Rick and Scotty, during a manhunt for a fugitive gangster, Soapy Strade, explore an abandoned amusement park. Their beloved Piper Cub plays a large role in this story.
Description by original poster: Rick, during a visit to New York, filches his father's Enron shares. Pursued by his Dad in wild chase scene through the canyons of Manhattan, Rick darts through a door and tumbles down the steps onto the floor of the NYSE.
Rick and Scotty, during a manhunt for a fugitive gangster, Soapy Strade, explore an abandoned amusement park. Their beloved Piper Cub plays a large role in this story.
Description by original poster: Rick, during a visit to New York, filches his father's Enron shares. Pursued by his Dad in wild chase scene through the canyons of Manhattan, Rick darts through a door and tumbles down the steps onto the floor of the NYSE.