Star Trek: The Amazing Stories

John J. Ordover & M. Shayne Bell

Book 12 of Unnumbered

Language: English

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: Aug 20, 2002

Quality: 5


From 1998 to 2000, Amazing Stories, the world's oldest science fiction magazine, presented a series of original Star Trek stories written by a number of bestselling authors. Now these little-seen Star Trek adventures have been collected together for the first time, along with brand-new tales written expressly for this volume! Among the highlights: Spock comes to terms with the death of his father in a touching tale penned by A. C. Crispin, bestselling author of Sarek. Counselor Deanna Troi risks everything to aid the evacuation of an endangered planet. Seven of Nine learns a lesson in humanity when the Starship Voyagerâ„¢ takes on some unusual alien visitors. Beverly Crusher discovers that holographic doctors take some getting used to, especially during a medical emergency. Plus, Captain Proton, Defender of the Earth, must face the awesome menace of...the Space Vortex of Doom! Proving that amazing things sometimes come in small packages, these and other slices of the vast Star Trek universe provide a replicator's worth of treats for Trekkers everywhere! Proving that amazing things sometimes come in small packages, these and other slices of the vast Star Trek universe provide a replicator's worth of treats for Trekkers everywhere!