The Trouble Twisters Chapter 1 The strangers had not undertaken an attempt to camouflage the ships of their fleet. The self-assurance, which spoke from this fact, frightened David Falkayn nearly. On the flight to Vanessa a ship appeared after the other one on the screens in its cab. One came it so near that he could recognize some details when strong enlargement - it was a gigantic battle ship of the new fact class, which worked however nevertheless somehow strangely, because it had not been built by human hands. When the green light lit up at its radio, Falkayn knew that the strangers wished to speak with him. It switched the equipment on and stared the face on the screen on. It was... no, no Vanessaner, but a member of the same race. From the loudspeaker Wortfetzen penetrated. "wrong does to me, but this things...", began Falkayn, before it occurred to it that conquerers reacted mostly violently, if they were treated not with the necessary Ehrerbietung. And this chap was on board a ship, which could destroy if necessary a whole planet. "I regret that I am not powerful your language." The Kraok did not react to it; obviously he or she did not understand thus Anglic. Now, perhaps the general language of the Polesotechni league... "Loquerisne Latine?" The other one changed the attitude of the Vokalisators and asked then: "speaking it German?" "which?" Falkayn tore surprises the mouth up. "I learned, insured the German language a little" the officer him proudly. "with the large captain." Falkayn clasped itself to the pilot seat and doubted its understanding. The shape on the screen reminded far away of a two meter large Saurier, if one can imagine a Saurier with brown fur. The backs along ran a large fin, which gleamed in different colors. The arms of this organism were quite human, but the four fingers of each hand exhibited in each case an additional joint. The head was round, with pointed ears, blunt nose and remarkably small eyes. The clothing of the ship officer consisted only of a woven front volume, whose color marked its rank, a broad belt with several bags and a short Zierdolch. Falkayn could therefore only assume whether he a male or female nature before itself had, but this choice did not continue to fall it heavily. The males are smaller, weaker and supply the boys, considered themselves it. The females make the important decisions and are also more martially assessed. And now they threaten me. It felt suddenly very alone. The league knew still nothing from these intruders and could not it therefore not protect. But even if it had wanted it... "answers it!" the shape on the screen demanded. Falkayn remembered laboriously some words of this language, which he had picked up once somewhere. "I... speak... not... German", said he as slowly and clearly as possible. "I know however that you have humans on board. I even know one of them with names. Utah Hoern. Understood? Utah Hoern." On the screen another nature appeared sudden and turned to Falkayn. "I speak something latin", said the newcomer. "who are you?" Falkayn drove itself with the tongue over the lips. "I am a representative of the league on seaweed planet", answered he then. "it was communicated to me that I may pass your lines unhindered." "correct", confirmed the officer. "a ship, unarmed, we on energy Trrl to land leave. They difficulties make, we kill." "I do not have the intention", promised Falkayn. It is, I finds a good opportunity in addition, considers themselves it thereby. "property. Fly on ", instructed the other one. "however this Utah Hoern..." "COMM other Hoern you call, if want. Further!" The screen became dark. Falkayn twitched with the shoulders and resumed its earlier course. The front screen showed already the sun of the planet Vanessa: a white star of the class F7, whose radiation is sufficient, in order to endanger Falkayn, if its screen failed. Falkayn lay on the back in its bunk and thought about the problems, which expected him. It had been unusually young, when it had been carried from the apprentice to the assistant, which it had to owe its role on Ivanhoe. In order masters, he be able had to become something something similar to show; therefore it had been pleased, when Beljagor requested it to come as rapidly as possible to Vanessa. Even if it flew back only into headquarters, in order to report there on the last events, it had already reached something. Perhaps noticed then the old nod van Rijn that these David Falkayn actually for the stump-intimate service on seaweed planet much too unfortunate was... * Vanessa became constantly larger: a reddish ball with green and blue marks. Falkayn asked itself, how the inhabitants called their planet. Since they belonged to the Kolonisten, whose civilization had not disintegrated during the long obligation break in space travel of its race, they had certainly still another common language. Why hadn't Thurman then taken up simply its name to the star catalogs, how it was usual otherwise in such cases? Probably the Kraoka had a name for it, which no humans could express. Or Thurman had had simply desire call the planet "Vanessa". Falkayn frightened only from its dreams up, when a second warship on its screen became visible. 2. Even in the time of the largest spatial expansion of its civilization the Kraoka had built never proper cities. Nevertheless they designated however their extensive settlements with certain names. Falkayns information for spacemen in the area beta Centauri contained the reference that energy Trrl in the northern hemisphere was to be found, to be protecting the space port by a radio beacon marked should. The short microfilm left however most questions unanswered. Falkayn experienced only that visitors of the planet had to protect themselves from ozone and ultraviolet jets. Therefore it put on a schutzanzug before the landing and put a filter mask on, before it left the ship. The space port lay in a large valley boiler in the middle in the desert of about thirty kilometers far away from the settlement. Beside Falkayns ship only two further stood - obviously Baljagor belonged, the other one was heavily armed and was apparent part of the invasion fleet. Several Kraoka were in the shade of the ship; they seemed to have expected Falkayn, because one of them pointed being silent to a smaller building beside the depot. Falkayn pushed the door up, went through the long passage and entered the office of the factor. Beljagor sat behind its desk and smoked a thick cigar. ", he said finite". "you used for a long time enough!" Falkayn regarded the factor curiously. It reminded far away of a Anthropoiden, because it had two arms, two legs, a head and no tail. But it was hardly a meter large, had hands with in each case three fingers, enormous bat ears and is enough for feeler over the pointed lip. Its eyes were as small as those the Kraoka, because organisms, which in-see far into the ultraviolet range, do not need large pupils. Apart from the factor a Vanessaner on its tail squatted. Beljagor interpreted with its cigar on the Kraok. "that is Quillipup, my liaison officer here. And you are... As you are called still alike?" " David Falkayn!" He would have said gladly more, but if one faced a master dealer as an assistant... "setting you", instructed itself Beljagor its visitor. "drinking it a beer? Humans become here thirsty in hot air fast." "thank you", Falkayn answered , while he sat down. Beljagor ordered the beer and turned again to Falkayn. "credit it on the flight here difficulties had?" "no." "I did not also expect that. Ihretwegen is not worthwhile itself the trouble at all. In addition this Hoern wanted to speak with you - apparent he plays an important role on that other side. I would have wished myself however a man with more experience, that really somewhat to align know." Falkayn controlled itself with some effort. "wrong, Sir does to me, but the league is only represented for some decades in this area... May I experience, what occurred here? I know so far only the fact that the Kraoka with a fleet emerged and required that the league withdraws itself from the area around beta Centauri." "possibly someone must inform headquarters", grunzte Beljagor. "I cannot leave my post, as long as the possibility exists to stop the invasion with peaceful means. But you continue to be not important, therefore you must take over the task. Before you fly off, you must converse however with this COMM other Hoern, which seems to be with the Antoranern a large animal. Perhaps you get from it, which whole nonsense is. I become simply not smart from this amusing humans." Falkayn could not be irritated. "the Antoraner, Sir?" he asked. "your homeland planet seems to be called Antoran. More is not to be experienced." Falkayn saw to Quillipup over there. "knowledge it, from where the fleet comes?" "no", the Kraok answered immediately. "it cannot concern however one of the planets, which settled our race. On the other hand the recordings are not always complete over it." "I do not understand, as..." "I explain it to you gladly. Aeonen before its race or master Beljagors race into the area penetrated, began our large ancestors on Kraokanan... " ", I know." "interrupting you your superiors, young man", did not knurrte Beljagor. "in addition I am not by any means of it convinced that you know everything, even if you two or three books concerning it should have read." It vibrated the head. "hearing it well too, which cannot harm. Further, Quillipup." "innumerable thousands of years ago", Quillipup began, "invented the race the space flight and made themselves on the way to the stars, in order to colonize the planets. The names of the first crews are registered with golden type characters in the book of history: Ung... " "stop, the whole back", instructed Beljagor, because Quillipup seemed to want to anstimmen a song. Falkayn asked itself whether this Angeberei was to due to an inferiority complex. Finally it was certain that the Kraoka had never developed a hyperdrive, so that their spaceships needed centuries, in order to fly with Unterlichtgeschwindigkeit of a star on the other hand. And even then they looked for F only for bright stars of the class, because others like the sun of the earth shone too weakly and did not send not sufficient ultraviolet jets. On the other hand the large stars of this class possessed no more planets. The Kraoka had thus had luck, when they discovered altogether fourteen suitable planets. "you must introduce yourselves, as large the achievement of the ancestors were", pushed Quillipup. "you did not only cross inconceivable areas, but changed often whole planets, until they corresponded to their needs. No other race ever developed this ability again in this measure." That was however not further amazing, because the modern spacemen did not have it necessarily, planets umzumodeln. If a planet did not please them, they flew on to the next. "as the large fall came, had we only our memories", reported Quillipup further. "however we could look up at night to the stars and knew, where planets had conquered member of our race." Falkayn had read that this fall had been inevitable, because the trade between the colonies had been stopped gradually because of the high transport costs. Simultaneous were no more new expeditions out-sent, because the Kraoka had exhausted its reserves. Therefore they built no more new spaceships. The colonies were left and degenerated or dissolved completely. Vanessa had been luckier, because the civilization remained here nearly three hundred years long on a relatively high stage, until Thurman came. And now the Kraoka dreamed again to animate the connection to the colonies again and combine the race. In addition however much money was necessary. A spaceship is not cheap straight - and the league is not Wohltaetig­ keitsorganisation. As soon as the Vanessaner could show sufficient large assets with the interstellar bank, the shipyards on other planets would receive gladly their orders. But not before. Falkayn noticed only now the fact that Quillipup spoke of the present and listened again. "... Antoran does not belong to the planets, which were settled by the first expeditions. We assume however the fact that the Kolonisten of Dzua must have come - results from a phonetic analysis of its dialect. Dzua is however one of the worlds, whose civilization showed first dissolution features. Therefore we can only assume that Antoran is a five tenth colony, those from there without our knowledge were based." "real?" Falkayn meant doubting. "it would not be possible that one of the well-known planets..." "whole certainly", did not interrupt Beljagor it immediately. "I visited and know it all, to which the industry is able there. One cannot together-tinker a so large fleet - I was invited to an inspection - in a ackyard." "which you have from the strangers experienced?" "nothing!" "however they must have nevertheless at least said, what they want here." ", naturally. They intend, the old race in one To unite Imperium. And they want to reach that the league withdraws itself from this area, because we are allegedly only exploiters, blood Auger and so on." Falkayn saw to Quillipup over there and stated that the Kraok its dorsal fin straeubte, which an indication of internal excitation had to be. Vanessa had combatless resulted the conquerers. Quillipup had to object probably nothing to if its present/immediate employer had to leave the planet. "in certain relationship this demand is justified nevertheless, Sir", meant Falkayn areful. "finally these planets do not belong really to us, and we earned so far at the trade with the Kraoka well, during them despite their high-standing culture..." "your idealism breaks still the heart, young man" to me, threw Beljagor in spoettisch. "however perhaps superior you it gefaelligst that the league would suffer thereby a considerable loss. Our mechanisms are to be seized without remuneration! That means it naturally that we lose also the trade with the surrounding planets. And you believe nevertheless not that your compatriots thereby are content?" "probable", did not answer Falkayn. " you mentioned the name Utah Hoern in your message. That sounds somewhat after... Game west or a bandit chieftain." "I let it inform that you came. If you make yourselves calm on the fact that he comes against nineteen o'clock into your accomodation ", said Beljagor. "it wants to absolutely converse with a representative of the league, that humans is likewise." Finally the serving car with the beer came rolled. The machine opened two bottles, after Quillipup had rejected third. "Adfortunam tuam", murmured Beljagor and tilted themselves a half litre beer in the throats. Falkayn removed its mask and drank carefully a sip from the offered glass. Then he spat those amber-yellow liquid frightened again out, coughed, keuchte and struggled for breath, while the tears were located to it in the eyes. David Falkayn had assigned gotten an apartment in the rear part of the building, where he could receive its visitor. After it had changed there - it carried now its best uniform -, arranged it a erlesenes dinner. While it waited for the arrival of the visitor, it considered again, what it had experienced so far over the strangers. Obviously there were only few humans among the invaders, but these few seemed to keep all key positions occupied. Probably they had brought and led the first warships after Antoran still still the whole enterprise. Hoern came probably only here, because another humans would have noticed details on board one of the ships, the Beljagor had escaped. But Falkayn became it after possibility aushorchen... Outside it was already dark, so that Falkayn could hardly recognize the individual shape, which went in company of a body guard from four soldiers toward the building. One minute later lit up the green light in the air lock and indicated that the chamber of a lock contained no more ozone. Falkayn opened the internal door, tore surprises the eyes up and yielded automatically a step back. "which?" it roared. It had to be about as old as it - thus twenty five years. Even the uniform was cut not strictly enough, in order to spoil the figure, which had astonished Falkayn in such a way. Blue-black hair fell down up to the shoulders, from the face shone enormous brown eyes over a nice nose and the herrlichsten mouth, which it ever... "however... however... however...", stotterte Falkayn confuses. "David Falkayn?" a melodische voice asked. "I am COMM other Hoern." "Utah Hoern?" "correct, Jutta Hoern of new home. Surprise it does that?" Falkayn nodded wordless. "the population of new home is not excessively large, therefore all must help, which possess any abilities. In addition my father was the man, who regained the planet and began the crusade. In addition the Kraoka admires me therefore and is accustomed to leave the decision women." Falkayn tore itself together, smiled radiating and bowed themselves deeply. "I wished myself only, I would be each time so pleasantly surprised", said he thereby. "cordial welcomely, COMM other. Take nevertheless please to place. Which I may drink you to offer?" It run tents the forehead. "I know not quite whether I really am." "coming you, a meal without aperitif is like one day without sunshine. " Falkayn prepared two drinks and brought it to the table. Jutta Hoern took place on a chair. He saw that she carried a tiny funksprechgeraet at the wrist, which was certainly switched on, so that she was located in constant connection with her body guard. If the soldiers heard a suspicious noise, they would penetrate into the area - however they would not draw a suspicion, if Falkayn implemented the plan, which he forged evenly. It consulted likewise a chair. It rejected the offered cigarette. "obvious are spoiled you not yet of the civilization", meant Falkayn laughing. "no", it agreed expressionless. "I grew up on new home and our system so far only to training flights left." "which is new home?" "our planet. A part of the planet system of Antoran." "Antoran is thus a star?" Jutta Hoern bit itself on the lower lip. "I did not know that you other opinion were." Falkayn considered rapidly. ", he meant Aha" then, "now becomes me some clearly. We accepted so far, the Antoraner came all of the same planet. Terraner do not call themselves as Solarier, but Terraner and Marsianer fall under this term, if from both the speech is. Therefore there are more than an inhabited planet in your system. New home - and like many different?" "no role" plays, answered it. Falkayn made a throwing away hand movement. "wrong does to me that I spoke of it. Here are the cocktails. We drink both on our acquaintance and on better understanding between us." She drank first carefully, but then obviously with benefit. "you are friendlier, than I had expected", determined them. "as I could be you opposite impolite or unfriendly, Mylady?" Falkayn asked surprised. "are you justified to sign in the name of the league a contract?" Jutte Hoern wanted to know. "no", Falkayn answered truthful. "I report however in headquarters on the last developments and can certain measures be recommended, then seized." "with it you see still so young out", murmured them. "I nevertheless already experienced some", insured Falkayn it. "in my occupation one has often opportunity to be characterised. But we rather speak of you." Jutta Hoern did not seem to refer this request to itself personally, because she held a lecture on Antoran for him. It turned out that some planets of this system had been actually settled from Dzua. Although the Kolonisten did not fly no more to other stars, the trade relations between the planets remained, so that the technology had kept higher conditions than on there Vanessa. More than forty years ago Robert Hoern had been pursued by new facts Germania by a cruiser of the league and had thereby in the proximity of Antoran of radio signals taken up. Later it had returned there and "the planets had discovered. ", he was pursued", added his daughter. "it was to be amnestied one the leader during the rebellion of the land owners... so well and so intelligently that its opponents did not dare it, it. " Falkayn had already heard of this rebellion, which had been struck down with the help of some battle ships of the league. The land owners on new facts Germania had sat down against the introduction of a democratic condition to the resistance, because they were afraid of losing their power and its influence on the government of the planet. No miracle that Jutta Hoern of the league was not evenly friendly gesinnt. It smiled and gave her a second drink. "I understand", said he thereby. "finally I come from Hermes and am the conviction that a functioning aristocracy has to replace not easily by another system. " Jutta Hoern regarded it surprised. "you are nobly born?" "I am only the youngest son", answered Falkayn modest. "request further. They fascinate me." "within the planet system of Antoran there is a world, in which the Kraoka cannot live, because she removes too far from the sun, too coldly and is too dark. But for us it is sufficient for humans completely. That is new home, my homeland planet." Falkayn listened attentively and knew now that the system exhibited at least an internal planet, which was suitable for Kraoka. Probably even more than only one; the enormous fleet, which had visited Beljagor, could have been built only on planets with large population and rich bodenschaetzen. But again a large sun with a broad biothermalen zone presupposed. Not possibly! Each star of the class F in this area already was of Expeditions of the league measured, the stars of the class G likewise, so that there could not be a system of this kind. "my father is several times unidentified to new facts Germania returned", reported Jutta Hoern further "there and on other planets he recruits enlisted, among whom new home is divided completely now" I can itself present that the idea proceeded to this conquest campaign from there, considered Falkayn itself. The Kraoka was certainly inspired, when they heard that they should be reunited with their brothers. And propaganda against the league fooled into believing them that we must disappear first, before the reunification is possible. "your engineers showed thus the Antoranern, like one spaceships with Hyperantneb build", determined he. "your officers have the crews trained, protecting its agents the development outside of the system pursued - my God, there you were however industrious!" Jutta Hoern nodded after two drinks sounded their voice somewhat indistinctly to "whole quite we works all only for the fact that the crusade has success. Spater have we again time for other things. Whereupon I am already pleased." "why don't you begin directly thereby?" inquired Falkayn itself "why wants to lead you war against the league? We do not have to object anything to the fact that the Kraoka develops a fleet at own expense and does not interest the existing social order on new home us likewise." "although the league