The Moon of Gomrath

Alan Garner

Book 2 of Alderley


Publisher: Collins

Published: Jan 2, 1963


The much-loved classic, finally in ebook.

Enthralling sequel to The Weirdstone of Brisingamen

It is the Eve of Gomrath – the night of the year when the Old Magic is aroused. Had Colin and Susan known this, they would never have lighted a fire on the Beacon, thereby releasing the uncontrollable ferocity of the Wild Hunt. Soon they are inextricably caught up in the struggle between their friend, the Wizard Cadellin, and the evil Morrigan.

The strength of their courage will determine whether or not they survive the awaiting ordeal…

Book two in the Weirdstone trilogy.


Critical acclaim from 1963: "It is not only powerful but remarkably sophisticated." The Guardian "Weird and marvellously evocative tale of Celtic mysteries, elves, spirits and strange presences felt, mingled to make high adventure for Colin and Susan -- and peril for Susan. It is a timeless story, full of wonder and magic, terror and beauty. A fine author indeed, and perhaps one of a new generation of classics." Books and Bookmen

About the Author

Alan Garner was born and still lives in Cheshire, an area which has had a profound effect on his writing and provided the seed of many ideas worked out in his books. His fourth book, 'The Owl Service' brought Alan Garner to everyone's attention. It won two important literary prizes -- The Guardian Award and the Carnegie Medal -- and was made into a serial by Granada Television. It has established itself as a classic and Alan Garner as a writer of great distinction.