Blood Games is a tale of love and horror set during the last chaotic days of Nero's Rome - a time marked by excesses of high living, cruel violence, and intricate political intrigue. One of the city's few successful foreign businessmen, Sanct' Germain Ragoozy hs so far avoided the treacherous maze of Roman society. But his first mistake will be to fall in love with Olivia, the brutalised wife of a powerful senator. His second will be to help Rogerian, a craftsman mortally wounded by a greedy employer. Here, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro introduces the two people that will follow Saint Germain throughout the centuries: Rogerian and Olivia. For them, he will give them is most precious gift and his worse curse: immortality. Now as punishment for his interference, Ragoczy must face the Circus Maximum - as entertainment.
Blood Games is a tale of love and horror set during the last chaotic days of Nero's Rome - a time marked by excesses of high living, cruel violence, and intricate political intrigue. One of the city's few successful foreign businessmen, Sanct' Germain Ragoozy hs so far avoided the treacherous maze of Roman society. But his first mistake will be to fall in love with Olivia, the brutalised wife of a powerful senator. His second will be to help Rogerian, a craftsman mortally wounded by a greedy employer. Here, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro introduces the two people that will follow Saint Germain throughout the centuries: Rogerian and Olivia. For them, he will give them is most precious gift and his worse curse: immortality. Now as punishment for his interference, Ragoczy must face the Circus Maximum - as entertainment.