interfered already once m the affairs of a planet!" she meant "correct, which can happen provocative, if our own interests are endangered. But, Jutta "- again a step further, because he spoke her now already with the first name on -," the Polesotechni league is finally no state, not even a government iie is only one community of interests inter­ stellar Handler, those outward together arises." "strength is a good basis for negotiation", answered it, as if it wants to quote Claus joke "after we and our allied ones this area in hands to have firmly, the league can work perhaps again here under our supervision. We must secure ourselves against the fact that the league forces upon us their will, if it should come to diversities of opinion." "however the league does not certainly have the intention, tacitly of withdrawing itself", warned it it. "I can only hope that it is reasonable enough, over it nevertheless to do", answered Jutta Hoern "we fight in this area on the internal line of defense and can everywhere slam shut. But the ships of the league intend to put and find enormous distances back then here only destroyed Stutzpunkte. And the league does not even know, which planet we settled!" Falkayn stepped rapidly the jerk course on because it to prevent wanted that Jutta remained in this tendency. "you have completely quite", said it therefore "the league can a substantially larger fleet send, perhaps but them come to the insight that the victory would cost more, as it before would be more spater worth." "that has already my father computed before it died. The Handler is only geldgerig to suppress or intimidate and therefore easily. But we noble ones live for an ideal, not for dirty profit." "with it I agree not, Jutta", answered Falkayn. "remembering it only that I am both - Handler and noble. The difference is not so large at all, if one examines the psychology of these two classes. A noble must be also politicians, otherwise he does not reach anything. And as dealers one must be at the same time idealist." "which?" She threw a surprised view to him. "as is to be understood?" "you believe nevertheless not that we work only for money? If we wanted only that, we could remain at home at the warm furnace. No, we look for the adventure, new horizons, the victory over the universe, that the largest enemy of humans are." Jutta of run tents the forehead. "I understand not completely", admitted her. "beautiful, then I give you best some examples..." * The dinner was served on the roof terrace. Jutta leaned into its armchair back and main header their Champagnerglas against the light "telling you me more, David", pushed it "you really leads a wonderful life - like the heroes in our old legends." a "me one instant to think", he said and filled leaving you thereby its glass of "wools you to hear, as I on an erring runner stranded?" "where?" "on a free planet without sun. On the flight of rope Ceti after 70 Ophiuchi was I... He had heard this adventure only of a friend. Nearly all adventures, which it had this evening described, had happened to other people. But Falkayn did not see, why he should make a good history worse by excessive Pedanterie. "... to it finally succeeded to me to fill the oxygen tanks again by making oxygen by electrolysis of ice, which was plentifully enough present. They can introduce themselves, how glad I was, as I again to start could!" "that I can probe to you." Jutta twitched automatically together. "in the area it is so terriblly lonely. The planets please me better." She saw upward. "here it looks at night differently than at home. I do not know at all whether Vanessa or new home pleases me better. At night I mean naturally ", added her smiling. "the planets, on which the Kraoka lives, are not to be borne during the day." "really not? Not at least is one of the three neighbouring planets bearable?" ", it improved five" it. Then it struck itself the hand on the mouth. "you dear God, that wanted I you really to tell!" Falkayn grinste contently. Five planets - with new home even six - in the Thermalzone around only one star! "that continues to be not important", meant it troestend, "after you obviously a procedure invented, with whose assistance planets can be made invisible. I would like to experience only more over you, but I cannot do that, if you do not tell me anything about your homeland." He stroked its hand. "new home must be a true paradies." "no, we humans have it there really heavily", answered them seriously "only a few years ago had we whole Dorfer into the proximity of the poles to shift, as the planet the sun approached." It extracted its hand from it. "however I speak already again of things, which I might not at all mention. " "beautiful, then we rather remain with harmless topics", agreed Falkayn, "you before mentioned that the Nachte on new home different is. In which relationship?" "Oh, the constellations are naturally different. And because of the Auroras we look the stars never as clearly as from here. But I may not tell no more, to Davy." She rose. "I must now go. Perhaps it was wrong that I came at all." "which?" Falkayn vibrated astonishes the head. "however the evening began nevertheless evenly only." "no, I cannot remain longer. I amuse myself too well and chat all possible secrets out, which are not intended for your ears. Align its superior the following message. Before it can send their fleet, we have the planets of the Kraoka and some different conquers. Perhaps but if the league remains reasonable, we can speak about a trade agreement." She saw to soil and became red. "hopefully you are assigned to lead the negotiations. I would like to see you again gladly." * The devil is to get the policy! Falkayn thought. It accompanied Jutta to the exit. There he kissed it the hand - however before he could develop on this basis, Jutta had discharged and after outside had already disappeared themselves, where its body guard waited. Falkayn mixed itself a drink, ignited its whistle and could into the next armchair be fallen. It tried to analyze, what it had heard so far over the intentions of the Neuheimer, and came with the fact to the conclusion that here some billions of credit did not only stand for the commercial gentlemen on the play. What happened, if the powerful Polesotechni league suffered a defeat here? Now, which would perhaps be satisfied Kraoka with the reached one. Anyhow they did not represent direct threat of the human race, because they preferred different planets. But humans on new home... These people actually felt as cross drivers! Falkayn introduced itself, which would happen, if this tautly organsierten Militaristen could carry out their plans. Of course it would last some time, before it all habitable planets in this area under their Control had brought - however then there was a goal intended for it only: War against the hated dealers of the league! This development had to be promptly prevented. If the land owners had to accept a defeat, their influence would be reduced so far that also on new home peace, mercantilism and co-operation with other planets would decay. And an assistant, who had contributed substantially to this development, could count intended in former times as intended for the master dealer to be carried. "however before one undertakes something against the land owners, must one their condemned planet system find! " Falkayn murmured. Where did it lie thus? Apparent not too far removes. Jutta had not betrayed much, when she admitted that the constellations looked there hardly differently than here. The old Kraoka had been capable never to put excessively large distances back in its primitive spaceships. The system must have to be found also in this area, because otherwise the fleet could have fought to it not on an internal line, an advantage opposite the league ships provided. And Antoran had to be largely and brightly - for instance in the class G0. But - each possible star seemed to separate after the available information. Or was it perhaps covered by a dense fog? No, because even then radio signals must to be taken up have somewhere. And Jutta had spoken of the fact that from new home stars were to be recognized. Aurora. Hmmm, you had also mentioned that some villages had to be shifted in the proximity of the poles, because the planet had approached its sun. That suggested that the first settlements at the equator had been created. But there was remarkable Auroras even there, so that the sun of this planet system had to be do essentially extremely high-energy. Only strangely that new home moved on an eccentric orbit. And the remaining planets apparent likewise. Actually outrageously. One could have believed nearly that... Falkayn straightened up suddenly. "the devil is me...", murmured he astonished before itself. Falkayn ran by the building and looked for Beljagors apartment. The door was locked. It pressed on the button of the buzzer. The television eye seemed to stand with a screen in the bedroom in connection, because from the loudspeaker a furious voice penetrated: "it! Believe do you that I rise in the middle Ihretwegen at the night?" "", Falkayn answered. "I must speak you urgently..." "urgent is only that you leave me immediately alone." The loudspeaker was switched off. Falkayn leaned against the buzzer button. "stopping!" Beljagor roared. "immediately, if you let me finite", to insured Falkayn him. Click. The door was broken, then Beljagor appeared on the threshold. "impudent nincompoop!" kreischte it. "disappearing you gefaelligst!" "Jawohl, Sir", answered left Falkayn. "however you come along." "which?" "I must show you on board my ship something. " Beljagors eyes glowed dark red. Its feelers stood perpendicularly upward. It pumped itself fully air, until it seemed to burst nearly. "request, Sir", asked Falkayn. "you must come along. It concerns an important thing." Beljagor aligns and drew back to an impact. Falkayn evaded easy, packed the master dealer at collars and trousers soil, main header it high and dragged zornig around itself the beat to his ship. There it set it off in the control room and waited for the fact that the storm became to break loose. But Beljagor stared it only being silent on and seemed the language to have lost. "Okay", sighed Falkayn. "you do not accept my apology. They will ensure that I mean license lose. They would have good desire to hit me on the place the head. Still something?" "I accept, you have an explanation for your impossible behaviour", said Beljagor icily. "Selbstverstandlich, Sir. The thing is extremely important and urgent, but I did not want to discuss it in your apartment, because I am afraid that hearing microphones are installed there." The factor had surprisingly fast again calmed down. "man", he instructed far one, young now. "I know, where Antoran is", said Falkayn. "Hae?" Beljagor would be before surprise nearly from the pilot seat pleases, in which he sat. "however the Neuheimer may not experience that I came behind its secret, because otherwise leaves it me not again away", joined Falkayn in addition. "from where you want to know, where Antoran is?" Beljagor asked disbelievingly. "credit you put to leave?" "no, Sir, because measure Hoern had obviously not the intention of telling me somewhat. But it grew up in a spartanischen social order and was not calm therefore not on the fact that I would out-ask it under alcohol to set and skillfully." Falkayn grinste. "far ones! Further! Which said this Hoern?" "actually not much, but nevertheless enough. Antoran is not a planet, but a star. And in this area there are only one, all conditions here fulfilled." Falkayn pointed after outside and added: "beta Centauri. The factor exploded nearly. It hopste in the cab around, fuchtelte with the arms and aligns persistent. Finally Beljagor had again so far calmed down that he to say could: "you unbelievable fool, to your information I would like to communicate to you that beta Centauri is a blue giant of the class B. Even before beginning of space travel the scientists had already computed that suns this large one cannot have a planet. Since the development of the hyperdrive this theory was confirmed by innumerable expeditions. But even if they had planets, they would be never habitable. These enormous stars burn their hydrogen so rapidly that their life span leaves itself in millions of years expressions. Millions, heard, not you billions! Beta Centauri is not older certainly than ten million years, has however already half of the stable time behind itself. Spater becomes from supernew facts which ends with the fact that only a white dwarf stays. On the planet no life could develop - there are however finally there also none. I thought, even humans would have to learn astrophysics in the school as much. But I obviously erred. Thus, now you know, what is suited your daemliche theory." Beljagor began suddenly again, to kreischen. "and therefore you get me in the middle at the night from the bed!" Falkayn placed itself before the door of the air lock. "white I", he said Naturlich. "nevertheless each child knows! And the Antoraner relies on the fact that we are convinced of this theory. They count on the fact that they check this whole area, before we notice that beta Centauri is an exceptional case." Beljagor could be fallen into the pilot seat. "beautiful, make themselves you further ridiculous, if you want, said absolutely" it. "I do not have the intention", answered Falkayn. "concerning we us rather with the facts. First of all: The planet system of Antoran was settled by the Kraoka, itself never on so cool planets how the earth would establish. Secondly: Antoran has six planets within the zone, in the waters liquid occurs. Therefore this zone must be very broad, which refers again to a bright star. Thirdly: The outermost planet is too cold for the Kraoka, but for humans there is there radiating Auroras, which can produce only a gigantic sun in the moderate zones. Fourth: This of humans settled planet new home is far from its sun. But there are three proofs: From new home the sun is not recognizable with the naked eye as disk. Tides are not affected by the sun. And one year corresponds to my estimation there after approximately two hundred earth years. I know, because measure Hoern mentioned that some settlements had to be shifted into the proximity of the poles. Since the planet moves on an eccentric orbit, it became too hot into near-equator ones. But the first Kolonisten arrived there only before forty years. Hence it follows that the distance between the planet and its sun decreases so slowly that it was worth itself to create a settlement which had to be shifted more spater. Probably the Kolonisten wanted to exploit a metal occurrence into near-equator ones. In agreement? Beautifully, new home is thus habitable despite the large sun distance. But which star comes in this case only into question? A blue giant! And beta Centauri is the only blue giant in this area." Falkayn made a break and regarded Beljagor expectationful. "however as there can be planets there?" the factor asked finally clayless. "over it I thought already", answered Falkayn. "perhaps beta Centauri is the only case of this kind - the star must have caught a half dozen of erring runner planets." "nonsense. Individual stars actually do not pull planets." Beljagor did not roar at least any longer, if he contradicted. "I admit, but my theory considers also this fact. When beta Centauri was still in the development condition, a firm core must have been present, around which a gigantic nebula cloud existed. Some planets were occurred this cloud and diverted by the gravity field of the core. Because of the increased friction the inside one the nebula cloud they lost thereby a part of their kinetic energy - from the hyperspace courses ellipses became. These elliptical orbits were naturally extremely eccentric, although the friction has them somewhat balanced. Measure Hoern to me opposite admitted that the courses of the planets cause still today sudden change of climate. That is likewise not normal, as you must admit. But my theory only more probably becomes thereby." "Hmmm", meant Beljagor hesitating. "I white not", like the old Kraoka on Dzua of the existence of these planets experienced ", continued Falkayn. "perhaps they did not know simply that blue giants possess small planets. Or perhaps they had sent also a remote controlled probe there. Anyhow it was well-known them that beta Centauri exhibited five well suitable and a less good planet, which could be settled. Naturally the planets were sterile and had a poisonous atmosphere - however the old Kraoka knew, how one changes a planet in such a way that he becomes habitable. I assume that they did not use any more than three to four centuries." Falkayn twitched with the shoulders. "in five or ten million years the star explodes and makes their whole work destroyed", closed Falkayn. "however in the meantime it lives itself there perhaps completely well." "correct", agreed Beljagor quietly. "if that is true, must we the league inform. A whole fleet, which suddenly emerges with beta Centauri, would have the surprise effect on its side. As soon as the planets are in our hand, the fight is decided." "details." Falkayn suppressed yawning. "however you set up only one hypothesis, which you can not prove", continued to Beljagor. "perhaps measures Hoern has you put. The league can rely not on assumptions, but needs sound proofs." Falkayn nodded. "therefore we start both with our ships. They need to be able to be broken in only one apology that you do not want to here-remain longer nevertheless. " "beautiful", said the factor finally. "me determines an excuse falls in. Which we do after the start?" "we fly first toward headquarters", avowed Falkayn it. "however as soon as we no more cannot be located, take we course on beta Centauri. There you stay at safe distance, during I fly on and observations in place of. After I returned, we both disappear as fast as possible from this area." "why fly do we separately?" "because the possibility exists that I am gotten. In this case - if I up to a certain time do not return - you can report to the league, what we to know, and at the same time suggest that an investigation team is sent there." "Hmm. correct. But why you want to take over the more dangerous task?" "Sir", answered tired Falkayn, "I had a substantially faster ship than they therefore am only logical it that I take over the more dangerous part. In addition ", he added," is it around me not so unfortunate, because I am finally only assistant - and still in addition only one humans. But you are a master dealer of Jaleel!" Its Sarkasmus made an unexpected impression. Beljagor jumped up and had suddenly tears in the small eyes. "as correct!" he proclaimed moved. "as noble of you to admit that easily!" It pressed Falkayn agitated the hand. "you do not think please badly from me. I am occasionally somewhat loud and grumble perhaps too much, if I lose the patience, but I have nevertheless nothing against your race." * The danger zone began about one light-year before the goal, because from this distance the oscillations of a hyperdrive could be located. Beljagors ship stayed at the edge of this zone; its detectors were further in enterprise, although it was not to be assumed that this tiny point in the universe was located coincidentally by a hostile ship. Even Falkayn would have some difficulties to regain it after terminated mission although he knew, where he had to look for it. Falkayn headed for beta Centauri with Unterlichtgeschwindigkeit. The star before it became rapidly larger and filled the screens. More near, still more near. Now Falkayn could the cameras run let, which noted everything, what on the screens appeared. Falkayn went on another course and repeated its observations. Soon thereafter it could feed its computer with the first measured values. It had located only some planets, which could not be settled all. In addition, are sufficient already, because one of them exhibited the correct size and the correct distance from the sun - that had to be new home! And the detectors showed vibrations of other ships, which operated between the planets. One of these vibrations was uncomfortable close and came still more near. A cruiser had obviously located and wanted its ship it to control. But in addition the hostile ship had to be already unusually fast! The other ship approached. Falkayn observed its measuring instruments and aligns thereby quietly before itself. It smoked after whistle other and considered feverful. Probably it could with Beljagor meet, before it was caught up, but then was already so close the pursuers that they had to locate both ships. Now, perhaps they could flee in different directions... An alert sounded, then appeared second points/teeth on the oscillograph. Falkayn discharged a curse. A second ship had taken up pursuit. "from the dream", he murmured before itself. Why was there actually no radio, which radiated signals with trans-light velocity, so that he could inform Beljagor, before he was stopped? The devil should get the laws of nature! Falkayn marched in the cab on and off, smoked a whistle after the other one and stared again and again at the screens, until him the thing became finally too stupid. He drank its last bottle whisky and went sleeping. When it woke up some hours later, its Unterbewusstsein had already found a solution. It remained lying still another one while on the bunk, stared the cover over its head on; was surprised at this ingenious idea. But if its computations were correct, he had to come soon into Beljagors proximity. The meant that it was already now in range of the detectors, and the factor does not certainly align badly, while it observed its own instruments. Under these circumstances it was not to be expected that Beljagor slept... "freshness daringly is half won", murmured Falkayn before itself. He rose, could into the pilot seat be fallen and reached for the actuating lever. Engines switch, one minute off later again in enterprise take, after times switch off, a second time switch on... The Morsekode of the Polesotechni league. The pointers of all detectors, which were adjusted to its ship, had to now move regularly, so that semicolon tri CH semicolon developed. HYPOTHESIS CONFIRMS. F. A repetition, so that Beljagor understood, what was meant. And still one. He should only ask himself whether F. was more than the abbreviation of the name Falkayn. Anyhow he would understand the message, while the Antoraner could not become smart from because those did not know the code. The drive had certainly not for a long time been up to to this abusing more. Falkayn smelled burned insulating material and heard a strange humming. It changed its past course and flew on with continuous speed. Its computations showed it that the first pursuer would catch up it in this way nearly two light-years far away from Beljagor. Also the second ship turned off obediently and followed it on the new course. Falkayn switched the autopilots