The Space Barbarians

Tom Godwin

Book 2 of Ragnarok

Language: English


Publisher: Pyramid Books

Published: Apr 2, 1964


A race of desperate men battles a bloodthirsty space empire - a science-fiction novel by Tom Godwin, author of SPACE PRISON. Outcasts of the Universe In three bloody years of spacewar, the "Barbarians" of the hell-world Ragnarok had destroyed the Gern Empire - and freed the "civilized" planets of Earth and Athena from alien domination. But the Earthenians feard and hated the men of Ragnarok and resented the superhuman strenth and speed which had won the victory. And when a new threat from beyond the stars struck at Ragnarok and left it desolate, the "barbarians" were strictly on their own - abandoned to certain destruction by the rest of mankind! In the classic SPACE PRISON, Tom Godwin told the memorable story of the forced settlement of Ragnarok and the new raceit bred. THE SPACE BARBARIANS carries that race to the unimaginable destiny waiting at the farthest reaches of the Galaxy in a novel of fast action and shocking surprises. A PYRAMID BOOK 50c