In the conclusion of this series, the Final Battle between the Falcons, fugitive wizards committed to peace, and the Dragons, the immortal necromancers wielding black magic, ensues. Aided by the long-banished Scarred, the unstoppable army is bent on conquest. Kait Galweigh and Ry Sabir try to destroy the Scarred's leader, sorcerer Luercas, before he destroys Iberia forever.
SUMMARY: In the conclusion of this series, the Final Battle between the Falcons, fugitive wizards committed to peace, and the Dragons, the immortal necromancers wielding black magic, ensues. Aided by the long-banished Scarred, the unstoppable army is bent on conquest. Kait Galweigh and Ry Sabir try to destroy the Scarred's leader, sorcerer Luercas, before he destroys Iberia forever.