on, showered, put on its best uniform and had breakfast in all peace. Subsequently, it destroyed the films of its cameras, ship's papers and a part of the log. The burned papers were replaced by excellent falsifications - all ships of the league were equipped for such emergencies accordingly. The first pursuer reduced the distance, remained however careful-proves rather far far away from Falkayns ship to lie. When the radio began to hum, Falkayn received the call. On the screen an officer with medal-decorated chest appeared. "hello", said Falkayn. "speaking it Anglic or latin?" "", the other one answered and selected Anglic. "identifying it itself." "trading vessel Greased Lightning on the flight from Tricorn to Hopewell, assistant Sebastian Tombs alone on board. And who are you?" "cruiser tiger from new home under instruction of baron Lichtenberg. Here first lieutenant Bender speaks." "new home? Where, to the devil, does new home lie? Never of it belongs." "what here do you do? Why did you try to flee?" "I am after Hopewell on the way, in order to fetch a supply there machines for Tricorn. Which concerns your second question - large God, which one is to do, if one is suddenly pursued by unknown ships?" "you assumed thus, we are enemies", determined Bender. "perhaps you however are an enemy, hectar?" "no, hectar. They need to see only on your maps, in order to see that beta Centauri lies nearly exactly between Tricorn and Hopewell. I had it hasty and wanted the shortest way to take, but in the proximity of beta it noticed to me that the engines did not work correctly any longer. In order to examine the control, had I unite for mark the course to change, which was noticeable to you probably. Then I noticed suddenly that I was pursued by another ship. It could have belonged to a scientific expedition, but on the other hand there are also Piraten, which attack individual trading vessels. I did not want to risk that, therefore I tried to disappear, but then the drive did not function suddenly any longer correctly. After I had repaired it, I had changed and wanted the course with the fact suggest that I do not attach importance on society. Unfortunately you did not understand, what I meant." Falkayn made a furious face. "which you have to it to say?" inquired it. "wools you me do not explain, what has to mean this comedy? Why do your cruisers lie here on the Lauer? Why do you pursue harmless trading vessels? That gets the Polesotechni league to hear, whereupon you can rely!" "perhaps", Bender answered gleichmuetig. "we come now on board." "the devil is not to get you, you is right in addition, me too... "we are armed. Does the one right give us?" "", Falkayn agreed sighing. It was even helpful to the crew of the cruiser to make the connection between the air locks of the two ships. Bender came into company of some untergebener on board and required the papers. ", he finally says property, Mr. Tombs", "is really honest perhaps you. I cannot judge that. We have our instructions. They are to be interned on new home." "which?" Falkayn roared. "it isn't clear you whom you have before itself? I am registered member of the Polesotechni league!" "wrong does to me, but I ungeruehrt my instructions", answered Bender. "come along lot,!" It reached for Falkayns arm Falkayn tore themselves loosely and straightened up highly. ", he explained to arrest Sir" icily, "if you me wants, can I only expressly force to yield. Nevertheless I insist on to be according to rank treated like it the oldest son and inheriting of the baron von Dragonshaw am entitled!" Bender became obviously pale, slammed the heels together and bowed themselves rigidly. "he finally brought Jawohl out, naturally". "I ask many times for pardon. You would have only in former times communicated to me - baron Lichtenberg will be pleased to be allowed to welcome you to dte." Lock Graustein was strictly speaking a quite comfortable prison; it lay very lonely, but in the surrounding forests there was plentifully huntable game. The meal was heavy, but prepared excellently, and the local beer tasted outstanding. Baron Graustein gave himself all trouble to make for his involuntary guest the life pleasant. In the process of the long maintenances with its Gaestgeber Falkayn stated that new home would be later a good trade partner of the league, if the planet were only befriedet. After some weeks Falkayn had the monotonous life already thoroughly fullly and was therefore pleased, when a servant knocked on the door of his apartment and announced attendance. But then it came in. It would have never thought that it would be annoyed once at its appearance. "Jutta!" he said surprised. It closed the door behind itself and regarded it wordless. "you are thus actual it", determined them. "b-b-please you sit down nevertheless", to stotterte Falkayn finally. Jutta stopped and vibrated only the head. "these idiots really believed, you are a dealer, who saw", said her by mistake too much expressionless. "you were not even cross-examined correctly, because the supreme command of the fleet did not know anything from your presence. But I spoke yesterday coincidentally with baron Lichtenberg, when I was on vacation at home. And the description of personnel... " Their voice seemed to fail. Falkayn collected its courage. "only, he meant small war cunning, my love" left. "remembering it only that we did not begin the war." "which you have done?" It got its whistle from the bag, plugged it and ignited it pedantically, before it answered. "you can me inject let a truth serum, therefore I rather tell equal everything", said he smiling. "I guessed the truth and came to convince around me of it." "this amusing small chap, that after you disappeared briefly... white it of it?" Falkayn nodded. "it informed long headquarters. Even if the league usually reacted more slowly than, jetzl a gigantic fleet must already be on the way, their is far superior." In their eyes tears were located. "which happens then?" "the fleet lands here. I expect it daily. They have here only stations some cruisers; the remaining ships of your fleet are distributed on a dozen of stars, not truely? The league does not bombard gladly planets, but in this case... " Jutta twitched frightened together. Falkayn went rapidly toward it and took its hands into its. "no, no", he said thereby. Why should we kill humans, to who we can sell our goods? We take simply the planets prisoner and require ransom. I do not have to say even much, can to me however present, what will happen. The league requires first a partial disarmament of the fleet. But that is not yet everything. After the Kraoka has fast spaceships now, it probably comes to a peaceful reunification of its race. We intended actually to sell to them a whole fleet. They may not forget that you and your compatriots of the league are not helplessly delivered, because finally can you us for sufficient difficulties make, if we place unacceptable conditions. New home can be present society system easily to keep. Why also not? If you make the attempt to practice this miserable autarcy also in the future you must count however on the fact that the people drives the land owners out within ten years and for assistance asks us." It main header their chin highly. "I understand that you now are sad", added he quietly. "a dream is sudden to end. But why you want to suffer your whole life long for the memory of your father?" Jutta broke out suddenly in tears. Falkayn offered its handkerchief to her and troestete it, so well it it understood. Short time had again calmed down later it. "you can report, who I am real", avowed Falkayn it. "then I am treated no more than preferential guest, but perhaps even shot. According to the war articles that is even your obligation ", continued Falkayn. "however is not helped you thereby, because in addition is it already too late - and the league protects its members, so that new home mean death expensively to pay would have." "property I another choice?" she wanted to know from him. Falkayn smiled radiating. "you can for example your pretty mouth hold and to everyone, which wants to absolutely know it, simply tell, you would have erred and I are nevertheless not this Falkayn, but a certain Sebastian Tombs. And if a peace treaty is then signed... Now, you have to here finally unite influence, believe I. They could contribute much to the fact that your people got accustomed to changed conditions." "become being supposed we about all dealers?" Jutta asked. It seemed to have become suddenly again zornig. "I explained to you nevertheless already once that we are not only completely usual shopkeepers", answered Falkayn nearly insulted. "natural would like we as much profit as possible obtaining, admit I openly. But even noble one and knights must eat occasionally, and our bread does not come from body-own or slaves or other unfortunate ones, which we subjected. Do you see the stars there above? They shine wonderful - however as it stands with those on the other side?" It put the arm to it around the shoulders and whispered: "nevertheless, everything was given this to me. I would not find rest. There are still stars, after which my longing never desires, it gives still country in unbetretener distance, where rivers gehn and strange humans are... " "Ohhh", said Jutta only. Falkayn grinste and could not introduce itself suddenly any longer, how very much he had grumbled in former times on its teachers, who the opinion had been, each educated humans must at least some poems by heart learn. "I betrayal determines nothing", whispered Jutta. Then it added: "target I still another few days here on lock Graustein remain?" Falkayn found it expressed unfortunate that the fleet of the league already landed one week later on new home, in order to save him. The peacemakers 1. Poker cannot be played well too third, therefore the crew of the Muddlin Through had programmed the ship computer in such a way that it replaced the fourth man. The computer bought chips on credit and managed it always somehow to adjust in the process of a journey of profits and losses. In this way the crew could concentrate to remove itself mutually as much as possible money. ", the mechanical voice said two maps". David Falkayn put it downward with the illustrated page on the scanning plate, which he had installed at a side of the table in the lounge. A remote-controlled arm pushed the put down maps aside, while the computer studied the new maps, in order to compute its chances of winning. "", Chee Lan required. to "thanks, Adzel did not hum to anything for me". Falkayn gave itself three maps and stated that its chances of winning had risen: It had two boys to its two kings to it-gets. Adzel had probably not many more, and Chee seemed to have tried to supplement a Flush; the first employments had been not very high. But now smart head was again in turn... "I go already", said Falkayn, rose and left the cab. The steel arm pushed a blue chip into the center of the table. "condemns!" kreischte Chee. Their tail straightened up steeply. It slammed the maps on the table. "the plague over you! The devil is your electronic... " Adzel doubled left its employment. Falkayn sighed and pushed its maps together. Chees anger was already again smoked; it sat on its stool and washed themselves like a cat. Falkayn reached for its zigarettenetui. Smart head increased again. Adzels kite face could not change its expression, but its shed-covered body seemed to tighten. He saw again on his maps, wanted something to say and by an alert was interrupted. The part of the computer, which constantly supervised the environment of the ship, had determined something unusual. In the control room it stopped before the screens, could recognize nothing unusual however. Why thus the alarm? Falkayn changed the attitude of the screen, before which he stood evenly. In the west the sun glowed cloudily in the magenta-red sky - a dark dwarf of the class KO, which possessed hardly a tenth of the luminosity of the terrestrial sun. But because of its small distance to Ikrananka it seemed to be three and a half time so large and delivered just as much radiation. Spika was somewhat more than three Parsek far away and shone like a white jewel in the dark sky. In the northwest clumped sulfur-yellow sturmwolken together, but otherwise the sky was empty. The Muddlin Through stood in half height on a hill, of where from itself a good view offered over the surrounding flat country. Between the yellow fields irrigation ditches dragged on, at whose crossovers the fastened yards of individual families rose. The hill was rocky and bald, carried however on its back the barriers and walls of Haijakata. At its foot an awake tower stood over the city well, which was to be reached from the top by a long tunnel. Directly at it the highway past led to the east. In approximately four kilometers distance recognized Falkayn a dust cloud on the road. It approached rapidly. Six or seven Ikranakaner propelled their Zandaras inconsiderately. The riders were armed with swords and lances. When a gust of wind away-blew the dust, Falkayn saw, who was pursued there on the road. "no", he heard to say itself quietly. "that cannot be. That is simply impossible!" Then it had overcome, turned and ran its astonishing after aft. It burst into the salon and roared: "alarm!" Chee hopste over the table and switched the computer to normal function. Adzel put slowly its maps away. "which is loosely?" inquired Chee calmly. "one... a woman", keuchte Falkayn. "one pursues you." "of whom?" "six or seven natives are behind it ago. Their Zandara works exhausted. If we do not help her, them are caught up, before she reaches the ship." Adzel sighed and pushed its employment over the table. Then he raised and said themselves: "best we talk them well too. Chee, you holds here the position." The Cynthianerin nodded and disappeared wordless toward control room. Adzel followed Falkayn by the air lock after outside. Falkayn took an emitter and a tiny Radio from the shelf apart from the air lock. Outside a cold wind blew. Falkayns eyes got accustomed only after some seconds to dry air. The man climbed on the broad backs of the kite nature and held on to the broad points/teeth. Then the Wodenit the hill trabte down there. "one could believe nearly, here" he had landed, says a second ship thereby. Its bass voice sounded so calm, as if divide it evenly maps out. "which you hold of it?" "perhaps", Falkayn answered and stared exerted forward. The young woman and its pursuers were to be seen clear now. It signed and spurred its riding animal to a last effort. The Ikranankaner called each other something too. Falkayn placed astonished firmly that they spoke Katandran... One the pursuer continued its Zandara, fastened its arm chest of the saddle loosely and inserted a pin. The rider shot. The pin hissed closely at the copper-red hair of the young woman past. The contactors gave a short instruction, while it stretched the arm chest again. The two riders beside him reached now likewise for their weapons. "fast!" Falkayn pushed. "is real you in mortal danger!" It stared by the reddish dust, which let the pursuers become only indistinctly visible. The riders were smaller than it - about one and a half meters largely - and reminded of humans with broad shoulders and wespentaille. The whole body and the unusually thin member masses were covered with brown fur. The Ikranankaner was Warmblueter and Allesfresser, and the females brought their boys living on the world; but nevertheless they were not mammals. On the slim neck a ball-round head with oval black eyes, long donkey ears and a strong bill the feet sat was naked, so that the three long toes could hold the stirrups. The riders carried far trousers and over it a light kettenpanzer with a badge on that Chest. At the broad belt a sword, during arm chest, baumelte lance and dolch the armament completed. One the rider main header again its arm chest. Falkayn tore its emitter from the Halfter and shot perpendicularly upward. That was meant as warning - however the sharp flash dazzled the natives also and made it less. The young woman laughed inspired. The pursuers stoben apart. Their leader kreischte an instruction. They collected themselves again and continued to ride. A pin hissed closely at Falkayn past. Another reflected from Adzels shed. "which..., now they want to also kill us", stotterte the Wodenit. "far ones!" Falkayn roared. At the same time it hunted the first Zandara with a shot. Adzel spurtete now, and then he had reached the Ikranankaner. He ran the first animal and its rider simply over the heaps. The two next fell one instant later. Adzel struck with the tail around itself and got thereby the fourth Zandara. The two other galloped over the field of it. Adzel braked off and trottete back. A part of the opposition ran to foot of it, the remaining seemed to hardly still move to be able itself. "O ever", meant Adzel anxious. "hopefully we did not hurt seriously." Falkayn twitched with the shoulders. "return, we must to the ship." The young woman had continued at some distance. It carried medium-high boots, contrary to the natives close riding trousers and a fur jacket over the sleeveless blouse. Their armament corresponded to that of their pursuers, but it carried a flat helmet on the copper-red hair and had painted sign on the Sattelknauf to hang. Their skin was very white. The face courses corresponded to the Greek ideal of beauty of past thousands of years, but the lively grey eyes and the expressionful mouth reduced the strict general impression somewhat. "hello", murmured Falkayn surprised. "where you come, young Dame?"Sie wiped yourselves the sweat of the forehead and breathed heavily. Adzel trabte the far road along. "coming... It... really of the stars?" the young woman wanted to know. She spoke Anglic with an accent, which Falkayn had not ever heard. "", he answered simple and showed thereby to the spaceship. It described an indication on the forehead. "Algrat is good!" she whispered thereby. After it had to some extent recovered its version, it turned and held after its pursuers look out. The natives had met again, seemed however no desire to a second attack to have. Instead they set slowly in motion and rode themselves over the fields of it. The young woman stretched the hand and affected thereby Falkayns arm, as if she wanted to make sure of the fact that he really existed. "so far we heard, said only rumors" them quietly. "should have come foreigner in a flying ship - under them also a young Ershokh -, but the emperor forbade all to his subjects going into the proximity of the ship. Did you really come from the stars? Or perhaps even of the earth?" "", Falkayn answered again. "however about which you actually speak. Which means ' Ershokh '?" "simple only ' humans '. Didn't you know that? In Katandara they call Ershoka us." She regarded it thoughtfully and seemed on unexplainable way to have become distrustful, because she continued to speak slowly and carefully: "our ancestors landed here before four hundred years." "before four hundred years?" repeated Falkayn astonishes. "the hyperdrive was nevertheless still not at all invented however at that time!" "obvious means it four hundred local years", threw Adzel in. "however... as, to the devil..." "you were to another planet on the way to create a colony over there", explained the young woman. "however they were attacked by Piraten and suspended here - five hundred women, men and children. Are you a Ersho... I really mean, a Terraner?" "actually I am citizen of the Grand Duchy of Hermes, during my comrades of other planets come. But we operate from the earth. I am called by the way David Falkayn." "I am Stepha Carl, Leutnant of the body guard..." She did not continue to speak. "however that is at the moment not important." "why were you pursued by this bandits?" Stepha smiled short. "request somewhat more slowly and not everything at the same time. We do not admit themselves mutually so much to tell?" But then it gave its reserved attitude up. The eyes radiated, then strike they the hands together and called: "Oh, that is really wonderful! A man of the earth - my rescuer!" When they had reached the ship, they lashed the Zandara at one of the long telescope supports. Falkayn left the precedence the passenger-loading stairs to Stepha with an easy bow up. Chee Lan hopste near, when they stepped by the air-lock. "that is a sweet Schosstierchen!" the young woman called enthusiastically out. Chee straeubte their fur. "Kitzeln it me not under the chin to keep young lady, if you attach importance to it, fully your fingers." It contacted its two comrades. "which was actually there outside loosely?" "haste you the fight observes?" inquired Falkayn. "find I, we to the bandits a tidy warning gave. The chaps do not certainly trouble us again!" "which bandits do you actually mean?" Chee asked icily. "I saw from here that they back-rode on a detour into the city. If their asks me, you a group of imperial soldiers hunted. We came to lock over with evenly this emperor a trade agreement!" 