permission of The Saturday Evening Post Company. Walker and Company: ABC's of Space. Copyright © 1969 by Isaac Asimov. The Sensuous Dirty Old Man. Copyright © 1971 by Isaac Asimov. How Did We Find Out About Numbers? Copy- right © 1973 by Isaac Asimov. How Did We Find Out About Genus? Copyright © 1974 by Isaac Asimov. How Did We Find Out About Comets? Copyright © 1975 by Isaac Asimov. Lecher- ous Limericks. Copyright © 1975 by Isaac Asimov. More Lech- erous Limericks. Copyright © 1976 by Isaac Asimov. Still More Lecherous Limericks. Copyright © 1977 by Isaac Asimov. "The ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thirteenth Day of Christmas." First published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine and reprinted from The Key -Word and Other Mysteries by Isaac Asimov, published by Walker and Company, 1977. Copyright © 1977 by Isaac Asimov. DEDICATION To fanet Who saw me through the second hundred CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ASTRONOMY ROBOTS MATHEMATICS PHYSICS CHEMISTRY BIOLOGY WORDS HISTORY THE BIBLE SHORT-SHORTS HUMOB SOCIAL SCIENCES LITERATURE MYSTERIES AUTOBIOGRAPHY MY SECOND HUNDRED BOOKS INTRODUCTION In October 1969, Houghton Mifflin published my book Opus 100. It wasn't named at random. It was the hundredth book of mine to be published. That hundredth book took its time coming, of course. It wasn't till I was eighteen, after all, that I became a professional writer. (To be specific, my first sale took place on October 21, 1938.) Then, for eleven years after that, my only sales were to the sci- ence fiction magazines, so. that I became a well- known and successful writer (within the highly spe- cialized and non-numerous ranks of the science fiction world, anyway) without having a single book to my name." Then, on January 19, 1950, just after I had turned thirty, I finally published my first book. Pebble in the Sky. It was a science fiction novel. After that, first slowly (two books in 1950 and two more in 1951) and then more rapidly (eight books in 1960 and twelve books in 1966), I began to pile them up. What with one thing and another, I finally managed to reach the hundredth book not quite twenty years * In later years, these early stories were included in various books, so they didn't go to waste forever, you may be sure. 12 ISAAC ASIMOV after I had published the first one. That's an average of five books a vear, wliich isn't bad, at least as far as quantity is concerned. With regard to quality, it is perhaps harder to judge, but even if we disregard my own personal opinion that my books are great, it remains fair to assume that, publishers are reasonably sane and would not have published so many of my books if they didn't think they were good. Once a hundred books had come boiling out of my typewriter ribbons, I could have been forgiven if I had then retired. I might have considered a hundred books a reasonable life's work and spent the rest of my existence doing other things—having a good time, for instance. There was a catch, though; two catches, in fact. In the first place, when mv hundredth book came out I was still ten weeks on the sunny side of fifty (which mav not be much of a sunnv side, but where age is concerned, 1*11 snatch at a hair's breadth), and I didn't feel old enough to retire. In the second place, I was already having a good time and, if I retired, the only thing I would really want to do in retirement would be to write. So why retire only to do what I was already doing? So I kept on working; and to such good effect—for one gets better (or at least faster) with practice—that in a surprisingly brief period of time I found I was reaching my two hundredth book. The second hundred was completed by 1979, so that it had only taken me ten years to turn them out, which is an average of ten books a year. Naturally, Hougliton Mifflin (stifling who-knows- how-many-sighs) feels honor-bound to publish Opus 200 now, and I'm perfectly content to let them do so. OPUS 200 13 Let me emphasize now that, in publishing first Opus 100 and then Opus 200, neither I nor Houghton Mifflin is in any way celebrating the matter of quan- tity. My two hundred books are far from being a record. According to The Guinness Book of World Records, an Englishman named Charles Hamilton and an American named Charles Andrews each published about 100,000,000 words in their lifetimes, whereas mv published output so far comes to perhaps 15,000,000 words. Even supposing I live out a reasonably long life and continue writing at a reasonably fast clip, 1 don't think I can possibly surpass 25,000,000 published words at most. Furthermore, Charles Andrews, according to the Book of Records, wrote 100,000 words a week when at his peak, and I think I do well if I manage a measly 15,000 words of finished material in one week. Then, too, the British novelist John Creasey and the Belgian novelist Georges Simenon each published over 500 books in the course of their careers, and I don't see that it is at all likely that even a long and continually busy life is going to lift me past the 400 mark. Nevertheless, I do not labor under any sense of fail- ure because of this. Those authors who surpass me in quantity have (as far as I know) an only limited range. Their domain is fiction, and usually but one or two kinds of fiction, so that they attain speed by roll- ing down well-oiled tracks. I, on the other hand, write not only fiction but nonfiction. I write different kinds of nonfictlon for different kinds of audiences, and that is the purpose of my Opus books—to celebrate that variety. 14 ISAAC ASIMOV For Opus 100 I took passages from my first hundred books and carefully divided them into cate- gories. For Opus 200 I've taken passages from my sec- ond hundred books and divided them into the same categories—plus several additional ones. Nobody who reads my writings, after all, is very likely to have read all my books, or even most of them, and many people who do read and are, presum- ably, fond of some of my books are not aware of some of the other kinds of writing I do. In these Opus books, then, the average reader will get a chance to sample the variety to a fuller extent than he would otherwise have a chance to do. If he already likes part of what I write, he may find he also likes, or is at least curious about, some other parts of what I write. It might give him additional pleasure to read those other parts in toto, and that would then certainly please me. And if he doesn't already like part of what I write . . . then he might not buy this book in the first place, which would be a shame, but there's no law against it. PART1 ASTRONOMY To anyone who got his start writing science fiction in the days before World War II, astronomy was the sci- ence. No one envisioned space travel outside science fiction (except for a very few people working on rock- ets, who were considered 1»f all the "hardheaded" people around them to he but a half-step removed from science fiction writers). That meant that some facets of astronomy used to he the exclusive domain of those who wrote and read science fiction. For in- stance, where hut in science fiction could one de- scribe the surface of the Moon as seen from the sur- face of the Moon? Astronomy lost some of its „ exclusivity, where science fiction writers were con- cerned, by the time my second hundred hooks began to be written in the late 1960s. Astronauts strove to - reach the Moon, and in 1969, the year in which Opus 100 was Jmblished, they succeeded. We know the sur- face of the Moon in great detail now and science fic- tion has had to come to terms with that. But we have only reached the Moon; no one has yet actually lived on it. Therefore, the description of a . working and viable settlement on the Moon still lies ^y within the province of fiction. it For instance, in 1972 (for/ which time several space- If ships had landed on the Moon and returned safely), 18 ISAAC ASIMOV my science fiction novel The Gods Themselves (Book 121) was published by Doul)leday. It won both the Nebula (the award of the Science Fiction Writers of America) and the Hugo (the award of the fans gath- ered in a world convention)." The third part of the novel is set on the Moon, which is pictured as an elab- orate human settlement. Here is a passage in which Selene, the young woman Iwrn and bred on the Moon, teaches Ben, who arrived from Earth but a month be- fore, how to maneuver on the Moon's surface. from THE GODS THEMSELVES (1972) Selene laughed, and the sound was metallic in Deni- son's earpiece. Her Bgure was lost in the spacesuit she wore. She said, "Now come, Ben, there's no reason to be afraid. You're an old hand by now—you've been here a month." "Twenty-eight days," mumbled Denison. He felt smothered in his own suit. "A month," insisted Selene. "It was well past half- Earth when you came; it is well past half-Earth now." She pointed to the brilliant curve of the Earth in the southern sky. "Well, but wait. I'm not as brave out here as I am underground. What if I fall?" "What if you do? The gravity is weak by your stan- dards, the slope is gentle, your suit is strong. If you fall, just let yourself slide and roll. It's almost as much fun that way, anyhow." * I mention this for no reason other than that it gives me pleasure to do so. OPUS 200 19 Dension looked about doubtfully. The Moon lay beautiful in the cold light of the Earth. It was black and white; a mild and delicate white as compared with the sunlit views he had seen when he had taken a trip a week before to inspect the solar batteries that stretched from horizon to horizon along the floor of Mare Imbrium. And the black was somehow sorter, too, through lack of the blazing contrast of true day. The stars were supemally bright and the Earth—the Earth was infinitely inviting with its swirls of white on blue, and its peeping glimpse of tan. "Well," he said. "do vou mind if I hang on to you?" "Of course not. And we won't go all the way up. It will be the beginners' slope for you. Just try to keep in time with me. I'll move slowly." Her steps were long, slow, and swinging, and he tried to keep in synchronization. The up-sloping ground beneath them was dustv and with each step he kicked up a fine powder that settled quickly in the airlessness. He matched her stride for stride, but with an effort. "Good," said Selene, her arm locked in his, steady- ing him. "You're very good for an Earthie—no, I ought to say Immie." "Thank you." "That's not much better, I suppose. Immie for Im- migrant is as insulting as Earthie for Earthman. Shall I Just say you're simply very good for a man your age?" "No! That's much worse." Denison was gasping a little and he could feel his forehead moistening. Selene said, "Each time you reach the point where you're about to put your foot down, give a little push with your other foot. That will lengthen your stride and make it all the easier. No, no—watch me." 20 ISAAC ASIMOV Dension paused thankfully and watched Selene take off with low, effortless leaps Somehow, despite the grotesquery of the suit, she appeared slim and grace- ful when she moved. She returned and knelt at his feet. "Now you take a slow step, Ben, and I'll hit your foot when I want it to shove." They tried several times, and Denison said, "That's worse than running on Earth. I better rest." "All right. It's just that your muscles aren't used to the proper coordination. It's yourself you're fighting, you know, not gravity . . . Well, sit down and catch your breath. I won't take you up much farther." Dension said, "Will I do any damage to the pack if I lie down on my back?" "No, of course not, but ifs not a good idea. Not on the bare ground. It's only at 120 degrees absolute—ISO de- grees below zero, if you prefer—and the smaller the area of contact the better. I'd sit down." "All right." Gingerly, Denison sat down with a grunt. Deliberately, he faced northward, away from the Earth. "Look at those stars!" Selene sat perpendicular to him. He could see her face dimly through the faceplate now and then when the Earthlight caught it at the proper angle. She said, "Don't you see the stars on Earth?" "Not like this. Even when there are no clouds, the air on Earth absorbs some of the light. Temperature differences in the atmosphere make them twinkle, and city lights, even distant city lights, wash them out." "Sounds disgusting," "Do you like it out here, Selene? On the surface?" 'I'm not crazy about it really, but I don't mind it too much, now and then. It's part of my job to bring tour- ists out here, of course." OPUS 200 21 "And now you have to do it for me." "Can't I convince you it's not tlie same thing at all, Ben? We've got a set route for the tourists. It's very -tame, very uninteresting. You don't think we'd take them out here to the slide, do you? This is for Lunar- ites—and Immies. Mostly Immies, actually." "It can't be very popular. There's no one here but ourselves." "Oh, well, there are particular days for this sort of thing. You should see this place on race days. You wouldn't like it then, though." "I'm not sure I like it now. Is gliding a sport for Immies in particular^" "Rather. Lunarites don't like the surface generally." "How about Dr. Neville?" "You mean. how he feels about the surface?" "Yes." "Frankly, I don't think he's ever been up here. He's a real city boy. Why do you ask?" "Well, when I asked permissioir to go along on the routine servicing of the solar batteries, he was per- fectly willing to have me go, but he wouldn't go him- self- I rather asked him to, I think, so I could have someone answer my questions, if there were any, but his refusal was rather strong." "1 hope there was someone else to answer your questions." "Oh, ves. He was an Immie, too, come to think of it. Maybe that explains Dr. Neville's attitude toward the electron pump." "What do you mean?" "Well—" Denison leaned back and kicked his legs up alternately, watching them rise and fall slowly with a certain lazy pleasure. "Hev, that's not bad. Look, Se- lene, what I mean is that Neville is so intent on devel- 22 ISAAC ASIMOV oping a pump station on the Moon when the solar bat- teries are perfectly adequate for the job. We couldn't use solar batteries on Earth, where the Sun is never as unfailing, as prolonged, as bright, as radiant in all wave lengths. There's not a single planetary body in the solar system, no body of any size, that is 'more suitable for the use of the batteries than the Moon is. Even Mercury is too hot. But the use does tie you to the surface, and if you don't like the surface—" Selene rose to her feet suddenly and said, "All right, Ben, you've rested enough. Up! Up!" He struggled to his feet and said, "A pump station, however, would mean that no Lunarite would ever have to come out on the surface if he didn't want to." "Uphill we go, Ben. We'll go to that ridge up ahead. See it, where the Earthlight cuts off in a horizontal line?" They made their way up the final stretch silently. Denison was aware of the smoother area at their side—a wide swath of slope from which most of the dust had been brushed. "That's too smooth for a beginner to work up," Se- lene said, answering his thoughts. "Don't get too am- bitious or you'll want me to teach you the kangaroo- hop next." She made a kangaroo-hop as she spoke, turned about-face almost before landing, and said, "Right here. Sit down and I'll adjust—" Denison did, facing downhill. He looked down the slope uncertainly. "Can you really glide on it?" "Of course. The gravity is weaker on the Moon than on Earth, so you press against the ground much less strongly, and that means there is much less friction. Everything is more slippery on the Moon than on the Earth. That's why the floors in our corridors and OPUS 200 23 ^ apartments seemed unfinished to you. Would you like to hear me give my little lecture on the subject? The one I give the tourists?" "No, Selene." "Besides, we're going to use gliders, of course." She '.had a small cartridge in her hand. Clamps and a pair of thin tubes were attached to it. "What is that?" asked Ben. "Just a small liquid-gas reservior. It will emit a jet -^of vapor just under vour boots. The thin gas layer be- tween boots and ground will reduce friction virtually to zero. You'll move as though you were in clear ' space." 4 Dension said uneasily, "I disapprove. Surely it's . wasteful to use t^as in this fashion on the Moon." "Oh, now. What gas do you think we use in these gliders? Carbon dioxide? Oxygen? This is waste gas to jpbegin with. It's argon. It comes out of the Moon's soil ||in ton lots, formed by billions of years of the break- |sdown of potassium-40 . . . That's-part of my lecture, ^too, Ben . . . The argon has only a few specialized H.uses on the Moon. We could use it for gliding for a ^million years without exhausting the supply ... All IJright. Your gliders are on. Now wait till I put mine ton." ^ "How do they work?" fef "It's quite automatic. You just start sliding and that •will trip the contact and start the vapor. You've only ,got a few minutes' supply, but that's all you'll need." | She stood up and helped him to his feet. "Face downhill . . . Come^u^ Ben, this is a gentle slope. Look at it. It looks perrectly level." "No, it doesn't," said Denison sulkily. "It looks like a cliff to me." "Nonsense. Now listen to me and remember what I 24 ISAAC ASIMOV told you. Keep your feet about six inches apart and one just a few inches ahead of the other. It doesn't matter which one is ahead. Keep your knees bent. Don't lean into the wind because there isn't any. Don't try to look up or back, but you can look from side to side if you have to. Most of all, when you finally hit level, don't try to stop too soon; you'll be going faster than you think. Just let the glider expire and then fric- tion will bring you to a slow halt." "I'll never remember all that." "Yes, you will. And I'll be right at your side to help. And if you do fall and I don't catch you, don't try to do anything. Just relax and let yourself tumble or slide. There are no boulders anywhere that you can collide with." Denison swallowed and looked ahead. The south- ward slide was gleaming in Earthlight. Minute un- evennesses caught more than their share of light, leav- ing tiny uphill patches in darkness so that there was a vague mottling of the surface. The bulging half-circle of Earth rode the black sky almost directly ahead. "Ready?" said Selene. Her gauntfeted hand was be- tween his shoulders. "Ready," said Denison faintly. *Then off you go," she said. She pushed and Deni- son felt himself begin to move- He moved quite slowly at first. He turned toward her, wobbling, and she said, "Don't worry. I'm right at your side." He could feel the ground beneath his feet—and then he couldn't. The glider had been activated. For a moment he felt as though he were standing still. There was no push of air against his body, no feel of anything sliding past his feet. But when he turned toward Selene again, he noticed that the lights OPUS 200 25 and shadows to one side were moving backward at a slowly increasing speed- "Keep your eyes on the Earth," Selene's voice said in his ear, "till you build up speed. The faster you go, the more stable you 11 be. Keep your knees bent . . . You're doing very well, Ben." "For an Immie," gasped Denison. "How does it feel?*' "Like flying," he said. The pattern of light and dark on either side was moving backward in a blur. He looked briefly to one side, then the other, trying to convert the sensation of a backward flight of the sur- roundings into one of a forward flight of his own. Then, as soon as he succeeded, he found he had to look forward hastily at the Earth to regain his sense of balance. "I suppose that's not a good comparison to use to you. You have no experience of flying on the Moon." "Now I know, though. Flying must be like gliding— I know what that is." She was keeping up with him easily. Denison was going fast enough now so that he got the sensation of motion even when he looked ahead. The Moonscape ahead was opening before him and flowing past on either side. He said, "How fast do you get to go in a glide?" "A good Moon-race," said Selene, "has been clocked at speeds in excess of a hundred miles an hour—on steeper slopes than this one, of course. You'll probably reach a top of thirty-five." "It feels a lot faster than that somehow." "Well, it isn't. We're leveling off now, Ben, and you haven't fallen. Now Just hang on; the glider will die off and you'll feel friction. Don't do anything to help it. Just keep going." 26 ISAAC ASIMOV Selene had barely completed her remarks when Den- ison felt the beginning of pressure under his boots. There was at once an overwhelming sensation of speed and he clenched his fists hard to keep from throwing his arms up in an almost reHex gesture against the collision that wasn't going to happen. He knew that if he threw up his arms, he would go over backward. He narrowed his eyes, held his breath till he thought his lungs would explode, and then Selene said, "Perfect, Ben, perfect. I've never known an Im- mie to go through his first slide without a fall, so if you do fall, there'll be nothing wrong. No disgrace." "I don't intend to fall," whispered Denison. He caught a large, ragged breath, and opened his eyes wide. The Earth was as serene as ever, as uncaring. He was moving more slowly now—more slowly—more slowly— "Am I standing still now, Selene?" he asked. "I'm not sure." "You're standing still. Now don't move. You've got to rest before we make the trip back to town . . . Damn it. I left it somewhere around here when we came up." Denison watched her with' disbelief. She had climbed up with him, had glided down with him. Yet he was half-dead with weariness and tension, and she was in the air with long kangaroo-leaps. She seemed a hundred yards away when she said, "Here it isl" and her voice was as loud in his ears as when she was next to him. She was back in a moment with a folded, paunchy sheet of plastic under her arm. "Remember," she said cheerily, "when you asked on our way up what it was, and I said we'd be using it OPUS 200 27 before we came down?" She unfolded it and spread it on the dusty surface of the Moon. "A lunar lounge is its full name," she said, "but we just call it a lounge. We take the adjective for granted here on this world." She inserted a cartridge and tripped a lever. It began to fill. Somehow Denison had expected a hissing noise, but of course there was no air to carry sound. "Before you question our conservation policies again," said Selene, "this is argon also." It blossomed into a mattress on six stubby legs. "It will hold you," she said. "It makes very little actual contact with the ground and the vacuum all around will conserve its heat." "Don't tell me it's hot," said Denison, amazed. "The argon is heated as it pours in, but only rela- tively. It ends up at 270 degrees absolute, almost warm enough to melt ice, and quite warm enough to keep your insulated suit from losing heat faster than you can manufacture it. Co ahead. Lie down." Denison did so, with a sensation of enormous lux- ury. "Great!" he said with a long sigh. "Mama Selene thinks of everything," she said. She came from behind him now, gliding around him, her feet placed heel to heel as though she were on skates, and then let them fiy out from under her, as she came down gracefully on hip and elbow on the ground just beside him. Denison whistled. "How did you do that?" "Lots of practicel And don't you try it. You'll break your elbow." 28 ISAAC ASIMOV Some of the real findings on the Moon tended to de- stroy a few of the more interesting science fictional notions. For instance, to the best of our knowledge, there have always been not more than small traces of water on the Moon, and even these are vanishing. Our study of the Moon rocks has shown that. Yet, in the science fiction written before we reached the Moon, it was often assumed that there was some water on the Moon that might be frozen under the soil or chemi- cally combined with the molecules of the crustal rock. Even as late as 1972 1 held on to the hope that this might be so despite the negative findings of the first astronauts on the Moon. Thus, here is another scene from The Gods Themselves. This time Selene and Ben are inside the settlement. Denison tried to beat down his self-consciousness. Time and again, he made a groping motion as though i, to hitch upward the pants he wasn't wearing. He wore :• only sandals and the barest of briefs, which were un- comfortably tight. And, of course, he carried the blan- ^ ket. 1 Selene, who was similarly accoutered, laughed. H "Now, Ben, there's nothing wrong with your bare H body, barring a certain flabbiness. It's perfectly in ^ fashion here. In fact, take off your briefs if they're binding you." "Nol" muttered Denison. He shifted the blanket so that it draped over his abdomen and she snatched it from him. She said, "Now give me that thing. What kind of a Lunarite will you make if you bring your Earth puri- tanism here? You know that prudery is only the other OPUS 200 29 side of prurience. The words are even on the same page in the dictionary." "I have to get used to it, Selene." "You might start by looking at me once in a while without having your glance slide off me as though I were coated with oil. You look at other women quite efficiently, I notice." "If I look at you—" Then you'll seem too interested and you'll be em- barrassed. But if vou look hard, you'll get used to it, and you'll stop noticing. Look, I'll stand still and you stare. I'll take off my briefs." Denison groaned, "Selene, there are people all around and you're making intolerable fun of me. Please keep walking and let me get used to the situa- tion." "All right, but I hope you notice the people who pass us don't look at us." "They don't look at you. They look at me all right. They've probably never seen so old-looking and ill- shaped a person." "They probably haven't," agreed Selene cheerfully, "but they'll just have to get used to it." Denison walked on in misery, conscious of every gray hair on his chest and of every quiver of his paunch. It was only when the passageway thinned out and the people passing them were fewer in number that he began to feel a certain relief. He looked about him curiously now, not as aware of Selene's conical breasts as he had been, nor of her smooth thighs. The corridor seemed endless. "How far have we come?" he asked. "Are you tired?" Selene was contrite. "We could have taken a scooter. I forget you're from Earth." 