
Jeri Taylor

Book 1 of Star Trek: Voyager

Language: English


Publisher: Pocket Books

Published: Oct 2, 1996

Quality: 5


From Library Journal

Yet another installment in a best-selling series that has boldly branched into so many worlds and universes (e.g., Deep Space NineTM, The Next GenerationTM, and more) that no one but a Trekker can keep pace. This time, the cocreator of STR: VoyagerTM relates the adventures of the series' first female captain.
Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From the Publisher

Mosaic tells the life story of Captain Janeway, a compelling tale of personal bravery, personal loyalty, tragedy and triumph. As told by Jeri Taylor, co-creator and executive producer of Star Trek: Voyager, this is an in-depth look into the mind and soul of Star Trek's newest captain. Deep in the unexplored reaches of the Delta Quadrant, a surprise attack by a fierce Kazon sect leaves Captain Janeway fighting a desperate battle on two fronts: while she duels the Kazon warship in the gaseous mists of a murky nebula, an Away Team led by Lt. Tuvok is trapped on the surface ofa wilderness planet -- and stalked by superior Kazon ground forces. Forced to choose between the lives of the Away Team and the safety of her ship, Captain Janeway reviews the most important moments of her life, and the pivotal choices that made her the woman she is today. From her childhood to her time at Starfleet AcademyTM, from her first love to her first command, she must once again face the challenges and conflicts that have brought her to the point where she must now risk everything to put one more piece in the mosaic that is Kathryn Janeway.