Dark Carnival

Ray Bradbury

Language: English

Publisher: Arkham House

Published: Mar 1, 1943


  • The Crowd • (1943-05) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Scythe • (1943-05) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Wind • (1943-03) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Sea Shell • (1944) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • Reunion • (1944) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Jar • (1944) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Lake • (1944) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • There Was an Old Woman • (1944) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • Bang! You're Dead! • [Johnny Choir] • (1944) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury

  • The Tombstone • (1945) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Watchers • [The Martian Chronicles] • (1945) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Dead Man • (1945) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • Skeleton • (1945) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Poems • (1945) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Homecoming • [The Elliott Family] • (1946) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • Let's Play "Poison" • (1946) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Night • [Dandelion Wine] • (1946) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Small Assassin • (1946) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Smiling People • (1946) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Traveller • [The Elliott Family] • (1946) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury

  • Jack-in-the-Box • (1947) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Cistern • (1947) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Coffin • (1947) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Emissary • (1947) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Handler • (1947) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Maiden • (1947) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Man Upstairs • (1947) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • The Next in Line • (1947) • novelette by Ray Bradbury
  • The Night Sets • (1947) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury

  • Uncle Einar • [The Elliott Family] • (1947) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury
  • Editor's Notes (Dark Carnival) • essay by Donn Albright
  • Dark Carnval Revisited • essay by Ray Bradbury
  • Dark Carnival: A History • essay by Jonathan Eller [as by Jon Eller ]
  • The Last Unknown: An Afterword • essay by Clive Barker
  • Interim • (1947) • shortstory by Ray Bradbury