Tales of the Dartmoor Pixies

William Crossing

Published: Feb 17, 2008



Chapter I: The Moorland Haunts of the Pixies

Chapter II: The Pixies' Trysting Place

Chapter III: By the Peat Filled Hearth

Chapter IV: Lough Tor Hole. The Huccaby Courting

Chapter V: The Pixie at the Ockerry. Jimmy Townsend and his Sister Race

Chapter VI: The Ungrateful Farmer.--The Pixy Threshers.--Rewarding a Pixy

Chapter VII: Nanny Norrish and the Pixies.--The Ploughman's Breakfast.--The Pixy Riders.--Jan Coo

Chapter VIII: The Borrowed Colts.--The Boulder in the Room.--Vickeytoad.--Modilla and Podilla

Chapter IX: The Lost Path.--The Pixies' Revel.--Conclusion