2. They had withdrawn themselves into the lounge. Falkayn gave itself to Stepha and whisky. Adzel brewed itself a bucket coffee. Chee Lan ignited itself one of its easily anaesthetizing cigarettes, which she smoked from a long point. The young Mrs. trick the eyes together, main header the glass to the lips and drank up it on a course. Then it keuchte and got a cough accumulation. Falkayn knocked it on the backs. Stepha continued to cough and aligns between the fact so strongly that he became automatically red. "with it I already imagined myself, you are completely soft light", said them finally with weak voice. "I assume that the technical development was declining here, meant in the past three generations" Adzel. "five hundred humans, to whom also children belong, do not know enough, in order to maintain a modern civilization, and their ship probably had no complete micro library on board." Stepha wiped itself the tears from the eyes and saw to it over there. "I regarded, said great-grandfather always as a large Aufschneider" her. "however apparent he saw and experienced some nevertheless in his recent days. Where do you come?" "I come from the earth", avowed Adzel. "that is, actually of Zatlakh, which means in my language, earth '. Humans baptized my planet Woden." "you are determine a outstanding single fighter", Stepha meant thoughtful. It reached automatically for its dolch. Adzel twitched together. "are request, we extremely peacefully required. We are only so large and armored, because there are other enormous animals on Woden. Our sun belongs to the stars of the class F5 in the sector Regulus. It radiates as much energy that on our planet despite the two and a half times higher force of gravity than on earth large ways of life could develop... " "peace, you old barbarian", interrupted Chee Lan it. "we have now no time for your memoirs." "and where comes... aeh... Lady ago?" Stepha wanted to know. "of the second planet with Eridani A", Falkayn answered. "the discoverers baptized it Cynthia - after the woman of the Captains." Chee ignited itself a new cigarette and held the lighter thereby in a delicate hand with six fingers. "speaking we thus over our present/immediate situation", suggested it now. a "being supposed we with you to begin, measure Carl? No, excuse you, second lieutenant of Carl, not truely? I assume that your ancestors were suspended here for instance in this area." "whole quite", agreed Stepha. "you got in touch soon to the natives, which faced them however partly hostilely. From these experiences they learned that humans are stronger and persistent than Ikranankaner. Here there is always war. Therefore the best soldiers do not need to work on fields or in mines. The Ershoka united to a corps; who cannot fight, provides for the supply and so on." Stephas eyes flashed. "I heard of our old persons that on other planets wars are likewise led", said them inspired. "we could not do us as mercenaries hire? I am really good. They would have had to see me in the battle with Yanjeh." "request!" Adzel roared and held themselves the ears too. "we must consider, as we in the future to be held back", pushed ourselves Falkayn. "are your compatriots with the emperor disliked in Katandara?" Stepha took its old place again and could still another whisky be poured out. Then she spoke as carefully as first further: "the Ershoka is into the services of Jadhadi I. stepped, when the old realm disintegrated at that time. They provided the throne in Katandara for it and were helpful it to expand the realm again. Since then they represent the body guard of each emperor and the core of its army. Some time ago they conquered also Rangakora at the edge of the two-light zone. That is an important city, because she controlled not only the only passport over the mountains, but possesses also rich stores of water, those their environment for the most fruitful area of the country makes." "that is completely beautiful and good everything", interrupted Chee it impatiently, "however why is you today by imperial soldiers pursued?" "Hmm... I know not quite." Stepha drank being silent its glass empty. "perhaps you tell me only somewhat more over itself. Then it occurs certainly to us why Jadhadi III. insists on it that her here-remained, instead of coming to Katandara. Or do you know, what has to mean?" Adzel vibrated the head. "we know it not", answered it. "so far it did not even notice to us that we are held here in quarantine. However we were surprised already at the fact that we did not get an invitation into the capital. Strange it was also that the inhabitants of this area came only rarely into the proximity of the ship. During a short flight with our Aircar we completely saw a military camp in the proximity. But then Gujgengi required that we did in the future without these flights. Allegedly cause they for too much unrest and excitement under the population of the country, who is not accustomed at flight machines. I do not state gladly that he deceived us, but this reason worked nevertheless somewhat fadenscheinig." "the emperor actually arranged that this area is blocked", insured Stepha it. "nobody may enter more Haijakata, in addition, the inhabitants of the city may not leave their walls any longer." Falkayn wanted to ask it evenly, why she had offended against the imperial instruction, when she continued: "why did you come just? Which you look for on this small planet in the rear angle of the universe?" "us", whispered Chee Falkayn wants to only delay you on latin too. "I white", answered he in the same language. "we must be friendly, so that them see that we mean it only good with it." Chee main header entgeistert the hands. "he hardly sees a pretty face...", murmured her before itself. Falkayn turned it the backs too. a "us please", he said excusing you again on Anglic. "however we had to discuss something personal." Stepha smiled, put its hand on the its and answered: "for it I have naturally understanding, David... Really a pretty name. And you come from the stars! I look forward in such a way to the fact that you want to tell me more over itself." "we are commercialspy", avowed Falkayn. "that is actually a new invention, in which I cooperated." He could only hope that his Grinsen grant, but not daemlich worked, while he tried to explain to Stepha the principle without the large secret to betray. Nicholas van Rijn came behind its enormous desk out and wade-scolds by the area on the large window, which formed a wall of the room. From this height one had a wonderful view over the slim wolkenkratzer, the green parks and the river, in the sunshine the glittered. Van Rijn stopped at the window, ignited themselves a Brasilzigarre and said finally, without turning: ", I actually believe that your suggestion could throw good profits off. And you are the correct man for this order. If you work well, then I promise you that you become rich with us." "gladly, Sir", murmured Falkayn. "you mentioned before that you would help us gladly to tie trade relations with new planets where we can sell our goods to natives, which do not have notion, which prices corresponding to real market conditions are. Okay, but I believe that one can make from it more, my boy. I thought much lately." "that you have thought, Sir?" Falkayn asked. Van Rijn turned and regarded the young man thoughtfully. "I have confidence to you", determined he finally. "however you do not disappoint my confidence, how? I have so little genuine friends. If you break the heart to me, then I turn you personally the collar. Understood? They know, with which we must be mostly content - the league discovers a new planet, but then everyone falls itself into the business and undercuts the others as still as possible. They considered themselves whether you should go through in this Rummel. But that is not anything for you - you are too good and too honest for it. In addition you are not yet famous, so that nobody is interested in where you fly. Therefore you are the correct man, who can discover planets in our order, then us belong!" It pushed Falkayn the elbow into the ribs. "as that, hectar pleases you?" "however... however..." Van Rijn gave two glasses fully, knocked against with Falkayn and explained its suggestion. Although mankind had given itself gr osse trouble to investigate the part the galaxy it inhabited, gave it still sufficient unknown areas. The spacemen had themselves on planets concentrated, which were obviously interesting, and thereby millions to other one unconsidered had left. Many of them were not listed and after thousands of years from coincidence would probably only be visited even. But statistic computations showed clearly that ten thousands of these planets had to be valuable as trade partners. Why shouldn't one look thus simply for this planets - and the discovery is enough in such a way as possible to keep secret? Best concentrated one itself on a sector, in which relatively little traffic prevailed: for example Spika. There a base was furnished, from which hundreds of cheap robot spaceships started. As soon as they had discovered a planet, which seemed to be promising, they returned with all available information. Then the trading vessel this planet an attendance off, puts there the basis for a trade agreement and informed van Rijn. "a dreikoepfige crew would have to be sufficient", says it. "you as master dealers judge the possibilities of the planet and lead the negotiations. The two different must be trained in Planetologie and Xenobiologie. Best you look for each other which of other planets, so that the different talents complement each other effectively. In addition I suggest that her equivalent tomorrow... " When Falkayn had terminated its report, Stepha nodded understanding. "you knew thus that a civilization exists here, the metals finished", determined them. "however your robots saw Ershoka natural to us. Why did you come then at all?" "a earthsimilar planet is always worth an investigation", answered Falkayn. "what? On earth it does not look differently?" "each planet, on which humans without special schutzanzuege can live, is considered as earthsimilar." "for which are you interested here?" "Oh, for a lot of different things. Among other things some new antibiotics, probably spices, new kinds of fur and other goods. In addition a well developed civilization, us a part of our goods to decrease can." "why did you land just with Haijakata?" Stepha asked. "you must have known nevertheless that Katandara is the largest city." "we did not want to risk, directly by curious visitors to be run over from the outset", avowed Falkayn. "if one a new planet visited, needs one some time, in order to get accustomed to there dominant conditions and learn the language. Exactly we did that so far, and the emperor sent Gujgengi to us as a teacher, after he had heard of our arrival. We wanted to visit already in former times the capital, but as soon as we spoke of it, the professor invented an excuse after the other one. That was three or four weeks ago." "why don't you conquer the planet simply?" Stepha wanted to know. "a most immoral procedure", turned Adzel entruestet. "in addition that does not bring economic advantages. It was always the tendency of the league, others... " "when you come finally to the thing, their Schwaetzer?" kreischte Chee. "which purpose did pursuit have?" An alert sounded. The computer said: "from direction city approaches a larger group of natives the Schiff."Falkayn considers itself that it was probably better, the imperial envoy and teacher politely at the air-lock to receive. Nevertheless it ensured for the fact that its emitter from down was to be seen good. He observed the group, which approached now slowly. About twenty soldiers marched on the ship too; they were with a whole arsenal from swords, swords, dolchen. Piken, lances and arm chests arm. On its chest tanks the badge of the Klans Tirut shone, to that all soldiers belonged to the garrison. At the point to the column went Gujgengi, an unusually largely grown Ikranankaner, whose dark fur was grey before age already. Falkayn the arms over the chest and bowed themselves easily. "I welcome the noble Gujgengi and its friends", say he, how it prescribed the politeness. Gujgengi did not answer: "peace and friendship between us", but said instead of its: "speaking we with one another", which meant that he had to discuss a problem. "honouring you my house", invited Falkayn it. Gujgengi left the soldiers and climbed slowly the passenger-loading stairs. Finally it stopped in the door of the cab, adjusted its eyeglasses and straightened up surprised. "is you thus actually here!" kraechzte it entgeistert. Stepha reached for its sword. "slow, always with the peace", said Adzel and held back it. "setting you, noblest one", pushed itself Falkayn. "which I may offer?" Gujgengi received benevolently a glass whisky, which he drank for his life gladly. "you insured so far always, you its to me come in peaceful intention", deplored yourselves he. "hopefully you can explain this incident satisfyingly." "natural", insured Falkayn. "we have that this young woman of my race was pursued by unknown quantities, the bandits to be observed had. We could naturally only assume that them originated from my homeland." Chee blew a smoke ring and added calmly: "you must however also consider to inform us from the existence of this old human settlement noblest ones that you did not consider it necessary." "are shifted Krr", raeusperte Gujgengi. "instruction has me so taken up..." "however you knew nevertheless that we are interested in it became ", Cheeein threw. "I would have never thought that her..." "we are really disappointed and bekuemmert, noblest one." "these people are finally only soldiers..." "you play however a large role in this realm, with which we lead negotiations." "you has the express instruction of the emperor ignored..." "which instruction? That we to remain perfectly isolated are? That is a further fact, which bekuemmert us seriously, noblest ones. We ask ourselves gradually whether Ikrananka attaches no more importance to our presence. Them it is hopefully clear that we can fly away just as well again. We do not have the intention of forcing possibly someone upon our goods." "no, no, no!" Gujgengi had seen, which treasures saved the stockrooms of the ship. "I wanted only..." "I must say to you however openly that we would not always withdraw ourselves", added Chee. "after we reported at home that this Ershoka lives here, come other ships, in order to fetch it. The masters of the earth will not gladly hear that Katandara this Unglueck­ lichen from us to hide tried. Or were they abused? I am afraid nearly that this incident will have still serious consequences." Falkayn was too frightened, in order to be pleased about the fact that Gujgengi was silent now fearfully. So far it had not thought of the consequences of this discovery. If the Ershoka were home transported - then everyone knew, where this planet lay! And van Rijn attached great importance to strict secrecy! But on the other hand one did not know this poor devil finally sit-lets simply here... Gujgengi could be after-given, main header the glass with trembling hand and poured the whisky into the open bill. "perhaps we can unite nevertheless in a friendly way", meant ourselves it. "I hope much", threw Adzel in. "actual", began Gujgengi hesitating, "is short it before your arrival to a very unfortunate event come, which stands in connection with the intention of the emperor of conquering Sundhadarta. Rangakora, the most important city of this area, is strongly fastened and therefore nearly uneinnehmbar. The emperor sent therefore a part of his elite troop there, so that the Ershoka could break the resistance of the enemy. They stood thereby under the guidance of Colonel... " "Robert Hoern", threw Stepha in. "the attack was successful, but Ohertorn seemed to have decided to make the city the center of its own kingdom", continued Gujgengi. "it and its Manner sold our soldiers and keep since then the city occupied. We could not drive it out since then ever again. But in the meantime also the Ershoka in the capital became jerky. And then you emerge here! They belong to the same race and perhaps even to the same Klan - it surprises you there still the fact that the emperor in this case particularly - say we once - carefully to proceed wanted?" "Puh!" Falkayn said quietly. Stepha was silent thoughtfully, but then she seemed to have seized a resolution, because she straightened up and determined: "correct, the Ershoka in Katandara are jerky, because they know that they stand under suspicion. If the emperor becomes too distrustful, he makes perhaps even the attempt to let her murder. That would be naturally stupid from it, because we would keep the upper hand, but we would like to also prevent that the realm disintegrates. Nevertheless our own interests proceed. We do not have belong that these strangers had come, knew however, what we should hold from the rumors. Therefore we wanted to convince ourselves of it, who these visitors are. I loose-rode simply, without asking my superiors in the barracks. Probably I would have also created it, but a military patrol saw me." Falkayn had suddenly a good idea. He jumped up. "that is really a lucky coincidence ", he said thereby. "your emperor suspected us to injustice. We are only peaceful dealers - however our ship is equipped with weapons, which no wall can. We take Rangakora for him and... " "no!" Stepha called. "before I permit that you murder thousands of Ershoka, ensure I personally for the fact that her..." Then a specification followed its that had zugedacht it David Falkayn. to "nevertheless, my love", he finally protested hearing you. "you understood me completely wrongly. I do not want anybody to kill, but only a few walls collapse let, so that the garrison results combatless. But the decision over it must meet the emperor. Best fly we equal to him to discuss around the affair." "control rooms it nevertheless!" Gujgengi called frightened. "you cannot simply..." After longer negotiations it agreed finally with the fact that the Aircar was used. It was small, could land, before it was seen by all too many, and had in the palace garden place. "you could fly with us home", offered Falkayn Stepha. "you expect nevertheless no difficulties after your return, not truely?" he asked it. "no", it answered to Anglic, so that Gujgengi could not understand it. "the others covered in the meantime my disappearing somehow, although they do not know, where I on the way was. Best you land rapidly before the barracks, so that I can in-run. If you are asked later, you can state simply, you would have confounded the barracks with the palace." "why wouldn't you like to be seen?" "the idea does not please me simply." It reached for its hands. "request, David. They were so far a so good friend." "now..." She saw to him into the eyes. "I hope that we become even still better friends." "condemns already well, again!" The preparations lasted not for a long time. Falkayn tightened a warmly fed blue pair of overalls and boot and still supplemented this elevator by a white umhang, whose precious trimming would make impression. Its armament consisted of an emitter and a Laehmpistole, which it carried in the belt. In the breast pocket of its pair of overalls was a funksprechgeraet. Falkayn filled still another bag with gifts for the emperor and was then takeoff ready. Adzel carried forward only one radio, which hung around its neck. "we announce ourselves in regular intervals, Chee", said Falkayn. "if you heard more than eight hours long nothing more of us, start you and come to Katandara to save around us." "disappears already well, finally! I can be given by Gujgengi far instruction. The we, the better can we have more information judge, which to do ist."Katandara became before them visibly. The palace rose on a hill over the city and was surrounded with a wall, which had to protect the ruler against its people. Stepha described the plant of the city on the screen to Falkayn, while the Aircar floated so highly over Katandara that it was not recognizable with the naked eye. Then Falkayn let the Aircar fall perpendicularly downward and intercepted it only closely over the soil again. "farewell, David... to we see themselves again." Stepha pressed it again the hand, turned and disappeared by the air lock. The Ershoka was accommodated in enormous barracks in direct proximity of the emperor palace. The windows of the building led out on the large square inner court, while the external front was windowless. Some Ikranankaner gathered on the far place before the barracks and stared the strange aircraft surprised on. The being awake posts at the barracks gate - men in kettenpanzern and shining helmets with high federbueschen - seemed to have likewise solidified first before surprise. But then they pulled their swords and blocked the entrance. Stepha ran on it too. Falkayn started again. He saw still that she was let in. "in such a way, now we visit the lion in its cave", said it. "hopefully it eats us not directly, but places only some questions." 4. Before the guest apartment a melodischer gong sounded. "in here", Falkayn said. A livrierter servant struck the heavy curtains to the side, bowed themselves easy and communicated Falkayn, the emperor wishes the delegated ones of the Polesotechni league to receive. "my companion went out", answered Falkayn. "however the emperor is alone content probably also with me." It disappeared in the secondary room, in order to change for the audience. The apartment was very roomy, if one refrained from the too low covers, and luxurioes furnished. Falkayn pushed the scrolls of the table and switched its radio on. "hello, Adzel", he, "which said floats you straight?" "we stand before a house in the old part of town, which can be only one tavern", answered the Wodenit likewise to latin. "anyhow here sharp liquor becomes ' angepriesen. on a sign," "large God, and I must hold the position here! ', the boss listens evenly after me sent. Probably it wants to again out-ask me and delay the decision further, but is not certain. Therefore we consider both far radio silence, which?" "excellently", Adzel answered. "much luck, David." Falkayn decreased/went back into the salon and followed the servant, who led him by the long courses. At the entrance of the throne hall four Ershoka in full armament guard held. On the right of and left of them in each case three natives armed with long elbow stood - for soldiers of the Klans Tirut. Falkayn was convinced of the fact that elbow contactors since the conquest of the city Rangakora had only been here-harsh-ordered. On the other hand the distrust of the emperor was understandable, after it had turned out that he could not even trust his own security agency. Nevertheless Jadhadi seemed III. at a kind Paranoia to suffer of dealing because instead of immediately with Falkayns offer it had long delayed its visitor one week. There it was certain that the acceptance of the offer would bring it only advantages - anyhow he had never spoken of any disadvantages -, left this attitude on an exaggerated Xenophobie to close. But which was against it to undertake? Falkayn struck the curtains to the side and entered the throne hall. Jadhadi III. welcomed its visitor with a short head nodding. Falkayn kept the prescribed distance from seven steps exactly and bowed themselves. "where is your companion?" the emperor asked sharply. It was still relatively young. In the right hand it held a Zepter occupied with jewels, which could serve if necessary as Wurfspeer. "an officer of your body guard offered itself as a leader by the capital, avowed Falkayn him to noblest ones". "there we both to be at the same time absent did not want..." "which officer?" Jadhadi III. bent itself forward. The Ershoka beside it put the hands to its swords. "Hugh Padrick, noblest one", answered surprised Falkayn. "Ak-krrr. Return do they soon again?" "I do not know it, noblest ones. Does reason exist to the hurry?" "no. Perhaps not. Nevertheless it displeases me." Jadhadi III. contacted a native officer. "leaving it the two to search and fetch back." Then he said to a writer: "slopes it a notification out that all Ershoka may have immediately no more connection to the delegated ones of the Polesotechni league." "noblest ones!" Only other humans in this area, which not when being awake post was here, pushed themselves toward the Hoeflinge forward. He was an old man, whose beard and shoulder for a long time hair were nearly white, but it kept itself nevertheless still taut and upright. Falkayn had already seen it with the other audiences: Harry Smit, head of the Klans and speaker of the Ershoka before the emperor. "against it I must protest!" The emperor stared it furiously on. "which you must?" he asked disbelievingly. Smit stopped closely before it and said: "noblest ones, also the Ershoka, which belong to your body guard, are