30 ISAAC ASIMOV "I should hope you do. Isn't that the ideal for an immigrant? I'm not the least bit tired. Hardly the least bit tired at anv rate. What I am is a little cold." "Purely your imagination, Ben," said Selene firmly. "You just think you ought to feel cold because so much of vou is bare. Put it out of vour head." "Easv to sav," he sighed. "I'm walking well, I hope." "Very well. I'll have vou kangarooing yet." "And participating in glider races down the surface slopes. Remember, I'm moderately advanced in years. But really, how far have we come?" "Two miles, I should judge." "Good Lord! How many miles of corridors are there altogether?" "I'm afraid I don't know. The residential corridors make up comparatively little of the total. There are the mining corridors, the geological ones, the in- dustrial, the mvcological . . . I'm sure there must be several hundred miles altogether." "Do you have maps?" "Of course there are maps. We can't work blind."* 1 mean you, personally." "Well, no, not with me, but I don't need maps for this area; it's quite familiar to me. I used to wander about here as a child. These are old corridors. Most of the new corridors—and we average two or three miles of new corridors a-year, I think—are in the north. I couldn't work my wav through them, without a map, for untold sums. Mavbe not even with a map." "Where are we heading?" "I promised you an unusual sight—no, not me, so don't say it—and you'll have it. It's the Moon's most unusual mine and it's completely off the ordinary tourist trails." "Don't tell me you've got diamonds on the Moon?" OPUS 200 31 ''Better than that." The corridor walls were unfinished here—gray rock, dimly but adequately lit by patches of electrolumi- nescence. The temperature was comfortable and at a steady mildness, with ventilation so gently effective there was no sensation of wind. It was hard to tell here that a couple of hundred feet above was a sur- face subjected to alternate trying and freezing as the Sun came and went on its grand biweekly swing from horizon to horizon and then underneath and back. "Is all this airtight?" asked Denison, suddenly un- comfortably aware that he was not far below the bot- tom of an ocean of vacuum that extended upward through infinity. "Oh, yes. Those walls are impervious. They're all booby-trapped, too. If the air pressure drops as much as ten percent in any section of the corridors there is a hooting and howling from sirens such as you've never heard and a flashing of arrows and blazing signs di- recting you to safety such as you've never seen." "How often does this happen?" "Not often. I don't think anyone has been killed through air-lack in at least five years." Then, with sud- den defensiveness, "You have natural catastrophes on Earth. A big quake or a tidal wave can kill thou- sands." "No argument, Selene." He threw up his hands. "I surrender." "All right," she said. "I didn't mean to get excited . . . Do you hear that?" She stopped in an attitude of listening. Denison listened, too, and shook his head. Sud- denly, he looked around. "It's so quiet. Where is every- body? Are you sure we're not lost?" "This isn't a natural cavern with unknown passage- 32 ISAAC AS1MOV ways. You have those on Earth, haven't you? I've seen photographs." "Yes, most of them are limestone caves formed by water. That certainly can't be the case on the Moon, can it?" "So we can't be lost," said Selene, smiling. "If we're alone, put it down to superstition." To what?" Denison looked startled and his face creased in an expression of disbelief. "Don't do that." she said. "You get all lined. That's right- Smooth out. You look much better than you did when you first arrived, you know. That's low gravity and exercise." "And trying to keep up with nude young ladies who have an uncommon amount of time off and an un- common lack of better things to do than to go on bus- men's holidays." "Now you're treating me like a tourist guide again, and I'm not nude," Selene retorted. "At that, even nudity is less frightening than Intui- tionism . . . But what's this about superstitition?" "Not really superstition, I suppose, but most of the people of the city tend to stay away from this part of the corridor complex." "But why?" "Because of what I'm going to show you." They were walking again. "Hear it now?" She stopped and Denison listened anxiously. He said, "You mean that small tapping sound? Tap—tap. Is that what you mean?" She loped ahead with the slow-motion movement of the Lunarite in unhurried flight. He followed her, at- tempting to ape the gait. "Here—here—" Denison's eye followed Selene's eagerly pointing fin- OPUS 200 33 ger. "Good Lord," he said. "Where's it coming from?" There was a drip of what was clearly water; a slow dripping, with each drip striking a small ceramic trough that led into the rock wall. "From the rocks. We do have water on the moon, you know. Most of it we can bake out of gvpsum; enough for our purposes, since we conserve it pretty well." "I know- I know. I've never yet been able to man- age one complete shower. How you people manage to stay clean I don't know." "I told you. First, wet yourself- Then turn off the water and smear just a little detergent on you. You rub it— Oh, Ben, I'm not going through it yet again. And there's nothing on the Moon to get you all that dirty anyway . . . But that's not what we're talking about. In one or two places there are actually water deposits, usually in the form of ice near the surface in the shadow of a mountain. If we locate it, it drips out. This one has been dripping since the corridor was first driven through, and that was eight years ago." "But why the superstition?" "Well, obviously, water is the great material re- source on which the Moon depends. We drink it, wash with it, grow our food with it, make our oxygen with it, keep everything going with it. Free water can't help but get a lot of respect. Once this drip was dis- covered, plans to extend the tunnels in this direction were abandoned till it stopped. The corridor walls were even left unfinished." "That sounds like superstition right there." "Well—a kind of awe, maybe. It wasn't expected to last for more than a few months; such drips never do. But after this one had passed its first anniversary, it began to seem eternal. In fact, that's what it's called: 34 ISAAC ASIMOV The Eternal. You'll even find it marked that way on the maps. Naturally people have come to attach im- portance to it, a feeling that if it stops it will mean some sort of bad fortune." Denison laughed. Selene said warmly, "No one really believes it, but .everyone part-believes it. You see, it's not really eter- nal; it must stop sometime. As a matter of fact, the rate of drip is only about a third of what it was when it was first discovered, so that it is slowly drying. I imagine people feel that if it happened to stop when they were actually here, they would share in the bad fortune. At least, that's the rational way of explaining their reluctance to come here." "I take it that you don't believe this." "Whether I believe it or not isn't the point. You see, I'm quite certain that it won't stop sharply enough for anyone to be able to take the blame. It will just drip slower and slower and slower and no one will ever be able to pinpoint the exact time when it stopped. So why worry?" "I agree with you." At the start, my writing consisted almost entirely of science fiction. Of my first hundred books, nearly one third is science fiction. That fell off with time, how- ever. Of my second hundred books, only thirteen can be considered science fiction under even the most lib- eral interpretation. That did not end my concern with astronomy, how- ever, for 1 continued to deal with it in my nonfiction and for every age level. I wrote some picture books for Walker 6- Company, for instance, at the suggestion of Beth Walker. They OPUS 200 35 were ABC hooks, actually, in which two words were defined for each letter of the alphabet. The idea was that an ei^ht-year'old could read the definitions {or, at least, have an adult read it to him) and then be fascinated by the pictures. The first and mo-vt successful of these was ABC's of Space (Book 10J), which was published in 1969. Here, for instance, are the definitions of the two words under 0: from ABC's OF SPACE (1969) 0 is for Ocean of Storms a dark, smooth area on the Moon where the first unmanned spaceship landed in 1966. It is not really an ocean, because tliere is probablv no wa- ter on the Moon. There are no storms either, but we still use the name. o is for orbit the path a small world takes around a larger one. The Moon moves in an orbit around the Earth. The Earth moves in an orbit around the Sun. Both orbits are almost like circles. An orbit is also the path a spaceship takes around the Earth or Moon. I was not particularly fond of the ABC books, of which three others were ]mblished by Walker by 1972. These wereABC's of the Ocean (Book 107), ABC's of the Earth (Book 117), and ABC's of Ecology (Book 124). The ABC format didn't leave me enough scope. 36 ISAAC ASIMOV I did, however, start another series of books for Walker is- Company with which I had a good deal more fun. The title of each book in the series, which was orig- inally suggested by mi/ editor, Millicent Selsam, was to begin How Did We Find Out. They were to deal with science history on a Junior high school level. The first one of these was How Did We Find Out the Earth Is Round? (Book 133), which Walker pub- lished in 1973. Writing the book was sheer pleasure, and I knew I had something I would continue. In- deed, of my second hundred hooks, no fewer than thirteen are members of fhe How Did We Find Out series. One of the things that made the series pleasurable for me was that the books varied widely in subject matter_Three of them dealt with astronomy, four with physics, two with biology, one with mathematics, one with chemistry, one with geology, and one with an- thropology. One of the "astronomicaU" was How Did We Find Out About Comets? {Book 162}, which was pub- lished in 1975. Millie requested that topic during the hullabaloo concerning the then forthcoming comet Kohoutek. Though, alas, the comet fizzled, the book certainly remained valid. Here's how I handled the way in which cometary orbits were finally worked out. from How Dro WE FIND Our ABOUT COMETS (1975} A German astronomer, Johannes Kepler, who had been one of Tycho's assistants, disagreed with part of Copemicus's theory. After studying the motions of the OPUS 200 37 planets in the sky, Kepler said, in 1609, that the plan- ets moved around the sun in orbits that were not circles. Each planet moved around the sun in an "ellipse." An ellipse looks like a flattened circle. It can be so slightly flattened that you cannot tell it from a circle. It can be more flattened, so that you can see at a glance that it is not a circle. Or it can be very flat- tened, so that it looks long and thin, something like a cigar. The orbit of the earth around the sun is an ellipse that is only very slightly flattened. It is almost circu- lar. The moon's orbit around the earth is more flat- tened, and Mercury's orbit around the sun is still more flattened. Even Mercury's orbit, which is more flat- tened than that of any other planet known in Kepler's time, is not very flattened. Its orbit still looks like a circle. The sun is not at the very center of the elliptical orbits of the planets around it. The flatter the ellipse, the closer one end of it is to the sun. When the earth moves around the sun, it is only 91,500,000 miles from the sun at one end of its orbit, but 94,500,000 miles from the sun at the other end. The farther distance is less than 4 percent greater than the nearer distance. Mercury's orbit around the sun is more elliptical, so there is a bigger difference. When Mercury is at the end of the ellipse nearer the sun, it is only 28,000,000 miles away. At the other end, it is 44,000,000 miles from the sun. The farther distance is about 50 percent greater than the nearer distance. Kepler was able to work out elliptical orbits for all the planets, but what about the comets? If thev were heavenly bodies, did that mean they had orbits, too? 38 ISAAC ASIMOV Kepler carefully studied the reports he had about the changing positions of comets in the sky. Finally, he decided that comets must move in straight lines. He thought they came from far out in space, passed near the sun, then traveled onward far out in space in the other direction. They could only be seen when they were close to the sun and reflected its light. Before they came close enough to the sun, they could not be seen. After they moved far enough from the sun, they again could not be seen. According to Kepler's view, comets were not part of the solar system. Each comet just passed tlirough the solar system once and was never seen again. An Italian astronomer, Giovanni Alfonso Borelli, carefully studied the positions of a comet that ap- peared in the sky in 1664. He found he had to dis- agree with Kepler. The only way to make sense out of the path the comet took across the sky, Borelli said, was to suppose that it changed direction as it passed the sun. It came closer and closer to the sun, along a line that was nearly straight. Then it moved around the sun, and left along a line that was again nearly straight but had changed direction. The way Borelli explained this was to point out that ellipses could be very flattened indeed. They could be so flattened that they would resemble a very long, thin cigar. In fact. if you imagined an ellipse that was more and more flattened, and longer and longer, you could eventually imagine one that was so flattened it Just went on and on forever. Such an ellipse would be closed only at one end. In the other direction, it would never be closed, but would just go on and on. A one- OPUS 200 39 ended ellipse that goes on and on forever is called a "parabola." Borelli decided that a comet's orbit was a para- bola, with the sun very near the closed end. The com- et came in at one side of the parabola, went whizz- ing around the sun, and theu moved outward along the other side of the parabola. Borelli's view was like that of Kepler, except that the orbit he conceived was not a straight line. Like Kepler, Borelli thought a comet was originally so far away it could not be seen. As it came closer and closer to the sun, it grew bright enough to be seen, and then as it went farther and farther from the sun, it once more became too dim to be seen. In Borelli's view, as in Kepler's, the comets were not members of the solar system. Each comet just passed through the solar sys- tem once and never returned. Kepler's notion of elliptical orbits worked very well for the planets, but there were fots of questions left. Why did the planets go around the sun in ellipses in- stead of circles (or some other curve)? Why did plan- ets move faster when they were nearer the sun than when they were farther away? These questions and many others were answered by the English scientist Isaac Newton. In 1687, he pub- lished a book in which he described his theory of uni- versal gravitation. According to this theory, every body in the universe attracted every other body. The strength of the attraction between two particular bod- ies depended on. the "mass" or each body (how much matter it contained) and on how far apart the two bodies were. The strength of the attraction could be calculated by a simple mathematical equation. Newton showed how to use the equation to work 40 ISAAC ASIMOV out the exact orbit of the moon around the earth and of the planets around the sun. The same equation explained why each planet moved quickly at some times and slowly at other times, and why some planets moved faster than oth- ers. It explained little changes in the motion of tne planets that were produced by the tiny pulls of one planet on another even as all were caught in the gi- gantic pull of the much larger sun. It explained the tides on the earth and many other things, too. But comets were the one set of heavenly bodies that remained puzzling. If comets traveled in orbits that were parabolas, Newton's theory could account for that fact Suppose, though, the orbits were not quite parabolas. Suppose the orbits were Just very long ellipses and were closed at the other end. We can only observe the comet at the end of the orbit near the sun. The shape of that small part of the enormous orbit would be a narrow curve if the ellipse were very long. The shape would be slightly wider, if the ellipse were even longer, and still wider if the el- lipse never closed at all and were a parabola. The differences in the shapes of the small bit of orbit we could see, as predicted by Newton's theory, were so tiny that astronomers in Newton's time could not tell them apart. They couldn't really say whether the orbit or a comet was a very long ellipse or whether it was a parabola, It made a difference. If a comet's orbit were a para- bola, it would visit the solar system once and would never be seen again. If the orbit were a very, very long ellipse, then eventually the comet would come to the other end of the ellipse, turn around, and begin to approach the sun again. The comet would return. In fact, if astronomers could calculate the exact OPUS 200 41 length of the orbit, they could even predict when the comet would return. That would be a big victory for Newton's theory. Newton had a young friend, Edmund Halley, who had helped Newton publish his book and who was in- terested in the comet problem. In 1682, a comet appeared and Halley very care- fully studied its positions and the way it moved across the sky. From the part of the orbit he could see, he couldn't tell whether it would ever return. It seemed to him, though, that if a comet did return it should do so at regular periods—every so many years—and that it should always trace the same curve across the sky. He therefore began to collect all the reports on the positions of earlier comets that he could find- By 1705, he had collected good reports on two dozen comets of the past and began to compare them. He noticed that the comet of 1682, which he had himself observed, followed the -same curve across the sky that the comet of 1607 had. The same curve had also been followed by the comet of 1532 (which Fra- castoro and Apian had studied) and the comet of 1456. These comets had come at seventy-Hve- or seventy- six-year periods. Could it be that it was a single comet that returned every seventy-five years or so? Could it be that it was a "periodic comet"? Halley worked out the orbit for a comet that re- turned every seventy-five years and followed the same curve in the sky that the comet of 1682 had followed. The results were quite amazing. Saturn, the planet farthest from the sun (as far as was known in Halley's time) was never farther from the sun than 930,000,000 miles. The comet of 1682, however, moved out as far 42 ISAAC ASIMOV as 3,200,000,000 miles from the sun before it reached the other end of its ellintical orbit and began moving inward again. The comet moved over three times as far awav from the sun as Saturn ever moved. On the other hand, when the comet passed along the end of the ellipse that was near the sun, it came as close as 54,000,000 miles from the sun. This was only about half of earth's distance from the sun. After Halley had calculated the orbit, he announced that the comet of 1682 would return some time in 1758 and would follow a particular path across the sky. Halley did not live long enough to see the comet's return. He was eightv-six years old when he died in 1742, but that was much too soon to see the return. There were. however, others who were watching for it. A French astronomer, Alexis Claude Clairault, con- sidered the orbit as outlined bv Hallev. He realized that the gravitational pull of the large planets, Jupiter and Saturn, would delav the comet a little bit. It would not pass around the sun till some time in 1759. In 1758, astronomers eagerly watched that part of the sky in which Hallev had said the comet should appear. They did not have to depend only on their eyes as Tycho and earlier astronomers had done. The telescope had been invented in 1609. On December 25, 1758, Christmas Day, a German farmer named Johann Georg Palitzch, who was an amateur astronomer, spotted the comet. The comet of 1682 appeared in the sky where Halley had said it would and proceeded to move along the path Halley had predicted for it. It moved around the sun quite close to the time Clairaulrtiad predicted. There was no question that it was the comet of 1682 and that it had returned. That meant that some of the OPUS 200 43 mystery of comets was cleared up. They followed the same rules -as the other bodies of the solar system ex- cept that their oibits were more elliptical. Naturally, the comet of 1682 that returned and passed around the sun in 1759 came to be called "Hal- ley's comet." Halley's comet is the most famous comet there is. It happens to be the one that was in the sky in 1066 when William of Normandy was preparing to invade England. It was also in the sky in 11 B.C., about the time when Jesus may have been born. Some people think it may have been the Star of Bethlehem. Halley's comet has returned twice since Palitzch saw it. It came back in 1835 and was glowing in the sky when Mark Twain was born. Then it came back in 1910 and Mark Twain died when it was glowing in the sky. It will come back yet again in 1986. Writing for different age levels has its problems, of course, .-since the boundaries (ire not clear. I let myself be guided by instinct, and if I must err, I prefer to err on the side of difficulty. I like to think that the kind of youngster who is interested in my books would rather stretch a little and stand on his mental tiptoes than stoop to something he might consider babyish. Thus, for Follett Publishing Company, I did a series of eight books on science that were intended for an age level higher than that .of my ABC books and lower than that of my How Did We Find Out books. The first four of the Follett series were published among my first hundred books, but the second four, including three on astronomy, were in my second hundred books. They are Comets and Meteors (Book 44 ISAAC ASIMOV 134), The Sun {Book 735), and The Solar System {Book 160). Here is how I handled the matter of com- etary orbits in Comets and Meteors: from COMETS AND METEOBS (1873) Comets go around the sun the way planets do, but with a difference. Planets move in paths, called "orbits," that are nearly circles. Thev stav almost the same dis- tance from the sun all the time. Comets move in orbits that are long and narrow. Both comets and planet or- bits are "ellipses." At one end of the orbit, comets pass near the sun, perhaps only a few million miles away. At the other end, they are much farther awav, sometimes farther than any planet. At this point, they are billions of miles away from the sun. A comet has no light of its own. To be seen, it must be near a large bright object, like the sun. Sunlight makes a comet shine. Comets get very little sunlight at the far end of their orbits. They are small and dim then. They can- not be seen even with a telescope- As they move closer to the sun, they get more sunlight. They be- come bright enough to be seen. People see comets only at the end of their orbits close to the sun. Tlien thev are close to the earth, too. Centuries ago, people believed that comets came from nowhere. They couldn't tell when another comet might come. About three hundred years ago, an English astrono- mer, Edmund Hallev, studied records of comets that had been seen. He found that every seventy-six years OPUS 200 45 or so, a comet crossed a certain part of the sky. He decided it must be a single comet that came close to the sun every seventv-six vears. Hallev said the comet would come back in 1758 and cross the same part of the skv- Bv then, Halley was dead. But the comet returned just as he said it would. It is known as Halley's comet tor that reason. This business of aiming high for each age group means that almost no effort is involved if I aim for the teenage market. I always assume that a teenager is as intelligent as an adult and has the vocabulary of one. What he lacks is merely the opportunity to have read as widely as an adult. {Naturally, I am talking of an intelligent, well-read adult.) Consequently, in writing for teenagers, I take par- ticular care to make no assumptions of precious knowledge and to explain everything that doesn't come within the range of common experience—hut I make sure I use a full vocabulary to do so. Teenagers are sensitive {and rightly so) to any hint of conde- scension. Included among my second hundred books are three on astronomy for teenagers, which I wrote at the suggestion of Chaucy Bennetts of I^othrop, Lee 6- Shepard Company. She is a very capable editor who, coincidentally, became my cousin by marriage after the series started. The three books are Jupiter, the Largest Planet {Book 139); Alpha Centauri, the Near- est Star {Book 179); and Mars, the Red Planet {Book 188). Here are two excerpts from Alpha Centauri: 46 ISAAC ASIMOV from ALPHA CENTAUM, THE NEAREST STAB (1976) In the case of the Alpha Centauri system, the average separation of the two stars Alpha Centauri A and Al- pha Centauri li is greater than that of Uranus and the sun, and less than that of Neptune and the sun. If the Alpha Centauri sv.stem were suoerimposed on the so- lar system, however, with Alpha Centauri A in place of our sun, Alpha Centauri B would not take up a cir- cular orbit between those of Uranus and Neptune. Things would be a little more complicated than that. If the orbit of an object moving around a star were an exact circle, the star would remain at the precise center of the orbit and that would represent a very simple situation. Actually, the orbit is always an el- lipse, a kind of flattened circle. An ellipse has a major axis (its longest diameter) and a minor axis (its short- est diameter). The center of the ellipse is at the point where the two axes cross. There are two focus points, or foci, in the ellipse. They are located on the major axis, one on each side of the center and at an equal distance from it. The more flattened the ellipse, the farther the foci are from the center and the closer they are to the ends. These foci are located in such a way that if a straight line is drawn from one focus to any point on the ellipse, and another straight line is drawn from that point to the other focus, the sum of the lengths of the two straight lines is always the same and always equal in size to the major axis. As it happens, when an object moves about a star