The Evil of the Daleks

John Peel

Book 155 of Doctor Who Target Novelizations


Publisher: Doctor Who Books

Published: Aug 2, 1993

Quality: 3


Written by David Whitaker 
Directed by Derek Martinus 
Incidental Music by Dudley Simpson

Patrick Troughton (Dr. Who), Frazer Hines (Jamie), Alec Ross (Bob Hall) [1], Griffith Davies (Kennedy) [1-2], John Bailey (Edward Waterfield), Geoffrey Colville (Perry) [1-2], Deborah Watling (Victoria Waterfield) [2-7], Robert Jewell, Gerald Taylor [3-7], John Scott Martin [5-7], Murphy Grumbar [6-7], Ken Tyllsen [7] (Daleks); Roy Skelton [1,6-7]*, Peter Hawkins [2-7] (Dalek Voices); Jo Rowbottom (Mollie Dawson) [2-5], Marius Goring (Theodore Maxtible) [2-7], Brigit Forsyth (Ruth Maxtible) [2-5], Gary Watson (Arthur Terrall) [3-7], Windsor Davies (Toby) [2-4], Sonny Caldinez (Kemel) [3-7].

Also in Episode 5, uncredited.

The Doctor and Jamie are stranded in 1966 London when the TARDIS is stolen, driven away in the back of a lorry. The Doctor uses his keen sense for clues and deduction to track the TARDIS back to a very unusual antique shoppe owned by the even more unusual and mysterious Edward Waterfield. As it transpires Mr. Waterfield and Victorian scientist Theodore Maxtible have devised a method of time travel with the help of some rather sinister associates - the Daleks.

The Daleks have taken Edward Waterfield's daughter, Victoria, hostage. Using her life as a bargaining piece the Daleks force the terrified men to serve them and assist in capturing the Doctor. When this is accomplished the Daleks soon force the Doctor into their service by threatening to destroy the TARDIS if he does not aide them by experimenting on Jamie...