THE BEST OF CORDWAINER SMITH EDITED, WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES, BY J. J. PIERCE NELSON DOUBLEDAY, INC. Garden City, New York nmoDocmoN OOPVMCHT (c) 1975 BY j. j. moot ACKNOWLEDGMENTS "Scanners Live in Vain," copyright 1950 by Fantasy Publishing Co. Inc. for Fantasy Book. Copyright 1963 t>y Cordwainer Smith. "The Lady Who Sailed The Soul," copyright 1960 by Galaxy Publishing Co. for Galaxy Magazine, Copyright 1963 by Cordwainer Smith. "The Game of Rat and Dragon," copyright 1955 by Galaxy Publishing Co. for Galaxy Science Fiction. Copyright 1963 by Cordwainer Smith. "The Burning of the Brain," copyright 1958 by Quinn Publishing Co. for If. Copyright 1963 by Cordwainer Smith. "Golden the Ship Was-Oh! Oh! Oh!," copyright 1959 by Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. for Amazing Science Fiction. Copyright 1963 by Cordwainer Smith. "The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal," copyright 1964 by Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. for Amazing Stories. Copyright 1971 by Mrs. Genevieve Line- barger. "The Dead Lady of Clown Town," copyright 1964 by Galaxy Publishing Corporation for Galaxy Science Fiction, August 1964. Copyright 1965 by Cordwainer Smith. "Under Old Earth," copyright 1966 by Galaxy Publishing Corporation for Galaxy Science Fiction. Copyright 1971 by Mrs. Genevieve Linebarger. "Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons," copyright 1961 by Galaxy Publishing Corporation for Galaxy Science Fiction, June 1961. Copyright 1965 by Cordwainer Smith. "Alpha Ralpha Boulevard," copyright 1961 by Mercury Press, Inc. for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Copyright 1963 by Cordwainer Smith. "The Ballad of Lost Cmell," copyright 1962 by Galaxy Publishing Corp. for Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1962. Copyright 1965 by Cordwainer Smith. "A Planet Named Shayol," copyright 1961 by Galaxy Publishing Corp. for Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1961. Copyright 1965 by Cordwainer Smith. All rights reserved under International Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Cordwainer Smith: The Shaper of Myths i ]. J. Pierce Scanners Live in Vain