in an elliptical orbit, the star is always at one of the foci and is, therefore, nearer to one end of the orbit than to the other. If the ellipse is very flattened, the star is OPUS 200 47 far to one end and the orbiting object is very close to tlie star at that end of the orbit and very far from it at the other end. The point of closest approach is called the "peri- astron," from Greek words meaning "near the star." The farthest point is the "apastron," from Greek words meaning "awav from the star." In a binary system both stars, under the pull of gravity, move in orbits around a point between them called the "center of gravity." As they move, both stars always remain on opposite sides of the center of gravity, and the larger star is always closer to it This means tliat although both stars have orbits that are ellipses of the same shape, the larger star always moves through the smaller orbit When one object in a binary system is very much larger than the other, it makes such a small ellipse about the center of gravity that it is practically sta- tionary. This is true of the sun and Earth, for instance, where the sun scarcely moves at'all while tiny Earth moves in a large ellipse. It is always possible, however, to suppose that the larger of two obiects in a binarv system is standing still and to calculate the orbit of the smaller about it. This distorts the situation relative to observers in other planetary systems—relative to us, for instance. However, if we could imagine ourselves observing the binary system from the larger of the two stars, what we would observe would be the smaller star moving about a motionless larger one. When astronomers observe a binary system, they are not at all likely to be viewing it from directly above, so to speak, so as to see the elliptical orbits marked out exactly as they are. They usually view the 48 ISAAC ASIMOV orbits from a tilted position, so that the ellipses they see are not the ellipses marked out bv the orbiting stars. What thev see are ellipses that are more flat- tened, sometimes verv much more flattened. In these distorted ellipses, however, the larger star, which is supposed to be stationary, is not at the focus of the smaller star's orbit. If astronomers tilt the orbit, in imag- ination, until the star moves into the focus, they get the true ellipse. The degree of flattening of an ellipse is measured as its "eccentricity" (from Greek words meaning "out of center"), since the greater the eccentricity, the farther the foci are from the center. The eccentricity of a cir- cle, which is not flattened at all, is 0. For an ellipse, the eccentricity is alwavs between 0 and 1. If an el- lipse has a low eccentricity, say, less than 0.1, it is so slightly flattened that to the eye it looks very much like a circle. The flatter an ellipse is, the more it ap- proaches a value of 1. An orbit with an eccentricity of 0.9, then, looks quite cigar-shaped, An example of a high degree of eccentricity in a binary system is Gamma Virginis, where the eccen- tricity is 0.88. This means that the distance from the center of the ellipse to the focus is 0.88 times the dis- tance from the center of the ellipse to the end. With the larger star at one focus, the end of the orbit of the other star in the direction of that. focus (the peri- astron) is only 0.12 times the distance from the center and only 0.06 times the entire width of the ellipse from end to end. The other end of the ellipse (the apastron) is distant from the larger star by an amount equal to 0.94 times the entire width of the ellipse. In the case of Gamma Virginis, then, although the average distance separating the two stars of the OPUS 200 49 binary is 6,800,000,000 kilometers (4,200,000,000 miles), at periastron the distance of separation is onlv 810,000,000 kilometers (500,000,000 miles) while at apastron it is 12,800,000,000 kilometers (7,900,000,000 miles). In other words, the two stars of Gamma Virginis, as they circle each other, swoop together to a separating distance equal to that of Jupiter and the sun, and then move apart to a distance more than twice that be- tween Pluto and the sun. (The system was at apastron in 1920 and the two stars have been moving closer ever since. Thev will be at periastron in 2006.) In general, stars separated by quite a large average distance are likely to have large eccentricities, A bi- nary like Caoella with an average separation of only 84,000,000 kilometers (52,000,000 miles) has quite a low eccentricity, one of only 0.0086. This means that the distance between the two stars of the Capella svs- tem varies from 83,300,000 , kilometers (51,600,000 miles) at periastron to 84,700,000 kilometers (52,400,000 miles) at apastron. This is so small a change that from the standpoint of one of the stars of the Capella system, the other would scarcely seem to change in brightness during the 104-day period of revolution. In the case of Gamma Virginis, on the other hand, an observer near one of the stars would see the other as 250 times brighter at periastron than at apastron. The eccentricities of the planetary orbits of the so- lar system, by the way, are much more like those of the Capella stars than those of the Gamma Virginis stars. -The eccentricities of the orbits of Venus and Neptune are just about those of the Capella system, while that of Earth (0.017) is only a little higher. This 15 a good thing, too, for a highly eccentric orbit would 50 ISAAC ASIMOV introduce such changes in temperature in the course of the vear that a planet with even a suitable average distance from its sun might prove uninhabitable. Let us take, now, a group of binaries that have av- erage separations of about 3.0 to 3.5 billion kilometers (1.9 to 2.2 billion miles), a group that includes the Alpha Centauri system. In the table below, the eccen- tricity and the distances at periastron and apastron are given tor this group. Eccentricities of Binary Systems KILO- OF KILO- OF METERS MILES METERS MILES 70 Ophiuchi Zeta Sagittarii Alpha Centauri Eta Ophiuchi Zeta Cancri 0.50 0.2 0.521 0.90 0.31 1750 2700 1700 320 2200 11001700 1000200 1350 52504300 53006080 4100 3300 2700 34003800 2570 Sinus 0.575 1280 800 4720 3000 Xi Scorpii 0.74 780 500 5200 3300 As you see, the apastrons are not extraordinarily dif- ferent, varying from 4100 to 6080 million kilometers (2570 to 3800 million miles), a difference of only about 50 percent. The periastrons differ, however, from 320 to 2700 million kilometers (200 to 1700 miles), a difference of 800 percent. The Alpha Centauri system is rather intermediate OPUS 200 51 with respect to eccentricity. The orbits of the two stars Alpha Centauri A and B are more eccentric than those or the planets of our solar system, but less ec- centric than those of some of the comets, asteroids, and satellites of our solar system. If Alpha Centauri A were in the place of our sun, then Alpha Centauri B at its farthest would be 5,300.000,000 kilometers (3,400,000,000 miles) away, or just about at the average distance of Pluto from our sun. From Earth's position -near Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B would seem a starhke point, but it would be far brighter than anv star we see in our own sky. It would shine with a brilliance about 100 times greater than our full moon, though it would still be only 1/4500 as bright as Alpha Centauri A or our sun. From its farthest point, however, Alpha Centauri B would slowly decrease its distance to Alpha Centauri A (and ourselves) as it moved along its orbit, until after forty years it would be at periastron and only 1,700,000,000 kilometers (1,000;000,000 miles) from Alpha Centauri A. At that point it would be a little farther from Alpha Centauri A than Saturn is from the sun. And when Earth would be on the side of its orbit toward Alpha Centauri B, th6 companion star would be only 1,550,000,000 kilometers (900,000,000 miles) from us. At that distance. Alpha Centauri B would be a little over 14 times as bright as at apastron. It would be 1400 times as bright as the full moon, but still only 1/326 as bright as Alpha Centauri A. Suppose Alpha Centauri B were in place of our sun, and that we calculated the orbit of Alpha Centauri A on the assumption that Alpha Centauri B was motion- less. Alpha Centauri A would then seem to move in 52 ISAAC ASIMOV the same orbit that Alpha, Centauri B had in the other case." Viewed from an Earth that was circling Alpha Cen- tauri B instead of our own sun, Alpha Centauri A would go through the same period of brightening as it moved from apastron to periastron, and the same pe-' riod of dimming as it moved back to apastron. How- ever, since Alpha Centauri A is 3)1 times as bright as Alpha Centauri B, Alpha Centauri A would seem that much brighter at everv point in its orbit. At its bright- est, it would be 5000 times brighter than our full moon now, and 1/100 as bright as our sun appears to us. Since Alpha Centauri B would appear dimmer than the sun, if we imagined the former in the latter's place, Alpha Centauri A at its closest approach would appear 1/30 as bright as Alpha Centauri B. * Because Alpha Centauri B is the smaller of the two stars, it seems to move in the larger orbit of the two when viewed from outside the system. When viewed from inside the sys- tem, however, an observer on each star would see the other moving in the same orbit. Thus, on Earth, if we pretend that the Earth is motionless, the sun moves in an orbit about the Earth that is just like the orbit that the Earth (in reality) moves in as it circles the sun. OPUS 200 53 The Orbit of Alpha Centauri B superimposed on our solar system If we were circling Alpha Centauri A instead of the sun, the presence of Alphil Centauri B would cause us no trouble. Despite the eccentricity of its orbit, which allows Alpha Centauri B to swoop in and pull out in forty-year alternations, it would remain so far away at all times that its gravitational pull would never be strong enough to affect Earth's orbit seriously. What's more, its addition to the light and heat delivered by Alpha Centauri A would never be more than a third of 1 percent. And think of what a marvelous spectacle it would make in the sky. 54 ISAAC ASIMOV If we were circling Aipha Centauri B, the superior brightness of Alpha Centauri A would be more dis- turbing. but if we imagined Eaith pulled in closer to Alpha Centauri B in order to receive as much heat and light from that smaller sun as we receive from our own sun, the interference of Alpha Centauri A would net be too disturbing. And what about Alpha Centauri C—Proximo Cen- tauri—which is the distant companion of the Alpha Centauri A/B binary? Even though it would be far nearer to us, if Earth were circling either Alpha Cen- tauri A or Alpha Centauri B, than any star is to us in our own solar system, it would not be at all bright. It would be a fairly dim star of magnitude 3.7. What's more, its proper motion, as a result of its 1,300,000- year-long revolution around the center of gravity of the system, would be just about exactly 1 second o£ arc per year. Neither its brightness nor its proper motion would attract much attention, and stargazers might look at the sky forever and not suspect this dim star of be- longing to their own system. The only giveaway would come when astronomers decided to make a rou- tine check of the parallaxes of the various visible stars in the sky. After a month or so, they would begin to get a hint of an extraordinarily large parallax and in the end they would measure one of 20 seconds of arc, which would be so much higher than that of any other star that they would at once suspect it of being a member of their own system. Can there be a dim star somewhere out there that belongs to our own solar system? Can it be that we remain unaware of it because astronomers haven't happened to study it closely enough to detect an un- OPUS 200 55 usually high parallax? It isn't very likely—but it is con- ceivable. In general, the hotter a star is, the brighter it is. It's no surprise, therefore, that so manv of the bright stars in the sky are hotter than the sun is, or that so many of the dim stars we see are cooler than the sun is. What is surprising is that some stars are cool and yet are very bright. The two prime examples of this are Antares and Betelgeuse. Both are in spectral class M and are therefore possessed of a surface temperature of only 3000° C or so and, what's more, neither one is particularly close to us—and yet each is among the brightest stars in the sky. In 1905 a Danish astronomer, Ejnar Hertzsprung, reasoned that a cool star must have a dim surface, but if it had a very large surface, the dimness of each bit would add up to a great total brightness. In other words, a bright star that was cool and red had to be a very large star indeed in order to be bright. Hertzsprung published this idea in a Journal of pho- tography, and astronomers didn't notice it. Then, in 1914, the American astronomer Henry Norris Russell had the same idea independently, and this time the idea stuck. Both astronomers are usually given credit. The Hertzsp rung-Russell reasoning led to the con- cept of "red giants" among the stars. When attempts were made to calculate hov^ large these red giants would have to be in order to be as bright as they were despite their low surface temperature, the results seemed almost unbelievable. In 1920, however, the German-American physicist Albert Abraham Michel- son was able to check the matter directly. To do this, he made use of an instrument he had 56 ISAAC ASIMOV invented twenty years earlier, an instrument he called an interferometer. It was capable of measuring, with great delicacy, the manner in which two trains of light waves, which were not quite parallel to each other, interfered with each other. When such trains of light waves were not quite parallel, the waves as they merged sometimes reinforced each other and some- times canceled each other, setting up patterns of alter- nate light and dark. From the details of such an inter- ference pattern, the exact angle at which the light waves met could be deduced. Such an instrument can be applied to the stars. A star is so small, as seen from Earth, that it is virtually a dot of light. The light rays coming from the two opposite edges of so tiny a dot seem to come to us almost from the same direction, and are therefore al- most parallel—almost, but not quite. The light rays come from very slightly different directions as they reach us from opposite sides of a star; they converge just a tiny bit, enough to produce an interference pat- tern if the interferometer is large enough. Michelson made use of a twenty-foot interferome- ter, the largest he had constructed up to that time. He attached it to the new hundred-inch telescope that had just been put into use at Mount Wilson in Califor- nia, and which was then the largest telescope in the world. He turned this instrument on the star Betel- geuse. From the nature of the interference pattern, Michel- son could determine the apparent diameter of Betel- geuse. It turned out to be 0.045 seconds of arc. This is a very small width, for it would take 41,500 little dots of reddish light |ust like Betelgeuse, placed side by side, to stretch across the width of the moon. OPUS 200 57 Yet, Betelgeuse has the largest apparent diameter of any star. Anv star that has a true size greater than Betelgeuse is so far away as to have a smaller appar- ent size. Then, too, any star that is closer than Betel- geuse is so much smaller in true size that its apparent size never comes up to the Betelgeuse mark. To be even 0.045 seconds in diameter—tiny though that angle is—at the vast distance of Betelgeuse, the star must have an enormous real diameter. In fact, it turns out that the diameter of Betelgeuse is at least 800 times that of the sun- The interferometer result showed that the reasoning of Hertzsprung and Russell was correct and there really were red giant stars, with Betelgeuse, large as it is, not the largest in actual size. In the table on the next page, the diameters of some of the giant stars are given. The large red giants would seem to be impressive objects indeed. Imagine Betelgeuse in place of our sun. We could not see it from Earth, because there would be no Earth. The place where Earth would be, if it existed, would be within Betelgeuse. The diame- ter of Betelgeuse is so large that, if substituted for the sun, it would include the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. Epsilon Aurigae B would do better than that. It would swallow up the orbit of Satum as well, and its surface would be nearly at the orbit of Uranus. What's more, that supergiant Epsilon Aurigae B is part of a binary system, with the other star, Epsilon Aurigae A, considerably smaller but still large enough to swallow up the orbit of Mars. What a view those stars must be from not too nearby. 58 ISAAC ASIMOV Giant Stars DIAMETER STAB MILLIONS OF MILLIONS OF KILOMETEBS MILES SUN = 1 Epsilon Aurigae B 2800 1700 2000 W Cephei A 1700 1200 1400 Betelgeuse 1100 700 800 Mira (Oinicron Ceti) 550 350 400 Antares 550 350 400 Xi Aurigae A 420 260 300 Epsilon Aurigae A 280 170 200 Beta Pegasi 150 95 110 Aldebaran 61 38 44 Arctums 37 23 27 Another way of emphasizing the size of the red giants is to imagine a hollow sphere the size of Beta Pegasi, which is only a moderate-sized giant. It would still be large enough to hold 1,300,000 objects the size of our sun. A hollow sphere the size of Betelgeuse would hold nearly 43,000,000 objects the size of our sun, and one the size of Epsiloq Aurigae B would hold 8,000,000,000 suns. And yet, for all that, the, red giants are perhaps not as impressive as they seem from their size alone. They are more massive than the sun, but not very much more massive. Betelgeuse might take up 43,000,000 times as much space as the sun does, but the red giant is only about 20 times as massive as the sun; it con- tains only 20 times as much matter. If the mass of Betelgeuse (not so very great) is spread over the enormous volume taken up by Betel- geuse that mass must be spread very, very thin. The sun's average density is 1.41 grams per OPUS 200 59 cubic centimeter, but Betelgeuse's average density is 1/10,000,000 of that. If the sun were only as dense, on the average, as Betelgeuse is, it would have a mass of not more than 1/30 that of the Earth, and only 2.7 times that of the moon. Epsilon Aurigae B would be far less dense. The red giants are thin collections of gas that stretch out over enormous distances and glow red-hot, but on an earthly scale they are almost vacuums. The average density of Epsilon Aurigae B is only 1/1000 that of Earth's atmosphere, and in its outer regions the dens- ity is far less even than that. (Like all objects, red giants get denser as one approaches their centers, and in the core they can get very dense indeed. This must be true of all stars, since only in a very dense core can the nuclear conflagration that powers them be ig- nited. ) A situation the reverse of the red giants' arose in connection with Sirius B. That was known to be a very dim star with a magnitude of 10 and a luminosity only 1/130 that of our sun. It was taken for granted that it had to be both small and cool to deliver only 1/130 as much light as our sun. In 1915, however, the American astronomer Walter Sydney Adams succeeded in taking the spectrum of Sirius B and found it to be just as hot as Sirius A and, therefore, considerably hotter than our sun. Yet, if Sirius B were that hot, its surface should blaze with white light, and the only way of explaining its dimness was to suppose that it had very little sur- face. Sirius B had to have so little surface as to be a dwarf star, far smaller than anyone then had believed a star could be. Because of its white-hot temperature, it was called a "white dwarf." To account for its dim- 60 ISAAC ASIMOV ness, its diameter had to be only 30,000 kilometers (19,000 miles) atross, so that it was about as targe as a medium-sized planet and took up only about 13 times as much volume as the Earth. Sirius B has only 1/100 the volume of the laige planet Jupiter. In the relatively small volume of Sirius B, however, is packed |ust as much mass as in the sun—as we can teli from the strength of its gravitational pull on Sirius A, If red giants have very low densities, white dwarfs have very high ones. The average density of Sirius B is about 90,000 times that of the sun, or 6000 times that of platinum. This would have seemed ridiculous only a couple of decades earlier, but by 1915 it had been discovered that atoms were made up of still smaller "subatomic particles," with almost all the mass concentrated in a very tiny "atomic nucleus" at the center of the atom. In white dwarfs, then, matter didn't exist as ordinary atoms, but as a chaotic mixture of subatomic particles squeezed much more closely together than they are in atoms as we know them. There are white dwarfs smaller and denser than Sir- ius B, and in recent years astronomers have discov- ered new types of stars that are much smaller than white dwarfs and correspondingly more dense. These are "neutron stars" in which the subatomic particles are practically in contact, and in which the mass of a star like our sun would be compacted into a tiny body only a dozen kilometers across. Then, of course, there is writing for the general reader, or, if you choose, for "adults." It does not seem to me that there is much differ- ence between writing for adults and writing for teen- OPUS 200 61 agers. In my general hooks, I don't question the use of an unusual word or of an extra convolution in a sen- tence. I allow the syllables and clauses to lie as they fall. Then, too, if there are literary allusions to make, I make them and assume the general reader—or at least anyone likely to read my books—is literate enough to get them. And I suspect that the intelligent teenager has no trouble following my "adult" books. Among my second hundred books is one on astron- omy for the general reader. It is called The Collapsing Universe: The Story of Black Holes (Book 182}. Beth Walker of Walker b- Company persistently urged me to write the Iwok. She was almost a Cato the Elder about it. (See what 1 mean by literary allusions?) Whenever I visited Walker 6- Company, and whatever the topic of conversation, she would always end by saying "Think black holes, Isaac." I had no real objection. In the first place, 1 was in- terested in black holes and wanted to write about them. In the second, it would' give me a chance to update an earlier book. The Universe, which was among nuf first hundred books and which was also published by Walker. (My favorite method of updat- ing a book is to write a new one centered upon a facet of the subject which flowered only after the earlier book was written.) It was Just a matter of time, therefore, and finally I got to it. In early 1977, The Collapsing Universe was finally pul)lished, and it proved, at once, to be the most popular astronomy book I had ever done. My delight was second only to that of the Walkers. Here I would like to include the final pages of The Collapsing Universe, in which the wildest speculations are to be found. It is just possible that you cant get their true flavor without having read the rest of the 62 ISAAC ASIMOV book, but that's all right. Opus 200 is intended to give you a potpourri of this book and that, which you may then follow up at your leisure in whatever direction pleases you. from THE COLLAPSING UNIVERSE (1977) In theory, up to 30 percent of the entire energy of a rotating black hole can be milked out of it by care- fully sending objects through the stationary limit and collecting them on the way out, and this is another way in which some advanced civilizations might use black holes as an energy source." Once all the rota- tional energy is gone, the black hole has only mass; the stationary limit coincides, with the Schwarzschild radius. The black hole is then said to be "dead," since no further energy can be obtained from it directly (though some can be obtained from matter as it spi- rals into it). Even stranger than the possibility of stripping rota- tional energy from the black hole is that the Ken- analysis offers a new kind of end for matter entering a black hole. This new kind of end was foreshadowed by Albert Einstein and a co-worker named Rosen some thirty vears earlier. The matter crowding into a rotating black hole (and it is very likely that there is no other kind) can, in theory, squeeze out again somewhere else, like * Not all astronomers agree with this concept of stripping the rotational energy of a black hole. In fact almost anything some astronomers suggest about a black hole is denied by other astronomers. We are here at the very edge of knowl- edge, and everything, one way or the other, is very un- certain and iffy. OPUS 200 63 toothpaste blasting out of a fine hole in a stiff tube that is brought under the slow pressure of a steam- roller^ The transfer of matter can apparently take place over enormous distances—millions or billions of light- years—in a trifling period of time. Such transfers can- not take place in the ordinary way, since in space as we know it the speed of light is the speed limit for anv obJect with mass. To transfer mass for distances of millions or billions of light-years in the ordinary wav takes millions or billions of vears of time, One must therefore assume that the transfer goes through tunnels or across bridges that do not, strictly speaking, have the time characteristics of our familiar universe. The passageway is sometimes called an "Einstein-Rosen bridge," or, more colorfully, a "worm- hole." If the mass passes through the wormhole and sud- denly appears a billion light-years away in ordinary space once more, something must balance that great transfer in distance. Apparently this impossibly rapid passage through space is balanced by a compensating passage through time, so that it appears one billion years ago. Once the matter emerges at the other end of the wormhole, it expands suddenly into ordinary matter again and, in doing so, blazes with radiated energy— the energy that had, so to speak, been trapped in the black hole. What we have emerging, then, is a "white hole," a concept first suggested in 1964. If all this is really so, white holes, or at least some of them, might conceivably be detected. That would depend, of course, upon the size of the a This suggestion, too, is denied by some astronomers. 