Demon Child

Dean R. Koontz

Language: English


Publisher: Lancer Books

Published: Jan 2, 1971


“What exactly was the curse?” asked Jenny. Her hands were so cold that they looked like white porcelain. ' Her aunt spoke slowly. “Sarah pledged that every generation of the Brucker family would contain a child haunted-a child possessed. This child would seek the wolfbane, would howl at the full moon, and find a craving for blood.” “A werewolf? That's… silly.” But she did not feel much like laughing. “That night Sarah's father died… strangely. He grabbed at his own neck, as if struggling against someone… or something… invisible. He drew his own blood… but he died.” Jenny's eyes strayed to the red volumes of demonic lore. Was this really the answer to Freya's strange spells? Impossible though it seemed… could the child really be a werewolf?