Martian Knightlife

James P. Hogan

Language: English


Publisher: Baen

Published: Oct 2, 2001


This knight is a saint--with a twist. From "New York Times" bestselling author Hogan comes a sci-fi spy thriller with some out of this world plot formations.

From Publishers Weekly

In this modest SF-mystery hybrid, set on Mars circa the 22nd century, Kieran Thane (aka the Knight), a sort of futuristic Saint or Travis McGee, and his female companion, June, who's not quite a full partner but more than a sidekick, tackle the mystery of a teleportation experiment gone wrong. Instead of teleporting, the process duplicates the individual, with unfortunate consequences for one of the scientists involved, Dr. Leo Sarda. One Dr. Sarda is left with holes in his memory, while the other puts a hole in his double's bank account. The trail leads Thane and June to high-powered corporate shenanigans, which threaten to destroy through development priceless archeological sites that may hold a clue to the fate of the vanished Martian race. In addition to using biotechnology to wage psychological warfare against the corporate meanies, the Knight has to disguise himself as a mystic, the Khal of Tadzhikstan, and hire some plain old physical weaponry and its wielders. An amiable mutt named Guinness, part Lab, part Doberman, lends some canine interest. This lightweight page-turner, which demands a certain tolerance for expository lumps, libertarian preaching and Gods from Outer Space, won't make new converts for Hogan (The Proteus Operation; Endgame Enigma; etc). However, the author's competent handling of a number of standard themes in the SF adventure category will more than satisfy established fans.

Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist

Kieran Thane, aka Knight, is vacationing on Mars. Excitement is never far from him, of course, and he quickly becomes embroiled in unraveling a devious plot. An experiment has just been completed--the copying of Leo Sarda so that he can be transported and rebuilt elsewhere. Destruction of the original body isn't inherently part of the process, so Quantonix has their top researcher in duplicate for now. The original Sarda is scheduled for destruction, though, as soon as tests on the other Sarda are completed. Meanwhile, Sarda two has some trouble with his bank, and he asks Kieran/Knight for help. With secret-agent cleverness, K/K solves all problems and then goes to ground as doctor for a geological expedition. Even geology isn't proof against excitement, and the expedition runs into a few legal glitches when it discovers apparent remnants of the technologically advanced ancient civilization responsible for building Egypt's pyramids: it seems the researchers are trespassing! Entertaining and satisfying reading, with everything turning out as it should. Regina Schroeder
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