Holodeck Adventures provides Narrators with information on creating and using holodeck stories of their own, as well as four existing story lines: Travel the streets of 1940's San Francisco as the infamous detective, Dixon Hill. Unravel the ancient horror of King Korvos' lonely castle. Set sail in search of a pirate's treasure. Holodeck Adventures takes the Star Trek: The Next Generation Roleplaying Game in new directions...roleplaying in the 19th century.
Holodeck Adventures provides Narrators with information on creating and using holodeck stories of their own, as well as four existing story lines: Travel the streets of 1940's San Francisco as the infamous detective, Dixon Hill. Unravel the ancient horror of King Korvos' lonely castle. Set sail in search of a pirate's treasure. Holodeck Adventures takes the Star Trek: The Next Generation Roleplaying Game in new directions...roleplaying in the 19th century.