The Wizardry Compiled

Rick Cook

Book 2 of Wizardry


Publisher: Baen

Published: Jan 2, 1990


What do you get when a computer geek crosses awizard? Answer: A very angry wizard - and a computer geek in a lot oftrouble. Spells are a lot like computer programs: they're bothformulas, recipes for getting things done. And they both can be buggy.The spell that called master hacker 'Wiz' Zumwalt to the world of theBlack League was very buggy. The wizard who called him is dead, Wiz ismagically in love with a red-headed witch, who despises him, and no one- not the elves, not the dwarves, not even the dragons - can figure outwhat this computer wiz is good for. Oh, yes. The entire Black Leaguewants Wiz dead - he might be good for something after all - and they'llstop at nothing to get what they want.