64 ISAAC ASIMOV white hole and upon its distance from us. Perhaps mini-black holes form mini-white holes at a vast dis- tance, and we would surelv never see them. Huge black holes would form huge white holes, however, and these we might see. Are there any signs of such white holes? There may be- In the 1950s, sources of radio waves were detected that on closer inspection seemed to be very compact, emerging from mere pinpoint sections of the sky. Or- dinarily, radio sources found in those early days of the science were from dust clouds or from galaxies and were therefore more or less spread out over a portion of the sky. Among the compact radio sources were those known as 3C48, 3C147. 3C196, 3C273, and 3C286. (Many more have been discovered since.) The 3C is short for Third Cambridge Catalog of Radio Stars, a list compiled bv the English astronomer Martin Ryle. In 1960 the areas containing these compact radio sources were investigated by the American astrono- mer Allan Rex Sandage, and in each case something that looked like a dim star seemed to be the source. There was some indication that they might not be normal stars, however. Several of them seemed to have faint clouds of dust or gas about them, and one of them, 3C273, showed signs of a tiny jet of matter emerging from it. In fact there are two radio sources in connection with 3C273, one from the star and one from the jet- There was some reluctance, therefore, to call these objects stars, and they were instead described as "quasi-stellar (starlike) radio sources." In 1964 Hong- OPUS 200 65 Yee Chiu shortened that to "quasar," and that name has been kept ever since. The spectra of these quasars were obtained in 1960, but they had a pattern of lines that were completely unrecognizable, as though they were made up of substances utterly alien to the universe. In 1963, how- ever, the Dutch-American astronomer Maarten Schmidt solved that problem. The lines would have been perfectly normal if they had existed far in the ultraviolet range. Their appearance in the visible-light range meant they had been shifted a great distance toward the longer wavelengths. The easiest explanation for this was that the quasars are very far away. Since the universe is expanding, galactic units are separating, and all seem to be reced- ing from us. Therefore, all distant objects have their spectral lines shifted toward the longer waves because that is what is to be expected when a source of light is receding from us. Furthermore, since the universe is expanding, the farther an object, the faster it is reced- ing from us and the greater the shift in spectral lines. From the spectral shift, then, the distance of an object can be calculated. It turned out that the quasars were billions of light- years away. One of them, OQ172, is about 12 billion light-years away, and even the nearest, 3C273, is over a billion light-years away and farther than any non- quasar object we know about. There may be as many as 15 million quasars in the universe. A quasar is a very dim object, as we see it, but, for it to be visible at all at those enormous distances, it must be exceedingly luminous. The quasar 3C273 is five times as luminous as our galaxy, and some quasars may be up to 100 times as luminous as the average galaxy. 66 ISAAC ASIMOV Yet, this being so, if quasars were simply galaxies with up to a hundred times as many stars as an aver- age galaxy and therefore that much brighter, they ought to have dimensions large enough to make tham appear, even at their vast distances, as tiny patches of light and not as starlike points. Thus, despite their brightness, they must be more compact than ordinary galaxies. As early as 1963 the quasars were found to be varia- ble in the energy they emitted, both in the visible- light region and in the microwave region. Increases and decreases of as much as three magnitudes were recorded over the space of a few years. For radiation to vary so markedly in so short a time, a body must be small. Such variations must involve the body as a whole, and, if that is so, some effect must be felt across the full width of the body within the time of variation. Since no effect can travel faster than light, it means that if a quasar varies markedly over a period of a few years, it cannot be more than a light-year or so in diameter and may be considerably smaller. One quasar, 3C446, can double its brightness in a couple of days, and it must therefore be not more than 0.005 light-year (50 billion kilometers) in diame- ter, or less than Hve times the width of Pluto's orbit around the sun. Compare this with an ordinary gal- axy, which may be 100,000 light-years across and in which even the dense central core may be 15,000 light-years across. This combination of tiny dimensions and enormous luminosity makes the quasars seem like a class of ob- jects entirely different from anything else we know. Their discovery made astronomers aware of the possi- bility of hitherto unknown large-scale phenomena in OPUS 200 67 the universe and spurred them on, for the first time, to consider such phenomena, including the black hole. And it is conceivable that there is a link between black holes and quasars. The Soviet astronomer Igor Novikov and the Israeli astronomer Yuval Ne'eman have suggested that quasars are giant white holes at the other end of a wormhole from a giant black hole in some other part of the universe." But let's take another look at quasars. Are they really unique, as they seem to be, or are they merely extreme examples of something more familiar? In 1943 a graduate student in astronomy, Carl Sey- fert, described a peculiar galaxy. It is one of a group now termed Seyfert galaxies. These may make up 1 percent of all known galaxies (meaning as many as a billion altogether), though actually only a dozen ex- amples have been discovered. In most respects Seyfert galaxies seem normal and are not unusually distant from us. The cores of the Seyfert galaxies, however, are very compact, very bright, and seem unusually hot and active—rather quasarlike, in fact. They show variations in radiation that imply the radio-emitting centers at their core are no larger tfaan quasars are thought to be. One Seyfert galaxy, 3C120, has a core that makes up less than one- eight the diameter of the galaxy as a whole but is three times as luminous as the rest of the galaxy com- bined. The strongly active center would be visible at greater distances than the outer layers of the Seyfert galaxy would be, and if such a galaxy were far enough, all we would see by either optical or radio * This is purely speculative, of course. In fact, the remainder of the book is almost entirely speculation, some of it my own. 68 ISAAC ASIMOV telescopes would be the core. We would then consider it a quasar, and the very distant quasars may simply be the intensely luminous nuclei of very large, very ac- tive Seyfert galaxies. But then consider the core of a Sevfert galaxy—very compact, very hot and active. One Seyfert galaxy, NGC 4151, may have as many as ten billion stars in a nucleus only twelve light-vears across. These are precisely the conditions that would en- courage the formation of black holes. Perhaps the mere fact that a certain volume of space is subject to black hole formation may also make it subject to the blossoming out of a white hole. We can imagine black holes forming here and there in the universe, each producing an enormous strain in the smooth fabric of space. Wormholes form between them, and matter may leak across at a rate slow in comparison with the total quantity in the black hole serving as source but large enough to produce enor- mous quantities of radiation in some cases. The rate of matter flow may vary for reasons we do not as yet understand, and this may bring about the variations in the brightness of quasars. There may be many white holes of all sizes, each connected to its black hole (which itself may come in any size), and we may be aware only of the giant- sized ones. It may be that if all black holes/white holes were taken into account, it would be seen that the wormholes connecting them may crisscross the uni- verse quite densely. This thought has stimulated the imaginative facul- ties of astronomers such as Carl Sagan. It is impossi- ble to think of any way of keeping any sizable piece of matter intact as it approaches a black hole, let along having it pass intact through a wormhole and OPUS 200 69 out the white hole, yet Sagan does not allow that to limit his speculations. • After all, we can do things that to our primitive fore- bears would seem inconceivable, and Sagan wonders if an advanced civilization miglit not devise ways of blocking off gravitational' and tidal effects so that a ship may make use of wormholes to travel vast dis- tances in a moment of time. Suppose there were an advanced civilization in the universe right now that had developed a thorough map on which the wormholes were plotted with their black hole entrances and their white hole exits. The smaller wormholes would be more numerous, of course, and therefore more useful. Imagine a cosmic empire threaded together through a network of such wormholes, with civilized centers located near the entrances and exits. It would be as important, after all, for a world to be located near a transportational crossing point of this sort as it is for an Earth city to be built near an ocean harbor or a river. The planets nearest the tunnels might be a safe dis- tance away, but nearer still would be enormous space stations built as bases for the ships moving through the tunnels and as power stations for the home planets. And how does the wormhole theory affect the past and future of the universe? Even though the universe is expanding, is it possible that the expansion is bal- anced by matter being shifted into the past through the wormholes? Certainly the dozens of quasars we have detected are all billions of light-years away from us, and we see them, therefore, as they were billions of years ago. Furthermore, they are heavily weighted toward the 70 ISAAC AStMOV greater distances and more remote past. It is esti- mated that if quasars were evenly spaced throughout the universe, there would be several hundred of them /nearer and brighter than 3C273, which is the nearest and brightest now. Well, then, do we have an eternal universe after all,' a kind of continuous creation in another sense? Has the universe been expanding for countless eons, through all eternity in fact, without ever having ex- panded beyond the present level because the worm- holes create a closed circuit, sending matter back into the more contracted past to begin expansion all over? Has the universe never really been entirely con- tracted, and has there never really been a big bang? Do we think there was a big bang only because we are more aware of the expansion half of the cycle in- volving the galaxies and are not aware of matter sweeping back through wormholes? But if there was no big bang, how do we account for the background radiation that is the echo of the big bang? Can this radiation be the product of the overall backward flow of matter into the far past? Can the white holes or quasars be numerous "little bangs" that add up to the big bang and produce the background radiation? And if all this is so, where does the energy come from that keeps the universe endlessly recycling? If the universe runs down as it expands (this is referred to as an "increase of entropy" by physicists), does it wind up again ("decreasing entropy") as .it moves back in time through the wormholes? There are no answers to any of these questions at present. All is speculation, including the very exis- tence of wormholes and white holes. OPUS 200 71 .It must be admitted that the notion that the universe is continually recycling is a rather tenuous specula- tion. If we dismiss it, however, we are left with the big bang—either as a one-time affair if we are living in an open universe, or as an endlessly repeated phenome- non if the universe is closed and oscillating. Either way there is a problem. What is the nature of the cosmic egg? When the cosmic egg was first suggested, it was viewed very much as we now view neutron stars. The trouble is that a cosmic egg with all the mass of the universe (equal to the mass of 100,000,000,000 galax- ies, perhaps) is certainly too large to be a neutron star. If it is true that anything with more than 3.2 times the mass of our sun must form a black hole when it collapses, then the cosmic egg was the biggest of all black holes. How, then, could it have exploded and yielded the big bang? Black holes do not explode. Suppose we imagine a contracting universe, which would form black holes of varying sizes as it con- tracted. The individual black holes might bleed away some of their mass through wormholes, counteracting the overall contraction but not by enough to stop it altogether (or neither the expanding universe DOT we would-be here today). As the universe compresses, the black holes grow at the expense of non-black hole matter and, more and more frequently, collide and coalesce. Eventually, of course, all the black holes coalesce into the cosmic egg. It loses matter through its wonnhole at an enor- mous rate, producing the biggest conceivable white hole at the other end. It is the white hole of the cosmic egg. then, that was the big bang that created 72 ISAAC ASIMOV our expanding universe. This would hold good whether the universe is open or closed, whether the cosmic egg formed only once or repeatedly. Of course, this solution will only work if wormholes and white holes truly exist, which is uncertain. And even if they do exist, it will only work if the cosmic' egg is rotating. But is it? There is certainly angular momentum in the uni- verse, but it could have been created, de-spite the con- servation law, where none had earlier existed. That is because there are two kinds of angular mo- mentum, in opposite senses. An object can rotate ei- ther clockwise or counter-clockwise (positively or neg- atively, if you prefer). Two objects with equal angular momentum, one positive and one negative, will, if they collide and coalesce, end with zero angu- lar momentum, the energy of the two rotatory motions being converted into heat. In reverse, an object with zero angular momentum can, with the addition of ap- propriate energy, split to form two sub-objects, one with positive angular momentum and the other with negative angular momentum. The objects in the universe may all have angular momentum, but it is very likely that some of that angular momentum is positive and some negative. We have no way of knowing whether one kind is present in greater quantities than the other. If such lopsidedness does exist, then when all the matter of the universe col- lapses into a cosmic egg, that cosmic egg will end up with an amount of angular momentum equal to the excess of one kind over the other. It may be, however, that the amount of angular mo- mentum of one kind in the universe is equal to the amount of the other kind. In that case, the cosmic egg, when it forms, will have no angular momentum and OPUS 200 73 r ^ l^ +? ''' a, ^ will be dead. We can't rely on wormholes and white holes for the big bang, then. What else? Just as angular momentum of two opposite kinds exist, so matter of two opposite kinds exists. An electron is balanced by an antieiectron, or posi- tron. When an electron and a positron combine, there is a mutual annihilation of the two particles. No mass at all is left. It is converted into energy in the form of gamma rays. In the same way, a proton and an anti- proton will combine to lose mass and form energy; and so will a neutron and an antineutron. We can have matter built up of protons, neutrons, and electrons; antimatter built up of antiprotons. antineutrons, and antielectrons. In that case, any mass of matter combining with an equal mass of antimatter will undergo mutual annihilation to form gamma rays. In reverse, mass can be formed from energy, but never as one kind of particle only. For every electron that is formed an antieiectron must be formed, for ev- ery proton an antiproton, for every neutron an anti- neutron. In short, when energy is turned into matter, an equal quantity of antimatter must also be formed. But if that is so, where is the antimatter that must have been formed at the same time that the matter of the universe was formed? The Earth is certainly entirely matter (except for small traces of antimatter formed in the laboratory or found among cosmic rays). In fact the whole solar system is entirely matter, and, in all probability, so is the entire galactic unit of which we are part. Where is the antimatter? Perhaps there are also gal- actic units that are entirely antimatter. There may be galactic units and antigalactic units, which because of the general expansion of die universe never come in 74 ISAAC ASIMOV contact and never engage in mutual annihilation. Just as matter forms black holes, antimatter will form an- ti-black holes. These two kinds of black holes are in all respects identical except for being made up of opposite substances. If the universe was ever, in the past, contracting,' black holes and anti-black holes formed even more easily; and as contraction continued, the chances of collision between two black holes of opposite nature, and a consequent enormous mutual annihilation, in- creased. In the final coalescence there was the great- est of all great mutual annihilations. The total mass of the universe disappeared and with it the gravitational field that keeps the black hole, and the cosmic egg for that matter, in existence. In its place was incredibly energetic radiation, which expanded outward. That would be the big bang. Some period after the big bang the energy, becom- ing less intense through expansion, would be tame enough to form matter and antimatter once more—the two forming separate galactic units by some mecha- nism that, it must be admitted, has not been worked out—and the expanding universe would take shape. From this view of the big bang as the mutual anni- hilation of matter and antimatter, it doesn't matter whether the cosmic egg is rotating or not, or whether it is alive or dead. Yet we have no evidence that there erist antigalac- tic units. Can it be that for some reason we do not as yet understand that the universe consists simply of matter? We might argue that this is impossible; the universe cannot consist simply of matter, as that would make the big bang impossible. Or we might think of a way of accounting for the big bang even in a universe of OPUS 200 75 matter only, and even if, on contracting, that universe forms a cosmic egg that is not rotating and is there- fore a dead black hole. Well, according to the equations used to explain the formation of black holes, the size of the Schwarzschild radius is proportional to the mass of the black hole. A black hole the mass of the sun has a Schwarzschild radius of 3 kilometers and is therefore 6 kilometers across. A black hole that is twice the mass of the sun is twice as large across—12 kilometers. However, a sphere that is twice as large across as a smaller sphere has eight times as much volume as the smaller sphere. It follows that a black hole with twice the mass of the sun has that twice the mass spread over eight times the volume. The density of the larger black hole is only one-fourth the density of the smaller black hole. In other words, the more massive a black hole is, the larger and the less dense it is. Suppose our entire galaxy, which is about 100,000.000,000 times the mass of our sun, were squeezed into a black hole. Its diameter would be 600.000,000,000 kilometers, and its average density would be about 0.000001 gram per cubic centimeter. The galactic black hole would be more than fifty times as wide as Pluto's orbit and would be no more dense than a gas. Suppose that all the galaxies of the universe, possi- bly 100,000,000,000 of them, collapsed into a black hole. Such a black hole, containing all the matter of the universe, would be 10,000,000,000 light-years across, and its average density would be that of an exceedingly thin gas. Yet no matter how thin this gas, the structure is a black hole. Suppose the total mass of the universe is 2.5 times 76 ISAAC ASIMOV as large as it seems to astronomers to be. In that case the black hole formed by all the matter of the uni- verse is 25,000,000,000 light-years across, and that happens to be about the diameter of the actual uni- verse we live in (as far as we know). It is quite possible, then, that the entire universe is itself a black hole (as has been suggested by the phy- sicist Kip Thorne). It is is, then very likely it has always been a black hole and will always be a black hole. If that is so, we live within a black hole, and if we want to know what conditions are like in a black hole (provided it is extremely massive), we have but to look around, As the universe collapses, then, we might imagine the formation of any number of relatively small black holes (black holes within a black hole!) with very limited diameters. In the last few seconds of final cat- astrophic collapse, however, when all the black holes coalesce into one cosmic black hole, the Schwarzschild radius springs outward and outward to the extremity of the known universe And it may be that within the Schwaraschild radius there is the possibility of explosion. It may be that as the Schwarzschild radius recedes billions of light- years in a flash, the cosmic egg at the very instant of formation springs outward to follow, and that is the big bang. If that is so, we might argue that the universe can- not be open whatever the present state of the evi- dence, since the universe cannot expand beyond its Schwarzschild radius. Somehow the expansion will have to cease at that point, and then it must inevita- bly begin to contract again and start the cycle over. (Some argue that with each big bang, a totally differ- OPUS 200 77 ent expanding universe with different laws af nature gets underway.) Can it be, then that what we see all about us is the unimaginably slow breathing cycle (tens of billions years in and tens of billions of years out) of a universe-sized black hole? And can it be that, separated from our universe in some fashion we cannot as yet grasp, there are many other black holes of various sizes, perhaps an infinite number of them, all expanding and contracting, each at its own rate? And we are in one of them—and through the won- ders of thought and reason it may be that, from our station on a less-than-dust speck lost deep within one of these universes, we have drawn ourselves a picture of the existence and behavior of them all. PART 2 ROBOTS 7n the years in which science fiction was the major part of my production, robot's were a favorite subject of mine. In the first twenty years of my writing ca- reer, I wrote seventeen short stories and three novels in which robots were a key element in the plots, plus a few other short stories that involved computers. Since my hundredth book was pttblished, however, my science fiction production has decreased a great deal—yet it has not dwindled to^zero. In 1976, for instance, Douhleday published The Bi- centennial Man and Other Stories (Book 176), a col- lection of eleven stories, three of which involved ro- bots. The first of these was "Feminine Intuition" which first appeared in the October 1969 Fantasy and Sci- ence Fiction (usually known as F & SF). Jn it, my favorite psychologist, Susan Calvin, appears. Susan first appeared in my story "Liar!" which was pub- lished in the May 1941 issue of Astounding Science Fiction (usually known as ASF). / fell in love with her. I didn't portray her in any very attractive way- she was frozen intellect, and only rarely and secretly seemed to allow a touch of human feeling to show- but I loved her anyway. Before "Feminine Intuition," she had appeared in nine of my robot stories, the last 82 ISAAC ASIMOV feeing "Galley Slave" in the December 1957 issue of Galaxy. Of these nine stories, five appear in I, Robot and four in The Rest of the Robots, both of which are among my first hundred books. I had not seriously considered bringing her back until the managing edi- tor of Galaxy, Judy-Lynn Benjamin {who later mar- ried Lester del Rey), casually suggested I write a story about a woman robot. It was that which led to "Feminine Intuition," in which I brought back Susan Calvin as an old woman but with her brain function- ing as well as ever. It was the tenth story involving her, and it appeared twenty-eight years after the first. The second robot story in The Bicentennial Mao and Other Stories was ". . . That Thou Art Mindful of Him," which first appeared in the May 1974 issue of F & SF. This arose because Ed Ferman of ¥ & SF and Barry Malzberg, the science fiction writer, wanted to put out an anthology of stories, each of which would carry a particular category to its ulti- mate end. They asked me to do a robot story that would carry my three laws of robotics as far as possi- ble—and I stretched them. to the point where they subverted themselves out of their original purpose. In a way that brought the whole robot saga to a fitting, and ironic, conclusion—though, of course, it would not and did not prevent me from writing additional robot stories. Finally, there was "The Bicentennial Man," the title story of the book, which had its genesis in January . 