First Flight: Maiden Voyages in Space and Time

Damon Knight

Publisher: Lancer Books

Published: Jan 13, 1956


This is the first paperback edition. Just to avoid confusion: this volume contains ten stories, each the very first published effort of a high-class writer. There was a later version, published by Avon and retitled "First Voyages," containing these ten plus ten additional.

. . L. Sprague DeCamp : The Isolinguals [1937]
. . Lester Del Rey : The Faithful [1938]
. . A. E. Van Vogt : Black Destroyer [1939]
. . Robert A. Heinlein : Life-Line [1939]
. . Theodore Sturgeon : Ether Breather [1939]

. . Arthur C. Clarke : Loophole [1946-04]
. . Poul Anderson : Tomorrow's Children [1947]
. . Judith Merril : That Only a Mother [1948]
. . Algis Budrys : Walk To the World [1952]
. . Brian W. Aldiss : T [1956]
