In the talking-animal world of Foster's Spellsinger series, the songs of transplanted rock musician Jon-Tom make a powerful if often misdirected magic. The quests he undertakes for his wizardly mentor send him to distant countries, where he meets whimsical creatures speaking in outlandish accents. With more memorable and dramatic adventures behind him, Jon-Tom is off this time on the fantasy equivalent of a trip to the repair shop. The breaking of his magical duar is the occasion for encounters with pirates, cannibals, talkative porpoises, a flying horse who's scared of heights and the lovely, level-headed otter Weegee, who becomes the love of Jon-Tom's irascible companion Mudge. Though always amiable, this novel sounds more and more like an impromptu bedtime story that has been extended beyond the teller's powers of invention. Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc.
“One of the most consistently inventive and fertile writers of science fiction and fantasy.” —The Times
“Alan Dean Foster is a master of creating alien worlds.” —SFRevu
“Foster knows how to spin a yarn.” —Starlog
“Foster does a fine job with his misfit heroes and even with his minor characters.” —Publishers Weekly
From Publishers Weekly
In the talking-animal world of Foster's Spellsinger series, the songs of transplanted rock musician Jon-Tom make a powerful if often misdirected magic. The quests he undertakes for his wizardly mentor send him to distant countries, where he meets whimsical creatures speaking in outlandish accents. With more memorable and dramatic adventures behind him, Jon-Tom is off this time on the fantasy equivalent of a trip to the repair shop. The breaking of his magical duar is the occasion for encounters with pirates, cannibals, talkative porpoises, a flying horse who's scared of heights and the lovely, level-headed otter Weegee, who becomes the love of Jon-Tom's irascible companion Mudge. Though always amiable, this novel sounds more and more like an impromptu bedtime story that has been extended beyond the teller's powers of invention.
Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc.
“One of the most consistently inventive and fertile writers of science fiction and fantasy.” —The Times
“Alan Dean Foster is a master of creating alien worlds.” —SFRevu
“Foster knows how to spin a yarn.” —Starlog
“Foster does a fine job with his misfit heroes and even with his minor characters.” —Publishers Weekly