1975 when 'Naomi Cordon of Philadelphia visited and urged me to write a story with that title and with any plot I wished, as long as it was inspired by the title. It would then be included in an anthology (also with that title) to be published in the bicentennial year of 1976. OPUS 200 83 Alas, the anthology did not come to pass for various reasons, and "The Bicentennial Man" was left home- less. It was rescued fry Judy-Lynn del Key and ap- peared in her anthology of original stories Stellar Sci- ence Fiction Stories, No. 2, which was published in February 1976. And then in 1977, "The Bicentennial Man" won both the Nebula and the Hugo awards as the best novelette to appear in 1976. It was the first time any of my stories shorter than a novel had won these awards, and I was delighted to be able to demonstrate that the old man still had it. Each of the stories strongly appeals to me for one reason or the other, but 1 only wanted to include one of them in this book, and, after some hesitation, my vanity over the awards won out. Here, then, is "The Bicentennial Man" in fall: *The Bicentennial Man" (1976) The Three Laws of Robotics: 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. Andrew Martin said. Thank yon,'* and took the seat offered him. He didn't look driven to the last resort, but he had been. He didn't, actually, look anything, for there was a smooth blankness to his face, except for the sadness 84 ISAAC ASIMOV one imagined one saw in his eyes. His hair was smooth, light brown, rather fine, and there was no fa- cial hair. He looked freshly and cleanly shaved. His clothes were distinctly old-fashioned, but neat and predominantly a velvety red-purple in color. Facing him from behind the desk was the surgeon, and the nameplate on the desk included a full identi- fvinc: series of letters and numbers, which Andrew didn't bother with. To call him Doctor would be quite enough. „. "When can the operation be carried through. Doc- tor?" he asked. The surgeon said softly, with that certain inaliena- ble note of respect that a robot always used to a hu- man being, "I am not certain, sir, that I understand how or upon whom such an operation could be per- formed." There might have been a look of respectful intransigence on the surgeon's face—if a robot of his sort, in lightly bronzed stainless steel, could have such an expression, or any expression. Andrew Martin studied the robot's right hand, his cutting hand, as it lay on the desk in utter tranquillity. The fingers were long and shaped/ into artistically metallic looping curves so graceful and appropriate that one could imagine a scalpel fitting them and be- coming, temporarily, one piece with them. There would be no hesitation in his work, no stum- bling, no quivering, no mistakes. That came with spe- cialization, of course, a specialization so fiercely de- sired by humanity that few robots were, any longer, independently brained. A surgeon, of course, would have to be. And this one, though brained, was so lim- ited in his capacity that he did not recognize An- drew—had probably never heard of him. OPUS 200 85 Andrew said, "Have you ever thought you would like to be a man?" The surgeon hesitated a moment as though the question fitted nowhere in his allotted positronic pathways. "But I am a robot, sir." "Would it be better to be a man?" "It would be better, sir, to be a better surgeon. I could not be so if I were a man, but onlv if I were a more advanced robot- I would be pleased to be a more advanced robot." "Tt does not offend vou that I can order you about? That I can make you stand up, sit down, move right or left. bv merelv telling vou to do so?" "It is my pleasure to please you, sir. If your orders were to interfere with my functioning with respect to you or to any other human being, I would not obey you. The First Law, concerning my duty to human safety, wouid take precedence over the Second Law relating to obedience. Otherwise, obedience is my pleasure . . . But upon whom am I to perform this operation?" "Upon me," said Andrew. "But that is impossible. It is patently a damaging operation." "That does not matter," said Andrew calmly. "I must not inflict damage," said the surgeon. "On a human being, you must not," said Andrew, "but I, too, am a robot" Andrew had appeared much more a robot when he had first been manufactured. He had then been as much a robot in aopearance as anv that had ever ex- isted, smoothly designed and functional. He had done well in the home to which he had 86 ISAAC ASIMOV been brought in those davs when robots in house- holds, or on the planet altogether, had been a rarity. There had been four in the home: Sir and Ma'am and Miss and Little Miss- He knew their names, of course, but he never used them. Sir was Gerald Mar- tin. His own serial number was NDR—— He forgot the numbers. It had been a long time, of course, but if he had wanted to remember, he could not forget. He had not wanted to remember- Little Miss had been the first to call him Andrew because she could not use the letters, and all the rest followed her in this. Little Miss . . . She had lived ninety years and was long since dead. He had tried to call her Ma'am once, but she would not allow it. Little Miss she had been to her last day. Andrew had been intended to perform the duties of a valet, a butler, a lady's maid. Those were the experi- mental days for him and, indeed, for all robots any- where but in the industrial and exploratory factories and stations off Earth. The Martins enfoyed him, and half the time he was prevented from doing his work because Miss and Lit- tle Miss would rather play with him. It was Miss who understood first how this might be arranged. She said, "We order you to play with us and you must follow orders." Andrew said, "I am sorry. Miss, but a prior order from Sir must surely take precedence." But she said, "Daddy Just said he hoped you would take care of the cleaning. That's not much of an order. I order you." Sir did not mind. Sir was fond of Miss and of Little Miss, even more than Ma'am was, and Andrew was OPUS 200 87 fond of them, too. At least, the effect they had upon his actions were those which in a human being would have been called the result of fondness. Andrew thought of it as fondness, for he did not know any other word for it. It was for Little Miss that Andrew had carved a pendant out of wood. She had ordered him to. Miss, it seemed, had received an ivorite pendant with scroll- work for her birthday, and Little Miss was unhappy over it. She had only a piece of wood, which she gave Andrew together with a small kitchen knife. He had done it quickly and Little Miss said, That's nice, Andrew. I'll show it to Daddy." Sir would not believe it. "Where did you really get this, Mandy?" Mandy was what he called Little Miss. When Little Miss assured him she was really telling the truth, he turned to Andrew. "Did you do this, An- drew?" "Yes, Sir." « "The design, too?" "Yes, Sir." "From what did you copy the design?" "It is a geometric representation, Sir, that fit the grain of the wood." The next day. Sir brought him another piece of wood, a larger one, and an electric vibro-knife. He said, "Make something out of this, Andrew. Anything you want to." Andrew did so and Sir watched, then looked at the product a long time. After that, Andrew no longer waited on tables. He was ordered to read books on furniture design instead, and he learned to make cabi- nets and desks. Sir said, "These are amazing productions, Andrew." Andrew said, "I enjoy doing them. Sir." 88 BAAC ASIMOV "Enjoy?" "It makes the circuits of my brain somehow flow more easily. I have heard you use the word 'enjoy and the way you use it fits the way I feel. I enjoy doing them. Sir." Gerald Martin took Andrew to the regional offices of United States Robots and Mechanical Men, Inc. As a member of the Regional Legislature he had no trouble at all in gaining an interview with the chief robopsy- chologist. In fact, it was only as a member of the Re- gional Legislature that he qualified as a robot owner in the first place—in those early days when robots were rare. Andrew did not understand any of this at the time, but in later years, with greater learning, he could re- view that early scene and understand it in its proper light. The robopsychologist, Merton Mansky, listened with a gathering frown and more than once managed to stop his fingers at the point beyond which they would have irrepressibly drummed on the table. He had drawn features and a lined forehead and looked as though he might be younger than he looked. He said, "Robotics is not an exact art, Mr. Martin. I cannot explain it to you in detail, but the mathematics governing the plotting of the positronic pathways is far too complicated to permit of any but approximate solutions. Naturally, since we build everything about the Three Laws, those are incontrovertible. We will, of course, replace your robot—" "Not at all," said Sir. "There is no question of failure on his part. He performs his assigned duties perfectly. The point is, he also carves wood in exquisite fashion and never the same twice. He produces works of art." OPUS 200 89 Mansky looked confused. "Strange. Of course, we're attempting generalized pathways these days . . . Really creative, you think?" "See for yourself." Sir handed over a little sphere of wood on which there was a playground scene in which die boys and girls were almost too small to make out, yet they were in perfect proportion and blended so naturally with the grain that that, too, ,seemed to have been carved. Mansky said, "He did that?" He handed it back with a shake of his head. "The luck of the draw. Something in the pathways." "Can you do it again?" "Probably not Nothing like this has ever been re- ported." "Goodi I don't in the least mind Andrew's being the only one." Mansky said, "I suspect that the company would like to have your robot back for study." Sir said with sudden grimness, "Not a chance. For- get it." He turned to Andrew. "Let's go home now." "As you wish. Sir," said Andrew. Miss was dating boys and wasn't about the house much. It was Little Miss, not as little as she once was, who filled Andrew's horizon now. She never forgot that the very first piece of wood carving he had done had been for her. She kept it on a silver chain about her neck. It was she who first objected to Sir's habit of giving away the productions. She said, "Come on. Dad, if any- one wants one of them, let him pay for it. It's worth it." Sir said, "It isn't like you to be greedy, Mandy." "Not for us. Dad. For the artist" 90 ISAAC ASIMOV Andrew had never heard the word before and when he had a moment to himself he looked it up in the dictionary. Then there was another trip, this time to Sir's lawyer. -. Sir said to him, "What do you think of this, John?" The lawyer was John Feingold. He had white harr and a pudgy belly, and the rims of his contact lenses were tinted a bright green. He looked at the small plaque Sir had given him. "This is beautiful . . . But I've heard the news. This is a carving made by your robot. The one you've brought with you." "Yes, Andrew does them. Don't you, Andrew?" "Yes, Sir," said Andrew. "How much would you pay for that, John?" asked Sir. "I can't say. I'm not a collector of such things." "Would you believe I've been offered two hundred Sfty dollars for that small thing? Andrew has made chairs that have sold for Bve hundred dollars. There's two hundred thousand dollars in the bank out of An- drew's products." "Good heavens, he's making you rich, Gerald." "Half rich," said Sir. "Half of it is in an account in tile name of Andrew Martin." "The robot?" "That's right, and I want to know if ifs legal." "Legal?" Feingold's chair creaked as he leaned back in it. "There are no precedents, Gerald. How did your robot sign the necessary papers?" "He can sign his name, and I brought in the signa- ture. I didn't bring him in to the bank himself. Is there anything further that ought to be done?" "\Jm." Feingold's eyes seemed to turn inward for a moment. Then he said, "Well, we can set up a trust to handle all finances in his name, and that will place a OPUS 200 91 layer of insulation between him and the hostile world. Further than that, my advice is you do nothing. No one is stopping you so far. If anyone objects, let him bring suit." "And will you take the case if suit is brought?" "For a retainer, certainly." "How much^" "Something like that," and Feingold pointed to the wooden plaque. "Fair enough," said Sir. Feingold chuckled as he turned to the robot. "An- drew, are you pleased that you have money?" a-sr • » Yes, sir. "What do you plan to do with it?" "Pay for things, sir, which otherwise Sir would have to pay for. It would save him expense, sir." The occasions came. Repairs were expensive, and revi- sions were even more so. Over the years, new models of robots were produced, and Sir saw to it that An- drew had the advantage of every new device, until he was a paragon of metallic excellence. It was all at An- drew's expense. Andrew insisted on that. Only his positronic pathways were untouched. Sir insisted on that. "The new ones aren't as good as you are, Andrew,** he said. "The new robots are worthless. The company has learned to make the pathways more precise, more closely on the nose, more deeply on the track. The new robots don't shift They do what they're designed for and never stray. I like you better." "Thank you, Sir." "And it's your doing, Andrew, don't you forget that I am certain Mansky put an end to generalized path- ways as soon as he had a good look at you. He didn't 92 ISAAC ASIMOV like the unpredictability ... Do you know how many times he asked for you so he could place you under study? Nine timesi I never let him have you, though, and now that he's retired, we may have some peace." So Sir's hair thinned and grayed and his face grew pouchy, while Andrew looked rather better than he had when he first joined the family. Ma'am had joined an art colony somewhere in Eu- rope and Miss was a poet in New York. They wrote sometimes, but not often. Little Miss was married and lived not far away. She said she did not want to leave Andrew, and when her child. Little Sir, was born, she let Andrew hold the bottle and feed him. With the birth of a grandson, Andrew felt that Sir had someone now to replace those who had gone. It would not be so unfair to come to him with the re- quest. Andrew said, "Sir, it is kind of you to have allowed me to spend my money as I wished." "It was your money, Andrew." "Only by your voluntary act. Sir. I do not believe tile law would have stopped you from keeping it all." The law won't persuade me to do wrong, Andrew." "Despite all expenses, and despite taxes, too. Sir, I have nearly six hundred thousand dollars." "I know that, Andrew." *'! want to give it to you. Sir." **I won't take it, Andrew." *'In exchange for something you can give me, Sir." "Oh? What is that, Andrew?" "My freedom. Sir." "Your-" "I wish to buy my freedom. Sir." OPUS 200 93 It wasn't that easy. Sir had flushed, had said, "For God's sake!" had turned on his heel, and stalked away. It was Little Miss who brought him around, de- fiantly and harshly—and in front of Andrew. For thirty years, no one had hesitated to talk in front of Andrew, whether the matter involved Andrew or not. He was only a robot. She said, "Dad, why are you taking it as a personal affront? He'll still be here. He'll still be loyal. He can't help that. It's built in. All he wants is a form of words. He wants to be called tree. Is that so terrible? Hasn't he earned it? Heavens, he and I have been talking about it for years." "Talking about it for years, have you?" "Yes, and over and over again, he postponed it for fear he would hurt you. I made him put it up to you," "He doesn't know what freedom is. He's a robot." "Dad, you don't know him. He's read everything in the library. I don't know what^he feels inside but I don't know what you feel inside- When you talk to him you'll find he reacts to the various abstractions as you and I do. and what else counts? If someone else's reac- tions are like your own, what more can you ask for?" "The law won't take that attitude," Sir said angrily. "See here, you!" He turned to Andrew with a deliber- ate grate in his voice. "1 can't free you except by doing it legally, and, if it gets into the courts, you not only won't get your freedom, but the law will take official cognizance of your money. They'll tell you that a robot has no right to earn money. Is this rig- marole worth losing your money?" "Freedom is without price. Sir," said Andrew. "Even the chance of freedom is worth the money." 94 ISAAC ASIMOV The court might also take the attitude that freedom was without price, and might decide that for no price, however great, could a robot buy its freedom. The simple statement of the regional attorney who represented those who had brought a class action to oppose the freedom was this: The word "freedom" had no meaning when applied to a robot. Only a hu- man being could be free. He said it several times, when it seemed appropriate; slowly, with his hand coming down rhythmically on the desk before him to mark the words. Little Miss asked permission to speak on behalf of Andrew. She was recognized by her full name, some- thing Andrew had never heard pronounced before: "Amanda Laura Martin Chamey may approach the bench." She said, "Thank you, your honor. I am not a lawyer and I don't know the proper way of phrasing things, but I hope you will listen to my meaning and ignore the words. "Let's understand what it means to be free in An- drew's case. In some ways, he is free. I think it's at least twenty years since anyone in the Martin family gave him an order to do something that we felt he might not do of his own accord. "But we can, if we wish, give him an order to do anything, couch it as harshly as we wish, because he is a machine that belongs to us. Why should we be in a position to do so, when he has served us so long, so faithfully, and earned so much money for us? He owes us nothing more. The debt is entirely on the other side. "Even if we were legally forbidden to place Andrew in involuntary servitude, he would still serve us volun- opus 200 95 tarily. Making him free would be a trick of words only, but it would mean much to him. It would give him everything and cost us nothing." For a moment the Judge seemed to be suppressing a smile. "I see your point, Mrs. Charney. The fact is that there is no binding law in this respect and no prece- dent. There is, however, the unspoken assumption that only a human can enjoy freedom. I can make new law here, subject to reversal in a higher court, but I can- not lightly run counter to that assumption. Let me ad- dress the robot. Andrewl" "Yes, your honor." It was the first time Andrew had spoken in court and the judge seemed astonished for a moment at the human timbre of the voice. He said, "Why do you want to be free, Andrew? In what way will this matter to you?" Andrew said, "Would you wish to be a slave, your honor?" "But you are not a slave. You are a perfectly good robot, a genius of a robot I am given to understand, capable of an artistic expression that can be matched nowhere. What more could you do if you were free?" "Perhaps no more than I do now, your honor, but with greater joy. It has been said in this courtroom that only a human being can be free. It seems to me that only someone who wishes for freedom can be free. I wish for freedom." And it was that that cued the judge. The crucial sentence in his decision was: "There is no right to deny freedom to any object with a mind advanced enough to grasp the concept and desire the state." It was eventually upheld by the World Court 96 ISAAC ASIMOV Sir remained displeased, and his harsh voice made An- drew feel almost as though he were being short- circuited. Sir said, "I don't want your damned money, An- drew. HI take it only because you won't feel free oth- erwise. From now on, you can select your own jobs and do them as you please. I will give you no orders, except this one—that you do as you please. But I am still responsible for you; that's part of the court order. I hope you understand that." Little Miss interrupted. "Don't be irascible. Dad. The responsibility is no great chore. You know you won't have to do a thing. The Three Laws still hold." Then how is he free?" Andrew said, "Are not human beings bound T^y their laws. Sir?" Sir said, "I'm not going to argue." He left, and An- drew saw him only infrequently after that. Little Miss came to see him frequently in the small house that had been built and made over for him. It had no kitchen, of course, nor bathroom facilities. It had just two rooms; one was a library and one was a combination storeroom and workroom. Andrew ac- cepted many commissions and worked harder as a free robot than he ever had before, till the cost of the house was paid for and the structure legally trans- ferred to him. One day Little Sir came . . . No, Georgel Little Sir had insisted on that after the court decision. "A free robot doesn't call anyone Little Sir," George had said. "I call you Andrew. You must call me George." It was phrased as an order, so Andrew called him George—but Little Miss remained Little Miss. The day George came alone, it was to say that Sir OPUS 200 97 was dying. Little Miss was at the bedside but Sir wanted Andrew as well. Sir's voice was quite strong, though he seemed un- able to move much. He struggled to get his hand up. "Andrew," he said, "Andrew—Don't help me, George. I'm only dying; I'm not crippled . . . Andrew, I'm glad you're free, I just wanted to tell you that." Andrew did not know what to say. He had never been at the side of someone dying before, but he knew it was the human way of ceasing to function. It was an involuntary and irreversible dismantling, and Andrew did not know what to say that might be ap- propriate. He could only remain standing, absolutely silent, absolutely motionless. When it was over, Little Miss said to him, "He may not have seemed friendly to you toward the end, An- drew, but he was old, you know, and it hurt him that you should want to be free." And then Andrew found the words to say. He said, "I would never have been free without him. Little Miss." It was only after Sir's death that Andrew began to wear clothes. He began with an old pair of trousers at first, a pair that George had given him. George was married now, and a lawyer. He had joined Feingold's firm. Old Feingold was long since dead, but his daughter had carried on and eventually the firm's name became Feingold and Martin. It re- mained so even when the daughter retired and no Feingold took her place. At the time Andrew put on clothes for the first time, the Martin name had just been added to the firm. George had tried not to smile the first time Andrew 98 ISAAC ASIMOV put on the trousers, but to Andrew's eyes the smile was clearly there. George showed Andrew how to manipulate the static charge so as to allow the trousers to open, wrap about his lower body, and move shut. George demon- strated on his own trousers, but Andrew was quite aware that it would take him awhile to duplicate that one flowing motion. George said, "But why do you want trousers, An- drew? Your body is so beautifully functional it's a shame to cover it—especially when you needn't worry about either temperature control or modesty. And it doesn't cling properly, not on metal." Andrew said, "Are not human bodies beautifully functional, George? Yet you cover yourselves." "For warmth, for cleanliness, for protection, for dec- orativeness. None of that applies to you." Andrew said, "I feel bare without clothes. I feel dif- ferent, George." "DifferentI Andrew, there are millions of robots on Earth now. In this region, according to the last census, there are almost as many robots as there are men." "I know, George. There are robots doing every con- ceivable type of work." "And none of them wears clothes." "But none of them is free, George." Little by little, Andrew added to the wardrobe. He was inhibited by George's smile and by the stares of the people who commissioned work. He might be free, but there was built into him a carefully detailed program concerning his behavior to- ward people, and it was only by the tiniest steps that he dared advance. Open disapproval would set him back months. Not everyone accepted Andrew as free. He was in- OPUS 200 99 capable of resenting that, and yet there was a diffi- culty about his thinking process when he thought of it. Most of all, he tended to avoid putting on clothes- or too many of them-when he thought Little Miss might come to visit him. She was old now and was often away in some warmer climate, but when she re- turned the first thing she did was visit him. On one of her returns, George said ruefully, "She's got me, Andrew. I'll be running for the Legislature next vear. Like grandfather, she says, like grandson." "Like grandfather—" Andrew stopped, uncertain. "I mean that I, George, the grandson, will be like Sir, the grandfather, who was in the Legislature once." Andrew said, "It would be pleasant, George, if Sir were still—" He paused, for he did not want to say, "in working order." That seemed inappropriate. "Alive," said George, "yes, I think of the old mon- ster now and then, too." It was a conversation Andrew thought about. He had noticed his own incapacity in speech when talk- ing with George. Somehow the language had changed since Andrew had come into being with an innate vo- cabulary. Then, too, George used a colloquial speech, as Sir and Little Miss had not. Why should he have called Sir a monster when surely that word was not appropriate? Nor could Andrew turn to his own books for guid- ance. They were old and most dealt with woodwork- ing, with art, with furniture design. There were none on language, none on the way of human beings. It was at that moment that it seemed to him he must seek the proper books; and as a free robot, he felt he must not ask George. He would go to town and use the library. It was a triumphant decision, and he 100 ISAAC ASIMOV felt his elech-opotential grow distinctly higher until he had to throw in an impedance coil. He put on a full costume, even including a shoulder chain of wood. He would have preferred the slitter plastic, but George had said that wood was much more appropriate and that polished cedar was considerably more valuable as well. He had placed a hundred feet between himself and the house before gathering resistance brought him to a halt. He shifted the impedance coil out of circuit, and, when that did not seem to help enough, he returned to his home and on a piece of notepaper wrote neatly, "I Have gone to the library," and placed it in clear view on his worktable. Andrew never quite got to the library. He had stud- ied the map. He knew the route but not the appear- ance of it. The actual landmarks did not resemble the symbols on the map and he would hesitate. Eventu- ally he thought he must have somehow gone wrong, for everything looked strange. He passed an occasional Beld robot, but at the time he decided he should ask his way, there was none in sight. A vehicle passed and did not stop. He stood ir- resolute, which meant calmly motionless, and then coming across the field toward him were two human beings. He turned to face them, and they altered their course to meet him. A moment before, they had been talking loudly; he had heard their voices; but now they were silent. They had the look that Andrew asso- ciated with human uncertainty, and they were young, but not very young. Twenty perhaps? Andrew could never judge human age. OPUS 200 101 He said, "Would you describe to me the route to the town library, sirs?" One of them, the taller of the two, whose tall hat lengthened him still farther, almost grotesquely, said, not to Andrew but to the other, "It's a robot." The other had a bulbous nose and heavy eyelids. He said, not to Andrew but to the first, "It's wearing clothes." The tall one snapped his fingers. "It's the free ro- bot. They have a robot at Martins who isn't owned by anybody. Why else would it be wearing clothes?" "Ask it," said the one with the nose. "Are you the Martin robot?" asked the tall one. "I am Andrew Martin, sir." said Andrew. "Good. Take off your clothes. Robots don't wear clothes." He said to the other, "That's disgusting. Look at him." Andrew hesitated. He hadn't heard an order in that tone of voice in so long that his Second Law circuits had momentarily jammed. The tall one said, "Take off your clothes. I order you." Slowly, Andrew began to remove them. "Just drop them," said the tall one. The nose said, "If it doesn't belong to anyone, he could be ours as much as someone else's." "Anyway," said the tall one, "who's to object to any- thing we do? We're not damaging property . . . Stand on your head." That was to Andrew. "The head is not meant—" began Andrew. "That's an order. If you don't know how, try any- way." Andrew hesitated again, then bent to put his head on the ground. He tried to lift his legs and fell, heav- ay. 102 XSAAC ASIMOV The tall one said, "Just lie there." He said to the other, "we can take him apart. Ever take a robot apart?" "Will he let us?" "How can he stop us?" There was no way Andrew could stop them if they ordered him not to resist in a forceful enough manner. The Second Law of obedience took precedence over the Third Law of self-preservation. In any case, he could not defend himself without possibly hurting them and that would mean breaking the First Law. At that thought, every motile unit contracted slightly and he quivered as he lay there. The tall one walked over and pushed him with his foot. "He's heavy. I think we'll need tools to do the job," The nose said, "We could order him to take himself apart. It would be fun to watch him try." "Yes," said the tall one thoughtfully, "but let's get him off the road. If someone comes along—" It was too late. Someone had indeed come along, and it was George. From where he lay, Andrew had seen him topping a small rise in the middle distance. He would have liked to signal him in some way, but the last order had been, "Just lie there!" George was running now and he arrived somewhat winded. The two young men stepped back a little and then waited thoughtfully. George said anxiously, "Andrew, has something gone wrong?" Andrew said, "I am well, George." "Then stand up ... What 1' 'illWallJJl' your clothes?" '*!~"_ The tall young man said, "That your robot, mac?" OPUS 200 103 George turned sharply. "He's no one's robot. What's been, going on here?" "We politely asked him to take his clothes off. What's that to you if you don't own him?" George said, "What were they doing, Andrew?" Andrew said, "It was their intention in some way to dismember me. They were about to move me to a quiet spot and order me to dismember myself." George looked at the two and his chin trembled. The two young men retreated no further. They were smiling. The tall one said lightly, "What are you going to do, pudgy? Attack us?" George said, "No. I don't have to. This robot has been with my family for over seventy years. He knows us and he values us more than he values anyone else. I am going to tell him that you two are threatening my life and that you plan to kill me-1 will ask him to defend me. In choosing between me and you two, he will choose me. Do you know what will happen to you when he attacks you?" The two were backing away slightly, looking un- easy. George said sharply, "Andrew, I am in danger and about to come to harm from these young men. Move toward theml" Andrew did so, and the two young men did not wait. They ran fleetly. "All right, Andrew, relax," said George. He looked unstrung. He was far past the age where he could face the possibility of a dustup with one young man, let .^..JkAJJ^>_———Jl^^m.Bmm__. ^^^^^^^^HBP't have hurt -them, George. I !n^^^fl^^^^^" _ ^ "I didn't order you to attack them; I only ,to)d you 104 ISAAC ASIMOV to move toward them. Their own fears did the rest." "How can they fear robots?" "It's a disease of mankind, one of which it is not yet cured. But never mind that What the devil are you doing here, Andrew? I was on the point of turning back and hiring a helicopter when I found you. How did you get it into your head to go to the library? I would have brought you any books you needed." "I am a—" began Andrew. "Free robot. Yes, yes. All right, what did you want in the library?" "I want to know more about human beings, about the world, about everything. And about robots, George. I want to write a history about robots." George said, "Well, let's walk home . . . And pick up your clothes first. Andrew, there are a million books on robotics and all of them include histories of the science. The world is growing saturated not only with robots but with information about robots." Andrew shook his head, a human gesture he had lately begun to make. "Not a history of robotics, George. A history of robots, by a robot. I want to ex- plain how robots feel about what has happened since the first ones were allowed to work and live on Earth." George's eyebrows lifted, but he said nothing in di- rect response. Little Miss was fust past her eighty-third birthday, but there was nothing about her that was lacking in either energy or determination. Shfi flBShtftA^fife- "^ cane more often than she proppficl^BllHl^p^nHlF^ She listened to the story in a fury of indignation. She said, "George, that's horrible. Who were those young ruffians?" OPUS 200 105 "I don't know. What difference does it make? In the end they did no damage." "They might have. You're a lawyer, George, and if you're well off, it's entirely due to the talent of An- drew. It was the money he earned that is the founda- tion of everything we have. He provides the continu- ity for this family, and I will not have him treated as a wind-up toy." "What would you have me do. Mother?" asked George. "I said you're a lawyer. Don't you listen? You set up a test case somehow, and you force the regional courts to declare for robot rights and get the Legislature to pass the necessary bills, and carry the whole thing to the World Court, if you have to. I'll be watching, George, and I'll tolerate no shirking." She was serious, and what began as a way of sooth- ing the fearsome old lady became an involved mat- ter with enough legal entanglement to make it inter- esting. As senior partner of Feingold and Martin, George plotted strategy but left the actual work to his Junior partners, with much of it a matter for his son, Paul, who was also a member of die firm and who reported dutifully nearly every day to his grand- mother. She, in turn, discussed it every day with An- drew. Andrew was deeply involved. His work on his book on robots was delayed again as he pored over the le- gal arguments and even, at times, made very diffident suggestions. He said, "George told me that day that human beings have always been afraid of robots. As long as they are, the courts and the legislatures are not likely to work hard on behalf of robots. Should there not be something done about public opinion?" 106 ISAAC ASIMOV So while Paul stayed in court, George took to the public platform. It gave him the advantage of being informal, and he sometimes even went so far as to wear the new, loose style of clothing that he called drapery. Paul said, "Just don't trip over it onstage, Dad." George said despondently, "I'll try not to." He addressed the annual convention of holo-news editors on one occasion and said, in part: "If, by virtue of the Second Law, we can demand of any robot unlimited obedience in all respects not in- volving harm to a human being, then, any human being, any human being, has a fearsome power over any robot, any robot. In particular, since the Second Law supersedes the Third Law. any human being can use the law of obedience to overcome the law of self- protection. He can order any robot to damage itself or even destroy itself for any reason, or for no reason. "Is this just? Would we treat an animal so? Even an inanimate object that has given us good service has a claim on our consideration. And a robot is not insensi- ble; it is not an animal. It can think well enough to enable it to talk to us, reason with us, joke with us. Can we treat them as friends, can we work together with them, and not give them some of the fruit of that friendship, some of the benefit of co-working? "If a man has the right to give a robot any order that does not involve harm to a human being, he should have the decency never to give a robot any order that involves harm to a robot, unless human safety absolutely requires it WU^i ^FWtJMweet goes great responsibility, ^u^^^|IS^^p^ ^e^r^e Laws to protect men, is it too much to ask that men have a law or two to protect robots?" Andrew was right It was the battle over public OPUS 200 107 opinion that held the key to courts and Legislature and in the end a law passed which set up conditions under which robot-harming orders were forbidden. It was endlessly qualified and the punishments for vio- lating the law were totally inadequate, but the princi- ple was established. The final passage by the World Legislature came through on the day of Little Miss's death. That was no coincidence. Little Miss held on to life desperately during the last debate and let go only when word of victory arrived. Her last smile was for Andrew. Her last words were: "You have been good to us, Andrew." She died with her hand holding his, while her son and his wife and children remained at a respectful dis- tance from both. Andrew waited patiently while the receptionist disap- peared into the inner office. It might have used the holographic chatterbox, but unquestionably it was un- manned (or perhaps unroboted) by having to deal with another robot rather than with a human being. Andrew passed the time revolving the matter in his mind. Could "unroboted" be used as an analogue of "unmanned," or had "unmanned" become a meta- phoric term sufficiently divorced from its original lit- eral meaning to be applied to robots—or to women, for that matter? Such problems came up frequently as he worked on his book on robots. The trick of thinking out sentences to express all complexities had undoubtedly increased his vocabulary. Occasionally, someone came into the room to stare at him and he did not try to avoid the glance. He looked at each calmly, and each in turn looked away. 108 ISAAC ASIMOV Paul Martin finally came out. He looked surprised, £, or he would have if Andrew could have made out his expression with certainty. Paul had taken to wearing — the heavy makeup that fashion was dictating for both '.. sexes, and though it made sharper and firmer the somewhat bland lines of his face, Andrew disari- , proved. He found that disapproving of human beings, as long as he did not express it verbally, did not make ^ him very uneasy. He could even write the disap- || proval. He was sure it had not always been so. ? Paul said, "Come in, Andrew. I'm sorry I made you ? wait but there was something I had to finish. Come in. You had said you wanted to talk to me, but I didn't know you meant here in town." "If you are busy, Paul. I am prepared to continue to wait." Paul glanced at the interplay of shifting shadows on the dial on the wall that served as timepiece and said, "I can make some time. Did you come alone?" "I hired an automatobile." "Any trouble?" Paul asked with more than a trace of anxiety. 1 wasn't expecting any. My rights are protected." Paul looked the more anxious for that. "Andrew, I've explained that the law is unenforceable, at least under most conditions . . , And if you insist on wear- ing clothes, you'll run into trouble eventually—just like that first time." "And only time, Paul. I'm sorry you are displeased.** "Well, look at it this way; you are virtually a living legend, Andrew, and you are too valuable in many different ways for you to have any right to take chances with yourself . . . How's the book coming?" "I am approaching th* end, Paul. The publisher is quite pleased." OPUS 200 109 "Good!' "I don't know that he's necessarily pleased with the book as a book. I think he expects to sell many copies because it's written by a robot and it's that that pleases him." "Only human, I'm afraid." "I am not displeased. Let it sell for whatever reason since it will mean money and I can use some." "Grandmother left you—" "Little Miss was crenerous, and I'm sure I can count on the family to help me out further. But it is the roy- alties from the book on which I am counting to help me through the next step." "What next ste^ is that?" "I wish to see the head of U. S. Robots and Me- chanical Men, Inc. I have tried to make an apnoint- ment, but so far I have not been able to reach him. The corporation did not cooperate with me in the writing of the book, so I am not surprised, you under- stand." Paul was clearly amused. "Cooperation is the last thing you can exoect They didn't cooperate with us in our great fight for robot rights. Quite the reverse, and you can see why. Give a robot rights and people may not want to buy them." "Nevertheless," said Andrew, "if you call them, you may obtain an interview for me." "I'm no more popular with them than you are, An- drew." "But perhaps you can hint that by seeing me they may head off a campaign by Feingold and Martin to strengthen the rights of robots further." "Wouldn't that be a lie, Andrew?" "Yes, Paul, and I can't tell one. That is why you must call." 110 ISAAC ASIMOV "Ah, you can't lie, but you can urge me to tell a lie, is that it? You're getting more human all the time, An- drew." It was not easy to arrange, even with Paul's suppos- edly weighted name. But it was finally carried through and, when it was, Harley Smythe-Robertson, who, on his mother's side, was descended from the original founder of the corpo- ration and who had adopted the hyphenation to indi- cate it, looked remarkably unhappy. He was ap- proaching retirement age and his entire tenure as president had been devoted to the matter of robot rights. His gray hair was plastered thinly over the top of his scalp, his face was not made up, and he eyed Andrew with brief hostility from time to time. Andrew said, "Sir, nearly a century ago, I was told by a Merton Mansky of this corporation that the mathematics governing the plotting of the positronic pathways was far too complicated to permit of any but approximate solutions and that therefore my own capacities were not fully predictable." "That was a century ago." Smythe-Robertson hesi- tated, then said icily, "Sir. It is true no longer. Our robots are made with precision now and are trained precisely to their jobs." "Yes," said Paul, who had come along, as he said, to make sure that the corporation played fair, "with the result that my receptionist must be guided at every point once events depart from the conventional, how- ever slightly." Smythe-Robertson said, "You would be much more displeased if it were to improvise." Andrew said, 'Then you no longer manufacture ro- bots like myself that are flexible and adaptable." OPUS 200 111 "No longer." "The research I have done in connection with my book," said Andrew, "indicates that I am the oldest robot presently in active operation." "The oldest presently," said Smythe-Robertson, "and the oldest ever. The oldest that will ever be. No robot is useful after the twenty-fifth year. They are called in and replaced with newer models." "No robot as presently manufactured is useful after the twenty-fifth year," said Paul pleasantly. "Andrew is quite exceptional in this respect." Andrew, adhering to the path he had marked out for himself, said, "As the oldest robot in the world and the most flexible, am I not unusual enough to merit special treatment from the company?" "Not at all," said Smythe-Robertson freezingly. "Your unusualness is an embarrassment to the com- pany. If you were on lease, instead of having been a sale outright through some mischance, you would long since have been replaced." "But that is exactly the point," said Andrew. "I am a free robot and I own myself. Therefore I come to you and ask you to replace me. You cannot do this without the owner's consent. Nowadays, that consent is ex- torted as a condition of the lease, but in my time this did not happen." Smythe-Robertson was looking both startled and puzzled, and for a moment there was silence. Andrew found himself staring at the holograph on the wall. It was a death mask of Susan Calvin, patron saint of all roboticists. She was dead nearly two centuries now, but as a result of writing his book Andrew knew her so well he could half persuade himself that he had met her in life. Smythe-Robertson said, "How can I replace you for 112 ISAAC ASIMOV you? If I replace you as a robot, how can I donate the new robot to you as owner since in the very act of replacement you cease to exist?" He smiled grimly. "Not at all difficult," interposed Paul. "The seat of Andrew's personality is his positronic brain, and it is the one part that cannot be replaced without creating a new robot. The positronic brain, therefore, is An- drew the owner. Every other part of the robotic body can be replaced without affecting the robot's person- ality, and those other parts are the brain's possessions. Andrew, I should say, wants to supply his brain with a new robotic body." That's right," said Andrew calmly. He turned to Smythe-Bobertson. "You have manufactured androids, haven't you? Robots that have the outward appear- ance of humans complete to the texture of the skin?" Smythe-Robertson said, "Yes, we have. They worked perfectly well, with their synthetic fibrous skins and tendons. There was virtually no metal any- where except for the brain, yet they were nearly as tough as metal robots. They were tougher, weight for weight" Paul looked interested. **I didn't know that How many are on the market?" "None," said Smythe-Robertson. They were much more expensive than metal models and a market sur- vey showed they would not be accepted. They looked too human." Andrew said, "But the corporation retains its exper- tise, I assume. Since it does, I wish to request that I be replaced by an organic robot, an android." Paul looked surprised. "Good Lord," he said. Smythe-Bobertson stiffened. "Quite impossiblel" "Why is it impossible?" asked Andrew. "I will pay any reasonable fee, of course." OPUS 200 113 Smythe-Robertson said, "We do not manufacture androids." "You do not choose to manufacture androids," inter- posed Paul quickly. That is not the same as being unable to manufacture them." Smythe-Robertson said, "Nevertheless, the manu- facture of androids is against public policy." There is no law against it," said Paul. "Nevertheless, we do not manufacture them, and we will not." Paul cleared his throat. "Mr. Smythe-Robertson," he said, "Andrew is a free robot who is under the pur- view of the law guaranteeing robots^ rights. You are aware of this, I take it?" "Only too well." This robot, as a free robot, chooses to wear clothes. This results in his being frequently humiliated by thoughtless human beings despite the law against the humiliation of robots. It is difficult to prosecute vague offenses that don't meet with the general disap- proval of those who must decide on guilt and inno- cence." "U. S. Robots understood that from the start. Your father's firm unfortunately did not." "My father is dead now," said Paul, "but what I see is that we have here a clear offense with a clear tar- get." "What are you talking about?" said Smythe- Robertson. "My client. Andrew Martin—he has Just become my client—is a free robot who is entitled to ask U. S. Ro- bots and Mechanical Men, Inc., for the right of re- placement, which the corporation supplies anyone who owns a robot for more than twenty-five years. In fact, the corporation insists on such replacement." 114 ISAAC ASIMOV Paul was smiling and thoroughly at his ease. He went on, 'The positronic brain of my client is the owner of the body of my client—which is certainly more than twenty-Bve years old. The positronic brain demands the replacement of the body and offers to pay any reasonable fee for an android body as that replacement. If you-refuse the request, my client un- dergoes humiliation and we will sue. "While public opinion would not ordinarily support the claim of a robot in such a case, may I remind you that U. S. Robots is not popular with the public gen- erally. Even those who most use and profit from ro- bots are suspicious of the corporation. This may be a hangover from the days when robots were widely feared. It may be resentment against the power and wealth of U. S. Robots, which has a worldwide mono- poly. Whatever the cause may be, the resentment ex- ists and I think you will find that you would prefer not to withstand a lawsuit, particularly since my client is wealthy and will live tor many more centuries and will have no reason to refrain from fighting the battle forever." Smythe-Robertson had slowly reddened. "You are trying to force me to—" "I force you to do nothing," said Paul. "If you wish to refuse to accede to my client's reasonable request, you may by all means do so and we will leave without another word . . . But we will sue, as is certainly our right, and you will find that you will eventually lose." Smythe-Robertson said, "Well—" and paused. "I see that you are going to accede," said Paul. "You may hesitate but you will come to it in the end. Let me assure you, then, of one further point. If, in the process of transferring my client's positronic brain OPUS 200 115 from his present body to an organic one, there is any damage, however slight, then I will never rest till I've nailed the corporation to the ground. I will, if neces- sary, take every possible step to mobilize public opin- ion against the coi-noration if one brain path of my client's platinum-iridium essence is scrambled." He turned to Andrew and said, "Do you agree to all this, Andrew?" Andrew hesitated a full minute. It amounted to the approval of lying, of blackmail, of the badgering and humiliation of a human bein^. But not physical harm, he told himself, not physical harm. He managed at last to come out with a rather faint "Yes." It was like being constructed again. For days, then for weeks, finally for months, Andrew found himself not himself somehow, and the simplest actions kept giving rise to hesitation. Paul was frantic. "They've damaged you, Andrew. We'll have to institute suit." Andrew spoke very slowly. "You mustn't. You'll never be able to prove— something— m-m-m-m—" "Malice?" "Malice. Besides, I grow stronger, better. Ifs the tr- tr-tr-" Tremble?" "Trauma. After all, there's never been such an op- op-operation before." Andrew could feel his brain from the inside. No one else could. He knew he was well, and during the months that it took him to learn full coordination and full positronic interplay, he spent hours before the mirror. Not quite humani The face was stiff—too stiff—and 116 ISAAC ASIMOV the motions were too deliberate. They lacked the care- less free flow of the human being, but perhaps that might come with time. At least he could wear clothes without the ridiculous anomaly of a metal face going along with it. Eventually he said, "I will be going back to work." Paul laughed and said, "That means you are well. What will you be doing? Another book?" "No," said Andrew seriously. "I live too long for any one career to seize me by the throat and never let me go. There was a time when I was primarily an artist and I can still turn to that. And there was a time when I was a historian and I can still turn to that. But now I wish to be a robobiologist" "A robopsychologist, you mean." "No. That would imply the study of positronic brains and at the moment I lack the desire to do that. A robobiologist, it seems to me, would be concerned with the working of the body attached to that brain." "Wouldn't that be a roboticist?" "A roboticist works with a metal body. I would be studying an organic humanoid body, of which I have the only one, as far as I know." "You narrow your field," said Paul thoughtfully. "As an artist, all conception was yours; as a historian, you dealt chiefly with robots, as a robobiologist, you will deal with yourself." Andrew nodded. "It would seem so." Andrew had to start from the very beginning, for he knew nothing of ordinary biology, almost nothing of science. He became a familiar sight in the libraries, where he sat at the electronic indices for hours at a time. looking perfectly normal in clothes. Those few who knew he was a robot in no way interfered with him. OPUS 200 117 He built a laboratory in a room he had added to his house, and his library grew, too. Years passed, and Paul came to him one day and said, "It's a pity you're no longer working on the his- tory of robots. I understand U. S. Robots is adopting a radically new policy," Paul had aged, and his deteriorating eyes had been replaced with photoptic cells. In that respect, he had drawn closer to Andrew. Andrew said, "What have they done?" "They are manufacturing central computers, gigan- tic positronic brains, really, which communicate with anywhere from a dozen to a thousand robots by mi- crowave. The robots themselves have no brains at all. They are the limbs of the gigantic brain, and the two are physically separate. "Is that more efficient?" "U. S. Robots claims it is. Smythe-Robertson estab- lished the new direction before he died, however, and it's my notion that it's a backlash at you. U. S. Robots is determined that they will make no robots that will give them the type of trouble you have, and for that reason they separate brain and body. The brain will have no body to wish changed; the body will have no brain to wish anything. "It's amazing, Andrew," Paul went on, "the influ- ence you have had on the history of robots. It was your artistry that encouraged U. S. Robots to make robots more precise and specialized; it was your freb- dom that resulted in the establishment of the principle of robotic rights; it was your insistence on an android body that made U. S. Robots switch to brain-body separation." Andrew said, "I suppose in the end the corporation will produce one vast brain controlling several billion 118 ISAAC ASIMOV robotic bodies. All the eggs will be in one basket Dangerous. Not proper at all." "I think you're right," said Paul, "but I don't suspect it will come to pass for a century at least, and I won't live to see it. In fact, I may not live to see next year." "Paul!" said Andrew in concern. Paul shrugged. "We're mortal, Andrew. We're not like you. It doesn't matter too much, but it does make it important to assure you on one point. I'm the last ot the human Martins. There are collaterals descended from my great-aunt, but they don't count. The money I control personally will be left to the trust in your name, and, as far as anyone can foresee the future, you will be economically secure." "Unnecessary," said Andrew with difficulty. In all this time, he could not get used to the deaths of the Martins. Paul said, "Let's not argue. That's the way it's going to be. What are you working on?" "I am designing a system for allowing androids— myself—to gain energy from the combustion of hydro- carbons, rather than from atomic cells." Paul raised his eyebrows. "So that they will breathe and eat?" "Yes." "How long have you been pushing in that direc- tion?" "For a long time now, but I think I have designed an adequate combustion chamber for catalyzed con- trolled breakdown." "But why, Andrew? The atomic cell is surely infi- nitely better." "In some ways, perhaps, but the atomic cell is inhu- man." OPUS 200 119 It took time, but Andrew had time- In the first place, he did not wish to do anything till Paul had died in peace. With the death of the great-grandson of Sir, Andrew felt more nearly exposed to a hostile world, and for that reason was the more determined to continue the path he had long ago chosen. Yet he was not really alone. If a man had died, the firm of Feingold and Martin lived, for a corporation does not die any more than a robot does. The firm had its directions and it followed them soullessly. By way of the trust and through the law firm, Andrew continued to be wealthy. And in return for their own large annual retainer, Feingold and Martin involved themselves in the legal aspects of the new combustion chamber. When the time came for Andrew to visit U. S. Ro- bots and Mechanical Men, Inc., he did it alone. Once he had gone with Sir and once with Paul. This time, the third tune, he was alone and manlike. U. S. Robots had changed. The production plant had been shifted to a large space station, as was the case with more and more industries. With them had gone many robots. The Earth itself was becoming parktike, with its one-billion-person population stabi- lized and perhaps not more than 30 percent of its at least equally large robot population independently brained. The director of research was Alvin Magdescu, dark of complexion and hair, with a little pointed beard and wearing nothing above the waist but the breast- band that fashion dictated. Andrew himself was well covered in the older fashion of several decades back. Magdescu said, "I know you, of course, and I'm rather pleased to see you. You're our most notorious 120 ISAAC ASIMOV product, and it's a pity old Smythe-Robertson was so set against you. We could have done a great deal with you." "You still can," said Andrew. "No, I don't think so. We're past the time. We*ve }iad robots on Earth for over a century, but that's chang- ing. It will be back to space with them and those that stay here won't be brained." "But there remains myself, and I stay on Earth." 