dismayed and excited about Robert Hoerns disobedience. It is no more one the ours, and its trailers cannot hope again in the Klan to be taken up. We ask only for permission for being allowed to march after Rangakora so that we can prove there that the Ershoka supports as always faithfully the house Deodakh. But you distrust to us, noblest ones. They leave us unemployed, forward to us feeler gauges and even arranged the fact that other Klans does beside us in the palace service although always excluding our privilege was. That we bore everything so far patiently, because we saw that your distrust was not completely unauthorized. But nevertheless now considerable unrest prevails under the Ershoka in the barracks. If they are openly insulted, I cannot calm them down perhaps any longer." Jadhadi III. saw to its highest Magier over there. "which you hold of it, for Nagagir?" he asked muerrisch. The old person kraechzte only: "the affair does not continue to seem to be important, noblest ones. Only few Ershoka have at all opportunity to speak with the strangers. Which does it already make, if they attach so great importance to it?" "I spoke also in your interest, noblest ones", added Harry Smit. Falkayn took the favorable opportunity. "if we are, noblest ones no longer here, are this problem immediately solved", stellte it firm. a "our offer on, then we break taking open you after Rangakora; if you reject however, fly we again home. As your decision reads?" "Krrr ek." The emperor gave way against-willingly. "the instruction is waived", knarrte it to the writer. Then wandle it itself at Falkayn. "I cannot decide simply at random. We know so few about they if you quite friendly intentions have, can you to us misfortune bring somehow. Therefore I let call you today. Describe to Nagagir your rites, thereby it it to judge can." Also still! Falkayn groaned internally. Nevertheless the discussion was whole maintenance SAM. "the members of the Polesotechni league are indeed powerful Zauberer", now prahlte it. "we studied the regularities of the coincidence, on which everything depends up that world. I am gladly ready to inaugurate you into the secrets of a valuable ritual which we call Poker. And which concerns the defense of bad spirit... Now, we can supply most effective talismans to you with to lowest prices - for example also four-leaf clover sheets." Nagagir wanted to hear however details. Falkayns magic rites and talismans were perhaps less effective, than humans believed; the destroyers availed themselves often of such cheat, in order to fall people into spoiling. The noblest one determines understand that this possibility had to be examined. Falkayn could only delay it and said: "I prepare best a summary, noblest ones, which we can study and evaluate then together. I would welcome it however, if you could put a similar summary of your system to me at the disposal ", added it still. Nagagir tore surprises the bill up. Jadhadi III. rose, drew back with the speer and kreischte: "wools you our secrets spy?" "no, no, no!" Falkayn spread the hands and felt that the sweat stood for him on the forehead. "I do not attach importance to the secrets, which admits only the Magiern be may. Only each child knows the things, those here... " Nagagir calmed down again. "property, I will arrange that my pupils start working, promised" he. "however you must have some time patience with us." "are enough as?" Nagagir twitched with the shoulders. This attitude was typical for the inhabitants of this part of the planet, which knew neither nights nor seasons. "may I now go, to noblest ones?" Falkayn asked. The emperor dismissed it benevolently. "sending you me the dinner up", instructed Falkayn to the servant, who led back it into its apartment. "in addition I need something write material and a jug liquor." "which sort liquor?" "natural the sharpest. But fast!" Falkayn went through the curtains into its apartment. An arm put around its neck. "Gik!" he said and reached for his emitter, while he stepped after the aggressor. Its paragraph met only a medium-high fur boot, the man behind it held its right wrist as in a vice. Falkayn was even not weak, could tear off however neither these nor the other hand, on which a second Ershokh hung. Third humans emerge before him. Falkayn stepped with the foot after it, but pushed rapidly elevated signs him back. And behind this sign Stepha Carl became visible. In the right hand it held a wet rag, which it pressed Falkayn on the nose. When the Wuerger loosened its grasp, Falkayn got instinktiv deeply air; a stinging smell let it together-twitch and sink unconscious into the knees. 5. Normally the old part of town was not evenly the safest district of Katandara, Hugh Padrick Adzel had explained. Here not only some Klans, which were specialized in murders, armed robberies and thefts, lived but also numerous dissatisfied ones, which not yet so that had compensated themselves that the house Deodakh placed the emperor now. The Ershoka went only into groups through the old part of town, but Adzel counted even as group. "I would like to provoke no controversy", warned the Wodenit however. "that is not to assume", calmed down a young officer it. Padrick was largely and strongly built, had curved brown hair, a Roman nose and a beard, on which he seemed to be proud. He had come several times on attendance, longer time with Adzel had conversed and to him its services than leaders had finally offered. Now they went next to each other through the roads of the city. Padrick referred its companion to some objects of interest: a statue, which should be five thousand earth years old, the palace of a former emperor, who served now than depot, a building, whose gate resembled an open bill... "credit it now enough seen?" Padrick finally asked yawning. to "go coming you, we into the old part of town. There it is at least somewhat merrier." Short time they stopped later before a low, ramshackle building. "which you hold from a small drink?" Padrick asked. "TC, the liquor is not bad here..." Adzel made a break, because Falkayns voice evenly out the radio penetrated, which it carried around the neck hung. "death and devil!" Padrick yielded back and pulled its sword. Adzel made a reassuring hand movement and continued to speak on latin with Falkayn. ", he did not say a fear" then. "that is only a small charm trick, a swearing to of all good spirit, before one enters a strange house." "that cannot certainly harm", agreed Padrick here. It had fast again calmed down. "lot, you come." "I... aeh... I would have actually again into the palace back." "what? Now, where the fun begins only?" Padrick pulled Adzel on the arm. "perhaps later once. Now I must really... " Padrick made an insulted face. "you are not my friend, if you deflect my invitation." "excusing you", capitulates Adzel, "I wanted to be certainly not impolite." It was thirsty, and Falkayn had not spoken of the fact that he had to return rapidly. The young officer preceded, stopped on the threshold of the tavern and main headers greeting the hand. "peace between us!" he called the remaining guests too, who his companion surprised anstarrten. "you know me all - I am Hugh Padrick. This is the guest of the emperor here. It is large, but friedfertig, and no Daemon follows it." The guests conversed far, while Padrick zusteuerte on a free table, before which Adzel on the soil lie could. The landlord approached and inquired about his desires. "filling up", instructed Padrick generously and pointed thereby to Adzel. The liquor was not stronger than concentrated sulfuric acid, tasted however pleasantly bitter. Adzel emptied the first half litre on a course. "you consider me hopefully not greedy", said he thereby. "drinking you only, I pays everything." Padrick pointed to its stout filled body belt. "our pay is plentiful, that must one to the emperor leave." Adzel asked Padrick whether he had seen Stepha again Carl since their return. "natural has I that!" Padrick answered inspired. "a mad girl!" "a pleasant, but somewhat impulsive personality", agreed Adzel. "I thought actually less of the personality. But Stepha is really as tough and intelligent as each man. We drink on their well-being!" They knocked against. When the remaining guests saw the fact that the Drache was so umgaenglich approached some from them curiously. Padrick invited all to drink at its expense ordered a round after the other one and seemed koestlich to amuse itself. The fact that the party finally went to end, was not because of it was that the money would have gone out, but to the fact to attribute that most guests were liveless under the tables. "I... must go... now...", determined Adzel. Its legs seemed to consist of rubber, and its tail moved like automatically. "correct", agreed Padrick. "the obligation calls." With shrill voice Adzel could be heard: "have my friend, you a completely wrong view of life. If it... hicks! ... would be with the universe one - however with it you may not make the error... hicks! ... " Adzel was not by any means a religious fanatic, had however the feeling that this fine chap, who varied now beside him outside had to know at least, which advantages of the Buddhismus to offer had. Therefore it held a long lecture for it. Padrick sang with loud voice. The natives evaded fearfully before them. "control rooms it." Padrick stopped. Adzel bent itself to it down. They had reached already nearly the barrier of the new city. "which is?" Adzel asked. "evenly it occurred to me that I must procure still something." The Ershokh seemed to be completely sober again. Had he drunk really just as much like the others? Adzel had not paid attention to it. "you must continue unfortunately alone." It vibrated Adzel nearly shift the hand and disappeared rapidly around the next street corner. Adzel signed to it after and varied then further on the palace too. "there he comes." Adzel remained standing astonished. At the far place before the gate soldiers were available. He could not estimate their number exact, because they seemed to double itself before its eyes, recognized however nevertheless that he had loud native before itself. The gate was closed and of three catapults nearly covered. Some riders approached. "stop!" the officer at their point called. Its lance flashed. "I hold already", answered friedfertig Adzel. "speaking we with one another, noblest ones", said the officer nervously. "it gave difficulties, and the emperor... ak­ krrr... attaches importance to your presence." Adzel bowed itself deeply. ", naturally, I come gladly. We go!" "Uk-k-k, only a formality, noblest one. The emperor wishes that her these... krrr ek... Badge that would carry." The officer signed a soldier near, who before-stepped hesitating. It carried several chains. "which?" Adzel yielded frightened back. In its head everything turned. "stop!" kreischte the officer. "stop or we shoots!" The soldiers at the catapults adjusted the machines. One the steel pin, which fired her, penetrated even Adzels tank. "however... Which is the matter?" inquired Adzel confuses itself. "everything. The Daemonen has itself against us swore. Their companion disappeared in society of some Ershoka. The emperor has thereupon the barracks encircle to let, but the Ershoka want not to arise. They have on ours People shot!" The officer kreischte already again. "which?" The devil should get the liquor! Adzel switched the radio on. "David! Where do you put? What is the matter?" No answer. "David! Danger! Assistance!" to "now quietly", the officer instructed you stops. "distances it the wrists out. If you are really innocent, you nothing happens." Adzel switched to the audio frequency of the spaceship. "Chee! Are you there?" "natural here am I", answered those shrill voice. Adzel sent a quiet impact prayer to the sky and explained then, into which situation he was guessed/advised rtlch goes voluntarily with ", said he. "you come with the ship here. Then they must release me, and we can look for both for David." "immediately", Chee answered. Adzel contacted again the officer. "property, I comes along voluntarily", explained it to it. From the loudspeaker voice tangle penetrated. Chee seemed to converse with possibly someone. Adzel spread the arms and opened the mouth. That should be a friendly smile, but the soldiers twitched together, when they saw its dangerous reisszaehne. The officer knocked against the chain-basic soldier with the lance. ", he instructed far ones". "doing it your obligation!" But the soldier went slowly backwards. Its comrades evaded after both sides, in order to let it through. "making you nevertheless no nonsense", said Adzel. It wanted as fast as possible into the palace back, in order to come this mysterious thing on the reason. Now it started moving. The riders drove their animals to the side. "however I want to nevertheless only help!" Adzel roared. It packed the soldier at the collar, took from it away the chains and set it off again. The Ikranankaner rolled itself to one small ball together. Adzel sat on its tail and considered angstrengt. The chains were somehow in disorder-guessed/advised. "as I am to get along with it?" Adzel wanted to know insulted. The more it itself trouble gave to untangle the chains seemed the larger the disorder to become. The soldiers observed it fascinated. Suddenly a cry penetrated from the loudspeaker of its radio. "Adzel! You must flee! I cannot help you any longer, because I... " Then noise, which suggested a fight, followed a sudden impact - and silence. A rider came Adzel into the traverse. It main header the soldier and its Zandara up and threw both into the first number of the lance carriers standing behind it in readiness. As it, he broke absent-minded by their rows. Everywhere now loud cries sounded, then a true hail followed from arm chest pins. The mounted officer inserted the lance and attacked from the side. Adzel did not see it punctual. The steel point met its neck, glided from the sheds and destroyed the radio, which the Wodenit hung there had. Adzel could not be stopped, but continued to storm. It had reached and disappeared the first houses at the edge of the place around the next corner, before the astonished soldiers had recovered from their fright. Adzel had to reach as fast as possible the Urshi lake. The Ikanankaner could pursue a float only on its awkward rafts, which rapid Adzel would leave behind itself. As soon as it had reached the other bank, it wanted to make itself on the way after Haijakata, where it had to arrive, before the there garrison could be alarmed... Only it harms that he had lost his radio! Now, Chees was sufficient also, if he had released her only from the clamp, in which she obviously was. Then they could start the ship, which Aircar from the palace get and which begin search for David. If David still lived. If they remained alive. 6. Chee Lan prepared to go to Haijakata in order to take again instruction with Gujgengi. Both attached great importance to experience as much as possible over the civilization of the other one. "readiness as usual", still said it to the ship computer, before it stepped by the air lock after outside. Smart head hummed quietly before itself. Readiness meant that it reacted only to instructions of the crew, which were coded given either directly, by radio or. It knew now also the language of the natives, was however in such a way programmed that it did not obey instructions in this language. Chee had switched however the external loudspeaker on, in order to be able to speak if necessary also of outside with the computer. When the air-lock had closed behind Chee, it hopste the passenger-loading stairs down there. Beside the second telescope leg a hatch remained open, which was meant as refuge for emergencies. The natives could cause no damage there - even if they had overcome their fear of the spaceship -, because behind it lay only the loading space NR. 4, which was provisionally still empty. And smart head would open the door to the tween deck only for crew members. Chee was proud on the fact that she had taken already now all precautions, which could proving itself later than valuable. Short time had reached it later one of the city gates. The being awake posts lifted greeting the swords. Chee pushed the door of the large blockhouse up, in which Gujgengi had taken quarter. The imperial envoys sat with Lalnakh, the commander of the garrison, at a low table. The two were busy with a play, with multicolored colored staebchen on a board were thrown, which was divided into fields. Chee jumped on the table and thereby nearly the staebchen would have knocked against. "which is that?" inquired it. Gujgengi answered ready: "it is called Akritel and is played, by..." The rules were rather complicated. "plays it now finally or not?" Lalnakh asked muerrisch. "directly, good friend. Leave to me only something time." Gujgengi adjusted itself its eyeglasses. "I believe, my luck am today normal", said he and pointed thereby to the coins which he had stacked before itself. "I will now try to obtain the following figure..." It took up some staebchen and vibrated it, while it locked the bet. "you guess/advise only", determined Chee. "you would have to know however, for which them bets." Lalnakh stared it on. "which is the hot?" "I do not mean the actual result", avowed Chee it. "however one can compute, how large the Erfolgs­ is prospects. Then one knows whether the employment is justified." "like one is being able to compute that?" Gujgengi asked astonished. "plays it!" Lalnakh reminded. Gujgengi vibrated the staebchen again and let it then fall. He had guessed/advised correctly. "Arrr k!" knurrte Lalnakh. "is enough to me." It pushed its last coins over the table. Gujgengi counted it. "you seem to have lost more", determined it then. Lalnakh made an ugly remark and searched in its body belt around. Then it threw a whitish coin on the table. "are you content thereby? It originates from Rangakora. I carried it so far as talisman with me. But today are the Daemonen too strongly for me." The coin showed a kind laurel ring on the front, while on the drawback a Gebirgs­ landscape was shown. But a part of the silver was already sharpened. "that is only silvered Bronce", determined Chee. "only one of the many arts, which are exercised there", answered Gujgengi. "you put the metal into a bath and... I know not quite. Anyhow a strong charm. When I was there once as an envoy, they let me touch two copper threads, which came from a crate, and possibly something bit me. They only laughed." It vibrated the head. "thes subject of this kind become very estimated with us, because one after-says charm forces to them. That is a reason more, why conquest appears desirable to the city Rangekora." "we could take over that for you", avowed Chee. "in addition we supply gladly each quantity silvered metal to you with." "Ak-krrr. They must understand to meet noblest ones that I am not able, a so rapid decision. I am only as a representative of the emperor here." "however you can recommend nevertheless certain measures, not truely?" Chee pushed. "I know that you stand by messengers in constant connection with the emperor." "I go now", quit. Lalnahk muerrisch on. In this instant a voice penetrated from the loudspeaker of the radio. "Chee! Are you there?" Adzels voice, which sounded distorted to something. Was the large fool drunk? Their fur straeubte itself. "natural..." it began icily. Lalnakh jumped to the side and tore its dolch from the sheath. Gujgengi rose and made indications against the bad spirit. "which is that?" Lalnakh wanted to know. "a harmless charm", said Chee rapidly. "complete harmless." From the loudspeaker voice tangle penetrated. Chee listened to Adzel. Their fur straeubte itself still, but it considered at the same time so very fast and calmly, as it was used to it in emergencies to do. "immediately", it answered and saw to the two Ikranankanern over there, which answered their view hostilely! "I must now go", determined her. Gujgengi main header the arm. "that was the voice of the monster", said it accusing. "with it it is nevertheless in the capital!" "correct", admitted Chee. Before it could to be able to be broken in an excuse, Gujgengi continued: "with this thing one can speak thus about large distances away. I already assumed that you would have to be capable of it. He asked, not you for assistance truely?" Chee could only nod being silent. The Ikranankaner approached and stared it searchingly on. "the Ershoka revolted", said it. "you entrenchd yourselves in the barracks and to refuse itself to leave the building. Adzel wants the fact that I come and intimidates it." "is not applicable no,!" protested Lalnakh. "I regret this development sincerely, noblest ones", added Gujgengi, "however since then your companions in the palace am, I instruction received to absolutely prevent that your vehicle is moved." "wools it for instance a citizen war?" inquired Chee applied. "details in addition come it if the Ershoka is not brought soon back to the reason." The noise from the loudspeaker became still stronger. "perhaps you think for alternation once. Become did I in all peace do not here-remain, if I wanted the fall of the emperor?" The two stopped. Lalnakh saw uncertain to soil. Gujgengi scratched itself at the head. ", he murmured a good argument". The noise continued to increase. A Ikranankaner roared: "assistance, the monster kills me!" Lalnakh stepped forwards. In the sunlight, which fell diagonally by the windows, its dolch flashed blood-redly. "is that friendly?" the officer asked furiously. Chee pulled its emitter. "that must be a misunderstanding", answered rapid it. "I legend the truth, if I state that we are your friends, and I shoot everyone, that me a Luegnerin to call dare." Chee straightened up. "I go now", determined her. "attempts it not to prevent me from it." Gujgengi surprised it. It pulled its sword and said calmly: "I am a Deodakh. If I would leave now you escaped, without a Gegenwehr to have tried, I would be no longer worthy to belong to my Klan." Chee hesitated still. She did not want to shoot it. Thus also the future negotiations would have been endangered. Perhaps a shot, which it only fight made unable? Unfortunately it had paid attention itself by these considerations divert to let and at the moment no more to Lalnakh. The officer drew back, pushed very fast to and struck Chee the emitter from the hand. Chee had hardly still sufficient time, Adzel a warning zuzurufen, before she lay motionlessly on the floor. "hook k k", knurrte Lalnakh. "keeping still!" It struck it with the fist on the head, reached for the radio and threw it away. "slow, slowly", said Gujgengi appeasing. "no acts of violence, noblest ones. That is everything only an unfortunate misunderstanding." He zunickte to Chee friendly, him furiously, but helplessly, and crushed at the same time the radio under its foot anstarrte. "I send immediately a messenger loosely. Up to its return you are treated as considerationful, as it the circumstances permit." 