Shell Game

Melissa Crandall

Book 63 of Star Trek: The Original Series

Language: English


Publisher: Titan Books

Published: Feb 2, 1993

Quality: 5


From the Publisher

While on a routine mission to retrieve a research drone for recycling, the U.S.S. EnterpriseTM encounters a Romulan space station adrift within Federation borders. Exploring the lifeless station, the crew finds ghostly apparitions flitting at the edges of sight.

Soon the U.S.S. Enterprise is also inexplicably without power. Captain Kirk and his crew must now solve the mystery of the strange apparitions before the Starship suffers the station's fate.

The situation becomes desperate when a Romulan warship arrives looking for the station, and the Romulan Commander accuses the Federation of treachery. Before Captain Kirk can save the Starship Enterprise from complete destruction, he must avoid becoming drawn into a deadly shell game, a game that will leave no winners and no survivors.