The Cat Who Went into the Closet

Lilian Jackson Braun

Book 15 of The Cat Who...


Publisher: Bruna

Published: Jan 2, 1993

Magazine: De Kat die in de kast kroop


Qwill's moved into the old Gage mansion—and the cats are on a treasure hunt! The house's fifty closets are crammed with several generations of junk, and while Qwill investigates two recent deaths—those of the mansion's former occupant and a local potato farmer—Koko investigates the contents of the closets. Qwill and the cats are unearthing some suprising skeletons—and bringing long-buried secrets to light...

Jim Qwilleran packs up the cats and moves into a mansion in town for the winter. While Koko and Yum Yum play, Qwill turns his attention to two suspicious deaths: the mansion's former owner and a local farmer. The case is going nowhere until Koko unearths surprising evidence that someone is willing to kill to supress.