Andrew Reznor's Galactic Enterprises coveted the idyllic planet Beauty as a refuge for Earth's endangered animal species, while the Bureau of Colonization saw Beauty as a haven for millions of starving humans. The planet, however, had its own ideas and would kill to protect them. A strong pedantic streak may limit the appeal of this otherwise well-written and intriguing sf tale of alien contact. For large sf collections. JC Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc.
From Library Journal
Andrew Reznor's Galactic Enterprises coveted the idyllic planet Beauty as a refuge for Earth's endangered animal species, while the Bureau of Colonization saw Beauty as a haven for millions of starving humans. The planet, however, had its own ideas and would kill to protect them. A strong pedantic streak may limit the appeal of this otherwise well-written and intriguing sf tale of alien contact. For large sf collections. JC
Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc.