Skeen's Search

Jo Clayton

Book 3 of Skeen

Language: English


Publisher: DAW Books

Published: Dec 2, 1987


Skeen had at last won free of Mistommerk and back to her own universe. Yet the price of that freedom was to undertake a search for any Ykx who still dwelled beyond the Gateway to Mistommerk, to find these last survivors of the once-mighty race, and to lead them back through the Gateway before a super-nova forever ended the chance for the Ykx of Mistommerk to be reunited with their long-lost kindred. With the shapeshifter Timka and the Ykx Lipitero, Skeen and her crewmate Tibo began to prowl the spaceways, seeking to discover the location of Rallen, a world out of legend, and home - so rumor had it - of the Ykx. But the path to Rallen would send Skeen from some of the deadliest hellholes in the galaxy to a confrontation with Empire warships before she faced her greatest challenge - getting the Ykx free of Rallen and all its dangers before the Gateway was closed to them forever...