7. Falkayn had lost but was consciousness not completely, only in a condition of mental dissolution, as if he had substantially too much drunk. Its thoughts diverged it ten different directions, without it could itself have concentrated on a certain idea. He noticed indistinctly that he leaned varying at a wall, while possibly someone took jacket, shirt and trousers to him off, until it stood there only in the underwear and rattled with the teeth. "help me, Owen", murmured Stepha. "its servant must return soon again..." The blond one rolled a dress bundle up and gave to Stepha successively individual pieces of uniform from rough cloth: the equipment of a Kavalleristen of the Ershoka. Stepha tightened Falkayn again, which was not simple, because he could hardly hold himself on the legs, although the Rothaarige supported him. But the betaeubende effect diminished gradually. Falkayn would have called nearly for assistance. Nevertheless he did not do it, because he recognized that the attempt had to remain unsuccessful. Perhaps later. It felt again reliably on the legs, the area turned no longer before its eyes and fastened it someone now the belt with the dolch over... Stepha did it. Falkayn would have the dolch to pull and it in the backs to push be able, while she kauerte before him. But that would have been a terrible verschwendung. Falkayn bent itself to the right, turned half after the Rothaarigen, reached very fast for the dolch and wanted to sting. Wanted! The dolch had however no blade, but only a short beginning, which was hardly sufficient in addition, the weapon in that To hold sheath. The Ershokh had determines a Bluterguss carried off, because he yielded with a murmured curse back. Falkayn stolperte on the door too. When it opened the mouth, in order to call its servant, the blond one seized it by the arms, while Stepha reached for the damp rag. It plugged it the rag into the mouth. While it went slowly to soil, it heard it whisper generously and appreciative: "a nice trick. They really tore, but thus we counted." She bent and wanted to waive Falkayns emitter and the Laehmpistole. "He!" the blond one said. "let the stuff lie." "however those are its weapons, avowed Stepha it. "I said you nevertheless, what one can begin thereby everything." "we do not know however whether they are somehow verhext. Let it lie, legend I." The Rothaarige, that still its ribs beta-constant, agreed. Stepha did not seem to agree, it knew however that they did not have sufficient time for a longer discussion. Therefore she rose sighing. to "beautiful, then we put them into the cabinet, so that its servant believes, it only for short time to outside went here. Loosely, comes along, we have it hasty!" * Falkayn stolperte between the two men into the passage outside. In this part of the palace were only few people on the way. On the stairs its servant came to meet them, who dragged a tonkrug. The Ikranankaner did not recognize it in new costume again. Also the other Hoeflinge, which was in the ground floor, did not seem to suspect, who was led past them. Only one civil servant represented them the way. "he drank too much and then run", explained themselves Stepha to him. "we return it into the barracks." Later Falkayn had few minutes itself again so far recovered that it noticed that its kidnappers headed for the gate in the northern stadtmauer, which was used only rarely, because directly behind it the desert began. About twenty Ershoka in full armament waited there for their arrival. Four Tiruts, which had guarded the gate, lay bound and geknebelt on earth. Humans left the city without further stay. "far ones!" The blond one tore Falkayn at the arm forward. "you are no more betaeubt now!" , admitted Falkayn "is correct". With each step its head became clearer. But helped it little, because the kidnappers surrounded in from all sides. Few hundred meters far reached it a ravine. Here waited over fifty Zandaras, which were guarded by two mounted Ikranankanern. Some served as luggage animals, which should others alternating than riding animals are used. The Ershoka swung into the saddles. Falkayn climbed carefully on the Zandara, which had been assigned to him. The Ikranankaner returned to the city. Stepha sat down to the point of the column and rode to the east of it. After they had overcome the first upward gradient, lay a far level before them, which extended up to the horizon. They began to gallop. No, that was hardly the correct expression! Falkayns Zandara rests with a crazy acceleration of it. It was thrown to the right. Its Nebenmann held it straight still in time, before he could fall from the saddle. Meanwhile the Zandara was already again in air. Falkayn dropped back. This time it saved itself, by embracing the neck of the animal. "He, want to erwuergen you the poor animal?" someone called spoettisch. "...... I had...... actually forwards", brought out Falkayn between the jumps laboriously. Around it lance points flashed, fluttered color-glad coats, blew high helmet shrubs. Metal rattled/clinked on metal, saddle things crunches, laughters and joke words would fulfill air. Falkayn trick the eyes together and stared forward, where Stepha rode. It seemed to have noticed the fact that it observed it because it turned in the saddle and signed to him too. And then it laughed also still sound-ends! Falkayn crunches with the teeth. Actually it had only wanted to together-bite it, but its mouth was full sand. If it wanted to survive this wild hunt living, it had to learn the method. Gradually it cribbed the others from, as one began it correctly. Briefly before the Zandara affected again the soil, one rose easily in the stirrups, in order to intercept the impact in the knees. The body moved thus in the same rhythm with the riding animal. Falkayn, which had in former times imagined itself to be in good condition now determined that muscles it were stressed from whose presence it so far nothing had known, and that this mentioned muscles against it revolted itself. Its physical condition busy it soon more than all assumptions over the purpose of this expedition. Several times made it a short break, in order to rest and change the Zandaras. Some eternities broke it open later finally a camp. The meant however only that there was iron rations from saddling ashes and in addition a small sip from the canteen. Then guards were issued, while all different rolled themselves and slept into their cover. Falkayn could not judge, how long he had been in the horizontals, when Stepha woke him up again. "way", he murmured and fell asleep immediately again. It reached for its hair and pulled strongly on it. Then it dragged it to the breakfast. Now they continued to ride somewhat more slowly. Falkayns muscular strain became better, because he got accustomed gradually to the riding style. It noticed to it that the desert became here constantly hillier, while the soil seemed to be somewhat more fruitful. The sun stood now still more deeply than in Katandara and threw enormous shade in the direction of the Sundhadarta mountains, of them slate-grey summits on the horizon became visible. At the end of the second "daily" they were overhauled by a rider, who led three additional animals with itself. Falkayn stared it astonished on. That was nevertheless Hugh Padrick, the devil should it get! The young officer signed to it merrily to and rode then to the point of the column, in order to speak with Stepha. The two conversed still, when the second night camp was broken open - this time on a hill between low yellow shrubs. The Ershoka went sleeping not directly, but ignited smaller fires and sat in groups before it while a jug liquor made the round. Falkayn had not the intention of taking part in this merry camp life but remained somewhat apart under shrubs sitting. He rose however rapidly, when he saw Stepha coming. It stopped before it and smiled. "wools you us society do not carry out?" she asked then friendly. "property I another choice?" he asked with hoarse voice. The grey eyes regarded it seriously. Stepha put nearly shyly the hand to it on the arm. "wrong, David does to me. Thus I have not might treat you, after you saved the life to me. No, you did not really earn that. But I may explain at least the reasons for it to you?" It followed it measure-courageously to a fire, at which Padrick roasted a large piece meat, which it had put on its sword. "hello", said the Ershokh grinsend. "hopefully the trip pleased you so far." "which is become from Adzel?" inquired Falkayn. "no notion. When I saw it last, he was drunk toward palace on the way. I did not want to absolutely necessarily be longer than in the city, therefore I decreased/went back to the Urshi lake, where I mean Zandaras had hidden. Then I came." Padrick main header its canteen. "here, you drink a sip liquor, thereby you again become merrier." "faith it that I drink with you, after her..." "David", asked Stepha, "listens to you us only. I cannot imagine that your enormous friend seriously in Schwierig­ keiten is guessed/advised. Happened to it nothing determines, as long as the small one has the flier. Perhaps the emperor assumes also directly that you were kidnapped against your will." "I" doubt, determined Falkayn. "perhaps humans would come on this thoughts, but the Ikranankaner sees under each bed a conspirator." "our own compatriots in the barracks do not have it now also easily", threw in Stepha. "probable comes it even to an argument between them and the other soldier of the emperor, after the tendency on both sides reached already nearly the boiling point." "that is however not the straight best method to lead a Klan", meant Falkayn. "no! We want only their best. Listen nevertheless finally." Stepha pointed to a saddle cover, which was spread before the fire. Falkayn took on it place. Stepha sat down beside it. Padrick grinste understanding. "the meal is equivalent finished", promised it. "as it stands with the sip liquor?" "beautiful, give you to things finally!" Falkayn said. It took a strong sip, vibrated themselves automatically and stated that it made itself actually fewer concerns around Adzel. "you belong to Robert Hoerns people, not truely?" he asked then. "correct", agreed Stepha, "however first was I the only one. Hoern sends feeler gauges again and again after Katandara, which is not further difficult, because the Ikranankaner partly stands on its side. The inhabitants of Rangakora would like to rather stand under his rule than under that of the emperor, if they are to be conquered. Anyhow we experienced that you had arrived, did not know however, what we should hold from the vague rumors. Therefore I made on the way, came myself in the twilight ungesehen by the hostile lines and rode toward Haijokota. There a military patrol became on me attentively. My second Zandara remained lying shot, and I would have been gotten almost likewise." She laughed and drove Falkayn with the hand by the hair. "thank you, David." "you have thus only from our discussion inferred that we stood on the side of the emperor, and gave, to the loyalen troops to likewise belong", determined Falkayn. "however why you flew then with us to Katandara?" "I had to undertake nevertheless possibly something, not truely? They wanted to support the emperor against us. I did not have notion, which one could undertake against it, knew however that many Ershoka would have rather likewise been in Rangakora. And I knew that I was safe in the barracks." Stepha smiled. "however Harry Smit was really furious! It wanted to place me on the place before a court-martial. It could not do that however, because the others revolted themselves against it. Finally he was satisfied to put me into the detention cell. As you see, my old friends have me soon released... " Falkayn straightened up and stared the young woman on. "which purpose actually does this entfuehrung have?" he asked. "you are to be prevented to help the emperor", avowed Padrick it. "perhaps we can persuade you even to support us. Finally we are humans likewise." "the Ershoka in Katandara in addition." "we do not only do for us", insured Stepha it. "why we are to be eternally only mercenaries of the emperor and after laws live, which are not cut to us, if we can create their own realm elsewhere." "still to it the country is nevertheless substantially better", added Padrick. "Robert Hoern hoped, the Ershoka to the emperor the loyalty would up-say and to him would come. However they would have to then free-fight themselves the way - however the price would be worth the trouble!" "perhaps the Ershoka has now no more other choice", admitted Falkayn. "however why all this? Didn't I say to you that you all can return to the earth?" Stepha tore frightened the eyes up and struck themselves the hand before the mouth. "Oh! I had forgotten that completely!" "already too late", Padrick meant laughing. "in addition it would have lasted some time, until the fliers come, not truely, David? What would have become in the meantime from Rangakora? And... I know not at all quite whether I would like back. The earth is certainly in certain relationship worse than Katandara." "excellently", Falkayn said. "perhaps you even reached, what you wanted to reach. But I promise to relieve that I do not have the intention, you the dirty work already now to you of." "why don't you want to help us?" Stepha asked and took its hand. "I..." "power anything", did not interrupt Padrick it. "your ship into the fight does not intervene so long, has we nothing to fear. And it does not certainly do, because we keep you as hostages." "Viellleicht free me however my friends and zertruem­ mern thereby your miserable walls." "if they try", answered to Padrick, "find them only your corpse. We communicate to them, as soon as they come." "wouldn't that be unfortunate, David?" Stepha asked. "with it our friendship began evenly only." Falkayn nodded resigned. It did not have however the intention of resigning itself eternally to this condition. But provisionally it was content with itself and the world, because which could it require more than meals, a drinking and the society of a pretty young woman? After dinner it maintained still for a long time with the two Ershoka, stated themselves that Padrick was actually a fine chap and Stepha supernew facts. Only it harms that the two would have to sleep finally insisted on it, them now all, in order to be rested, if the next stage began. Falkayn estimated that they altogether about five erdtage had on the way been, when Rangakora before them emerged. The city rose on a hill back, which was flattened to a high plateau here. A kind road schlaengelte itself in the mountains inside, another continued to lead steeply upward to a broad gate, which was locked. At the stadtmauer flowed past a mountain brook, which formed a magnificent wasserfall. Falkayn stopped automatically the breath. The Ershoka drove its Zandaras more near together. Lifted, swords were pulled to sign, arm chests were inserted strained, lances. Falkayn noticed suddenly that he would not have any longer much time to admire the landscape. The high plateau was turned up by innumerable feet. Before the walls of the city campfires smoked, stood tents, fluttered banners in the wind. From this distance the imperial soldiers worked tiny, while they in vain besieged the city, which defied them. "we seize suddenly on", avowed Padrick him. "as soon as Hoerns of people see that we come, make it a loss to support around us." Stepha rode near and continued beside Falkayn. "I would like to prevent that you come, meant on stupid thoughts" them smiling. "otherwise you still imagine yourselves, them could flee and the others arise." "never!" protested Falkayn, which had already remembered. Stepha attached a rope to the zaumzeug of its Zandaras and fastened it to its saddle. Another girl lashed its right foot at the stirrup. "battle order!" Padrick called. It pulled its sword. "attack!" The Zandaras rests of it. * Chee appeared in the prison on the market place of Haijakata, which consisted of only one area in the inside of a blockhouse. A straw bag and some clay/tone dishes placed the entire mechanism. Chee had destroyed and had tried a dish immediately to clear with the pieces of broken glass a way into the liberty. The soft material zerbroeckelte however, which proved perhaps that moves its attendants, but was anyhow not stupid. When the door of the cell opened knarrend, Chee from its pleasant dreams frightened up. In the dark red twilight glittered Gujgengis of eyeglass lenses. "I thought, said straight of you" Chee. "actual?" The imperial envoy seemed to feel flattered. "and why, if I may ask?" "Oh, I considered itself whether simmering oil or melted lead for you would be better." "I... uk-k-k... may occur I?" The curtain was continued to draw up. Behind Gujgengi Chee saw some armed ones at both sides of the lattice. "I wanted to make sure only of the fact that you have everything, which you need." "now, the roof holds the rain." "however I explained to you nevertheless that there are no rainfalls west of Sundhadarta." "whole quite." Chee threw a thoughtful view of Gujgengis sword. No, he needed to call only for assistance. "why don't I get cigarettes? They know nevertheless - the fire tubes, which I put into the mouth." "you are the inside one the flying house, noblest one, which does not open for us, although it seems to be unguarded. I was and inquired already there." "bringing you me there, thus I the instruction to give can." Gujgengi vibrated the head. "that is unfortunately impossible, noblest one, until the present unfortunate... ak-krr... Misunderstanding is enlightened. I sent a messenger away, would have that soon to return." It entered the cell, which was locked from outside. "and in the meantime Adzel reaches the ship, where your murderers already wait Chee for him", said accusing. "pulling you gefaelligst the curtain too! I do not have desire, me from the Bauernluemmeln anstarren to leave." Gujgengi obeyed. "now I see however hardly still something", complained he then. "am I to it debt? Sit down. Yes, that is the straw bag. Do they want a liquor? I got a jug fully." "Ek-k-k, now, actually..." ", you drink, pushed lot a sip" Chee. "we drink together so long, are we at least no mortal enemies." It filled up a clay/tone bowl. Gujgengi emptied it with a course and could be after-given. "only it harms that you drink, meant nothing" he then. "or you want to make me about drunk?" Well, then evenly not, Chee thought sighing. It reached for its bowl and vibrated down that to things in a course. Fortunately Gujgengi did not see, which face made her thereby. Puh! "you misjudge us completely", accused them to him. "we came with quite friendly intentions. They must make themselves calm on a punitive expedition however, if my comrade should die with the attempt to reach the ship." "Krrr ek, happens only, if it uses force. Although commander contradicted Lalnakh violently, on my desire Vorposten were set up, which warn it to penetrate further. I can only hope that he shows sufficient reason." "however which you want to begin with it? He must also eat." Gujgengi twitched together. "here, you drink still another sip", requested Chee it. "we can agree perhaps also in this relationship. Everything depends on which instructions I receive from the capital." "however if Adzel is, arrives here on the way it in former times as your courier: If you come, drink up, thus I after-give can." "no, no, I have already enough." "I drink however not gladly alone", meant Chee. "you did not take yet much to itself." "I am smaller than you", threw Chee in and drank their bowl empty. "however you cannot probably at all introduce yourselves, how much I stand." Gujgengi bent itself forward. "property, as proof of my friendly feelings I accompany you." Chee could read formally its thoughts: If it is drunk, it chats perhaps somewhat out. It encouraged it by a quiet Ruelpsen. He drank evenly, but few, while Chee poured the liquor in ever faster in itself. Nevertheless it had to play it to be drunk while it had an easy Schwips, which was certainly not played. It remained however so far sober that it it quite skillfully out-asked and the topic changed immediately, when it encountered resistance. Finally he rose, in order to go. "remaining you still, old friend", asked Chee. "leaving it me not alone." "I come back soon. I... " "request!" Chee stolperte and held on to it. Gujgengi varied likewise and lost thereby its eyeglasses. Chee threw itself on it. Their bowl fell to soil. Possibly something splintered. "assistance!" Gujgengi called. "my eyeglasses!" "wrong does to me, really does to me wrong." Chee looked for fragments. The guards fell in here. Chee withdrew itself before them to to the wall. Gujgengi blinzelte uncertainly. "which is happened, noblest one?" asked the soldier, who with gezuecktem sword before it. "a small accident", said Chee. "expressed wrong does to me. Come, I help you." "stopping!" the soldier instructed. The second post gathered the broken glasses. "that was unintentional without doubt", meant Gujgengi and made an indication against the Daemonen. "best you sleep now." "I can help you however. We have physicians, who treat your eyes, so that you must never carry again eyeglasses." Chee was surprised at the fact that she meant the suggestion completely serious. But the imperial envoy was actually nevertheless completely acceptable, and now he determines trouble have find suitable eyeglasses. "I have still another second eyeglasses", answered Gujgengi. "leads me to my accomodation." It bowed itself before Chee and left the cell. Chee rolled itself on its mattress together. "the light is too bright", weighted it. "tighten the curtain, thus I to sleep can." The soldiers closed the curtain, went out and put the latch plate forward. Chee waited caution for the sake of still some minutes, before she rose, but even then schnarchte it convincingly. It seized under the straw bag and got some glass fragments out, which had aside created it, while Gujgengi around-groped helplessly in the darkness. Then it made to the work and sawed themselves patiently at the ropes, which held the lattice network together at the rear wall of the hut. They knew that this work some hours would take up, could in addition, by this consideration not from it be held. * Several hours later it it finally had created. It squeezed itself carefully through the developed opening, determined that the being awake posts did not see in their direction, and rests over the place before the prison. Before the soldiers had recovered from their surprise, them had disappeared between the houses, reached a little later the kiosk, from which the tunnels to the city well led downward, and rushed the stairs down there. The long course was lit up in regular intervals of oil lamps. Chee stopped with first the two, blew it out and continued to hurry then. Their pursuers would not dare it to run blindly into the darkness and had to therefore wait, until torches/flares had been brought