Daughter of the Drow

Elaine Cunningham

Book 1 of Forgotten Realms: Starlight and Shadows

Language: English


Publisher: TSR

Published: Aug 2, 1995


Product Description

Beautiful as she is deadly, Liriel Baenre flits throught the shadows of Menzoberranzan, city of the dark elves. Amid treachery and murder that are the drow's daily fare, she feels something calling to her ... something beyond this dusky world far removed from the sun. Yet as she ventures toward the surface and the lands of light, enemies pursue her unceasingly.

And one enemy amy offer her the only hope of salvation.

About the Author

Elaine Cunningham published her first novel, Elfshadow, in 1991. Since then sheÕs written the Songs & Swords series and the more recent Counselors & Kings trilogy. Cunningham lives in New England.