'True, but there doesn't seem to be much of the ro- bot about you. What new request have you?" "To be still less a robot. Since I am so far organic, I wish an organic source of energy. I have here the plans—" Magdescu did not hasten through them. He might have intended to at Brst, but he stiffened and grew intent. At one point he said, "This is remarkably ingeni- ous. Who thought of all this?" "I did." said Andrew. Magdescu looked up at him sharply, then said, "It would amount to a major overhaul of your body, and an experimental one, since it has never been at- tempted before. I advise against it Remain as you are." Andrew's face had limited means of expression, but impatience showed plainly in his voice. "Dr. Mag- descu, you miss the entire point. You have no choice but to accede to my request. If such devices can be built into my body, they can be built into human bod- ies as well. The tendency to lengthen human life by prosthetic devices has already been remarked on. There are no devices better than the ones I have de- signed and am designing. "As it happens, I control the patents by way of the 6rm of Feingold and Martin. We are quite capable of OPUS 200 121 going into business for ourselves and developing the kind of prosthetic devices that may end by producing human beings with many of the properties of robots. Your own business will then suffer. "If, however, you operate on me now and agree to do so under similar circumstances in the future, you will receive permission to make use of the patents and control the technology of both robots and the prosthe- tization of human beings. The initial leasing will not be granted, of course, until after the first operation is completed successfully, and after enough time has passed to demonstrate that it is indeed successful." Andrew felt scarcely any First Law inhibition to the stern conditions he was setting a human being. He was learning to reason that what seemed like cruelty might, in the long run, be kindness. Magdescu looked stunned. He said, "I'm not the one to decide something like this. That's a corporate deci- sion that would take time." T can wait a reasonable time," said Andrew, "but only a reasonable time." And he thought with satisfac- tion that Paul himself could not have done it better. It took only a reasonable time, and the operation was a success. Magdescu said, "I was very much against the opera- tion, Andrew, but not for the reasons you might think. I was not in the least against the experiment, if it had been on someone else. I hated risking your positronic brain. Now that you have the positronic pathways in- teracting with simulated nerve pathways, it might be difficult to rescue the brain intact if the body went bad." "I had every faith in the skill of the staff at U. S. Robots." said Andrew. "And I can eat now." 122 ISAAC ASIMOV "Well, you can sip olive oil. It will mean occasional cleanings of the combustion chamber, as we have ex- plained to you. Rather an uncomfortable touch, I should think." "Perhaps, if I did not expect to go further. Self- cleaning is not impossible. In fact, I am working on a' device that will deal with solid food that may be ex- pected to contain incombustible fractions—indigestible matter, so to speak, that will have to be discarded." "You would then have to develop an anus." *The equivalent." "What else, Andrew?" "Everything else." "Genitalia, too?" "Insofar as they will fit my plans. My body is a can- vas on which I intend to draw—" Magdescu waited for the sentence to be completed, and when it seemed that it would not be, he com- pleted it himself. "A man?" "We shall see," said Andrew. Magdescu said, "It's a puny ambition, Andrew. You're better than a man. You've gone downhill from the moment you opted for organicism." "My brain has not suffered." "No, it hasn't. I'll grant you that. But, Andrew, the whole new breakthrough in prosthetic devices made possible by your patents is being marketed under your name. You're recognized as the inventor and you're honored for it—as you are. Why play further games with your body?" Andrew did not answer. The honors came. He accepted membership in sev- eral learned societies, including one that was devoted to the uew science he had established; the one he had i OPUS 200 123 called robobiology but which had come to be termed prosthetology. On the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of his con- struction, there was a testimonial dinner given in his honor at U. S. Robots. If Andrew saw irony in this, he kept it to himself. Alvm Magdescu came out of retirement to chair the dinner. He was himself ninety-four years old and was alive because he had prosthetized devices that, among other things, fulfilled the function of liver and kid- neys. The dinner reached its climax when Magdescu, after a short and emotional talk, raised his glass to toast "the Sesquicentennial Robot," Andrew had had the sinews of his face redesigned to the point where he could show a range of emotions, but he sat through all the ceremonies solemnly pas- sive. He did not like to be a Sesquicentennial Robot. It was prosthetology that finally took Andrew off the Earth. In the decades that followed the celebration of the Sesquicentennial, the Moon had come to be a world more Earthlike than Earth in every respect but its gravitational pull, and in its underground cities there was a fairly dense population. Prosthetized devices there had to take the lesser gravity into account and Andrew spent five years on the Moon working with local prosthetologists to make the necessary adaptations. When not at his work, he wandered among the robot population, every one of which treated him with the robotic obsequiousness due a man. He came back to an Earth that was humdrum and quiet by comparison and visited the offices of Fein- gold and Martin to announce his return. The current head of the firm, Simon DeLong, was 124 ISAAC ASIMOV surprised. He said, "We had been told you were re- turning, Andrew" (he had almost said "Mr. Martin"), "but we were not expecting vou till next week." "I grew impatient," said Andrew brusquely. He was anxious to get to the point. "On the Moon, Simon, I was in charge of a research team of twenty human scientists. I gave orders that no one questioned. The Lunar robots deferred td me as they would to a human being. Why, then, am I not a human being?" A wary look entered DeLong's eyes. He said, "My dear Andrew, as you have just explained, you are treated as a human being by both robots and human beings. You are therefore a human being de facto." "To be a human being de facto is not enough. I want not only to be treated as one, but to be legally identified as one. I want to be a human being de jure." "Now that is another matter," said DeLong. "There we would run into human prejudice and into the un- doubted fact that however much you may be like a human being, you are not a human being." "In what way not?" asked Andrew. "I have the shape of a human being and organs equivalent to those of a human being. My organs, in fact, are identi- cal to some of those in a prosthetized human being. I have contributed artistically, literarily, and scientifi- cally to human culture as much as any human being now alive. What more can one ask?" "I myself would ask nothing more. The trouble is that it would take an act of the World Legislature to define you as a human being. Frankly, I wouldn't ex- pect that to happen." To whom on the Legislature could I speak?" *To the chairman of the Science and Technology Committee perhaps." OPUS 200 125 "Can you arrange a meeting?" "But you scarcely need an intermediary. In your po- sition, you can—" "No. You arrange it." (It didn't even occur to An- drew that he was giving a flat order to a human being. He had grown accustomed to that on the Moon.) "I want him to know that the firm of Fein- gold and Martin is backing me in this to the hilt." "Well, now—" "To the hilt, Simon. In one hundred seventy-three years I have in one fashion or another contributed greatly to this firm. I have been under obligation to individual members of the firm in times past. I am not now. It is rather the other way around now and I am calling in my debts." DeLong said, "I will do what I can." The chairman of the Science and Technology Com- mittee was of the East Asian region and she was a woman. Her name was Chee Li-Hsing and lipr trans- parent garments (obscuring what she wanted ob- scured only by their dazzle) made her look plastic- wrapped. She said, "I sympathize with your wish for full hu- man rights. There have been times in history when segments of the human population fought for full hu- man rights. What rights, however, can you possibly want that you do not have?" "As simple a thing as my right to life. A robot can be dismantled at any time." "A human being can be executed at any time." "Execution can only follow due process of law. There is no trial needed for my dismantling. Only the word of a human being in authority is needed to end me. Besides—besides—" Andrew tried desperately to 126 ISAAC ASIMOV allow no sign of pleading, but his carefully designed tricks of human expression and tone of voice betrayed him here. "The truth is, I want to be a man. I have b,- wanted it through six generations of human beings." Li-Hsing looked up at him out of darkly sympa- thetic eyes. "The Legislature can pass a law declaring' you one—they could pass a law declaring a stone statue to be defined as a man. Whether they will ac- tually do so is, however, as likely in the first case as the second. Congresspeople are as human as the rest of the population, and there is always that element of suspicion against robots." "Even now?" "Even now. We would all allow the fact that you have earned the prize of humanity, and yet there would remain the fear of setting an undesirable pre- cedent." "What precedent? I am the only free robot, the only one of my type, and there will never be another. You may consult U. S. Robots." "'Never' is a long time, Andrew—or, if you prefer, Mr. Martin—since I will gladiv give you my personal accolade as man. You will find that most congress- people will not be willing to set the precedent, no matter how meaningless such a precedent might be. Mr. Martin, you have my sympathy, but I cannot tell you to hope. Indeed—" She sat back and her forehead wrinkled. "Indeed, if the issue grows too heated, there might well arise a certain sentiment, both inside the Legislature and out- side, for the dismantling you mentioned. Doing away with you could turn out to be the easiest way of re- solving the dilemma. Consider that before deciding to push matters." Andrew said, "Will no one remember the technique OPUS 200 127 of prosthetology, something that is almost entirely mine?" "It may seem cruel, but they won't. Or if they do, it will be remembered against you. It will be said you did it only for yourself. It will be said it was part of a campaign to roboticize human beings, or to humanity robots; and in either case evil and vicious. You have never been part of a political hate campaign, Mr. Martin, and I tell vou that you will be the object of vilification of a kind neither you nor I would credit, and there would be people who'll believe it all. Mr. Martin, let your life be." She rose and, next to An- drew's seated figure, she seemed small and almost childlike. Andrew said, "If I decide to fight for my humanity, will you be on my side?" She thought, then said, "I will be—insofar as I can be. If at any time such a stand would appear to threaten my political future,-1 may have to abandon you, since it is not an issue I feel to be at the very root of my beliefs. I am trying to be honest with you." "Thank you, and I will ask no more. I intend to fight this through whatever the consequences, and I will ask you for your help only for as long as you can give it." It was not a direct fight. Feingold and Martin coun- seled patience and Andrew muttered grimly that he had an endless supply of that. Feingold and Martin then entered on a campaign to narrow and restrict the area of combat. They instituted a lawsuit denying the obligation to pay debts to an individual with a prosthetic heart on the grounds that the possession of a robotic organ re- 128 ISAAC ASIMOV moved humanity, and with it the constitutional rights of human beings. They fought the matter skillfully and tenaciously, losing at every step but always in such a way that the decision was forced to be as broad as possible, and then carrying it by way of appeals to the World Court. It took years, and millions of dollars. When the final decision was handed down, DeLong held what amounted to a victory celebration over the legal loss. Andrew was, of course, present in the com- pany offices on the occasion. "We've done two things, Andrew," said DeLong, "both of which are good. First of all, we have estab- lished the fact that no number of artifacts in the hu- man body causes it to cease being a human body. Sec- ondly, we have engaged public opinion in the question in such a way as to put it fiercely on the side of a broad interpretation of humanity since there is not a human being in existence who does not hope for prosthetics if that will keep him alive." "And do you think the Legislature will now grant me my humanity?" asked Andrew. DeLong looked faintly uncomfortable. "As to that, I cannot be optimistic. There remains the one organ that the World Court has used as the criterion of hu- manity. Human beings have an organic cellular brain and robots have a platinum-iridium positronic brain if they have one at all—and you certainly have a posi- tronic brain . . . No, Andrew, don't get that look in your eye. We lack the knowledge to duplicate the work of a cellular brain in artificial structures close enough to the organic type to allow it to fall within the Court's decision. Not even you could do it" "What should we do, then?" "Make the attempt, of course. Congresswoman U- OPUS 200 129 Hsing will be on our side and a growing number of other congresspeople. The President will undoubtedly go along with a majority of the Legislature m this matter." "Do we have a majority?" "No, far from it. But we might get one if the public will allow its desire for a broad interpretation of hu- manity to extend to you. A small chance, I admit, but if you do not wish to give up, we must gamble for it." "I do not wish to give up." Congresswoman Li-Hsing was considerably older than she had been when Andrew had first met her. Her transparent garments were long gone. Her hair was now close-cropped and her coverings were tubu- lar. Yet still Andrew clung, as closely as he could within the limits of reasonable taste, to the style of clothing that had prevailed when he had first adopted clothing over a century before. ^ She said, "We've none as far as we can, Andrew. We'll try once more after recess, but, to be honest, de- feat is certain and the whole thing will have to be given up. All mv most recent efforts have only earned me a certain defeat in the coming congressional cam- paign." "I know," said Andrew, "and it distresses me. You said once you would abandon me if it came to that. Whv have you not done so?" "One can change one's mind, you know. Somehow, abandoning you became a higher price than I cared to pav for just one more term. As it is, I've been in the Legislature for over a quarter of a century. It's enough." "Is there no way we can change minds, Chee?" "We've changed all that are amenable to reason. 130 ISAAC ASIMOV The rest—the majority—cannot be moved from their emotional antipathies." "Emotional antipathy is not a valid reason for vot- ing one way or the other." "I know that, Andrew, but they don't advance emo- tional antipathy as their reason." Andrew said cautiously, "It all comes down to the brain, then, but must we leave it at the level of cells versus positrons? Is there no way of forcing a func- tional definition? Must we say that a brain is made of this or that? May we not say that a brain is something— anything—capable of a certain level of thought?" "Won't work," said Li-Hsing. "Your brain is man- made, the human brain is not. Your brain is con- structed, theirs developed. To any human being who is intent on keeping up the barrier between himself and a robot, those differences are a steel wall a mile high and a mile thick." "If we could get at the source of their antipathy— the very source of—" "After all your years," said Li-Hsing sadly, "you are still trying to reason out the human being. Poor An- drew, don't be angry, but it's the robot in you that drives you in that direction." "1 don't know," said Andrew. "If I could bring my- self-" If he could bring himself— He had known for a long time it might come to that. and in the end he was at the surgeon's. He found one, skillful enough for the job at hand, which meant a robot surgeon, for no human surgeon could be trusted in this connection, either in ability or in inten- tion, The surgeon could not have performed the opera- OPUS 200 131 tion on a human being, so Andrew, after putting off the moment of decision with a sad line of questioning that reflected the turmoil within himself, put the First Law to one side by saying, "I, too, am a robot." He then said, as firmly as he had learned to form the words even at human beings over these past dec- ades, "I order you to carry through the operation on me." In the absence of the First Law, an order so firmly given from one who looked so much like a man acti- vated the Second Law sufficiently to carry the day. Andrew's feeling of weakness was, he was sure, quite imaginary. He had recovered from the operation. Nev- ertheless, he leaned, as unobtrusively as he could manage, against the wall. It would be entirely too re- vealing to sit. Li-Hsing said, "The final vote will come this week, Andrew. I've been able to delay it no longer, and we must lose . . . And that will be it, Andrew." Andrew said, "I am grateful for your skill at delay. It gave me the time I needed, and I took the gamble I had to." "What gamble is this?*' asked Li-Hsing with open concern. "I couldn't tell you, or the people at Feingold and Martin. I was sure I would be stopped. See here, if it is the brain that is at issue, isn't the greatest differ- ence of all the matter of immortality? Who really cares what a brain looks like or is built of or how it was formed? What matters is that brain cells die; must die. Even if every other organ in the body is maintained or replaced, the brain cells, which cannot be replaced without changing and therefore killing the personal- ity, must eventually die. 132 ISAAC ASIMOV "My own positronic pathways have lasted nearly two centuries without perceptible change and can last for centuries more. Isn't that the fundamental bar- rier? Human beings can tolerate an immortal robot, for it doesn't matter how long a machine lasts. They cannot tolerate an immortal human being, since their own mortality is endurable only so long as it is univer- sal. And for that reason they won't make me a human being." Li-Hsing said, "What is it you're leading up to, An- drew ?" "I have removed that problem. Decades ago, my positronic brain was connected to organic nerves. Now, one last operation has arranged that connection in such a way that slowly—quite slowly—the potential is being drained from my pathways." Li-Hsing's finely wrinkled face showed no expres- sion for a moment. Then her lips tightened. "Do you mean you've arranged to die, Andrew? You can't have. That violates the Third Law." "No," said Andrew, "I have chosen between the death of my body and the death of my aspirations and desires. To have let my body live at the cost of the greater death is what would have violated the Third Law." Li-Hsing seized his arm as though she were about to shake him. She stopped herself. "Andrew, it won't work. Change it back." "It can't be. Too much damage was done. I have a year to live—more or less. I will last through the hun- dredth anniversay of my construction. I was weak enough to arrange that." "How can it be worth it? Andrew, you're a fool." "If it brings me humanity, that will be worth it. If it OPUS 200 133 doesn't, it will bring an end to striving, and that will be worth it, too." And Li-Hsing did something that astonished her- self. Quietly, she began to weep. It was odd how that last deed caught at the imagina- tion of the world. All that Andrew had done before had not swaved them. But he had finally accepted even death in order to be human, and the sacrifice was too great to be rejected. The final ceremony was timed, quite deliberately, for the two hundredth anniversary. The World Presi- dent was to sign the act and make it law, and the cer- emonv would be visible on a global network and would be beamed to the Lunar state and even to the Martian colon v. Andrew was in a wheelchair. He could still walk, but only shakily. With mankind watching, the'Worid President said, "Fifty years ago, vou were declared a Sesquicen- tennial Robot, Andrew." After a pause, and in a more solemn tone, he said, "Today we declare you a Bicen- tennial Man, Mr. Martin." And Andrew, smiling, held out his hand to shake that of the President. Andrew's thoughts were slowly fading as he lay in bed. Desperately he seized at them. Mani He was a man! He wanted that to be his last thought. He wanted to dissolve—die—with that. He opened his eves one more time and for one last time recognized Li-Hsing waiting solemnly. There were others, but those were only shadows, unrecognizable 134 ISAAC ASIMOV shadows. Only Li-Hsing stood out against the deepen- ing gray. Slowly, inchingly, he held out his hand to her and very dimly and faintly felt her take it. She was fading in his eyes, as the last of his thoughts trickled away. , But before she faded completely, one last fugitive thought came to him and rested for a moment on his mind before everything stopped. "Little Miss," he whispered, too low to be heard. PART 3 MATHEMATICS It takes a lot of ingenuity for me to write about math- ematics, since I know so little about it. Why bother to write about it, then? Because I love it, that's why. What I must do {and here is where the ingenuity comes in) is find some portion of mathe- matics so incredibly simple that I can understand it. Once I've done that, all I have to do is write about it in such a way (more ingenuity) that no one detects my essential ignorance. For children, I wrote How Did We Find Out About Numbers? {Book 142), and in it I presented a section on Roman numerals, which I had learned how to use when I was seven or eight and which, fortunately, I had never forgotten. Here it is: from How DID WE FIND OUT ABOUT NUMBERS? (1973) About two thousand years ago, large sections of Eu- rope, Asia, and Africa were ruled from the city of Rome- The Roman Empire, as it was called, used a system of numerals based on five. The Romans used symbols taken from their alpha- bet. Fortunately, the people of Europe and America 138 ISAAC ASIMOV use the1 Roman alphabet so the Roman symbols are familiar to us. The Romans began by letting the number one be written as I. For two, three, and four they had II, III, and IIII. So far it looks like the Egyptian system, bilt the Romans only allowed four of any symbol to be used before inventing a new symbol. Instead of writ- ing five as the Egyptian IIIII they wrote it as V. Instead of writing six as IIIIII they wrote it VI. Nine was VIIII. If they wrote ten as VIIIII, that would mean five of the symbol I and they didn't al- low that. They used a new symbol for ten, which was X. The