The Death God's Citadel

Juanita Coulson

Book 2 of Krantin

Language: English


Published: Jun 2, 1980


Customer Reviews:

1. I've reread this book at least several times over the years since I bought it new in 1980. Its plot involves two men, a wizard and his companion, who seek another wizard in revenge for destroying their country and enchanting the wizard's companion into becoming a were-wolf sort of creature (not always at his time of choosing). It's a relatively light read, but full of description and well written, not a fluff book. In some ways it reminds me a bit of Andre Norton's Witch World books,just to give you some idea of the flavor. If you enjoy fantasy, give this one a chance if you see it used somewhere. I think you'll find it as fun as I still do, rereading it today 21 years after I first got it.

2. This is truly a wonderful book. The writing and the story pull you in from the first paragraph and don't let you go until the last. I remember, years ago, sitting up in a tree. It was probably the most perfect summer day in the world. I had nothing better to do, so I read. When the book ended, I wish it hadn't. I didn't feel like going home, but I was hungry. On the walk home, images painted by Coulson's words dance around my mind. I wanted to re-read the book. I think I still have the old book somewhere. Too bad the book is out of print. I know most people will enjoy the story. I sure did.