here. Fortunately the lower exit was not guarded - it knew from Gujgengi, which had told it that only in times of threatening danger posts stood there. Chee fell into the free, stopped and looked up to the stadtmauern, where individual pursuers swung threateningly their weapons, without being able to reach her. She saw also the Muddling Through, whose point rose up silver into the dark sky. Should she rather try to occupy the ship? As soon as it had again on board arrived, you could wear the natives to nothing more. No. They would not even reach the ship, because it was certainly well guarded. Now, then it had to wait evenly, until it had found Adzel. Chee sighed with itself and made themselves on the way, whereby she remained in the fields beside the road after Katandara, where she could not be seen. After some time its throat was as dried up, so that it went crosswise over the fields toward a farmstead, where a source had to be. It schlich carefully more near and was omitted the shrubs in covering, until she finally saw the yard. There also Adzel stood. It held a kind pig in the arm, which it had obviously evenly only slaughtered, and said loud: "good friend, I must insist really on the fact that you call me at least your worth name." "with it you me better witches can?" asked a male voice from the inside of the house, whose windows and doors were barricaded. "no, I promise you! I would like to issue you however a receipt. At least I must experience, whom I owe the payment, so that I can show up later perceptibly. I need the meat, would however not like it not to steal." From a Schiessscharte an arrow came and reflected from Adzels shed. He sighed disappointed. "now, if you do not want really..." Chee emerged beside it. "where is there water here?" she asked with hoarse voice. Adzel twitched together. "you! My love, which would have I never expected! Which is you... " "you do not need me any longer also to address my love ' you nincompoops. Don't you see that I drained already completely before thirst?" Adzel made an insulted face, what did not succeed to him however well. "perhaps you are somewhat more polite in the future - makes less widerlich you. I am day and night on the way, over... " "which, you have already the whole planet orbited?" Chee threw in spoettisch. Adzel gave way resigned and showed it the source. The water was muddy, but Chee drank nevertheless greedily. Then it decreased/went back again to Adzel. "which you have thus experienced?" she asked it. Adzel reported in detail, - while he devoured the animal. When it had terminated its report, it saw to Chee over there, vibrated sadly the head and asked: "which we do now?" "we let the ship come naturally." "as?" Chee noticed only now that its radio was likewise destroyed. The two stared themselves being silent on. * Gujgengi adjusted itself the spare eyeglasses on the bill. It pressed something and did not sit not as well as the old. In addition it saw everything only indistinct and blurred. It got deeply air, collected its whole courage and stepped a step more near. The soldiers behind him observed it fearfully. That spurred it. It must show them that we do not know Deodaka fear and so on. However he would have never come, if Lalnakh had not been. The commander had specified itself really like a savage. Gujgengi knew that the Tiruts was not to be compared with the Deodaka, it natural as a civilized Klan had however nevertheless regarded. Lalnakh had been so zornig however over the escape of the prisoners that... Now, also Gujgengi knew that the emperor would not be evenly inspired. In order to save the family honour, it had rejected and had offered the reproaches of the Tiruts entruestet to visit the flying house. Would the commander accompany it thereby? No? Distinguished. Of course one spoke not equal of it so that he did not consider himself it differently, perhaps but later one could point out that the noblest Lalnakh did not seem to have had the courage. The moral superiority had to be protected, even if one risked thereby the own life. Gujgengi swallowed drying. "noblest ones!" he called. "speaking it with me?" those asked metallic voice over it. "Ak-krrr." Gujgengi could be demonstrated already in former times that this flying house (no, the correct word for it ski was called with two unpronounceable consonants at the end, not truely?) to speak and think could. Naturally it was also conceivable that the strangers it betrogen had, because in reality still someone was there inside. If this assumption applied, it had to concern a strange nature, which seemed to possess hardly its own will. "now?" Gujgengi asked, when the silence had lasted to for a long time. "I wait for the fact that you further-speak", answered that ski. "I would like to inquire about your intentions, noblest ones." "yet was not communicated to me, what I am to intend." "up to then you do not do to anything?" "I continue to observe and record the results of these observations, if I am asked later for it." Gujgengi drew a deep breath relieved. Exactly that he had hoped in the quiet. It collected all courage and asked: a "taking we once on, you observe that one of the crew members comes into difficulties. Which you do then?" "which is instructed to me - so far I of it am capable." "otherwise nothing? I mean, krr ek, you independently would not act?" "only if I receive verbal or coded instructions. Otherwise the danger of a mistake would be too large." Gujgengi was now still more relieved than before. Therefore it felt suddenly the need to satisfy its intellectual curiosity. In addition the new knowledge could be used sometimes later. Finally that would stand for ski still here, even if the Ershokh and its both uncanny companions should find death. Gujgengi contacted the next officer. a "pulling you with your people further back", he instructed himself him. "I have to discuss secrets here." The Tirut threw a distrustful view to him, obeyed however being silent. Gujgengi turned again to ski. "you are not completely passive", determined it. "you answer my questions up to a certain degree." "like that I am designed. I possess a logical faculty of judgement." "Ak-krrr, you bore yourselves here not quite?" "would not correspond to my construction. I observe, evaluate and record the results. If there is nothing to observe, I am concerned with Poker." "with which?" "Poker is a play, that in my ship is played." "Aha. I am pleased that you answer so open me." "I was instructed. To be friendly their people opposite. the only expression of my vocabulary, which applies in this case, is ' dependent '. I was not instructed not to answer questions. Therefore I infer from the fact that I am to answer her." Gujgengi stepped excited more near. "target the hot - I understand you correctly, noblest ones - that you answer all my questions?" "no. Since I am dependent, to protect, I conclude the interests of my crew from the presence of your soldiers that it came to a conflict. Therefore I do not give answers, your side of prejudices to provide could." Gujgengi twitched disappointed with the shoulders, when he heard that that was not told ski to him, how emitters were consumed. "giving it at least information over harmless problems?" inquired it. "that is a difficult question", answered that ski after a longer break. "I see however no reason not to meet your desire. After it is however purpose of our expedition to obtain profits you must pay for the information." "however... however like?" "you can bring furs, jewels and other objects of value and put them into the empty area, which you forwards see to see. Which I am to compute for you?" Gujgengi considered feverful. It remembered a remark, the Chee Lan before their arrest in Lalnakhs House had made. "we play occasionally a portion of Akritel", said it slowly. "ability you me say, as one thereby win?" "explaining it me the rules." Gujgengi described it readily. ", that is completely simple", answered that ski. "on honest way one can win not each time, but a player, who knows the probability, with which individual Figurationen arises, is superior to the others, which are dependent on assumptions. If you bring write material, then I dictate a table of the Wahrschein­ to you lichkeiten." Gujgengi had to control itself, in order not to appear overeager. "which I have for it to pay, noblest ones?" Ski considered briefly and called then a quantity, which it as appropriately designated. Gujgengi protested and said, thus he to the begging staff am brought. Finally it gave way against-striving. It would have itself to borrow money, in order to be able to buy all this; fortunately the dealers were less impudently, since then the city of the external world were cut off. As soon as it was again in the capital, where around high employments one played... "somewhat, noblest ones experience credit you?" the officer asked, when Gujgengi made itself on the way back. "", he answered. "extremely important details. I must pay a high bribery sum, but I do in the interest of the emperor from my own bag. Do not ensure for it that nobody speaks with the ski, thus the secrets to be betrayed." Falkayn had made and stepped a rundgang in Stephas company by the palace now on the roof terrace outside. Its body guard - two young Ershoka, which did not leave it long a second from the eyes - followed closely behind it. "ah, there are Hoern and the king!" Stepha said suddenly and pointed to two shapes at the parapet wall. Hoern put the brass telescope aside, by which he had regarded the hostile camp, and nodded. "from guard to guard it sees there down more badly out", meant it thereby. "the imperial ones are completely demoralized." "however nevertheless still in the majority", Falkayn threw in. Robert Hoern laughed. It was places underneath, grauhaarig, something over fifty and had penetrating blue eyes. "can no fear, we wait, because our still for a long time are enough, said to supply" he. "perhaps they give the siege up, if the other Ershoka comes. Anyhow we need to wait only up to the next twilight, because they are then so hungry, ill and dazzled that we can hunt them. They probably know." It turned to the young Ikranankaner, which beside it. "king Ursala, that is the man of the stars, of whom I already told you." The monarch nodded slowly. "I welcome you", said he thereby. "as unfortunate that I must make your acquaintance under these circumstances." "perhaps that can be changed", meant Falkayn. "well-being, if your comrades true-make the threat, us under the rule of the emperor in Katandara to hardly bring", determined the king. Falkayn was ashamed nearly. "we acted in such a way only out of unawareness of the true facts. But the sovereignty of the emperor would be really so intolerable? I did not have the impression that its subjects are badly treated." "Rangakora was already a city, as Katandara not yet more than one village was", answered sovereigntyful the king. "the Deodaka was before few generations still barbarians, who lived in the desert. Their way of life is incompatible with ours, because with us... " Falkayn remembered, what had told Stepha him over Rangakora. Here there was not only a science, but also a polytheistische religion, progressed relatively far, whose Gods were not Daemonen, and guilds, whose members originated from different Klans. It would be not conceivable that a compromise between these two social orders stability would produce, which was a condition for Handels­ relations with Ikrananka? Falkayn looked up desperately to the sky. When finally did Muddlin theThrough come, in order to save it? Chee and Adzel had to assume nevertheless that it was here. Or was them somewhat course-push? It noticed only now that the king had addressed it, and returned to the present. "I please around pardon, noblest one", murmured he. "we use no addresses of this kind", said the king. "only enemies must be calmed. I asked you to tell me more about your homeland." "now... aeh..." "I am interested also in it", threw Hoern in. "if we Ershoka actually Ikrananka abandoned are to withdraw ourselves, can we equal from Rangakora." It did not seem to be by this idea very inspired. Falkayn stopped air. If humans were returned on earth, it could be able to be celebrated as a hero - however van Rijn would never send it again on an expedition of this kind. It became of course not to dismiss, but got a pretty post as a third officer on any old punt, became with fifty Captain and had ten years later to be retired to be able. "Aeh, the sun is brighter", says it. "you have seen, like our ship were lit, Stepha." "condemned brightly", it agreed. "to it one can get accustomed. But you would have to be careful first, if you go into the free. The sun could burn your skin." "devil, devil!" one said its bodyguard. Falkayn noticed that he did not leave a good impression. "only at the beginning", he added therefore rapidly. "late have to fear you nothing more, because the skin becomes hard and brown." "which?" Stepha asked frightened and regarded their schnee­ white arm. "there it must be rather hot", meant Ursala. "so badly", Falkayn did not answer. "however naturally nearly everywhere more warmly than here." "as you bear?" Hoern wanted to know. "I sweat already here." "now, if it is really hot, we remain being heated or be cooled in the houses, those according to desire." "target the hot that I would have to wait, until the weather decides to it to become again cool?" Hoern asked disbelievingly. "air in your ship was intolerablly damp", threw Stepha in. "is it on earth also like that?" "depends on the fact where one is", answered Falkayn. "in addition we have the weather quite under control." "bad and more badly", weighted Hoern. "if I to sweat must be dependent, would not like I not on the moods other one." He thought briefly. "however if me somewhat does not fit, can I the chaps, who are responsible for it, but provoke to a duel?" "no!" Falkayn answered. "that is strictly forbidden on earth." Hoern stared it frightened on. "however which am I then at all there?" "Aeh... now, you would have some years long a school to visit. I mean naturally earth years, which correspond to about five local. There you would learn all possible: Mathematics, nature philosophy, history and... I cannot enumerate at all everything. But you do not need to have a fear - you get a work assigned, after you have the school behind itself." "W'elche work?" "I am afraid Hmm, probably no very well paid. Not even on a settler planet. The colonies are not primitive, which you must consider, and one needs good training, in order to serve the machines, which are used there. I assume that her as... Cook or auxiliary machinist to work would know. Or in a similar position." "although I prevailed here over a city?" Hoern vibrated disbelievingly the head and murmured something before itself. "however somewhere there must be war", protested Stepha nevertheless. ", unfortunately", Falkayn answered. "why, unfortunately '? They are sometimes really amusing, David." Stepha turned to Hoern. "you do not need to make a sad face, for Captain. We can remain soldiers. And if great-grandfather did not lie, it gives more than enough too pluendern." "soldiers may not pluendern", objected Falkayn. The Ershoka stared it frightened on. "in addition you can probably acquire yourselves at your age no more the knowledge, not possess those our soldiers must." "death... and... Devil ", whispered Hoern. "over it the Klan must co-ordinate", said to one the bodyguard anxiously. Hoern straightened up and seemed again master of the situation to be. "that is at the moment not easily feasible", explained it to the young man. "provisional continue we as before. As soon as the siege is waived, we contact the others and advise, which is to be done. Ursala, we wanted to still speak about it, to be associated as we with Smit and its people can." "correct", agreed the king. "I hope that we can converse later longer", said he to Falkayn. Hoern said good-bye with a short head nodding; it seemed to have sunk completely in thoughts. Stepha disappeared likewise and left Falkayn with consciousness no good impression to have left. But on the other hand it could not finally deceive these people, because otherwise the disappointment would have been later still larger. Perhaps it was even possible that the Ershoka nevertheless... He looked up surprised, when the posts on the wall began to suddenly cry. They fuchtelten excited with the weapons and pointed thereby to the north. Adzel! The Wodenit galloped with highest speed over the high plateau and roared. From the hostile camp ascended a cry. From the towers besieged city hearing signals were given. Ershoka and Ikranankaner met armed on the walls. "a living Daemon!" kraechzte someone behind Falkayn. It turned and saw that its both bodyguards the feature like betaeubt anstarrten. Perhaps it could flee in the excitement! It schlich on the door too. Stepha returned and represented it the way. "watching out!" she called loud. The soldiers came again to itself, pulled the swords and drove Falkayn back. Now he could watch only dormant and ask himself at the same time, what from the spaceship had become. A Kavallerieschwadron mounted and attacked. Adzel was not to be braked, but continues to rest. Lances splintered, riders from the saddle were hurled, Zandaras fled frightened. The pins of the large catapults could have stopped it. But the soldiers of the field artillery had heard and did not know still nothing of the visitors not, what they should do, if they were attacked by a real Daemon. They left therefore their positions. Within fewer minutes it succeeded to Adzel to strike the imperial army into the escape so that it away-flooded now toward homeland. Adzel pursued it still another one while, in order to make sure of it that the soldiers came not on the idea, to turn around secretly again. And the last infantryman except view was, trabte the Wodenit by the abandoned camp, which consisted only of down-trampled tents, empty positions and vacant catapults. Adzel was very content with itself, while he approached the town-gate. Falkayn could not hear, what there he called, but to surprisingly short time a messenger came, in order to get him. That March by the empty roads - which population of Rangakora had itself on the barriers en collects obviously fully - an eternity seemed to last. Falkayn had recovered in the meantime from its surprise. When it stood beside Hoern, Ursala, Stepha and a dozen of soldiers on the zinnen over the gate, it could think at least again clearly. From this proximity it saw Chee sitting also on Adzels back. At least were the two still alive... "David!" Adzel called. "I am so glad that you are here! Why don't they leave me inside?" "I am their prisoner", answered Falkayn to latin. "He, leave you that!" Hoern said sharply. "speaking you Anglic or Katandaran, so that I understand you, or holds you the mouth." Falkayn threw a view of the lances of the soldiers and obeyed. He knew already now that its situation could not become by any means more pleasing, if everyone experienced that its ship had stranded as it were. The meant finally that it was delivered for better or for worse the Ersthoka. "actually we have the same goal", meant Hoern thoughtful. "we need to march only to shark Jakarta to conquer and draw from there from further after Katandara your flying thing." Ursala stared it reproachfully on. "it means thus that my city in any case is to be governed from there", determined it icily. "we must help our brothers", answered ungeruehrt Hoern. "on the way here I intercepted a courier", reported Adzel. "I am afraid that I frightened him unintentionally - however we wanted to read the documents, which he carried with itself. The Ershoka, which lived somewhere not in the barracks, but in the city scattered, met and to the attack changed over. They have together with besieged the imperial ones struck back and are now no longer in Katandara, but in a village, which they fastened. There also the other families come, in order to be safer. The emperor does not dare to attack it with the troops the available and to get therefore couriers into other garrisons sent, the reinforcement is." Hoern of run tents thoughtfully the forehead. "so far I mean people know", meant he then, "march her here, before it comes to it. We need to agitate itself not from the place to and get nevertheless everything that we wanted!" "in addition I would not trust Falkayn in your place", did not warn Stepha him. "as soon as it has its flight machine again, can it do and to leave, what pleases it." She threw a hostile view to him. "I assume that he would try, at us to raechen itself." "I would like only as fast as possible from here away", insured Falkayn it. "and later? Their dealer have nevertheless only interest in Katandara! Perhaps later still different come from the same sort. No, we keep you rather equivalent here!" It leaned over the zinnen, put the hands to the mouth and called: "disappearing you, otherwise we throw down the head of your friend to you!" Chee stood on Adzels back. "if you do, make we your ridiculous city to the ground equal!" she called with her thin voice. "slow, slowly", asked the king. "we are nevertheless reasonable." Hoern regarded its men and the Ikranankaner attentively and stated that they were at the moment not in the correct tendency for a fight against the monster. "we may dare no loss", whispered it Stepha too. "our people became uncertain, and the Zandaras became probably shrink from. But we can keep the monster away from the barriers. If then later the whole Klan anmarschiert..., then are we it superior. We must be waiting." "and alive" Falkayn leave, added me as a hostage vorlaufig rapidly. "natural", answered Stepha. "you do not need to have a fear around your precious life, so long its friend no difficulties make." Hoern gave a short instruction. The soldiers made the catapults firingready. Adzel saw, what they intended, and withdrew themselves except range of fire. "only courage, David!" he called still. "we do not leave you!" That was meant good, but at the moment a little worth, Falkayn considered itself. Hoern Rangakora to keep further occupied, in order to be able to offer to its Klan a place of refuge. The Ershoka had become so distrustful that they would probably never let Falkayn return again to its ship. Instead they would keep it as hostages, until another spaceship came. Falkayn could only hope that the rescue expedition could lock a trade with them: Falkayns return against the promise that the league would never send again ships after Ikrananka. Falkayn knew that the present Treaty had to be kept; the league maintained in principle no trade relations with planets, which did not attach importance to it. And if from Rijn to to hear got that it this market with others do not divide, but it even completely to give up had, he Falkayn the collar would turn. It really sat up to the neck in the ink! It is, it succeeded to it... The bodyguards led it to the Suite in the rear part of the palace, which