list of symbols up to one thousand is as fol- lows: I == one V = five X == ten L == fifty C == one hundred D = five hundred M ^ one thousand By using special symbols for five, fifty, and five hundred, the Romans never had to use more than four of any of the symbols for one. ten, or one hundred. To write twenty-two they wrote XXII. Seventy- three is LXXIII. Four hundred eighteen is CCCCXVIII. One thousand nine hundred ninety-nine IS MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII. If you try to write one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine by the Egyptian system, you would need one symbol for thousand, and nine symbols each for hundred, ten, and one. That would mean twenty-eight OPUS 200 139 symbols all together. In Roman numerals only sixteen symbols are needed. The Egyptian system uses only four different kinds of symbols, while the Roman system uses seven. In the Roman system you need less counting but more memorizinff. When these Roman numerals were first developed, it didn't matter in what order the symbols were placed. Whether you wrote XVI or XIV or IXV or VIX, it all came to sixteen. No matter in what order you add ten, five, and one, you end up with sixteen. Of course, it is easier to add up a number if you arrange the symbols according to some convenient system. The usual way is to put all the symbols of the same sort together. The largest symbol is on the left and as you move to the right you write down smaller and smaller symbols. Thus seventy-eight would al- ways be written LXXVIII, working down from L to X to V to I. The later Romans thought of a way of still further decreasing the number of a particular symbol that had to be written down. As long as symbols were al- ways written from left to right and from large to small, why not sometimes reverse the order? When you put the smaller symbol after the larger one in the usual way you add the two. Therefore, VI is "five plus one," or six. If on the other hand you put the smaller symbol before the larger one, you subtract it from the larger. In this way IV is "five minus one," or four. By writing four as IV instead of IIII you have to write and read only two symbols instead of four, but you have to notice the positions and remember to sub- tract instead of add. In the same way, XL is forty while LX is sixty and 140 ISAAC ASIMOV XC is ninetv while CX is one hundred ten and CM is nine hundred while MC is one thousand one hundred. The vear nineteen seventy-three can be written MCMLXXIII instead of MDCCCCLXXIII-eight symbols instead of twelve. One thousand nine hundred ninetv-nine can be written MCMXCIX in- stead of MDCCCCLXXXXVIIH-seven symbols in- stead of sixteen. Of course, once vou start using the subtracting no- tion, vou can't scramble the order of the symbols any- more. It becomes important to place each symbol ex- actly. The western part of the Roman Empire broke up |ust about one thousand five hundred years ago. The people of western Europe kept on using Roman nu- merals for more than seven hundred years after the Roman Empire had come to an end. If Roman numerals are easy to grasp and explain, Ara- bic numerals are even easier, especially since every- one in our culture over the age of six already knows about them (or is supposed to}. That means I can un- derstand them, too, and need only find some aspect of them that isn't entirely familiar. Suppose we let the Arabic numerals represent larger and larger numbers. How can we represent such very large numl}ers and where do we stop? To answer questions like that, I have my F & SF essays. My first F & SF essay appeared in the Novem- ber 1958 issue, and since then I have continued them at monthly intervals, without missing an issue, for twenty years. Six collections of F & SF essays are in- cluded among my first hundred books, but I did not stop there. Among my second hundred books are OPUS 200 141 seven more collections (plus four additional collec- tions that included older F & SF essays, rearranged and updated, from my first hundred books). One of these new collections. Of Matters Great and Small (Book 159), which Doubleday published in 1975, contains the following essay on very much larger numbers: "Skewered!" (1974) I don't write many mathematical articles in this series, and for a very good reason. I don't have a mathemati- cal mind and I am not one of those who, by mere thought, finds himself illuminated by a mathematical concept. I have, however, a nephew, Daniel Asimov by name, who does have a mathematical mind. He is the other Ph.D. in the family and he is now an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Minne- sota. Some years ago, when he was yet a student at M.I.T., Danny had occasion to write to Martin Gard- ner and point out a small error in Gardner's excellent "Mathematical Recreations" column in Scientific American. Gardner acknowledged the error and wrote me to tell me about it and to ask a natural question. "Am I correct in assuming," said he, "that Daniel Asi- mov is your son?" Well! As everyone who knows me knows, I am only a little past thirty right now and was only a little past thirty at the time, some years ago, when this was tak- ing place. I therefore wrote a letter to Gardner and told him, with some stiff ness: "I am not old enough, 142 ISAAC ASIMOV Martin, to have a son who is old enough to be going to M.I.T. Dannv is the son of mv vounger brother." Friends of mine who have heard me tell this story keep assuring me that my statement involves a logical contradiction, hut, as I sav, I do not have a mathemat- ical mind, and I just don't see that. And yet I must write another mathematical article now because over eleven vears ago I wrote one in which I mentioned Skewe-s* number as the largest fi- nite number that ever showed up in a mathematical proof.w Ever since then, people have been asking me to write an article on Skewes" number. The first re- quest came on September 3, 1963, almost immediately after the article appeared. On that date, Mr. R. P. Boas of Evanston, Illinois, wrote me a long and fasci- nating letter on Skewes' number, with the clear inten- tion of helping me write such an article. I resisted that, along with repeated nudges from others in the vears that followed, until March 3, 1974, when, at Boskone 11 (a Boston science fiction con- vention at which I was guest of honor), I was cor- nered by a fan and had Skewes' number requested of me- So I gave in. Eleven years of chivvying is enough.! I am Skewered. First, what is Skewes' number? Not the numerical * See "T-Formation," reprinted in Adding a Dimension (New York: Doubleday, 1964). f 111 admit that I've been chivvied longer than that in some respects. For seventeen years I have been requested, with varying degrees of impatience, to write another U)e Baley novel; and for over twenty years to write another Foundation novel. So please don't anybody write letters that begin with "If eleven years of chivvying is enough, why don't you——." Because I'm doing all I can, that's why. OPUS 200 143 expression, but the significance. Here's the story as I got it from Mr. Boas (though I will paraphrase it, and if I get anything wrong, it's my fault, not his). It involves prime numbers, which are those num- bers .that cannot be divided evenly by any number other than themselves and one. The numbers 7 and 13 are examples. There are an infinite number of prime numbers, but as one goes up the list of numbers, the fraction of these numbers that are prime decreases. There is a formula that tells you the number of primes to be found in the list of numbers up to a given number, but like everything else about prime numbers, the for- mula is not neat and definite. It only tells you approx- imately how many primes there will be up to some limiting number. Up to the highest limit that has actually been tested, it turns out that the actual number of primes that exist is somewhat less than is predicted by the formula. In 1914, however, the British mathematician John Edensor Littlewood demonstrated that if one length- ened the string of numbers one investigated for primes, one would find that up to some limits there would indeed be less than the formula predicted, but that up to other limits there would be more than the formula predicted. In fact. if one continued up the line of numbers for- ever, the actual total number of primes would switch from less than the formula prediction to more than the formula prediction to less than the formula prediction, and so on—and make the switch an infinite number of times. If that were not so, Littlewood demonstrated, there would be a contradiction in the mathematical structure and that, of course, cannot be allowed. 144 ISAAC ASIMOV The only trouble is that as far as we have actually gone in the list of numbers, not even one shift has taken place. The number of primes is always less than the formula would indicate. Of course, mathemati- cians might just go higher and higher up the list of numbers to see what happens, but that isn't so easy. The higher one goes, the longer it takes to test num- bers for primehood. However, it might be possible to do some theoreti- cal work and determine some number below which the first switch from less than the prediction to more than the prediction must take place- That will at least set a limit to the work required. Littlewood set S. Skewes (pronounced in two sylla- bles, by the way, Skew'ease) the task of finding that number. Skewes found that number and it proved to be enormously large; larger than any other number that ever turned up in the course of a mathematical proof up to that time, and it is this number that is popularly known as "Skewes' number." Mind you, the proof does not indicate that one must reach Skewes' number before the number of primes shifts from less than the prediction to more. The proof merely says that some time before that number is reached—perhaps long long before—the shift must have occurred. A number as large as Skewes' number is difficult to write. Some shorthand device must be used and the device used is the excellent one of exponential nota- tion. Thus, 1000 = 10 X 10 X 10, so 1000 can be written as 10s (ten to the third power), where the little 3 is called an "exponent." The little 3 signifies that 1000 can be considered the product of three 10s, or that it can be written as 1 followed by three zeros. In gen- OPUS 200 145 eral, 10s (ten to the xth power) is the product of x 10s and can be written as a 1 followed bv x zeros. Since 10,000,000,000 is written as a 1 followed by 10 zeros, it can be written exponentially as 101" (ten to the tenth power). In the same way, a 1 followed by ten billion zeros, something that would be imprac- tical to write, can be expressed exponentially as lO10-"00-000-"'10 (ten to the ten billionth power). But since ten billion is itself 1010, lo10.000.000.0"0 can be written, even more briefly, as 101010. Writing exponentials is always a strain when an arti- cle is being written for a nonspecialized outlet- This is especially so when one is forced to place exponents on exponents. To avoid driving the Noble Printer crazy and to make the notation look prettier, I have in- vented a notation of my own. I make the exponent a figure of normal size and it is as though it is being held up by a lever, and its added weight when its size grows bends the lever down. Thus, instead of writing ten to the third power as 103, I will write it as 10\3. In the same way, ten to the ten billionth power can be written as 10\ 10,000,000,000 or as l0\10^10. Using this "Asimovian exponential notation," Skewes' number becomes 10\10\,10\34. Now let's see what Skewes' number might be in or- dinary nonexponential notation. To do that, we must consider the components of the exponential notation from right to left. Starting at the right, we know what 34 is, we move leftward and consider 10'\34. This is ten to the thirty-fourth power and can be written as a 1 followed by 34 zeros thus: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,- 000,000,000.000,000, or, in words, ten decillion (Ameri- can style). This means that Skewes' number can 146 ISAAC ASIMOV be written ten 10\10\10,000,000,000,000.000,000.000,- 000,000,000,000. So far, so good, if a bit disconcertingly formidable. The next step is to move one place to the left and ask how we might write: 10\ 10.000,000,000,000.000,000,- 000,000,000,000,000. Easy. You just put down a 1 and then follow it by ten million billion billion billion (or ten decillion, if you prefer) zeros. If vou were to try to write such a number by begin- ning with a 1 and then writing ten decillion zeros, each the size of a hydrogen atom, you would require nearly exactly the entire surface of the Earth to write the number. Furthermore, if you wrote each zero in a trillionth of a second and kept it up at that rate with- out cessation, it would take a thousand trillion years to write the entire number. Anyway, let's call this number the "Earth-number," because it takes the Earth as a blackboard to write it. and imagine that we can write it. Now we can write Skewes' number as 10\ Earth-number, and this means we now know how to write Skewes' number in the usual fashion. We start with a one and then follow it with an Earth-number of zeros. This is tremendously more than the ten decillion ze- ros it took merely to write the Earth-number. A num- ber itself is much greater than the number of zeros it takes to write it. It takes only one zero to write 10, but the result is a number that is ten times greater than the number ^>f zeros required to write it. In the same way it takes ten zeros to write 10,000,000,000, but the number written is ten billion, which is a billion times greater in size than the number of zeros used to write it. Similarly it takes only ten decillion zeros to write OPUS 200 147 the Earth-number, but the Earth-number itself is enormously greater than that number or zeros. To write not ten decillion zeros, but an Earth- number of zeros, would require far more than the sur- faces of all the objects in the known universe, even with each zero the size of a hydrogen atom. A trillion such universes as ours might suffice, and that is just to write the Earth-number in a one followed by zeros. Skewes' number itself, written by a one followed by an Earth-number of zeros, is enormousiy, ENORMOUSLY greater than the Earth-number tliat suffices to count those zeros. So let's forget about counting zeros; that will get us nowhere. And if we abandon counting zeros, we don't need to have our exponents as integers. Every number can be expressed as a power of ten if we allow deci- mal exponents. For instance, by using a logarithm ta- ble, we can see that 34=10\1.53. So instead of writ- ing Skewes' number as 10^10^10^34, we can write it as 10\10'\10\10\1.53. (Such fractional expo- nents are almost always only approximate, however.) There are some advantages to stretching out the large numbers into as many tens as is required to make the rightmost number fall below ten. Then we can speak of a "single-ten number," a "double-ten number," a "triple-ten number," and so on. Skewes' number is a "quadrupie-ten number." We can't count objects and reach Skewes' number in any visualizable way. Counting zeros is no help either. Let us instead try to count permutations and combi- nations, Let me give you an example. In the ordinary deck of cards used to play bridge, there are fifty-two dif- ferent cards. (The number 52 is itself a single-ten 148 ISAAC ASIMOV number, as are all the numbers between 10 and 10,000,000,000; 52^10\1.716.) In the game of bridge, each of four people is dealt thirteen cards. A player can, with equal probability, get any combination of thirteen cards, and tlie order in which he gets them doesn't matter. He rearranges that order to suit himself. The total number of differ- ent hands lie can get by receiving anv thirteen cards out of tlie fifty-two (and I won't bother vou with how it i.s calculated) is about 635.000,000,000. Since this number is higher than ten billion, we can be sure it is beyond tlie single-ten-number stage. Exponentially, it can lie expressed as 6.35X10\11. Logarithms can help us remove that multiplier and put its value into the exponent at the cost of making that exponent a decimal. Thus 6.35 X10\.11= 10\11.80. Since 11.80 is over ten, we can express that, exponentially, as 11.80 = 10'\1.07. Consequently, we can sav that the total number of different hands a single bridge plaver can hold is 10'\10\J..07. Using onlv thirteen cards, we have, in a perfectly understandable way, reached a double-ten number. We might almost feel that we were halfway to the quadruple-ten number that is Skewes*. So let's take all fifty-two cards and let's arrange to have the order count as well as the nature of the cards. You begin with a deck in which tlie cards are-in a certain order. You shuffle it and end witli a differ- ent order. You shuffle it again and end with yet an- other order. How many different orders are there? Remember that any difference in order, however small, makes a different order. If two orders arc iden- tical except for the interchange of two adjacent cards, they are two different orders. To answer that Question, we figure that the first OPUS 200 149 card can be any of the fiftv-two, the second any of the remaining fifty-one, the third any of the remaining fifty, and so on. The total number of different orders is52X51X50X . . . 4X3X2X1, In other words, the number of different orders is equal to the product of the first fifty-two numbers. This is called "factorial fifty-two" and can be written "521" The value of 52! is, roughly, a one followed by sixty-eight zeros; in other words, a hundred decillion deciltion. (You are welcome to work out the multipli- cation if you doubt this, but if you try, please be pre- pared for a long haul.) This is an absolutely terrific number to get out of one ordinary deck of cards that most of us use constantly without any feeling of being overwhelmed. The number of different orders into which that ordinary deck can be placed is about ten times as great as all the subatomic particles in our en- tire Milky Way galaxy. It would certainly seem that'if making use of thir- teen cards with order indifferent lifted us high up. making use of all fifty-two and letting order count "will do much better still—until we try our exponential notation. The number of orders into which fifty-two different cards can be placed is 10\68 == 10\10\1.83. That may strike you as strange. The number of or- ders of fifty-two cards is something like a trillion tril- lion decillion times higher tlian the number of bridge hands of thirteen cards; yet, while the latter is 10\10\1.07, the former is only 10\10\1.83. Were still in the "double-ten numbers" and we haven't even moved up much, The trouble is that the more tens we add to such exponential numbers, the harder it is to move that rightmost component. For instance, a trillion is ten times as great as a hundred billion, and counting a 150 ISAAC ASIMOV trillion objects would be an enormously greater task than counting a hundred billion. Write tliem exponen- tially, however, and it is 10\.12 as compared with 10\11, and the rightmost components are only a unit apart. Write the twelve and the eleven as powers of ten so that vou can make use of double-ten numbers, and a trillion becomes 10\10\1.08, while a hundred billion is 10\10\1.04 and the difference is scarcely noticeable. Or put it another way. The number'10\3 (which is 1000) is ten times as high as 10\2 (which is 100), but the degree to which 10\10\3 is greater than 10\10\2 would require a 1 followed by 900 zeros to be expressed. As for comparing -10\10\10\3 and 10\10\10\2, I leave that to you. This is disheartening. Perhaps reaching the quadruple-ten numbers won't be that easy after all. Let's try one more trick with fifty-two cards. Sup- pose each of the cards can be any card at all. Suppose the deck can have two tens of diamonds or three aces of clubs, or, for that matter, fifty-two threes of hearts. The total number of orders of such a chameleonic deck could be calculated by imagining that the first card could be any one of fifty-two, and the second card could be any one of fifty-two, and so on for all fifty-two. To calculate the number of different orders, you would have to take the product of 52 X 52 X 52 X ... 52 X 52 X 52; fifty-two 52s. This product which could be written 52\52 I might call "superfactorial fifty-two," but if so, I would be using a term I have just made up, so don't blame the mathe- maticians. Superfactorials are immensely larger than factorials. Factorial fifty-two can be expressed by a one fol- lowed by sixty-eight zeros, but superfactorial fifty- OPUS 200 151 two is one followed by ninety zeros—ten billion tril- lion times higher. Yet express it exponentially and superfactorial 52 == 10\90 = 10\10'\1.95. No good. We're still in the double-ten numbers. Well just have to forget playing cards. We must have more than fifty-two units to play with, and we had better go all the way up; all the way up. A generation or so ago, the British astronomer Ar- thur S, Eddington calculated that the total number of electrons, protons, and neutrons in the universe was 10\79, or 10\10\1.90. This number is arrived at if we suppose that the sun is an average star, that there are about a hundred billion stars in the average gal- axy, and that there are a hundred billion galaxies in the universe. In addition to electrons, protons, and neutrons, of course, there are numbers of unstable particles un- known to Eddington, but their numbers are compara- tively few. There are, liowever, massless particles such as neutrinos, photons, and gravitons, which do not gen- erally behave like particles but which are very numer- ous in the universe. If we wisli, we can suppose that the number of massless particles speeding through space at any time is nine times the number of massed particles (proba- bly a grievous overestimate) and make the total num- ber of subatomic particles in the universe 10\80, or 10\IO\1.903. Now, at least, we are starting with a double-ten number and that ought to do it. Skewes' number, here we come. All we have to do is take the superfactorial of ,10\.80, something we can express as (l0\80)\(10\80). Working tliat out (and I hope I'm doing it cor- rectly), we get 10\10\81.9, or 10\10\10\1.91. 152 ISAAC ASIMOV And that lifts us into the "triple-ten numbers" for the first time. In fact, if we compare the superfac- torial of the total number of subatomic particles in the universe (which is IO'VIO'YIO^I.91) -with Skewes* number (which, as a triple-ten number, ' is IOVIO^JOV.34), we might think we were almost there. We need to begin with something more than the number of subatomic particles in the universe—how about the amount of space in the universe? The smallest unit of space we can conveniently deal with is the volume of a neutron, a tiny globe that is about 10'\ —13 centimeters in diameter, or one ten- trillionth of a centimeter. The observable universe has a radius of 12.5 bil- lion light-years, or 1.25 X 10\10 light-years, and each light-year is equal to just under 10\l3 kilo- meters. Hence, the observable universe has a ra- dius of roughly 10\23 kilometers. Since 1 kilo- meter = 100,000, or 10\5, centimeters, the observable universe has a radius of roughly 10X28 centimeters. From this we can calculate the volume of the observ- able universe to be roughly equal to 4.2 X 10\84 cubic centimeters. A neutron, with a diameter of ION.—13 centimeters, has a volume that is equal to roughly 5 X 10\ — 40 cu- bic centimeters. That means that the volume of the observable universe is -roughly 2XlO\124, or 10\.124.3 times the volume of a single neutron. Suppose we call the volume of space equal to that of a neutron a "vacuon." We can then say that there are 10X124.3 vacuous in the universe and call that the "vacuon-number." The vacuon-number is nearly a billion billion bil- OPUS 200 153 lion billion billion times greater than the number of subatomic particles in the universe, so we can feel pretty confident about the superfactorial of the vacuon-number, which is (10^124.3)^(10^124.3). except that this comes out to 10\10\1Q\2.10... Despite the vastly greater quantity of empty space than of matter in the universe, -the rightmost compo- nent of the triple-ten number went up only from 1.91 to 2.10, with 34 as the goal. That's enough to depress us, but wait- In considering the number of vacuons in the uni- verse, we imagined it as existing at a moment in time. But time moves, and the universe changes. A sub- atomic particle that occupies one place at one moment may occupy another place at another moment. The most rapidly moving particles are, of course, the mass- less ones which move at the speed of light. The speed of light is Just about 3 X 10'\10 centime- ters per second, and the smallest distance one can move with some significance is the diameter of a neu- tron, which is 10\ —13 centimeters. A photon will flash the width of a neutron, then, in about 3 X 10\ —24 seconds. We can consider this the small- est unit of time that has physical meaning and call it the "chronon."0 To imagine a long period of time, let's consider what we can call the "cosmic cycle," one period of ex- pansion and contraction of the universe (assuming it is oscillating). Some have guessed the length of the cosmic cycle to be 80,000,000,000, or 8 X 10\10, years. * Stanley G. Weinbaum once imagined ;>pace and time quantized in this fashion in one of his science fiction stories and med the word "chronoii" for his ultimate particle of time. 154 ISAAC ASIMOV The number of chronons in one cosmic cycle, then, is roughly l0\42. In every chronon of time, the universe is slightly different from what it was in the preceding chronon or what it will be in the next chronon, because,'if nothing else, every free-moving photon, neutrino, and graviton has shifted its position by the width of one neutron in some direction or other with each chronon that passes. Therefore we might consider the total number of vacuons not only in the present universe, but also in the one that existed in the last chronon, the one that will exist in the next chronon, and, in general, all the universes in all the chronons through a cosmic cycle, (To be sure, the expansion and contraction of the uni- verse alters its vacuon content—these increasing in number with expansion and decreasing with contrac- tion—but we can suppose that the present size of the universe is about average.) In that case, then, the total number of vacuons through every chronon of the cosmic cycle is just about l