The Definitive Star Trek Trivia Book

Jill Sherwin

Publisher: Star Trek

Published: Apr 1, 2000

Quality: 5


So you think you know Star Trek? Well, fire up those neurons, because here's your chance to prove it!
1. How many tribbles did Spock calculate had bred aboard Deep Space Station K-7?
2. What type of lifeform was the Caretaker?
A. Sporocystian B. Solanogen C. Silicon D. Unidentifiable
3. In which episode is a deaf mediator the key to ending a war that has persisted for fifteen centuries?
4. Match the ship with its appropriate registry number.
A. USS Voyager i. NX-74205
B. USS Defiant ii. NX-2000
C. USS Pegasus iii. NCC-74656
D. USS Excelsior iv. NCC-53847
5. Name:
A. Sulu's daughter
B. Troi's older sister
C. Kira's father
D. Tuvok's wife

The answers to those questions and many others are just pages away in The Definitive Star Trek Trivia Book, the ultimate collection of memory testers, brainteasers, and mind-bending minutiae from thirty-four years of movies and TV series. More than two thousand fill-in-the-blanks, multiple-choice questions, and matching questions are organized into themed chapters such as "Galactic History," "About the Crews," "Alien Species," "Star Trek Science," and "Command Questions." This jam-packed, fun-filled illustrated trivia book is just what devoted Star Trek fans have always wanted: the means to test themselves and one another on one of the richest and most complex fictional universes ever created.