represented its prison. Adzel drove the few course animals, which had not fled, as Nahrungs­ central supply together and began its siege of the city. 10. Chee stated that it was not further difficult ungesehen to reach the palace. It had had to make daring climbing feats, in order to overcome the wall, and over the building roofs had then further-climbed, but it lurks now in the extensive park behind the palace on a favorable opportunity. She observed the Ikranankaner, which held in full armament before a side entrance of the building guard. If the chap had approached only once more near to the shrubs, behind that she kauerte! Chee wanted to become already impatient, when he decided finally to a small walk in its direction. It let it actually vorbeistapfen, jumped with a sentence on its backs and brought it to case. Before the Iranankaner could straighten up, Chee him pushed shut the throat with a hand and pulled to it with the other one the dolch from the belt. It set the point to its throat and whispered: "a word, my friend, then I make hackfleisch from you. That would be me however unpleasantly, because you do not taste certainly very good." The soldier turned the head to the side and discharged suffocated cry. Chee grinste understanding, because she could introduce herself, how frightens he was, when he saw the Daemon sitting on his back. "answer rapid, if your life likes to you", instructed it it. "where is the strange Ershokh kept imprisoned?" "Ak-k-k... uk-k-k..." "no Ausfluechte!" Chee reminded. "you know, whom I mean. Loosely, loosely, we do not have any longer eternally long time!" "it... it is in..." Its voice seemed to fail. Instead of it made courageously an attempt, the unknown Daemon for its to shake off. Chee squeezed the throat to it together. When the soldier had again to some extent recovered, it was gladly ready to give her each desired information. Obviously it had too much fear, in order to lie, Chee was anyhow convinced of the fact that it said the truth. It could be described the way to the apartment exactly. Two Ershoka stood before it for guard, but dazwisehen were a solid bronze door. "thank you", it said and pushed shut to the Ikranankaner the throat again, until it was again unconscious. Then it bound it with its halstuch and his belt, pulled it under the next shrubs and let it lie there. There the gardners would find it, if they begossen the plants. Chee schlich itself of it. Now she needed to hurry no longer - and could it also not at all. The way here had been easy, if it compared it with, which was approaching for it still. It got deeply air, crossed the free surface with some jumps and disappeared in the side entrance, which was unguarded now. One hour more spater had finally reached it on unzahligen detours the balcony, on which it had foreseen it. Their nerves were close to tearing up. Now it climbed over the balcony on the roof of the palace, crept on it to the right further and was a little more spater directly over a window, which had to belong to Falkayns apartment. Chee examined the wall, stated that she could down-climb not to it, because she was too smooth and twitched philosophically with the shoulders. Finally she had prepared for this emergency and from one the area of the palace a firm curtain cord had carried forward. Now it put the thin rope around one of the numerous fire-places, made sure that nobody up-saw from the park, and could be slipped downward. It hung before the window and did not support themselves with a basing on the window board the bronze lattice had sufficient large gaps for it - however not for humans why it had not remembered to look outside in the field camp before the city for a saw? It reached through and knocked on the disk. No answer. With an ugly curse, which was not very ladyful, it destroyed the windowpane with its dolch and crept through during it looked around, pulled it also the rope inward. The apartment was comfortably equipped, if one were a Ikranankaner. For humans the areas were dark and cold, and Falkayn lay together-rolled on its bed. It slept firmly. Chee schlich details, held the mouth for it too - humans were so ridiculously frightful - and vibrated it awake. Falkayn was directed toward "hectar? Wuff woo, ugg!" Chee put a finger to the lips. When Falkayn nodded, she released him. "Chee!" he whispered and reached for its hands. "as you created that?" "I in-crept, you fool. Did you expect that I carry a chapel forward? Now we must consider, as we again come out here." Falkavn stared it on. "target the hot that you does not know that?" "like I could?" It stood slowly on "I also not", said it thereby. Chee saw it entgeistert on and sank loudless to soil Falkayn bent, took it in the arms and main headers it on "the attempt alone is much worth already", meant it troestend you straeubte the fur and answered applied "no, for me been sufficient that certainly not." It considered and added then. "actually we need to flee only from the city. Then we can wait somewhere in the shrubs for the rescue expedition." Falkayn vibrated the head: "wrong does to me, but is not sufficient. How should we set ourselves with the people in connection? They would find the Muddlin Through natural, but before we could reach the area, we would be already dead, so that Jadhadi can maintain III, Hoern us would have eliminated. Probably it would have thereby even success. You know nevertheless, like the natives strangers opposite together hold." Chee thought after "perhaps could I close enough to the ship near-creep." "Hmmm" Falkayn vibrated again the head. "you know exactly that that is impossible, because otherwise would have you it are enough tried. The area around the ship does not offer sufficient covering." It clenched furiously the Fauste. "such a pitch that Adzels do not radio-turn out any longer functioned! Otherwise we had been able to call the ship... " Then it had suddenly an idea. At the same time its knees gave way, so that it stolperte and had on the bed to set itself. Chee observed it bluffed, was silent however persistent, until he spoke automatically again. ", Chee" listens, said it finally "we knows both that you could leave the city again, even if I had to here-remain. But would have Adzel and you certainly not more for a long time to live. For the rescue expedition we do not need provisionally anyway to hope. But if you are ready to set now everything on a map we could." Chee did not raise objections against its plan you considered, employed some computations in the head and nodded then "in agreement." Falkayn wanted to dress, did not turn however again over "wants you only a little to sleep?" "no, I am completely lively and you?" Falkayn grinste only and main header both arms like a boxer over the head. When it was tightened, it went to the door and struck with the fist against it. "He!" he called thereby. "assistance! Disaster! Urgently! Top secret! As soon as possible! Caution, glass! The door opens, their for weak head!" A key rattled/clinked, then the door was opened. A Ershokh stood with gezuecktem sword m of the opening "which gives it?" "I must immediately to your boss", chatted Falkayn hopefully approached other still somewhat! It stepped a step on him to and fuchtelte with the arms. "something terrible occurred to me." "which?" knurrte the armed one "that!" Falkayn shifted it a hand edge impact. The man broke down loudless. Its weapon fell Falkayn before the feet, so that it needed to only take up it. Chee had prevented in the meantime the second soldier to be assigned over Falkayn. Falkayn schlich details and put also the second man on same way out of action. Both were hurt not serious, placed it to its easement it bent firmly, in order to drag the Manner into its apartment, where it wanted to dress a uniform. But the fight had been too loud. A Ikranankanerin put the head from a door at the other end of the passage and began to kreischen. Now, finally one could have not everything. Falkayn seized the sword more firmly and started to run. Chee followed it on the heels. Krei became louder and penetrating high. There the stairs down there! A Hoefling came to meet them. Falkayn pushed it aside and continued to run. Some other Hoeflinge met them in the ground floor. Falkayn fuchtelte with its sword in air around. "blood and bone!" it roared "Puh!" The Ikranankaner ran of it then it before the laboratory had arrived frightened, in which the scientists employed their attempts with electricity. Falkayn tore the door up and stormed inside. Two scientists and some assistants looked up from their work and stared it frightened on. "lot, disappears!" Falkayn requested it. When they did not sit down fast to enough in motion, main header it threateningly its weapon. That worked immediately! Falkayn slammed the bronze door behind them to and put the latch plate forward. Outside voices became loud, then ertonte a bugle call, which alarmed the palace guards. Steps sounded, to weapons rattled/clinked, knappe of instructions were given. Falkayn looked around and stated that the windows did not grant an entrance - but at the other end of the area was a second door. It pushed as many pieces of furniture as possible before it until the door was surely barricaded. When it had terminated this work, it returned again to the table, at which Chee had developed all possible devices. She squatted in between and wound evenly a kupferdraht into a coil together, while she at the same time critically regarded a battery, which beside a condenser container. She could only estimate, with which resistance, amperages and tensions it had to work, but their estimation would fail rather exactly. Both doors trembled, when they were treated of the exterior with fists and feet. Falkayn observed the one, which he had not barricaded. Behind it Chee experimented with a spark gap; he heard strange humming. A human voice roared outside: "from the way! From the way! We break the condemned door open, if you go finally out of the condemned way!" Chee continued working soul-calmly. Outside one instant long peace prevailed. Then rapidly step approached, and possibly something pushed violently against the solid door. The metal roared and became bent. The ramming support was again set. This time something splintered, then outside loud curses sounded. Falkayn grinste. The ramming support was already useless obviously, because the attempt was not repeated. It went to the door, which had opened a gap broadly, and saw outside. There some Ershoka stood in full armament and stared furiously the door on. "Juhu, here am I", said Falkayn. "gets a schmied!" Falkayn believed to have recognized Hugh Padricks voice. "lot, you get finally the condemned schmied! And hammers and large chisels!" That would be sufficient, but some time would last. Falkayn returned to Chee, in order to help her. "do you believe that in the batteries sufficient juice is?" inquired it. "." She continued to work on the primitive morse key, which made her of metal waste. "only four hundred kilometers, how? Even Adzel used to here only a few days. I make myself only because of the correct frequency concerns." "estimates best you as well as possible and changes the values then a little, over...", began Falkayn. "I know!", Chee interrupted it. "credit we is not enough enough spoken about it? Perhaps you help me finally to chat instead of!" "I am actually more the type, which lets others work for itself", meant it. Then it reached for isolating pliers and made themselves to connect the batteries by wires so that they were one behind the other switched. The door aechzte again. Falkayn looked up from time to time from its work. Since the outbreak only one hour had passed - no longer much time, in order to play Heinrich cycles per second. But Chee was already finished; it kauerte now before the primitive equipment, pressed on the morse key and zunickte to Falkayn. A spark jumped over between two electrodes. Chee morste racing fast and gave to smart head the instruction to come to Rangakora and to land fifty meters far away from the stadtmauer. Now everything of it detached, whether it found the same wavelength, on which the radiotelephones had worked. In addition however no longer all too long time remained. The door could resist only some minutes. Falkayn took its post. * The latch plate jumped up. The door opened slowly. A Ershokh stormed with gezuecktem sword into the laboratory. Falkayn advanced toward it. Steel rattled/clinked on steel. As it expects the man did not have notion of the fact that one could strike and sting with a sword more than only blindly. Falkayn would have it after a half minute a deadly impact to shift can, wanted his opponent however to preserve. In addition the others could not penetrate into the area, as long as it held the man on the threshold. "well, you amuse yourselves well?" he asked it spoettisch. The other knurrte only furiously and continued to strike around itself. The Ershokh fought with the back to the door jamb. It made a step sudden the side, so that the man behind it could likewise penetrate on Falkayn. But Falkayn had seen and shifted first the movement in time a rapid blow over the upper arm, so that he let his sword from the hand fall. Then it turned to the second man, struck themselves its blade to the side and gave it a kick at the same time that the man tumbled backwards. In the same instant a third opponent before him already emerged. Falkayn saw to the side, where the wounded one leaned at the wall and held themselves the arm. Then it turned to the new opponent and said themselves: "if you one instant wait, can their to to comrade outside go and to be connected be able." The other one aligns and blow after it. Falkayn repelled the impact and held the weapon with its handschutz. "wools it that the poor chap bleeds?" he asked. "no fear, I does not bite you. I am completely friedfertig, so long I am well fed." It withdrew and stopped cautiously. Its opponent stared it on, lowered then the sword and withdrew themselves into the numbers of the Ershoka and Ikranankaner, which filled the passage behind him. Falkayn pointed to the door. "disappearing you", he requested the wounded one. The man grinste gratefully and went out. Hugh Padrick stepped forwards. It had pulled, kept the sword it however close over the soil. "which you intend?" he asked barsch. "a terrible charm", Falkayn answered. "you save some, if you result equal." Behind it the morse key rattled. "which you want from us?" inquired Padrick distrustfully. "first a tidy drink. Then we can converse in all peace." Falkayn drove itself with the tongue over the jumped up lips. The devil should get this dry air! No miracle that the natives did not think anything from carpets. Under these circumstances they would get an electrical impact by static loading after the other one. Perhaps the Rangakoraner had only come by it on the idea to employ attempts with the electricity. ", we could speak", agreed Padrick with one another. It still lowered its sword further and struck then very fast after Falkayns leg. Falkayns body reacted, before its understanding had seized, which had happened. It jumped perpendicularly up, so that the blade under its boots by-hissed and came, on to stand before Padrick could withdraw the weapon. "that was a common trick!" he called it to and drew back at the same time with the left fist. Padrick went to soil. Falkayn had a small Verschnaufpause, while the Ershokh aufrappelte itself and disappeared in the quantity. The others did not seem to have right desire to continue the fight. But then it heard Robert Hoern call: "from the way! Elbow contactors come!" Now he knew that the end was in view. The spectators evaded after all sides. Six or seven Ikranankaner with long elbow took ten meters of Falkayn remove list. But it grinste nevertheless as unbekuemmert as possible, when Stepha zurannte on it. It stopped closely before it. "David", whispered her surprised. "that is simply unbelievable! No other man... " It vibrated the head. "I did not really suspect that." "now you know it." Since its dolch was in the sheath, he dared it even to lift their chin with the hand up. "we learn more, than serving only machines, which you accepted apparent so far. At the moment I would have to object however nothing to a nice tank car." In their grey eyes tears were located. "you must surrender however nevertheless", asked her. "which you can still do?" "", he answered, let be sword fall and reached for it. Stepha resisted, but Falkayn remained stronger. It held it before itself and called for the elbow contactors too: ", you disappear here are not to no more used!" Chee morste soul-calmly. Stepha did not resist any longer. It straightened up and said proudly: "no, shoots only." "that is not nevertheless your Ernst!" Falkayn meant frightened. "nevertheless." It smiled courageous. "do you believe that the Ershoka is afraid more than you of death?" Falkayn vibrated the head. "now", he said and smiled thereby even, "if the employment is high, bluffs the people occasionally." Sounded somewhere loud shouting, which reproduced itself by the courses, but did not continue to seem at the moment to be important. "I would have naturally never used you as sign. I am a terrible liar, because in addition are you much too unfortunate." He kissed it. Stepha put the arms to it around the neck and closed the eyes. In addition that made fun and brought a time gained of few seconds... "the Daemon, the Daemon!" Ershoka and Ikranankaner fell into savages escape of it. A long-drawn-out thunder grollte, then the finery of the walls fell. Stepha did not flee with the others. But it tore itself loosely and pulled its dolch. "which is that?" she called thereby. Falkayn got deeply air. It succeeded to it somehow to speak completely calmly. "that was our ship", explained it Stepha. "it landed and Adzel took up. Now it floats over the city and amuses themselves with this small demonstration of the strength." It took its hand. "come, we go into the free, so that he sees and on board takes us. I could need a dry Martini." * The conference of peace took place on neutral soil in an autonomous village between Katandara and Rangakora. (autonomously meant that it was in both cities tributary.) Jadhadi III., king Ursala, Hoern and Smit had traveled with larger delegations and under Falkayns presidency on the conditions of a contract had agreed, which planned that the current borders would remain existing. The Ershoka had to be satisfied to create in the future no own state more but the Lehensgueter to cultivate, solemnly assured the Jadhadi III. and king Ursala them. Falkayn promised them in addition that the league would take its services up for the guard of the transports of goods which can be expected, which meant an additional source of income for the Ershoka. From a return to the earth no more was not the speech, with which Falkayn agreed quite, because he knew that the next generation a component of the galactic civilization would probably already become. Metal hummed. Before the portholes innumerable stars radiated. The red sun of Ikrananka became rapidly smaller, was only a tiny light spot and disappeared finally completely. Falkayn stared after outside and sighed. ", he meant a whole world" thoughtful. "so many lives and hopes. It does not seem to me correctly somehow that we it now others leave." "I know, why you would fly back dearest again", said Chee Lan spoettisch. "however Adzel and I do not have a reason in addition. The flight to the earth lasts for a long time enough... " Falkayns face expression lightened itself. Finally it had similar reasons to look forward to the end of the journey. "hopefully you come soon", reminded Chee. Falkayn accompanied it into the lounge. Adzel sat already there and lined the chips up in four piles. "know you, what occurred to me evenly?" Falkayn asked, when he sat down. "I have gradually the terrible suspicion that we will spend our whole life thereby, to fall from a difficulty into the other one which we must turn then somehow in such a way that from it an advantage for us develops." "marvelous said", answered ironical Chee. "however perhaps you give now finally, before you get difficulties with me." The first rounds were a little interesting, but then Falkayn had a Flush. It set. Adzel gave up. Chee pulled tight. The computer increased again. Smart head must have good maps, that was clear, but in view of its past play way Falkayn with a Flush could not give up. It pushed two chips onto the table. The computer required a map. The devil should get everything! The condemned machine must have at least four ladies! Falkayn threw its maps on the table. "already well", he said. "I give up." Chee ruled somewhat later in a completely similar situation and lost themselves still more. Their remarks ionized air. Adzel was in turn, when its both partners gave up promptly. Drache and computers increased alternating, until Adzel became nervous finally and put the maps on the table. "you won", said the mechanical voice. Adzels lower jaw sank down. "which?" kreischte Chee and straeubte the hair. "you bluffed?" "", smart head answered. "however, no, wait, you play on credit and must to our limit adhere", stotterte Falkayn. "you cannot bluff!" "if it the stockroom NO. there 4 visits ", said Schlau­ head," finds you a considerable quantity of furs, jewels and spices. Their value can be determined only, after the market prices stabilized, but it is obvious meaning. I have the mentioned articles of the native Gujgengi in the exchange for some Wahrscheinlich­ keitsberechnungen received and intend now to acquire chips in normal way." "however, but, but... you are nevertheless only one machine!" "are not sufficient me the available the information for the evaluation of the question, whom a court would award the property at these articles", said smart head. "I would like to refer however to the principle that rightfully acquired possession cannot be made contentious for the Erwerber any longer." "large God", whispered Falkayn. "you are right even, believe I." "you are however no person!" kreischte Chee. "not even in fact to be silent of de jure completely!" "I have these articles acquired, in order to be able to accomplish the task, for I am programmed - Poker to play", answered smart head. "I can play logical way better, if I have an appropriate capital." Adzel sighed. "", admitted he is actually correct. "if he honestly to play is to bear, must we evenly the logical consequences. Otherwise programming was not possibly complicated. And in addition we are not true finally fair players?" Chee pushed the maps together. "already well", it said decided. "then I win its employment in normal way." Naturally their that did not succeed. None of the three partners was capable of it. Smart head was so rich that it could play without consideration for losses. It created it not completely to remove from them everything however nevertheless Ikrananka won a considerable part of its commissions for the enterprise, before they landed again on earth the end.