Set in worlds both technological and fey, scientific and magical, STRANGE ATTRACTORS brings to the events begun in THE SPELL OF ROSETTE to a dramatic and gripping end. Corsanon's warriors are a vanished race, defeated in the temple wars long ago ... or so Rosette thought. She changes her mind when the portal drops her in the middle of an armed legion. Before she and Drayco can escape, Teg is injured and the Sword Master imprisoned. The glamour she spins to rescue her father sets in motion a series of events that may sunder Earth and Gaela forever. Unknown to all, the corridors hide their greatest threat, weaving magic so tight that even Kreshkali can't see it. A battle ensues and the fabric of the many-worlds starts to unravel. Only one of the Richter blood can put things right, but which descendant will use the spell?
Falconer's Strange Attractors weaves fantasy with astrology, with quantum physics, with genetics and some "hard" science and some speculative science. Readers - expect the unexpected! --Astrid Cooper - The Specusphere 2010
The most satisfying thing about Kim's book (which remind me of Ursula Le Guin & Madeleine L'Engle, maybe a bit Tanith Lee or a feminist Wiccan Tolkien) is that the magic in it is all real! --Mystic Medusa 2010
Strange Attractors brings about the conclusion to Rosette's story by creating an utterly unique and thrillingly complex story of magic and science as you've never read before. --larissabookgirl - Goodreads
Set in worlds both technological and fey, scientific and magical, STRANGE ATTRACTORS brings to the events begun in THE SPELL OF ROSETTE to a dramatic and gripping end. Corsanon's warriors are a vanished race, defeated in the temple wars long ago ... or so Rosette thought. She changes her mind when the portal drops her in the middle of an armed legion. Before she and Drayco can escape, Teg is injured and the Sword Master imprisoned. The glamour she spins to rescue her father sets in motion a series of events that may sunder Earth and Gaela forever. Unknown to all, the corridors hide their greatest threat, weaving magic so tight that even Kreshkali can't see it. A battle ensues and the fabric of the many-worlds starts to unravel. Only one of the Richter blood can put things right, but which descendant will use the spell?
Falconer's Strange Attractors weaves fantasy with astrology, with quantum physics, with genetics and some "hard" science and some speculative science. Readers - expect the unexpected! --Astrid Cooper - The Specusphere 2010
The most satisfying thing about Kim's book (which remind me of Ursula Le Guin & Madeleine L'Engle, maybe a bit Tanith Lee or a feminist Wiccan Tolkien) is that the magic in it is all real! --Mystic Medusa 2010
Strange Attractors brings about the conclusion to Rosette's story by creating an utterly unique and thrillingly complex story of magic and science as you've never read before. --larissabookgirl - Goodreads